
Rise of the Runelords, Session 6: Ch. 1, Burnt Offerings

Jan 20th, 2014
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  1. [12:00] <@Aqu|GM> --- Rise of the Runelords, Session 6: Chapter 1,  Burnt Offerings ---
  2. [12:02] <@Aqu|GM> Interrupting Mahd and Victanys' laughing concerning a certain 'friend' of Mahd's, Sheriff Hemlock enters, barging through the door rather brusquely. He wears his traditional stern expression as he approaches the group's table. "My apologies for interrupting, but I think I may have news that you might be interested in."  
  3. [12:03] <Harvey> Mahd cocks her slightly, turning to regard the sheriff through the mask. Palurin glances at him.
  4. [12:04] <@Aqu|GM> He holds his hands up dismissively. "But not here. I'd ask you to join myself and Mayor Deverin in the town hall, so that another might explain it better."
  5. [12:05] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent raises an eyebrow. "An' why not 'ere? Now's a good a time as any, ye'? And we're eatin' breakfast."
  6. [12:05] <Harvey> "Breakfast," Mahd mirrors, mouth full of booze soaked bread.
  7. [12:06] <Harvey> Palurin says nothing, sitting up in his seat
  8. [12:07] <@Aqu|GM> The Sheriff rolls his eyes at Mahd before shaking his head. "No. I only know of it in summary. News of the goblins and their encroachment. Another will be joining us-- and that is why I ask for you to leave, she has the information. The details."
  9. [12:07] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs, having finished most of her meal. "I suppose," She stands. "might as well, considering we're the new 'goblin-slayers'."
  10. [12:08] <Harvey> Palurin nods slowly, standing as well. Mahd grumbles a little, finishing off the mead and standing with a yawn.
  11. [12:08] <Harvey> Orick moves into step beside.
  12. [12:09] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs, hopping off of his seat. "Guess so." He waves to the door. "Lead on."
  13. [12:18] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock nods, leading the group through the streets and to the town hall. Taking them upstairs as the enter, the group and Sheriff stop in a comfortable office on the second floor. A desk lies in the center of the room, various papers and inks atop its surface. Mayor Deverin, recognized from her speech at the festival, stands adjacent to it, smiling the party enters.
  14. [12:18] <@Aqu|GM> In front of the mayor, several chairs are set out among a lightly decorated office-- well-kept plants lining the room with a few shelves of books and documents. Another woman stands in the room, this one an elf.
  15. [12:18] <@Aqu|GM> Pale skin, blue eyes, blonde hair, and a hardened yet attractive face mark her features. She wears studded leather and a cloak, shortsword at her side and a bow on her back. The girl looks battle-hardened, and simply purses her lips as she notes the group.
  16. [12:19] <@Aqu|GM> The mayor steps forward, still wearing her smile. "It is good to meet the Heroes of Sandpoint formally. If you did not know, I am Mayor Deverin. A pleasure."
  17. [12:20] <Harvey> Palurin's eyes widen slightly as he realizes the woman is an elf. He places one hand on the hilt of his sword and the other pulls his hood on tighter. He nods to the mayor, saying nothing. Mahd simply nods as well, staring at the elf through the mask. Orick is impassive.
  18. [12:21] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent grins, waving a hand to the mayor. "Nice ta' meet ye as well." He steps forward. "This group here's not a talkative bunch, so I'll help 'em with introductions." He points to each person in turn, "Palurin, Victanys, Mahd, Orick, 'n meself, Pwent." He takes a bow.
  19. [12:22] <@Aqu|GM> The elf raises an eyebrow at Palurin and Mahd, finding it odd that they both hide their features.
  20. [12:23] <@Aqu|GM> Sheriff Hemlock nods, introducing the elf, "And she, Shalelu, an... unofficial member of our town guard." The statement warrants a smirk from the elf.
  21. [12:24] <@Aqu|GM> The Sheriff continues, pointing to the group. "Shalelu, these are the town's newest crop of goblin-slayers."
  22. [12:24] <Harvey> Mahd turns to look at the Sheriff. "Newest?"
  23. [12:31] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock nods, explaining, "Shalelu has been a thorn in the side of the local goblin tribes for years, and that few in the region know more about them than she does." He sighs. "And Sandpoint hasn't been the only place in the region with goblin troubles. Many goblin raids have occurred along the Lost Coast, especially near Nettlewood and Mosswood."
  24. [12:31] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu nods with a sigh. "Only a day ago, a farm south of Mosswood was burnt to the ground by a group of goblins. I was nearby, thankfully, but I couldn't save the farm. At least I saved the family."
  25. [12:32] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock nods. "Shalelu, if you would tell them what you told me," he suggests.
  26. [12:35] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu nods, stepping forward. “Belor’s told me of your work against the goblins— well done. I’ve dedicated the last several years of my life to keeping them from causing too much trouble around these parts, but they’re tenacious and fecund little runts. Like weeds that bite."
  27. [12:35] <@Aqu|GM> She holds up her hand, extending all of her fingers. “There are five major goblin tribes in the region, and, traditionally, they’re pretty good at keeping each other in line with intertribal squabbles and the like. Yet from what I’ve been able to piece together, members of all five tribes were involved in the raid on Sandpoint."
  28. [12:35] <@Aqu|GM> "A fair number of the Mosswood goblins I dealt with yesterday were already pretty beat up, and there was a lot of chatter about the ‘longshanks’ who killed so many of them. Now that I’ve met you, it seems obvious from their descriptions who they were talking about. Seems like you’ve made an impression."
