
Kalos' Games #spacecopsic2 1/20/2018

Jan 20th, 2018
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DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
Kalos: Meanwhile
Kalos: <@!Miri> <@!Keith>
Kalos: you two are still outside as all of these revelations are going on
Kalos: Just heading back?
Kalos: Or..
Keith: As far as we can tell, yes. Unless there's options for us.
Kalos: I mean there's lots of things you could do
Keith: Lucentia is close by? Otherwise...
Kalos: unless you have intuition or something I don't think I should tell you what these are.
Keith: "I wonder, Miri, how many of the escapees are hidden just outside of our sight, and, yet, we have no way to know."
Miri: "Hmm. If i was them I'd make myself scarce, too."
Keith: "Well, as far as we know, that's exactly what happened to nearly everyone who got freed. I think they must all be stunned by their shackles right now, though, so, even if we called out and they knew who we were..."
Miri: "Tracking them might backfire, too. They're not stupid. They might see us trying to hunt for them and spook."
Kalos: A walking vender comes by, seeing you two- a human. "Hey, you two look like discerning folks, is there anything I can get you?" they spread their trench coat- the inside pockets lined with products of dubious legality and insane prices (in both directions)
Kalos: thinks like electronic lock picks, drugs, chips with program labels...
Keith: "How much for the electronic lock picks?"
Miri: "Yeah, and you got anything that might short out a tracking implant?"
Kalos: "220000 woolongs." (now that's some old money, your implant translates the value as ($2200)
Miri: <Doesn't sound too bad.>
Keith: <it is more expensive than the price we can get from our sources, we can get for 1.5 tousands>
Miri: <We do need this kind of stuff. Do you think he's open to haggle?>
Keith: "That sounds a bit steep. I can do this with a normal lockpick, don't you think you can lower the price?"
Kalos: "Maybe for a lady or critter like you two-" he motions to a pocket that seems to have nothing in it, labeled for 4 grand.
Kalos: Except to you keith
Kalos: to you you can see there's a blurry wrinkled ball, flickering a bit, just barely.
Miri: "Um?..."
Miri: obviously sees nothing and thinks the guy might be a little crazy.
Keith: "Hmmm... Interesting apparatus, but I can't discern its use... Would you like to clarify?"
Keith: Keith squints his eyes, trying to focus on the ball.
Miri: "...Keith?" She looks at him with concern. What is this Emperor's New Clothes bullshit going on?
Kalos: "It hides things. Fools cannot see it." he says with a smile to Miri
Miri: "Did this turd just insult me?" Miri says, looking at Keith, gesturing indignantly.
Keith: "I feel flattered. Trully... But if that's so, I can guarantee you that I will purchase it if you can provide a demonstration."
Miri: "Wait, wait, hold on. If you're talking about some kind of invisibility shit...then if he can see it, what's stopping other people?"
Keith: "Nothing is ever trully invisible."
Keith: "What matters is to be invisible most of the time."
Miri: "...I guess."
Kalos: "most people aren't whatever he is." he says simply, reaching into the pocket and taking it out- it looks much larger than the pocket, or maybe the pocket was really big
Miri: still blinks in incomprehension at empty space.
Kalos: putting it over his fist- as its moving through the air, it seems to hide things within, almost entirely transparent, light warmed slightly as is through a weak lense.
Kalos: putting it over his arm- it seems to vanish after the elbow, especially when he holds it still.
Kalos: "eh? eh?"
Miri: realizes she's seeing something amazing but isn't quite sure how to process it.
Miri: <...What do you think we'll be able to use it for.>
Keith: "Pretty good, pretty good. How much for it again?"
Miri: <Because there is no way we're leaving without it.>
Keith: <Hey, it is likely that we can fit the smaller critters inside, amongst other things>
Kalos: "40 hundred woolongs" It could probably just barely hide something lilli sized.
Kalos: ($4000)
Miri: <Not bad at all considering what it can do.>
Keith: Keith proceeds with the transference.
Kalos: he hands it over. he also points to a few spots on the less-transparent underside, where batteries are attached
Keith: "Perfect, thank you."
Keith: Kalos
Keith: is it like... Ultraviolet that I am seeying? Or weirder stuff?
Kalos: It's UV
Keith: Alright
Keith: "As long as we steer clear from things that can see ultra-violet, it should be fine."
Kalos: "Anything else I can get you?"
Keith: "Okay. You seem resourceful... How can we find hidden people and/or animals? You know, hot-blooded, beating heart."
Amoni Steeltower: Comms

<Hey reminder you two, both Tony and Lucintia have trackers. So be careful when you go find them.>
Keith: <Lucintia does not, anymore>
Amoni Steeltower: <Ah good.>
Keith: <She took it out, remember?>
Amoni Steeltower: <... oh yeah.>
Kalos: "I got contacts for that... don't think they'll fit your eyes though. Don't have goggles or a headset." the human offers.
