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May 16th, 2018
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  1. Part 3
  3. Trooper Robi was a young man who was 24 years of age. While he had not received a complete education, he understood that there were many things in this world which he did not know.
  4. 士兵罗比是二十四岁的青年。虽然没有受过足够的教育,但至少有着能明白这世上自己不知道的事情像山一样多的智慧。
  5. Therefore--
  6. 因此——
  7. “Humans. I have returned. --Truly you have indulged yourselves while I was healing the wounds which the Sorcerer King left on me.”
  8. 「人类哟。我回来了。——在我治愈被魔导王造成的伤的期间,你们还真是很随心所欲啊」
  9. --As the angry roar reverberated through the core of his body, Robi pissed himself.
  10. ——直面连体内深处都在回响的怒吼,罗比漏出来了。
  11. He could no longer feel his soaked pants sticking to his skin.
  12. 湿掉的裤子贴在皮肤上的感触什么的已经感受不到了。
  13. After realziing the power of the monster before him, he had a premonition that he was about to die, and so his survival instincts went into overdrive. They abandoned his useless senses and swiftly searched for a way to survive.
  14. 理解了眼前的怪物的强大,直观感受到死亡,因此生存本能暴走了。屏蔽了无用的感官,高速寻找活下去的方法。
  15. However, before they could find anything, Jaldabaoth had unleashed his power.
  16. 然而,在他找到任何方法之前,亚达巴沃就解放了力量。
  17. “Die. Burn to ash in the flames of Wrath.”
  18. 「去死吧。被愤怒之火灼烧、让生命燃尽吧」
  19. Fire roared up, and a wave of heat struck Robi in the face. The incredible heat dried his eyes out and filled him with incredible pain. The hot air entering his lungs felt like it was about to set his entire body on fire from the inside. In fact, that was exactly what had happened
  20. 轰,火焰翻涌而起,热浪冲击着罗比的脸颊。因为强烈的热量使得眼睛一瞬间变得干燥而奇痛无比,热气从喉咙冲到肺部整个身体像是要燃烧起来一样,不对,就是燃烧了起来。
  21. His skin was scorched and its water content evaporated. His dermis burned, and then the fat beneath, followed by his muscles and then his nerves. Where the subdermal layers where thin, like on the arms, the flames immediately reached the muscles and nerves. This should have caused the muscles to contract and make him take up a bizarre pose. However, the high temperatures seared his skin to his armor, which prevented that.
  22. 皮肤被火烧焦,水分被逐渐抽干。表皮被烧焦,之后就是皮下脂肪、肌肉然后就是神经了。手臂之类的皮下脂肪薄弱的部分,火焰会立刻到达肌肉和神经,这样一来肌肉会收缩,身体会呈现一种非常奇特的姿势。但是即便如此,因为高温而被加热的铠甲和皮肤粘到了一起,避免了身体的扭曲。
  23. His clothes, skin, muscles and The clothes, the skin, the muscles and the fat of his belly all caught fire, and his innards poured out intact.
  24. 衣服、皮肤和肌肉和脂肪都被点燃的腹部里,依然完整的内脏散落了出来。
  25. Human bodies had high water content. That was why it took time for their insides to burn, If this were an ordinary fire, the flames would have continued burning until they reached the inside of the body, but since Jaldabaoth’s fiery aura was magically generated heat, it vanished as he moved away.
  26. 人类体内的水分很多。因此把内部完全烧焦需要花上一些时间。如果是火灾的话,还会有让火一直烧到身体内部的时间,但是亚达巴沃的火焰气场而产生的魔法热量,会随着亚达巴沃的移动而消失。
  27. Therefore, Robi’s scattered guts were not discolored by the heat and remained a pretty pink color. The sight of piles of scorched bodies and the fresh guts peeking out through oceans of blood were enough to make onlookers want to throw up. It looked like hell on earth.
  28. 因此散落的内脏几乎没有因为热量变色,呈现出漂亮的粉红色。堆叠在一起的焦尸、和在血海里若隐若现颜色无比鲜艳的内脏,足以让看到它们的人们想吐。这画面就好像是地狱突然来到这个世界上一样。
  29. Jaldabaoth left Robi -- who had sprouted a garland of fresh innards -- and over 50 other scorched corpses around him as he walked forward.
  30. 亚达巴沃将新鲜内脏洒落一地的罗比和五十多具被烧焦的死尸留在周围,然后向前走去。
  32. Jaldabaoth -- the newly-summoned Evil Lord of Wrath was walking. Even that was enough to kill the people around him who were caught up in his [Fiery Aura].
  33. 亚达巴沃——新召唤的愤怒的魔将——正在行走。仅仅是这样,被<火焰灵气>包围的人们就这样简单地死去了。
  34. “Get lost! Out of my way!”
  35. 「让开!碍事!」
  36. While several such shouts could be heard, the first to scream was Militiaman Francesk.
  37. 虽然同样的声音有好几个,但是其中最先喊话的是民兵弗朗塞斯克。
  38. He thought, “Why am I so unlucky” every day. Thanks to the Holy Kingdom’s system of conscription, everyone had to do their national service and join the army.
  39. 他每天想着「自己是多么不幸啊!」因为圣王国是征兵制,所以无论是什么样的人物都有义务参军。
  40. Indeed. Even the son of a great merchant like himself, a man with a bright future promised to him, was no exception. Granted, his father had paid the appropriate bribes to have him assigned to a slack unit, but the life of a soldier was still miserable.
