

May 28th, 2016
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  1. ?AO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  2. CCT: [X] Yes.
  4. CTG: "[X] Yes.", what
  6. ?AO: Is this your last saved game:
  7. CTG: no shit
  8. CUC: >Yes.
  9. ?AO: Hah.
  10. ?AO: Loading game file...
  11. ?AO: Loading...
  12. ?AO: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  13. CUC: Let me just recall the recent past...
  14. CUC: ( )
  15. ?AO: You're standing in your ship, upon the summit of the Lambda Manufactory.
  16. ?AO: You have yet to decide where to go.
  17. ?AO: You're in a single chamber with an ex-Ashen Plague afflicted, somebody who was once a power source for a death mecha, a robot that tried to kill you, and a hunk of fluorite in an arcane bubble.
  18. CUC: My vote is for Delta Sector.
  19. ?AO: Are there any objections?
  20. ?AO: That seems to be a no.
  21. CTG: TL:;DR what happened last session
  22. ?AO: You plot a course to the Delta Sector. By which you mean you just hook your ship into the Getenian Way voidspace current, and set the timer for twenty minutes.
  23. ?AO: ((You went up to the summit of the Manufactory, and made a deal with the eldritch god Cthk'aryvt to cure Topaz of the Ashen Plague. Also, you got some cool stuff constructed.))
  24. ?AO: ((Namely, Venuz's Cry, and some limb enhancer interface electrogun thing that is not copied at all, no sir.))
  25. CTG: cool. what's the ashen plague and who is topaz.
  26. CTG: these are legitimate questions 
  27. ?AO: ((The Ashen Plague is an illness designed by the second boss of the game, who you beat. It basically just slowly drives you mad and irrevocably turns you into a lupine beast.))
  28. CTG: ok.
  29. ?AO: ((Topaz was the gem you saved from the aforementioned second boss, and was essentially affected by said boss's immortal essence when you killed them. You extracted that from her last time with the deal.))
  30. CUC: ((HE WAS AN ASH PHOENIX. I think.))
  31. ?AO: ((Hah.))
  32. ?AO: Please enter command. ETA: twenty minutes.
  33. CTG: >Thank gun god.
  34. ?AO: You mumble some praise to gun god under your breath.
  35. CTG: notice if Venuz' Cry reacted in any way
  36. ?AO: It did not. Cyan looks at you funny, and before you know it, you are excitedly talking about the hit 2015 game Nuclear Throne, which you apparently both played back in the day.
  37. ?AO: Back in the day being like two years ago.
  38. CTG: >See if ship has computers capable of playing Nuclear Throne or computers that have the game installed already
  39. ?AO: You could probably just log into Steam on one of the secondary computers.
  40. CTG: oh okay, cool.
  41. CTG: just do it whenever nothing's happening/you need to kill time, then
  42. CTG: though I get the feeling we could do something more interesting
  43. CTG: and/or plot relevant
  44. ?AO: You've got twenty minutes to spare, trapped in your ship.
  45. ?AO: There isn't anything particularly plot relevant. You suppose you could organize your inventories, or something.
  46. CTG: check inventory.
  47. ?AO: AZURE INV: Medkit x7, Water Vial, Mercurial Water Vial, Undulating Water Vial, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x7, Gem Fragment x3, Ylahrthuian Salt x11, Amalgam Interface, Flipside Elixir, Potion of the Nine, Draught of Tears, Duopen, Sniper Rifle, Ink Cartridge x2, Gluon Destabilizer x3, Ink Canister x2, Manufactory Key, Tenebrous Substance, Fluchwater, Brinewater, Bristewater, Frequency Resonator.
  48. ?AO: CYAN INV: δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema, Medkit, Laser Pointer, Plasma Rifle, Medkit x7, Gluon Destabilizer x4, Limb Destabilizer Cannon.
  49. ?AO: TOPAZ INV: Longsword, Medkit x8, Gluon Destabilizer x4.
  50. CTG: it would really help if I knew what all of these... were.
  51. ?AO: Probably. Ask about them, then.
  52. ?AO: GSS EXSANGUINATOR INV: Hunk of Refined Infused Arcanium x5, Hunk of Vesperium x2, Pile of Metal Plates, Pile of Wiring, Pile of Core Mechanics, Psioglass Tube x8, Cyanic Mechanovitae Tube, Sonic Repulsor Engine, Psionic Filter (12/14), Psiofiber x5, Sheet of Corotite x1, Crystal Core Chassis, Sensor x3, Lapis Stone Shard x2, Cloth Wrappings x3, Witch-Doctor Disguise x2, Murder Cylinder x4, Irhvium Plate x3, Month's Supply of Food and Water x6.
  53. CTG: I take it you use the water vials for hydrokinesis, your main method of attack
  54. ?AO: Aye.
  55. CTG: but what are mercurial and undulating waters
  56. ?AO: Both just augmented water, with various extra things added in.
  57. CUC: Mercurial: Water with mercury. Undulating: Water with poison.
  58. ?AO: The Tenebrous Substance, Brine, Briste, and Fluchwaters are also just augmented water, with eldritch essences added in.
  59. CTG: okay.
  60. CTG: Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse?
  61. ?AO: That's one of the aforementioned eldritch essences.
  62. CTG: what about the gem fragments. whose... gem do they belong to :|
  63. CTG: that's pretty creepy that you have a dead person in your inventory
  64. ?AO: They were gem fragments you extracted from the chests of some Centurion soldiers you killed. The robots were draining them for energy.
  65. ?AO: You plan to give them a proper funeral when you return to Earth.
  66. CTG: ;-;7
  67. ?AO: :-:7
  68. CTG: ylahrthuian salt, then.
  69. ?AO: More eldritch essence.
  70. CTG: amalgam interface? has to do with fusion?
  71. ?AO: That is the device that you use to initiate fusion, yes.
  72. CTG: flipside elixir?
  73. ?AO: Flipside Elixir: A draught that alters the passage of reality when consumed. You gotta turn it flipside, man.
