
Kanto Episode 7

Oct 26th, 2017
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  1. Kanto Episdoe 7
  3. Jalen stand there with a shocked look...Soleil is smiling at him with her hands on her hips. As Severa and Inigo are standing still due to time being stopped..Soleil's the only one who can not only move..but speak to him.
  5. "Dude, this is pretty cool! I never thought of anyone else being able to do this!" Soleil walks towards him as Jalen's still reeling from this. She press a finger on his chest as suddenly, info about Jalen springs up regarding [NAME], [MONEY], [BADGES],[CONQUERED LADIES],[AMOUNT OF POKEMON CAUGHT]. "So....Jalen...$9,909...2 badges like me....Holy shit, 5 ladies!?!....2 of them twice?!?!" She look back at Severa "You fucked her twice? My brother like her....." She turn to him with a wide smirk. "Guess you made him a cuck, huh? Hot..~"
  7. {Huh...Didn't know you was into stuff like that...} Jalen ponder out loud while Soleil checks his [FETISHES] and see a handful. {......This is getting quite personal now.} "Awww, don't be a pussy!...Now...Yup, I was right, Cuckold is one of your favorite fetishes like mines..."{Say what?} Jalen raise an eyebrow with her nodding "Yeah, You should check my list of [ASHAMED BITCHES]." Soleil put Jalen's menu up and grab Jalen's hand so he can press her left tit, showing off her list of embarrassed ladies.
  9. {Holy shit...22 ladies who's boyfriends you slept with, 13 of them forced to watch it, and 5 of them you sent pics're a fucking bitch...} "Yeah, I know~" Soleil smirks as Jalen look over her other info before closing it. "Like what you seen?" {Yeah...I'm more curious on how long you had this....this...what do we even call it?} He scratches his head.
  11. "I prefer to call it...[Game]." {[Game?]} "You got a better name?" Jalen shrugs {Fair enough....So....What now?} "No clue, but I think it's better if we let time resume, yeah? We can talk more later."Soleil walk back to where she was before time was paused. "By the way, we soooo gonna fuck one day, right?" {Why would you ask such a thing? Of course we will.} Both of them smiles and nod at one another before time resume...
  13. [ you accept, Jalen?!?]
  14. Jalen roll his eyes, remembering that Inigo had challenged him for Severa. Soleil sighs and grab Inigo's shoulder, making him look at her.
  16. [What sis?.....I know we gotta go to the S.S Anne to be there for Mom's show!....Pls, one battle!....Tch, fine...] Inigo put his Pokeball up and point at Jalen [You got lucky for now, buddy...but next time we meet, we shall battle!] Inigo turns to Severa with a far more nicer look in his eyes than he did with Jalen as he pull a rose from out of nowhere and present it to Severa. [And as for you....I hope to see you sometime soon, yes?] Severa scoffs "Don't push your luck, Inigo..."She crosses her arms as Inigo merely chuckle and put his rose up.
  18. [I do love a challenge from the ladies~....Now then, We can go now, sis. Farewell, my ruby!] Inigo walk towards the Wilson limo, bumping to Jalen on purpose and get in the vehicle...Jalen growls a bit before Soleil rest a hand on his shoulder and calm him down with an easy smile. She walks to her limo and get in as eventually, it drives off...."Jesus fuck..." Severa walks next to Jalen... "Thought they would never leave. Whatever, hopefully we won't have to go to the S.S Anne right? I know Robin gave them to us, but I really don't wanna deal with.....Wait, We ARE going on that ship? WHY!?!?"
  20. And so, Jalen explains to Severa what REALLY happened when she went to the PKMNMart to gather items regarding the TR grunt Rhiannon...
  22. "....Goddamnit, next time you fuck someone like that, Let me know so I can tape it!" Jalen blinks in confusion, but then laugh at Severa's insistence of taping his conquests...She sighs and ponder over what she learned now.. "So, from what I know have someone in TR telling you what they are doing now....And so their next target is the S.S Anne?.....Right, did you ask her why tho?.....Of course you didn't, you were too busy dicking her down....Well....The odds of us running to Inigo will actually be not that high as I fear since his mom is performing and he probably would be too busy flirting with other girls to notice me.......Fine, we can go there!."
