
assassination mission idea

Dec 24th, 2018
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  1. perception based protect a guest from inhumation at a crowded party
  2. lady mademoiselle d'haplessvictim has just been contracted for 10,000 dollars; however, her big party is today! protect her from assassination for the rest of the evening (20 minutes, split up into 20 one-minute periods) to get paid
  3. every time period has a 40% chance to have an assassination
  4. the party is very crowded because the house is actually too small; also someone has brought children, ugh
  6. you are the butler??? or I guess pretending to be a butler since obvious bodyguards are passe
  8. if you leave your guest alone for too long, the assassin will come early
  9. also, poisoned food and traps
  10. food is placed on tables around the house; your guest will give a warning a few seconds before they attempt to eat from one, in which you have to check all the food for an oily sheen, bitter smell, etc. if you indiscriminately bury all the food, your guest will instead faint from hunger, ruining the party
  11. windows are very dangerous because assassins can fire crossbows through them if the curtains are open. however, assassins will not fire through closed curtains to avoid hitting the wrong person
  12. a second before the crossbow firing, you'll notice a glint on the opposite rooftop, or in a mirror, too late to do anything
  13. in dark corridors, sometimes there will be bear traps; your guest will walk right into them
  14. assassin hiding spots: under tables, under beds, on the chandelier, in the air ducts (if you attempt to enter the air ducts, they'll be too small for you to squeeze in)
  15. paintings with eye holes, hiding in a giant ice sculpture of a swan
  16. behind potted plants
  17. behind a pillar
  18. pretending to be a statue
  20. sometimes guests will turn out to be the assassin, wearing a paper mask. if you look at them, they run away and the next minute starts early
  21. when hiding assassins are found, spawn the assassin with invis and have them walk out of the room
  22. add windows to upper rooms that crossbows can be fired through
  23. have a pishite ready to res, your score depends on how many times she had to be ressed
  24. make tables show what's on them, so you can get food and check it for poison before she eats them
  25. at the end of the party, a final showdown?
  27. base assassin detection on perception bonus
  28. easy check for detecting stuff from their long, hard check for their short
  30.  make a whole bunch of rooms and corridors npcs and have them move between them every party phase; anyone could be the assassin and the ambush could spring at any moment
  31. give all of them punny names
  32. rooms: ballroom, dining room (copy cluedo?)
  33. wine cellar?
  34. corridor between each room
  35. characters: mr/mrs fecund, who is harried looking after their two children. they can handle one child, while the other one will wander the mansion at random. when they meet, the two children switch places
  36. the butler, because there is always a butler
  37. - offers wine and snacks
  38. - is a dwarf
  39. - the food and drinks may have been poisoned by the assassin
  40. the old priest (a pishite, so he/she will res the victim if you fail the mission)
  41. - very holy
  42. - victim responds politely
  43. - tries to convert the victim (naturally, Pishe only accepts priests, so she will have to join the priesthood) unsuccessfully
  44. - uses the shadows on the cave wall analogy by Plato, except when you walk out of the cave it's a refreshing shower of rain
  45. - people
  46. the young priest (a hattian?)
  47. - is the life of the party
  48. - wearing the usual underpants on his head
  49. - an old priest and a young priest walk into a bar
  50. - In one of his conversations, he's totally passed out and the victim speaks instead
  51. paranoid scarred soldier, who will explain the various ways you can get assassinated in this very room if you stand and listen to him/her
  52. - wearing a chainmail hauberk, naturally
  53. - sir vivor
  54. - miss d'mi
  55. -
  56. a dashing, or possibly beautiful smuggler
  57. - the love interest, victim's responses reflect that
  58. - Budgie the Smuggler
  59. - is basically a pirate
  60. - tanned, djelian accent
  61. - very dashing and/or beautiful
  62. - talks about amazing sea adventures, sometimes acts them out with his/her rapier and sound effects
  63. - brings exotic gifts from faraway lands, flowers/gems
  64. sings sea-songs? victim can join in
  65. one of his songs is in djelian, which the victim can't understand, but it has hilariously corny lyrics
  66. it's a classic romantic song
  68. Don't make too many characters, because of combinatorial explosion about their interactions
  69. each one has a few rants they will go on, use add response to make others respond briefly
  71. each character will be cloned several times with procedurally generated names; they will occasionally path between rooms
  73. the professor, who is a wizard - wearing a pointy hat with his formal dress, one of Ponder's bunch of new wizards, who will talk on endlessly about the arcane forces of the universe
  74. - I am an expert on the subject
  75. - etheric interactions
  76. - thaumic resonance
  77. - as everyone knows
  78. - [Name]'s Nth/ Law/Principle/Theory
  79. - arcane boundary
  80. - It's simple, really.
  81. - all his citations are super recent
  82. - he is a theoretical wizard so he doesn't know any spells
  83. - victim reacts with basically confusion and nodding
  84. Well, what separates a successfully-cast spell from a failed one, really? Kelleflump's Model supposes that there isn't any real difference, or rather that the difference depends on whether the spell does what we intended it to do. Essentially, "failed" spells are simply different spells that use a similar combination of casting methods, but use the magical energy in a different way, such as directing magical fire to burn yourself instead of a target. However, K's Model is incomplete. What if a failed spell does something closer to the effect you intended than the one the original spell was written for? Friddlefrod's Hydratic Extrusion, infamously, has a common spell failure that soaks the caster instead of drying them. If you were in desperate need for water, and cast the spell with that intention, could the spell failure instead be considered a spell success and vice versa?
  86. It is possible to "fluke" a cast of a spell, casting it especially well for a much greater effect than usual - a fireball might be ten times hotter than usual, for example. K makes the claim that these casts are simply closer to the "perfect" spell than usual. It is impossible to cast spells perfectly; there are slight random differences in channeling that will result in a slightly different spell, which doesn't quite have the full effect. What we call magical skill is essentially gaining, through long practice, a certain precision of enuciation and decisiveness of gesture that brings us closer to the peak output. Myrandil writes that the continuum of spells can essentially be mapped onto a multidimensional space consisting of all the possible spells that can ever be cast, and all the ones that can't, in which these moments of peak output (or "flukes") are local maxima.
  88. Eringyas (2037) states that...
  89. : manages to pronounce the brackets.
  91. We live in exciting times. The thaum, previously thought to be the smallest unit of magic, has been split. X posits that thaums may in fact be composed of actual truly indivisible particles. We haven't settled on a name for these yet, but X wants to call them "neuthaums", because they're new. Y wants to call them "prothaums" instead, while Z suggests "electhaums", and wants us to take a vote on the matter. A, however, makes the bold claim that it's going to be particles all the way down.
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