  76. CTG: AO: ...huh.
  77. CTG: so, acid.
  78. ?AO: Hah. If you think of it like that, sure.
  79. CTG: potion of the nine is copyright infringement, but what about draught of tears
  80. ?AO: Draught of Tears: A corked vial of rose quartz, filled with some sort of unknown substance. You haven't any idea what this thing does. That which is dead can eternal lie, o'er altar grave and incensed sky.
  81. ?AO: You've determined the fluid inside was either tears or saliva. You can't tell which.
  82. CTG: KEK/
  83. CTG: duopen is probably a pen/sword, gluon destabilizer is probably an offensive unglue-their-moleclues weapon, tenebrous substance is somekind of eldritch/ink thing?
  84. CUC: Tenebrous substance is a water-weapon like the other waters we have.
  85. ?AO: ^
  86. ?AO: Gluon Destabilizers are essentially grenades.
  87. CTG: oh ok.
  88. ?AO: Duopen: A pistol with two tubes of liquid ink affixed to the back. Fires a concentrated bolt of ink at a target, which pierces through armor plating, bricks, or any sort of nonorganic defense. Deals little damage, and must be reloaded after every shot with Ink Canisters.
  89. CTG: ooh wow
  90. ?AO: Hah.
  91. CTG: bioschema, then.
  92. ?AO: That's essentially a plasma multitool weapon in cube form.
  93. ?AO: It will burn your hands off if you touch it yourself.
  94. CTG: wjp os gss exsamgiomatpr/ os tjat tje sjo[
  96. CTG: *who is gss exsanguinator. is that the ship?
  97. ?AO: That is the ship, yes.
  98. CUC: Yes, is ship.
  99. ?AO: You bought it from a guy named Ando Calrissien in a game of sabaac.
  100. ?AO: Well, won it.
  102. CTG: I remember those fancy metal names. core mechanics, psioglass tube, cyanic mchanovitae tube, then.
  103. ?AO: Core mechanics, if you recall correctly, are just bits of the core computers of the Centurion soldier mechs.
  104. ?AO: Psioglass tubes are tubes composed of indestructible psioglass, of course. You got them from the inside of the storage pedestal at the end of the Mu Sector.
  105. ?AO: Cyanic mechanovitae is the lifeblood of most machine beings. Those are essentially just robot veins.
  106. CTG: sonic repulsor engine's probably just the ship's engine, so what about the filters, psiofiber, core chassis, sensors, murder cylinders, and irhvium (unless that's just another metal).
  107. ?AO: The engine is actually just a spare repulsor engine the size of your fist.
  108. CTG: oh.
  109. ?AO: The filter is used to give ion cannons a major energy boost, but will break after fourteen uses.
  110. ?AO: Psiofiber is essentially just wire, the core chassis is the device that held Cyan's gem in the Centurion Sorcerer, the sensors are just sensors, the murder cylinders are glass tubes filled with shattered gems you liberated from Aft'mathai the Horrible to bury later, and irhvium is another metal.
  111. CTG: ok.
  112. CTG: final question:
  113. CTG: what's food and water
  114. ?AO: Hah.
  115. CCU: 
  116. CCU: what's food and water
  117. ?AO: Congratulations, your examining your inventory took fifteen minutes. Add that to your Nuclear Throne conversation, and you're here.
  118. CTG: fuck.
  119. ?AO: You can see a gigantic stone city floating in the Void before you, stretching as far as your eyes can see.
  120. CTG: whoa.
  121. ?AO: Neon lights and plasma generators dot the walls of the structure periodically.
  122. ?AO: There's a single entrance in the side of the wall, that you can see.
  123. ?AO: Please enter command.
  124. CTG: >enter
  125. ?AO: You dock on the side of the city, and open the hatch of the ship. Cyan and yourself jump down onto the platform without hesitation, but Topaz stays behind. She looks rather freaked out by this entire affair.
  126. CURRENT chemicalAssailant [CCA] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  127. CCA: ((Hey.))
  128. ?AO: NOTICE: dialogue is a thing that exists, and you can do it too! All you need is a message to state to somebody in the world.
  129. CTG: I know
  130. CTG: just wondering what to say
  131. ?AO: Ah.
  132. ?AO: Shouldn't rush genius.
  133. CTG: tell topaz "you don't have to come with us if you don't want to, it's understandable."
  134. ?AO: You do so. "... Oh, okay. I... uh, I don't think this looks that safe. I'm going to just... organize the piles of shit you have in here, or something." She offers you a grateful smile.
  135. CTG: nod back. then go on your quest.
  136. CTG: a quest... for what, exactly?
  137. ?AO: You nod back to her, along with a double thumbs up. Then, the two of you head into the chamber.
  138. ?AO: You are looking for the remaining four VOID SHARDs, so that you will be permitted to return home to Earth.
  139. CTG: got it.
  140. CTG: examine chamber.
  141. ?AO: Stepping down the musty hallway, you note that this place appears to have been abandoned for decades. Centuries, perhaps.
  142. ?AO: The architecture does not seem particularly modern.
  143. ?AO: Granted, it IS 2017, so this might just be a new trend in home-building.
  144. CTG: heh.
  145. ?AO: The hallway terminates in a single stone staircase leading directly upwards.
  146. CTG: go up stairs.
  147. CUC: ^
  148. ?AO: You head up the stairs. The room on the other end is incredibly long, though not particularly wide.
  149. ?AO: You can see a door with the hand symbol emblazoned upon it, filled in with four navy hashes.
  150. CURRENT canonW [CCW] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  151. CCW: >kill door with penis
  152. ?AO: There is a platform before that, with an oaken chair upon it. The thing is filled with some humanoid being or other.
  153. CCW: >eat chair
  154. CTG: stay back and investigate humanoid being.
  155. ?AO: Disrupting the memo game again will lead to a banning. Please calm yourself.
  156. CUC: >Examine humanoid being.
  157. CCW ceased responding to memo.
  158. ?AO: The being appears to be a half-decayed corpse of some sort. The flesh around its eyeballs appears rather charred.
