Guest User

repo-build failed

a guest
Oct 11th, 2016
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  1. [root@v-orch01 playbooks]# cat problem.txt
  2. Variable files: "-e @/etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets_designate.yml -e @/etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml -e @/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml "
  4. PLAY [Build new repo packages for a given release] ****************************
  6. GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
  7. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  9. TASK: [Load local packages] ***************************************************
  10. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item={'packages': ['ansible-lint<=2.3.9', 'ansible>1.9,<2.0,!=1.9.6', 'aodh', 'argparse', 'bashate>=0.2', 'ceilometer', 'ceilometermiddleware', 'cinder', 'cliff', 'configobj', 'designate', 'django-appconf', 'django-openstack-auth', 'dnspython', 'doc8', 'ecdsa', 'fixtures', 'flake8<2.6.0,>=2.5.4', 'glance', 'greenlet', 'hacking>=0.10.2,<0.11', 'heat', 'horizon', 'httplib2', 'ironic', 'jinja2>=2.8', 'junitxml', 'keystone', 'keystonemiddleware', 'ldappool', 'libvirt-python', 'lxc-python2', 'lxml', 'mccabe==0.2.1', 'mysql-python', "ndg-httpsclient>=0.4.2;python_version<'3.0'", 'netaddr>=0.7.12,!=0.7.16', 'networking-plumgrid==2015.2.1.1', 'neutron', 'neutron-lbaas-dashboard', 'neutron_fwaas', 'neutron_lbaas', 'neutron_vpnaas', 'nose', 'nova', 'oslo.concurrency', 'oslo.config', 'oslo.log', 'oslo.middleware', 'oslo.serialization', 'oslosphinx>=2.5.0,!=3.4.0', 'paramiko>=1.16.0', 'pbr', 'pep8==1.5.7', 'pip==8.1.2', 'ply', 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'virtualenv-tools'], 'os_nova': ['PyMySQL', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'libvirt-python', 'nova', 'pycrypto', 'python-cephlibs', 'python-ironicclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'python-novaclient', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools', 'websockify'], 'galera_server': ['MySQL-python', 'pycrypto'], 'os_aodh': ['aodh', 'ceilometermiddleware', 'httplib2', 'pycrypto', 'pymongo', 'python-ceilometerclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools', 'warlock'], 'os_neutron': ['PyMySQL', 'cliff', 'configobj', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'neutron', 'neutron_fwaas', 'neutron_lbaas', 'neutron_vpnaas', 'pycrypto', 'python-glanceclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'python-neutronclient', 'python-novaclient', 'repoze.lru', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools'], 'lxc_hosts': ['lxc-python2'], 'os_cinder': ['PyMySQL', 'cinder', 'ecdsa', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'pycrypto', 'python-cephlibs', 'python-cinderclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools'], 'os_tempest': ['fixtures', 'junitxml', 'nose', 'oslo.concurrency', 'oslo.serialization', 'pyOpenSSL', 'python-ceilometerclient', 'python-cinderclient', 'python-glanceclient', 'python-heatclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'python-neutronclient', 'python-novaclient', 'python-openstackclient', 'python-subunit', 'python-swiftclient', 'tempest-lib', 'testrepository', 'testscenarios', 'testtools', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools'], 'os_horizon': ['MySQL-python', 'PyMySQL', 'django-appconf', 'django-openstack-auth', 'greenlet', 'horizon', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'neutron-lbaas-dashboard', 'oslo.config', 'ply', 'pycrypto', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools']}}) => {
  11. "item": {
  12. "packages": [
  13. "ansible-lint<=2.3.9",
  14. "ansible>1.9,<2.0,!=1.9.6",
  15. "aodh",
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  23. "designate",
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  25. "django-openstack-auth",
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  30. "flake8<2.6.0,>=2.5.4",
  31. "glance",
  32. "greenlet",
  33. "hacking>=0.10.2,<0.11",
  34. "heat",
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  47. "mysql-python",
  48. "ndg-httpsclient>=0.4.2;python_version<'3.0'",
  49. "netaddr>=0.7.12,!=0.7.16",
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  55. "neutron_vpnaas",
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  63. "oslosphinx>=2.5.0,!=3.4.0",
  64. "paramiko>=1.16.0",
  65. "pbr",
  66. "pep8==1.5.7",
  67. "pip==8.1.2",
  68. "ply",
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  72. "pyeclib",
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  90. "python-openstackclient",
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  92. "python-swiftclient",
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  95. "reno>=0.1.1",
  96. "repoze.lru",
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  110. "wheel==0.29.0"
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  294. "git+"
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  297. "galera_client": [
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  300. "python-memcached"
  301. ],
  302. "galera_server": [
  303. "MySQL-python",
  304. "pycrypto"
  305. ],
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  307. "lxc-python2"
  308. ],
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  362. "warlock"
  363. ],
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  378. "warlock"
  379. ],
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  387. "python-cinderclient",
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  395. "python-swiftclient",
  396. "python-troveclient",
  397. "virtualenv",
  398. "virtualenv-tools"
  399. ],
  400. "os_horizon": [
  401. "MySQL-python",
  402. "PyMySQL",
  403. "django-appconf",
  404. "django-openstack-auth",
  405. "greenlet",
  406. "horizon",
  407. "httplib2",
  408. "keystonemiddleware",
  409. "neutron-lbaas-dashboard",
  410. "oslo.config",
  411. "ply",
  412. "pycrypto",
  413. "python-keystoneclient",
  414. "python-memcached",
  415. "virtualenv",
  416. "virtualenv-tools"
  417. ],
  418. "os_ironic": [
  419. "PyMySQL",
  420. "httplib2",
  421. "ironic",
  422. "python-ironicclient",
  423. "python-keystoneclient",
  424. "python-swiftclient",
  425. "virtualenv",
  426. "virtualenv-tools"
  427. ],
  428. "os_keystone": [
  429. "PyMySQL",
  430. "argparse",
  431. "httplib2",
  432. "keystone",
  433. "keystonemiddleware",
  434. "ldappool",
  435. "lxml",
  436. "oslo.log",
  437. "oslo.middleware",
  438. "pbr",
  439. "pycrypto",
  440. "pysaml2",
  441. "python-keystoneclient",
  442. "python-ldap",
  443. "python-memcached",
  444. "python-openstackclient",
  445. "repoze.lru",
  446. "virtualenv",
  447. "virtualenv-tools"
  448. ],
  449. "os_neutron": [
  450. "PyMySQL",
  451. "cliff",
  452. "configobj",
  453. "httplib2",
  454. "keystonemiddleware",
  455. "neutron",
  456. "neutron_fwaas",
  457. "neutron_lbaas",
  458. "neutron_vpnaas",
  459. "pycrypto",
  460. "python-glanceclient",
  461. "python-keystoneclient",
  462. "python-memcached",
  463. "python-neutronclient",
  464. "python-novaclient",
  465. "repoze.lru",
  466. "virtualenv",
  467. "virtualenv-tools"
  468. ],
  469. "os_nova": [
  470. "PyMySQL",
  471. "httplib2",
  472. "keystonemiddleware",
  473. "libvirt-python",
  474. "nova",
  475. "pycrypto",
  476. "python-cephlibs",
  477. "python-ironicclient",
  478. "python-keystoneclient",
  479. "python-memcached",
  480. "python-novaclient",
  481. "virtualenv",
  482. "virtualenv-tools",
  483. "websockify"
  484. ],
  485. "os_swift": [
  486. "ceilometermiddleware",
  487. "dnspython",
  488. "ecdsa",
  489. "httplib2",
  490. "keystonemiddleware",
  491. "pycrypto",
  492. "pyeclib",
  493. "python-cinderclient",
  494. "python-keystoneclient",
  495. "python-memcached",
  496. "python-swiftclient",
  497. "swift",
  498. "virtualenv",
  499. "virtualenv-tools"
  500. ],
  501. "os_tempest": [
  502. "fixtures",
  503. "junitxml",
  504. "nose",
  505. "oslo.concurrency",
  506. "oslo.serialization",
  507. "pyOpenSSL",
  508. "python-ceilometerclient",
  509. "python-cinderclient",
  510. "python-glanceclient",
  511. "python-heatclient",
  512. "python-keystoneclient",
  513. "python-memcached",
  514. "python-neutronclient",
  515. "python-novaclient",
  516. "python-openstackclient",
  517. "python-subunit",
  518. "python-swiftclient",
  519. "tempest-lib",
  520. "testrepository",
  521. "testscenarios",
  522. "testtools",
  523. "virtualenv",
  524. "virtualenv-tools"
  525. ],
  526. "pip_install": [],
  527. "rabbitmq_server": [
  528. "pycrypto"
  529. ],
  530. "repo_build": [
  531. "virtualenv",
  532. "virtualenv-tools",
  533. "wheel"
  534. ]
  535. }
  536. },
  537. "msg": "Loading Packages"
  538. }
  540. TASK: [apt_package_pinning | Add apt pin preferences] *************************
  541. skipping: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  543. TASK: [pip_install | Create pip config directory] *****************************
  544. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/opt)
  545. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/root/.cache)
  546. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/root/.cache/pip)
  548. TASK: [pip_install | Drop pip file(s)] ****************************************
  549. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item={'dest': u'/root/.cache/pip/selfcheck.json', 'src': 'selfcheck.json'})
  551. TASK: [pip_install | Get Modern PIP] ******************************************
  552. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  554. TASK: [pip_install | Get Modern PIP using fallback URL] ***********************
  555. skipping: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  557. TASK: [pip_install | Install PIP] *********************************************
  558. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  560. TASK: [pip_install | Install PIP (fall back mode)] ****************************
  561. skipping: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  563. TASK: [galera_client | Gather variables for each operating system] ************
  564. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/etc/ansible/roles/galera_client/vars/ubuntu-14.04.yml)
  566. TASK: [galera_client | Ensure host can talk to HTTPS apt repos] ***************
  567. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  569. TASK: [galera_client | Add galera apt-keys] ***********************************
  570. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item={'key_name': 'mariadb', 'hash_id': '0xcbcb082a1bb943db', 'keyserver': 'hkp://', 'fallback_keyserver': 'hkp://'})
  572. TASK: [galera_client | Add galera apt-keys using fallback source] *************
  573. skipping: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item={'key_name': 'mariadb', 'hash_id': '0xcbcb082a1bb943db', 'keyserver': 'hkp://', 'fallback_keyserver': 'hkp://'})
  575. TASK: [galera_client | Drop galera repo pin] **********************************
  576. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  578. TASK: [galera_client | Add galera repo(s)] ************************************
  579. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  581. TASK: [galera_client | Check apt last update file] ****************************
  582. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  584. TASK: [galera_client | Update apt if needed] **********************************
  585. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  587. TASK: [galera_client | Install galera packages] *******************************
  588. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=libaio1,libc6,libdbd-mysql-perl,libgcc1,libgcrypt11,libmariadbclient-dev,libssl-dev,libstdc++6,mariadb-client,mariadb-client-core-10.0)
  590. TASK: [galera_client | Install galera packages] *******************************
  591. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=libaio1,libc6,libdbd-mysql-perl,libgcc1,libgcrypt11,libmariadbclient-dev,libssl-dev,libstdc++6,mariadb-client,mariadb-client-core-10.0)
  593. TASK: [galera_client | Install pip packages] **********************************
  594. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=MySQL-python)
  595. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=python-memcached)
  596. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=pycrypto)
  598. TASK: [galera_client | Drop local .my.cnf file] *******************************
  599. skipping: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  601. TASK: [repo_build | Drop lxc-net override file] *******************************
  602. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  604. TASK: [repo_build | Check apt last update file] *******************************
  605. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  607. TASK: [repo_build | Update apt if needed] *************************************
  608. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  610. TASK: [repo_build | Install apt packages] *************************************
  611. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=build-essential,cmake,git,liberasurecode-dev,libffi-dev,libjpeg-dev,libkrb5-dev,libldap2-dev,libmariadbclient-dev,libpq-dev,libsasl2-dev,libsqlite3-dev,libssl-dev,libvirt-dev,libxslt1-dev,lxc-dev,python-dev,swig)
  613. TASK: [repo_build | Create clone process script] ******************************
  614. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  616. TASK: [repo_build | Run clone process script] *********************************
  617. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  619. TASK: [repo_build | Remove clone process script] ******************************
  620. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  622. TASK: [repo_build | Set stripped local requirement names] *********************
  623. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  625. TASK: [repo_build | Set local normalized requirement names] *******************
  626. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  628. TASK: [repo_build | Retrieve upper constraints content] ***********************
  629. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  631. TASK: [repo_build | Set upper constraints] ************************************
  632. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  634. TASK: [repo_build | Set upper constraints] ************************************
  635. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  637. TASK: [repo_build | Install pip packages] *************************************
  638. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=wheel)
  639. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=virtualenv)
  640. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=virtualenv-tools)
  642. TASK: [repo_build | Ensure workspace files are cleaned up] ********************
  643. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/tmp/openstack-builder)
  644. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/tmp/openstack-wheel-output)
  645. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/var/www/repo/os-releases/13.3.4)
  646. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/var/www/repo/pools/index.html)
  648. TASK: [repo_build | Create release directory] *********************************
  649. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/var/www/repo/os-releases/13.3.4)
  650. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/var/www/repo/links)
  652. TASK: [repo_build | Build package requirements file] **************************
  653. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  655. TASK: [repo_build | Build package constraints file] ***************************
  656. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  658. TASK: [repo_build | Create OpenStack-Ansible requirement wheels] **************
  659. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  661. TASK: [repo_build | Index built wheels] ***************************************
  662. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  664. TASK: [repo_build | Create release process script] ****************************
  665. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  667. TASK: [repo_build | Run release process script] *******************************
  668. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  670. TASK: [repo_build | Remove release process script] ****************************
  671. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  673. TASK: [repo_build | Create release manifest] **********************************
  674. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  676. TASK: [repo_build | Create absolute requirements] *****************************
  677. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  679. TASK: [repo_build | Index built wheels] ***************************************
  680. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  682. TASK: [repo_build | Create release index] *************************************
  683. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  685. TASK: [repo_build | Index general links] **************************************
  686. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  688. TASK: [repo_build | Create release index] *************************************
  689. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  691. TASK: [repo_build | Make sure old venv build directories are clean] ***********
  692. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/tmp/openstack-venv-builder)
  694. TASK: [repo_build | Destroy base venvs to rebuild them] ***********************
  695. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  697. TASK: [repo_build | Create venv directory] ************************************
  698. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs)
  699. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/var/www/repo/venvs/13.3.4/ubuntu)
  701. TASK: [repo_build | Get venv command path] ************************************
  702. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  704. TASK: [repo_build | Set virtualenv command path] ******************************
  705. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  707. TASK: [repo_build | Check for created venvs] **********************************
  708. changed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  710. TASK: [repo_build | Set existing venv fact] ***********************************
  711. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  713. TASK: [repo_build | Ensure virtualenv_support is absent] **********************
  714. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/virtualenv_support)
  715. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => (item=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/virtualenv_support)
  717. TASK: [repo_build | Create venv process script] *******************************
  718. ok: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627]
  720. TASK: [repo_build | Run venv process script] **********************************
  721. failed: [p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "bash /opt/", "delta": "0:02:21.164691", "end": "2016-10-07 16:26:30.541132", "rc": 99, "start": "2016-10-07 16:24:09.376441", "warnings": []}
  722. stderr:
  723. function venv_create {
  724. VENV_PATH="$1"
  725. VENV_FILE="$2"
  727. # If the venv working directory already exists remove it
  728. [[ -d "/tmp/${VENV_PATH}" ]] && rm -rf "/tmp/${VENV_PATH}"
  730. # If the pip build directory already exists remove it
  731. [[ -d "/tmp/${VENV_FILE}" ]] && rm -rf "/tmp/${VENV_FILE}"
  733. # Create the virtualenv shell
  734. /usr/local/bin/virtualenv --always-copy --extra-search-dir /var/www/repo/os-releases/13.3.4 --never-download "${VENV_PATH}"
  736. # Create the pip build directory
  737. mkdir -p "/tmp/${VENV_FILE}"
  739. # Activate the python virtual environment for good measure
  740. source "${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate"
  742. # Run the pip install within the venv and specify a specific build directory which
  743. # resolves pip locking issues when run in parallel.
  744. ${VENV_PATH}/bin/pip install --build "/tmp/${VENV_FILE}" --timeout 120 --find-links /var/www/repo/os-releases/13.3.4 --no-index --log /var/log/repo/repo_venv_builder.log $3
  746. # Deactivate the venv for good measure
  747. deactivate
  749. # Find and remove all of the python pyc files
  750. find "${VENV_PATH}" -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete
  752. # Create the archive
  753. tar czf "${VENV_FILE}.tgz" -C "${VENV_PATH}" .