  41. 没错,就算是像他一样,身为大商人的儿子,未来光明有保障的男人也一样。
  42. 虽说因为父亲给了部队钱的缘故,他被分配到了比较轻松的部队。但是军旅生活对他来说还是非常痛苦的。
  43. And just as that misery was about to end, this war had broken out.
  44. 就在这份痛苦快要结束的时候,发生了这场战争。
  45. Not a day went by when he did not complain about his unhappiness and the unfairness of it all. Still, it would all be over soon, and he could go back to being the heir of a big merchant family and indulge in the money-making activities he so enjoyed..
  46. 他没有一天不把这份不满不挂在嘴边。但是只要再忍一会一切都会结束。自己会再度以大商家的继承人身份去干自己最喜欢的挣钱工作。
  47. Things were just a little bit away from turning out like that.
  48. 本来还差一点点就会变成那样的。
  49. It had been just a little bit.
  50. 就差一点点。
  51. However, he was now fleeing desperately from the monster in front of him.
  52. 但是现在正拼命的从怪物哪里逃走。
  53. If it caught him, he would certainly die.
  54. 要是被追上一定会死。
  55. He desperately moved his legs, which refused to listen to him owing to his fear.
  56. 拼命地让因为恐怖而不听使唤的腿动起来。
  57. He was surrounded by other people who were also fleeing like himself. That was why he could make little progress despite his panic.
  58. 周围也是一样到处都是拼命逃跑的人们。因此着急也几乎前进不了多少。
  59. In particular, the fat man in front of Francisk was an eyesore.
  60. 特别是在弗朗塞斯克前面的这个微胖男人很是碍眼。
  61. Therefore, Francesk shoved the man away.
  62. 因此弗朗塞斯克把面前这个男人撞开了。
  63. He did it to get just a single step further away from that monster. He did it for the sake of his joyous future.
  64. 为了能尽早一步从那个怪物身边逃开。为了自己美好的未来。
  65. However, just as he was about to shove him away, Francesk saw that the people in front of him also had the same idea.
  66. 然而在撞开的同时,他看到前面也有跟弗朗塞斯克同样想法的人们。
  67. If the man who had been shoved away collided with the people in front of him, it was very likely that they would collapse en masse like dominoes. In fact, that was exactly what had happened to the people in front of Francesk.
  68. Perhaps if it was just one or two people, he could have avoided them. Perhaps he could have jumped over them.
  69. However, Francesk’s physical abilities were not great enough to avoid a huge mass of falling people at once.
  70. 被撞开的人和前面的人相撞、大家一起跟多米乐骨牌一样连续倒下的可能性很高,事实上弗朗塞斯克前面的人就是这样。如果是一个人一个人的话因该是能够躲开的吧,说不定也能用跳的来跨过这些人群。但是弗朗塞斯克的身体能力还没有高到能够完美地躲开像糯米团子一样倒下的人们。
  71. He collapsed onto the mass.
  72. 他在糯米团子上倒下了
  73. He thrashed around to get up -- but he was not given the time for that.
  74. 虽然大闹着想要起身------但他没有得到做这件事的时间。
  75. The aura of fire centered on Jaldabaoth had caught up to him.
  76. 以亚达巴沃为中心的火焰灵气效果范围已经追了上来。
  77. Francesk had no time to scream. Why me, he thought, and then it was instantly swallowed up by sheerest agony and all he could feel was pain.
  78. 弗朗塞斯克都没来得及惨叫。 「为什么是自己……」这种想法在剧痛发生的瞬间就完全消失、只是在袭击全身的痛楚中一味挣扎。
  79. Still, Francesk had been lucky. That was because he had died immediately.
  80. 但弗朗塞斯克是幸运的。要问为什么的话,因为他很快就死了。
  82. Jaldabaoth did not stop moving, He trampled blackened human corpses underfoot as he walked on, like he was in an empty wasteland.
  83. 亚达巴沃没有停下自己的脚步。踩碎人类烧焦的尸体、如入无人之境一般前行。
  84. “Run away! Run awaaaay!”
  85. 「快跑!快跑啊!」
  86. One man shouted the obvious. His name was Trooper Golka. He was a man who had faith in his sword skills.
  87. 有一个男人把理所应当的事情说了出来,他的名字叫军士戈尔卡,是一名对自己剑术有着自信的男人。
  88. That was why he had the courage to shout those words in front of Jaldabaoth.
  89. 正是因为这样才有勇气当着亚达巴沃的面喊出这句话。
  90. Still, that was just foolhardiness, because Jaldabaoth changed course towards Golka. There was no telling if he had piqued Jaldabaoth’s interest or because it had been mere coincidence.
  91. 但是那只能是匹夫之勇,因为亚达巴沃的行经路线转向了他,是因为引起了亚达巴沃的兴趣呢,还是一个偶然呢,这无从知晓。
  92. While that was a godsend to the ones Jaldabaoth had been chasing, it was the foulest luck imaginable to the ones on Jaldabaoth’s new course.