  24. Jalen nods and the 2 teens make their way towards the next city...They walk down the road and come across a bustling metropolis in Saffron City....the teens walk through the gate....only to be turn back by the guard for being thirsty.
  26. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JUST HAPPENED!??!? WHY THE HELL IS HE STILL WORKING!?!?? HOW THE ACTUAL HELL IS THAT LEGAL!??!?" Jalen look around and see how else can they venture to Vermilion, when he sees a building labeled 'UNDERGROUND'. Severa sees it and nods. "Guess we are going in there, huh?.....Allright, I'll follow your lead."
  27. The 2 head towards the building and enter it...they then head down the stairs into a dimly lighted passage....
  29. "Jesus fuck, it's barely visible down here...Well, had I know we were heading down here I would had caught a HM slave for Flash!"Jalen roll his eyes at Severa's anger..However, something up ahead stands out with very bright hair that he swore was changing colors every few the object came closer, Jalen and Severa was able to identify it as a person and....Well....the person unnerved them to be quite honest.
  31. Said person was clearly a female, that's for sure....but her figure was...quite simply...perfect. TOO PERFECT...Her body had the perfect tits, the perfect ass, no body fat on her that would make her unappealing to anyone, skin as smooth as a baby's bottom, her hair was sparkling AND changing colors from Red to Blue to Green to Yellow to Gold to Silver and other odd colors....her clothing was very much the finest money could ever buy, so much so that Jalen could see the price for them..$400,000 for the damned SOCKS!?!? None of this made sense for neither Jalen or Severa...
  33. As far as Jalen could see, this girl have only one Pokemon....Although judging by her looks, it could be anything out of the ordinary...
  35. [HELLO THERE! I AM BELLADONNA SERENE FAUNA SERENITY LOPEZ BERNSTEIN SENDO JOHNSON!!] This....girl hold her sparkling hand out for either one to shake...but the 2 teens are too dazed out of hidden disgust and confusion at her. "What" That's as much as Severa can get out of her mouth with her mind at this.
  37. [OH, SORRY! TEEHEE! YOU CAN CALL ME BELLA FOR SHORT!!] She walk a bit closer to Jalen with a sultry look that instead of turning him on, just make his hair rise up on all ends and send shivers down his spine... [You can call me your sweet lil silky Mareep....~]
  38. Severa can plainly see that Jalen looks quite uncomfortable near this girl as she reach out to stroke his face, so she grabs her hand before she can do such a thing.
  40. "My friend don't like to be touched by strangers, so I do hope you can respect that..." "(OH MY GOD, HER HAND FEELS PERFECTION IN MY HAND, WHAT THE HELL IS SHE!?!?) Severa hides her disgust as Bella look at like look through her and dissect her entire being right there, giving Severa a feeling of a thousand hands touching her....Bella however back down and nods before brightly smiling.
  42. [OK!~ I understand! Some guys are shy!] She winks at Jalen [I hope that you will give me a chance, sweetie pie!] _Jalen beats down the vile that was building up in him and swallow it down...yuck...that was nasty, but not as nasty as this.......creature before him.
  44. "Listen, we're on a journey here an-" [So am I!] Severa gather her thoughts and breath in to not lose her cool before this unidentified person "That's fine and dandy, but we wou-"[Let's battle!] "You're doing this on purpose!!" Bella taps her chin in a innocent manner... [Ummm...I don't know what you're talking about...buuuuuut] She points at Jalen with a Pokeball in her hand [I know a strong trainer when I see one, and I wanna battle you, Jalen!!]
  45. Both Jalen and Severa looks very calm, yet alarmed....
  47. "...How did you know his name?" [I heard of you guys!! You're the daughter of Cordelia Cramoisi! One of the former Kanto champs!!] And she point at Jalen... [And he's one of the rising stars in the league!] But Severa shakes her head. "Impossible, he shouldn't be well known. He have no family members that have made strives in the Pokemon League nor have he went to any school...." [Well, geez aren't you a smarty-pants?] Severa crosses her arms and hmphs. "Don't you have a battle to do?"