  755. # Create a checksum file for the archive
  756. sha1sum "${VENV_FILE}.tgz" | awk '{print $1}' > "${VENV_FILE}.checksum"
  758. # Remove the working directories
  759. rm -rf "${VENV_PATH}"
  760. rm -rf "/tmp/${VENV_FILE}"
  761. }
  763. # First operation is to sort and set the known os_* roles and create a unique dict.
  764. # NOTE: this is a Jinja loop and will not be rendered within the script. For debugging
  765. # purposes the group data will be rendered as a comment.
  766. # venv to build os_heat
  767. # * packages within the os_heat venv: ['PyMySQL', 'heat', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'pycrypto', 'python-ceilometerclient', 'python-cinderclient', 'python-glanceclient', 'python-heatclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'python-neutronclient', 'python-novaclient', 'python-openstackclient', 'python-swiftclient', 'python-troveclient', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools']
  768. # venv to build os_neutron
  769. # * packages within the os_neutron venv: ['PyMySQL', 'cliff', 'configobj', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'neutron', 'neutron_fwaas', 'neutron_lbaas', 'neutron_vpnaas', 'pycrypto', 'python-glanceclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'python-neutronclient', 'python-novaclient', 'repoze.lru', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools']
  770. # venv to build os_keystone
  771. # * packages within the os_keystone venv: ['PyMySQL', 'argparse', 'httplib2', 'keystone', 'keystonemiddleware', 'ldappool', 'lxml', 'oslo.log', 'oslo.middleware', 'pbr', 'pycrypto', 'pysaml2', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-ldap', 'python-memcached', 'python-openstackclient', 'repoze.lru', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools']
  772. # venv to build os_designate
  773. # * packages within the os_designate venv: ['PyMySQL', 'designate', 'httplib2', 'pycrypto', 'python-designateclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools', 'warlock']
  774. # venv to build os_ironic
  775. # * packages within the os_ironic venv: ['PyMySQL', 'httplib2', 'ironic', 'python-ironicclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-swiftclient', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools']
  776. # venv to build os_swift
  777. # * packages within the os_swift venv: ['ceilometermiddleware', 'dnspython', 'ecdsa', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'pycrypto', 'pyeclib', 'python-cinderclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'python-swiftclient', 'swift', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools']
  778. # venv to build os_nova
  779. # * packages within the os_nova venv: ['PyMySQL', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'libvirt-python', 'nova', 'pycrypto', 'python-cephlibs', 'python-ironicclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'python-novaclient', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools', 'websockify']
  780. # venv to build os_glance
  781. # * packages within the os_glance venv: ['PyMySQL', 'glance', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'pycrypto', 'python-cephlibs', 'python-cinderclient', 'python-glanceclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'python-swiftclient', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools', 'warlock']
  782. # venv to build os_aodh
  783. # * packages within the os_aodh venv: ['aodh', 'ceilometermiddleware', 'httplib2', 'pycrypto', 'pymongo', 'python-ceilometerclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools', 'warlock']
  784. # venv to build os_cinder
  785. # * packages within the os_cinder venv: ['PyMySQL', 'cinder', 'ecdsa', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'pycrypto', 'python-cephlibs', 'python-cinderclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools']
  786. # venv to build os_tempest
  787. # * packages within the os_tempest venv: ['fixtures', 'junitxml', 'nose', 'oslo.concurrency', 'oslo.serialization', 'pyOpenSSL', 'python-ceilometerclient', 'python-cinderclient', 'python-glanceclient', 'python-heatclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'python-neutronclient', 'python-novaclient', 'python-openstackclient', 'python-subunit', 'python-swiftclient', 'tempest-lib', 'testrepository', 'testscenarios', 'testtools', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools']
  788. # venv to build os_horizon
  789. # * packages within the os_horizon venv: ['MySQL-python', 'PyMySQL', 'django-appconf', 'django-openstack-auth', 'greenlet', 'horizon', 'httplib2', 'keystonemiddleware', 'neutron-lbaas-dashboard', 'oslo.config', 'ply', 'pycrypto', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools']
  790. # venv to build os_ceilometer
  791. # * packages within the os_ceilometer venv: ['PyMySQL', 'ceilometer', 'ceilometermiddleware', 'httplib2', 'libvirt-python', 'pycrypto', 'pymongo', 'python-ceilometerclient', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-memcached', 'tooz', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv-tools', 'warlock']
  793. PID=()
  794. # Run the venv create. This will loop over all of the os_group role packages and create a python virtual env.
  795. # Venv creation is done parallel at a count of the known "ansible_processor_count" or using a default of 5.
  796. # This loop will enter the venv build directory and craete tagged venvs in a distrobution directory
  797. # If the venv archive already exists the creation process will be skipped
  798. pushd "/var/www/repo/venvs/13.3.4/ubuntu"
  799. ROLE_VENV_PATH="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/heat"
  800. ROLE_VENV_FILE="heat-13.3.4"
  801. if [ ! -f "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}.tgz" ];then
  802. venv_create "${ROLE_VENV_PATH}" "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}" "PyMySQL heat httplib2 keystonemiddleware pycrypto python-ceilometerclient python-cinderclient python-glanceclient python-heatclient python-keystoneclient python-memcached python-neutronclient python-novaclient python-openstackclient python-swiftclient python-troveclient virtualenv virtualenv-tools" &
  803. pid[1]=$!
  804. fi
  805. unset ROLE_VENV_PATH
  806. unset ROLE_VENV_FILE
  807. ROLE_VENV_PATH="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/nova"
  808. ROLE_VENV_FILE="nova-13.3.4"
  809. if [ ! -f "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}.tgz" ];then
  810. venv_create "${ROLE_VENV_PATH}" "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}" "PyMySQL httplib2 keystonemiddleware libvirt-python nova pycrypto python-cephlibs python-ironicclient python-keystoneclient python-memcached python-novaclient virtualenv virtualenv-tools websockify" &
  811. pid[2]=$!
  812. fi
  813. unset ROLE_VENV_PATH
  814. unset ROLE_VENV_FILE
  815. for job_pid in ${!pid[@]}; do
  816. wait ${pid[$job_pid]} || exit 99
  817. done
  818. # This file must be used with "source bin/activate" *from bash*
  819. # you cannot run it directly
  821. deactivate () {
  822. unset -f pydoc >/dev/null 2>&1
  824. # reset old environment variables
  825. # ! [ -z ${VAR+_} ] returns true if VAR is declared at all
  826. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH+_}" ] ; then
  828. export PATH
  829. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
  830. fi
  831. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  833. export PYTHONHOME
  835. fi
  837. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  838. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  839. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  840. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  841. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  842. fi
  844. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1+_}" ] ; then
  845. PS1="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1"
  846. export PS1
  847. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1
  848. fi
  850. unset VIRTUAL_ENV
  851. if [ ! "${1-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then
  852. # Self destruct!
  853. unset -f deactivate
  854. fi
  855. }
  857. # unset irrelevant variables
  858. deactivate nondestructive
  860. VIRTUAL_ENV="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/heat"
  861. export VIRTUAL_ENV
  864. PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH"
  865. export PATH
  867. # unset PYTHONHOME if set
  868. if ! [ -z "${PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  870. unset PYTHONHOME
  871. fi
  873. if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT-}" ] ; then
  874. _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1="$PS1"
  875. if [ "x" != x ] ; then
  876. PS1="$PS1"
  877. else
  878. PS1="(`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`) $PS1"
  879. fi
  880. export PS1
  881. fi
  882. basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV"
  884. # Make sure to unalias pydoc if it's already there
  885. alias pydoc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && unalias pydoc
  887. pydoc () {
  888. python -m pydoc "$@"
  889. }
  891. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  892. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  893. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  894. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  895. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  896. fi
  897. # This file must be used with "source bin/activate" *from bash*
  898. # you cannot run it directly
  900. deactivate () {
  901. unset -f pydoc >/dev/null 2>&1
  903. # reset old environment variables
  904. # ! [ -z ${VAR+_} ] returns true if VAR is declared at all
  905. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH+_}" ] ; then
  907. export PATH
  908. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
  909. fi
  910. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  912. export PYTHONHOME
  914. fi
  916. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  917. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  918. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  919. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  920. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  921. fi
  923. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1+_}" ] ; then
  924. PS1="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1"
  925. export PS1
  926. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1
  927. fi
  929. unset VIRTUAL_ENV
  930. if [ ! "${1-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then
  931. # Self destruct!
  932. unset -f deactivate
  933. fi
  934. }
  936. # unset irrelevant variables
  937. deactivate nondestructive
  939. VIRTUAL_ENV="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/nova"
  940. export VIRTUAL_ENV
  943. PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH"
  944. export PATH
  946. # unset PYTHONHOME if set
  947. if ! [ -z "${PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  949. unset PYTHONHOME
  950. fi
  952. if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT-}" ] ; then
  953. _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1="$PS1"
  954. if [ "x" != x ] ; then
  955. PS1="$PS1"
  956. else
  957. PS1="(`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`) $PS1"
  958. fi
  959. export PS1
  960. fi
  961. basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV"
  963. # Make sure to unalias pydoc if it's already there
  964. alias pydoc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && unalias pydoc
  966. pydoc () {
  967. python -m pydoc "$@"
  968. }
  970. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  971. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  972. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  973. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  974. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  975. fi
  977. ROLE_VENV_PATH="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/keystone"
  978. ROLE_VENV_FILE="keystone-13.3.4"
  979. if [ ! -f "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}.tgz" ];then
  980. venv_create "${ROLE_VENV_PATH}" "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}" "PyMySQL argparse httplib2 keystone keystonemiddleware ldappool lxml oslo.log oslo.middleware pbr pycrypto pysaml2 python-keystoneclient python-ldap python-memcached python-openstackclient repoze.lru virtualenv virtualenv-tools" &
  981. pid[3]=$!
  982. fi
  983. unset ROLE_VENV_PATH
  984. unset ROLE_VENV_FILE
  985. ROLE_VENV_PATH="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/designate"
  986. ROLE_VENV_FILE="designate-13.3.4"
  987. if [ ! -f "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}.tgz" ];then
  988. venv_create "${ROLE_VENV_PATH}" "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}" "PyMySQL designate httplib2 pycrypto python-designateclient python-keystoneclient python-memcached virtualenv virtualenv-tools warlock" &
  989. pid[4]=$!
  990. fi
  991. unset ROLE_VENV_PATH
  992. unset ROLE_VENV_FILE
  993. for job_pid in ${!pid[@]}; do
  994. wait ${pid[$job_pid]} || exit 99
  995. done
  996. # This file must be used with "source bin/activate" *from bash*
  997. # you cannot run it directly
  999. deactivate () {
  1000. unset -f pydoc >/dev/null 2>&1
  1002. # reset old environment variables
  1003. # ! [ -z ${VAR+_} ] returns true if VAR is declared at all
  1004. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH+_}" ] ; then
  1006. export PATH
  1007. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
  1008. fi
  1009. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1011. export PYTHONHOME
  1013. fi
  1015. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1016. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1017. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1018. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1019. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1020. fi
  1022. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1+_}" ] ; then
  1023. PS1="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1"
  1024. export PS1
  1025. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1
  1026. fi
  1028. unset VIRTUAL_ENV
  1029. if [ ! "${1-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then
  1030. # Self destruct!
  1031. unset -f deactivate
  1032. fi
  1033. }
  1035. # unset irrelevant variables
  1036. deactivate nondestructive
  1038. VIRTUAL_ENV="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/keystone"
  1039. export VIRTUAL_ENV
  1042. PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH"
  1043. export PATH
  1045. # unset PYTHONHOME if set
  1046. if ! [ -z "${PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1048. unset PYTHONHOME
  1049. fi
  1051. if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT-}" ] ; then
  1052. _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1="$PS1"
  1053. if [ "x" != x ] ; then
  1054. PS1="$PS1"
  1055. else
  1056. PS1="(`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`) $PS1"
  1057. fi
  1058. export PS1
  1059. fi
  1060. basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV"
  1062. # Make sure to unalias pydoc if it's already there
  1063. alias pydoc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && unalias pydoc
  1065. pydoc () {
  1066. python -m pydoc "$@"
  1067. }
  1069. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1070. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1071. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1072. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1073. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1074. fi
  1075. # This file must be used with "source bin/activate" *from bash*
  1076. # you cannot run it directly
  1078. deactivate () {
  1079. unset -f pydoc >/dev/null 2>&1
  1081. # reset old environment variables
  1082. # ! [ -z ${VAR+_} ] returns true if VAR is declared at all
  1083. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH+_}" ] ; then
  1085. export PATH
  1086. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
  1087. fi
  1088. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1090. export PYTHONHOME
  1092. fi
  1094. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1095. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1096. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1097. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1098. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1099. fi
  1101. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1+_}" ] ; then
  1102. PS1="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1"
  1103. export PS1
  1104. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1
  1105. fi
  1107. unset VIRTUAL_ENV
  1108. if [ ! "${1-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then
  1109. # Self destruct!
  1110. unset -f deactivate
  1111. fi
  1112. }
  1114. # unset irrelevant variables
  1115. deactivate nondestructive
  1117. VIRTUAL_ENV="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/designate"
  1118. export VIRTUAL_ENV
  1121. PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH"
  1122. export PATH
  1124. # unset PYTHONHOME if set
  1125. if ! [ -z "${PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1127. unset PYTHONHOME
  1128. fi
  1130. if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT-}" ] ; then
  1131. _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1="$PS1"
  1132. if [ "x" != x ] ; then
  1133. PS1="$PS1"
  1134. else
  1135. PS1="(`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`) $PS1"
  1136. fi
  1137. export PS1
  1138. fi
  1139. basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV"
  1141. # Make sure to unalias pydoc if it's already there
  1142. alias pydoc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && unalias pydoc
  1144. pydoc () {
  1145. python -m pydoc "$@"
  1146. }
  1148. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1149. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1150. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1151. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1152. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1153. fi
  1155. ROLE_VENV_PATH="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/ironic"
  1156. ROLE_VENV_FILE="ironic-13.3.4"
  1157. if [ ! -f "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}.tgz" ];then
  1158. venv_create "${ROLE_VENV_PATH}" "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}" "PyMySQL httplib2 ironic python-ironicclient python-keystoneclient python-swiftclient virtualenv virtualenv-tools" &
  1159. pid[5]=$!
  1160. fi
  1161. unset ROLE_VENV_PATH
  1162. unset ROLE_VENV_FILE
  1163. ROLE_VENV_PATH="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/aodh"
  1164. ROLE_VENV_FILE="aodh-13.3.4"
  1165. if [ ! -f "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}.tgz" ];then
  1166. venv_create "${ROLE_VENV_PATH}" "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}" "aodh ceilometermiddleware httplib2 pycrypto pymongo python-ceilometerclient python-keystoneclient python-memcached virtualenv virtualenv-tools warlock" &
  1167. pid[6]=$!
  1168. fi
  1169. unset ROLE_VENV_PATH
  1170. unset ROLE_VENV_FILE
  1171. for job_pid in ${!pid[@]}; do
  1172. wait ${pid[$job_pid]} || exit 99
  1173. done
  1174. # This file must be used with "source bin/activate" *from bash*
  1175. # you cannot run it directly
  1177. deactivate () {
  1178. unset -f pydoc >/dev/null 2>&1
  1180. # reset old environment variables
  1181. # ! [ -z ${VAR+_} ] returns true if VAR is declared at all
  1182. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH+_}" ] ; then
  1184. export PATH
  1185. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
  1186. fi
  1187. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1189. export PYTHONHOME
  1191. fi
  1193. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1194. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1195. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1196. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1197. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1198. fi
  1200. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1+_}" ] ; then
  1201. PS1="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1"
  1202. export PS1
  1203. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1
  1204. fi
  1206. unset VIRTUAL_ENV
  1207. if [ ! "${1-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then
  1208. # Self destruct!
  1209. unset -f deactivate
  1210. fi
  1211. }
  1213. # unset irrelevant variables
  1214. deactivate nondestructive
  1216. VIRTUAL_ENV="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/ironic"
  1217. export VIRTUAL_ENV
  1220. PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH"
  1221. export PATH
  1223. # unset PYTHONHOME if set
  1224. if ! [ -z "${PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1226. unset PYTHONHOME
  1227. fi
  1229. if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT-}" ] ; then
  1230. _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1="$PS1"
  1231. if [ "x" != x ] ; then
  1232. PS1="$PS1"
  1233. else
  1234. PS1="(`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`) $PS1"
  1235. fi
  1236. export PS1
  1237. fi
  1238. basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV"
  1240. # Make sure to unalias pydoc if it's already there
  1241. alias pydoc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && unalias pydoc
  1243. pydoc () {
  1244. python -m pydoc "$@"
  1245. }
  1247. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1248. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1249. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1250. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1251. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1252. fi
  1253. # This file must be used with "source bin/activate" *from bash*
  1254. # you cannot run it directly
  1256. deactivate () {
  1257. unset -f pydoc >/dev/null 2>&1
  1259. # reset old environment variables
  1260. # ! [ -z ${VAR+_} ] returns true if VAR is declared at all
  1261. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH+_}" ] ; then
  1263. export PATH
  1264. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
  1265. fi
  1266. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1268. export PYTHONHOME
  1270. fi
  1272. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1273. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1274. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1275. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1276. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1277. fi
  1279. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1+_}" ] ; then
  1280. PS1="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1"
  1281. export PS1
  1282. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1
  1283. fi
  1285. unset VIRTUAL_ENV
  1286. if [ ! "${1-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then
  1287. # Self destruct!
