
Kohei interrupting smooching...

Sep 5th, 2018
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  1. [11:10] Kohei enters the building and holds a letter, addressed to 'Nem' in his hands, walking up and handing it over before returning out of the building.
  2. (Kohei Owari)
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. [11:29] That was all you want out of me, isn't it? He laughed.
  6. And before she could respond, he kissed her.
  8. Nem momentarily stiffened as Ostrava leant in, her words dying at her lips. But soon enough, she relaxed into his grasp. Fingers continuing to trace over the green lines. She smelt of jasmine and sandalwood, her lips tasted sweet.
  10. "Don't worry?" She repeated, arching an eyebrow. Her expression, like always, was serious. Though, now, her dusky skin was accompanied by a distinct pink flush.
  12. What did she want to drink?
  14. When Kohei entered the building, it would be impossible for the crystal mage to miss that Ostrava and Nem were practically entangled. Ostrava's hand rested on the outside of her thigh. Nem had snaked an arm around the Oscuri, around his waist. Her other still affectionately touching his face.
  16. "Kohei, what?"
  18. Surprise shifted into bewilderment.
  20. The letter was thrust into her hand, and she attempted to step away from Ostrava. To read what it said without the Oscuri also seeing it...
  22. But that likely would have proved difficult, considering the aformentioned entanglement.
  24. Bewilderment shifted into annoyance which swiftly, horrifyingly, threatened to shift into a cold rage.
  26. "I'm sorry, Ostrava. Apparently I need to deal with something I thought I'd already dealt with."
  27. (Nem)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [11:33]
  31. Ostrava didn't need to read anything to know what it said.
  33. Dull eyes look back and forth between the two of them, and the deal of affection displayed festered. Something in the pit of his stomach had felt as if it turned sour; the rieka remained dim, his posture ever-slouched and expression blank. He takes a moment to look away.
  35. "Take your problems somewhere else. Don't come back."
  37. And the Oscuri stepped away at the same time she did, making his way around the edge of the countertop- behind the bar. Cabinets were unlatched, fiddled open. There was nothing else to say or to be done.
  39. At least there was a great deal of alcohol left.
  41. (Ostrava Grauhimmel)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [11:39] Kohei holds up a hand as several crystal shards float from around his personage into a straight line in varying colors. From those crystals came vibrations, from those different mixes of tones came sounds. Familiar sounds, all too familiar, yet so alien in nature. Raw sound used to form.. words. Disembodied and grating.
  46. "You. Have. Time." Each word vibrated on a series of crystals, however the last word became distorted with the cracking of a crystal with the very energy needed to produce the T's clicking notion.
  48. With that, he wandered out side, the crystals crumbling back into the clouds that followed.
  49. (Kohei Owari)
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [11:41] Nem flung out a hand and grabbed Kohei by the shoulder.
  53. (Nem)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. [11:46] "No, it isn't like--"
  58. Nem exhaled. Sharply. Her gaze suddenly reflecting all the light in the room, like twin mirrors.
  60. The woman was shaking. Breathing unsteady. Fingers alternatively clenching into fists before unclenching. Her tail had bristled, her ears had pinned back.
  62. She was TRYING to remain calm.
  64. But something snapped.
  66. The woman flung out a hand, grabbing Kohei by the shoulder.
  68. A WAVE of corruption radiated forth from her as reality trembled. Shuddered.
  70. And the Sin of Envy proceeded to attack Kohei, intending on killing him if she could grab hold of him.
  71. (Nem)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [11:57] Kohei felt the hand at first, turning his head calmly with the ever present polite smile. What he felt on the matter truly was neutral, he didn't care at all outwardly.
  76. Then it began again, the pulse of corruption that broke through his mental barriers. His face twisted into one of pain, then one of confusion, then one of anger twisted into pleasure. He let his mouth open wide, displaying his charred tongue. His body reacting to the pulse of corrupting energies no doubt.
  78. His cloud of crystals began to vibrate loudly, mimicking sounds as he began to hold his defenses.
  80. "I."
  82. The sound of shattering glass.
  84. "Don't."