  29. [12:35] <@Aqu|GM> She smirks, taking a liking to the other 'goblin-hunters'. “In any event, the fact that the five tribes are working together disturbs me. Goblin tribes don’t get along unless they’ve got something big planned, and big plans require big bosses."
  30. [12:35] <@Aqu|GM> "I’m afraid that someone’s moved in on the goblins and organized them. And judging by these recent raids, what they’re organizing seems like bad news for all of us.”
  31. [12:36] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "Well, we -did- here rumors of there being 'one of us longshanks' leading them..."
  32. [12:37] <Harvey> Palurin nods slightly, stopping himself from pulling the hood tighter. Mahd is just listening, not really caring all that much.
  33. [12:38] <@Aqu|GM> The Sheriff nods. "Right. Which is why we need to be wary. If someone from inside the town, or area, is leading the creatures against us, they'd be able to share key defense points we have." He frowns, shaking his head. "I'm going to take a few of my guard to Magnimar. It should only take a few days, and I should be able to ask for a reinforcement of guards."
  34. [12:38] <@Aqu|GM> The Sheriff looks to Shalelu. "I'd like you to visit Shank’s Wood, Brinestump, Mosswood, Devil’s Platter, and any other places where goblins live to see if you can discover anything else about what’s going on."
  35. [12:39] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu nods. "Of course."
  36. [12:39] <Harvey> Palurin frowns to himself, stepping forward slightly. "Before we do anything, I'd like to ask a question to the assembled group."
  37. [12:39] <@Aqu|GM> The sheriff raises an eyebrow. "Sure."
  38. [12:41] <Harvey> "Does anyone have any information regarding a young woman with pale, white hair?" he asks, going on to describe the girl in better detail from the dreams, without actually revealing it was from a series of blatantly prophetic dreams.
  39. [12:44] <@Aqu|GM> While the goblin slayers seem to only raise eyebrows, not knowing the girl, including Shalelu, Hemlock and Deverin both frown. "How do you know of that girl?" Hemlock asks.
  40. [12:46] <Harvey> "For the past three nights I've had dreams about her," Palurin replies confidently, emboldened by them clearly knowing something. From there, he gives quick descriptions of the dreams in question.
  41. [12:54] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock and Deverin's respective frowns only deepen. The Sheriff explains, "We know her. I wouldn't expect you to, being new to the town, but she's dead." He sighs, giving her name, "Nualia. She was the adopted daughter of Tobyn, our late priest."
  42. [12:54] <@Aqu|GM> He sighs. "It was unfortunate, but she never fit in here. Her unearthly beauty made the other children either jealous or shy, and many of them took to playing cruel jokes on her. The adults," he continues, sighing with a hint of guilt, "were no better. Many of the Varisians viewed Nualia as blessed by Desna."
  43. [12:55] <@Aqu|GM> "Rumors that her touch or proximity could cure warts and rashes, that locks of her hair brewed into tea could increase fertility, and that her voice could drive out evil spirits led to a succession of awkward and humiliating requests over the years..." He sighs. "But she is gone now."
  44. [12:55] <@Aqu|GM> Deverin shakes her head. "I am not sure of the nature of your dreams. Perhaps they are sent by a goodly deity, a mourning of the girl as our chapel arises."
  45. [12:55] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns. "If they be from a goodly deity, I'd expect meself to have these dreams, maybe the new priest of Sandpoint. Odd tha' it'd be Palurin."
  46. [12:56] <Harvey> "How did she die?" Palurin asks after a moment.
  47. [12:57] <@Aqu|GM> "The fire," Deverin answers. "all where the acolytes, Tobyn, and Nualia were claimed. Not much of any of them were found... ash was left, but not much else."
  48. [13:02] <Harvey> "Were the remains ever identifed?"
  49. [13:04] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock shakes his head. "No. Without a priest, we had not the magic to do so, and burnt bones offer little indication."
  50. [13:06] <Harvey> Palurin nods slightly. "In that case, I don't believe she's dead. I find it hard to believe a random deity would send strange dreams to myself."
  51. [13:07] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock raises an eyebrow. "Then what do you believe the purpose is, if she is indeed alive?"
  52. [13:08] <Harvey> "It seems to me that she might be in trouble, and is sending out these visions to anyone with a receptive mind. If she is truly magical," Palurin finishes, feeling sure of himself, despite how absurd it sounds.
  53. [13:09] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent thinks on it and nods. "Perhaps... If she was trained by a cleric, she may have such abilities herself."
  54. [13:10] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock and Deverin look... pleasantly surprised. The mayor smiles to Palurin. "If you do learn anything about her whereabouts, -if- she is indeed alive... please, let us know."
  55. [13:10] <Harvey> "Does the cave I described sound familiar to anyone? I would imagine that's where she's being held."
  56. [13:12] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock thinks to himself for a moment, nodding slowly. "Perhaps... I've heard rumors of an old abandoned smuggler's tunnel. But of course, knowledge of such places is generally hidden from the guard. I've no idea where it is."
  57. [13:13] <Harvey> "Who would know?"
  58. [13:15] <@Aqu|GM> "Aliver Podiker perhaps." Hemlock explains, "It is only a guess. I've been investigating his involvement in selling and smuggling poisons across the Lost Coast, but I've yet to find conclusive evidence. If one were to know, and my suspicions are correct, it would be him."
  59. [13:16] <@Aqu|GM> Mayor Deverin frowns, looking to Palurin. "If he is involved, please do this investigating of your discretely. You're not a member of the town guard, and I'd ask you to remember the phrase, 'innocent until proven guilty' for those within my town."
