

Oct 8th, 2020 (edited)
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  4. >it takes you a few minutes to realize something is wrong
  5. >namely, that you don't know where the fuck you are
  6. >let's see... did you take a wrong turn at...?
  7. >wait, where were you even trying to go?
  8. >were you trying to go somewhere?
  9. >what the fuck were you doing just now?
  10. >you're currently walking through a level, orange landscape covered by a yellow sky
  11. >you'd think you'd remember walking into some place like this
  12. >or waking up or something
  13. >yet here you are, apparently in this wierd-ass place without realizing it
  14. >is it some sort of amnesia?
  15. >let's see...
  16. >your name is Anonymous, or Anon for short
  17. >this is only the second time you've unexpectedly ended up in a bizarre new world, the first time being when the magic bleach yeeted you into Equestria some years ago
  18. >you hadn't counted on showing up as a nondescript little filly though
  19. >a bit hopefully, you look down at your body to see if it's changed back
  20. >nope
  21. >damn
  22. >anyways, all your memories are in order as far as you can tell
  23. >with the exception, of course, of just what the fuck happened that led up to you being in this place
  24. >hey wait a second
  25. >what if this is like that shit from Memento?
  26. >you know, where the dude gets a head injury and forgets everything that happened since then every few minutes or so
  27. >you zone out for a few seconds
  28. >well, no further memory loss as far as you can tell
  29. >probably
  30. >so what the fuck is going on?
  31. >looking at your surroundings, it doesn't look like there's anything in sight for miles
  32. >there's probably not much point in continuing to walk
  33. >but it sounds better than just sitting here psyching yourself out
  34. >so
  35. >onward you go
  37. >there is no way of knowing just how long you've been going
  38. >the lighting in this place never changes
  39. >there are absolutely no landmarks to measure your progress by
  40. >and your hooves leave no impression in the hard, smooth, orange ground
  41. >floor?
  42. >you don't know
  43. >but at some point
  44. >you look up
  45. >something has caught your eye
  46. >something has broken the golden stillness of the sky
  47. >there's a small spot of blue up there
  48. >the spot gets bigger
  49. >grows a head, hooves, and wings
  50. >and shouts at you
  51. <"Anon?"
  52. "Rainbow Dash?"
  53. >she lands with a grateful whush
  54. "Oh good, a responsible adult. I don't suppose you know the way out of here?"
  55. <"Gimme a break, I've been flying in this wierdo place for hours! I didn't think I was gonna find anyone at this rate."
  56. >Dash leans to stretch those glutes
  57. <"I was kinda hoping you had a plan."
  58. "Walk til something happens."
  59. <"That's basically my plan, but with walking instead of flying."
  60. "Got a better one?"
  61. >Dash scowls at the barren landscape
  62. <"Not really."
  63. >and so
  64. >you walk
  66. >step
  67. >step
  68. >step
  69. >the process becomes mindless
  70. >insulated from both your surroundings and your thoughts
  71. >you may as well not even exist
  72. >it's not until your hoof comes down on nothing
  73. >and you stumble
  74. "Whoah."
  75. >Dash has been hovering overhead, and didn't suffer this particular mishap
  76. >the ground has begun to decline into a valley
  77. <"Hm?"
  78. >down in the valley lies what can only be described as a nice little villa
  79. >white walls, pillared arches, a bright blue swimming pool
  80. <"Weird."
  81. "For sure it's the valley of death."
  82. <"What?"
  83. "Nothing. It's a reference."
  84. <"You're one weird kid, Anon."
  85. "Well, something happened, so I guess we're done walking now."
  86. <"You're not seriously gonna go down there, are you?"
  87. "Why not? See any other water nearby? I'm thirsty as shit."
  88. <"You can't drink pool water."
  89. "They probably have faucets."
  90. >you start trotting down into the valley
  91. <"Oh, this is so lame..."
  92. "Come on. You scared?"
  93. <"N-no!"
  94. >a rainbow blur whizzes past you
  95. >Rainbow Dash appears by the door of the villa
  96. >you break into a light jog and catch up with her
  97. >you reach for the doorknob, but Dash holds up a hoof
  98. <"Whoah, kiddo. It might be dangerous in there. Let me go in first. You know, to protect you."