  93. 虽然对于被追的人们来说是庆幸的,但在亚达巴沃新的前进方向上逃跑的人来说却是恶运当头。
  94. Golka saw that it would be very difficult to flee the monster amidst the chaos, and so he drew his sword.
  95. 戈尔卡看透了从这混乱的人群中逃走是很困难的,拔出了自己的剑。
  96. The monster’s eyes shifted, and less than a second later, he walked past Golka.
  97. 怪物的视线打量着自己,然后一秒钟都没到就朝着戈尔卡的身后走去了。
  98. That was what the monster thought of Golka.
  99. 这就是怪物对戈尔卡的评价。
  100. He was only worth a single glance.
  101. 只有一瞥的价值。
  102. Golka bellowed and ran in the opposite direction of the flow of humanity.
  103. 发出怒吼,戈尔卡逆着人流跑动了起来。
  104. The sight of charred people collapsing nearby was very scary, but perhaps there might be some hope for him. Perhaps he might hope to be able to reach that monster.
  105. 被烧焦倒下的人群逐渐逼近很恐怖,但是如果是自己的话或许有侥幸的希望。或许能追到那个怪物的希望
  106. Golka learned the answer with his body.
  107. 戈尔卡通过自己的身体知道了答案。
  108. Pain filled him.
  109. 剧痛遍布全身
  110. He could not possibly close in on that monster.
  111. 想要追上怪物什么的是不可能的。
  112. Golka burned with the other troopers who were weaker than him.
  113. 戈尔卡和比他弱小的军士在同样的距离上被火炙烤。
  114. Golka realised something.
  115. 戈尔卡顿悟了。
  116. In the eyes of that monster, Golka was no different from the civilians around him.
  117. 在那个怪物的眼里,戈尔卡和那边的平民并没有什么两样这件事情。
  118. If only I had run, he lamented, before that thought was drowned out by the agony of being burned alive. Golka collapsed with a silent scream, contorting on the ground like all the corpses around him.
  119. 「如果逃走就好了」这份后悔,被烧伤的痛苦覆盖。戈尔卡伴随着无声的悲鸣崩倒,和在他旁边的尸体并无二致地姿态。
  121. Jaldabaoth walked with no aim in mind. However, if humans tried to run, he pursued them.
  122. 亚达巴沃漫无目的的走着,只是因为人类逃跑了才去追他们。
  124. “Stay away!”
  125. 「别过来!」
  126. She ran.
  127. 逃跑。
  128. Viviana, who had joined the battle as a divine magic caster, was running for her life.
  129. 作为信仰系魔法咏唱者从军参战的毕碧安娜正在逃跑。
  130. Her long blonde hair swayed wildly as she fled with all her might.
  131. 摆动着一头凌乱地金色长发、拼命地逃跑着。
  132. She had no time to wipe away her snot or her tears.
  133. 没有时间去擦眼泪和鼻涕。
  134. Nobody could beat a monster like that.
  135. 不可能战胜那种怪物的。
  136. Somebody was saying something.
  137. 有人在说些什么。
  138. She had no time to care about that.
  139. 那种事情怎样都好
  140. All she could think of was I just want to get away from that monster.
  141. 哪怕只有一点也想逃离那个怪物。满脑子只有这个想法奔跑着。
  142. She could not shove away the people running in front of her. All she could do was squeeze past them and keep running.
  143. 直接撞飞前面的人是不行的。只有从旁一边挤进去一边跑。
  144. Out of my way.
  145. 碍事
  146. Out of my way.
  147. 碍事
  148. Out of my way.
  149. 碍事
  150. Why were there so many people in her way?
  151. 为什么眼前总有这么些碍事的人?
  152. I don’t care if everyone dies except me, but I don’t want to die.
  153. 我以外的人谁死了都没关系。但是我不想死。
  154. Viviana ran with that thought in her heart.
  155. 一心想着这些毕碧安娜奔跑着。
  156. While she was ostensibly running, she was surrounded by people fleeing in all directions. Even Viviana, who was faster than the average person, was as slow as a turtle. She could not get away from the demon.
  157. 虽然说是在跑,但周围到处都是四处逃窜的人们。即使是脚步比一般人要快的毕碧安娜也和慢乌龟一般,无法和恶魔拉开距离。
  158. Sizzling heat caressed the tips of Viviana’s hair.
  159. 吱吱作响的热气轻触着毕碧安娜的发尾
  160. Nooooooo!
  161. 不要呀!!!!!」
  162. She thought of the horrible way people looked when they died.
  163. 想起了人将死去的可怕姿态。
  164. “I don’t want to die!!!”
  165. 我还不想死!!!」
  166. It was a perfectly natural thing to scream.
  167. 理所当然的尖叫
  168. Anyone would have thought the same thing.
  169. 无论是谁都会那么想
  170. It was very difficult to accept one’s death calmly when it loomed before you. This was more true the more suddenly death appeared in front of you.
  171. 死到临头想坦然接受是很困难的。越是突如其来越是如此。
  172. “It huuuurts!”
  173. 「疼啊!!!!」
  174. The incredible heat meant she could not feel anything other than pain. Her brain was assaulted by unbearable agony. She realised that she would soon be dead.
  175. 高热使她除了痛楚之外什么都感觉不到。大脑感受到了无法忍受的痛楚。感受到了自己即将死亡。
  176. No, I don’t want to die, Viviana thought as she burned to death.
  177. 「不,我不想死」想着这些,毕碧安娜被烧死了。
  179. Jaldabaoth continued forward in silence as he began to feel bored.
  180. 亚达巴沃在感到无聊的同时,默默地前进。
  182. “Don’t run! Fight!” a brave man shouted from horseback.
  183. 「别跑!去战斗!」
  184. 骑在马上勇敢的一个男人吼道
  185. Leonzio was the second son of a retainer in service to a Marquis. He had joined the battle in the hopes of being recognized for his swordsmanship. Around him were the men his father had placed under his command, all of whom were people who knew his abilities.