  60. [13:18] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock nods. "If you're interested, Podiker's an herbalist within the town. His store's tucked into the mountainside on the south edge of the town. 'The Pillbug's Pantry.'"
  61. [13:19] <Harvey> "Very well. Thank you," Palurin replies, bowing slightly.
  62. [13:21] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock nods. "As well, I'd like you all to maintain a public presence in Sandpoint over the next few days, if you don’t mind. The locals seem to have taken to you,” he says, “And seeing you around town will do a lot for keeping worries down over the next few days.”
  63. [13:23] <Harvey> Mahd chuckles a little. "Using us to maintain morale?" she asks jokingly.
  64. [13:24] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock smirks, nodding. "I am indeed. At least until we bolster our town with Magnimar guards."
  65. [13:27] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, grinning beneath her mask. "I've been used in worse ways," she replies happily.
  66. [13:30] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock shakes his head. "I mean no disrespect. It is only a request. If it bothers you, it's perfectly fine to decline."
  67. [13:30] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs. "Eh. Don't bother me none."
  68. [13:30] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs again. "I don't care. I like this town."
  69. [13:31] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys rolls her eyes. "And what Pwent means is that it does not bother him, since what he said is the opposite of what he meant. I share his sentiment."
  70. [13:32] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent huffs at the correction. "Hush, lass. Ye'know what ah meant."
  71. [13:32] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods. "I do indeed, and that's why I felt inclined to correct you."
  72. [13:32] <Harvey> Palurin says nothing for the time being.
  73. [13:34] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu chuckles. "Anyway," she looks to the group. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to discuss this further, if knowing more about the surrounding goblin tribes would interest you?"
  74. [13:34] <Harvey> "I would like to, yes," Palurin replies instantly, eager to learn. Mahd just shrugs.
  75. [13:35] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods. "Sure."
  76. [13:36] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu smiles. "Good. Does discussion at the Rusty Dragon work for you all? I still need to drop by my friend Ameiko, and I wouldn't mind having some of her food."
  77. [13:38] <Harvey> "That's perfect! You guys can talk, and I'm gonna sleep," Mahd announces with a yawn.
  78. [13:41] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent rolls his eyes. "Works, I guess." He looks to Hemlock. "That all?"
  79. [13:42] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock nods. "Yes." He even lets a smile grace his features. "And thank you. Go ahead if you'd like."
  80. [13:42] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods, turning and leaving for the Dragon.
  81. [13:43] <Harvey> Mahd is already ahead of him with Orick following. Palurin turns to leave as well.
  82. [13:43] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys turns to leave, and after a short farewell to Deverin and Hemlock, Shalelu follows.
  83. [13:47] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu greets Ameiko with a smile and a hug before taking a seat, ordering a cheese spread and bread for her and the table. As Ameiko leaves to fill the order, and both Pwent and Victanys sit, Shalelu smiles. "So as I said, there are five major goblin tribes..."
  84. [13:49] <Harvey> Palurin sits as well, listening with interest. Mahd goes upstairs, leaving Orick downstairs to listen to the conversation while she strips down and takes a nap.
  85. [13:53] <@Aqu|GM> "The closest to Sandpoint are the Birdcruncher goblins, cave-dwellers living along the western edge of the Devil's Platter. They're usually the least aggressive of the tribes. To the south, there are the Licktoad goblins of the Brinestump Marsh-- excellent swimmers, and pests, preying on fishermen."
  86. [13:53] <@Aqu|GM> "East are the Seven Tooth goblins of Shank's Wood. The only reason they've not been run out is by stealing from Sandpoint's junkyard to build themselves armor and weapons from scrap. Farther east are the Mosswood goblins, the largest tribe, but one that's held back by feuding families within their own ranks."
  87. [13:53] <@Aqu|GM> "Finally," Shalelu adds, "are the Thistletop goblins, who live on the Nettlewood coast." She shakes her head. "They live on an island of which some say looks like a decapitated head, but no, it does not. Simply legend."
  88. [13:56] <Harvey> Palurin nods, listening carefully.
  89. [13:56] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods. "So if the tribes are usually squabbling among themselves, how would a human bring them together? Or at least, an elf or half elf."  
  90. [14:02] <Harvey> Palurin glances at her when she mentions half-elves, but doesn't do or say anything else.
  91. [14:04] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu nods. "I can think of a couple ways, but the one that makes the most sense to me, is that one of the 'heroes' of the goblins was convinced, and got the rest to follow along. Goblins live short, violent lives, so it's unusual for them to achieve any notoriety. When one does… they're recognized as a hero. Six have."
  92. [14:04] <@Aqu|GM> "Big Gugmut is an unusually muscular and tall goblin from Mosswood who, it is said, had a hobgoblin for a mother and a wild boar for a father."
  93. [14:10] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu continues to the next, "Koruvus was a champion of the Seven Tooth tribe, as well known for his short temper as he was for his prized possession—a magic longsword sized for a human that the goblin stubbornly kept as his own, even though it's too big for him to carry."
  94. [14:10] <@Aqu|GM> She frowns. "He vanished several months ago, but the Seven Tooth goblins remain convinced he’s out there still, a ghost or worse, waiting to murder any goblin who tries to discover his hideout."
  95. [14:12] <Harvey> 'How many goblins are in a single tribe?" Palurin asks thoughtfully.