  1288. unset -f deactivate
  1289. fi
  1290. }
  1292. # unset irrelevant variables
  1293. deactivate nondestructive
  1295. VIRTUAL_ENV="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/aodh"
  1296. export VIRTUAL_ENV
  1299. PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH"
  1300. export PATH
  1302. # unset PYTHONHOME if set
  1303. if ! [ -z "${PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1305. unset PYTHONHOME
  1306. fi
  1308. if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT-}" ] ; then
  1309. _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1="$PS1"
  1310. if [ "x" != x ] ; then
  1311. PS1="$PS1"
  1312. else
  1313. PS1="(`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`) $PS1"
  1314. fi
  1315. export PS1
  1316. fi
  1317. basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV"
  1319. # Make sure to unalias pydoc if it's already there
  1320. alias pydoc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && unalias pydoc
  1322. pydoc () {
  1323. python -m pydoc "$@"
  1324. }
  1326. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1327. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1328. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1329. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1330. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1331. fi
  1333. ROLE_VENV_PATH="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/neutron"
  1334. ROLE_VENV_FILE="neutron-13.3.4"
  1335. if [ ! -f "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}.tgz" ];then
  1336. venv_create "${ROLE_VENV_PATH}" "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}" "PyMySQL cliff configobj httplib2 keystonemiddleware neutron neutron_fwaas neutron_lbaas neutron_vpnaas pycrypto python-glanceclient python-keystoneclient python-memcached python-neutronclient python-novaclient repoze.lru virtualenv virtualenv-tools" &
  1337. pid[7]=$!
  1338. fi
  1339. unset ROLE_VENV_PATH
  1340. unset ROLE_VENV_FILE
  1341. ROLE_VENV_PATH="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/cinder"
  1342. ROLE_VENV_FILE="cinder-13.3.4"
  1343. if [ ! -f "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}.tgz" ];then
  1344. venv_create "${ROLE_VENV_PATH}" "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}" "PyMySQL cinder ecdsa httplib2 keystonemiddleware pycrypto python-cephlibs python-cinderclient python-keystoneclient python-memcached virtualenv virtualenv-tools" &
  1345. pid[8]=$!
  1346. fi
  1347. unset ROLE_VENV_PATH
  1348. unset ROLE_VENV_FILE
  1349. for job_pid in ${!pid[@]}; do
  1350. wait ${pid[$job_pid]} || exit 99
  1351. done
  1352. # This file must be used with "source bin/activate" *from bash*
  1353. # you cannot run it directly
  1355. deactivate () {
  1356. unset -f pydoc >/dev/null 2>&1
  1358. # reset old environment variables
  1359. # ! [ -z ${VAR+_} ] returns true if VAR is declared at all
  1360. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH+_}" ] ; then
  1362. # This file must be used with "source bin/activate" *from bash*
  1363. # you cannot run it directly
  1365. export PATH
  1366. deactivate () {
  1367. unset -f pydoc >/dev/null 2>&1
  1368. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
  1369. fi
  1371. # reset old environment variables
  1372. # ! [ -z ${VAR+_} ] returns true if VAR is declared at all
  1373. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1374. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH+_}" ] ; then
  1377. export PATH
  1378. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
  1379. export PYTHONHOME
  1380. fi
  1381. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1384. export PYTHONHOME
  1385. fi
  1388. fi
  1390. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1391. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1392. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1393. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1394. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1395. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1396. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1397. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1398. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1399. fi
  1401. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1+_}" ] ; then
  1402. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1403. PS1="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1"
  1404. export PS1
  1405. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1
  1406. fi
  1407. fi
  1410. unset VIRTUAL_ENV
  1411. if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1+_}" ] ; then
  1412. if [ ! "${1-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then
  1413. # Self destruct!
  1414. unset -f deactivate
  1415. PS1="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1"
  1416. fi
  1417. }
  1418. export PS1
  1419. unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1
  1420. fi
  1422. unset VIRTUAL_ENV
  1423. if [ ! "${1-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then
  1424. # Self destruct!
  1425. unset -f deactivate
  1427. # unset irrelevant variables
  1428. deactivate nondestructive
  1429. fi
  1430. }
  1432. # unset irrelevant variables
  1433. deactivate nondestructive
  1435. VIRTUAL_ENV="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/cinder"
  1436. export VIRTUAL_ENV
  1439. PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH"
  1440. export PATH
  1442. # unset PYTHONHOME if set
  1443. if ! [ -z "${PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1445. unset PYTHONHOME
  1446. fi
  1448. if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT-}" ] ; then
  1449. _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1="$PS1"
  1450. if [ "x" != x ] ; then
  1451. PS1="$PS1"
  1452. else
  1453. PS1="(`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`) $PS1"
  1454. fi
  1455. export PS1
  1456. fi
  1458. VIRTUAL_ENV="/tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/neutron"
  1459. export VIRTUAL_ENV
  1462. PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH"
  1463. export PATH
  1465. # unset PYTHONHOME if set
  1466. if ! [ -z "${PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then
  1468. unset PYTHONHOME
  1469. fi
  1471. basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV"
  1472. if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT-}" ] ; then
  1473. _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1="$PS1"
  1474. if [ "x" != x ] ; then
  1475. PS1="$PS1"
  1476. else
  1477. PS1="(`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`) $PS1"
  1478. fi
  1479. export PS1
  1480. fi
  1481. basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV"
  1483. # Make sure to unalias pydoc if it's already there
  1484. alias pydoc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && unalias pydoc
  1486. pydoc () {
  1487. python -m pydoc "$@"
  1488. }
  1490. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1491. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1492. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1493. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1494. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1495. fi
  1497. # Make sure to unalias pydoc if it's already there
  1498. alias pydoc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && unalias pydoc
  1500. pydoc () {
  1501. python -m pydoc "$@"
  1502. }
  1504. # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must
  1505. # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting
  1506. # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected
  1507. if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then
  1508. hash -r 2>/dev/null
  1509. fi
  1510. Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cryptography>=1.3.4 (from pyOpenSSL>=0.14->neutron_lbaas) (from versions: 1.2.3)
  1511. No matching distribution found for cryptography>=1.3.4 (from pyOpenSSL>=0.14->neutron_lbaas)
  1512. stdout: /var/www/repo/venvs/13.3.4/ubuntu ~
  1513. New python executable in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/nova/bin/python
  1514. Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...New python executable in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/heat/bin/python
  1515. Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
  1516. done.
  1517. Ignoring indexes:
  1518. Collecting PyMySQL
  1519. Ignoring indexes:
  1520. Collecting PyMySQL
  1521. Collecting heat
  1522. Collecting httplib2
  1523. Collecting keystonemiddleware
  1524. Collecting libvirt-python
  1525. Collecting nova
  1526. Collecting httplib2
  1527. Collecting keystonemiddleware
  1528. Collecting pycrypto
  1529. Collecting python-ceilometerclient
  1530. Collecting python-cinderclient
  1531. Collecting pycrypto
  1532. Collecting python-glanceclient
  1533. Collecting python-cephlibs
  1534. Collecting python-ironicclient
  1535. Collecting python-heatclient
  1536. Collecting python-keystoneclient
  1537. Collecting python-keystoneclient
  1538. Collecting python-memcached
  1539. Collecting python-novaclient
  1540. Collecting python-memcached
  1541. Collecting python-neutronclient
  1542. Collecting virtualenv
  1543. Collecting python-novaclient
  1544. Collecting virtualenv-tools
  1545. Collecting websockify
  1546. Collecting python-openstackclient
  1547. Collecting requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1548. Collecting python-swiftclient
  1549. Collecting positional>=1.0.1 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1550. Collecting python-troveclient
  1551. Collecting oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1552. Collecting virtualenv
  1553. Collecting oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1554. Collecting virtualenv-tools
  1555. Collecting WebOb>=1.2.3 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1556. Collecting oslo.cache>=1.5.0 (from heat)
  1557. Collecting six>=1.9.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1558. Collecting PasteDeploy>=1.5.0 (from heat)
  1559. Collecting pbr>=1.6 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1560. Collecting cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0 (from heat)
  1561. Collecting oslo.context>=0.2.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1562. Collecting pycadf!=2.0.0,>=1.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1563. Collecting oslo.db>=4.1.0 (from heat)
  1564. Collecting oslo.config>=3.7.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1565. Collecting debtcollector>=1.2.0 (from heat)
  1566. Collecting oslo.utils>=3.5.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1567. Collecting sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6 (from heat)
  1568. Collecting keystoneauth1>=2.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1569. Collecting Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,!=2.3.0,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7" (from heat)
  1570. Collecting oslo.cache>=1.5.0 (from nova)
  1571. Collecting python-senlinclient>=0.3.0 (from heat)
  1572. Collecting PasteDeploy>=1.5.0 (from nova)
  1573. Collecting PyYAML>=3.1.0 (from heat)
  1574. Collecting cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0 (from nova)
  1575. Collecting python-manilaclient>=1.3.0 (from heat)
  1576. Collecting oslo.db>=4.1.0 (from nova)
  1577. Collecting osprofiler>=1.1.0 (from heat)
  1578. Collecting python-designateclient>=1.5.0 (from heat)
  1579. Collecting sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6 (from nova)
  1580. Collecting python-magnumclient>=0.2.1 (from heat)
  1581. Collecting Paste (from nova)
  1582. Collecting six>=1.9.0 (from heat)
  1583. Collecting os-brick!=1.4.0,>=1.0.0 (from nova)
  1584. Collecting requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 (from heat)
  1585. Collecting Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,!=2.3.0,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7" (from nova)
  1586. Collecting python-zaqarclient>=0.3.0 (from heat)
  1587. Collecting Jinja2>=2.8 (from nova)
  1588. Collecting croniter>=0.3.4 (from heat)
  1589. Collecting psutil<2.0.0,>=1.1.1 (from nova)
  1590. Collecting oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 (from heat)
  1591. Collecting boto>=2.32.1 (from nova)
  1592. Collecting python-saharaclient>=0.13.0 (from heat)
  1593. Collecting oslo.service>=1.0.0 (from heat)
  1594. Collecting netifaces>=0.10.4 (from nova)
  1595. Collecting oslo.rootwrap>=2.0.0 (from nova)
  1596. Collecting stevedore>=1.5.0 (from heat)
  1597. Collecting stevedore>=1.5.0 (from nova)
  1598. Collecting SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 (from heat)
  1599. Collecting oslo.service>=1.0.0 (from nova)
  1600. Collecting oslo.context>=0.2.0 (from heat)
  1601. Collecting rfc3986>=0.2.0 (from nova)
  1602. Collecting eventlet!=0.18.3,>=0.18.2 (from heat)
  1603. Collecting SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 (from nova)
  1604. Collecting retrying!=1.3.0,>=1.2.3 (from heat)
  1605. Collecting python-barbicanclient>=3.3.0 (from heat)
  1606. Collecting python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0 (from nova)
  1607. Collecting oslo.versionedobjects>=1.5.0 (from heat)
  1608. Collecting eventlet!=0.18.3,>=0.18.2 (from nova)
  1609. Collecting oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 (from heat)
  1610. Collecting paramiko>=1.16.0 (from nova)
  1611. Collecting oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1 (from heat)
  1612. Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools!=24.0.0,>=16.0 in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/nova/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from nova)
  1613. Collecting oslo.versionedobjects>=1.5.0 (from nova)
  1614. Collecting WebOb>=1.2.3 (from heat)
  1615. Collecting python-mistralclient>=1.0.0 (from heat)
  1616. Collecting alembic>=0.8.0 (from nova)
  1617. Collecting oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 (from heat)
  1618. Collecting python-cinderclient>=1.3.1 (from nova)
  1619. Collecting pytz>=2013.6 (from heat)
  1620. Collecting jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 (from nova)
  1621. Collecting oslo.messaging>=4.0.0 (from heat)
  1622. Collecting oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1 (from nova)
  1623. Collecting oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 (from nova)
  1624. Collecting lxml>=2.3 (from heat)
  1625. Collecting python-glanceclient>=2.0.0 (from nova)
  1626. Collecting oslo.utils>=3.5.0 (from heat)
  1627. Collecting decorator>=3.4.0 (from nova)
  1628. Collecting os-win>=0.2.3 (from nova)
  1629. Collecting greenlet>=0.3.2 (from heat)
  1630. Collecting oslo.messaging>=4.0.0 (from nova)
  1631. Collecting oslo.reports>=0.6.0 (from heat)
  1632. Collecting oslo.log>=1.14.0 (from heat)
  1633. Collecting lxml>=2.3 (from nova)
  1634. Collecting oslo.policy>=0.5.0 (from heat)
  1635. Collecting iso8601>=0.1.9 (from nova)
  1636. Collecting pbr>=1.6 (from heat)
  1637. Collecting oslo.reports>=0.6.0 (from nova)
  1638. Collecting netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 (from heat)
  1639. Collecting greenlet>=0.3.2 (from nova)
  1640. Collecting oslo.config>=3.7.0 (from heat)
  1641. Collecting castellan>=0.3.1 (from nova)
  1642. Collecting Babel!=2.3.0,!=2.3.1,!=2.3.2,!=2.3.3,>=1.3 (from heat)
  1643. Collecting oslo.log>=1.14.0 (from nova)
  1644. Collecting oslo.policy>=0.5.0 (from nova)
  1645. Collecting PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7 (from nova)
  1646. Collecting netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 (from nova)
  1647. Collecting positional>=1.0.1 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1648. Collecting Babel!=2.3.0,!=2.3.1,!=2.3.2,!=2.3.3,>=1.3 (from nova)
  1649. Collecting pycadf!=2.0.0,>=1.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1650. Collecting keystoneauth1>=2.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1651. Collecting PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7 (from python-ceilometerclient)
  1652. Collecting iso8601>=0.1.9 (from python-ceilometerclient)
  1653. Collecting dogpile.cache>=0.5.7 (from python-ironicclient)
  1654. Collecting simplejson>=2.2.0 (from python-cinderclient)
  1655. Collecting appdirs>=1.3.0 (from python-ironicclient)
  1656. Collecting python-openstackclient>=2.1.0 (from python-ironicclient)
