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a guest
Oct 19th, 2018
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  1. rogier@PC-Rogier:~/Development/halium$ adb root
  2. adbd is already running as root
  3. rogier@PC-Rogier:~/Development/halium$ adb shell
  4. ~ # ls
  5. acct init.qcom.power.rc root
  6. boot init.qcom.rc sbin
  7. bugreports init.qcom.usb.rc sdcard
  8. cache init.rc seapp_contexts
  9. charger init.recovery.hlthchrg.rc selinux_version
  10. config init.recovery.service.rc sepolicy
  11. d init.recovery.usb.rc service_contexts
  12. data sideload
  13. default.prop license storage
  14. dev mnt sys
  15. efs oem system
  16. etc persist tmp
  17. external_sd preload twres
  18. file_contexts proc ueventd.qcom.rc
  19. file_contexts.bin property_contexts ueventd.rc
  20. fstab.qcom recovery usb-otg
  21. init res
  22. ~ # mkdir /a
  23. ~ # mount /data/rootfs.img /a
  24. ~ # ls
  25. a init res
  26. acct init.qcom.power.rc root
  27. boot init.qcom.rc sbin
  28. bugreports init.qcom.usb.rc sdcard
  29. cache init.rc seapp_contexts
  30. charger init.recovery.hlthchrg.rc selinux_version
  31. config init.recovery.service.rc sepolicy
  32. d init.recovery.usb.rc service_contexts
  33. data sideload
  34. default.prop license storage
  35. dev mnt sys
  36. efs oem system
  37. etc persist tmp
  38. external_sd preload twres
  39. file_contexts proc ueventd.qcom.rc
  40. file_contexts.bin property_contexts ueventd.rc
  41. fstab.qcom recovery usb-otg
  42. ~ # cd a
  43. /a # ls
  44. bin etc media root sys var
  45. boot home mnt run system vendor
  46. data lib opt sbin tmp
  47. dev lost+found proc srv usr
  48. /a # cd ..
  49. ~ # chroot /a /bin/bash
  50. bash: groups: command not found
  51. root@localhost:/# ls
  52. bash: ls: command not found
  53. root@localhost:/#
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