  96. [14:15] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu shrugs. "A little less than a hundred in some, lower hundreds in others. It is hard to tell, with how often they die, but with how quick they reproduce."
  97. [14:15] <@Aqu|GM> "The next is Vorka, a notorious goblin cannibal who lives in the Brinestump marsh, a 'hero' mostly to goblins other than the Licktoad tribe. As he's fond of eating those of the Licktoad…" She shakes her head in disgust. "Things like that show my disdain for their race."
  98. [14:15] <@Aqu|GM> "Rendwattle Gutwad is the obese chieftain of the Brinestump goblins, a corpulent monster who, it is said, never leaves his throne. Ripnugget is the leader of the Thistletop goblins and controls what the five tribes agree is the best lair."
  99. [14:16] <@Aqu|GM> "And then there’s Bruthazmus, a bugbear ranger who lives in northern Nettlewood and often visits the five tribes to trade things he’s stolen from caravans for alcohol, news, or magic arrows."
  100. [14:16] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu frowns. "He's  particularly hateful of elves, and I've fought him on several occasions. Neither of us has gotten the upper hand yet… but," she nearly growls. "I won't be the first to fall."
  101. [14:18] <Harvey> "How many tribes were involved in the attack on the town? All five?"
  102. [14:21] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu nods. "Some less than others, but yes. All had a part in the assault."
  103. [14:22] <Harvey> "It seems to me that the logistics of coordinating a large group of goblins would be harder than anything else," Palurin muses, "particularly since at least one of the tribes is located on an island."
  104. [14:26] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu nods. "Which is why I suspect one of the heroes played a part. Without their 'motivation' there would be no way to do such a thing."
  105. [14:27] <Harvey> "Though none of them sound like they'd be willing to forsake old rivalries to coordinate a very well timed and planned attack on a prosperous town."
  106. [14:30] <@Aqu|GM> "As I said, they live short and violent lives. While they love violence, they are not suicidal. None of them would stand up against the heroes if one or more of them told them to do this, unless another hero disagreed with it."
  107. [14:31] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys raises an eyebrow. "Maybe the one that disappeared did, and that's why?"
  108. [14:31] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu nods. "Perhaps. I still have much to find out."
  109. [14:32] <Harvey> Palurin looks thoughtful as he pulls the hood on tighter. "It seems to me that the most likely candidate is this bugbear. It's obviously the most intelligient of the bunch, and most likely interacts with all five tribes."
  110. [14:34] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu smiles. "My thoughts exactly. He's the only one that ventures to each tribe, trading and the like, and he could have convinced the others to his part. Not great, but he's got decent relationship with all of them."
  111. [14:35] <Harvey> Palurin nods. "Not to be presumptuous, but it would seem that investigating the bugbear is the best course of action right now."
  112. [14:39] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu nods, just as Ameiko brings out the trays of bread and cheese. "Yes," she begins. "that's where I will go." She smiles, bowing her head. "Any information I find, I will make sure to pass along."
  113. [14:39] <Harvey> Palurin nods, smiling slightly. "Thank you."
  114. [14:40] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods, taking a hunk of bread after giving an appreciative nod to Ameiko. "Aye. Sounds like a good place to start. It'd give us something ta' do, too, if ye find something."
  115. [14:42] <Harvey> Palurin grabs a piece of bread, placing the cheese on top of it and taking a bite. "When we're done here, I'm going to investigate this smuggler and his caves. Would anyone like to come with me?" he asks, looking around the table as he swallows the food.
  116. [14:43] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs. "Sure." She smirks. "Could be fun."
  117. [14:44] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods. "Aye, I'll come with ye, just in case he get yerself in trouble and need healin'."
  118. [14:44] <@Aqu|GM> Shalelu shakes her head. "I must depart after this meal, but best of luck to your search."
  119. [14:45] <Harvey> "Of course," Palurin responds, taking a few more bites.
  120. [14:49] <@Aqu|GM> After finishing the generously-provided meal, Shalelu stands offering a smile to the group. "Again, thank you for your work against the goblins. I shall see you all again." She nods, heading to leave.
  121. [14:50] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys waves as she departs, then looks to Palurin. "So, off to the Pillbug's then?"
  122. [14:51] <Harvey> "I suppose, yes," Palurin nods, turning to Orick. "Is Mahd coming?" Orick looks down to regard Palurin. "Mahdilara is resting. In a moment she will sleep, now that the elf is finished. I will take my leave of you," he booms impassively, turning to head upstairs.
  123. [14:52] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs. "An odd one, that."
  124. [14:53] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods and stands. "Either way, I doubt we need him for talking. Not like we're planning on cleaving the guy in half."
  125. [14:54] <Harvey> Palurin shrugs, turning to leave.
  126. [14:55] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys and Pwent follow, Pwent's stubby legs leaving him trailing behind, while Victanys walks beside Palurin.
  127. [14:55] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys notes, "You seemed really intent on suffocating yourself with your hood earlier."
  128. [14:56] <Harvey> Palurin grunts, glancing at Victanys. "Elves don't like me," he says quietly.
  129. [14:58] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys rolls her eyes. "I don't think that's true for all elves. I bet she wouldn't have minded... it seems like she only really hates goblins."
  130. [14:58] <Harvey> "I can't afford to take that chance."
  131. [15:01] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs. "What does it matter what they think, even if they don't like you for that?"
  132. [15:02] <@Aqu|GM> [redact]
  133. [15:04] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs. "Why does it matter? If they're going to dislike you for that, why do their opinions matter?" She frowns. "I just... don't like it, that you need to hide. And I think the town would look past it. Heroes of Sandpoint," she smirks. "remember?"  