  1657. Collecting warlock<2,>=1.0.1 (from python-glanceclient)
  1658. Collecting cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0 (from python-heatclient)
  1659. Collecting cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0 (from python-ironicclient)
  1660. Collecting os-client-config>=1.13.1 (from python-neutronclient)
  1661. Collecting debtcollector>=1.2.0 (from python-keystoneclient)
  1662. Collecting openstacksdk>=0.8.1 (from python-openstackclient)
  1663. Collecting simplejson>=2.2.0 (from python-novaclient)
  1664. Collecting numpy (from websockify)
  1665. Collecting futures>=2.1.3 (from python-swiftclient)
  1666. Collecting dogpile.cache>=0.5.7 (from oslo.cache>=1.5.0->heat)
  1667. Collecting pyasn1>=0.1.8 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->heat)
  1668. Collecting idna>=2.0 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->heat)
  1669. Collecting enum34 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->heat)
  1670. Collecting msgpack-python>=0.4.0 (from oslo.serialization>=1.10.0->keystonemiddleware)
  1671. Collecting ipaddress (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->heat)
  1672. Collecting pytz>=2013.6 (from oslo.serialization>=1.10.0->keystonemiddleware)
  1673. Collecting cffi>=1.4.1 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->heat)
  1674. Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools>=1.0 in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/heat/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->heat)
  1675. Collecting alembic>=0.8.0 (from oslo.db>=4.1.0->heat)
  1676. Collecting funcsigs>=0.4; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->keystonemiddleware)
  1677. Collecting wrapt>=1.7.0 (from debtcollector>=1.2.0->heat)
  1678. Collecting monotonic>=0.6 (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->keystonemiddleware)
  1679. Collecting pyasn1>=0.1.8 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->nova)
  1680. Collecting funcsigs>=0.4; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from debtcollector>=1.2.0->heat)
  1681. Collecting idna>=2.0 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->nova)
  1682. Collecting sqlparse (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->heat)
  1683. Collecting enum34 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->nova)
  1684. Collecting decorator (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->heat)
  1685. Collecting ipaddress (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->nova)
  1686. Collecting Tempita>=0.4 (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->heat)
  1687. Collecting cffi>=1.4.1 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->nova)
  1688. Collecting repoze.lru>=0.3 (from Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,!=2.3.0,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7"->heat)
  1689. Collecting sqlparse (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->nova)
  1690. Collecting Tempita>=0.4 (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->nova)
  1691. Collecting jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 (from python-designateclient>=1.5.0->heat)
  1692. Collecting retrying!=1.3.0,>=1.2.3 (from os-brick!=1.4.0,>=1.0.0->nova)
  1693. Collecting python-dateutil (from croniter>=0.3.4->heat)
  1694. Collecting repoze.lru>=0.3 (from Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,!=2.3.0,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7"->nova)
  1695. Collecting monotonic>=0.6 (from oslo.service>=1.0.0->heat)
  1696. Collecting MarkupSafe (from Jinja2>=2.8->nova)
  1697. Collecting Paste (from oslo.service>=1.0.0->heat)
  1698. Collecting os-client-config>=1.13.1 (from python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0->nova)
  1699. Collecting msgpack-python>=0.4.0 (from oslo.serialization>=1.10.0->heat)
  1700. Collecting Mako (from alembic>=0.8.0->nova)
  1701. Collecting python-editor>=0.3 (from alembic>=0.8.0->nova)
  1702. Collecting fasteners>=0.7 (from oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1->heat)
  1703. Collecting functools32; python_version == "2.7" (from jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0->nova)
  1704. Collecting Jinja2>=2.8 (from oslo.middleware>=3.0.0->heat)
  1705. Collecting fasteners>=0.7 (from oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1->nova)
  1706. Collecting amqp>=1.4.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->heat)
  1707. Collecting warlock<2,>=1.0.1 (from python-glanceclient>=2.0.0->nova)
  1708. Collecting pika>=0.10.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->heat)
  1709. Collecting PyYAML>=3.1.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->nova)
  1710. Collecting kombu>=3.0.25 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->heat)
  1711. Collecting amqp>=1.4.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->nova)
  1712. Collecting pika>=0.10.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->nova)
  1713. Collecting cachetools>=1.0.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->heat)
  1714. Collecting kombu>=3.0.25 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->nova)
  1715. Collecting futurist>=0.11.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->heat)
  1716. Collecting pika-pool>=0.1.3 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->heat)
  1717. Collecting cachetools>=1.0.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->nova)
  1718. Collecting futures>=3.0; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->nova)
  1719. Collecting netifaces>=0.10.4 (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->heat)
  1720. Collecting futurist>=0.11.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->nova)
  1721. Collecting psutil<2.0.0,>=1.1.1 (from oslo.reports>=0.6.0->heat)
  1722. Collecting pika-pool>=0.1.3 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->nova)
  1723. Collecting pyinotify>=0.9.6; sys_platform != "win32" and sys_platform != "darwin" and sys_platform != "sunos5" (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->heat)
  1724. Collecting python-dateutil>=2.4.2 (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->nova)
  1725. Collecting jsonpatch<2,>=0.10 (from warlock<2,>=1.0.1->python-glanceclient)
  1726. Collecting pyinotify>=0.9.6; sys_platform != "win32" and sys_platform != "darwin" and sys_platform != "sunos5" (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->nova)
  1727. Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.1 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-heatclient)
  1728. Collecting dogpile.core>=0.4.1 (from dogpile.cache>=0.5.7->python-ironicclient)
  1729. Collecting cmd2>=0.6.7 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-heatclient)
  1730. Collecting openstacksdk>=0.8.1 (from python-openstackclient>=2.1.0->python-ironicclient)
  1731. Collecting unicodecsv>=0.8.0 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-heatclient)
  1732. Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.1 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-ironicclient)
  1733. Collecting appdirs>=1.3.0 (from os-client-config>=1.13.1->python-neutronclient)
  1734. Collecting requestsexceptions>=1.1.1 (from os-client-config>=1.13.1->python-neutronclient)
  1735. Collecting cmd2>=0.6.7 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-ironicclient)
  1736. Collecting dogpile.core>=0.4.1 (from dogpile.cache>=0.5.7->oslo.cache>=1.5.0->heat)
  1737. Collecting unicodecsv>=0.8.0 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-ironicclient)
  1738. Collecting wrapt>=1.7.0 (from debtcollector>=1.2.0->python-keystoneclient)
  1739. Collecting pycparser (from cffi>=1.4.1->cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->heat)
  1740. Collecting pycparser (from cffi>=1.4.1->cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->nova)
  1741. Collecting Mako (from alembic>=0.8.0->oslo.db>=4.1.0->heat)
  1742. Collecting requestsexceptions>=1.1.1 (from os-client-config>=1.13.1->python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0->nova)
  1743. Collecting python-editor>=0.3 (from alembic>=0.8.0->oslo.db>=4.1.0->heat)
  1744. Collecting jsonpatch<2,>=0.10 (from warlock<2,>=1.0.1->python-glanceclient>=2.0.0->nova)
  1745. Collecting anyjson>=0.3.3 (from kombu>=3.0.25->oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->nova)
  1746. Collecting functools32; python_version == "2.7" (from jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0->python-designateclient>=1.5.0->heat)
  1747. Collecting contextlib2>=0.4.0 (from futurist>=0.11.0->oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->nova)
  1748. Collecting MarkupSafe (from Jinja2>=2.8->oslo.middleware>=3.0.0->heat)
  1749. Collecting jsonpointer>=1.9 (from jsonpatch<2,>=0.10->warlock<2,>=1.0.1->python-glanceclient>=2.0.0->nova)
  1750. Installing collected packages: PyMySQL, httplib2, requests, pbr, positional, six, msgpack-python, pytz, Babel, netifaces, funcsigs, oslo.i18n, wrapt, debtcollector, monotonic, netaddr, iso8601, oslo.utils, oslo.serialization, WebOb, stevedore, PrettyTable, oslo.config, keystoneauth1, python-keystoneclient, oslo.context, pycadf, keystonemiddleware, libvirt-python, dogpile.core, dogpile.cache, python-dateutil, pyinotify, oslo.log, oslo.cache, PasteDeploy, pyasn1, idna, enum34, ipaddress, pycparser, cffi, cryptography, MarkupSafe, Mako, SQLAlchemy, python-editor, alembic, sqlparse, decorator, Tempita, sqlalchemy-migrate, oslo.db, Paste, fasteners, retrying, oslo.concurrency, greenlet, eventlet, repoze.lru, Routes, oslo.service, os-brick, Jinja2, pycrypto, psutil, boto, oslo.rootwrap, numpy, websockify, rfc3986, simplejson, pyparsing, cmd2, unicodecsv, PyYAML, cliff, appdirs, requestsexceptions, os-client-config, python-neutronclient, paramiko, amqp, pika, anyjson, kombu, cachetools, oslo.middleware, futures, contextlib2, futurist, pika-pool, oslo.messaging, oslo.versionedobjects, python-cinderclient, functools32, jsonschema, jsonpointer, jsonpatch, warlock, python-glanceclient, os-win, lxml, oslo.reports, oslo.policy, castellan, nova, python-cephlibs, python-novaclient, openstacksdk, python-openstackclient, python-ironicclient, python-memcached, virtualenv, virtualenv-tools
  1751. Collecting anyjson>=0.3.3 (from kombu>=3.0.25->oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->heat)
  1752. Collecting contextlib2>=0.4.0 (from futurist>=0.11.0->oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->heat)
  1753. Collecting jsonpointer>=1.9 (from jsonpatch<2,>=0.10->warlock<2,>=1.0.1->python-glanceclient)
  1754. Installing collected packages: PyMySQL, six, dogpile.core, dogpile.cache, pytz, Babel, wrapt, pbr, funcsigs, debtcollector, python-dateutil, msgpack-python, netifaces, oslo.i18n, monotonic, netaddr, iso8601, oslo.utils, oslo.serialization, pyinotify, oslo.context, stevedore, oslo.config, oslo.log, oslo.cache, PasteDeploy, pyasn1, idna, enum34, ipaddress, pycparser, cffi, cryptography, MarkupSafe, Mako, SQLAlchemy, python-editor, alembic, sqlparse, decorator, Tempita, sqlalchemy-migrate, oslo.db, repoze.lru, Routes, requests, futures, python-swiftclient, simplejson, PrettyTable, positional, keystoneauth1, python-keystoneclient, python-cinderclient, python-novaclient, jsonpointer, jsonpatch, functools32, jsonschema, warlock, python-glanceclient, appdirs, requestsexceptions, PyYAML, os-client-config, openstacksdk, pyparsing, cmd2, unicodecsv, cliff, python-openstackclient, python-heatclient, python-senlinclient, python-ceilometerclient, pycrypto, python-manilaclient, WebOb, osprofiler, python-designateclient, python-magnumclient, python-zaqarclient, croniter, python-saharaclient, greenlet, fasteners, retrying, oslo.concurrency, Paste, eventlet, oslo.service, python-barbicanclient, amqp, pika, anyjson, kombu, cachetools, Jinja2, oslo.middleware, contextlib2, futurist, pika-pool, oslo.messaging, oslo.versionedobjects, python-mistralclient, python-troveclient, python-neutronclient, lxml, psutil, oslo.reports, pycadf, keystonemiddleware, oslo.policy, heat, httplib2, python-memcached, virtualenv, virtualenv-tools
  1755. Successfully installed Babel-2.2.0 Jinja2-2.8 Mako-1.0.3 MarkupSafe-0.23 Paste-2.0.2 PasteDeploy-1.5.2 PrettyTable-0.7.2 PyMySQL-0.7.2 PyYAML-3.12 Routes-2.2 SQLAlchemy-1.0.12 Tempita-0.5.2 WebOb-1.5.1 alembic-0.8.4 amqp-1.4.9 anyjson-0.3.3 appdirs-1.4.0 cachetools-1.1.5 cffi-1.5.2 cliff-2.0.0 cmd2-0.6.8 contextlib2-0.5.1 croniter-0.3.11 cryptography-1.2.3 debtcollector-1.3.0 decorator-4.0.9 dogpile.cache-0.5.7 dogpile.core-0.4.1 enum34-1.1.2 eventlet-0.18.4 fasteners-0.14.1 funcsigs-0.4 functools32-3.2.3.post2 futures-3.0.5 futurist-0.13.0 greenlet-0.4.9 heat-6.1.0 httplib2-0.9.2 idna-2.0 ipaddress-1.0.16 iso8601-0.1.11 jsonpatch-1.13 jsonpointer-1.10 jsonschema-2.5.1 keystoneauth1-2.4.1 keystonemiddleware-4.4.1 kombu-3.0.34 lxml-3.5.0 monotonic-0.6 msgpack-python-0.4.7 netaddr-0.7.18 netifaces-0.10.4 openstacksdk-0.8.1 os-client-config-1.16.0 oslo.cache-1.6.0 oslo.concurrency-3.7.1 oslo.config-3.9.0 oslo.context-2.2.0 oslo.db-4.7.1 oslo.i18n-3.5.0 oslo.log-3.3.0 oslo.messaging-4.6.1 oslo.middleware-3.8.0 oslo.policy-1.6.0 oslo.reports-1.7.0 oslo.serialization-2.4.0 oslo.service-1.8.0 oslo.utils-3.8.0 oslo.versionedobjects-1.8.0 osprofiler-1.2.0 pbr-1.8.1 pika-0.10.0 pika-pool-0.1.3 positional-1.0.1 psutil-1.2.1 pyasn1-0.1.9 pycadf-2.2.0 pycparser-2.14 pycrypto-2.6.1 pyinotify-0.9.6 pyparsing-2.1.0 python-barbicanclient-4.0.1 python-ceilometerclient-2.4.0 python-cinderclient-1.6.0 python-dateutil-2.5.0 python-designateclient-2.1.0 python-editor-0.5 python-glanceclient-2.0.1 python-heatclient-1.1.0 python-keystoneclient-2.3.1 python-magnumclient-2.0.0 python-manilaclient-1.8.1 python-memcached-1.57 python-mistralclient-2.0.0 python-neutronclient-4.1.1 python-novaclient-3.3.1 python-openstackclient-2.3.0 python-saharaclient-0.14.1 python-senlinclient-0.4.1 python-swiftclient-3.0.0 python-troveclient-2.1.2 python-zaqarclient-1.0.0 pytz-2015.7 repoze.lru-0.6 requests-2.11.1 requestsexceptions-1.1.3 retrying-1.3.3 simplejson-3.8.2 six-1.10.0 sqlalchemy-migrate-0.10.0 sqlparse-0.1.18 stevedore-1.12.0 unicodecsv-0.14.1 virtualenv-14.0.6 virtualenv-tools-1.0 warlock-1.2.0 wrapt-1.10.6
  1756. Successfully installed Babel-2.2.0 Jinja2-2.8 Mako-1.0.3 MarkupSafe-0.23 Paste-2.0.2 PasteDeploy-1.5.2 PrettyTable-0.7.2 PyMySQL-0.7.2 PyYAML-3.12 Routes-2.2 SQLAlchemy-1.0.12 Tempita-0.5.2 WebOb-1.5.1 alembic-0.8.4 amqp-1.4.9 anyjson-0.3.3 appdirs-1.4.0 boto-2.39.0 cachetools-1.1.5 castellan-0.4.0 cffi-1.5.2 cliff-2.0.0 cmd2-0.6.8 contextlib2-0.5.1 cryptography-1.2.3 debtcollector-1.3.0 decorator-4.0.9 dogpile.cache-0.5.7 dogpile.core-0.4.1 enum34-1.1.2 eventlet-0.18.4 fasteners-0.14.1 funcsigs-0.4 functools32-3.2.3.post2 futures-3.0.5 futurist-0.13.0 greenlet-0.4.9 httplib2-0.9.2 idna-2.0 ipaddress-1.0.16 iso8601-0.1.11 jsonpatch-1.13 jsonpointer-1.10 jsonschema-2.5.1 keystoneauth1-2.4.1 keystonemiddleware-4.4.1 kombu-3.0.34 libvirt-python-1.3.2 lxml-3.5.0 monotonic-0.6 msgpack-python-0.4.7 netaddr-0.7.18 netifaces-0.10.4 nova-13.1.2.dev17 numpy-1.10.4 openstacksdk-0.8.1 os-brick-1.2.0 os-client-config-1.16.0 os-win-0.4.2 oslo.cache-1.6.0 oslo.concurrency-3.7.1 oslo.config-3.9.0 oslo.context-2.2.0 oslo.db-4.7.1 oslo.i18n-3.5.0 oslo.log-3.3.0 oslo.messaging-4.6.1 oslo.middleware-3.8.0 oslo.policy-1.6.0 oslo.reports-1.7.0 oslo.rootwrap-4.1.0 oslo.serialization-2.4.0 oslo.service-1.8.0 oslo.utils-3.8.0 oslo.versionedobjects-1.8.0 paramiko-2.0.2 pbr-1.8.1 pika-0.10.0 pika-pool-0.1.3 positional-1.0.1 psutil-1.2.1 pyasn1-0.1.9 pycadf-2.2.0 pycparser-2.14 pycrypto-2.6.1 pyinotify-0.9.6 pyparsing-2.1.0 python-cephlibs-0.94.5.post1 python-cinderclient-1.6.0 python-dateutil-2.5.0 python-editor-0.5 python-glanceclient-2.0.1 python-ironicclient-1.3.1 python-keystoneclient-2.3.1 python-memcached-1.57 python-neutronclient-4.1.1 python-novaclient-3.3.1 python-openstackclient-2.3.0 pytz-2015.7 repoze.lru-0.6 requests-2.11.1 requestsexceptions-1.1.3 retrying-1.3.3 rfc3986-0.3.1 simplejson-3.8.2 six-1.10.0 sqlalchemy-migrate-0.10.0 sqlparse-0.1.18 stevedore-1.12.0 unicodecsv-0.14.1 virtualenv-14.0.6 virtualenv-tools-1.0 warlock-1.2.0 websockify-0.8.0 wrapt-1.10.6
  1757. New python executable in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/keystone/bin/python
  1758. Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...New python executable in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/designate/bin/python
  1759. Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
  1760. done.