  186. 莱昂西奥是侯爵的陪臣家次子。希望靠剑术被提拔的他参加了这场战斗。在他周围的是父亲交给他的部下,都是些对自己的本领有自信的人。
  187. The demon walked in a leisurely manner, and it left countless corpses in its wake, each of them twisted in agony. He wanted to run away, but if he did, his future would be grim and dark. All he could do was take a bet for a shining future.
  188. 恶魔把无数死状凄惨的尸体留在身后,悠哉游哉的走着。虽然很想逃开这样的恶魔,但是如果在这跑了,就没有未来了。为了光明的未来只能放手一搏。
  189. Having made that decision, he shouted “Don’t run!” over and over again.
  190. 他这样判断以后重复地喊着「不要跑!」
  191. However, his horse was not like him. Its instincts screamed that the approaching demon was a terrifying monster, and so it wanted to flee.
  192. 但是马不一样,直觉感到正在靠近的恶魔是恐怖的怪物,因此想要逃走。
  193. What would happen if a horse broke into a gallop among all these people?
  194. 在这么多的人群中间马要是脱缰了会变成什么样子。
  195. It was very simple.
  196. 很简单的道理。
  197. The horse got tangled up in the crowd and fell. The people which the horse landed on screamed. No, some of them had died.
  198. 卷入人群中的马倒下了。成为马垫的人们发出了悲痛的悲鸣。不、因此而丧命的人也有。
  199. Leonzio was flung from his saddle and thrown to the ground.
  200. 坐在上面的莱昂西奥也被震飞,摔倒在地上。
  201. Fortunately, he had landed on top of people and he had not been crushed by the mob. However, intense pain filled his arm as he tried to run. He had twisted it when he had been thrown from his horse.
  202. 好在倒在了别人的上面不至于被人群踩扁。但是想要站起来的莱昂西奥感到胳膊一阵剧痛。被马扔出去的时候挫伤了。
  203. He had no idea where his sword had gone. It must have been flung away by the shock of being thrown off his horse.
  204. 摔倒的时候因为冲击剑也不知道到哪去了。
  205. He made to look for it -- and in that moment, he was engulfed by a wave of mind-blanking pain. This was the first time Leonzio had experienced such anguish in his life.
  206. 想要去找的那一瞬间------使人忘记一切的痛楚袭向全身。这样的疼痛还是莱昂西奥有生以来第一次。
  207. The agony stopped him from thinking.
  208. 大脑因为痛楚停止了思考。
  209. In the tatters of his pain-riven mind, the only coherent thought he could form was why me.
  210. 因为剧痛而思维涣散的大脑中,所想到的是「为什么是自己」。
  212. “Hm.”
  213. 「……呼呣」
  214. Someone stood atop a pile of burnt corpses. The Evil Lord that had been given the duty of acting as Jaldabaoth surveyed the fleeing crowds.
  215. 烧死的人们的尸体所堆成的山上站着一个人。被赋予亚达巴沃的使命的魔将在眺望着四散奔逃的人群。
  216. It was a little boring.
  217. 稍微有点无聊。
  218. The fiery aura was not an amazing ability. All it did was inflict fire damage on the surroundings. One could greatly reduce that damage with fire resistance spells. Of course, he had been granted the knowledge that the average soldier did not possess such abilities.
  219. 火焰灵气并不是什么了不起的能力。仅仅只能给周围造成火焰伤害。如果使用了抵御火焰的魔法的话能够屏蔽大多数的伤害。当然了,被赐与的知识让他知道,这个国家的一介士兵没有这种能力的。
  220. As a demon, he did not enjoy simply tormenting the weak. Rather, he enjoyed toying with the weaklings who thought they were very strong. That was why he hoped that such an arrogant fool would show themselves, but unfortunately there did not seem to be anyone like that.
  221. 身为恶魔的他并不喜欢单纯地欺负弱者,要说的话他是比较喜欢捉弄以为自己很强的弱者的类型。正因为如此,期待着会有那种自以为是勇者的蠢蛋出来挑战自己,但是很可惜似乎没有。
  222. The Evil Lord of Wrath stomped on a burnt corpse.
  223. 愤怒魔将踩着被烧焦的尸体。
  224. The innards squeezed out of it by the impact were charred in an instant.
  225. 因为压力而被挤出来的内脏瞬间被烧焦。
  226. The odor of said innards filled the air.
  227. 里面的东西因为塞在一起所以散发出恶臭。
  228. The Evil Lord of Wrath turned away.
  229. 愤怒魔将转身回去。
  230. If it were to get serious and take to the skies, there would be many more casualties. Had these humans realised that yet? The Evil Lord of Wrath held that question in his heart as he walked.
  231. 真要认真起来,飞到空中追的话就会出现更多死者。不知道这些人类有注意到这件事吗,愤怒魔将一边怀抱着这样的疑问一边走着。
  233. Everyone watched in silence as the demon walked proudly and regally back to the demihuman encampment.
  234. 对于堂而皇之地回到亚人阵地的恶魔的背影。人人惊呆着无声目送着。
  235. Nobody thought, what was that monster. There was no need to ask either. Even the stupidest of fools knew the answer.
