
Kiran and Sandra plan out the FIR4-HUND MKII

Oct 30th, 2019
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  1. [7:42 PM] Trogg: would approach Kiran after everything's been settled and there was some level of privacy. "Yo, Kiran."
  2. [7:43 PM] Jack: will very likely still be tinkering on the standing stones with a look of great focus on his face - but will raise his head, looking around as his name is called.
  3. [7:43 PM] Jack: "Wh- oh, hi Sandra. Didn't hear you coming."
  4. [7:45 PM] Trogg: "I'm better at being quiet than people think. Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about that project I mentioned now that we had a few minutes and I don't need to re-explain the same thing twenty times to everyone."
  5. [7:45 PM] Jack: "Hang on-"
  6. [7:45 PM] Jack: finishes off a line of engraving, then puts down his tools.
  7. [7:45 PM] Jack: "Right. You've got my attention. What do you need?"
  8. [7:48 PM] Trogg: procures a bunch of notes and schematics, flipping through them before handing a few over to Kiran. "So my great grandfather, Sigfrith Hart, was a super skilled blacksmith, especially with magical weapons, but he was always really experimental with different ways to make weapons. This includes making a sword with ablade composed entirely of constantly firing Magic Missile spells."
  9. [7:48 PM] Trogg: "But that's not what we're working on, that's long gone."
  10. [7:49 PM] Jack: "... your grandfather was one of the Sealers of Azorak?"
  11. [7:49 PM] Trogg: "And his brother was one of the Lords of Vogelheim."
  12. [7:49 PM] Trogg: "Also, great grandfather, not grandfather."
  13. [7:49 PM] Jack: "Great grandfather."
  14. [7:49 PM] Trogg: "Anyways."
  15. [7:49 PM] Trogg: "He had another project he started on with the help of Pine Industries - you remember Solus Pine, imagine an entire business composed of Soluses - called the FIR4-HUND, probably one of the odder examples of magitechnology from my dimension." Kiran could see in one of the schematics was a blade with what seemed to be an engine block strapped to it, and a trigger of some sorts coming off of the hilt.
  16. [7:50 PM] Jack: "Yep."
  17. [7:50 PM] Trogg: "Simply put, he wanted a way to have firey properties on a weapon without having to apply flaming effects."
  18. [7:50 PM] Trogg: "His logic was uh..."
  19. [7:50 PM] Trogg: "Strapping an engine full of Alchemist's flame to a sword and using the trigger to release the propellant and ignite it at the same time with each swing."
  20. [7:50 PM] Trogg: "The goblins would've loved him."
  21. [7:51 PM] Jack: "Not the most efficient idea, but... effective, I guess."
  22. [7:52 PM] Trogg: "Not efficient a century ago. But, my father Ludolf, and one of the Pines - Meredith Pine - had been working on a new version. After we did some research into Kiscol's power distribution, Meredith had discovered how it works and that it might allow us to make an efficient prototype based on their updates ot the design."
  23. [7:52 PM] Jack: nods.
  24. [7:53 PM] Trogg: "Basically put, in those notes you'll find a bunch of Kriendyh runes. Those are affixed at various points in Kiscol's body which help direct the flow of energy to his limbs, head, everything. It shouldn't be hard to reaffix it to flow things that are not Anima in a similar fashion. I mentioned I was friends with a Runesmith - you - and they suggested that I should have you try applying these runes to various points in the engine in a similar fashion, and it might help with the distribution of flame across a viable weapon without it destroying the engine, melting the sword, blowing up, or simply failing to start."
  25. [7:54 PM] Trogg: "If you can help me with that, then in return I'm up for helping you with any side projects you may have."
  26. [7:55 PM] Jack: flips through the notes to find the runes.
  27. [7:55 PM] Trogg: "I can't exactly do Runesmithing stuff - it took several headaches to figure out how to carve one rune and it's the opposite of useful for this."
  28. [7:56 PM] Swad: Kiran - you can find them jotted down pretty easily. The runes themselves are extremely simple - and given your very vague knowledge of Kriendyh, you can undestand that they're for regulating power flow, essentially.
  29. [7:56 PM] Swad: Lessening or increasing the particular concentration of magical energy and output past certain points
  30. [7:58 PM] Jack: "I think I can work with these. Are we building proof of concept, or a product?"
  31. [7:59 PM] Trogg: "Somewhere in the middle. I want a weapon we can field test and actively use in combat and see just how effective it can be in combat with the most knowledge we've applied."
  32. [8:00 PM] Trogg: "And we'll need to keep firm documentation of how effective it is all throughout."
  33. [8:00 PM] Jack: "Alright. Have you forged the sword that this will be built onto?"
  34. [8:01 PM] Trogg: "I was planning on repurposing my own sword. The heat thresholds for the propellant necessitate something that's more fire-resistant. Adamantine or proper fire-forged steel are our best bets, and we need a sword physically large enough to hold the engine."
  35. [8:01 PM] Trogg: draws her own sword.
  36. [8:01 PM] Trogg: "And this is big and adamantine."
  37. [8:01 PM] Trogg: "Though there may be an alternative, if you're willing to cut your fingers a lot working on it."
  38. [8:01 PM] Jack: "The Terrogar blade?"