  99. >Dash flexes her wings
  100. >you groan
  101. "Okay, sure, fine, go."
  102. <"Not gonna beg me not to risk my life for you?"
  103. "Bluefast, my hooves are so sore I don't care about risking my own life for a good sofa, let alone yours. Let's just go."
  104. <"All right, all right, geez."
  105. >Dash hesitates dramatically
  106. >then throws open the door and summersaults inside
  107. >she scans to the left
  108. >scans to the right
  109. >then throws back her wing to give you a 'come hither' signal
  110. >you clomp inside, deliberately as loud as possible, and slam the door behind you
  111. <"Sssshhhhhhh!"
  112. "Yeah sure, whatever. Listen, I'm gonna go find a bathroom. If it smells like I'm taking a ginormous shit, it's because I am."
  113. >Dash's ears prick up as if something has alarmed her
  114. <"Anon, you can't."
  115. "Huh? Why not?"
  116. <"Because I was gonna do that."
  117. >with that, Dash disappears, leaving behind only a rainbow contrail
  118. >no fuck shit damn piss cock niggers that cunt can spend all day hogging a shitter
  119. >you run after her
  120. "Please no!"
  122. >fortunately, the villa apparently has multiple bathrooms
  123. >the one you found even has a shower, for advanced freshening up
  124. >once you're done with that, you head back out into the main living room
  125. >Dash is sprawled out on the couch
  126. <"Hey, sport."
  127. "Hey. So something just occured to me."
  128. <"What's that?"
  129. "Someone probably lives here."
  130. <"I hope so."
  131. "Think they'll appreciate us making ourselves at home when they get back?"
  132. >Dash shrugs
  133. <"Dunno. I just hope they'll be able to tell us the way out of bizzaro town."
  134. "That's a good point."
  135. >something on the wall attracts your gaze
  136. "Uh, hang on a second."
  137. >you point at a framed photograph hanging on the wall
  138. >you'd call the creature in the photo a minotaur
  139. >except that you've met minotaurs
  140. >and this guy looks more like a giant, scarred man with bull's horns crudely sewn onto his scalp
  141. "What if that's the guy who lives here?"
  142. >Dash grimaces
  143. <"Uh, maybe he's friendly?"
  144. "Or maybe he eats ponies?"
  145. <"Eugh. That'd be bad."
  146. "Yeah."
  147. <"Maybe we should get out of here."
  148. "I think we should get out of here."
  149. >Dash hops off the couch, and together you head for the door
  150. >it's just that, when Dash opens the door
  151. >she slams it shut again
  152. <"Anon."
  153. "Huh? What happened?"
  154. <"I don't know if we should go out there."
  155. "Why not? There's nothing out there."
  156. >Dash just shakes her head
  157. <"I really don't think we should go out there."
  158. "Oh, let me see."
  159. >you crack open the door
  160. >and promptly slam it shut again
  161. >you hit the lock for good measure
  162. "I don't think we should go out there."
  163. >what exactly is out there?
  164. >well
  165. >they're ponies
  166. >almost
  168. >the ponies outside are...
  169. "What the fuck are they?"
  170. <"Why would you ask me? I don't know!"
  171. "Well, pick me up. I wanna look out the peep hole."
  172. <"Whoah, no. It is way too scary out there for a little kid to be looking. I'll look through the peep hole."
  173. "All right, fine, just tell me what it is."
  174. >Dash looks through the door's peep hole
  175. >and violently cringes
  176. <"Ah! No! No way! Uh uh!"
  177. "Pussy."
  178. <"Oh, you think you're so tough? Why don't you take a look then?"
  179. >Dash hooks her hooves under your forelegs and hoists you up to the peep hole
  180. "Finally. Thank you."
  181. >you peer into the horde
  182. >the creatures are slow
  183. >shambling
  184. >and deformed in very
  185. >very
  186. >odd ways
  187. >only years of browsing imageboards could have prepared you to gaze upon the blasphemous forms with your sanity intact
  188. "Dickshitting nipples..."
