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SPNatI Ryth from Jet Set Radio

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May 17th, 2017
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  1. #required for behaviour.xml
  2. first=Ryth
  3. last=
  4. label=Ryth
  5. gender=female
  6. size=small
  7. #Number of phases to "finish"
  8. timer=20
  9. tag=Jet set radio, Skater, Sassy,
  11. #required for meta.xml
  12. #start picture
  13. pic=0-calm
  14. height=5'8"
  15. from=Jet Set Radio
  16. writer=KaSplosion (Spiss Dando)
  17. artist=KaSplosion
  18. description=The cocky, clumsy vandal from Rokakku-dai Heights as well as a member of the GG's, the notorious graffiti crew.
  20. #General emotions: stunned, loss, happy, interested, embarassed, bored, angry, cocky, strip, stripped, awkward, horny
  21. #Emotions post-forfeit: starting, light, medium, hard, finishing, finished
  23. #Ryth's Clothing:
  24. clothes=Headphones,headphones,extra,upper
  25. clothes=Boots,boots,extra,lower
  26. clothes=Dress,dress,major,upper
  27. clothes=Socks,socks,minor,lower
  28. clothes=Bra,bra,important,upper
  29. clothes=Panties,panties,important,lower
  31. #starting picture and text
  32. start=0-calm,Heeey, It's Ryth. You ready for a REAL challenge?
  34. ##individual behaviour
  35. #entries without a number are used when there are no stage-specific entries
  37. #default card behaviour
  38. #you can include multiple entries to give the character multiple lines and/or appearances in that situation.
  39. #This is what a character says while they're exchanging cards.
  40. swap_cards=calm,These blow. Toss ~cards~ cards here.
  41. swap_cards=calm,Laaaame, swap 'em out.
  42. swap_cards=calm,The fuck are these? get these outta here.
  43. swap_cards=calm,Hand over ~cards~.
  44. swap_Cards=calm,Ehhh... I think ill take ~cards~ cards.
  46. #The character thinks they have a good hand
  47. good_hand=cocky,Was losing even an option?
  48. good_hand=bored,Psh, no sweat.
  49. good_hand=happy,
  50. good_hand=happy,Man if the GG's could see this!
  52. #The character thinks they have an average hand
  53. okay_hand=calm,I can work with these.
  54. okay_hand=cocky,I bet you're hands suck! Mines... good.
  55. okay_hand=calm,Soooo... Whos bluffing?
  56. okay_hand=calm,Hmmm... Nah, I can work with these.
  58. #The character thinks they have a bad hand
  59. bad_hand=angry, These cards are worse than what i had!
  60. bad_hand=angry,
  61. bad_hand=angry, Yo! Dealer! What's with the shit cards?!
  62. bad_hand=angry, Oh come on this has to be rigged!
  64. #stripping default
  65. #This is the character says once they've lost a hand, but before they strip
  66. must_strip_winning=cocky,Ohhhhh I can lose too? Damn, I didn't even realize. Haha!
  67. must_strip_normal=loss,Whatever, I'll hold off on breaking the rules for tonight.
  68. must_strip_losing=angry,OH COME ON! Hayashi was more fair than this fuckin game!
  69. stripping=strip,
  70. stripped=stripped,
  72. #masturbation
  73. #these situations relate to when the character is masturbating
  74. #these only come up in the relevant stages, so you don't need to include the stage numbers here
  75. #just remember which stage is which when you make the images
  76. must_masturbate_first=clumsy,Oooooooh shit... I totally forgot that we masturbate when we lose...
  77. must_masturbate=horny, I forgot about the masturbation but I was probably gonna do it anyway soo...
  78. start_masturbating=starting,I may be horny, but I'm still sure that this game is rigged.
  79. light_masturbating=light,Hnnng... Goddamn... it feels good everytime...
  80. medium_masturbating=medium,Ohhh... f-fuck...
  81. heavy_masturbating=heavy,Oh shit... oh shit oh shit oh shit... I-I'm gonna cum...!
  82. finishing_masturbating=finishing,BON APPETIIIIIIIIIT!
  83. finished_masturbating=finished,*huff* Did I say bon appetit? heh...goddamn... *huff* I need to stop listening to Jet Set Radio...
  84. #I don't think this line is actually used by the game.
  85. game_over_defeat=calm,Games probably rigged, but I got to flick it to some naked people. So I'd say that's a win-win.