  236. 那种怪物到底是什么,没有抱有这种疑问的人,也没有必要问,不管多蠢的人都能够知道这一点。
  238. He was the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth.
  239. 魔皇亚达巴沃
  241. The being who had trampled the Holy Kingdom underfoot and made the people cry rivers of tears.
  242. 蹂躏圣王国,让众多人民流泪的存在。
  243. The demon that had caused havoc in two nations demonstrated a power which mankind could never overcome. He had returned to bring despair to people who were once filled with hope.
  244. 在两个国家大闹过的恶魔、向人们展示了人类绝对无法战胜的力量。为了给曾经充满着希望的人类们再次带来悲叹和绝望而回来了。
  246. Part 4
  248. I’ve heard of silence, but this is something else. Neia had been summoned to this tent, and she was surprised at how downcast the interior was.
  249. 沉默的气氛是可以这么沉重的啊,宁亚甚至感到惊讶,因为她被叫到的帐篷内部的气氛就是这么的消沉。
  250. The table had been specially moved here, and the Southern nobles seated around it were pale. No, the Liberation Army commanders were also the same way.
  251. 围坐在特地搬来的气派的桌子前面,南方的贵族们面色铁青。不仅如此,解放军的领袖们也是同样的状况。
  252. It was a natural reaction.
  253. 理所当然的反应。
  254. Nobody could have witnessed Jaldabaoth’s overwhelming power and not been shocked -- no, back then, Neia’s shock had not been that great. However, that had been because the shock of losing the great entity known as the Sorcerer King had been even worse. That, in addition to everything she had witnessed up to this point, might have numbered her heart.
  255. However, the Southern nobles had not experienced harsh fighting until now, so perhaps their alarm was only to be expected. They had not experienced a foe who could kill men one after the other just by walking, leaving nothing behind but hideous corpses.,
  256. 看到了那个亚达巴沃压倒性的力量,不可能有不受打击的人------不对,那个时候的宁亚的确受到的打击并不大。只不过那是因为宁亚在对峙的时候,失去了魔导王这个伟大的存在所遭受到的这一份打击要更上一层楼而已。加上至今为止看到的一切,说不定已经让她的心灵变得迟钝了吧,但是对于没有经历过残酷战斗的贵族们来说惊愕也是在所难免的吧。
  257. 只是走着就令人们接二连三地死去、展现出凄惨的尸体。
  258. In addition, their army of nearly 100’000 had been panicked by a single demon and dissolved into a rout.
  259. 而且将近十万的士兵仅仅因为一个恶魔就陷入恐慌、土崩瓦解。
  260. “--What’s this? What the hell is this! What do you call that, that monster!”
  261. 「――这是什么,这到底是什么?到底是什么情况,那个怪物!」
  262. Count Domingues’ voice rose steadily.
  263. 多明戈斯伯爵的声音渐渐大了起来。
  264. In contrast, Caspond -- who knew of Jaldabaoth’s overwhelming power -- shrugged nonchalantly.
  265. 与此相反、知道亚达巴沃那压倒性力量的卡斯邦登漫不经心的耸肩。
  266. “That is Jaldabaoth… the real thing. I’ve told you about him before, Count Domingues.”
  267. 「那就是亚达巴沃……如假包换、有关于那个家伙的话早已经说过了、多明戈斯伯爵!」
  268. “I’ve never heard of the ability to kill people just by walking!”
  269. 「仅仅是走动起来人就会死、那种能力从来没有听说过!」
  270. Is that the problem, Neia jeered in her heart.
  271. 问题是在那里吗,宁亚心中吐槽道。
  272. “Indeed, that is how it is. His battle with the Sorcerer King -- His Majesty -- was in a city, so we could not see the full extent of it. But I’ve already told you how powerful it is. So surely an ability like that should not come as a surprise, no?”
  273. 「确实就是那样。因为他和魔导王---陛下的战斗是在城内,所以不清楚全貌。但是关于他拥有多强大的力量的这件事已经说过了。所以他拥有那样的能力也不奇怪吧?」
  274. “Even, even so!”
  275. 「就、就算是这样!」
  276. “--Count. I know what you want to say. Seeing is believing, is it not?”
  277. 「――伯爵。你想说的我明白。百闻不如一见说的不就是这个么。」
  278. It was the Marquis who spoke. All that could be said was that one had to hand it to him for not being as nervous as the others.
  279.  说话的是侯爵。只能说不愧是侯爵,他并不像其他人那样的焦急。
  280. “...Still, saying that won’t help us make any progress. Should we not discuss what we need to do from now on?”
  281. 「……但是就算现在说那种话也解决不了问题,我们不应该聊聊今后应该怎么办么?」
  282. “That makes perfect sense, Marquis-sama. What should we do?” Viscount Santz asked in a rapid-fire burst of words. His attitude was understandable, given that he did not know if his present location was safe.
  283. 「是这个道理、侯爵大人。我们应该怎么做?」
  284. 桑茨子爵急忙地提问。知道了自己的所在地并不安全后,那样的态度也是能够理解的。
  285. The Southern nobles had intended to crush a few stragglers with overwhelming force in order to become the heroes who had saved the nations. It should have been that simple. However, that was not to be. Now the hunters had become the hunted.
  286. 他们,对于他们南方的贵族来说,以压倒性的兵力战胜寡兵成为救国英雄,本来应该是这种简单的工作。然而情况早已改变,现在轮到他们变成了被狩猎的一方了。
  287. The Marquis had his arms folded and remained silent. Caspond replied in his place.
  288. 代替交叉着手臂一言不发的侯爵回答的是卡斯邦登。
  289. “We have an overwhelming advantage in fighting strength. The problem is that Jaldabaoth can flip that advantage around by himself. I would like to ask everyone present a question in my capacity as the Prince. What do you think we should do to achieve victory under these circumstances?”