  86. The sound reverberated once more.
  88. "Care."
  90. A true glass broke as the sound became his shield and his sword.
  91. (Kohei Owari)
  93. Kohei seemed to be focusing on the battle with all the attentiveness of a cat. He fought mindlessly, aimlessly. The mirrors reflected his desires as crystals nearby seemed to be scribing on paper upon the counter within the tavern.
  95. One mirror reflected himself locked in tandem with her in the manner she had been locked with Ostrava, embracing in passion. It angered Kohei, to the point he urged a wave of unbridled sound to push her directly at the mirror. He was unsure if it would crack or simply move further away from her.
  97. One mirror depicted a far more lewd aspect of his desires for the woman, but it was not Nem, but Lotlhuitl herself in his clutches. From it's surface he drew lightning, decisive and forceful, a side of himself kept hidden under his own will to show her respect when at times all he wished to do was lay claim over something so.. Unappreciaed
  99. He started to pant as his anger swelled, no longer holding back his magic for a more dramatic flair of action. All his crystals sung a haunting melody that echoed through the tavern though inperceptible to all but sensitive ears, crystals shattering with the effort.
  101. "If. I. Win. You. Are. Mine. Tonight. Won't. That. Be. Fun." There was no inflection to the words, but his face was set in anger as they resonated, waiting for her next move.
  102. (Kohei Owari)
  103. The Sin of Envy stole a piece of Kohei. A familiar sensation, corruption brushing against the soul. Mirror glass hung in the air, mingling with Kohei's crystals. Countless reflections... reflections which distorted reality.
  105. But even Nem was shocked at what she saw.
  107. Truly, she hadn't known.
  109. And that was when the sound hit her, pushing her through one of her own mirrors.
  111. The glass shattered, slicing at the Nagual's flesh. She bled.
  113. "No." She hissed. "Not yours. Never."
  115. And that was when the Nagual launched herself at Kohei, kicking him through the door.
  117. The fight continued, outside.
  118. (Nem)
  119. Kohei was pushed through the door, perhaps the last thing she could have done in her favor. Outside lie in wait HIS hall of mirrors, towering crystal constructs that rang with the ever haunting melody. The moment she stepped out and gave her all, the sound began to shift and sway, something calmer. One might even call the music affectionate.. as it threw her around, enduring some of her harder blows, but always keeping her too far from her most powerful connections. The mirrors, as they would likely appear to maintain her hold on his power, depicted a variety of scenarios, some even more depraved, some where he wasn't even seen as she was with another.
  121. But it was HIS power none the less, his desires.
  123. The crystal pillars spoke without cracking in that quiet yet solid sound.
  125. "Come. With. Me. I. Can. Give. You. More." Assured he was either going to die, or win in his field, the crystals resounded as the fight went on until finally he seemed to be close to faltering and being beaten down, his crystals bursts into fragments as an ear splitting sound burst forth to knock her down.
  127. When she was beaten to where any further would cause harm, he stood up straight in his formal stance, one hand behind his back, the other extended towards her. He stared at her and waited.
  128. (Kohei Owari)
  129. Nem fell to her knees, trembling. Bleeding. The Nagual clutched her ears, her head.
  131. Beaten.
  133. Again!
  135. Ixchel wept.
  137. Shards of glass surrounded her. Broken. Discarded. Trod into the mud.
  139. Glass and crystal peppered her flesh. Nothing serious -- Kohei had been restrained. Held himself back. He'd controlled the fight and her movements the second that they'd left the tavern's interior.
  141. Shuddering, she slowly turned her gaze from the ground up to Kohei. Her hair was a mess. She was... bloodied. Less from Kohei's actions, and more from her own.
  143. Her ears were ringing. The sonic chime of the pillars HURT.
  145. Stunned.
  147. For a second, the Nagual extended her own hand to Kohei. For a second, cowed and in shock, she almost placed her hand in his.
  149. But then her eyes narrowed. And suddenly, the Sin of Envy knocked Kohei's hand aside.
  151. "I said never."
  153. And out of petty spite, she walked right back inside the tavern.
  154. (Nem)
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