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- #!/usr/bin/python
- #
- # Thanks to
- #
- import gtk
- import gtk.gdk
- import os
- import sys
- class MaSysMaPlanView(gtk.Window):
- def handle_scrollbar_updated_event(self, adjustment):
- """Invoked when the scrollbar is changed. This method depends on the value of the self.react_on_update field.
- If react_on_update is False, this method does nothing. If it is 1, the scrollbar is scrolled down. If it is 2,
- the display status is updated. After the invocation this method sets react_on_update back to False in order to
- prevent further invocations until react_on_update is again changed."""
- if self.react_on_update == False:
- return False
- if self.react_on_update == 1:
- self.scrollbar.get_vscrollbar().set_value(adjustment.upper - adjustment.page_size)
- elif self.react_on_update == 2:
- self.apply_display_change()
- self.react_on_update = False
- return False
- def handle_scroll_event(self, widget, event):
- """Invoked when the scrollbar is scrolled. While CTRL is held down, this is used for zooming and switching to
- the next file after having reached the top/end of a "page"."""
- if event.state.first_value_name == "GDK_CONTROL_MASK":
- delta_f = 0.1
- if event.direction == gtk.gdk.SCROLL_UP:
- return self.zoom(1 + delta_f)
- elif event.direction == gtk.gdk.SCROLL_DOWN:
- return self.zoom(1 - delta_f)
- else:
- return False
- elif event.state.first_value_name != "GDK_MOD1_MASK":
- adjustment = self.scrollbar.get_vscrollbar().get_adjustment()
- if event.direction == gtk.gdk.SCROLL_UP:
- return self.scroll_image(adjustment, True)
- elif event.direction == gtk.gdk.SCROLL_DOWN:
- return self.scroll_image(adjustment, False)
- else:
- return False
- return False
- def handle_window_resize_event(self, widget, event):
- """Should resize the image on window resize if needed. This does not always work as it does not do this itself
- but wants handle_scrollbar_updated_event() to handle this."""
- # TODO does not always work
- self.react_on_update = 2
- return False
- def handle_key_event(self, widget, event):
- """Main keyboard interaction method."""
- key = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)
- if key == "c": # center (only affects width)
- # TODO does not really work seamless (second invocation corrects... it is realted to the auto-vanishing scrollbar, etc.)
- self.apply_display_change(2)
- elif key == "dollar": # end (zoom away as needed...)
- self.apply_display_change(3)
- elif key == "0": # start (zom in until not scaled anymore)
- self.apply_display_change(1)
- elif key == "q" or (key == "w" and event.state.first_value_name == "GDK_CONTROL_MASK") or key == "F10" \
- or (key == "F4" and event.state.first_value_name == "GDK_MOD1_MASK") or key == "Escape": # quit
- self.exit()
- elif key == "space" or key == "l" or key == "Right":
- self.next_file()
- elif key == "h" or key == "BackSpace" or key == "Left":
- self.next_file(increment = -1)
- elif (key == "r" and event.state.first_value_name == "GDK_CONTROL_MASK") or key == "F5": # reload
- self.reload_image()
- elif key == "r": # reload dir by doing a cd to current directory
- self.chdir(self.cd_str)
- # TODO allow "j" and "Down" for regular scrolling, too (also with up)
- elif key == "j" or key == "Down" or key == "Page_Down":
- return self.scroll_image(self.scrollbar.get_vscrollbar().get_adjustment(), False)
- elif key == "k" or key == "Up" or key == "Page_Up":
- return self.scroll_image(self.scrollbar.get_vscrollbar().get_adjustment(), True)
- elif key == "o" or key == "g" or key == "d":
- self.chdir_gui()
- elif key == "F11":
- self.is_fullscreen = not self.is_fullscreen
- if self.is_fullscreen:
- self.fullscreen()
- else:
- self.unfullscreen()
- elif key == "F2":
- dialog = gtk.AboutDialog()
- dialog.set_program_name(" Plan View")
- dialog.set_comments("a simple keyboard only image viewer")
- dialog.set_version("")
- dialog.set_copyright(
- "Copyright (c) 2012, For further info send an e-mail to")
- license_file = "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3"
- if os.path.exists(license_file):
- link=open(license_file, 'r')
- dialog.set_license(
- link.close()
- else:
- dialog.set_license(self.get_license_small())
- dialog.destroy()
- elif key == "F1":
- dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(self, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, gtk.MESSAGE_INFO,
- gtk.BUTTONS_OK, None)
- dialog.set_title("Help")
- # TODO use tupel for assoc and then a loop to build markup strings. also add half line separator after one command/descr assoc.