  39. [8:01 PM] Trogg: "Bingo."
  40. [8:02 PM] Jack: looks contemplative.
  41. [8:02 PM] Trogg: "Cuts through everything like butter, seems to be resistant to most environmental pressures. My only hesitation is Terrogars don't exist in my dimension."
  42. [8:02 PM] Trogg: "So it would be hard to repurpose and impossible to mass-produce."
  43. [8:03 PM] Jack: "Exactly. I'd suggest sticking with adamantine for that reason. It would increase the price of anything intended for distribution, though I'm fairly confident you can extrapolate the schematics out to fire-forged steel as needed."
  44. [8:05 PM] Trogg: "There's already a formula for converting from adamantine to fire-forged steel for heat-resistant materials, so it won't be hard to apply that to a weapon design."
  45. [8:05 PM] Jack: "Excellent. I'm happy to get started this evening."
  46. [8:06 PM] Trogg: "Sounds great. I'll leave the engine for you to modify - do you want my sword too, or is it fine if I just leave the smithing details? I've had that gauged out for a while now."
  47. [8:07 PM] Jack: "The sword too, please - just for the sake of completeness. Though I'll be sure not to hook everything up without you."
  48. [8:07 PM] Jack: grins.
  49. [8:08 PM] Trogg: sheathes her sword, before tossing it scabbard and all to Kiran. "Make sure you can even lift it."
  50. [8:09 PM] Jack: "I'll work something out."
  51. [8:09 PM] Jack: "As for whether you can help me out with anything... I've actually been meaning to request some assistance with my rifle. The mechanical makeup of the firearm itself still isn't something I'm entirely comfortable with. I was wondering if it'd be possible to get a little more bang out of it."
  52. [8:09 PM] Trogg: "Toss it to me and I'll see if I can figure something out. I have no idea how the Hell that thing even works."
  53. [8:10 PM] Jack: "I've never stopped to tinker with it, just in case I broke it."
  54. [8:11 PM] Jack: unslings it and tosses it over to Sandra.
  55. [8:11 PM] Trogg: catches it, giving it a twirl as she puts the butt to her shoulder and starts immediately looking into the breach, trying to get a cursory glance of the rifle's functions.
  56. [8:11 PM] Trogg: "I doubt it's anything too complicated - since they'd need to be able to have any regular grunt use the thing - but there might be some weird goings on to it."
  57. [8:12 PM] Jack: It takes charge packs, currently at 27/30. No misfire value, +2 Distance, 1d8 cold damage, with a 120' range increment.
  58. [8:13 PM] Jack: "I'll take your word for it."
  59. [8:13 PM] Trogg: (I'll need Swad's input on the L O R E on the rifle before I make any suggestions on it for now, I'll ask him about it later)
  60. [8:14 PM] Trogg: "If it's anything like a regular musket, then I can rifle the barrel and that'll make a huge difference."
  61. [8:14 PM] Jack: "I thought it was already a rifle."
  62. [8:14 PM] Trogg: "It's shaped like one, but the barrel's not rifled."
  63. [8:14 PM] Trogg: "Meaning it's technically not a rifle."
  64. [8:15 PM] Trogg: "It's a rifle but not a rifle, you get me?"
  65. [8:15 PM] Trogg: "Rifle originally was just shorthand for 'rifled musket.'"
  66. [8:15 PM] Trogg: twirls up Raifu, holding her up.
  67. [8:15 PM] Trogg: "This is one such rifled musket. I built her as a musket when I was 12, I rifled her when I was 14."
  68. [8:16 PM] Jack: "Okay, but what is rifled?"
  69. [8:18 PM] Trogg: slings Raifu back over her shoulder. "Rifling is a modification to the barrel of a firearm. Essentially you carve a spiral pattern throughout the barrel's internal length. This results in the projectile being fired to spin as what little air is in the barrel is shoving the projectile around. Do you know what a gyroscope is, and if so, how one functions? I need to ask that so that I know how to finish explaining why spinning is important for the projectile."
  70. [8:18 PM] Jack: "I do, and yes."
  71. [8:20 PM] Trogg: "Good, then I can give you the basics. Spinning essentially causes gyroscopic force to be applied to the projectile. This means the pull of gravity on, say, a bullet, is countered by the constant upward push of the bullet creating lift - you may remember a few of these terms from last dimension when we were working on airships. This gained lift mixed with gyroscopic force means it's extremely stable and increases the overall effective range of a projectile."
  72. [8:21 PM] Trogg: "This also improves velocity and penetrative power, meaning it'll have a bit more kick and a bit more precision."
  73. [8:21 PM] Jack: "Interesting. If it works with bolts of cold elemental energy, then I'm on board."
  74. [8:21 PM] Trogg: "It might. Depends on how much of the bolts have mass. If it's pure energy, then it may just look pretty."
  75. [8:22 PM] Jack: "I'll leave that up to you. I've stocked up on charge packs, so test to your heart's content."
  76. [8:22 PM] Trogg: "I'll get to that, then, and I think we've both got our own tasks!"
  77. [8:23 PM] Jack: "Have fun! I know I will."
  78. [8:24 PM] Trogg: "I probably will too!"
  79. [8:24 PM] Trogg: marches off to get to rifling.
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