  134. [15:05] <Harvey> "Heroes are easily replaced. The guard who cuts my head off could be next town hero," Palurin replies dourly.
  135. [15:06] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "Like any of us would let that happen, and Hemlock isn't that big of a bastard."
  136. [15:07] <Harvey> "100 angry peasants are far more dangerous than 10 or 15 guards. If it's all the same, I'm more comfortable with people not knowing."
  137. [15:12] <@Aqu|GM> This only seems to annoy Victanys further, and she huffs, rolling her eyes. After a short walk, the group comes across a house nestled at the base of a cliff and tucked between several old tenements, nothing but a painting of a pillbug perched on a mushroom indicates this building is anything more than yet another home.
  138. [15:13] <Harvey> Frowning, Palurin quickly heads inside, hand on the hilt of his sword.
  139. [15:16] <@Aqu|GM> The proprietor of this establishment is a short, rotund man with a scraggly receding hairline. He raises an eyebrow as the group enters, and smirks. "Ah, there 'heroes'. How may I help you?"
  140. [15:18] <Harvey> "I'm looking for a cave, and I was informed that you might know of one for just my purposes," Palurin says cryptically as he glances around the shop.
  141. [15:21] <@Aqu|GM> The large man chuckles, shaking his head. "I'm not sure what you mistook the pillbug painting outside to be, but this isn't a nature hike center. I sell herbs and tonics."
  142. [15:23] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys rolls her eyes. "We've heard differently."
  143. [15:23] <Harvey> Palurin turns back to the man with a small smile. "Certainly, but a shop this dingy, in such a tiny corner of the city can't be surviving on it's own. I think we both know those caves are very lucrative."
  144. [15:25] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker raises an eyebrow. "Oh?" He taps his chin. "Not sure about caves, but I am a gardener." He smiles. "A rather good one at that. And the Scarnetti family, or Lady Scarnetti, pays well to learn."
  145. [15:26] <@Aqu|GM> None in attendance can sense any lack of truck to his words.
  146. [15:26] <Harvey> "Perhaps I would as well," Palurin answers.
  147. [15:27] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker smiles. "Oh? How much would you pay to learn?"
  148. [15:28] <Harvey> Palurin pulls out a platinum coin, tossing it to the man.
  149. [15:28] <Harvey> "That seems a fair entrance fee."
  150. [15:29] <@Aqu|GM> The man smirks, nodding. "Come with me," he gestures to Palurin, pointing then to a door in the back. "and I will show you." He glances at Pwent and Victanys. "But only you."
  151. [15:29] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns.
  152. [15:31] <Harvey> Palurin shakes his head. "They come too," he says forcefully, pulling out another two platinum coins.
  153. [15:35] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker chuckles, nodding. "Very well." He deposits the platinum coins and picks up a brown sack, exiting through the door.
  154. [15:36] <Harvey> Palurin nods to Pwent and Victanys, following the ugly little man with his hand on the pommel of the sword.
  155. [15:38] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin and party are greeted to the site of a peaceful little garden as they step through the door to Podiker's backyard. He opens the brown sack, giving each of them a seed. "So," he smiles. "the first step of gardening is to till the ground..."
  156. [15:42] <Harvey> Palurin does nothing with the seed, just looking at the man. "This is adorable, but not what I'm looking for."
  157. [15:44] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker raises an eyebrow. "It's what you paid me for, yes?"
  158. [15:44] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys groans. "No, you ass, we're looking for information."
  159. [15:44] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker shrugs. "As I said, I'm an herbalist and a gardener."
  160. [15:45] <Harvey> Palurin sighs, glaring at the little man. "Right. I'm tired of playing ring-around-the-rosie. I'm looking for a white haired girl that's being kept in smuggling caves."
  161. [15:46] <Harvey> "Caves that supposedly belong to you."
  162. [15:46] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker raises an eyebrow. "I'm not sure to whom you're referring to."
  163. [15:47] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent blinks. "Ye' really dinnay know about the girl?"
  164. [15:47] <Harvey> "Just tell me how to find the caves," Palurin says quickly, temper running out.
  165. [15:49] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker frowns. "If you have no interest in my wares, I can't help you."
  166. [15:52] <Harvey> Palurin sighs, looking irritated. "Where are the smuggling caves? I am willing to pay you."
  167. [15:54] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker chuckles and nods. "Fine. Five platinum, and I may be able to help."
  168. [15:55] <Harvey> "Two. I've already given you three for nothing. And you lead us to it," Palurin replies, voice brokering now argument.
  169. [15:58] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker raises an eyebrow. "Those three were for a gardening tip."
  170. [15:59] <Harvey> "Which a monkey could've have given us. You're trying my patience. You'll get 5 platinum, so don't complain about semantics."
  171. [16:02] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker smirks. "Fine." He heads back inside, leaving the door open for the rest to follow.
  172. [16:03] <Harvey> Palurin is close behind, scowling at the man.
  173. [16:04] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys and Pwent follow, and Victanys whispers to Palurin, "I don't think he's going to give us anything." She frowns.
  174. [16:05] <@Aqu|GM> Inside, Podiker is writing something onto a piece of parchment. He hides it from view, looking up after he finishes and sealing it in an envelope. "The platinum for the directions."
  175. [16:06] <Harvey> "I'm aware. In which case, I will hurt him," Palurin whispers back. Looking at the man, he frowns. "Oh no, you're leading us to it. You're not going to send us on a wild goose chase."
