
Victory Star

Aug 2nd, 2015
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  1. <center target="_blank"><table target="_blank" bgcolor="#FF4D4D" width="100%"></td><td target="_blank"><font target="_blank" color="#003366"><div style="cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" target="_blank"> <center><p><img src="" width="370" height="196"></p></center><center><p><i><font size="5"> <font color="white"><b><blink>☆Welcome to Victory Star!☆</blink></b></font></center></i></p><center<p><marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left"> <font color="white">Announcements: None at the moment.</marquee></p></center><p><center><b> <font color="white"> The proud sister server of <i>Fallen Star</i>!</p></center><p><center> <font color="white"> Hello there! This here place is the lobby, where many trolls begin, and <b>end</b>. I know that may sound bad, but our staff can help you out here. So please enjoy your stay. If you have any questions, please let our Admins (~) know. Them being <b>Sparkl3y, <b>Ransei</b>, <b>MySuicideIsSilent</b>, and <b>BT Cant Get Burns.</b> </font> <font color="white"> If you see the user going by the name of Snivvu, Sexyperior, Serperior (in unicode), or Audino Primal, respond to a Moderator (@), Leader (&amp;), or Administrator (~) <b>IMMEDIATELY</b>. The head of this server is Sparkl3y, so have fun! ^_^ </font></center></p></center><div style="cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" target="_blank"><center target="_blank"><table target="_blank" bgcolor="#FF4D4D" width="100%"></td><td target="_blank"><font target="_blank" color="#003366"><center><p><button name="send" value="Nyah~&#10;Could you pet my ears...?">Say <s>purr</s> hi!</button><button name="send" value="/stafflist">Stafflist</button><button name="send" value="!showimage,370,196">Glomp Button (Only for ~,&, and #)</button><a href=""><button>Join our server Plug DJ!</button></a><a href=";w=1"><button>Custom Sprite form!</button></a><center><p><img src="" width="53" height="73"></p></tbody></table> </center><pr><center><audio src="" controls="" autoplay="autoplay" style="width: 100%; border: 1px solid #0B1361; background-color: #ff4dfd;"></audio></pr></center>
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