Keith: "I think we got infrared and ultraviolet covered, thank you."
Keith: Keith remembers he can see infrared... But also remembers that this might still not be useful enough to find the critters.
Keith: "Unless what you are offering is something else..."
Kalos: "This aint call of duty. heartbeat sensors aren't real... I do have an echolocation thingy you might want."
Keith: "Hrm, sonar might prove useful... What's the size and price?"
Kalos: he reaches into one of his pockets- size of a small grenade, covered in microphones.
Keith: ( 1 pound? )
Kalos: "Wirelessly connects."
Keith: Keith reaches to try and get a bearing on its weight
Keith: "Price?"
Kalos: "20 hundred woolongs for one of these." $2k. "Gotta keep it out and exposed, or it just won't work."
Kalos: it weighs...
Kalos: .5 lbs.
Keith: "Intriguing, this seems very small. May I test it to see if it works?"
Keith: [Lighter than the smaller sonar in te book]
Kalos: (things he sells may not be the same things)
Keith: [BRB, tending to the cats]
Keith: (hey, that's what testing is for... To make sure it is what i think it is)
Keith: Do we get the quests, <@Kalos> ?
Kalos: 'quests' ?
Cyril: The "quest marker" icons over detected signals? I put it in the tacnet or whatever :B
Kalos: Oh, Yea!
Kalos: you get them~
Kalos: there's approximately 40... and 20 of them are all in one place, towards the circus. only 6 are moving
Keith: How far is the closest?
Miri: <Neat. Just like in a video game.>
Kalos: The nearest one is about ... 100 yards away, across a lane behind some things, so you don't have line of sight
Kalos: This one's still.
Miri: <Do you think they're...hiding? Or...?>
Keith: <Either that or uncouscious>
Keith: "Nevermind the sonar. Do you have something to block radio?"
Keith: "And make it quick, something just came up."
Kalos: For anyone outside, you begin to see a MASSIVE ship starting to come in from orbit, shields glowing from reentry, slowing it down
Kalos: a good 3-4 kilometers long
Kalos: pringed down the middle, almost blade-like, painted bright golden yellow
Kalos: Its the redline ship. its the start line, and the finish line.
Miri: "...Hooooo boy."
Kalos: he reaches into another pocket, pulling out another 'cloak'
Kalos: but this one hides nothing visually.
Kalos: "this'l do. put it over someone's head and they can't call for anyone."
Keith: "Miri, put this over your head, and see if this works."
Keith: "You know wht to do, to check."
Keith: <@!Miri>
Miri: shrugs and smiles. "Okie-doke." She pops her head off and wraps the cloak in it.
Keith: "Does it work?"
Kalos: He's taken aback a bit at the head removal. "oh."
Kalos: It works. Miri's head is non-responsive.
Kalos: and its reported as disconnected to her
Miri: <Yikes.> She quickly unwraps her head and pops it back on.
Keith: "How much?"
Miri: "Yeah, it works."
Keith: "How much?"
Kalos: "500 bucks, this size."
Keith: "How much for one that can fit me whole?"
Kalos: "I don't have one on me, sorry."
Cyril: (Just get all the smaller ones and I'll weld em together :B )
Keith: "Well, that's fine, I'll take this one, unless you have a larger one, if so I will take the largest."
Adem Nineball: (or Stitch 'em togheter!)
Keith: "Thanks for your business." Keith says, before turning away and walking towards the closest signal
Keith: "Come with me, Miri. We have something to do."
Miri: follows eagerly.
Kalos: You head on over-
Kalos: After only a couple minutes of walking, you reach this beacon-
Keith: [tense]
Adem Nineball: <:go_go:279152078750875651>
Keith: What do we see?
Kalos: There's a dolphin dog on the floor, splayed out a bit, collapsed. shock cuffs on its limbs
Kalos: a couple of people are standing around it, a pair of avalis
Kalos: looking down and wondering if they should be doing something about this
Miri: <Should we intervene, or really intervene?>
Keith: "Don't worry about it, we'll deal with this." Keith says, approaching the two with a hand extended, still dressed in the 'bodyguard suit'.
Kalos: They disperse pretty quickly, seeing you two coming around-
Miri: <Good move, good move.>
Keith: <Expected a little bit more of resistance, but I am glad with this>
Kalos: just as coming up from behind, someone else approaches-
Kalos: a familiar looking austferian-
Kalos: "What? You two?" its one of the circus employees, with him a hover-cart.
Keith: "Who the hell are you?" Keith says, looking him up and down.
Keith: <Shit, Miri, any ideas?>
Kalos: "What do you mean who the hell am I?"
Kalos: "Who the hell are you? you were at the circus...." he scratches his chin
Keith: "Of course we were. That fucking hellhole almost killed my client!"