  176. [16:07] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker frowns. "My terms, or none at all."
  177. [16:08] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns, looking up and whispering, "Remember what Deverin said. If you do that, we might just get arrested."
  178. [16:09] <Harvey> Palurin pulls out three platinum, showing them to Podiker. "Another platinum for your trouble."
  179. [16:10] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker nods, holding out the envelope. "Don't open it in my store. I'm not involved."
  180. [16:13] <Harvey> Palurin nods, taking the envelope and handing the coins over.
  181. [16:14] <@Aqu|GM> Podiker takes the coins and moves to the door, opening it for the group to leave. He gives them a disgustingly friendly smile. "Have a nice day."
  182. [16:14] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, ignoring the man as she takes her leave.
  183. [16:15] <Harvey> Resisting the urge to punch the man in the gut, Palurin leaves as well.
  184. [16:17] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent follows, and the door closes behind him. "What's it say?" He asks Palurin.
  185. [16:18] <Harvey> Palurin opens the envelope, holding the paper so he can read it.
  186. [16:19] <@Aqu|GM> Opening the letter and reading the folded paper revealed, Palurin sees the following: "Send Sheriff Hemlock my regards."
  187. [16:20] <Harvey> Palurin stares at it for a moment before laughing and handing it to Pwent. Turning on his heel, he goes right back into the shop.
  188. [16:22] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent groans, reading the letter and passing it to Victanys. She groans too!
  189. [16:22] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin, however, is stopped by a locked door!
  190. [16:22] <Harvey> Palurin laughs again, stepping aside, and grinning at Victanys. "See if you can't get this open."
  191. [16:25] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, looking at the door. "As much as I'd like to, do you think it's wise? If we actually hurt him, we're likely to get arrested." She mirrors Deverin's words, "Innocent until proven guilty."
  192. [16:26] <Harvey> Palurin scowls. "Unless you know of an alternate way of finding those caves, that revolting little human is our only lead."
  193. [16:28] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shakes her head. "I don't but... you don't even know if the girl is in those caves; she was in a dream!"
  194. [16:29] <Harvey> "It wasn't a dream! I don't dream. Those were visions," Palurin snarls, expression frustrated.
  195. [16:33] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent steps back, not yet intervening.
  196. [16:34] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "Well... you had 'visions' of the past right? Everywhere the girl -went- in the -past-. She might not even be in the caves, but once was."
  197. [16:36] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent adds, "He seemed to be telling the truth when you asked him about the girl... he does not know."
  198. [16:38] <Harvey> Palurin scowls even more, kicking the ground in frustration. "Fuck!" Pulling his hood on tighter, he turns around, heading back into town.
  199. [16:39] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs, and both her and Pwent follow Palurin.
  200. [16:42] <Harvey> Frustrated and angry, he just wanders, not going anywhere.
  201. [16:44] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys and Pwent, after realizing this, head back to the Dragon... hopefully Palurin will make it back eventually.
  202. [16:47] <Harvey> After a bit more wandering Palurin, finds himself sitting on a pier at the harbor.
  203. [16:50] <@Aqu|GM> The sun begins to fall as Palurin sits, most people ignoring the oddity of sitting, staring into the waves, for so long.
  204. [16:52] <Harvey> With a sigh, Palurin rises and begins to head back towards the inn.
  205. [16:55] <@Aqu|GM> As Palurin enters the Inn, he sees Pwent in his usual chair, enjoying mead. Victanys is across from Pwent, eyes meeting Palurin's as he enters.
  206. [16:58] <Harvey> He's not mad anymore. If anything he's just depressed. He meets Victanys gaze, nodding to her as he continue to walk slowly upstairs.
  207. [17:00] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs, continuing to talk with a not-so-sober Pwent.
  208. [17:02] <Harvey> As he goes up, Mahd is coming down, yawning beneath her mask. She only has her travelling clothes on, along with the cloak and mask.
  209. [17:04] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent waves to Mahd then goes back to his drink!
  210. [17:06] <Harvey> Mahd sits down, yawning again. "What happened to Hoodie?" she asks.
  211. [17:07] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, shaking her head. "We came up with a dead end with Podiker. He's... upset about it."
  212. [17:09] <Harvey> "I noticed," Mahd responds with a chuckle, "he looks extra miserable."
  213. [17:10] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods with a sigh. "Yeah."
  214. [17:11] <Harvey> Mahd grins a little, looking at Victanys. "Are you worried about him?" she asks.
  215. [17:13] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "No."
  216. [17:15] <Harvey> She shrugs, though she's still grinning. "I don't believe you."
  217. [17:18] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys coughs, looking down as she shakes her head. "Well, I'm not."
  218. [17:21] <Harvey> Mahd grins even more. "It's obvious you're lying. If you're so concerned about him, go talk to him. I bet he could use a friend," Mahd says with a wink.
  219. [17:23] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent chuckles, hunched over his mead. "Just don't be as loud as Mahd's 'friend'."
  220. [17:23] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, standing up and making her way upstairs with a grumble.
  221. [17:24] <Harvey> Mahd laughs loudly, slapping the dwarf on the back happily.
  222. [17:24] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent grins, joining in laughter.
  223. [17:25] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys grumbles, hearing it clearly from upstairs. With a sigh and a shake of her head, she ends her grumbling... and knocks on Palurin's door.