  159. ?AO: ...
  160. ?AO: You're pretty sure this being replaced its own eyes with orbs of magetear.
  161. CTG: is it sentient
  162. ?AO: You wave a hand in front of it.
  163. ?AO: The thing stirs.
  164. CTG: S H I T
  165. CTG: WH
  166. CTG: whoops messed it up
  167. ?AO: With the creak of bones long past their time, the skeletal being rises from the chair. The magetear once more springs to life, dripping slightly onto the ridge of the creature's eye sockets.
  168. CTG: oh.
  169. ?AO: The starry pattern within the magetear flashes gold, then maroon, if only for a second.
  170. ?AO: What do you do?
  171. CTG: say "are you okay?"
  172. ?AO: The being mumbles something to the effect of "IOUCOS NORS."
  173. ?AO: You don't speak Drenovian, but you're pretty sure that's a no.
  174. CTG: because IOUCOS means I am, right?
  175. ?AO: Correct.
  176. CUC: I am not.
  177. CUC: So NORS is 'not'.
  178. CTG: ^
  179. ?AO: Correct.
  180. CTG: hmmm...
  181. CTG: if it doesnt try to attack us we dont have to attack it
  182. CTG: are there any doors that arent the door with the hand symbol
  183. ?AO: No. The grinding of stone behind you alerts you to the fact that you are now sealed in.
  184. CTG: sweet.
  185. CTG: go towards door with hand symbol. if Ioucos Nors (becuase that's a cool name) makes an act of aggression, jump backwards and initiate an attack.
  186. ?AO: You take a step forward. The instant you do, the being you have now christened Ioucos Nors points a finger at you.
  187. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  188. CTG: FUCK
  189. CTG: U
  190. CTG: C
  191. CTG: K
  192. ?AO: A pattern of interlocking golden patterns and symbols appears on both your chest, and Cyan's.
  193. CTG: FUUUCL
  194. ?AO: ((Redundancy, hah.))
  195. ?AO: Within seconds, the two of you are blown back five feet, hitting the cold stone wall.
  196. ?AO: That... wasn't that bad, actually.
  197. ?AO: You're actually pretty okay.
  198. ?AO: Would you like to engage in combat?
  200. CTG: it's
  201. CTG: Do you wish to engage in combat?
  202. CTG: you must BE the holo-pearl
  203. ?AO: Hah.
  204. CTG: but uh, yes.
  205. CUC: >Yes.
  206. ?AO: Do you wish to engage in combat, challenger?
  208. CUC: >Observe, first off.
  209. CTG: > OBSERVE
  210. CTG: ((if its real name ends up being Ioucos Nors I will be happy))
  211. ?AO: Malpeiyc: █████████████ HP? NOTES: A decayed skeleton. The being's eye sockets appear to be empty, save for two large globules of dripping magetear. Lux ex tenebrae.
  212. CTG: ...oh.
  213. CTG: "Lux ex tenebrae." Light is dark?
  214. ?AO: Light out of darkness.
  215. ?AO: Est is 'is', ex is 'out of'.
  216. CTG: ah.
  217. CTG: so it's already lost some HP. though... the ? next to HP makes me spooped.
  218. CTG: I wonder if revive kills zombie applies here.
  219. ?AO: Only one way to find out.
  220. CTG: assault.
  221. CTG: using a water vial
  222. ?AO: You're going to have to be a little more specific than that.
  223. CTG: oh okay.
  224. CTG: make a water fist that slams the malpeiyc against the wall. return the favor.
  225. ?AO: Hah.
  226. ?AO: And what shall Cyan do?
  227. CTG: fire her plasma rifle at the magetear to hopefully cause the malpeiyc to clutch its eyes in pain, distracting it
  228. CTG: you know what, have cyan attack first so lapis' attack can have a better shot at working
  229. ?AO: She's currently only got one hand that's capable of holding a rifle, thanks to the whole limb enhancer thing.
  230. ?AO: Would you like Cyan to use the limb destabilizer cannon built into the enhancer instead?
  231. CTG: oh, uh, yeah.
  232. ?AO: Very well.
  233. ?AO: Cyan's peridotite fingers all move about. The thumb straightens up, heading to the center of the enhancer, while the others slant over slightly, constructing a sort of pyramidical shape. A green bubble of electricity glows to life on the end of the thing.
  234. ?AO: She fires said bubble at Malpeiyc.
  235. ?AO: The thing pounds into what appears to be an interlocked series of arcane symbols, all of a gold color, diffusing uselessly against the surface.
  236. ?AO: You are little more successful, pounding a water fist against the barrier.
  237. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  238. CTG: ...damnit
  239. CCU: /afk
  240. ?AO: Malpeiyc effortlessly waves a hand, the barrier dissolving around him instantly. You can see a bone pop out of his right arm a considerable distance when he does so.
  241. ?AO: Waves of pure energy arc from the form of the living corpse. The magetear within his eyes seems to flash past various scenes all the while, some too fast to be noted, others not so.
  242. ?AO: Tendrils of pulsing light grab at your legs, unable to yet grab hold.
  243. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  245. CUC: /back
  246. CUC: Hrm.
  247. CCU ceased responding to memo.
  248. CTG: jump out of the way?
  249. CUC: >Azure: Assault barrier with Bristewater. After she does so, >Cyan: Assault with limb destabilizer cannon.
  250. CUC: Wait.
  251. CUC: Nvm.
  252. ?AO: The barrier has dissipated, yes.
  253. ?AO: And jumping out of the way is not really under a specific combat category.
  254. ?AO: That's more for when you have a chance to react during an enemy attack.
  255. CUC: Ok, I say we use Tenebrous Substance with Azure and have Cyan defend with a plasma shield. Any other ideas?
  256. CUC: We could also have Azure defend with Brinewater and have Cyan attack with the limb destabilizer cannon.
  257. CUC: First, let's >Observe.
  258. CTG: okay.
  259. ?AO: Malpeiyc: █████████████ HP? NOTES: A decayed skeleton. The being's eye sockets appear to be empty, save for two large globules of dripping magetear. IO-GOHST WVERU GETEN.