  86. game_over_victory=calm,See, what'd I say? I cant even lose!
  88. #situations where another male character is stripping
  89. male_human_must_strip=cocky,Bummer, ~name~.
  90. male_human_must_strip=happy,Arent i glad it wasnt me?
  91. male_must_strip=cocky,Bummer, ~name~.
  93. male_removing_accessory=bored,That's it? I didn't even NOTICE you were wearing that!
  94. male_removed_accessory=cocky,Whatever, clothing is clothing.
  96. male_removing_minor=cocky,Now we're getting somewhere!
  97. male_removed_minor=cocky,Getting stressed? Ha, Looks like Ryth comes out on top again!
  99. male_removing_major=shocked,WHOA! I didnt think you would go this far!
  100. male_removed_major=cocky,Psshh... no biggie, you'll back out here soon enough.
  102. male_chest_will_be_visible=Bored,Alright guy. Come on. Shirts off.
  103. male_chest_is_visible=Embarassed,I mean It's better than Yo-yo's. But not as good as... Mmm... Beat...
  105. #male crotches have different sizes, allowing your character to have different responses
  106. male_crotch_will_be_visible=shocked,Goddamn man you're in this till the bitter end, huh!?
  107. male_small_crotch_is_visible=happy,WHOA! Can I take a picture? I have to show this to Gum and Boogie!
  108. male_medium_crotch_is_visible=horny,Okay, I'm sorry but that is a nice dick. Like... really nice.
  109. male_medium_crotch_is_visible=interested,Heh, what I'd give to grind on that...
  110. male_large_crotch_is_visible=angry,Oh come on! That shit is SO fake. I mean are you serious? THAT DOESNT EVEN LOOK RIGHT!
  111. male_large_crotch_is_visible=interested,Jesus! You could easily grind that thing!
  113. #male masturbation default
  114. male_must_masturbate=bored,Yo, does anyone have the time? I gotta get a few bombing runs in before the police start patrolling.
  115. male_start_masturbating=shocked,Wait... when did you start doing THAT? I thought you were gonna bounce after that loss!
  116. male_masturbating=horny,I think I'll stay a little longer... I wasn't expecting this but... now I'm interested.
  117. male_masturbating=horny,You shake it like a madman... I can't wait to see what you tag.
  118. male_finished_masturbating=shocked,FUCK dude. Can't you aim? I mean you just spray it out like a stock rusto cap!
  119. male_finished_masturbating=happy,Yeah! Give the walls a new coat of paint!
  121. #female stripping default
  122. #these are mostly the same as the female stripping cases, but the female's size refers to their chest rather than their crotch.
  123. female_human_must_strip=cocky,Ha, Sorry lady!
  124. female_must_strip=cocky,Ha, Sorry lady!
  126. female_removing_accessory=bored,That's it? I didn't even NOTICE you were wearing that!
  127. female_removed_accessory=cocky,Whatever, clothing is clothing.
  129. female_removing_minor=cocky,Now we're getting somewhere!
  130. female_removed_minor=cocky,Getting stressed? Ha, Looks like Ryth comes out on top again!
  132. female_removing_major=shocked,WHOA! I didnt think you would go this far!
  133. female_removed_major=cocky,Psshh... no biggie, you'll back out here soon enough.
  135. female_chest_will_be_visible=interested,It's about time you showed us your cans, ~name~!
  136. female_small_chest_is_visible=interested,You're pretty damn aerodynamic, kid.
  137. female_medium_chest_is_visible=horny,What the character says after the female character's chest is visible, and has a size value of "medium".
  138. female_large_chest_is_visible=shocked,What the character says after the female character's chest is visible, and has a size value of "large".
  140. female_crotch_will_be_visible=horny,What the character says when a female character is about to remove the last piece of clothing covering their crotch. For NPC's, this is a clothing element on the "lower" location, with the "important" type.
  141. female_crotch_is_visible=shocked,What the character says after the female character's crotch has become visible.
  143. #female masturbation default
  144. female_must_masturbate=interested,What the character says when a female character has lost a hand while nude, and must masturbate.
  145. female_start_masturbating=horny,What the character says when a female character has started masturbating.
  146. female_masturbating=horny,What the character says while a female character is masturbating.
  147. female_finished_masturbating=shocked,What the character says when a female character "finishes" masturbating.
  150. #These responses are stage specific.
  151. #Refer to the above entries to see what sort of situations these refer to, and what the default images are.