  224. [17:28] <Harvey> Palurin is sitting in the corner of the room cross-legged, wearing only his trousers. If he was expecting company he wouldn't have taken his armor off at all. With a start, he turns to regard the door for a moment before standing, putting his cloak on, and opening it.
  225. [17:29] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys is in the doorway, eyebrow raised. Her face betrays her, as she looks to Palurin with thinly-veiled concern. "You alright?"
  226. [17:32] <Harvey> He regards her for a moment. "No," he answers quietly, starting to pull the door shut.
  227. [17:34] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, putting her foot in the doorway. "Well, then why don't you talk about it? It isn't going to get better if you lock yourself in your room..."
  228. [17:36] <Harvey> "I'm not great at talking," Palurin replies sullenly, opening the door again.
  229. [17:39] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs, stepping in. "Doesn't mean you can't talk." She sits down on his bed.  
  230. [17:41] <Harvey> A little startled by her forwardness, Palurin shuts the door behind her, taking his cloak off. His torso is heavily muscled, but also covered in scars. Most of which obviously didn't heal cleanly. "What is there to say?"
  231. [17:42] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "I'm not sure..." She shakes her head. "Look, you're not great at talking, and I'm not great at consoling. I just thought you might... need a friend, or something."
  232. [17:44] <Harvey> Palurin sighs, resuming his spot on the floor in the corner. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to having companions."
  233. [17:46] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods. "Yeah. Neither am I." She sighs. "So when you said you were more comfortable with people not knowing that you're a half elf... would you be more comfortable if I didn't know?"
  234. [17:48] <Harvey> Palurin frowns, looking up at her. "To be honest, yes. But now that you do know, it's irrelevant. It was my own fault, really. I rushed in and was almost killed. It's what I deserve for being so foolhardy."
  235. [17:50] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs, curiosity sated as she changes the subject, "So, the white-haired girl... why are you so determined to find her?"
  236. [17:52] <Harvey> "I've been asking myself that all day. I don't have an answer," he answers quietly.
  237. [17:54] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys raises an eyebrow. "That's... odd." She shrugs. "Look, I'm sure we'll find her. I mean, you have had dreams the past, what, three nights, and it hasn't stopped? Maybe if you keep having them, you'll get a better hint?"
  238. [17:56] <Harvey> "I suppose, though I'd rather not have them at all," Palurin shrugs, adjusting his posture slightly. He feels weird having someone in here with him.
  239. [17:57] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys blinks. "If you want to find her, for whatever the reason, why don't you want to have the dreams?"
  240. [17:59] <Harvey> "I hate dreams. Benign or otherwise," he sighs, leaning back against the wall.
  241. [18:00] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys quirks her head. "...Why? Dreams are," She pauses, thinking. "nice; you can live out your fears or desires, no repercussions. Dreams are the only way."  
  242. [18:02] <Harvey> "They can also remind you of your past failures and everything you've done wrong with your life. How your very existence is frowned upon by nature itself," he says softly, staring at the floor in front of him.
  243. [18:04] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "Yeah... that, and it can show everything you've done right too."
  244. [18:05] <Harvey> "There's not a lot of that."
  245. [18:08] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs. "The good is still good." She leans back against the headboard. "Just need to focus on it," she smirks, teasing slightly, "or you become all angsty."
  246. [18:10] <Harvey> Palurin looks up with a scowl before he realizes she's joking. He looks up at her, forcing himself to smile slightly, saying nothing.
  247. [18:14] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs. "So what's that about 'nature frowning upon your existence'? Because I'm pretty sure that's not true."
  248. [18:16] <Harvey> "Most humans and elves disagree. You saw that old man. He would've happily lynched me," Palurin replies sadly.
  249. [18:17] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys rolls her eyes. "That's not nature, that's just that old man." She smirks. "And you seem to have forgotten the part where the town cheered him getting ladled and kicked out."
  250. [18:20] <Harvey> Palurin sighs again, eyes back to boring holes in the floor. "I can't afford to trust people that easily. I tried that. It almost killed me."
  251. [18:20] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, silent for a moment before asking, "When?"
  252. [18:22] <Harvey> Palurin sits for a little while before answering. "Not long after I began wandering. I entered a town completely openly. They had a noose around my neck within a day."
  253. [18:24] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs, shaking her head. "Not everyone is like that, but yeah... I see."
  254. [18:26] <Harvey> Palurin sighs again, looking extremely depressed.
  255. [18:31] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys purses her lips, unsure what to say in the silence. After a minute or two, she opts to stand and move herself to sit next to Palurin. She nudges his side. "Like I said... not everyone is like that." She sighs, leaning back against the wall.
  256. [18:31] <@Aqu|GM> "Y'know, when you didn't turn me in, I was confused. Really damn confused Even more so when you healed me." She frowns. "The only skills I know are ones that are good for crime. And... no one's shown me that curtesy before. So," She pauses, unsure of herself before nodding. "thanks."
  257. [18:34] <Harvey> Palurin nods, glancing away. "There was no point to killing you. I would've gained nothing, and probably would've gotten run out of the town. Still... you're welcome," he answers a little awkwardly.
  258. [18:35] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods, sitting in silence before looking over. "Those scars... are those from days like that?"
  259. [19:09] <Harvey> "Mistakes," he murmurs, "Physical reminders of every bad decision I've made."
  260. [19:10] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, nodding. "Yeah. I have those too." She points to the tattoo beneath her eye. "Take a closer look."
  261. [19:12] <Harvey> Palurin does so, frowning as he peers at the tattoo.