- dialog.set_markup("<b>List of all keyboard commands</b>\n\n" +
- "<tt>F1</tt>\n\tDisplay this help\n" +
- "<tt>F2</tt>\n\tVersion Information\n" +
- "<tt>F5, CTRL-R</tt>\n\tReload current file\n" +
- "<tt>r</tt>\n\tReload directory\n" +
- "<tt>F10, ESC, q, CTRL-W, ALT-F4</tt>\n\tExit\n" +
- "<tt>F11</tt>\n\tToggle fullscreen mode\n" +
- "<tt>Page Down</tt>\n\tPage down (next file if end of page reached)\n" +
- "<tt>Page Up</tt>\n\tPage up (previous file if begin of page reached)\n" +
- "<tt>Home</tt>\n\tGo to first file\n" +
- "<tt>End</tt>\n\tGo to last file\n" +
- "<tt>c</tt>\n\tCenter, adjust image to fit page width\n" +
- "<tt>$</tt>\n\tZoom out until the whole image is visible\n" +
- "<tt>0</tt>\n\tRestore original image size\n" +
- "<tt>o, g, d</tt>\n\topen, goto, (change)dir: change directory\n" +
- "<tt>CTRL-[SCROLL]</tt>\n\tAllows you to zoom in and out.\n" +
- "<tt>Space, l, Right</tt>\n\tNext file.\n" +
- "<tt>Backspace, h, Left</tt>\n\tPrevious file.")
- dialog.destroy()
- elif key == "Home":
- self.cd_sub = 0
- self.next_file_open()
- elif key == "End":
- self.cd_sub = len( - 1
- self.next_file_open(increment = -1)
- return False
- def scroll_image(self, adjustment, up = True):
- """Scrolls the image completely up or down (up if up == True, down if up == False)."""
- if adjustment.value == adjustment.lower and up:
- self.next_file(increment = -1)
- # Scroll down after change was registered
- self.react_on_update = 1
- # Thanks to
- elif adjustment.value == (adjustment.upper - adjustment.page_size) and not up:
- self.next_file()
- # As this always remains 0.0 it is not problematic that it is not yet updated...
- self.scrollbar.get_vscrollbar().set_value(adjustment.lower)
- else:
- return False
- return True
- def zoom(self, factor):
- """Zooms into the image. Warning: Scaling is done on the CPU meaning it is not *that* efficient and especially
- not fast with very big scaled images."""
- if self.display_mode != 4:
- self.apply_display_change(4)
- if (self.zoom_height < 32 or self.zoom_width < 32) and factor < 1:
- return True
- self.zoom_height = int(self.zoom_height * factor)
- self.zoom_width = int(self.zoom_width * factor)
- self.apply_display_change(4)
- return True
- def apply_display_change(self, change_display_mode = False):
- """Applies a display change by recalculating the displayed image."""
- if change_display_mode != False:
- self.display_mode = change_display_mode;
- self.current_pixbuf = self.current_source_pixbuf
- new_width = -1;
- new_height = -1;
- if self.display_mode == 4:
- if self.zoom_width == -1 or self.zoom_height == -1:
- self.zoom_width = self.current_pixbuf.get_width()
- self.zoom_height = self.current_pixbuf.get_height()
- new_width = self.zoom_width
- new_height = self.zoom_height
- else:
- self.zoom_width = -1
- self.zoom_height = -1
- if self.display_mode != 1:
- wnd_rectangle = self.viewport.get_allocation()
- wnd_width = wnd_rectangle.width
- wnd_height = wnd_rectangle.height
- img_width = self.current_source_pixbuf.get_width()
- img_height = self.current_source_pixbuf.get_height()
- if self.display_mode == 2 and img_width > wnd_width:
- new_width = wnd_width
- new_height = (wnd_width * img_height) / img_width
- elif self.display_mode == 3:
- # If you remve this statement you will force the image to fill the window even if it's
- # smaller than the window
- if img_width > wnd_width or img_height > wnd_height:
- if img_width - wnd_width > img_height - wnd_height:
- new_width = wnd_width;
- new_height = (new_width * img_height) / img_width
- else:
- new_height = wnd_height;
- new_width = (new_height * img_width) / img_height
- if new_width != -1 and new_height != -1:
- # TODO not very efficient as not done on the gpu, ram comsumption extremly high with upscaled images
- self.current_pixbuf = self.current_source_pixbuf.scale_simple(
- new_width, new_height, gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER)
- self.current_image.set_from_pixbuf(self.current_pixbuf)
- def next_file(self, zskip = False, increment = 1):
- """Tries to open the next file (you can select the "previous" file via increment = -1)."""
- self.cd_sub += increment
- return self.next_file_open(zskip, increment)
- def next_file_open(self, zskip = False, increment = 1):
- """Method called to open the "next" file without incrementing self.cd_sub and therefore useful for reloading
- operations, etc. Non-Image files are automatically skipped. After having reached the end of the list, the
- program returns to the begin of the list."""
- if self.cd_sub == len(
- if len( == 0:
- dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(
- gtk.BUTTONS_OK, "The directory does not contain a single file.")