  189. >actually, dickshitting nipples is about the only bizzare body modification you don't see out there
  190. >that one has heads sprouting out of its spine
  191. >you catch a glimpse of one in the air, eight wings beating in unison on its sides
  192. "Guess I can't ask you to fly us out of here then..."
  193. <"Huh? Why not?"
  194. "Hang on a second."
  195. >an idiot pony's head lolls atop a gigantic hoof
  196. >one, built like a centipede, skitters by with dozens of torsos and scores of legs
  197. >that one has...
  198. "Oh, there are dickshitting nipples out there. Interesting."
  199. <"Anon, you are such a weird kid."
  200. "Yeah, well, I've seen enough. Put me down."
  201. >once you're back on the floor, you take a deep breath
  202. "Well that is horrifying."
  203. <"And? What are they?"
  204. "Just a lot of really deformed ponies, as far as I can tell. They don't look very smart."
  205. <"Do any of them fly?"
  206. "Oh yeah. And fast, too. I wouldn't risk trying to fly out of here."
  207. >Dash frowns
  208. <"They couldn't outfly me though, right?"
  209. "Dunno. I wouldn't wanna find out the hard way, though."
  210. >Dash groans
  211. <"Yeah, guess not."
  212. >you scowl
  213. "One thing I don't know is what the hell we're supposed to do now."
  214. <"Well, at least the big horned thing probably won't be coming back any time soon."
  215. "Yeah. Unless those things are his pets or something."
  216. >your mind goes racing
  217. >trying to think of some solution
  218. <"Anon."
  219. >some possibilty
  220. <"Anon."
  221. >some slight sliver of hope
  222. <"Anon!"
  223. "Huh?"
  224. >Rainbow Dash pats you on the head
  225. <"Maybe we just need to chill out for right now. Those things showed up, maybe they'll go away. Let's just wait and see. It's not like they're bashing down the doors or anything."
  226. >the storm in your brain subsides
  227. "Yeah. All right, yeah. Yeah, you're right."
  228. >something in the way your heart is beating makes you wonder if you believe what it is you're saying
  229. "Let's just wait for now."
  231. >days pass
  232. >the creatures don't
  233. >well, you assume it's been days anyway
  234. >night time doesn't happen here, but you've fallen asleep about four times
  235. >there's actually a large stockpile of food in the house
  236. >where did it come from?
  237. >and why is is mostly hay and flowers?
  238. >there's a few cuts of meat you would have enjoyed if you still had an omnivore's digestive tract
  239. >so the owner couldn't have been a vegetarian
  240. >but on the whole, the pantry is very pony-friendly
  241. >it's impossible to tell why this would be
  242. >you've performed a few experiments to gauge how aggressive the creatures are
  243. >most recently you tossed one of those cuts of meat out of a high window
  244. >it landed in the midst of the creatures with a satisfying slap
  245. >but they ignored it
  246. >they ignore everything
  247. >you're beginning to wonder if you could just walk right through them
  248. >but then, even if you could, should you?
  249. >for miles around, this villa is the only apparent source of food, water, and shelter
  250. >but if that's the case, then what are the things outside eating?
  251. >and where were they hiding that neither you nor Rainbow Dash saw them in your wanderings?
  252. >and if the owner of the house is away, he must have gone someplace he thought was worth visiting
  253. >since all the food in the house is still good, he must have been here recently
  254. >but where else is there to go?
  255. >are there some sort of people there who could help?
  256. >you spend every day stuck in this mental deadlock with yourself
  257. >you can't make anything add up
  258. >it's hard to say for sure, but it seems like Rainbow Dash must be having some similar conflict
  259. >she spends all day looking out one of the second story windows
  260. >eyeballing the flying creature
  261. >it never seems to land
  262. >day after day, it takes lazy circles around the house
  263. >but every so often
  264. >it goes fast
  265. >real fast
  266. >for just a second
  267. >and then it resumes its normal course
  268. >you hate it
  269. >you hate all of them
  270. >you wish they'd go away
  271. >even though you're not sure if they'll hurt you
  272. >hell, even if they turned out to be totally harmless
  273. >they're not wholesome
  274. >they're not healthy
  275. >if you've gone to sleep four times, then this must be the fifth day
  276. >it's on the fifth day, then, that the monotony is broken
  277. >it's on the fifth day
  278. >that something changes
  279. >you're raiding the fridge when you hear a loud pounding on the door
  280. >you rush to the main entrance
  281. >and hesitate
  282. >maybe you should go get Rainbow Dash now?