  49. Bella hmphs as she stands apart from Jalen and get ready for her battle against him. Jalen for his part looks rather disinterested in this whole affair...nevertheless, he gets Rockruff ready for combat as Rockruff comes out of his ball. Jalen notes that he looks more agitated than usual...meaning that his evolution is coming up pretty soon as he bares his teeth and barks wildly at Bella. Who doesn't look scared one bit.
  52. Bella shakes her head and focus herself as she pull a Pokeball out and kiss it softly.
  54. [We have to do battle my friend, I know....but in order to get stronger, we have to face our fears head-on! So don't have no fear! for I am always besides you no matter what! You can do anything if you put your mind to it! This wil-] "WOULD YOU SEND YOUR POKEMON OUT!?!?" Severa screams at her as Bella shushs her... [Can you not? my Pokemon have some mental scars and I would appreciate if you didn't yell at her.] "Just.Send.Your.Pokemon.Out!" Bella roll her eyes and throw her Pokeball [I choose you, Eevee!!]
  56. Bella release her Eevee...and as it comes out, there's a literally stream of sparkles flowing out of the Pokeball as the Eevee jump out of it and land before Rockruff....What makes both Jalen and Severa rubs their eyes is...It's a shiny...that constantly CHANGE COLORS!! Much like her trainer, Eevee's fur seems to change between Red,Blue and Yellow, but there's also Purple, Black, Green, Light blue, and Pink.
  57. "What....the fuck....?"
  59. [You must be wondering where I got her, right?] Jalen is shaking his head along with Severa voicing her thoughts. "No, not real-" But Bella ignore them both [I'll tell you! You see.....] Bella seems to hesitate about this... [Should I even tell you guys this...?] "No, you don' plea-" [But I must!....For you see...I was just a ordinary girl who lives in Celadon City.] "(Ordinary, my ass....)" Jalen facepalms as Bella continues...
  61. [I was rather hesitant on becoming a trainer....for I dislike seeing them get hurt! Battles are such cruel affairs and none of the Pokemon like to take part in them as far as I know....] "Are you actually serious? Studies have proven that a very vast majority of Pokemon love to fight in battles, and that in the wild, it's a part of nature!" [Fake news!] Severa pulls her hair in anger as Jalen's patient is running thin as well as Rockruff's....Who's snarling loudly at Eevee who is whimpering, her fur constantly changing colors...
  63. [But yes, As I was saying...I was living in Celadon City doing my chores when I notice 3 teens harassing my poor Eevee! I coul-HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!] Jalen decided that enough was enough and order Rockruff to use Rock Tomb and attack Eevee. Rockruff waste no time in shooting rocks from his tail at the Eevee. Eevee gets hit sent flying to the wall to the side??
  64. "...?"
  66. Jalen and Severa both looks confused...Rockruff wasn't THAT strong.....Right? Even Rockruff looks confused for a moment before his usual bravado comes in and he barks victoriously at Jalen who smiles meekily and gives him a thumbs-up, making Rockruff wag his tail in happiness.
  68. As for Bella...
  71. She call out to her pokemon in a overdramatic fashion and manners with waving her arm and clutching her heart...
  72. "Is...Is she crying?"
  74. Severa looks at Eevee a bit closer....
  75. "Eevee doesn't seem that injured..."
  76. However, Eevee seems to be slow to get up oddly enough, gritting her teeth and crying tears of pain.
  80. Bella's 'speech' seems to be working as Eevee stiffens and with a look of DETERMINATION (Severa is suddenly reminded of one of her favorite games, Undertale), gets up and shouts out with a cry of pride!!
  81. [There you go Eevee!! Now...let's starts things off with....Water Pulse!]
  83. "Wait, that's impossible. Eevee can't lea-" Severa and Jalen looks shocked as Eevee turn blue and shoot out a waterly sphere in the same manner Frogaider does towards Rockruff. Rockruff barely dodges it in time as he wasn't expecting that either.. "Wait, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!??!?!?"