  260. CUC: I something something something.
  261. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  262. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  263. CUC: I say we have Azure defend with Brinewater and Cyan assault with the destabilizer cannon.
  264. CTG: yeah.
  265. CUC: Opinion, Twin?
  266. CUC: Ah.
  267. CUC: >Azure: Defend using Brinewater. Cyan: Assault using the limb destabilizer cannon.
  268. ?AO: Anywhere in particular on Malpeiyc Cyan should fire?
  269. CUC: Try the right arm, where that bone popped out, perhaps?
  270. ?AO: Very well.
  271. ?AO: You pull up a bubble of pure Brinewater around yourself and Cyan, fully blocking out the tendrils of electricity.
  272. ?AO: Cyan fires another shot with the limb enhancer. The bolt immediately tears Malypeiyc's right arm off from the elbow down.
  273. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  274. CTG: HA.
  275. ?AO: Malpeiyc hisses something incoherent, likely some sort of violent series of fucks in a language nobody understands.
  276. CTG: kek
  277. ?AO: Then, something begins to ooze from the stump of the arm.
  278. CUC: Don't tell me it's more magetear.
  279. ?AO: Foul drops of what appears to be liquid magetear drip down onto the ground, yes.
  280. CUC: Crap. This guy is full of the stuff.
  281. CTG: what even IS magetear
  282. ?AO: The stuff slowly oozes out, forming what appears to be the shape of an arm, roughly.
  283. CUC: Incredibly potent liquid magical reagent and catalyst. I think. Erelye originated the idea, so he knows more than I.
  284. ?AO: ((It's basically a liquid that looks like the stuff the rift in GF was made out of. It is a potent catalyst, and an even more deadly fuel.))
  285. ?AO: ((The unbroken rift, that is.))
  286. CTG: oh god, whoa.
  287. ?AO: ((It's the reason the Hazel Wand blew up two universes.))
  288. ?AO: Anyhow, the fluid continues to ooze, until Malpeiyc's right arm is reconstructed, this time out of magetear. The being flexes his new limb a few times, chuckling.
  289. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  291. CUC: >Observe, as always.
  292. ?AO: Malpeiyc: █████████████ HP? NOTES: A decayed skeleton. The being's eye sockets appear to be empty, save for two large globules of dripping magetear. FALYS! FALYS! IAMOND.
  293. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  294. CUC: ...
  295. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  296. ?AO: You would be correct in assuming that he took no damage from losing an arm from the elbow down.
  297. CUC: ...'FALYS!' wouldn't happen to be 'Fools!', would it?
  298. ?AO: It would not.
  299. CUC: Ah.
  300. CUC: Damn, there's a bunch of meaning in here I'm sure we're missing.
  301. CTG: yeah.
  302. CTG: he hasnt even lost any HP
  303. ?AO: Perhaps you should try a different approach.
  304. CTG: throw a medkit at him.
  305. CCA: ((hah))
  306. ?AO: The entire medkit, or just the syringe.
  307. CTG: I'm being serious. UC, what do you think
  308. CTG: AO: whatever you use to actually heal with
  309. CUC: Hrm.
  310. CUC: ^
  311. ?AO: That would be the syringe. Shall you do this?
  312. CUC: Sure.
  313. ?AO: You throw a medkit syringe at Malpeiyc.
  314. ?AO: It bursts into flames before it even makes it halfway across the room.
  315. CTG: ...what.
  316. CTG: why??
  317. ?AO: The syringe melts into a heap of molten glass, medical fluid, and maroon flame on the floor.
  318. CUC: Wow.
  319. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  320. ?AO: Malpeiyc raises his new right arm slightly.
  321. CCT: Going.
  322. ?AO: The magetear writhes and pulses with various scenes of cities, libraries, and duels, elongating into what appears to be some sort of one-sided pickaxe of some sort.
  323. ?AO: He swings his limb, the thing stretching the extra foot needed all the while. To simultaneously impale you in the chest and nail you to the wall, that is.
  324. ?AO: Poof.
  325. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  327. CUC: >Observe. I assume we're controlling Cyan now.
  328. ?AO: That would be correct.
  329. CTG: oh, so we just died in one fuckin shot.
  330. ?AO: Cyan grabs your gem first, to be safe.
  331. CTG: okay.
  332. CUC: The magetear is fuel... Is it flammable or explosive, or is it 'fuel' only in the magical sense?
  333. ?AO: Malpeiyc: █████████████ HP? NOTES: A decayed skeleton. The being's eye sockets appear to be empty, save for two large globules of dripping magetear. The elder light of the ancient mage expedients the process of rejuvenation, whether by intent or by accident.
  334. CCT ceased responding to memo.
  335. ?AO: It is not explosive unless in the most extreme of situations. It is more drawn from as a reagent to provide massive amounts of energy.
  336. CUC: Hrm, we just have to stay alive then.
  337. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  338. CUC: >Cyan: Defend by forming a plasma shield with the Bioschema.
  339. CUC: I assume that message after Malpeiyc's description means we revive much quicker than normal in this fight.
  340. ?AO: Cyan constructs a plasma shield between herself and Malpeiyc, who draws his arm from the wall, watching as it morphs back into a hand.
  341. ?AO: You would be correct.
  342. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  343. ?AO: The magetear in Malpeiyc's eyes and limb stops on the image of what appears to be a figure robed in amethyst pointing a bronze rod at some throned entity shrouded in a vile gray aura. A maroon symbol burns itself into spacetime before Malpeiyc, pointing right at your shield.
  344. ?AO: Within instants, a beam of pure golden energy unloads an unbearable amount of plasma into your shield, heating up the air around you/Cyan. Thankfully, the shield holds. Cyan feels your gem already growing warmer in her inventory.
  345. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  347. CUC: Is the symbol still there?
  348. ?AO: It faded.