  283. >if nothing else, she can reach the peep hole to see what's knocking
  284. <"Anon, are you in there?"
  285. >your eyes widen
  286. >it sounds like Rainbow Dash outside
  288. >every horror movie you've ever seen is telling you not to touch that fucking door
  289. "Bullshit it's Rainbow Dash!"
  290. <"Anon, come on, I'm hurt out here!"
  291. "No you come on, that's the oldest monster trick in the book!"
  292. <"Anon, these things are touching me and it's weird, please!"
  293. "What, just touching you?"
  294. <"Yeah, and it's freaky, so let me in!"
  295. >huh...
  296. >it definitely sounds like Rainbow Dash
  297. "All right, so how'd you get hurt?"
  298. >a pause
  299. <"I was trying to fly out a window, and that thing with all the wings bumped into me."
  300. "It just bumped into you?"
  301. <"Yeah, like it didn't even see me. It's still up there."
  302. "So you're not in the house."
  303. <"No, I'm not in the house."
  304. "And there should be a window open upstairs."
  305. <"Yeah, there's a window open, what does this have to do with anything?"
  306. "I'm gonna go check."
  307. <"Ugh... Hurry up!"
  308. >you run upstairs, calling out Dash's name
  309. >there's no response
  310. >you locate the open window pretty quickly
  311. >it's the same one she's been staring out of this entire time
  312. >and when you rear up to close it, you spot her down on the ground
  313. >one of her wings is flopping pretty uselessly at her side
  314. >and, just like she said, the creatures are just bumping into her
  315. >like they don't even see her
  316. >all right
  317. >so you go downstairs and you let her in
  318. >and she staggers inside
  319. >and...
  320. <"Ugh, finally!"
  321. >nothing untoward happens
  322. >you close and lock the door behind her
  323. >it's not til she's safely inside
  324. >that you notice something
  325. "So, uh... your wing looks pretty bad."
  326. <"Yeah. I think it's broken."
  327. "You don't look like you're in a lot of pain though."
  328. >Rainbow Dash cringes
  329. >then frowns
  330. <"I'm not."
  331. "Huh?"
  332. >she eyes her own wing nervously
  333. <"My wing feels... really good right now. I've got a couple of cuts and scrapes that feel pretty good too."
  334. "What?"
  335. >Dash looks up at the ceiling and sighs
  336. <"I feel really... really good. And it's weird. I just... Can you help me get this thing set so I can sleep it off? Hopefully it'll hurt like normal when I wake up."
  338. >fortunately, this isn't Dash's first broken wing
  339. >she's more or less able to tell you what to do
  340. >and once it's done, she passes out on the couch without any fuss
  341. >you stay with her til she's asleep
  342. >and then you stay for a long while after
  343. >you really think you ought to be more uneasy about all this
  344. >you wonder if you should find some way to secure her in place
  345. >just to be on the safe side
  346. >well, maybe that would be the smart thing to do
  347. >but to be perfectly honest, you're running out of mental energy
  348. >and it's hard to muster up many more fucks to give
  349. >you decide that shutting yourself up in the master bedroom will make you secure enough for the time being
  350. >because even on the off-chance Dash somehow turns into one of those things or something, it's not like they can open doors
  351. >and if you're wrong, whatever
  352. >at any rate, the master bedroom is where you left that book
  353. >you see, the cloth for Dash's wing-splint had to come from somewhere
  354. >and though you were sorry to rip up that nice Oxford shirt, it had to be done
  355. >but while you were searching, you found it
  356. >the book
  357. >once the door is shut behind you, you hop up onto the bed and grab the book
  358. >it's not written in horse-runes
  359. >it's written in English
  360. >the book is handwritten, and bound in a moleskin cover
  361. >a journal
  362. >the journal of one Dr. Dick Katz, who you assume is the owner of the house
  363. >is Katz the man with the horns?
