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a guest
Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. 8.11.2016 push
  2. 9.11.2016 leg
  3. 10.11. pull
  4. 14.11. pull
  5. 15.11. push
  6. 16.11. legs
  7. 21.11. pull
  8. 22.11. push - a lot of people in the gym, i think i figured how to bench properly (needed wider grip), couldn't finish lat raises, did also dragon flag
  9. 28.11. pull
  10. 29.11. push
  11. 30.11. legs
  12. 1.12. pull: incline curls: neni to nahodou pocitane tak, ze 12 neni pro kazdou ruku???
  13. 2.12. push
  14. 5.12. pull
  15. 6.12. push
  16. 8.12. pull
  17. 9.12. push
  18. 12.12. pull
  19. 14.12. legs
  20. 16.12. push
  21. 19.12. pull
  22. 20.12. push
  23. 21.12. legs
  24. 27.12. pull
  25. 28.12. push
  26. 3.1. pull
  27. 5.1. push
  28. 6.1. legs
  29. 9.1. pull
  30. 10.1. push
  31. 12.1. pull
  32. 13.1. push
  33. 16.1. pull
  34. 17.1. push
  35. 19.1. legs
  36. 20.1. pull
  37. 23.1. pull
  38. 25.1. push
  39. 26.1. legs
  40. 27.1. pull
  41. 30.1. pull
  42. 31.1. push
  43. 1.2. legs (i trosku abs)
  44. 3.2. pull
  45. 6.2. push
  46. 7.2. legs
  47. 13.2. pull (deadlift nakonec, 3x5 50kg, 1x5 60kg, 1x3 70kg bez tycky)
  48. 15.2. push
  49. 16.2. legs (did 3 reps of squats with 50kg + tycka)
  50. 20.2. pull
  51. 21.2. push
  52. 24.2. pull (delal jsem pullups bez dopomoci!)
  53. 25.2. push + nohy (deadlift: 1x90kg with bad form though)
  54. 27.2. pull
  55. 1.3. legs
  56. 3.3. push
  57. 6.3. pull
  58. 8.3. push
  59. 9.3. legs (taky bricho)
  60. 11.3. pull
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