  1761. Ignoring indexes:
  1762. Collecting PyMySQL
  1763. Ignoring indexes:
  1764. Collecting PyMySQL
  1765. Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): argparse in /usr/lib/python2.7
  1766. Collecting httplib2
  1767. Collecting designate
  1768. Collecting keystone
  1769. Collecting httplib2
  1770. Collecting pycrypto
  1771. Collecting keystonemiddleware
  1772. Collecting python-designateclient
  1773. Collecting ldappool
  1774. Collecting python-keystoneclient
  1775. Collecting lxml
  1776. Collecting python-memcached
  1777. Collecting oslo.log
  1778. Collecting virtualenv
  1779. Collecting virtualenv-tools
  1780. Collecting oslo.middleware
  1781. Collecting warlock
  1782. Collecting pbr
  1783. Collecting tooz>=1.28.0 (from designate)
  1784. Collecting pycrypto
  1785. Collecting PasteDeploy>=1.5.0 (from designate)
  1786. Collecting pysaml2
  1787. Collecting oslo.db>=4.1.0 (from designate)
  1788. Collecting python-keystoneclient
  1789. Collecting debtcollector>=1.2.0 (from designate)
  1790. Collecting python-ldap
  1791. Collecting sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6 (from designate)
  1792. Collecting python-memcached
  1793. Collecting Paste (from designate)
  1794. Collecting python-openstackclient
  1795. Collecting Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,!=2.3.0,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7" (from designate)
  1796. Collecting repoze.lru
  1797. Collecting Jinja2>=2.8 (from designate)
  1798. Collecting virtualenv
  1799. Collecting requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 (from designate)
  1800. Collecting virtualenv-tools
  1801. Collecting oslo.rootwrap>=2.0.0 (from designate)
  1802. Collecting oslo.cache>=1.5.0 (from keystone)
  1803. Collecting oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 (from designate)
  1804. Collecting PasteDeploy>=1.5.0 (from keystone)
  1805. Collecting stevedore>=1.5.0 (from designate)
  1806. Collecting cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0 (from keystone)
  1807. Collecting six>=1.9.0 (from designate)
  1808. Collecting oslo.service>=1.0.0 (from designate)
  1809. Collecting oslo.db>=4.1.0 (from keystone)
  1810. Collecting pecan>=1.0.0 (from designate)
  1811. Collecting oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 (from keystone)
  1812. Collecting SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 (from designate)
  1813. Collecting sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6 (from keystone)
  1814. Collecting Paste (from keystone)
  1815. Collecting oslo.context>=0.2.0 (from designate)
  1816. Collecting eventlet!=0.18.3,>=0.18.2 (from designate)
  1817. Collecting Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,!=2.3.0,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7" (from keystone)
  1818. Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools!=24.0.0,>=16.0 in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/designate/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from designate)
  1819. Collecting keystoneauth1>=2.1.0 (from designate)
  1820. Collecting pycadf!=2.0.0,>=1.1.0 (from keystone)
  1821. Collecting pbr>=1.6 (from designate)
  1822. Collecting dogpile.cache>=0.5.7 (from keystone)
  1823. Collecting oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 (from designate)
  1824. Collecting oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 (from keystone)
  1825. Collecting jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 (from designate)
  1826. Collecting stevedore>=1.5.0 (from keystone)
  1827. Collecting oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1 (from designate)
  1828. Collecting six>=1.9.0 (from keystone)
  1829. Collecting Werkzeug>=0.7 (from designate)
  1830. Collecting oslo.service>=1.0.0 (from keystone)
  1831. Collecting WebOb>=1.2.3 (from designate)
  1832. Collecting passlib>=1.6 (from keystone)
  1833. Collecting oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 (from designate)
  1834. Collecting SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 (from keystone)
  1835. Collecting dnspython!=1.13.0,>=1.12.0; python_version < "3.0" (from designate)
  1836. Collecting oslo.context>=0.2.0 (from keystone)
  1837. Collecting python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0 (from designate)
  1838. Collecting eventlet!=0.18.3,>=0.18.2 (from keystone)
  1839. Collecting oslo.messaging>=4.0.0 (from designate)
  1840. Collecting jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 (from keystone)
  1841. Collecting oslo.utils>=3.5.0 (from designate)
  1842. Collecting oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1 (from keystone)
  1843. Collecting greenlet>=0.3.2 (from designate)
  1844. Collecting WebOb>=1.2.3 (from keystone)
  1845. Collecting oslo.reports>=0.6.0 (from designate)
  1846. Collecting msgpack-python>=0.4.0 (from keystone)
  1847. Collecting oslo.log>=1.14.0 (from designate)
  1848. Collecting oslo.messaging>=4.0.0 (from keystone)
  1849. Collecting keystonemiddleware!=4.1.0,>=4.0.0 (from designate)
  1850. Collecting oslo.utils>=3.5.0 (from keystone)
  1851. Collecting oslo.policy>=0.5.0 (from designate)
  1852. Collecting greenlet>=0.3.2 (from keystone)
  1853. Collecting Flask!=0.11,<1.0,>=0.10 (from designate)
  1854. Collecting oauthlib>=0.6 (from keystone)
  1855. Collecting netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 (from designate)
  1856. Collecting oslo.policy>=0.5.0 (from keystone)
  1857. Collecting oslo.config>=3.7.0 (from keystone)
  1858. Collecting oslo.config>=3.7.0 (from designate)
  1859. Collecting requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1860. Collecting Babel!=2.3.0,!=2.3.1,!=2.3.2,!=2.3.3,>=1.3 (from designate)
  1861. Collecting positional>=1.0.1 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1862. Collecting keystoneauth1>=2.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  1863. Collecting debtcollector>=1.2.0 (from oslo.log)
  1864. Collecting suds-jurko>=0.6 (from designate)
  1865. Collecting cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0 (from python-designateclient)
  1866. Collecting python-dateutil>=2.4.2 (from oslo.log)
  1867. Collecting positional>=1.0.1 (from python-keystoneclient)
  1868. Collecting Babel>=1.3 (from oslo.log)
  1869. Collecting PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7 (from python-keystoneclient)
  1870. Collecting iso8601>=0.1.9 (from python-keystoneclient)
  1871. Collecting jsonpatch<2,>=0.10 (from warlock)
  1872. Collecting msgpack-python>=0.4.0 (from tooz>=1.28.0->designate)
  1873. Collecting pyinotify>=0.9.6; sys_platform != "win32" and sys_platform != "darwin" and sys_platform != "sunos5" (from oslo.log)
  1874. Collecting fasteners>=0.7 (from tooz>=1.28.0->designate)
  1875. Collecting Jinja2>=2.8 (from oslo.middleware)
  1876. Collecting zake>=0.1.6 (from tooz>=1.28.0->designate)
  1877. Collecting pyOpenSSL (from pysaml2)
  1878. Collecting enum34; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" or python_version == "3.3" (from tooz>=1.28.0->designate)
  1879. Collecting zope.interface (from pysaml2)
  1880. Collecting voluptuous>=0.8.6 (from tooz>=1.28.0->designate)
  1881. Collecting decorator (from pysaml2)
  1882. Collecting futurist>=0.11.0 (from tooz>=1.28.0->designate)
  1883. Collecting pytz (from pysaml2)
  1884. Collecting retrying!=1.3.0,>=1.2.3 (from tooz>=1.28.0->designate)
  1885. Collecting futures>=3.0; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from tooz>=1.28.0->designate)
  1886. Collecting repoze.who (from pysaml2)
  1887. Collecting alembic>=0.8.0 (from oslo.db>=4.1.0->designate)
  1888. Collecting PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7 (from python-keystoneclient)
  1889. Collecting wrapt>=1.7.0 (from debtcollector>=1.2.0->designate)
  1890. Collecting iso8601>=0.1.9 (from python-keystoneclient)
  1891. Collecting funcsigs>=0.4; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from debtcollector>=1.2.0->designate)
  1892. Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/keystone/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-ldap)
  1893. Collecting python-cinderclient>=1.3.1 (from python-openstackclient)
  1894. Collecting sqlparse (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->designate)
  1895. Collecting python-novaclient!=2.33.0,>=2.29.0 (from python-openstackclient)
  1896. Collecting decorator (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->designate)
  1897. Collecting Tempita>=0.4 (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->designate)
  1898. Collecting python-glanceclient>=2.0.0 (from python-openstackclient)
  1899. Collecting repoze.lru>=0.3 (from Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,!=2.3.0,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7"->designate)
  1900. Collecting MarkupSafe (from Jinja2>=2.8->designate)
  1901. Collecting os-client-config>=1.13.1 (from python-openstackclient)
  1902. Collecting monotonic>=0.6 (from oslo.service>=1.0.0->designate)
  1903. Collecting openstacksdk>=0.8.1 (from python-openstackclient)
  1904. Collecting singledispatch (from pecan>=1.0.0->designate)
  1905. Collecting logutils>=0.3 (from pecan>=1.0.0->designate)
  1906. Collecting cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0 (from python-openstackclient)
  1907. Collecting Mako>=0.4.0 (from pecan>=1.0.0->designate)
  1908. Collecting pyasn1>=0.1.8 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->keystone)
  1909. Collecting WebTest>=1.3.1 (from pecan>=1.0.0->designate)
  1910. Collecting idna>=2.0 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->keystone)
  1911. Collecting pytz>=2013.6 (from oslo.serialization>=1.10.0->designate)
  1912. Collecting enum34 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->keystone)
  1913. Collecting ipaddress (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->keystone)
  1914. Collecting functools32; python_version == "2.7" (from jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0->designate)
  1915. Collecting cffi>=1.4.1 (from cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->keystone)
  1916. Collecting simplejson>=2.2.0 (from python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0->designate)
  1917. Collecting alembic>=0.8.0 (from oslo.db>=4.1.0->keystone)
  1918. Collecting os-client-config>=1.13.1 (from python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0->designate)
  1919. Collecting sqlparse (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->keystone)
  1920. Collecting PyYAML>=3.1.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->designate)
  1921. Collecting Tempita>=0.4 (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->keystone)
  1922. Collecting amqp>=1.4.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->designate)
  1923. Collecting dogpile.core>=0.4.1 (from dogpile.cache>=0.5.7->keystone)
  1924. Collecting pika>=0.10.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->designate)
  1925. Collecting monotonic>=0.6 (from oslo.service>=1.0.0->keystone)
  1926. Collecting kombu>=3.0.25 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->designate)
  1927. Collecting functools32; python_version == "2.7" (from jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0->keystone)
  1928. Collecting fasteners>=0.7 (from oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1->keystone)
  1929. Collecting cachetools>=1.0.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->designate)
  1930. Collecting retrying!=1.3.0,>=1.2.3 (from oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1->keystone)
  1931. Collecting pika-pool>=0.1.3 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->designate)
  1932. Collecting PyYAML>=3.1.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->keystone)
  1933. Collecting netifaces>=0.10.4 (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->designate)
  1934. Collecting amqp>=1.4.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->keystone)
  1935. Collecting psutil<2.0.0,>=1.1.1 (from oslo.reports>=0.6.0->designate)
  1936. Collecting python-dateutil>=2.4.2 (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->designate)
  1937. Collecting pika>=0.10.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->keystone)
  1938. Collecting kombu>=3.0.25 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->keystone)
  1939. Collecting pyinotify>=0.9.6; sys_platform != "win32" and sys_platform != "darwin" and sys_platform != "sunos5" (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->designate)
  1940. Collecting pycadf!=2.0.0,>=1.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware!=4.1.0,>=4.0.0->designate)
  1941. Collecting cachetools>=1.0.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->keystone)
  1942. Collecting futures>=3.0; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->keystone)
  1943. Collecting itsdangerous>=0.21 (from Flask!=0.11,<1.0,>=0.10->designate)
  1944. Collecting futurist>=0.11.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->keystone)
  1945. Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.1 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-designateclient)
  1946. Collecting pika-pool>=0.1.3 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->keystone)
  1947. Collecting cmd2>=0.6.7 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-designateclient)
  1948. Collecting netifaces>=0.10.4 (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->keystone)
  1949. Collecting unicodecsv>=0.8.0 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-designateclient)
  1950. Collecting funcsigs>=0.4; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->keystone)
  1951. Collecting jsonpointer>=1.9 (from jsonpatch<2,>=0.10->warlock)
  1952. Collecting netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->keystone)
  1953. Collecting kazoo!=2.1,>=1.3.1 (from zake>=0.1.6->tooz>=1.28.0->designate)
  1954. Collecting contextlib2>=0.4.0 (from futurist>=0.11.0->tooz>=1.28.0->designate)
  1955. Collecting wrapt>=1.7.0 (from debtcollector>=1.2.0->oslo.log)
  1956. Collecting python-editor>=0.3 (from alembic>=0.8.0->oslo.db>=4.1.0->designate)
  1957. Collecting MarkupSafe (from Jinja2>=2.8->oslo.middleware)
  1958. Collecting waitress>=0.8.5 (from WebTest>=1.3.1->pecan>=1.0.0->designate)
  1959. Collecting simplejson>=2.2.0 (from python-cinderclient>=1.3.1->python-openstackclient)
  1960. Collecting beautifulsoup4 (from WebTest>=1.3.1->pecan>=1.0.0->designate)
  1961. Collecting warlock<2,>=1.0.1 (from python-glanceclient>=2.0.0->python-openstackclient)
  1962. Collecting appdirs>=1.3.0 (from os-client-config>=1.13.1->python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0->designate)
  1963. Collecting requestsexceptions>=1.1.1 (from os-client-config>=1.13.1->python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0->designate)
  1964. Collecting appdirs>=1.3.0 (from os-client-config>=1.13.1->python-openstackclient)