  364. >you don't know
  365. >what you do know is that you can't go on just sitting around and worrying in circles
  366. >at best, the journal will shed some light on your situation
  367. >and if not, it might give your weary brain a much-needed break
  368. >and so
  369. >you dive right in
  371. >"My name is Doctor Richard B. Katz, and my adventure has been a strange one.
  372. >I shall attempt, in the course of this writing, to assume nothing whatsoever of my audience. I realize, of course, that this is a strictly impossible task. Indeed, assuming I'll have an audience at all is the sheerest vanity, and assuming they'll read English is wishful thinking.
  373. >But given my experiences thus far, I must try - to the limit of reason - to assume nothing at all of you. You could be anyone, from anywhere, from any time.
  374. >And for the peace of my mind, I must write.
  375. >I was born on a small planet called Earth, in the Earthly year of 2046. It was around this time that my species - mankind - began to develop what can only be described as psychological powers.
  376. >When I was a boy, my power of mind was poorly understood, and made me an anomaly. Now that I am a man - fifty-four years old, in Earthly time - such powers are commonplace, and I am proud to say that it is largely through my efforts that they are now largely understood."
  378. >an intrusive thought jolts you out of your reading
  379. "Aw, man. I could've lived to see my grandkids be telepaths."
  380. >you shake your head and try to look at the bigger picture
  381. >whoever Katz is, he's from what you would consider the future
  382. >how exactly could he have ended up in this place before you?
  384. >"As a psychologist, I pushed the limits of the human mind further than they'd ever been before.
  385. >And it was in the year of 2100 - the beginning of our twenty-second century - that I planned to reveal just how far the mind of man could truly go.
  386. >I'd spent years crafting a new world within my mind. A simple world - with a plain orange surface and a solid golden sky - but a world nonetheless.
  387. >Even as plain as it was, the effort of maintaining an entire world within my mind was taxing enough. The details could come later, after the experiment had proved successful.
  388. >Yes, the experiment. The experiment was all-important. I drove off friend, family, and colleague alike in the pursuit of my glorious experiment.
  389. >It would all be worth it when I had proven that it was possible to bring the world within my mind to physical reality, and to bodily travel to it.
  390. >Yes, that was my dream. Imagine, dear reader, the possibilities. Several psychologists pooling their powers of mind together could sculpt a veritable utopia, and really send people there.
  391. >Hunger and living space would never pester mankind again, for every man could really have his own garden world if he wanted it.
  392. >Ah, but I miscalculated. Grievously miscalculated.
  393. >My world, I was able to bring to reality.
  394. >My body, I was able to transport to it.
  395. >Yet somehow, I cannot seem to return.
  396. >I know now that I can never go home."
  398. >you slam the book shut
  399. "Oh, man. I know what that's like."
  400. >this is really, really, not comforting reading
  401. >it says right there in the first few pages that it's not possible to go home
  402. >but hey, maybe there's a later entry where the guy figures it out somehow
  403. >after all, you haven't exactly seen any humans around here
  404. >and if Katz isn't here, he has to be somewhere
  405. >right?
  407. >you poke your head out the door
  408. >you figure if Rainbow Dash was going to go wrong, it would have happened by now
  409. >not that you have any real basis to think that
  410. >you head down to the couch where Dash was sleeping
  411. >and
  412. <"Hey 'Non."
  413. >flapping her wings easily, she's hovering a few feet off the ground
  414. "Uh, should you be flying right now?"
  415. <"Eh, it feels all right."
  416. "But, wasn't your wing broken?"
  417. <"I thought it was, but..."
  418. >she pulls a little loop-de-loop
  419. <"I guess it wasn't."
  420. "I see..."
  421. >you don't see
  422. >that thing was fucking broken
  423. >you saw it flopping around
  424. >hell, you felt it when you were setting it
  425. "Well, uh, how are you feeling?"
  426. <"Really good, honestly. It's kinda weird."
  427. "Right, well, don't try any more daring escapes, all right?"
  428. <"Yeah, yeah."
  429. >you head back up the master bedroom
  430. >there's a brief internal debate as to whether or not you should pile furniture against the door
  431. >but you realize you're probably too small to do that
  432. >what the hell is going on with Rainbow Dash?