  290. 「兵力差距是压倒性的。问题在于亚达巴沃一个人就可以颠覆这些差距。作为王兄我想问问在座的各位,你们认为到底怎样做才能在这种情况下取得胜利?」
  291. After a brief silence, the Marquis replied, “that’s the only thing we can do” in a supremely confident tone.
  292. 短暂的寂静过后,侯爵以「只能这样了」充满着绝对自信的口吻回答。
  293. “Caspond-denka. As you have said before, Jaldabaoth will probably retreat once we wipe out those demihumans, right? Then we have no other option but to do so.”
  294. 「卡斯邦登王兄殿下。据殿下所说,只要消灭了那些亚人亚达巴沃就可能会撤退吧?那么除此之外就别无他法了」
  295. “Marquis-sama! Are you still going to fight!?”
  296. 「侯爵大人!还要继续战斗么!」
  297. “Exactly, Count Randalse. Do you think we can flee now?”
  298. 「就是这样,兰达尔瑟伯爵。你认为现在这个状况想逃还能逃掉吗?」
  299. “...Marquis-sama, it would be very difficult for us all to flee, but could a small group not manage to run?”
  300. 「……侯爵大人,全部的人逃走恐怕很困难,但是能否让少部分人逃走呢?」
  301. Remedios snorted at Count Cohen’s suggestion.
  302. 对于克恩伯爵的提案,同席的蕾梅迪奥丝「哼」地嗤之以鼻。
  303. “That’s a fitting answer for an incompetent who can’t even understand Calca-sama’s ideals.”
  304. 「连理解卡儿可大人的理念都做不到的无能之辈,这还真是相称的回答啊」
  305. “What!?”
  306. 「妳说什么!」
  307. “What will you do after running away and escaping? Cower under a haybale in a barn? Aren’t you a noble? Shouldn’t you say that you’ll sacrifice yourself for the people or something?”
  308. 「跑掉,苟活、然后怎么办?胆怯着躲到某个小仓库里么?你是贵族吧?那么你至少也说点为了人民要牺牲自己之类的话呀?」
  309. “And you, Captain Custodio? You’re a paladin with a holy sword, but you can’t even beat a single demon!” Count Randalse bellowed.
  310. 「那妳呢?卡斯托迪奥団长。说是拿着圣剑的圣骑士,却连一个恶魔都战胜不了!」
  311. 怒吼的是兰达尔瑟伯爵。
  312. The ghost-like Remedios’ eyes seemed to glow from within as she turned to face him.
  313. 眼睛里露出灿烂的光辉,仿佛鬼魂一样的她转向他。
  314. “Indeed. I can’t beat him. The only one who can fight him is that undead creature. But if it would buy some time -- even if it was only to let the people live a second longer -- then I would fight to the death against him! And you, what would you do?”
  315. 「是,我是嬴不了。能和那家伙打上一场的,只有那个不死者而已。但如果是为了争取时间——哪怕只是让人民的性命延长一秒也好,我会和那家伙战斗到死!而你,又会怎么做?」
  316. When a warrior who had resolved herself to die locked eyes with a noble who wanted to run away, the outcome was a foregone conclusion.
  317. 做好死亡觉悟的战士、和想逃离死亡的贵族。互相瞪视的胜负,结果已是一目了然。
  318. Count Randalse looked away, and Remedios snorted mockingly at him.
  319. 兰达尔瑟伯爵收起了目光、蕾梅迪奥丝讽刺地嗤笑。
  320. “My Prince. While I would very much like to order the paladins to die, do you still wish to continue?”
  321. 「王兄殿下。我虽然很想命令圣骑士们去死,话还要继续说下去吗?」
  322. “While making up your mind is very important… well, could you go? You don’t mind leaving Vice-Captain Montagnes behind, do you?”
  323. 「虽然做好觉悟是很重要……嘛,你能去一趟吗?把蒙塔涅斯副团长留下来没关系吧?」
  324. “I see. In that case, I’ll leave the rest to you, Montagnes.”
  325. 「这样啊。那么古斯塔沃,拜托你了」
  326. With that, Remedios slowly walked out of the tent. The last thing she did was glance at CZ, who was seated beside Neia.
  327. 蕾梅迪奥丝只说了这些后、慢慢走出帐篷。最后瞥了一眼坐在宁亚旁边的希丝。
  328. “Everyone, I apologize on behalf of our Captain,” Gustav said as he eyed the nobles -- who were going “Honestly” -- before continuing, ”Still, that opinion is indicative of all of us. We paladins are all ready to die as shields for the people. We hope you gentlemen, being of noble birth, are similarly determined. After all, we can’t fight if there are no commanders.”
  329. 「非常抱歉,我们的团长就是这样」古斯塔沃锐利地看了一眼说着「真是的」的贵族之后,继续说了下去「但是,那也是我等全体的意见。我们圣骑士团全员时刻都做好了成为人民的盾牌死去的觉悟。希望作为贵族立于人上的各位也有一样的觉悟。不然如果指挥官逃走了就没法打仗了」
  330. “What!?”
  331. 「什!」
  332. Before Neia could tell who had exclaimed in surprise, Marquis Bodipo spoke up.
  333. 在宁亚找到是谁发出这一声惊讶的声音前,博蒂泊侯爵开了口。
  334. “That’s about enough… We aren’t planning how to die gloriously, we’re planning how to win. Am I correct, my Prince?”
