

Jun 26th, 2018
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  1. Item #: SCP-XXXX
  3. Object Class: Euclid
  5. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in an airtight humanoid containment suite in Site-17, modified as per immobile humanoid containment standard CSG-0455-HI, that is to be kept at an internal temperature above 35 degrees Celsius unless required otherwise. The air filtration system is to be equipped with a heat exchanger cooling the exiting air to a temperature below 10 degrees Celsius; the resulting SCP-XXXX-1 condensate is to be gathered and stored in airtight stainless steel vessels for research.
  7. Due to self-harm potential, SCP-XXXX is to be kept sedated and physically restrained unless otherwise required. Any personnel interacting with SCP-XXXX, either to perform required maintenance and care or as a part of an experimental procedure is to wear Class A Hazardous Materials protection due to the volatility of SCP-XXXX-1. Outside of approved experimentation, under no circumstances are any personnel to be exposed to SCP-XXXX-1 for more than one hour at a time.
  9. Description: SCP-XXXX is a Caucasian male of unknown identity, believed to be Gerald ██████ (See Addendum XXXX-01), estimated to be 8 years of age. SCP-XXXX measures 1.35m in height, and weighs 18 kg, suffering from slight malnutrition and muscular atrophy due to its immobility. Occasionally, SCP-XXXX will make random, erratic movements and vocalizations, usually consisting of various forms of grunting, moaning, and shrieking.
  11. SCP-XXXX constantly emits an anomalous, clear gas with perception-altering effects, known as SCP-XXXX-1, from its pores. SCP-XXXX-1 is an aggregate chemical formed primarily of a vaporized form of the drug Methylphenidate, a stimulant used mainly to control the effects of high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, and ADD, as well as ██ other anomalous chemical compounds currently unknown to modern pharmacology. █ of these compounds have been isolated thus far and are currently being studied for potential medicinal use.
  13. In most chordates, SCP-XXXX-1 vapour exposure results in an anomalous perception-altering effect, wherein the exposed organism begins to experience rapid quickening of mental processes to an exponential degree. Within approximately 3 hours of exposure, organisms exposed to SCP-XXXX-1 begin to suffer harmful mental and emotional effects as a result of the increasing disconnect between the speed at which they perceive the world around them and the actual speed of the world around them. The perception-altering effects of SCP-XXXX-1 intensify exponentially with continued exposure, with no apparent upper limit.
  15. SCP-XXXX-1's perception-altering effects are not permanent, and wear off at a rate of approximately 2 hours per hour of exposure. However, the experience of SCP-XXXX-1 exposure past 3 hours is universally described as intensely unpleasant. Additionally, past █ hours, [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in irreparable damage to several neurological structures necessary for emotional, sensory, and memory processing, typically inducing development of one or more mental disorders, or, in extreme cases, catatonia. Application of Class A amnestics has thus far proven ineffective in treating symptoms of SCP-XXXX-1 overexposure.
  17. Addendum XXXX-01: Discovery
  19. SCP-XXXX was discovered 07/19/20██, when Foundation personnel discovered increased occurrences of symptoms now known to be a result of SCP-XXXX-1 overexposure, in the town of [REDACTED], Pennsylvania; cases seemed to affect mostly adolescents and young adults within the 13-21 age bracket. Further investigation by Foundation agents led to the discovery of SCP-XXXX, being kept in the basement of Mr. ████ ██████, a local pharmacologist. Eyewitness reports indicate that Mr. ██████ had been selling canisters of condensed SCP-XXXX-1 to various drug dealers in the area as a designer drug. DNA testing of SCP-XXXX, along with pictures found at the household of Mr. ██████ indicate that SCP-XXXX is his biological son. As of 6/27/20██, Mr. ██████'s whereabouts are unknown.
  21. Addendum XXXX-02: Neurological activity of SCP-XXXX
  23. SCP-XXXX has, while in its containment, been subject to many forms of neurological testing, primarily EEG scans to note potential responses to outside stimuli. Results have been inconclusive, however, as EEG output is difficult to process without causing integer overflow errors on the majority of systems used, as tests resulted in EEG recordings showing brainwave activity in excess of █.██E████ hz among all wavelengths. Notably, any wave of that large a wavelength should have a very noticeable effect on the environment around it, even on an atomic scale, but this does not seem to be the case for SCP-XXXX. Current speculation is that the periods of high brain activity are due to the fact that, assuming SCP-XXXX is affected by SCP-XXXX-1, SCP-XXXX perceives approximately 9.00x10██ years per minute experienced.1
  25. Footnotes
  26. 1. For comparison, the age of the universe is estimated to be around 1.38x109 years.
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