  1965. Collecting anyjson>=0.3.3 (from kombu>=3.0.25->oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->designate)
  1966. Collecting requestsexceptions>=1.1.1 (from os-client-config>=1.13.1->python-openstackclient)
  1967. Installing collected packages: PyMySQL, six, msgpack-python, requests, monotonic, fasteners, kazoo, zake, enum34, voluptuous, pytz, Babel, pbr, netifaces, funcsigs, oslo.i18n, wrapt, debtcollector, netaddr, iso8601, oslo.utils, oslo.serialization, contextlib2, futures, futurist, retrying, stevedore, tooz, PasteDeploy, MarkupSafe, Mako, SQLAlchemy, python-editor, alembic, sqlparse, decorator, Tempita, sqlalchemy-migrate, oslo.context, oslo.config, oslo.db, Paste, repoze.lru, Routes, Jinja2, functools32, jsonschema, positional, PrettyTable, keystoneauth1, python-keystoneclient, pyparsing, cmd2, unicodecsv, PyYAML, cliff, python-designateclient, oslo.rootwrap, greenlet, oslo.concurrency, python-dateutil, pyinotify, oslo.log, WebOb, eventlet, oslo.service, singledispatch, logutils, waitress, beautifulsoup4, WebTest, pecan, Werkzeug, oslo.middleware, dnspython, simplejson, appdirs, requestsexceptions, os-client-config, python-neutronclient, amqp, pika, anyjson, kombu, cachetools, pika-pool, oslo.messaging, python-memcached, psutil, oslo.reports, pycadf, keystonemiddleware, oslo.policy, itsdangerous, Flask, suds-jurko, designate, httplib2, pycrypto, virtualenv, virtualenv-tools, jsonpointer, jsonpatch, warlock
  1968. Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.1 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-openstackclient)
  1969. Collecting cmd2>=0.6.7 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-openstackclient)
  1970. Collecting unicodecsv>=0.8.0 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-openstackclient)
  1971. Collecting pycparser (from cffi>=1.4.1->cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0->keystone)
  1972. Collecting Mako (from alembic>=0.8.0->oslo.db>=4.1.0->keystone)
  1973. Collecting python-editor>=0.3 (from alembic>=0.8.0->oslo.db>=4.1.0->keystone)
  1974. Collecting anyjson>=0.3.3 (from kombu>=3.0.25->oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->keystone)
  1975. Collecting contextlib2>=0.4.0 (from futurist>=0.11.0->oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->keystone)
  1976. Collecting jsonpatch<2,>=0.10 (from warlock<2,>=1.0.1->python-glanceclient>=2.0.0->python-openstackclient)
  1977. Collecting jsonpointer>=1.9 (from jsonpatch<2,>=0.10->warlock<2,>=1.0.1->python-glanceclient>=2.0.0->python-openstackclient)
  1978. Installing collected packages: PyMySQL, httplib2, six, dogpile.core, dogpile.cache, pytz, Babel, wrapt, pbr, funcsigs, debtcollector, python-dateutil, msgpack-python, netifaces, oslo.i18n, monotonic, netaddr, iso8601, oslo.utils, oslo.serialization, pyinotify, oslo.context, stevedore, oslo.config, oslo.log, oslo.cache, PasteDeploy, pyasn1, idna, enum34, ipaddress, pycparser, cffi, cryptography, MarkupSafe, Mako, SQLAlchemy, python-editor, alembic, sqlparse, decorator, Tempita, sqlalchemy-migrate, oslo.db, Paste, repoze.lru, Routes, pycadf, positional, requests, PrettyTable, keystoneauth1, python-keystoneclient, pyOpenSSL, zope.interface, pycrypto, WebOb, repoze.who, pysaml2, greenlet, fasteners, retrying, oslo.concurrency, eventlet, oslo.service, passlib, functools32, jsonschema, Jinja2, oslo.middleware, PyYAML, amqp, pika, anyjson, kombu, cachetools, futures, contextlib2, futurist, pika-pool, oslo.messaging, oauthlib, keystonemiddleware, oslo.policy, keystone, ldappool, lxml, python-ldap, python-memcached, simplejson, python-cinderclient, python-novaclient, jsonpointer, jsonpatch, warlock, python-glanceclient, appdirs, requestsexceptions, os-client-config, openstacksdk, pyparsing, cmd2, unicodecsv, cliff, python-openstackclient, virtualenv, virtualenv-tools
  1979. Successfully installed Babel-2.2.0 Flask-0.10.1 Jinja2-2.8 Mako-1.0.3 MarkupSafe-0.23 Paste-2.0.2 PasteDeploy-1.5.2 PrettyTable-0.7.2 PyMySQL-0.7.2 PyYAML-3.12 Routes-2.2 SQLAlchemy-1.0.12 Tempita-0.5.2 WebOb-1.5.1 WebTest-2.0.20 Werkzeug-0.11.4 alembic-0.8.4 amqp-1.4.9 anyjson-0.3.3 appdirs-1.4.0 beautifulsoup4-4.4.1 cachetools-1.1.5 cliff-2.0.0 cmd2-0.6.8 contextlib2-0.5.1 debtcollector-1.3.0 decorator-4.0.9 designate-2.0.1.dev35 dnspython-1.12.0 enum34-1.1.2 eventlet-0.18.4 fasteners-0.14.1 funcsigs-0.4 functools32-3.2.3.post2 futures-3.0.5 futurist-0.13.0 greenlet-0.4.9 httplib2-0.9.2 iso8601-0.1.11 itsdangerous-0.24 jsonpatch-1.13 jsonpointer-1.10 jsonschema-2.5.1 kazoo-2.2.1 keystoneauth1-2.4.1 keystonemiddleware-4.4.1 kombu-3.0.34 logutils-0.3.3 monotonic-0.6 msgpack-python-0.4.7 netaddr-0.7.18 netifaces-0.10.4 os-client-config-1.16.0 oslo.concurrency-3.7.1 oslo.config-3.9.0 oslo.context-2.2.0 oslo.db-4.7.1 oslo.i18n-3.5.0 oslo.log-3.3.0 oslo.messaging-4.6.1 oslo.middleware-3.8.0 oslo.policy-1.6.0 oslo.reports-1.7.0 oslo.rootwrap-4.1.0 oslo.serialization-2.4.0 oslo.service-1.8.0 oslo.utils-3.8.0 pbr-1.8.1 pecan-1.0.4 pika-0.10.0 pika-pool-0.1.3 positional-1.0.1 psutil-1.2.1 pycadf-2.2.0 pycrypto-2.6.1 pyinotify-0.9.6 pyparsing-2.1.0 python-dateutil-2.5.0 python-designateclient-2.1.0 python-editor-0.5 python-keystoneclient-2.3.1 python-memcached-1.57 python-neutronclient-4.1.1 pytz-2015.7 repoze.lru-0.6 requests-2.11.1 requestsexceptions-1.1.3 retrying-1.3.3 simplejson-3.8.2 singledispatch- six-1.10.0 sqlalchemy-migrate-0.10.0 sqlparse-0.1.18 stevedore-1.12.0 suds-jurko-0.6 tooz-1.34.0 unicodecsv-0.14.1 virtualenv-14.0.6 virtualenv-tools-1.0 voluptuous-0.8.8 waitress-0.8.10 warlock-1.2.0 wrapt-1.10.6 zake-0.2.2
  1980. Successfully installed Babel-2.2.0 Jinja2-2.8 Mako-1.0.3 MarkupSafe-0.23 Paste-2.0.2 PasteDeploy-1.5.2 PrettyTable-0.7.2 PyMySQL-0.7.2 PyYAML-3.12 Routes-2.2 SQLAlchemy-1.0.12 Tempita-0.5.2 WebOb-1.5.1 alembic-0.8.4 amqp-1.4.9 anyjson-0.3.3 appdirs-1.4.0 cachetools-1.1.5 cffi-1.5.2 cliff-2.0.0 cmd2-0.6.8 contextlib2-0.5.1 cryptography-1.2.3 debtcollector-1.3.0 decorator-4.0.9 dogpile.cache-0.5.7 dogpile.core-0.4.1 enum34-1.1.2 eventlet-0.18.4 fasteners-0.14.1 funcsigs-0.4 functools32-3.2.3.post2 futures-3.0.5 futurist-0.13.0 greenlet-0.4.9 httplib2-0.9.2 idna-2.0 ipaddress-1.0.16 iso8601-0.1.11 jsonpatch-1.13 jsonpointer-1.10 jsonschema-2.5.1 keystone-9.1.1.dev7 keystoneauth1-2.4.1 keystonemiddleware-4.4.1 kombu-3.0.34 ldappool-1.0 lxml-3.5.0 monotonic-0.6 msgpack-python-0.4.7 netaddr-0.7.18 netifaces-0.10.4 oauthlib-1.0.3 openstacksdk-0.8.1 os-client-config-1.16.0 oslo.cache-1.6.0 oslo.concurrency-3.7.1 oslo.config-3.9.0 oslo.context-2.2.0 oslo.db-4.7.1 oslo.i18n-3.5.0 oslo.log-3.3.0 oslo.messaging-4.6.1 oslo.middleware-3.8.0 oslo.policy-1.6.0 oslo.serialization-2.4.0 oslo.service-1.8.0 oslo.utils-3.8.0 passlib-1.6.5 pbr-1.8.1 pika-0.10.0 pika-pool-0.1.3 positional-1.0.1 pyOpenSSL-16.1.0 pyasn1-0.1.9 pycadf-2.2.0 pycparser-2.14 pycrypto-2.6.1 pyinotify-0.9.6 pyparsing-2.1.0 pysaml2-4.0.2 python-cinderclient-1.6.0 python-dateutil-2.5.0 python-editor-0.5 python-glanceclient-2.0.1 python-keystoneclient-2.3.1 python-ldap-2.4.25 python-memcached-1.57 python-novaclient-3.3.1 python-openstackclient-2.3.0 pytz-2015.7 repoze.lru-0.6 repoze.who-2.2 requests-2.11.1 requestsexceptions-1.1.3 retrying-1.3.3 simplejson-3.8.2 six-1.10.0 sqlalchemy-migrate-0.10.0 sqlparse-0.1.18 stevedore-1.12.0 unicodecsv-0.14.1 virtualenv-14.0.6 virtualenv-tools-1.0 warlock-1.2.0 wrapt-1.10.6 zope.interface-4.1.3
  1981. New python executable in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/ironic/bin/python
  1982. Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...New python executable in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/aodh/bin/python
  1983. Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
  1984. done.
  1985. Ignoring indexes:
  1986. Collecting PyMySQL
  1987. Collecting httplib2
  1988. Ignoring indexes:
  1989. Collecting aodh
  1990. Collecting ironic
  1991. Collecting ceilometermiddleware
  1992. Collecting python-ironicclient
  1993. Collecting httplib2
  1994. Collecting pycrypto
  1995. Collecting python-keystoneclient
  1996. Collecting pymongo
  1997. Collecting python-swiftclient
  1998. Collecting virtualenv
  1999. Collecting python-ceilometerclient
  2000. Collecting virtualenv-tools
  2001. Collecting python-keystoneclient
  2002. Collecting automaton>=0.5.0 (from ironic)
  2003. Collecting oslo.db>=4.1.0 (from ironic)
  2004. Collecting python-memcached
  2005. Collecting virtualenv
  2006. Collecting oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 (from ironic)
  2007. Collecting virtualenv-tools
  2008. Collecting oslo.policy>=0.5.0 (from ironic)
  2009. Collecting warlock
  2010. Collecting Jinja2>=2.8 (from ironic)
  2011. Collecting oslo.i18n>=1.5.0 (from aodh)
  2012. Collecting psutil<2.0.0,>=1.1.1 (from ironic)
  2013. Collecting PasteDeploy>=1.5.0 (from aodh)
  2014. Collecting requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 (from ironic)
  2015. Collecting pbr<2.0,>=0.11 (from aodh)
  2016. Collecting ironic-lib>=1.1.0 (from ironic)
  2017. Collecting oslo.log>=1.2.0 (from aodh)
  2018. Collecting oslo.rootwrap>=2.0.0 (from ironic)
  2019. Collecting requests>=2.5.2 (from aodh)
  2020. Collecting websockify>=0.6.1 (from ironic)
  2021. Collecting croniter>=0.3.4 (from aodh)
  2022. Collecting oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 (from ironic)
  2023. Collecting oslo.utils>=1.9.0 (from aodh)
  2024. Collecting stevedore>=1.5.0 (from ironic)
  2025. Collecting six>=1.9.0 (from aodh)
  2026. Collecting six>=1.9.0 (from ironic)
  2027. Collecting WSME>=0.8 (from aodh)
  2028. Collecting WSME>=0.8 (from ironic)
  2029. Collecting oslo.db>=1.12.0 (from aodh)
  2030. Collecting pecan>=1.0.0 (from ironic)
  2031. Collecting oslo.context>=0.2.0 (from aodh)
  2032. Collecting SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 (from ironic)
  2033. Collecting retrying!=1.3.0,>=1.2.3 (from aodh)
  2034. Collecting oslo.context>=0.2.0 (from ironic)
  2035. Collecting jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 (from aodh)
  2036. Collecting eventlet!=0.18.3,>=0.18.2 (from ironic)
  2037. Collecting oslo.service>=0.1.0 (from aodh)
  2038. Collecting paramiko>=1.16.0 (from ironic)
  2039. Collecting Werkzeug>=0.7 (from aodh)
  2040. Collecting retrying!=1.3.0,>=1.2.3 (from ironic)
  2041. Collecting WebOb>=1.2.3 (from aodh)
  2042. Collecting oslo.versionedobjects>=1.5.0 (from ironic)
  2043. Collecting oslo.serialization>=1.4.0 (from aodh)
  2044. Collecting alembic>=0.8.0 (from ironic)
  2045. Collecting oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 (from aodh)
  2046. Collecting pytz>=2013.6 (from aodh)
  2047. Collecting jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 (from ironic)
  2048. Collecting oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1 (from ironic)
  2049. Collecting lxml>=2.3 (from aodh)
  2050. Collecting oslo.service>=1.0.0 (from ironic)
  2051. Collecting stevedore>=1.5.0 (from aodh)
  2052. Collecting WebOb>=1.2.3 (from ironic)
  2053. Collecting keystonemiddleware>=2.2.0 (from aodh)
  2054. Collecting oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 (from ironic)
  2055. Collecting oslo.config>=2.6.0 (from aodh)
  2056. Collecting pytz>=2013.6 (from ironic)
  2057. Collecting tooz>=1.28.0 (from aodh)
  2058. Collecting oslo.policy>=0.5.0 (from aodh)
  2059. Collecting python-glanceclient>=2.0.0 (from ironic)
  2060. Collecting oslo.messaging!=2.8.0,>2.6.1 (from aodh)
  2061. Collecting jsonpatch>=1.1 (from ironic)
  2062. Collecting gnocchiclient>=2.1.0 (from aodh)
  2063. Collecting python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0 (from ironic)
  2064. Collecting pecan>=0.8.0 (from aodh)
  2065. Collecting oslo.messaging>=4.0.0 (from ironic)
  2066. Collecting oslo.utils>=3.5.0 (from ironic)
  2067. Collecting Babel>=1.3 (from ceilometermiddleware)
  2068. Collecting greenlet>=0.3.2 (from ironic)
  2069. Collecting pysendfile>=2.0.0 (from ironic)
  2070. Collecting oslo.log>=1.14.0 (from ironic)
  2071. Collecting pycadf!=2.0.0,>=1.1.0 (from ceilometermiddleware)
  2072. Collecting keystonemiddleware!=4.1.0,>=4.0.0 (from ironic)
  2073. Collecting PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7 (from python-ceilometerclient)
  2074. Collecting futurist>=0.11.0 (from ironic)
  2075. Collecting iso8601>=0.1.9 (from python-ceilometerclient)
  2076. Collecting pbr>=1.6 (from ironic)
  2077. Collecting keystoneauth1>=2.1.0 (from python-ceilometerclient)
  2078. Collecting netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 (from ironic)
  2079. Collecting positional>=1.0.1 (from python-keystoneclient)
  2080. Collecting oslo.config>=3.7.0 (from ironic)
  2081. Collecting debtcollector>=1.2.0 (from python-keystoneclient)
  2082. Collecting dogpile.cache>=0.5.7 (from python-ironicclient)
  2083. Collecting jsonpatch<2,>=0.10 (from warlock)
  2084. Collecting appdirs>=1.3.0 (from python-ironicclient)
  2085. Collecting python-dateutil>=2.4.2 (from oslo.log>=1.2.0->aodh)
  2086. Collecting python-openstackclient>=2.1.0 (from python-ironicclient)
  2087. Collecting pyinotify>=0.9.6; sys_platform != "win32" and sys_platform != "darwin" and sys_platform != "sunos5" (from oslo.log>=1.2.0->aodh)
  2088. Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/aodh/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from croniter>=0.3.4->aodh)
  2089. Collecting netifaces>=0.10.4 (from oslo.utils>=1.9.0->aodh)
  2090. Collecting PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7 (from python-ironicclient)
  2091. Collecting funcsigs>=0.4; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from oslo.utils>=1.9.0->aodh)
  2092. Collecting cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0 (from python-ironicclient)
  2093. Collecting monotonic>=0.6 (from oslo.utils>=1.9.0->aodh)
  2094. Collecting netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 (from oslo.utils>=1.9.0->aodh)
  2095. Collecting keystoneauth1>=2.1.0 (from python-ironicclient)
  2096. Collecting simplegeneric (from WSME>=0.8->aodh)
  2097. Collecting positional>=1.0.1 (from python-keystoneclient)
  2098. Collecting alembic>=0.8.0 (from oslo.db>=1.12.0->aodh)
  2099. Collecting debtcollector>=1.2.0 (from python-keystoneclient)
  2100. Collecting sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6 (from oslo.db>=1.12.0->aodh)
  2101. Collecting iso8601>=0.1.9 (from python-keystoneclient)
  2102. Collecting SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 (from oslo.db>=1.12.0->aodh)
  2103. Collecting futures>=2.1.3 (from python-swiftclient)
  2104. Collecting functools32; python_version == "2.7" (from jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0->aodh)
  2105. Collecting sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6 (from oslo.db>=4.1.0->ironic)
  2106. Collecting greenlet>=0.3.2 (from oslo.service>=0.1.0->aodh)
  2107. Collecting Babel!=2.3.0,!=2.3.1,!=2.3.2,!=2.3.3,>=1.3 (from oslo.db>=4.1.0->ironic)
  2108. Collecting oslo.concurrency>=3.5.0 (from oslo.service>=0.1.0->aodh)
  2109. Collecting Paste (from oslo.service>=0.1.0->aodh)