Kalos: "y'know... I'm starting to think you're somehow connected to what happened- Now you're here with one of our products." he approaches closer.
Keith: "What the fuck are you talking about? Also, is this YOURS?! How many of these are out there? If one of them fucking hurt my client you will be in trouble, you and your shitty circus."
Kalos: "No, of course not, I'm not that rich. they're my bosses'!"
Keith: "You know what I fucking mean."
Kalos: "Yea and I think you're lacking some brain cells- Now move aside, I gotta gather them all up before we're forced off his rock."
Miri: "Hey hey hey! Uh."
Miri: "You know there's regulations for handling engineered animals, right?" Miri hastily BS's.
Miri: "Do you have the paperwork?"
Kalos: fast talk
Miri: !g 12
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 13 (degree -1; failure)
Miri: The corner of Miri's mouth turns up in sheepish fashion. Even she can't buy her story.
Kalos: "... Not here there aint"
Kalos: "now fuck off- I see you around the animals again I think security should have a watch on you."
Keith: "You have a problem with that?"
Keith: "How about..."
Kalos: "What?"
Keith: Keith steps closer
Keith: "You don't fucking let them escape, you fucking moron."
Kalos: He grits his teeth- "YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT!?"
Keith: "Sounds almost like you don't know."
Keith: "Because a huge dinosaur almost trampled my client."
Miri: "You have any idea who you're talkin' to here?" Miri chimes in. She likes Keith's plan here.
Miri: !g 14
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 9 (degree 5; success)
Keith: "And now there's this thing here... And you are here to get back? I mean, you lost your hold on all this shit! It is almost as if you didn't had a hold in the first place!"
Kalos: "No? Like I said who the hell are you?"
Keith: "I am just a bodyguard. My client, on the other hand, is rather something. Do you even want to know who he is? I wouldn't advise it."
Keith: !groll 13
DiscoDude: <@Keith> rolled 9 (degree 4; success)
Keith: I think I will keep, it sounds good enough of a roll.
Kalos: You know someone scary
Kalos: now roll intimidation
Keith: !groll 13
DiscoDude: <@Keith> rolled 13 (degree 0; success)
Keith: !groll 13
DiscoDude: <@Keith> rolled 15 (degree -2; failure)
Keith: !groll 13
DiscoDude: <@Keith> rolled 10 (degree 3; success)
Kalos: !roll 3d6
DiscoDude: <@Kalos> rolled 3d6 for 10 [3d6 = 5, 1, 4]
Kalos: he pauses, and takes a step back. "Oh. Oh my sorry ma'am! I knew not where I tread!"
Keith: (Cataloging rolls, brb)
Keith: "Well, don't you now?" Keith frowns, staring at the guy.
Kalos: He backs off- and looks the other way
Kalos: and walks off.
Miri: <Yeah, ya better run.>
Keith: Keith looks around, using his elf modded eyes to see if someone will see him as he bags water doggo into the 'aluminum foil' and the 'invisibility stuff'.
Kalos: you are left with a vap
Kalos: its keith-sized.
Amoni Steeltower: <Bought a hyper brick to attach to the Circus ship, we aren't grabbing all of these guys the first time saddly, and I found an exact duplicate hyper-brick of ours. The one Runi gave us>
Amoni Steeltower: -in reply to keith
Keith: <@Kalos> , is it enough to fit most of them?
Amoni Steeltower: (You could ask Amoni)
Kalos: Most of vap can fit into the bag. you could put it on like a ghost afterall
Miri: <I'm not gonna get used to these invisibility shenanigans.> She rubs her neck self-consciously. Now she has an idea what 'phantom limb syndrome' feels like.
Keith: Keith does that... And then looks at Miri... Does she has a backpack of some sort?
Miri: (nope.avi)
Keith: "I have an idea. Miri, do you have a biosuit with interphase?"
Keith: "I mean, you are bigger than me, so, it would work better than me."
Miri: "I have a biosuit, but I dunno about 'interphase'?"
Keith: "nevermind then. here's the idea: I'll activate interphase, engulfing both me and the escapee, and you push the sphere back to the base, can you do that?"
Miri: "What, like an Atlasphere? Sure, I could do that."
Keith: Keith activates interphase while holding the escapee, hoping that it will be enough to engulf them both.
Miri: begins pushing.
Kalos: The material streches annndddd it works. you're both balled up together
Kalos: its a very uncomfortable rolly-ball thingy. it wasn't meant to work with 1 suit and 2 people like this
Miri: <Na naaaa na na na na na na na na na...>
Kalos: Back to the ship?
Keith: Keith holds the escapee, making sure they don't wrench their limbs while this happens.
Miri: (yes)
Keith: Yes.
Kalos: Keith has the solace that they make a great pillow.
Kalos: ====> <#269999224957960203>
Gray: !end

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