  349. CUC: Ah.
  350. CUC: >Continue the defense, reinforce the shield!
  351. ?AO: Cyan reinforces the shield massively, with extra electrical energy from her limb enhancer, as well.
  352. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  353. ?AO: Malpeiyc emits some sort of gurgling noise that could be loosely interpreted as a sigh.
  355. CUC: I something something something.
  356. CUC: Doesn't Azure naturally translate Drenovian for some reason?
  357. ?AO: The image in the magetear vanishes, and, in response, another symbol appears before your shield.
  358. ?AO: ((That was more of Cthk'aryvt planting it into her gem so she could fully understand. Or was it?))
  359. CUC: Ah.
  360. ?AO: ((Lapis lazuli is traditionally known to symbolize knowledge, funnily enough.))
  361. CUC: ((Huh.))
  362. CTG: huh.
  363. ?AO: Regardless, maroon symbols also appear on your sides, and behind you, as well.
  364. ?AO: You have a second to react.
  365. CUC: ((Was the last beam purely horizontal?))
  366. ?AO: Yes.
  367. ?AO: ((Pardon me. Lazuli symbolizes truth, not EXACTLY knowledge. But, same thing, really.))
  368. CUC: DROP TO THE FLOOR. Reshape the shield to be somewhat of a pyramid shape in hopes of deflecting the beams to the ceiling, place it over you.
  369. ?AO: Will the shield be fully covering you?
  370. CUC: Yes.
  371. ?AO: That'll cook you alive, remember?
  372. CUC: Oh.
  373. CUC: So, place it above you, and make the sides more curved to better deflect the beams upwards.
  374. ?AO: Very well.
  375. ?AO: You drop to the floor, and reconstruct the shield to your specifications. Of course, the beams are just absorbed by the plasma shield, and do no damage to the environment.
  376. CUC: Oh.
  377. CUC: Heh.
  378. ?AO: Your gem reaches human-levels of heat.
  379. CUC: Still works.
  380. ?AO: The thing floats out of Cyan's inventory, levitating in the air.
  381. CUC: So, will Azure auto-yes.
  382. CUC: *auto-- yes.
  383. ?AO: You materialize once more, following the construction of a framework of your body out of pure blue energy.
  384. ?AO: Euphoria rushes through your body once more.
  385. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  387. CUC: Ok, let's see. >Cyan: Shield once again. >Azure: Assault, Fluchwater. Let's see what this water does. I have an inkling, though...
  388. ?AO: Cyan brings up another shield.
  389. ?AO: You, on the other hand, prepare some fluchwater. Time to see this stuff in action.
  390. CUC: "Knowledge is but an eternal sea. Splintering the paddles on the boats of the seekers is by far more optimal than having to shatter boats themselves."
  391. ?AO: You hydrokinetically fire a bolt of the fluid at Malpeiyc. It strikes him in the face.
  392. CUC: ((That screams debuff to me.))
  393. CTG: YES
  394. ?AO: Suddenly, control of the liquid is wrested from you.
  395. CUC: Ah, crap.
  396. ?AO: The liquid twists and writhes, forming into what appears to be a miniature tentacular mass on Malpeiyc's face.
  397. CTG: SEY
  398. ?AO: The light of the magetear eyeballs burns through the infused water, fluchwater eyeballs appearing on the mass all the while.
  399. ?AO: Malpeiyc suddenly just drops, appearing to loose all muscular power.
  400. ?AO: Collapsing onto the chair which you first saw him upon, Malpeiyc's magetear limb appears to phase back into his body?
  401. CUC: Woohoo. Paddles splintered.
  402. ?AO: The fluchwater spills to the floor.
  403. ?AO: You appear to have won.
  404. CUC: Woo.
  405. ?AO: Please enter command.
  406. CUC: >Place hand on door, walk through.
  407. CUC: >Or otherwise open navy-hash-mark-marked door, then proceed.
  408. ?AO: Are you sure you desire not to recollect your waters, and loot the enemy?
  409. CUC: Oh, right.
  410. CUC: >Do that.
  411. ?AO: You recollect your brinewater and fluchwater, and then examine Malpeiyc's corpse.
  412. ?AO: Looking into his magetear eyes, visions of storm-filled arcane lakes once more fill your vision. You feel a searing pain from Venuz's Cry on your back, and begin to tip backward. The last thing you feel before everything goes black is Cyan's warm hands managing to catch you, pulling you close.
  413. ?AO: Please enter command.
  414. CUC: (We Cyan now? Or Azure still?)
  415. ?AO: (The latter.)
  416. CUC: >Awake. If you can't wake, dream or something?
  417. ?AO: You awaken.
  418. CUC: >Look around?
  419. ?AO: As you open your eyes, a rather different world awaits you. You appear to be lying on the floor of the very same room you were in when you passed out, but... decades earlier? A figure sits on the arm of the oaken chair, rocking their feet back and forth.
  420. ?AO: Cyan is not with you in any way whatsoever.
  421. CUC: Malpeiyc. Probably.
  422. CUC: >"Hello?"
  423. ?AO: The figure looks over to you. They aren't exactly the emaciated corpse from before, being an actual human being this time around, but the magetear eyes and general facial features give away that this is definitely Malpeiyc. In response, several neon lights in the wall turn maroon, and Malpeiyc rises from the arm of the chair, floating in midair.
  424. ?AO: "Well, who do we have here? A visitor? A shark-person, come to devour me?"
  425. CUC: "Shark person? No, I'm just a person. I think. How did I even get here?"
  426. ?AO: "Hmm. Well, I'd say that you're one hundred percent person. I could smell that... humany reek off of you from a parsec away. Gross. You probably tried to look at my physical form's eyes. That's usually never a problem."
  427. ?AO: Malpeiyc chuckles somewhat. "But that might be because it usually melts their faces off! HAH!"
  428. CUC: "Uh. So I guess this is your mind? Or something mental, at least."
  429. ?AO: "2048, this is the infinite plane of pure energy that is the mindscape. I'm the guy in charge here. Like some sort of office boss who subjects his demonic associates to writing reality with a shared... Algol Doc file, or something."
