

Oct 27th, 2020
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  1. This in­deed is a grand feast, full table the veg­etable/dish, al­most evac­u­ated restau­rant recipe.
  2. But the one side piles to be­come Roushan the shash­lik, is to make the per­son an­tic­i­pate.
  3. Amy and Miya they come back from the ice cream shop, the restau­rant peo­ple were ar­rive in full.
  4. The peo­ple dis­tinc­tion for some­time, nat­u­rally must have one ex­change greet­ings.
  5. But be­came Con­nie of beast­man race big chief, be­comes ob­ject who the peo­ple teased and pro­voked laugh­ter.
  6. After all this youngest sis­ter just came restau­rant time, is may gen­tly and charm­ingly the ap­pear­ance of per­son, has not thought that not only be­came the Fak Tribe chief, now be­comes the en­tire beast­man race big chief.
  7. „Elder Sis­ter Con­nie, after that I go to beast­man race, so long as re­ported your name, can walk side­ways?” Amy cu­ri­ous looks at Con­nie, but also stud­ied the crab to walk side­ways sev­eral steps.
  8. „Did not re­port my name, but can also some peo­ple block Amy to walk side­ways?” Con­nie asked back with a smile.
  9. The peo­ple also smiled.
  10. Then, Amy is true small tal­ent.
  11. „Ok, sat down eats slowly, slowly chat­ted.” Mag said that when first sits down.
  12. Irina sits down in his body side, al­though has not in­ter­acted with him, is solemn a ap­pear­ance of mis­tress.
  13. Amy climbed up own high foot­stool, the girls also took a seat in abun­dance, a big round table was filled.
  14. This was Mamy Restau­rant for a long time no lively scene, after all they left Chaos City from Mag, after going to Roe City, restau­rant has been out of busi­ness, was es­pe­cially lonely.
  15. The gourmet food nice wine en­ter­tain­ment, the peo­ple en­joy­ing one­self to the full food and drink, no one men­tions ac­tu­ally today at a se­ries of things of City Lord's man­sion.
  16. „Can restau­rant re­store op­er­a­tions?” Camilla looks at Mag to ask.
  17. The fe­males are also peace­ful, looks at Mag.
  18. restau­rant goes out of busi­ness for two weeks, this has never had the long va­ca­tion.
  19. Then var­i­ous races will soon an­nounce that en­ters the state of war, safe­guards the al­lied armies North­ern Ex­pe­di­tion com­pre­hen­sively, at this time, was not ob­vi­ously suit­able to lead the child to con­tinue to travel.
  20. „No, the Amy's va­ca­tion also has half a month, I planned that she began school started doing busi­ness again.” Mag shakes the head with a smile.
  21. Said that also in­ter­est­ing, now the Mamy Restau­rant staff, are tight with the Nolan con­ti­nent des­tiny, is going Con­nie that leads beast­man race to go north, be­comes Vam­pire clan pa­tri­arch Camilla, is shoul­der­ing con­struc­tion seal array mis­sion Bar­bara, has the vital func­tion.
  22. „This, is very good, I also want to ask for leave again some time.” Bar­bara is nip­ping the meat string, some­what am­bigu­ous say­ing.
  23. „Re­cently out­side was not peace­ful, Boss, do not bring Amy and Annie took a long jour­ney, is not quite safe.” Con­nie looks at Mag face earnest say­ing.
  24. Camilla is also the nod said: „In­deed is this.”
  25. Al­though Mag took her Image Stone to ob­serve and em­u­late de­spi­ca­ble a point all night, but in ad­di­tion the per­son was good, prepar­ing food was also de­li­cious, was to­gether with every­one also good......
  26. „What hap­pened?” Yabe­miya puts down the bowl in hand, been con­cerned looks at Con­nie to ask.
  27. „Re­cently every­one lit­tle went far, treats in Chaos City is very good.” Con­nie said.
  28. Yabe­miya is hes­i­tat­ing ask­ing: „That...... will Eliz­a­beth have the dan­ger?”
  29. Con­nie fa­cial ex­pres­sion a lit­tle un­nat­ural looked at Camilla, the news about Lan­caster, was men­tioned in today's con­fer­ence re­peat­edly.