  2110. Collecting eventlet!=0.18.3,>=0.18.2 (from oslo.service>=0.1.0->aodh)
  2111. Collecting msgpack-python>=0.4.0 (from oslo.serialization>=1.10.0->ironic)
  2112. Collecting Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7" (from oslo.service>=0.1.0->aodh)
  2113. Collecting MarkupSafe (from Jinja2>=2.8->ironic)
  2114. Collecting msgpack-python>=0.4.0 (from oslo.serialization>=1.4.0->aodh)
  2115. Collecting numpy (from websockify>=0.6.1->ironic)
  2116. Collecting Jinja2>=2.8 (from oslo.middleware>=3.0.0->aodh)
  2117. Collecting fasteners>=0.7 (from tooz>=1.28.0->aodh)
  2118. Collecting zake>=0.1.6 (from tooz>=1.28.0->aodh)
  2119. Collecting enum34; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" or python_version == "3.3" (from tooz>=1.28.0->aodh)
  2120. Collecting voluptuous>=0.8.6 (from tooz>=1.28.0->aodh)
  2121. Collecting futurist>=0.11.0 (from tooz>=1.28.0->aodh)
  2122. Collecting futures>=3.0; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from tooz>=1.28.0->aodh)
  2123. Collecting simplegeneric (from WSME>=0.8->ironic)
  2124. Collecting PyYAML>=3.1.0 (from oslo.messaging!=2.8.0,>2.6.1->aodh)
  2125. Collecting amqp>=1.4.0 (from oslo.messaging!=2.8.0,>2.6.1->aodh)
  2126. Collecting singledispatch (from pecan>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2127. Collecting pika>=0.10.0 (from oslo.messaging!=2.8.0,>2.6.1->aodh)
  2128. Collecting logutils>=0.3 (from pecan>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2129. Collecting kombu>=3.0.25 (from oslo.messaging!=2.8.0,>2.6.1->aodh)
  2130. Collecting Mako>=0.4.0 (from pecan>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2131. Collecting cachetools>=1.0.0 (from oslo.messaging!=2.8.0,>2.6.1->aodh)
  2132. Collecting WebTest>=1.3.1 (from pecan>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2133. Collecting pika-pool>=0.1.3 (from oslo.messaging!=2.8.0,>2.6.1->aodh)
  2134. Collecting cryptography>=1.1 (from paramiko>=1.16.0->ironic)
  2135. Collecting cliff>=1.14.0 (from gnocchiclient>=2.1.0->aodh)
  2136. Collecting singledispatch (from pecan>=0.8.0->aodh)
  2137. Collecting pyasn1>=0.1.7 (from paramiko>=1.16.0->ironic)
  2138. Collecting logutils>=0.3 (from pecan>=0.8.0->aodh)
  2139. Collecting python-editor>=0.3 (from alembic>=0.8.0->ironic)
  2140. Collecting Mako>=0.4.0 (from pecan>=0.8.0->aodh)
  2141. Collecting functools32; python_version == "2.7" (from jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0->ironic)
  2142. Collecting WebTest>=1.3.1 (from pecan>=0.8.0->aodh)
  2143. Collecting fasteners>=0.7 (from oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1->ironic)
  2144. Collecting wrapt>=1.7.0 (from debtcollector>=1.2.0->python-keystoneclient)
  2145. Collecting enum34; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" or python_version == "3.3" (from oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1->ironic)
  2146. Collecting jsonpointer>=1.9 (from jsonpatch<2,>=0.10->warlock)
  2147. Collecting PasteDeploy>=1.5.0 (from oslo.service>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2148. Collecting python-editor>=0.3 (from alembic>=0.8.0->oslo.db>=1.12.0->aodh)
  2149. Collecting monotonic>=0.6 (from oslo.service>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2150. Collecting sqlparse (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->oslo.db>=1.12.0->aodh)
  2151. Collecting Paste (from oslo.service>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2152. Collecting decorator (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->oslo.db>=1.12.0->aodh)
  2153. Collecting Tempita>=0.4 (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->oslo.db>=1.12.0->aodh)
  2154. Collecting Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7" (from oslo.service>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2155. Collecting repoze.lru>=0.3 (from Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7"->oslo.service>=0.1.0->aodh)
  2156. Collecting warlock<2,>=1.0.1 (from python-glanceclient>=2.0.0->ironic)
  2157. Collecting MarkupSafe (from Jinja2>=2.8->oslo.middleware>=3.0.0->aodh)
  2158. Collecting kazoo!=2.1,>=1.3.1 (from zake>=0.1.6->tooz>=1.28.0->aodh)
  2159. Collecting jsonpointer>=1.9 (from jsonpatch>=1.1->ironic)
  2160. Collecting contextlib2>=0.4.0 (from futurist>=0.11.0->tooz>=1.28.0->aodh)
  2161. Collecting simplejson>=2.2.0 (from python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0->ironic)
  2162. Collecting anyjson>=0.3.3 (from kombu>=3.0.25->oslo.messaging!=2.8.0,>2.6.1->aodh)
  2163. Collecting os-client-config>=1.13.1 (from python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0->ironic)
  2164. Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.1 (from cliff>=1.14.0->gnocchiclient>=2.1.0->aodh)
  2165. Collecting PyYAML>=3.1.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->ironic)
  2166. Collecting cmd2>=0.6.7 (from cliff>=1.14.0->gnocchiclient>=2.1.0->aodh)
  2167. Collecting amqp>=1.4.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->ironic)
  2168. Collecting unicodecsv>=0.8.0 (from cliff>=1.14.0->gnocchiclient>=2.1.0->aodh)
  2169. Collecting pika>=0.10.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->ironic)
  2170. Collecting waitress>=0.8.5 (from WebTest>=1.3.1->pecan>=0.8.0->aodh)
  2171. Collecting beautifulsoup4 (from WebTest>=1.3.1->pecan>=0.8.0->aodh)
  2172. Collecting kombu>=3.0.25 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->ironic)
  2173. Installing collected packages: pytz, Babel, six, pbr, oslo.i18n, PasteDeploy, wrapt, funcsigs, debtcollector, python-dateutil, msgpack-python, netifaces, monotonic, netaddr, iso8601, oslo.utils, oslo.serialization, pyinotify, oslo.context, stevedore, oslo.config, oslo.log, requests, croniter, WebOb, simplegeneric, WSME, MarkupSafe, Mako, SQLAlchemy, python-editor, alembic, sqlparse, decorator, Tempita, sqlalchemy-migrate, oslo.db, retrying, functools32, jsonschema, greenlet, fasteners, enum34, oslo.concurrency, Paste, eventlet, repoze.lru, Routes, oslo.service, Werkzeug, Jinja2, oslo.middleware, positional, PrettyTable, keystoneauth1, python-keystoneclient, lxml, pycadf, keystonemiddleware, kazoo, zake, voluptuous, contextlib2, futures, futurist, tooz, oslo.policy, PyYAML, amqp, pika, anyjson, kombu, cachetools, pika-pool, oslo.messaging, python-ceilometerclient, pyparsing, cmd2, unicodecsv, cliff, gnocchiclient, singledispatch, logutils, waitress, beautifulsoup4, WebTest, pecan, aodh, ceilometermiddleware, httplib2, pycrypto, pymongo, python-memcached, virtualenv, virtualenv-tools, jsonpointer, jsonpatch, warlock
  2174. Collecting cachetools>=1.0.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->ironic)
  2175. Collecting pika-pool>=0.1.3 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->ironic)
  2176. Collecting netifaces>=0.10.4 (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->ironic)
  2177. Collecting funcsigs>=0.4; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->ironic)
  2178. Collecting python-dateutil>=2.4.2 (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->ironic)
  2179. Collecting pyinotify>=0.9.6; sys_platform != "win32" and sys_platform != "darwin" and sys_platform != "sunos5" (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->ironic)
  2180. Collecting pycadf!=2.0.0,>=1.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware!=4.1.0,>=4.0.0->ironic)
  2181. Collecting contextlib2>=0.4.0 (from futurist>=0.11.0->ironic)
  2182. Collecting dogpile.core>=0.4.1 (from dogpile.cache>=0.5.7->python-ironicclient)
  2183. Collecting python-cinderclient>=1.3.1 (from python-openstackclient>=2.1.0->python-ironicclient)
  2184. Collecting python-novaclient!=2.33.0,>=2.29.0 (from python-openstackclient>=2.1.0->python-ironicclient)
  2185. Collecting openstacksdk>=0.8.1 (from python-openstackclient>=2.1.0->python-ironicclient)
  2186. Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.1 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-ironicclient)
  2187. Collecting cmd2>=0.6.7 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-ironicclient)
  2188. Collecting unicodecsv>=0.8.0 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-ironicclient)
  2189. Collecting wrapt>=1.7.0 (from debtcollector>=1.2.0->python-keystoneclient)
  2190. Collecting sqlparse (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->oslo.db>=4.1.0->ironic)
  2191. Collecting decorator (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->oslo.db>=4.1.0->ironic)
  2192. Collecting Tempita>=0.4 (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->oslo.db>=4.1.0->ironic)
  2193. Collecting waitress>=0.8.5 (from WebTest>=1.3.1->pecan>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2194. Collecting beautifulsoup4 (from WebTest>=1.3.1->pecan>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2195. Collecting idna>=2.0 (from cryptography>=1.1->paramiko>=1.16.0->ironic)
  2196. Collecting ipaddress (from cryptography>=1.1->paramiko>=1.16.0->ironic)
  2197. Collecting cffi>=1.4.1 (from cryptography>=1.1->paramiko>=1.16.0->ironic)
  2198. Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools>=1.0 in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/ironic/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from cryptography>=1.1->paramiko>=1.16.0->ironic)
  2199. Collecting repoze.lru>=0.3 (from Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7"->oslo.service>=1.0.0->ironic)
  2200. Collecting requestsexceptions>=1.1.1 (from os-client-config>=1.13.1->python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0->ironic)
  2201. Collecting anyjson>=0.3.3 (from kombu>=3.0.25->oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->ironic)
  2202. Collecting pycparser (from cffi>=1.4.1->cryptography>=1.1->paramiko>=1.16.0->ironic)
  2203. Installing collected packages: PyMySQL, httplib2, six, pytz, Babel, wrapt, pbr, funcsigs, debtcollector, PrettyTable, automaton, MarkupSafe, Mako, SQLAlchemy, python-editor, alembic, oslo.i18n, sqlparse, decorator, Tempita, sqlalchemy-migrate, stevedore, oslo.context, netaddr, oslo.config, netifaces, monotonic, iso8601, oslo.utils, oslo.db, msgpack-python, oslo.serialization, requests, oslo.policy, Jinja2, positional, keystoneauth1, python-keystoneclient, psutil, greenlet, fasteners, enum34, retrying, oslo.concurrency, PasteDeploy, python-dateutil, pyinotify, oslo.log, WebOb, Paste, eventlet, repoze.lru, Routes, oslo.service, ironic-lib, oslo.rootwrap, numpy, websockify, simplegeneric, WSME, singledispatch, logutils, waitress, beautifulsoup4, WebTest, pecan, pyasn1, idna, ipaddress, pycparser, cffi, cryptography, paramiko, PyYAML, amqp, pika, anyjson, kombu, cachetools, oslo.middleware, futures, contextlib2, futurist, pika-pool, oslo.messaging, oslo.versionedobjects, functools32, jsonschema, jsonpointer, jsonpatch, warlock, python-glanceclient, simplejson, pyparsing, cmd2, unicodecsv, cliff, appdirs, requestsexceptions, os-client-config, python-neutronclient, python-swiftclient, pysendfile, pycadf, keystonemiddleware, ironic, dogpile.core, dogpile.cache, python-cinderclient, python-novaclient, openstacksdk, python-openstackclient, python-ironicclient, virtualenv, virtualenv-tools
  2204. Successfully installed Babel-2.2.0 Jinja2-2.8 Mako-1.0.3 MarkupSafe-0.23 Paste-2.0.2 PasteDeploy-1.5.2 PrettyTable-0.7.2 PyYAML-3.12 Routes-2.2 SQLAlchemy-1.0.12 Tempita-0.5.2 WSME-0.8.0 WebOb-1.5.1 WebTest-2.0.20 Werkzeug-0.11.4 alembic-0.8.4 amqp-1.4.9 anyjson-0.3.3 aodh-2.0.5 beautifulsoup4-4.4.1 cachetools-1.1.5 ceilometermiddleware-0.4.0 cliff-2.0.0 cmd2-0.6.8 contextlib2-0.5.1 croniter-0.3.11 debtcollector-1.3.0 decorator-4.0.9 enum34-1.1.2 eventlet-0.18.4 fasteners-0.14.1 funcsigs-0.4 functools32-3.2.3.post2 futures-3.0.5 futurist-0.13.0 gnocchiclient-2.2.0 greenlet-0.4.9 httplib2-0.9.2 iso8601-0.1.11 jsonpatch-1.13 jsonpointer-1.10 jsonschema-2.5.1 kazoo-2.2.1 keystoneauth1-2.4.1 keystonemiddleware-4.4.1 kombu-3.0.34 logutils-0.3.3 lxml-3.5.0 monotonic-0.6 msgpack-python-0.4.7 netaddr-0.7.18 netifaces-0.10.4 oslo.concurrency-3.7.1 oslo.config-3.9.0 oslo.context-2.2.0 oslo.db-4.7.1 oslo.i18n-3.5.0 oslo.log-3.3.0 oslo.messaging-4.6.1 oslo.middleware-3.8.0 oslo.policy-1.6.0 oslo.serialization-2.4.0 oslo.service-1.8.0 oslo.utils-3.8.0 pbr-1.8.1 pecan-1.0.4 pika-0.10.0 pika-pool-0.1.3 positional-1.0.1 pycadf-2.2.0 pycrypto-2.6.1 pyinotify-0.9.6 pymongo-3.2.1 pyparsing-2.1.0 python-ceilometerclient-2.4.0 python-dateutil-2.5.0 python-editor-0.5 python-keystoneclient-2.3.1 python-memcached-1.57 pytz-2015.7 repoze.lru-0.6 requests-2.11.1 retrying-1.3.3 simplegeneric-0.8.1 singledispatch- six-1.10.0 sqlalchemy-migrate-0.10.0 sqlparse-0.1.18 stevedore-1.12.0 tooz-1.34.0 unicodecsv-0.14.1 virtualenv-14.0.6 virtualenv-tools-1.0 voluptuous-0.8.8 waitress-0.8.10 warlock-1.2.0 wrapt-1.10.6 zake-0.2.2
  2205. Successfully installed Babel-2.2.0 Jinja2-2.8 Mako-1.0.3 MarkupSafe-0.23 Paste-2.0.2 PasteDeploy-1.5.2 PrettyTable-0.7.2 PyMySQL-0.7.2 PyYAML-3.12 Routes-2.2 SQLAlchemy-1.0.12 Tempita-0.5.2 WSME-0.8.0 WebOb-1.5.1 WebTest-2.0.20 alembic-0.8.4 amqp-1.4.9 anyjson-0.3.3 appdirs-1.4.0 automaton-1.2.0 beautifulsoup4-4.4.1 cachetools-1.1.5 cffi-1.5.2 cliff-2.0.0 cmd2-0.6.8 contextlib2-0.5.1 cryptography-1.2.3 debtcollector-1.3.0 decorator-4.0.9 dogpile.cache-0.5.7 dogpile.core-0.4.1 enum34-1.1.2 eventlet-0.18.4 fasteners-0.14.1 funcsigs-0.4 functools32-3.2.3.post2 futures-3.0.5 futurist-0.13.0 greenlet-0.4.9 httplib2-0.9.2 idna-2.0 ipaddress-1.0.16 ironic-5.1.3.dev5 ironic-lib-1.2.0 iso8601-0.1.11 jsonpatch-1.13 jsonpointer-1.10 jsonschema-2.5.1 keystoneauth1-2.4.1 keystonemiddleware-4.4.1 kombu-3.0.34 logutils-0.3.3 monotonic-0.6 msgpack-python-0.4.7 netaddr-0.7.18 netifaces-0.10.4 numpy-1.10.4 openstacksdk-0.8.1 os-client-config-1.16.0 oslo.concurrency-3.7.1 oslo.config-3.9.0 oslo.context-2.2.0 oslo.db-4.7.1 oslo.i18n-3.5.0 oslo.log-3.3.0 oslo.messaging-4.6.1 oslo.middleware-3.8.0 oslo.policy-1.6.0 oslo.rootwrap-4.1.0 oslo.serialization-2.4.0 oslo.service-1.8.0 oslo.utils-3.8.0 oslo.versionedobjects-1.8.0 paramiko-2.0.2 pbr-1.8.1 pecan-1.0.4 pika-0.10.0 pika-pool-0.1.3 positional-1.0.1 psutil-1.2.1 pyasn1-0.1.9 pycadf-2.2.0 pycparser-2.14 pyinotify-0.9.6 pyparsing-2.1.0 pysendfile-2.0.1 python-cinderclient-1.6.0 python-dateutil-2.5.0 python-editor-0.5 python-glanceclient-2.0.1 python-ironicclient-1.3.1 python-keystoneclient-2.3.1 python-neutronclient-4.1.1 python-novaclient-3.3.1 python-openstackclient-2.3.0 python-swiftclient-3.0.0 pytz-2015.7 repoze.lru-0.6 requests-2.11.1 requestsexceptions-1.1.3 retrying-1.3.3 simplegeneric-0.8.1 simplejson-3.8.2 singledispatch- six-1.10.0 sqlalchemy-migrate-0.10.0 sqlparse-0.1.18 stevedore-1.12.0 unicodecsv-0.14.1 virtualenv-14.0.6 virtualenv-tools-1.0 waitress-0.8.10 warlock-1.2.0 websockify-0.8.0 wrapt-1.10.6
  2206. New python executable in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/cinder/bin/python
  2207. Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...New python executable in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/neutron/bin/python
  2208. Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
  2209. done.