  335. 「差不多行了吧。……我们不是为了美丽的死去才讨论作战的,是为了胜利,对吧,殿下?」
  336. 「正是这样侯爵殿下。在亚达巴沃掌握所有指挥权之前,留给我们的时间不多了。在那之前我们要找出胜利的办法」
  337. “--There’s no way to win, is there!? Didn’t you see that demon’s power!?” Count Granero shouted as he rose to his feet. “If he used magic or attacked or something, we might still be able to come up with some way to stop him! But all he’s doing is walking! He can turn the area around him into a hellish inferno just by walking!”
  338. 「――根本不可能赢的吧!你们没见到那个恶魔的力量么!」
  339. 格拉涅罗伯爵站了起来怒吼道。「使用魔法、攻击、这些都还能去想办法办法阻止!但是那家伙只是走啊!仅仅走着就能把周围都变成火焰的地狱啊!」
  340. “Come to think of it… Count Granero, you know a bit about magic, right? Do you have…”
  341. 「说起来……格拉涅罗伯爵拥有一些魔法知识,有什么……」
  342. “Nothing I learned covered powers like that…”
  343. 「我所学到只是里面并没有那种力量……」
  344. “Is that so… then, assume there were still 10’000 demihuman enemies remaining. Could we flee from Jaldabaoth while wiping them out at the same time?”
  345. 「这样啊……假如、敌人还剩1万亚人。边从亚达巴沃那里逃走边歼灭亚人这样能行得通吗?」
  346. The Marquis seemed to approve of Caspond’s proposal.
  347. 对卡斯邦登的提案侯爵也非常同意。
  348. “It seems there’s no other way… While it’ll be difficult, I think it would be harder to try and defeat Jaldabaoth with our strength.”
  349. 「看来只能这样了啊…………虽然很困难、但是以我们的力量想要打倒亚达巴沃比这还要困难吧。」
  350. “A moment please,” Count Cohen interrupted with a raise of his hand. I object. Jaldabaoth might not leave even after we kill the demihumans. However, he might kill all of us as a souvenir first before he goes.”
  351. 「请等一下」举起手的是克恩伯爵。「我反对,杀了亚人后,亚达巴沃说不定是会离开。但是把在座的各位全部杀了当成伴手礼再走也是有可能的」
  352. He was right. Therefore, Caspond followed up with a perfectly reasonable question.
  353. 正确。因此卡斯邦登理所当然的追问。
  354. “So what should we do?”
  355. 「那要怎么做才好?」
  356. “We ought to negotiate.”
  357. 「交涉就好了」
  358. Few people managed to resist the urge to laugh at Count Cohen as he delivered that suggestion with a perfectly straight face.
  359. 对于一本正经说出这句话的克恩伯爵、好多人没忍住笑了出来。
  360. Count Cohen’s face turned red as the other laughed at him. Before he could continue, Caspond asked:
  361. 被嘲笑的克恩伯爵满脸通红。他还没来得及继续说下去卡斯邦登又开始问
  362. “Count, what kind of deal do you intend to make with that devil?”
  363. 「伯爵、你要和那个恶魔做怎样的交易?」
  364. “Yes, yes. For instance, maybe we could trade him something in exchange for letting us leave safely…”
  365. 「对、对了。比如说、如果放我们平安回去的话就交出些什么之类的……」
  366. “What will we give him? Wouldn’t it be simpler to just kill us and take it off our bodies? Or do you mean we should trade him something that isn’t here? What would that be?”
  367. 「交什么?把我们杀了再抢走岂不是更简单?还是说要交一些这里没有的东西?那是什么?」
  368. “A moment please, Your Highness! All I’m saying is that fighting is not our only option! I just meant to say that there’s a possibility we might be able to negotiate with him, that’s all!”
  369. 「殿下请等等!战斗并非全部的可能,在下只是想说这个。不是也能够交涉吗,在下只是提出这个方案而已」
  370. “Count, your way of thinking is a little, yes, a little too optimistic. For starters, who will we send to negotiate with that monster… Come to think of it, I heard that His Majesty put one of his maid demons under his control, and she turned out quite useful in retaking Kalinsha. Surely that maid demon could do something, right?
  371. 「伯爵的想法有点、对、有点过于乐观了。首先,要让谁去和那样的怪物交涉呢……。话说回来,我听说魔导王陛下将女仆恶魔收入麾下,在夺还卡林夏时起到了作用。如果是那个女仆恶魔的话,能做点什么吗?」
  372. Count Granero turned to look at CZ.
  373. 格拉涅罗伯爵的视线转向希丝
  374. “...I can’t beat Jaldabaoth… Even buying time would be hard.”
  375. 「…………我没有办法战胜亚达巴沃。……连争取时间都很困难」
  376. “Still, if you fought alongside Captain Custodio, you might be able to buy some time.”
  377. 「但是、如果和卡斯托迪奥团长殿下一同战斗的话或许能再争取一点时间」
  378. His suggestion made a lot of sense. They would need someone to hold Jaldabaoth in place while they carried out Caspond’s plan, in any event.
  379. 以意见来说是正确的。要实行卡斯邦登的提案的话也需要有人牵制住亚达巴沃。
  380. However, that would essentially be sending them to their deaths.
  381. 但是这就等同于跟她说让他去死。
  382. “...Hmm~” CZ tilted her head to look to the ceiling. “...This is a problem...”
