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Sep 26th, 2017
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  1. Some time ago I came to the realization that the world has pretty much made up its mind on the general beliefs the govern the world of men. It’s hard to pinpoint when it happened but somewhere along the line the collective hivemind of mankind figured out the right and wrong way to do things and stuck to it along those lines all the way to the present day.
  2. But maybe you can break it up a little more than that. There are perpetual arguments and existential questions across the entire sphere of human thought. People will probably be arguing with each other and asking these questions for ever and ever because, frankly, they just don’t have anything better to do. Political arguments, religion, the meaning of life itself. There is no one question, but many. And everyone is so certain that their answer to their question is the correct one.
  3. God or not? Left or right? Everyone on every side knows with such complete certainty that what they’re saying is the undeniable truth of the question that is being asked. Throughout the last few decades, all systems of belief have been pushed to such an extreme that it’s almost difficult to see real differential space between ideals. At this point there is no difference between the communists that take to the streets with clubs and masks, “bashing the fash” and Nazis protesting with tiki torches. There is no difference between a man of God preaching the word of Christ and the famous scientist you watch on TV telling you that you’re backwards if you don’t believe in “commonly accepted scientific ‘facts.’” There is no difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. By now you could tell me that they are the same exact person wearing different makeup and I might almost believe you.
  4. What about flat earth? The people that believe in flat earth theory believe it with complete certainty. But the problem is that no one can actually refute their point because no one can actually know for sure if our planet isn’t flat. Have you been to space? Have you been to the moon? No. You haven’t. So how would you know? You don’t. Wait… You still believe in space? You’re being lied to. Wake up sheeple!
  5. And what about religion? Ask a priest what he thinks of the big bang theory and he’ll probably take a deep breath of air before he tells you what a sinner you are. Ask a Muslim in the mid-east about homosexuality and watch closely at the look that comes to his face. Ask a scientist what he thinks of the book of Genesis and pay close attention to the tone of his voice right after he scoffs at you.
  6. And politics, what of politics? Ask a leftist what he thinks of Donald Trump. Do I even have to say more? How about this: tell one of your professors or liberal classmates that you voted for him and see how they react. How about you go out and protest or march for any belief that is even remotely right wing and count how many times men in black clothing and masks call you a Nazi. Tell a Trump voter you voted for Hillary and try to get a gauge on how hard they laugh at you and the amount of times they call you a loser. Then ask him why Trump dropped a bomb on an airfield in Syria or is sending thousands more soldiers to Afghanistan and see what their response is.
  7. But what about me? Well, I’m not sure I really know anymore. Throughout my life I’ve gone through phase after phase after phase of political, cultural, and religious beliefs and nothing quite stuck. Every few months or years I’d discover something new and move on to the next thing. Every time I did, I’d become completely engrossed in that thing, and like everyone else does in their beliefs I was so certain that this thing was the right thing. I have a friend that says everyone needs to have a very specific set of concrete beliefs, otherwise what would you have to fight for, to stand up and die for? And I’ve tried over and over again in the last year or two to try and pinpoint myself on the political compass but to no avail have I found the truly right place where I fit in. Because my own personal morals and beliefs and values simply cannot completely conform to one specific set of ideals. But I’m constantly asking myself two questions: why can’t I conform, and why should I?
  8. It seems like everyone conforms to their idea at some point or other, and they get to the point where their so completely convinced on what they believe. The group that they’ve inserted themselves into is the right and true one, it follows those sets of rules put in place by the forefathers of civilization and it and no other is good and pure. Right, left, scientific or religious, it’s all the same, every single time. And it makes me think that these people can’t honestly believe what they say, can they? And I think I’m more and more starting to realize that generally people lie to themselves for comfort.
  9. If someone is certain in their beliefs, even if it’s a nice little lie they tell themselves, then there it is: they have their thing to fight for. They have their comfort in their group and in their heads. And the problem we get into is that no matter what leanings any one person has, they are extreme and fanatic in the lie of their choice. Remember Matt, don’t talk about religion, politics, sex, gender, blah blah blah at school, work, around strangers, anywhere in public. Wouldn’t want to offend someone, would you? Wouldn’t want to get on anyone’s nerves? Wouldn’t want to make someone think any differently from the ever so heroin-like comfortable high that their own personal lie gives them on a daily basis… would you?
  10. Well yeah, I would. Think differently, seriously. Step out of your comfort zone and actually try and understand why the people you hate believe what they believe. Go read the Wikipedia article for National Socialism and Benito Mussolini and try and figure out what an actual Nazi state or fascist looks like. Go read the bible, genesis to revelations, and try to get a firm grasp and understanding on why these people believe what they believe. Go read a scientific essay and understand these so-called “commonly understood facts” of the world and at least try to understand why it is that these people believe whatever it is that they believe. Forget the lie in your head, why can’t we look at the world around us and just understand the way it is, the way it works and the way men and women collectively think and understand ideas?
  11. Well, maybe we just don’t live in a world like that anymore. Maybe the time for discourse and understanding is really dead and gone and all that’s left is polar extremes that people refuse to give up on and I’m stuck in the middle desperately trying to stay afloat in a mad, mad, mad world where everyone, everywhere is constantly telling me how and what to think. Well, I want it to stop. Me? I just went to be left alone. That’s all I want now. Just leave me alone. I’m tired of being told that I’m wrong for not believing what others believe and I’m sick of being ridiculed because my beliefs don’t fall in line with one specific hivemind or think tank. I’m tired of being told to choose a side. I’m just tired, exhausted. I just want to be left alone.
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