  262. [19:14] <@Aqu|GM> Cleverly hidden beneath the tattoo is indeed, as Palurin looks closer, scar tissue. A gash beneath her eye, hidden by purple ink. "Earned it on my first steal. It didn't go too well..."
  263. [19:18] <Harvey> "What happened?"
  264. [19:20] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shakes her head. "I grew up in Riddleport. You can't earn money there without doing something illegal. Unless you whore yourself out." She frowns. "I didn't want to do that, so I stole. But if you steal from someone in Riddleport, they prefer to teach you a lesson themselves, instead of having the guard do it." \
  265. [19:21] <Harvey> "How old were you?"
  266. [19:23] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys looks down with a sigh. "I think... about thirteen."
  267. [19:25] <Harvey> "Young," Palurin mutters, glancing away. Involuntarily, he reaches up to tighten his hood, only to realize that he's not wearing it.
  268. [19:26] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods. "Yeah. What about you, when was your first scar?"
  269. [19:28] <Harvey> "Six," he replies, pointing to a long gash in his left shoulder.
  270. [19:29] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys blinks. "...For what?"
  271. [19:31] <Harvey> "The Varisian convoy I was living with was attacked by the Shoanti. The convoy was massacred and I was the only survivor. I killed four of their ax-men before their leader took me in. One of them got me in the shoulder first though."
  272. [19:34] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys' eyebrows furrow as she repeats what Palurin said, "At... six."
  273. [19:35] <Harvey> "Yes."
  274. [19:43] <@Aqu|GM> "How?"
  275. [19:45] <Harvey> "The convoy found me as a baby, abandoned outside an elf forest. They took me, except they all hated me. The other kids picked on me and bullied me. I learned to fight. Taught myself magic. The Shoanti only saw a small child. They weren't expecting the knife in their gut, or the fire and acid."
  276. [19:46] <Harvey> "I was lucky. I should've died. Except their leader was a powerful sorcerer, and took me under his wing."
  277. [20:23] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys blinks. "Huh. So... did you stay with them for long?"
  278. [20:24] <Harvey> "The Shoanti? Until I was 18. Then I left. I've been wandering for 10 years." As Palurin speaks, his voice has no emotion and he's simply staring straight ahead.
  279. [20:26] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods. "Wandering for any reason in particular?"
  280. [20:27] <Harvey> "When I was younger I wanted to see the world. The Shoanti Steppe is only so fulfilling for a young half-elf."
  281. [20:29] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys chuckles. "So, if you want to travel, why're you sticking here-- with us?"
  282. [20:30] <Harvey> Palurin is silent for a moment. "I wanted to see what it's like being part of a group..." he says quietly.
  283. [20:32] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys smiles. "Me too. I kinda like it."
  284. [20:35] <Harvey> Palurin smiles slightly as well, though he doesn't say anything.
  285. [20:38] <Aqu|GM> Victanys leans back, silent with a slight smile.
  286. [20:39] <Harvey> Palurin turns to her after a bit, genuinely smiling. "Thank you for coming," he says softly.
  287. [20:41] <Aqu|GM> Victanys, nods, smiling back. "Yeah. Thought you might need a friend."
  288. [20:43] <Harvey> "I haven't really had a friend in 10 years," he says mournfully, looking away again.
  289. [20:45] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nudges Palurin, rolling her eyes. "You just made one, and you're going to mope?" she asks, teasingly.
  290. [20:48] <Harvey> Palurin blushes slightly. "Sorry..."
  291. [20:50] <Aqu|GM> Victanys rolls her eyes, standing up. "It's fine." She yawns. "See you in the morning, I suppose."
  292. [20:51] <Harvey> Palurin nods,standing as well. "Yeah."
  293. [20:52] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nods, waving a farewell to Palurin. As long as she's not interrupted, she goes back to her room.
  294. [20:54] <Harvey> Before she leaves, Palurin catches up, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Victanys... Thank you. I... Thank you," he finishes lamely, blushing again.
  295. [20:55] <Aqu|GM> Victanys blinks, turning around. She raises an eyebrow. "Uh. You're... welcome."
  296. [20:57] <Harvey> "Er... Sorry... Good night," he mumbles with a blush, taking his hard off of her shoulder.
  297. [21:01] <Aqu|GM> Victanys pauses for a moment, noticing the blush. Coyly, she smirks. "Night, Palurin."
  298. [21:02] <Harvey> "Night," he mumbles, taking a step back.
  299. [21:04] <Aqu|GM> "But before you go to bed..." Victanys blushes and she takes a step forward, standing in her tippy toes to reach, and presses her lips to Palurin's.
  300. [21:06] <Harvey> Palurin's eyes widen, entire face turning a bright red. He leans forward a little to better kiss her, though he knows he's doing so extremely clumsily.
  301. [21:09] <Aqu|GM> Victanys pulls back, easing back onto her feet and turns, "a good night kiss," she finishes, waving as she departs for her room.
  302. [21:11] <Harvey> Palurin stares at the door for what feels like hours before he takes a few steps back and sits on the bed. With a contented sigh, he lies back and goes to sleep.
  303. [21:14] <Aqu|GM> Images of nights before swirl in Palurin's mind. Nothing new, but the images of the white-haired girl remain.
  304. [21:15] <Aqu|GM> Palurin wakes again, though to nothing new.
  305. [21:17] <Harvey> Palurin wakes at dawn, sitting up and beginning to work on his spells for the day. Mahd, meanwhile, is still asleep.
  306. [21:17] <Aqu|GM> --End Session--
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