  152. #Each situation has been repeated enough for the maximum eight items of clothing.
  153. #If your character has fewer items, delete the extra entries.
  154. #if you don't include a stage-specific entry for a situation, the script will use the default response as defined above.
  157. #character is stripping situations
  158. #losing headphones
  159. 0-must_strip_winning=,
  160. 0-must_strip_normal=,
  161. 0-must_strip_losing=,
  162. 0-stripping=strip,Just my headphones? WhoOOoa, these are some REEAAL high stakes here.
  163. 1-stripped=stripped,Yawn. Man, being this good is really tiring.
  165. #losing boots
  166. 1-must_strip_winning=,
  167. 1-must_strip_normal=,
  168. 1-must_strip_losing=,
  169. 1-stripping=strip,I better get these back! I only take the wheels off for special occasions! And that process...Not easy!
  170. 2-stripped=stripped,I wonder if I can get a pair of boots like my skates... I'll have to look into that after this.
  172. #losing dress
  173. 2-must_strip_winning=,
  174. 2-must_strip_normal=embarassed,Shit, I knew I should have brought more to wear.
  175. 2-must_strip_losing=embarassed,Shit, I knew I should have brought more to wear.
  176. 2-stripping=strip, For the record... I'm not enjoying this.
  177. 3-stripped=stripped,Yeah yeah, quit staring you perv. You're worse than Yo-Yo.
  179. #losing socks
  180. 3-must_strip_winning=,
  181. 3-must_strip_normal=shocked, WHOA Whoa whoa I was all for taking my boots off, but this floor looks cold as hell!
  182. 3-must_strip_losing=,
  183. 3-stripping=strip,Uggghhh... Why do I even wear socks to my thighs... I might as well wear pants...
  184. 4-stripped=stripped,I was right, floor's cold. But hey, looks like I lost! Can I go now...? I cant...? Oh, thats cool... heh...
  186. #losing bra
  187. 4-must_strip_winning=,
  188. 4-must_strip_normal=embarassed,Wait, I have to show my tits?! I wasn't prepared for this!
  189. 4-must_strip_losing=embarassed,Wait, I have to show my tits?! I wasn't prepared for this!
  190. 4-stripping=strip,
  191. 5-stripped=stripping,
  193. #losing panties/getting naked
  194. 5-must_strip_winning=,
  195. 5-must_strip_normal=,
  196. 5-must_strip_losing=,
  197. 5-stripping=,
  198. 6-stripped=,
  200. #victory lines. one for each stage.
  201. 0-game_over_victory=bored,See? I cant lose!! Easier than the Shibuya-cho line.
  202. 1-game_over_victory=bored,See? I cant lose! Easier than the Shibuya-cho line.
  203. 2-game_over_victory=bored,See? I cant lose. Easier than the Shibuya-cho line.
  204. 3-game_over_victory=cocky,That was way too easy! I didn't even have to show my tits!
  205. 4-game_over_victory=cocky,That was way too easy. I didn't even have to show my tits!
  206. 5-game_over_victory=embarassed,I WON? I'm TOPLESS, COLD... and kind of horny... I wouldn't call this a Jet ranking.
  207. 6-game_over_victory=embarassed,I WON? I'm NAKED, COLD... and kind of horny... I don't know if I WON.
  208. -3-game_over_victory=,embarassed,I WON? I'm NAKED, COLD... and kind of horny... I don't know if I WON.
  210. #card cases
  211. #fully clothed
  212. 0-good_hand=,
  213. 0-okay_hand=,
  214. 0-bad_hand=,
  216. #lost headphones
  217. 1-good_hand=,
  218. 1-okay_hand=,
  219. 1-bad_hand=,
  221. #lost boots
  222. 2-good_hand=,
  223. 2-okay_hand=,
  224. 2-bad_hand=,
  226. #lost dress
  227. 3-good_hand=,
  228. 3-okay_hand=,
  229. 3-bad_hand=,
  231. #lost socks
  232. 4-good_hand=,
  233. 4-okay_hand=,
  234. 4-bad_hand=,
  236. #lost bra
  237. 5-good_hand=,
  238. 5-okay_hand=,
  239. 5-bad_hand=,
  241. #lost panties/fully nude
  242. -3-good_hand=happy,Piece of cake!
  243. -3-okay_hand=angry,Yo, i swear to god if this fucks me over...
  244. -3-bad_hand=angry,No no no, don't you dare do this to me dealer!
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