  430. ?AO: "Do humans use Algol Docs, or is that a demon thing. I can't recall."
  431. CUC: "Google Doc?"
  432. ?AO: "No, not Google Docs. That's far too mainstream-lizard-council-controlling-the-government for me! Algol Docs. Algol, as in that cursed star of yours? That didn't blow up or anything yet, right?"
  433. CUC: "Uh, I think it hasn't?"
  434. ?AO: "That's good enough for me. Now, what would you like to do in here, 2048? You've got a limited amount of time before you wake up, you know!"
  435. CUC: "So, uh. Who are you, again? And why was your physical form attacking us?"
  436. CTG: "Why did Venuz's Cry react when I looked at you?"
  437. ?AO: "I'm the ex-meatsack human current eternal demon of knowledge formerly known as Malpeiyc. My body was attacking you as a simple rite of passage. I kinda set it like a guard dog. A brainless guard dog."
  438. ?AO: "That was probably the result of the link being formed between your brain and the mindscape!" Malpeiyc looks up at the ceiling for a moment, shouting something seemingly at nothing. "Don't be absurd, Greenman, you full well know what happened!"
  439. CTG: what
  440. CTG: but I don't
  441. CTG: ?
  442. CTG: uh... "Why are you calling me 2048?"
  443. ?AO: He continues to yell at the ceiling. "You may profess you have no clue what that means, but you know how these rune connections work. You're probably not a brainless penguin."
  444. ?AO: Malpeiyc looks back to you. "Ask the purple one. He knows."
  445. CTG: ((I actually don't know what Venuz' Cry does))
  446. ?AO: There's nobody purple in the room.
  447. ?AO: "Fine, fine. The Arcane Lake linked with the mindscape. Simple as that."
  448. CUC: Venuz's Cry lets you place Aklo words that we know (and by 'We', I mean 'Azure') for bonuses. One of those was Arcane Lake.
  449. CUC: Well, more phrases than words.
  450. CTG: oh, okay.
  451. CTG: wait, if you know who I am then
  452. CTG: what's my handle
  453. ?AO: "You, Greenman, are one transcribedGuardian. Easy as that. Don't think I can't see it, you lizard."
  454. ?AO: You're rather confused as to who he is shouting at.
  455. ?AO: It looks like a wall.
  456. CTG: hey, whoa whoa whoa. I'M not the lizard here.
  457. CTG: but anyway...
  458. ?AO: "Well, I'm sure not! For all I know, you are secretly a lizard."
  459. CTG: "Who are you, uh, talking to?"
  460. CAU: I come back from the dwarven lands. Another grudge has been settled. In other words, the new total war game is a lot of fun.
  461. ?AO: "Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was just communicating with the gods. You wouldn't understand."
  462. ?AO: "Hmm. While you're here, want to make a deal?"
  463. ?AO: "You give me a favor to cash in later, I give you a powerful endgame artifact. Easy as that."
  465. CAU: Oooh dear I am getting some Chet Rippo vibes here.
  466. CTG: "...What's the favor?"
  467. CUC: "What's the artifact."
  468. CUC: Yep, this guy sounds like a reskin of good ol' Bill.
  469. CUC: Or, well, I can't say.
  470. CAU: Chet Rippo especially, but that's only because of an (unfortunately dead) MSPFA I read back in the day, Paper Mario and the EverClear Night.
  471. ?AO: "No idea. The favor will be determined when I need it. There are four possible things you could get off of me." Malpeiyc looks over to the wall. "How dare you say that about me, Crystal Hand! I am WAY better than that overcooked dorito. He died. I can't. Sucker."
  472. CAU: At one point Chet Rippo basically broke the game for a moment to make a deal with the players directly.
  473. CTG: but you've forgotten the axolotl.
  474. CTG: ((don't like this. don't like it one bit.))
  475. CUC: You've gotta admit the dealing mindscape demon niche has been filled before.
  476. CTG: ((he makes up his half of the deal on the spot.))
  477. CTG: "...What possible things?"
  478. ?AO: He shouts at the wall one last time, before turning back to you. "Fair, but you'll be hearing more things about me than that television character." Then, back to you. "I can show you them now, if you want."
  479. CTG: "Yes, please."
  480. ?AO: Malpeiyc snaps his fingers, and a cardboard box appears, with four things inside. You can examine them without having to actually purchase them, this time around. Interesting.
  481. CUC: >Examine items.
  482. ?AO: The Right: A severed right arm, burned off from what appear to have been near the shoulder by some ritual accident or other. Amethyst runes have been inscribed into the flesh by some unknown entity.
  483. ?AO: Anathema Paradigm Shard: A small stone shard that appears to fit into something. Appears to be inscribed with a variety of grooves. A curse is a shackle, often composed of water. Draw yourself under, and bear the weight of the sea.
  484. ?AO: Cotangent: A sword composed entirely of some archaic infused pink crystal. The pommel is inscribed with a faded swirling pattern of some sort. "Ah, yes. A weapon befitting of a quartz."
  485. ?AO: Fountain Pen: One of the many magetear-ink pens of Malpeiyc, hazel base polished and painted maroon, with lustrous gold bands fitted into place. Has the power to write reality, the lives of others, and existence itself, for those who can use it properly.
  486. ?AO: *appears to have been.
  487. CUC: Hrm. Cotangent is probably Rose's Sword, with likely extra powers.
  488. CUC: Also, nice use of the COT joke.
  489. ?AO: Hah.
  490. CUC: The Right is Kalare Erelye's arm, burned off by his accident, which has made its way to us.
  491. CUC: The Fountain Pen is very interesting.
  492. CTG: what accident?
  493. CTG: I agree
  494. CUC: I don't know.
  495. CTG: shard is lapis, cotangent is rose
  496. CTG: hmmm
  497. CUC: No idea what the Anathema Paradigm Shard is.
  498. CTG: keep in mind the pen can only do as advertised if you "can use it properly"
  499. CTG: how do we know we can
  500. ?AO: "I don't even know how I got that thing. That arm shouldn't even exist. It comes out of a forum game."