  383. 「…………嗯―」希丝斜着脑袋望向天花板「…………很困扰」
  384. “How about it? That way, we can deepen the relationship between the Sorcerous Kingdom and the Holy Kingdom.”
  385. 「怎么样?如此一来魔导国和圣王国的联系也能加深」
  386. “..Hmm… hm!”
  387. 「…………嗯―。嗯!」
  388. “Is that a yes?”
  389. 「您认同了吗?」
  390. Should I interrupt now? Neia was thinking that as CZ answered.
  391. 这时是不是应该插句话呢啊,宁亚这样想着的时候希丝做出回答。
  392. “...No.”
  393. 「…………拒绝」
  394. “May, may I know the reason why?”
  395. 「理、我能听下理由吗?」
  396. “...No reason.”
  397. 「…………并没有什么理由」
  398. “There’s no reason?”
  399. 「并没有什么理由吗?」
  400. CZ nodded to Count Domingues, who was frozen in place.
  401. 对于愣在那的多明戈斯伯爵的问题。希丝轻轻的点了下头。
  402. “Is Jaldabaoth really that scary!?”
  403. 「亚达巴沃很恐怖么!」
  404. “...Hm?...That’s the reason then. He’s scary and I don’t want to do it.”
  405. 「…………嗯?……那么,那就是理由,因为太恐怖所以不要」
  406. “Guh.” Count Domingues was at a loss for words. Now that she had said as much, he had no response for her. If CZ said, “If you’re not afraid, then you go buy time” he would be finished. If she had rejected the proposal based on some kind of argument, then all he would need to do was pick that argument apart, but since she had refused based on her feelings, getting past that would be very difficult.
  407. 咕、多明戈斯伯爵语塞了。被这么说了的话也无话可说了。如果被希丝说「如果不恐怖的话你去争取时间啊」的话就完蛋了。而且如果是因为某些道理被拒绝的话,那么提出一些推翻能那个道理的提案就可以了,但因为感情的理由而拒绝的话是非常麻烦的。
  408. As silence returned to the tent, the one of the Liberation Army’s top brass, a person who commanded thousands of soldiers and militiamen slowly said:
  409. 重归寂静的帐篷内、被传唤的解放军领袖、指挥着数千军士和民兵的一人缓缓说道
  410. “Why don’t we run before Jaldabaoth fully gains the upper hand? I don’t think we can beat a monster like that. We used to have the Sorcerer King in the past, but he’s not here any more… does anyone know of anybody who can defeat Jaldabaoth? No, right? If we fled to the South…”
  411. 「在亚达巴沃完全掌握指挥权之前、赶紧跑掉如何?我不认为能够打败那样的怪物。虽然之前有魔导王在、但是现在不在了。……有人知道能够打败亚达巴沃的人?没有吧?如果逃到南部的话……」
  412. Beside him another commander quietly said,
  413. 发言者的旁边,另一个指挥官低声说道
  414. “...There’s no guarantee that Jaldabaoth won’t chase us to the South, right?”
  415. 「……没有保证说亚达巴沃不会追到南方来的吧?」
  416. With a loud thump of the table, the previous speaker bellowed:
  417. 磅地一声敲了桌子,刚才的发言人吼道。
  418. “In that case, all we can do is follow the Prince’s suggestion and kill the demihumans! If we can’t run, then we must fight! It’s just that simple!”
  419. 「那么!只有照着王兄的提案把那些亚人杀了吧!不能跑的话就只能那样了、只能战斗了!很简单的道理」
  420. “That’s right. That’s the only way we can go on living. I don’t want to bow down and go through that hell again. Let’s start by putting a formation together--”
  421. 「说的也是,活下去的道路只有这一条了。我可不要低下头,再次见到那样的地狱。首先先快点编成部队——」
  422. The tent flap was forcefully pulled open, and a soldier who reported directly to Caspond rushed in.
  423. 帐篷被猛地打开,卡斯邦登直属军士冲了进来。
  424. “Your Highness! The demihumans are moving! They’re reforming their lines!”
  425. 「殿下!亚人阵营那边有动作!正在慢慢整成阵型!」
  426. They did not have a proper formation in the previous battle. Did they have one now because of Jaldabaoth’s command?
  427. 之前的战斗没有像样的阵型。现在有了是因为亚达巴沃指挥的结果吧。
  428. “Is that so… Gentleman, the enemy will be attacking soon. We need to prepare for battle as soon as possible!”
  429. 「这样啊。……各位,敌军马上就要攻过来了,我们这边也要为了战斗早点准备!」
  430. After Caspond finished, all the people who had been called here stood up as one. Neia and CZ did as well.
  431. 由于卡斯邦登的话,被召集起来的人们一起站了起来。宁亚也是、然后希丝也一起。
  432. The others rushed out of the tent first, eager to save time.
  433. 珍惜时间的人们先一步急行出了帐篷。
  434. The final ones remaining in the tent were Neia and CZ. Neia’s unit was already together, so there was no need to go gather them.
  435. 最后留在帐篷里的是宁亚他们。宁亚的部队早就整合在了一起,所以没有现在去召集的必要。
  436. Neia suddenly felt that something was amiss about the grim expression on the face of the messenger who had barged into the tent, but she could not do anything about it, and so she and CZ returned to their unit.
  437. 宁亚对突然闖進帳篷裡的传令兵那一副严肃的表情,感到了些許不协调感, 不過也做不了什麼,就和希丝一起回到了自己的部队。
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