  85. [Now, use Ra-] "WAAAAAIT A MIN!!!" Severa steps forward with a scowl and points at Bella and Eevee alternately "HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK IN FUCKITITY CAN YOUR EEVEE USE WATER PULSE!?!??" [What are you talking about? Can't Eevee use the move?] "NO! NO IT CAN NOT!!" Bella blinks... [Oh.] But then she smiles wide [THEN MY EEVEE IS SUPER SPECIAL! COOL!!!! Now...RAZOR LEAF!] Eevee's fur turn green and release a flurry of leaves from it's tail, Rockruff couldn't dodge it in time and is sliced up by the leaves. howling in pain as it too was sent to a wall.
  87. [AHA! TAKE THAT, YOU BULLY!] Eevee shouts at Rockruff with a look of a challenge. Rockruff barks and gets up, scaring Eevee a bit. Jalen orders a Sand-Attack to get some ACC drop...Rockruff lands the attack and Eevee cries out in pain over the sand in her eyes. [OH NO! HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH AN UNDERHANDED MOVE!?!? HAVE YOU NO SHAME, JALEN!??!] Jalen answers back with a middle finger, making her gasp in shock. [SUCH CRUELTY, I BET YOU ABUSED YOUR POKEMON!!] "What!?! The hell is wrong with you, Miss Soapbox Sadie!?! Jalen never hurts his Pokemon!!" [Silence!, I have seen my share of criminals and jerks and Jalen here is a prime example!] She turns to Rockruff with a look of pity [I'm sorry you have to be with such an uncaring trainer...But a battle is a battle....Eevee! Thundershock!]
  88. Eevee's fur turn yellow as she shoots a bolt towards Rockruff who gets zapped....The attack end as Rockruff lay there in pain and anger. Bella nods.
  90. [Your Pokemon is too weak, you're not training it right....therefore...]
  91. She turns to Jalen with a look of anger and accusation...
  92. [You are a bad trainer and must be brought to justice!]
  94. Both Jalen and Severa was about to shout back when....Rockruff gets up and bark loudly at Bella and Eevee with a look of rage.
  95. [Huh?!?]
  97. "Jalen...I think..."
  98. Rockruff raise his head up and with a loud howl...begins his evolution!!!
  100. [!!!]
  101. "Holy shit!!"
  103. Rockruff's 1st changes are his blue eyes turning crimson red, he then begin to slowly get bigger with his fur turning red as well, his forepaws gain thumbs and become more claws than legs to walk on as he begin to stand up. his face gets a bit longer with bigger fangs. He gains rocks on his chest in a rib-cage manner..and his collar fur rise up to form a crescent moon on his head. a light shines down on him and break away as the evolution is longer was he a Rockruff...but he was now a...
  104. "Lycanroc!...And a Midnight form at that!!"
  106. Lycanroc stomps the ground and gives off a loud roar. He then bangs his fists together and bare his fangs at the now terrified Eevee....Jalen can see that Lycanroc learned a new move...Close Combat over Rock Throw. Wait a min...CLOSE COMBAT!?!?...He blinks as Lycanroc seems raring to go.and order him to use his new move with Lycanroc's eyes flashing and him rearing back with an another roar....(edited)
  108. [No matter, Eevee! We shall defeat this Pokemon and show the evil Jalen that our love triumphs over evil an-] A Red blur runs past her and scoops up Eevee... [Wh-What?] She look back and see Lycanroc with Eevee in his hand....running towards a wall as Jalen ordered him to. [EE-EEVEE!!!] Lycanroc shouts as he slams Eevee to the wall, her fur rapidly changing colors. Lycanroc bring both of his claws back and begin to beat the shit out of the Eevee with rapid slashes and punches thrown in with no mercy... [NO! EEVEE, HANG IN THERE!] Eevee tries her best, but the onslaught is just too much for her, doesn't help that Lycanroc is scaring her shitless with his aggressiveness.... "Man, Lycanroc's really hammering it in..." Jalen nods as Lycanroc ends the attack with a overhead throw to the ground with one hand behind him on Eevee...who bounce on the floor 3 times KO'ED
  109. [.......]