  501. CUC: Wait, is that a fucking MALACHITE TRANSFORMATION thing?
  502. ?AO: Hah.
  503. CUC: Who says forum games don't exist on some alternate plane of reality?
  504. CAU: How Can We Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real.
  505. CAU: Eugh, I feel filthy even writing that mockingly.
  506. CTG: need to go, sorry
  507. CTG: /afk
  508. ?AO: "Nope, don't be absurd. They're entirely fake. I know because I can say a link to one right here, right now."
  509. ?AO: "So, what will it be?"
  510. CUC: Hrm.
  511. CUC: Suppose we should wait for Twin to get back?
  512. CUC: "Do you know what the arm does?"
  513. ?AO: "Not at all. That's the fun part. "
  514. CUC: "Does the sword do anything other than, well, be a sword?"
  515. ?AO: He snorts. "Obviously."
  516. CUC: "Any chance you can tell me what?"
  517. ?AO: "Nope!"
  518. CUC: "Hmm... Do I have the potential to use that pen properly?"
  519. ?AO: He considers it for a moment. "NYAROVIT ALOUS."
  520. CUC: Answer unclear?
  521. CUC: Guessed translation.
  522. ?AO: "Tick tock. You haven't got all the time in the world, 2048."
  523. CUC: Ugh.
  524. CUC: Can we postpone the decision until Twin returns?
  525. ?AO: ((That might take a while? He tends to be AFK for quite some time, but alright.))
  526. CUC: ((K. Doesn't feel right making a decision without the current ingame controller of the master of making deals, after all.))
  527. ?AO: ((Mhm.))
  528. CAU: ((I agree, we should wait for the twin))
  529. CUC: Fuck, speaking of Bill.
  530. CUC: I gotta go back to dopping.
  531. ?GG: fuck
  532. CURRENT secretEmperor [CSE] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  533. CSE: salve.
  534. CCA: ((GG we have lumium on skyblock))
  535. ?GG: mh
  536. ?GG: ı've been terrarıa
  537. CCA: k joining you
  538. CURRENT caledfwlchUnleashed [CCU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  539. CCU: hang on...
  540. CCU ceased responding to memo.
  541. CURRENT caledfwlchUnleashed [CCU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  542. CCU: There, refresh made.
  543. CCU: Gonna go afk again.
  544. CCU: /afk
  545. CCA: w00t w00t i have a spoil in terraria
  546. CUC: you have two actually
  547. CCA: wat
  548. CUC: the heart... and now the buzzing transistor core
  549. CCA: wait when did i get the heart
  550. CUC: I think Tazz tossed it to you way back when
  551. CUC: it's a teamwork-enhanced healer spoil
  552. CUC: you gotta work together with the person that has the ...locket for max effect.
  553. CUC: otherwise it's just a pretty strong heal.
  554. CCA: so who has the locket
  555. CUC: DarkSide.
  556. CUC: Who has recently dropped off the face of the earth.
  557. CUC: So. Uh.
  558. CUC: He might come back?
  559. CCA: Nah, he posted this turn
  560. CURRENT canidaePsionic [CCP] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  561. CCP: dαrκ side ωent tot eh dαrκ side of the moon
  562. CAU: I think I /might/ need a fair amount of catch-up since I am semi-seriously considering returning to Terraria for real this time.
  563. CCU ceased responding to memo.
  564. CCA: how many turns is the heart... charge?
  565. CUC: 3.
  566. CUC: Bleh, got distraced by searching up ominous organ music for the Cathedral of the Pure when I eventually summon it.
  567. ?AO: ((/AFK.))
  568. CTG: I want either The Right or the Fountain Pen.
  569. CTG: not sure which.
  570. CTG: The Right because who KNOWS what erelye's arm could do, and the Fountain Pen because reality warper.
  571. CTG: /afk
  572. CTG: UC?
  573. CUC: Ah.
  574. CUC: Yeah, Right or Pen.
  575. CUC: But which?
  576. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  577. CTG ceased responding to memo.
  578. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  579. ?AO: ((/UNAFK.))
  580. ?AO: Would you like to make a decision?
  581. CUC: Dammit, Twin left.
  582. CUC: Anyone else want to weigh in?
  583. CUC: I'm leaning toward the Pen.
  584. CAU: Hm, both are interesting items with insane amounts of potential, and while learning about what powers lie within Erelye's Right Arm I think the Pen is the better, more flexible option.
  585. ?AO: Malpeiyc shrugs nonchalantly. "I didn't say you couldn't have more than one thing, for double the favors, by the way."
  586. ?GG: ...
  587. CUC: Would we be able to contact you again later, or is this the last chance?
  588. ?GG: let's do ıt, I say facetıously
  589. CSE: (what's going on?)
  590. ?AO: "My corpse isn't going to evaporate when you wake up, y'know."
  591. CAU: "Of course I am only being facetious" - Some Egg, probably.
  592. CUC: Dammit.
  593. CUC: "Just to make sure, what form might these favors take?"
  594. ?AO: "That'd spoil the fun. Nothing fatal, though. We had to take those kinds of favors out after what happened to that one Ciryatur kid, or whatever his name was."
  595. ?AO: Please enter command.
  596. CUC: Ok, Arm, Pen, or both for double the favors.
  597. CAU: I am now considering the consequences of grafting the arm to somebody.
  598. ?AO: "I'm pretty sure that breaks a few human rights laws, bomb demon."
  599. CUC: That was in my thoughts as well, honestly.
  600. CSE: (oe what is this thing?)
  601. CAU: What? Since when have those been in place? That aside, unless we really decide to go for double favors to grab both I feel the Pen is the better option.
  602. ?AO: ((This is my memo game, Abyssal Oddity, SE.))