  30. Eliz­a­beth had not been found now, this is the news that frost giant dragon clan grand elder Dou­glas dis­closed per­son­ally, and hopes that var­i­ous races can pro­vide some help.
  31. As the col­league and friend, they nat­u­rally care about the Eliz­a­beth safety.
  32. Yabe­miya be­fore and Eliz­a­beth was al­ways to­gether, the re­la­tions were close, if made her know that per­haps the Eliz­a­beth pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, will worry.
  33. „She is an in­tel­li­gent miss, will not have the issue.” Irina opens the mouth to say.
  34. Yabe­miya hear­ing this, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion re­laxed, nods to say to Irina with a smile: „Thanks.”
  35. „Today can be as­sem­ble rarely, every­one has started to go out of restau­rant this small place, the next time gath­ers does not know that was, come, eaten sat­is­fac­tion, drank en­joys one­self to the full.” Mag raises glass with a smile.
  36. Cheers!
  37. The peo­ple raise glass, then clinks glasses with a smile.
  38. ......
  39. In the square, the form looks at lights bright Mamy Restau­rant to­gether, is lost in thought.
  40. Al­though can­not see clearly the per­son's shadow in restau­rant, can­not hear clearly their loud noises, but that warm color light, in this cold night, makes peo­ple feel as be­fore warm.
  41. The Sally's cor­ners of the mouth showed a smile, al­though can­not go, but stands out­side is look­ing at one, as if felt the en­ergy.
  42. She turns around, the prepa­ra­tion leaves.
  43. The restau­rant gate opened.
  44. „Since came back, doesn't come to drink one cup?”
  45. The mild sound re­sounds, the Sally's foot­steps live.
  46. Hes­i­tated a meet­ing, Sally turned around, looks to stand in that form of en­trance.
  47. The mild smile, makes peo­ple think to feel at ease as be­fore, that pair of clear eye pupil, mak­ing peo­ple be hard to re­ject.
  48. On her cool and cold face, the smile like flower rip­ples.
  49. Orig­i­nally, but also some peo­ple she came back.
  50. This feel­ing...... re­ally good.
  51. „Aisha!”
  52. Yabe­miya gets to the en­trance, looks to stand out­side Sally eyes lit up, then swooped, grasps her, is happy: „You came back fi­nally!”
  53. The en­thu­si­asm of Sally to Yabe­miya a lit­tle does not adapt, but was sup­ported in the bosom, that warm feel­ing, makes her heart also all of a sud­den warm.
  54. „Big Sis­ter Aisha!”
  55. Amy also grasped a chicken leg to run, opened both hands to run up to front of Sally, but looks at Aisha of snow white long skirt, looked own a lit­tle greasy small hand, stopped the foot promptly.
  56. „, Just had/left the hot Beg­gar's Chicken leg of shell, gives you.”
  57. Sally looks at the chicken leg that in the lit­tle fel­low hand just ripped, some­what is at heart af­fected, the thing of lit­tle fel­low most trea­sure was gourmet food.
  58. Was hear­ing that at­trac­tive roast chicken fra­grance, looks at that to exude the gloss chicken leg, the throat was rolling, this re­mem­bers has not eaten the thing today prob­a­bly.
  59. „Ultra de­li­cious, this, gave you.” Amy stands on tip­toes the tip of the toe, dili­gently lifts the chicken leg is higher.
  60. „Thanks Amy.” Sally re­ceived the chicken leg, then bit one di­rectly.
  61. The crisp ex­ter­nal skin, is wrap­ping the fat and ten­der chicken, bites, the crisp fra­grance bloomed in the mouth, slides the ten­der chicken to jump, dur­ing the taste bud that can­not be treated then fell into was crazy.
  62. She for a long time very long has not tasted to very much being worth being called de­li­cious food, but this chicken leg, aroused her re­gard­ing Mamy Restau­rant all mem­o­ries.
  63. This warm place, is a place that is rich in gourmet food.
  64. ......
  65. Has a per­son who is good at cre­at­ing gourmet food.
  66. With one group of warm peo­ple.
  67. She looks the restau­rant en­trance is stand­ing fa­mil­iar and not fa­mil­iar per­son, but they stand, look­ing like whole fam­ily in gen­eral is warm.
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