  111. Bella returns her Pokemon with not a word spoken out of her as she turn her head towards Jalen and Severa...her smile looking quite broken and deranged...her hair rapidly changing colors and her head shaking a bit too fast for the liking of both of them. Lycanroc jumps towards his trainer and stand in front of the 2 teens in a protective stance...Not sure of what this....this person would do.
  113. [I-I-I-I can't be-be-be-believe tha-that-that you be-be-be-beat me! Be-Be-Bella-Bella-Belladonna Se-se-se-se-serene Fau-na Sere-sere-sere-sere-serenity Lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lopez Bern-bern-bern-bern-bern-stein Sen-sendo Johnson!] Her heads fidgets in very creepy manners...spooking both teens as Severa grabs her Prinplup's ball in case as Lycanroc growls....warning this girl to don't attack his trainer and friend.
  115. [I-I-I ha-ha-ha-ha-hate...] _Bella's face gets more redder and redder with anger until it suddenly goes away and she stand there with a sweet smile. By now, Jalen and Severa are so alarmed that Severa was clutching on to Jalen and Jalen had his hand on Lycanroc's back. [Teehee! Sorry...I hate losing and can't control myself at times!] "...." [I'll see you 2 again! Bye!] And so, Bella get a bike out of her bag and ride off towards the exit the 2 teens were heading to..
  117. "........"
  118. Severa look at Jalen
  120. "Jalen....I hope we never see her again.....Yeah, that was the most unnerving experience I ever went through....what the hell is her indeed....Well, let's go. Must be dark now considering Lycanroc...which, by the way...Congrats!" Jalen nods a thanks as Lycanroc smiles at him while being return. Severa smirks and begin to walk on ahead. "Let's hurry up and get out of here! I wanna sleep in a bed and I'm positive you wanna FUCK in a bed! Severa meeps as she feels Jalen picking her up and running...giggling at this, she wraps her arms around his neck and hang on tight as they make their way out of the tunnel.
  123. [Pokeballs, CHECK!, Condoms, CHECK!, Dress, CHECK!] Cynthia sounds off her stuff loudly to the annoyance of Kagero...Lucina for her part is laying down in her bed after doing her preparation and sleeping...Kagero is doing her stuff as well as reading a book about getting over your 1st rape experience...clearly traumazised by her ordeal and phobia of BBCs....Rhiannon however is looking forward to seeing Jalen once more and getting bred by her master/lover the 4 girls lay in their bed, Rhiannon can't help but touch herself as silently as she can...knowing that she gonna mess up Lady Camilla's plans for tomorrow...but if only she could know about the magic of the BBC!(edited)
  124. "(Oh Jalen....Pls come to the S.S Anne tomorrow....I want you~)"
  126. Back in the Vermilion PKMN Center....after having sex again, Severa is sleeping on Jalen in his arms as he stare up at the ceiling and go over the day....1st they woke up and was sad to learn Azura was they head up north and encounter Takumi, with Jalen beating him soundly. Then, after Severa sweeps the Nugget Bridge, They encounter a TR Grunt named Kagero and after she loses to Severa, they interrogates/rape her for info about T. They learn about the S.S Anne and the mission there....Luckily, they got tickets from the inventor of the PC system and Pokefurry, Robin. THEN, they were able to fight Azura(Of course Jalen raped her). THEN...he comes across Rin again who declare her love and allegiance to him, Which was lovely to hear...Cause she have the best pussy he ever fucked. Then...a shock comes to him as someone else have his same skill...Soleil Wilson, older sister of Inigo Wilson. She seems quite nice and share his many taste....But then just earlier...they encounter that freak with the long name...Bella....
  128. Jalen shakes his head...knowing that he will see that damned woman again and again...he can just feel it....regardless, he shake that feeling off as he prepare to rut Severa in her sleep...climbing on top of her and adjusting his dick to go in...he thrust in and begin to slowly fuck her...he end up waking her up and she hugs him tightly as she stay quiet for their nightly fucking...both of them looking forward to tomorrow...
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