  603. CAU: ((AO, also known as Erelye's magnum opus.))
  604. CSE: (ahh, ok)
  605. CUC: Yeah, only reason to go for double favors is to find out what the severed arm of an archmage could do.
  606. CUC: I vote Pen, honestly.
  607. ?AO: Two votes for the pen. Anybody else got an opinion?
  608. ?AO: No?
  609. ?AO: Pen it is.
  610. ?AO: Malpeiyc hands you the pen. The cardboard box, and its other contents, all disappear.
  611. ?AO: "Favor registered. We've got a few minutes left in here."
  612. ?AO: Please enter command.
  613. CAU: Well, I have no ideas for anything meaningful to say. Crystal?
  614. CUC: No idea as well.
  615. ?AO: Very well.
  616. ?AO: Malpeiyc turns to you once more, a devious grin upon his face. "Hey, 2048. I want to cash in my favor."
  617. ?AO: "Right now."
  618. CCA: ((üͮ))
  619. ?AO: Please enter command.
  620. CUC: "Alright, what'll it be."
  621. ?AO: He grabs your arm. "I've always wanted to do a puppet show."
  622. CUC: ((Can't really refuse, after all.))
  623. CUC: CRAP.
  624. CUC: Oh well.
  625. CUC: This has been Bill Cipher 2.0, Sock Opera edition.
  626. CUC: Thank you for your time.
  627. ?AO: Malpeiyc draws his hand back, laughing maniacally. "OH, MAN. You should've SEEN the look on your face! Hah! That was great."
  628. ?AO: "I'm not going to take out your soul, and possess your body. Souls aren't even real."
  629. ?AO: Malpeiyc continues to laugh.
  630. CAU: *spits out drink*
  631. CAU: Just kidding, souls probably just don't exist in this reality.
  632. CAU: "Are we done here, then?"
  633. ?AO: "Nah, for real, though. Have a look at this." His magetear eyes show the scene of what appears to be the inside of a Grayholdian military vessel. A video chat of some sort showing a throned figure tapping a holographic screen on the other side floats before the deck.
  634. CUC: >Watch with interest.
  635. ?AO: "Uh, sir?"
  636. ?AO: "There appears to be a consistent emission of some sort of unrecognized energy from the ruins of Wveru Geten in Facet 9."
  637. CUC: God damn it, Toast's attack is just too good.
  638. CFC: 
  639. CUC: Another 1 damage, I suppose.
  640. CFC: I heard my name
  641. ?AO: The being on the other side of the film looks up from his screen in interest. "WHAT SORT OF ENERGY?"
  642. ?AO: "It... we don't have the scanners necessary to pick it up, your Imminence."
  644. ?AO: "Uh, anything else, your Imminence?"
  646. ?AO: Malpeiyc's eyes flicker back to normal.
  647. CUC: Well. Crap.
  648. ?AO: "Wasn't that just a pleasant tape. Enjoy! You've got ten seconds before you wake up."
  649. ?AO: Everything goes black once more.
  650. CUC: Whoa, some newbies are joining 0.
  651. ?AO: Please enter command.
  652. CUC: >Wake.
  653. ?AO: You open your eyes. The first thing you see is Cyan's concerned face, and the first thing you feel is her arms assuring your lack of falling on the floor.
  654. ?AO: "Are... are you okay?"
  655. ?AO: "What happened?"
  656. CUC: "In order? Looked into that body's eyes, blacked out, met the owner of that body, made a deal in which I got an item in return for a favor in the future, and learned something very unsettling."
  657. ?GG: >check pockets
  658. ?AO: "..."
  659. ?AO: There's a Fountain Pen in your inventory now, yes.
  660. CUC: ((Just to make sure, we ARE in Facet Nine, right?)
  661. ?AO: "Okay. I, um. I'm not going to pretend to understand that. Except maybe asking about the unsettling thing. Just, are you okay? I was pretty fucking worried about you."
  662. ?AO: ((You are in Facet 9, yes.))
  663. CUC: "The unsettling thing is that, apparently, due to some type of energy emission, the Kristalli Imperium is going to drop by to purge this whole facet. Nothing serious. And, yeah, I'm okay. Maybe a little in shock from learning that, but otherwise good."
  664. CUC: ((I assume that was what his Imminence meant when he said Imperium. If I'm wrong, feel free to edit the dialogue.))
  665. ?AO: "... Oh, god. Probably had something to do with you entering the corpse's mind? Glad to hear you're okay, though."
  666. ?AO: ((It's the Kristalli Imperium, yes.))
  667. ?AO: Cyan momentarily pulls you into a bone-crushing hug, then rises, and pulls you up. "We should... probably get moving, then. If we're going to outrun them."
  668. CUC: "Yeah."
  669. ?AO: Now what?
  670. CUC: So, we have no idea of the ETA of the Imperium.
  671. CUC: Where are the other four Void Shards? In Facet Nine, I presume.
  672. ?AO: They are all in Facet Nine somewhere. You don't know where.
  673. ?AO: The entry door is still sealed.
  674. CUC: >Exit through the four-navy-hash door.
  675. ?AO: You open the four-hash door. Stepping through it, the two of you find yourselves upon an arcanium catwalk upon the side of a massive room.
  676. ?AO: There is a massive tenebrite device at the bottom of the chamber, nearly the length and width of the entire room itself.
  677. ?AO: Please enter command.
  678. CUC: >Examine surroundings and device.
  679. ?AO: The room itself is rather unremarkable. There is, however, a series of sealed corotite doors on the opposite wall.
  680. ?AO: The device appears to be a mass of incomprehensible machinery, all focused around eight crystal storage mechanisms circling around a rather large ring of vesperium.
  681. ?AO: Welcome to the Aeon Core.
  682. CUC: Ooh boy.
  683. CUC: I need to do other things, sadly.
  684. ?AO: Want to save?
  685. CUC: >Y
  686. ?AO: Saving game...
  687. ?AO: Saving...
  688. ?AO: Game saved successfully. Would you like to quit?
  689. ?AO: Autoquit initiated. Have a nice day.
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