  2210. Ignoring indexes:
  2211. Collecting PyMySQL
  2212. Ignoring indexes:
  2213. Collecting PyMySQL
  2214. Collecting cinder
  2215. Collecting cliff
  2216. Collecting configobj
  2217. Collecting httplib2
  2218. Collecting ecdsa
  2219. Collecting keystonemiddleware
  2220. Collecting httplib2
  2221. Collecting keystonemiddleware
  2222. Collecting neutron
  2223. Collecting pycrypto
  2224. Collecting python-cephlibs
  2225. Collecting python-cinderclient
  2226. Collecting python-keystoneclient
  2227. Collecting neutron_fwaas
  2228. Collecting python-memcached
  2229. Collecting neutron_lbaas
  2230. Collecting virtualenv
  2231. Collecting virtualenv-tools
  2232. Collecting neutron_vpnaas
  2233. Collecting tooz>=1.28.0 (from cinder)
  2234. Collecting PasteDeploy>=1.5.0 (from cinder)
  2235. Collecting pycrypto
  2236. Collecting oslo.db>=4.1.0 (from cinder)
  2237. Collecting python-glanceclient
  2238. Collecting oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 (from cinder)
  2239. Collecting python-keystoneclient
  2240. Collecting sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6 (from cinder)
  2241. Collecting Paste (from cinder)
  2242. Collecting python-memcached
  2243. Collecting os-brick!=1.4.0,>=1.0.0 (from cinder)
  2244. Collecting python-neutronclient
  2245. Collecting Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,!=2.3.0,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7" (from cinder)
  2246. Collecting python-novaclient
  2247. Collecting osprofiler>=1.1.0 (from cinder)
  2248. Collecting requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 (from cinder)
  2249. Collecting repoze.lru
  2250. Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.1 (from cinder)
  2251. Collecting virtualenv
  2252. Collecting oslo.rootwrap>=2.0.0 (from cinder)
  2253. Collecting virtualenv-tools
  2254. Collecting enum34; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" or python_version == "3.3" (from cinder)
  2255. Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.1 (from cliff)
  2256. Collecting oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 (from cinder)
  2257. Collecting cmd2>=0.6.7 (from cliff)
  2258. Collecting python-novaclient!=2.33.0,>=2.29.0 (from cinder)
  2259. Collecting six>=1.9.0 (from cliff)
  2260. Collecting stevedore>=1.5.0 (from cinder)
  2261. Collecting PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7 (from cliff)
  2262. Collecting six>=1.9.0 (from cinder)
  2263. Collecting pbr>=1.6 (from cliff)
  2264. Collecting oslo.service>=1.0.0 (from cinder)
  2265. Collecting unicodecsv>=0.8.0 (from cliff)
  2266. Collecting SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 (from cinder)
  2267. Collecting stevedore>=1.5.0 (from cliff)
  2268. Collecting PyYAML>=3.1.0 (from cliff)
  2269. Collecting oslo.context>=0.2.0 (from cinder)
  2270. Collecting requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2271. Collecting rtslib-fb>=2.1.41 (from cinder)
  2272. Collecting eventlet!=0.18.3,>=0.18.2 (from cinder)
  2273. Collecting positional>=1.0.1 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2274. Collecting paramiko>=1.16.0 (from cinder)
  2275. Collecting oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2276. Collecting retrying!=1.3.0,>=1.2.3 (from cinder)
  2277. Collecting oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2278. Collecting python-barbicanclient>=3.3.0 (from cinder)
  2279. Collecting WebOb>=1.2.3 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2280. Collecting oslo.versionedobjects>=1.5.0 (from cinder)
  2281. Collecting oslo.context>=0.2.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2282. Collecting oauth2client>=1.5.0 (from cinder)
  2283. Collecting pycadf!=2.0.0,>=1.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2284. Collecting oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1 (from cinder)
  2285. Collecting oslo.config>=3.7.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2286. Collecting WebOb>=1.2.3 (from cinder)
  2287. Collecting oslo.utils>=3.5.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2288. Collecting google-api-python-client>=1.4.2 (from cinder)
  2289. Collecting oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 (from cinder)
  2290. Collecting keystoneauth1>=2.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2291. Collecting pytz>=2013.6 (from cinder)
  2292. Collecting PasteDeploy>=1.5.0 (from neutron)
  2293. Collecting ovs>=2.4.0; python_version == "2.7" (from neutron)
  2294. Collecting python-glanceclient>=2.0.0 (from cinder)
  2295. Collecting oslo.db>=4.1.0 (from neutron)
  2296. Collecting decorator>=3.4.0 (from cinder)
  2297. Collecting os-win>=0.2.3 (from cinder)
  2298. Collecting debtcollector>=1.2.0 (from neutron)
  2299. Collecting oslo.messaging>=4.0.0 (from cinder)
  2300. Collecting oslo.versionedobjects>=1.5.0 (from neutron)
  2301. Collecting Paste (from neutron)
  2302. Collecting lxml>=2.3 (from cinder)
  2303. Collecting Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,!=2.3.0,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7" (from neutron)
  2304. Collecting iso8601>=0.1.9 (from cinder)
  2305. Collecting Jinja2>=2.8 (from neutron)
  2306. Collecting oslo.utils>=3.5.0 (from cinder)
  2307. Collecting python-designateclient>=1.5.0 (from neutron)
  2308. Collecting oslo.vmware>=1.16.0 (from cinder)
  2309. Collecting netifaces>=0.10.4 (from neutron)
  2310. Collecting greenlet>=0.3.2 (from cinder)
  2311. Collecting oslo.rootwrap>=2.0.0 (from neutron)
  2312. Collecting taskflow>=1.26.0 (from cinder)
  2313. Collecting oslo.service>=1.0.0 (from neutron)
  2314. Collecting oslo.reports>=0.6.0 (from cinder)
  2315. Collecting pecan>=1.0.0 (from neutron)
  2316. Collecting python-swiftclient>=2.2.0 (from cinder)
  2317. Collecting SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 (from neutron)
  2318. Collecting oslo.log>=1.14.0 (from cinder)
  2319. Collecting eventlet!=0.18.3,>=0.18.2 (from neutron)
  2320. Collecting oslo.policy>=0.5.0 (from cinder)
  2321. Collecting retrying!=1.3.0,>=1.2.3 (from neutron)
  2322. Collecting simplejson>=2.2.0 (from cinder)
  2323. Collecting neutron-lib>=0.0.1 (from neutron)
  2324. Collecting pbr>=1.6 (from cinder)
  2325. Collecting alembic>=0.8.0 (from neutron)
  2326. Collecting oslo.config>=3.7.0 (from cinder)
  2327. Collecting oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1 (from neutron)
  2328. Collecting Babel!=2.3.0,!=2.3.1,!=2.3.2,!=2.3.3,>=1.3 (from cinder)
  2329. Collecting oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 (from neutron)
  2330. Collecting ryu>=3.30 (from neutron)
  2331. Collecting suds-jurko>=0.6 (from cinder)
  2332. Collecting positional>=1.0.1 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2333. Collecting pycadf!=2.0.0,>=1.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2334. Collecting oslo.messaging>=4.0.0 (from neutron)
  2335. Collecting keystoneauth1>=2.1.0 (from keystonemiddleware)
  2336. Collecting greenlet>=0.3.2 (from neutron)
  2337. Collecting PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7 (from python-cinderclient)
  2338. Collecting debtcollector>=1.2.0 (from python-keystoneclient)
  2339. Collecting oslo.reports>=0.6.0 (from neutron)
  2340. Collecting msgpack-python>=0.4.0 (from tooz>=1.28.0->cinder)
  2341. Collecting oslo.log>=1.14.0 (from neutron)
  2342. Collecting fasteners>=0.7 (from tooz>=1.28.0->cinder)
  2343. Collecting zake>=0.1.6 (from tooz>=1.28.0->cinder)
  2344. Collecting oslo.policy>=0.5.0 (from neutron)
  2345. Collecting netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 (from neutron)
  2346. Collecting voluptuous>=0.8.6 (from tooz>=1.28.0->cinder)
  2347. Collecting futurist>=0.11.0 (from tooz>=1.28.0->cinder)
  2348. Collecting pyasn1-modules (from neutron_lbaas)
  2349. Collecting futures>=3.0; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from tooz>=1.28.0->cinder)
  2350. Collecting python-barbicanclient>=3.3.0 (from neutron_lbaas)
  2351. Collecting alembic>=0.8.0 (from oslo.db>=4.1.0->cinder)
  2352. Collecting pyasn1 (from neutron_lbaas)
  2353. Collecting sqlparse (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->cinder)
  2354. Collecting pyOpenSSL>=0.14 (from neutron_lbaas)
  2355. Collecting Tempita>=0.4 (from sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6->cinder)
  2356. Collecting warlock<2,>=1.0.1 (from python-glanceclient)
  2357. Collecting repoze.lru>=0.3 (from Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,!=2.3.0,>=1.12.3; python_version == "2.7"->cinder)
  2358. Collecting Babel!=2.3.0,!=2.3.1,!=2.3.2,!=2.3.3,>=1.3 (from python-glanceclient)
  2359. Collecting monotonic>=0.6 (from oslo.service>=1.0.0->cinder)
  2360. Collecting cryptography>=1.1 (from paramiko>=1.16.0->cinder)
  2361. Collecting pyasn1>=0.1.7 (from paramiko>=1.16.0->cinder)
  2362. Collecting cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0 (from python-barbicanclient>=3.3.0->cinder)
  2363. Collecting iso8601>=0.1.9 (from python-keystoneclient)
  2364. Collecting netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 (from oslo.versionedobjects>=1.5.0->cinder)
  2365. Collecting simplejson>=2.2.0 (from python-neutronclient)
  2366. Collecting os-client-config>=1.13.1 (from python-neutronclient)
  2367. Collecting pyasn1-modules>=0.0.5 (from oauth2client>=1.5.0->cinder)
  2368. Collecting rsa>=3.1.4 (from oauth2client>=1.5.0->cinder)
  2369. Collecting msgpack-python>=0.4.0 (from oslo.serialization>=1.10.0->keystonemiddleware)
  2370. Collecting uritemplate<1,>=0.6 (from google-api-python-client>=1.4.2->cinder)
  2371. Collecting pytz>=2013.6 (from oslo.serialization>=1.10.0->keystonemiddleware)
  2372. Collecting Jinja2>=2.8 (from oslo.middleware>=3.0.0->cinder)
  2373. Collecting warlock<2,>=1.0.1 (from python-glanceclient>=2.0.0->cinder)
  2374. Collecting funcsigs>=0.4; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->keystonemiddleware)
  2375. Collecting PyYAML>=3.1.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->cinder)
  2376. Collecting monotonic>=0.6 (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->keystonemiddleware)
  2377. Collecting amqp>=1.4.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->cinder)
  2378. Collecting sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6 (from oslo.db>=4.1.0->neutron)
  2379. Collecting pika>=0.10.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->cinder)
  2380. Collecting wrapt>=1.7.0 (from debtcollector>=1.2.0->neutron)
  2381. Collecting kombu>=3.0.25 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->cinder)
  2382. Collecting MarkupSafe (from Jinja2>=2.8->neutron)
  2383. Collecting cachetools>=1.0.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->cinder)
  2384. Collecting jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 (from python-designateclient>=1.5.0->neutron)
  2385. Collecting pika-pool>=0.1.3 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->cinder)
  2386. Collecting singledispatch (from pecan>=1.0.0->neutron)
  2387. Collecting netifaces>=0.10.4 (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->cinder)
  2388. Collecting funcsigs>=0.4; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from oslo.utils>=3.5.0->cinder)
  2389. Collecting logutils>=0.3 (from pecan>=1.0.0->neutron)
  2390. Collecting urllib3>=1.8.3 (from oslo.vmware>=1.16.0->cinder)
  2391. Collecting Mako>=0.4.0 (from pecan>=1.0.0->neutron)
  2392. Collecting networkx>=1.10 (from taskflow>=1.26.0->cinder)
  2393. Collecting WebTest>=1.3.1 (from pecan>=1.0.0->neutron)
  2394. Collecting python-editor>=0.3 (from alembic>=0.8.0->neutron)
  2395. Collecting jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 (from taskflow>=1.26.0->cinder)
  2396. Collecting fasteners>=0.7 (from oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1->neutron)
  2397. Collecting automaton>=0.5.0 (from taskflow>=1.26.0->cinder)
  2398. Collecting enum34; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" or python_version == "3.3" (from oslo.concurrency>=3.7.1->neutron)
  2399. Collecting contextlib2>=0.4.0 (from taskflow>=1.26.0->cinder)
  2400. Collecting amqp>=1.4.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->neutron)
  2401. Collecting psutil<2.0.0,>=1.1.1 (from oslo.reports>=0.6.0->cinder)
  2402. Collecting pika>=0.10.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->neutron)
  2403. Collecting python-dateutil>=2.4.2 (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->cinder)
  2404. Collecting kombu>=3.0.25 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->neutron)
  2405. Collecting pyinotify>=0.9.6; sys_platform != "win32" and sys_platform != "darwin" and sys_platform != "sunos5" (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->cinder)
  2406. Collecting wrapt>=1.7.0 (from debtcollector>=1.2.0->python-keystoneclient)
  2407. Collecting cachetools>=1.0.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->neutron)
  2408. Collecting kazoo!=2.1,>=1.3.1 (from zake>=0.1.6->tooz>=1.28.0->cinder)
  2409. Collecting futures>=3.0; python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "2.6" (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->neutron)
  2410. Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools>=0.6b1 in /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/venvs/cinder/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from voluptuous>=0.8.6->tooz>=1.28.0->cinder)
  2411. Collecting Mako (from alembic>=0.8.0->oslo.db>=4.1.0->cinder)
  2412. Collecting futurist>=0.11.0 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->neutron)
  2413. Collecting python-editor>=0.3 (from alembic>=0.8.0->oslo.db>=4.1.0->cinder)
  2414. Collecting pika-pool>=0.1.3 (from oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->neutron)
  2415. Collecting idna>=2.0 (from cryptography>=1.1->paramiko>=1.16.0->cinder)
  2416. Collecting psutil<2.0.0,>=1.1.1 (from oslo.reports>=0.6.0->neutron)
  2417. Collecting ipaddress (from cryptography>=1.1->paramiko>=1.16.0->cinder)
  2418. Collecting python-dateutil>=2.4.2 (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->neutron)
  2419. Collecting cffi>=1.4.1 (from cryptography>=1.1->paramiko>=1.16.0->cinder)
  2420. Collecting pyinotify>=0.9.6; sys_platform != "win32" and sys_platform != "darwin" and sys_platform != "sunos5" (from oslo.log>=1.14.0->neutron)
  2421. Collecting cmd2>=0.6.7 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-barbicanclient>=3.3.0->cinder)
  2422. Collecting cryptography>=1.3.4 (from pyOpenSSL>=0.14->neutron_lbaas)
  2423. Collecting unicodecsv>=0.8.0 (from cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0->python-barbicanclient>=3.3.0->cinder)
  2424. Collecting MarkupSafe (from Jinja2>=2.8->oslo.middleware>=3.0.0->cinder)
  2425. Collecting jsonpatch<2,>=0.10 (from warlock<2,>=1.0.1->python-glanceclient>=2.0.0->cinder)
  2426. Collecting anyjson>=0.3.3 (from kombu>=3.0.25->oslo.messaging>=4.0.0->cinder)
  2427. Collecting functools32; python_version == "2.7" (from jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0->taskflow>=1.26.0->cinder)
  2428. Collecting pycparser (from cffi>=1.4.1->cryptography>=1.1->paramiko>=1.16.0->cinder)
  2429. Collecting jsonpointer>=1.9 (from jsonpatch<2,>=0.10->warlock<2,>=1.0.1->python-glanceclient>=2.0.0->cinder)
  2430. Installing collected packages: PyMySQL, six, msgpack-python, requests, monotonic, fasteners, kazoo, zake, enum34, voluptuous, pytz, Babel, pbr, netifaces, funcsigs, oslo.i18n, wrapt, debtcollector, netaddr, iso8601, oslo.utils, oslo.serialization, contextlib2, futures, futurist, retrying, stevedore, tooz, PasteDeploy, httplib2, MarkupSafe, Mako, SQLAlchemy, python-editor, alembic, sqlparse, decorator, Tempita, sqlalchemy-migrate, oslo.context, oslo.config, oslo.db, Paste, python-dateutil, pyinotify, oslo.log, oslo.concurrency, greenlet, WebOb, eventlet, repoze.lru, Routes, oslo.service, os-brick, positional, PrettyTable, keystoneauth1, python-keystoneclient, pycrypto, osprofiler, pyparsing, oslo.rootwrap, simplejson, python-novaclient, rtslib-fb, pyasn1, idna, ipaddress, pycparser, cffi, cryptography, paramiko, cmd2, unicodecsv, PyYAML, cliff, python-barbicanclient, amqp, pika, anyjson, kombu, cachetools, Jinja2, oslo.middleware, pika-pool, oslo.messaging, oslo.versionedobjects, pyasn1-modules, rsa, oauth2client, uritemplate, google-api-python-client, jsonpointer, jsonpatch, functools32, jsonschema, warlock, python-glanceclient, os-win, lxml, urllib3, suds-jurko, oslo.vmware, networkx, automaton, taskflow, psutil, oslo.reports, python-swiftclient, pycadf, keystonemiddleware, oslo.policy, cinder, ecdsa, python-cephlibs, python-cinderclient, python-memcached, virtualenv, virtualenv-tools
  2432. FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
  2434. PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
  2435. to retry, use: --limit @/root/repo-build.retry
  2437. p-osinfra01_repo_container-8675a627 : ok=54 changed=22 unreachable=0 failed=1
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