  433. >she's definitely raising some red flags in your mind
  434. >but she's acting like herself
  435. >ugh
  436. >maybe you should think of something to ask her
  437. >the sort of thing only the real Rainbow Dash would know
  438. >like, um...
  439. >well, you'll think of something
  440. >but if you hear "I wouldn't worry about it" come out of her mouth you're getting the fuck out of here no matter what
  441. >anyway
  442. >maybe there's something in Katz' journal that'll shed some light
  444. >"Among the many things I failed to anticipate was the presence of a lifeform in my world that I did not create.
  445. >Her name is Sudsy Days, and she calls herself a unicorn.
  446. >A brief description of Miss Days' species will probably be relevant here. She is a quadruped, a bit over one meter in height, sporting one hoof on each leg and one spiraled horn on her head.
  447. >Her land she calls Equestria, and the current year in that land is the 893rd Year of the Sun. It is ruled by a single princess, and inhabited by a people called ponies, of which Miss Days' unicorn race is a subspecies."
  449. >ah
  450. >893 was well over a hundred years ago in Equestria
  451. >that might explain why this place already exists to your point of view, despite Katz being from Earth's future
  452. >you know, through some sort of, uh...
  453. >dimensional time shift bullshit
  454. >trying to work out the exact details is giving you a headache
  455. >back to the book
  457. >"Sudsy Days, through her horn, possesses a power of mind unlike anything the Earth has ever seen, which she refers to as magic.
  458. >She, like me, was attempting to bring a mental world to physical fruition when she arrived here. I can only assume that the psychological factors which were introduced by Miss Days' experiment are precisely the factors which interfered with my own experiment, preventing me from returning to Earth.
  459. >It is interesting to note that though Miss Days' mind contributed to the creation of this world, it seems to have conformed more to my simplistic vision than to her apparently complex one.
  460. >According to Miss Days, it was her intention to create a world where the laws of nature should be altered so as to provide instant comfort and healing to the injured and the sick."
  462. >all right, that does shed some light
  463. >probably
  464. >maybe
  465. >maybe Dash's wing healing so fast is just a normal thing in this world
  466. >you hadn't even considered that
  467. >you turn the page
  469. >"Combining our powers of mind, Sudsy Days and I were able to create a comfortable home within a valley. From this home, we attempted to devise some way of returning to our respective worlds.
  470. >Sudsy had more success than I. She was able to establish a mental link to her home, but it was not enough for us to pull through to the other side.
  471. >We soon discovered, however, that it was enough to pull ponies from Equestria over to our side.
  472. >I suppose my own psychological influences are to blame for the bizzare results of Sudsy's work. It seems as though she created a sort of wandering doorway. A portal to this world, sporadically claiming ponies from any locale in the Equestrian sphere.
  473. >We soon had three more ponies trapped with us, none of them with the same mental power as Sudsy Days herself. It became more imperative than ever that we find some way out of this world.
  474. >At this point, we still believed that this world was solely the one that I had envisioned. We hadn't yet realized to what degree Sudsy Days had contributed to it.
  475. >We began to learn one day when one of our victims, a pegasus, slipped and scraped her knee."
  477. >uh...
  478. >speaking of injured pegasi...
  479. >you've got a bad feeling
  480. >you get out of the room and head downstairs
  481. >Rainbow Dash isn't by the couch anymore
  482. "Dash? Where are you?"
  483. <"In the kitchen. What's up?"
  484. >you trot into the kitchen
  485. "Hey. How you doing? Your wing all right?"
  486. >you get probably a bit too close and poke at the offending appendage probably a bit too much
  487. >she jumps away a bit
  488. <"Yeah, geez, I'm fine. What do you want?"
  489. "Nothing, just uh... Think of any good escape plans?"
  490. >she sighs
  491. <"I don't know. I guess Twilight and the gang are bound to come look for us some time."
  492. >she shakes her head
  493. <"It's kinda hard to think right now. I'll probably go to bed pretty soon here."
  494. "Yeah. Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Night, then."
  495. <"Yep. Night."
  496. >you head back upstairs to your book
  497. >a glance outside the bedroom window tells you absolutely nothing about the time of day
  498. >just a yellow sky, orange plains, and hordes of deformed ghoul-things
  499. >when are you going to tell Dash about all this stuff you're learning?
