
Levi checks in on Ciztei

Oct 27th, 2015
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  1. ===START===
  2. * arthurianNoblesse began espering despondentArtist
  3. arthurianNoblesse
  4. GReetings CIztei.
  5. CizteiRanvon
  6. ((hold up one sec is this present time))
  7. arthurianNoblesse
  8. ((yeah))
  9. CizteiRanvon
  10. ((ok))
  11. arthurianNoblesse
  12. LIly has informed me that she had not heard from you in some time, and so I Wished to see if everything was alright.
  13. CizteiRanvon
  14. Sire Levi! 0u0 It certainly has been a while!
  15. *sir
  16. Yes, I'm currently standing on my balcony staring at this planet
  17. trying to work up the nerve to go exploring
  18. and Bunnysprite is being no help TmT
  19. Were you successful in entering the game?
  20. arthurianNoblesse
  21. OH yes, ALex and I Were able to enter with little trouble.
  22. arthurianNoblesse
  23. I Have been exploring quite a bit of my new world, and gathering information regarding the game since then.
  24. CizteiRanvon
  25. How fortuitous 0u0
  26. arthurianNoblesse
  27. YEs indeed, tell me, have you done battle with any of the beasts which roam these lands?
  28. CizteiRanvon
  29. I see we are all managing to...
  30. [red] don't die [/red] ?
  31. Beasts?
  32. No, I have not yet encountered any
  33. I'm not exactly the clobbering type
  34. arthurianNoblesse
  35. AH, well you should not have a great deal of trouble with them, the imps, which you shall encounter first, are not very strong.
  36. I Have fought quite a few of them, and they have done little damage to me.
  37. TEll me, have you been keeping up with the frequent updates to the information document?
  38. CizteiRanvon
  39. I have.
  40. It's a little... confusing 0n0
  41. arthurianNoblesse
  42. OH, well I Should be happy to clarify any confusing details for you.
  43. ALthough I Must admit I Myself am not perfectly aware of all the details.
  44. CizteiRanvon
  45. For example, Roland is... dead? 0m0
  46. did Jak prototype his dead body or something?
  47. arthurianNoblesse
  48. OH, er, no he is quite alive, although, he is different.
  49. CizteiRanvon
  50. He say's he's a sprite now later on...
  51. arthurianNoblesse
  52. YEs, he combined himself with his sprite, resulting in him becoming it.
  53. CizteiRanvon
  54. I see
  55. um...
  56. did he happen to fuse into a horrifying nightmare abomination?
  57. I have heard that sprites do that sometimes.
  58. grumblegrumbleSnakedadgrumbleBunnygrumble
  59. TnT
  60. arthurianNoblesse
  61. I Must admit I Have not seen him since his fusion, so I Am ignorant of his appearance.
  62. CizteiRanvon
  63. Curses
  64. arthurianNoblesse
  65. ALso, if I Might ask, is something amiss with your sprite?
  66. CizteiRanvon
  67. Yes, I'm afraid
  68. my lusus has passed away
  69. he was prototyped, along with a plush rabbit
  70. resulting in the horrifying BunnySprite
  71. the staring
  72. the hisssing
  73. 0m0
  74. arthurianNoblesse
  75. OH, I"m sorry, that sounds rather unpleasant.
  76. CizteiRanvon
  77. indeed
  78. speaking of sprites
  79. how did yours turn out?
  80. arthurianNoblesse
  81. QUite well I Think, his name is SIr O> R> KId, knight of the orchid.
  82. HE has proven very helpful in increasing my understanding of the game.
  83. ← CizteiRanvon has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  84. → CizteiRanvon has joined
  85. → Lily_Palmer has joined
  86. arthurianNoblesse
  87. HE has proven very helpful in increasing my understanding of the game.
  88. ⓘ CizteiRanvon is now known as despondentArtist
  89. arthurianNoblesse
  90. HE bears resemblance to a troll wearing paper armor with a flower shield.
  91. despondentArtist
  92. fasciniating 0u0
  93. arthurianNoblesse
  94. YEs, I"m sorry that you had such worse luck regarding your sprite.
  95. despondentArtist
  96. not at all
  97. i'm merely curious what combination of items would yeild such a sprite
  98. arthurianNoblesse
  99. I Prototyped an orchid I Have been keeping on my desk alongside a book on TRoll KIng ARthur.
  100. despondentArtist
  101. interesting 0u0
  102. arthurianNoblesse
  103. IT is lucky that it has yielded such positive results, as I Was very unsure about it at the time.
  104. despondentArtist
  105. I am apparently in a place called the Land of Caverns and Conveyors.
  106. where did fate deposit you?
  107. arthurianNoblesse
  108. THat sounds fascinating, I Am in the land of BAsalt and PRessure.
  109. WHat characteristics does your land display?
  110. despondentArtist
  111. The surface is covered in cave entrances
  112. there are conveyor belts running all over the place
  113. One such conveyor belt leads from my hive down to the planet's surface
  114. I have been trying to work up the nerve to jump onto it
  115. but I have no idea how I would get back up
  116. arthurianNoblesse
  117. THat would be a problem, I Am lucky that my land is easily accessible around my house.
  118. despondentArtist
  119. Bassalt and Pressure?
  120. that sounds...
  121. explodey 0m0
  122. pardon the improper language
  123. arthurianNoblesse
  124. OF course, it is not actually "Explodey" At all.
  125. IT is predominantly planes of dark grey volcanic rock, with certain areas of massively increased gravity.
  126. THere are some few oases, although I Have yet to explore one.
  127. arthurianNoblesse
  128. BUt I Have yet to see any explosions.
  129. despondentArtist
  130. Hmmm
  131. arthurianNoblesse
  132. PErhaps if I Explore farther into it, there shall be further features revealed to me regarding it.
  133. despondentArtist
  134. well
  135. try not to blow yourself up! 0u0
  136. or get squashed or whatever
  137. arthurianNoblesse
  138. I Shall, and you try not to be harmed by your lands hazards whatever they may be.
  139. AU revoir CIztei, I Am glad to see that you are doing well.
  140. despondentArtist
  141. And I you. 0u0
  142. * arthurianNoblesse ceased espering despondentArtist
  143. arthurianNoblesse
  144. ===END===
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