
Ugh ugh I can't write

May 3rd, 2012
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  1. "The white curtain rises upon a world once enshrouded," Amaryllis rises and spins, grabbing her mug off the table with a theatrical gesture. "So chime the Muses' bells, that their blessing they might offer." Her voice rises into a crescendo.
  2. "As this one tells tale of a House now confounded." The servant flashes a grin to her singular audience as she continues, finishing her drink and clearing her throat.
  3. "A crumbling of stone and clipping of wings rends a now empty coffer." She tosses her empty mug onto the table for effect.
  4. "How? By a world haze's retreat, lost cursed blessing of the Iifa tree!"
  5. "An infernal decree, for airships to fall, their license to flight withdrawn."
  6. "Alas! Found nearly alone, in the ashes of dawn: one princess, all pleasures..." A pause, as Amaryllis taps her chin in thought. "...forgone." Picking up the cadence again, she goes on.
  7. "Now two in a pair, a drop in diaspora, condemned to be free!"
  8. "Hold. This is your story, not mine." Her voice drops out of its theatrical tone into a quiet, flat monotone. A few seconds contemplation, and she regains her dramatic composure.
  9. "She had of mentors alchemy and sorcery!"
  10. "Aisles of magisters, archivalists too!"
  11. "For the fated day to take seat at the aerie" Amaryllis steps onto a stool, raising one hand to the ceiling and taking a deep breath.
  12. "Head of House Aitchison, Lindblum's House of Great Virtue!" Another moment's pause, as she steps down into a lower, solemn stance.
  13. "Wherefore dost one fall, from heights so lofty?"
  14. "Let me repeat O Muses, the most macabre of mantras:"
  15. "From blood is man wrought, and to it shall he return."
  16. "And all blood is equal in all this world's dogmas:"
  17. "For the titles of nobles, Gaia has no concern."
  18. "When to dust the stage crumbles, the fall commences not softly."
  19. "No mercy for any, not even one girl with all her birth's beauty."
  20. "On favors burned, on debts recalled," Amaryllis steps across the room extending her arms in a flourish.
  21. "So she traveled, by the world enthralled."
  22. "From the Grotto of Gizmalaluke, to the deserts of Cleyra!"
  23. "From lowly slums of Treno to courts of Alexandria!" She continues making her way to and forth across the room in a zigzag.
  24. "No obstacle, no burden too great,"
  25. "To see fulfilled one vision ornate!"
  26. "At destiny one day she'll arrive,"
  27. "And see House Aitchison, in its glory, revive!"
  28. With one final jaunt across the room, Amaryllis stops in front of Natalie's armchair. "So, how was that?"
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