  500. >you forgot to ask her a question about herself, too
  501. >whatever
  502. >you nose the book back open
  504. >"You see, Miss Day's plan for a world without pain or injury was manifested in the form a new kind of microscopic life. I shall call them somazoans.
  505. >They have minds, of a sort. Primitive, but I can feel them. They mean only the best. They think they're helping.
  506. >And in a way, they are helping. I suspect that, once infected by them, it becomes impossible to be injured, to feel pain, to fall ill, or even to die.
  507. >When we first realized that the somazoans existed, we assumed that they knew what they were doing.
  508. >We were wrong.
  509. >When we saw how quickly the poor pegasus' knee healed, I took it upon myself to make a number of small incisions on my face. Sudsy took on some experimental injuries as well.
  510. >Somazoans enter the body by open wounds. The pleasure begins immediately upon infection.
  511. >The mutations don't start for a few hours after that."
  513. >mutations?
  514. >mutations!
  515. >you race over toward the window
  516. >there are more of them now
  517. >the ground outside, which had seemed so solid before, now spits up groping hooves like a viscous fluid
  518. >the creatures are crawling up onto the surface
  519. >have they been... burrowing?
  520. >amidst the horde of ghouls, you spot it
  521. >a human hand rising from the orange
  522. >you race over to the bed
  523. >grab the book
  524. >and curl up in a corner
  525. >a corner where none of them can see you
  526. >no, no, no, no
  527. >you have to be misunderstanding this somehow
  529. >"By the time the poor pegasus began to sprout extra wings, everyone else had already self-inflicted experimental injuries
  530. >The somazoans apparently thought that I could use a pair of horns upon my head.
  531. >This, in itself, wouldn't have been so bad.
  532. >It's the pleasure.
  533. >The pleasure.
  534. >The pleasure.
  535. >It's the pleasure that's driving me mad.
  536. >The four ponies, their minds have already been broken by it.
  537. >I am the last, I think, because of my large body.
  538. >But my mind.
  539. >It's.
  540. >Even now I'm laughing.
  541. >I tried, with the last of my mental energy, to reach out to Earth one last time.
  542. >I may have made things worse.
  543. >I think I grabbed my maternal grandfather, as a young man, and flung him into some point in Equestria's future.
  544. >I can't tell.
  545. >No more energy to try and rescue him.
  546. >It would be interesting, as a scientist, to note what happens to me and my works because of this. If anything.
  547. >I don't think.
  548. >I don't think.
  549. >I don't think my mind will hold on long enough for that.
  550. >I hope the mouth to this hell doesn't swallow him.
  551. >I hope it doesn't swallow anyone.
  552. >I'm slipping.
  553. >I can feel it.
  554. >I can feel it.
  555. >I can"
  557. >the writing is illegible after this point
  558. >you close the book
  559. >you really
  560. >really
  561. >have to check on Dash
  562. >you're going to have to pass that window to get to the door though
  563. >you take a deep breath
  564. >and do it
  565. >you try not to look
  566. >but somehow
  567. >you turn around
  568. >and there
  569. >in the midst of the ghouls
  570. >he stands
  571. >easily twenty feet tall
  572. >with shining, obsidian horns
  573. >little, fleshy wings flutter uselessly on his sides
  574. >dark red scales adorn his face at spotty intervals
  575. >and
  576. >he's laughing
  577. >you can't hear it so much as
  578. >feel it
  579. >it's an idiot laughter
  580. >the idiot laughter of an idiot devil
  581. >you get ready to fling open the door and race away from the sight
  582. >but the door flies open on its own
  583. >it hits you in the nose pretty hard
  584. >it's...
  585. "Rainbow Dash! You're-"
  586. <"Hehehehehehehehehehehehe..."
  587. >she's sporting a third eye on her left cheekbone
  588. "Holy hell..."
  589. >and that's when you feel it
  590. >a droplet of something sliding down your face and splashing on your lips
  591. >you raise a hoof to your mouth and look at it
  592. "No."
  593. >there's a little crimson sparkle resting there on your hoof
  594. >nosebleed
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