- dialog.set_title("Error")
- dialog.destroy()
- return False
- else:
- self.cd_sub = 0
- elif self.cd_sub < 0:
- self.cd_sub = len( - 1
- elif not[self.cd_sub].rpartition('.')[2].lower() in self.filetypes:
- if zskip == True:
- dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(
- gtk.BUTTONS_OK, "The directory does not contain a single useful image file.")
- dialog.set_title("Error")
- dialog.destroy()
- return False
- else:
- return self.next_file(self.cd_sub == 0, increment)
- self.reload_image()
- return True
- def reload_image(self):
- """Tries to reload current image from file."""
- try:
- self.current_source_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(self.cd_str + os.sep +[self.cd_sub])
- except:
- dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(self, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR,
- gtk.BUTTONS_OK, "Could not load image file \"" +[self.cd_sub] + "\".")
- dialog.destroy()
- return
- self.apply_display_change()
- def chdir_gui(self):
- """Displays a gtk.FileChooserDialog to select another directory. Available via the "d" command."""
- chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Select new Directory", self, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER,
- ("Cancel", 1, "Select", 0))
- chooser.set_filename(self.cd_str)
- has_selected =
- selection = None
- if has_selected == 0:
- selection = chooser.get_filename()
- chooser.destroy()
- if selection == None:
- return False
- else:
- return self.chdir(selection)
- def chdir(self, path, first_run = False):
- """Tries to cd into the given path. If first_run == True it does not store the current values of important
- fields like self.cd_str and self.cd_sub that are used to restore on failure if first_run == False. If there is
- a failure and first_run == True, this method exits the program with return code 2."""
- prev = None
- prev_pos = None
- if not first_run:
- prev = self.cd_str
- prev_pos = self.cd_sub
- if first_run or not self.cd_str == path:
- self.cd_sub = -1
- else:
- # As we call next_file() we need to go back one file first.
- self.cd_sub -= 1
- self.cd_str = path
- = os.listdir(self.cd_str)
- # We cannot give a "zero move step" here as this can result in endless loops.
- if not self.next_file():
- if first_run:
- self.exit(exit_status = 2)
- elif not self.chdir_gui():
- # Restore settings
- self.cd_str = prev
- self.cd_sub = prev_pos
- = os.listdir(prev)
- def exit(self, widget = None, exit_status = 0):
- """Terminates the application with the given exit_status regardless of the widget parameter or the gtk main
- loop being run or not."""
- if gtk.main_level() == 0:
- exit(exit_status)
- else:
- gtk.main_quit()
- exit(exit_status)
- def __init__(self):
- """Initializes GUI and fields. Tries to load the directory given via parameter 1 or to use the current directory
- if no parameter is given."""
- # Create window
- gtk.Window.__init__(self, gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
- self.set_title(" Plan View 0.1")
- #self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_SELECTED, gtk.gdk.Color(20, 20, 20))
- # Display modes:
- # 1. non-scaled
- # 2. scaled to fit width
- # 3. scaled to fit height and width
- # 4. specially scaled (see zoom variables)
- self.display_mode = 1
- self.zoom_width = -1
- self.zoom_height = -1
- self.react_on_update = False
- self.is_fullscreen = False
- # Create image container
- self.current_image = gtk.Image()
- # Create scrollbar
- # From
- # prevent-scrollbars-from-showing-up-when-placing-a-drawing-area-inside-a-scrolled
- self.scrollbar = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
- self.scrollbar.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
- self.scrollbar.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE)
- #self.scrollbar.get_vscrollbar().connect("value_changed", self.handle_scroll_event)
- self.scrollbar.connect("scroll_event", self.handle_scroll_event)
- self.scrollbar.get_vscrollbar().get_adjustment().connect("changed", self.handle_scrollbar_updated_event)
- # Create image drawing facility (viewport)
- self.viewport = gtk.Viewport()
- self.viewport.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE)
- self.viewport.add(self.current_image)
- # Merge viewport and scrollbar
- self.scrollbar.add(self.viewport)
- self.add(self.scrollbar)
- # Connect events
- self.connect("destroy", self.exit)
- self.connect("key_press_event", self.handle_key_event)
- self.set_events(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS_MASK)
- self.connect("configure_event", self.handle_window_resize_event)
- # Set supported filetypes (tga and png are the most important)
- self.filetypes = ["tga", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "tiff", "ico"]
- # TODO allow runtime interpolation type change... ('z')
- # Determine startup directory and load image
- if len(sys.argv) == 2:
- self.chdir(sys.argv[1], True)
- else:
- self.chdir(".", True)
- # Display window
- self.resize(1050, 900)
- self.set_gravity(gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_CENTER)
- self.show_all()
- gtk.main()
- def get_license_small(self):
- """Returns a short notice that is used if the GPL Text file is not available. This is required on e.g. Windows
- Systems that certainly do not have an /usr directory."""
- return """ Plan View: a simple keyboard only image viewer
- Copyright (C) 2012
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>."""
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- MaSysMaPlanView()
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