
Kiha kid interact

Jan 7th, 2019
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  1. [Reqs: Kiha at camp, at least one child with her]
  3. [children] = children if more than one, otherwise daughter/son
  5. Smoke drifts lazily [if (camp has wall) over the wall surrounding your camp | into the air on the outskirts of your camp]--an unfortunately common occurrence ever since you invited [if (camp has kiha and ember) those two dragons | Kiha] to stay with you. A long-dead tree smoulders in the distance, and beside it you can [if (pc is child and small) make out Kiha's impressive stature | spot Kiha], along with your [if (a lot of children) veritable horde of] [children]. For [their] sake, you hope it's another of Kiha's fire-breathing demonstrations and not tonight's meal.
  7. [Investigate] [Leave]
  9. //leave
  10. Deciding you don't have time for their antics right now, you turn back to camp before they notice you.
  13. //investigate
  15. Curious--and more than a little concerned for the safety of your camp--you head over to see what's happening. Kiha seems to notice you first, spitting a gout of flame into the air and spreading her wings wide as you approach. Your [if (a lot of children) swarming brood clamber on top of each other to get a closer look, their cheers loud enough to be heard for miles around | [children] [cry] out with glee, seemingly unfazed by the embers raining down on [them].]
  17. "Here to watch?" she asks, her [if (kiha has underwear) mostly] nude body dotted with glittering sweat as she stretches. "I don't mind."
  19. As she speaks, [if (a lot of children) all of your children turn to face you, and before you can even react, the squealing horde bowls you over, cries of "[Dad]!" echoing in your ears. | your [children] [turn] to you, evidently excited that [their] [father] came.] It's hard to tell [if (a lot of children) through the squirming bodies | , and she'd never admit it], but you'd swear Kiha was blushing for a second.
  21. [Watch]
  22. [Compete] //Req: knows some fire ability.
  24. //watch
  25. You tell her you'd like to see what she can do [if (a lot of children) and push yourself up, careful not to injure the children clinging to your limbs. It doesn't take long before they climb onto your shoulders and [if (pc is biped) sit in your lap | (if pc is goo) nestle into your slime | curl up on your monstrous body], the rest pressing against you as they watch their mother's show. | and [if (pc has legs) sit down | lower yourself to the ground], [if (more than one child) your children quickly climbing all over you for the best seat. | your [daughter] [if (pc is biped) curling up in your lap | if (pc is goo) curling up in your slime | climbing atop your back] to watch the show.]
  27. There's a [if (one child) tiny | collective] gasp as a jet of fire arcs alarmingly close to your head, and a louder one when it splatters down behind you onto a crudely constructed target. Kiha and your [children] beam with pride as the the wooden creature--you think it's supposed to be an imp--crackles under the heat, flames licking its belly.
  29. Your [children] [try] to mimic her, but all [they] [manage] to do is shower [if (more than one child) each other and] you in spittle. Kiha shakes her head and smiles as you wipe your face, before leaning in and licking you clean. It doesn't really help, but [if (high corruption) that's Kiha | at least she tried].
  31. The two of you are left alone as [if (lots of children) all of your children crowd around | your [children] [stand] beside] what remains of the burning target, blowing with all [their] might and stoking the flames higher. You suppose one day you'll have to tell them they aren't really dragons, but that's for another time.
  33. //compete
  34. You're not content to merely watch and move beside Kiha, making sure she notices the [if (fire breath ability) smoke trailing from your lips | sparks trailing from your hands] as you approach. Even your [children] [recognize] the challenge and [if (only one child) looks hesitantly between the two of you, unsure of what to say. | immediately pick their favorites, arguing among themselves. From what you can manage to pick out, [ (randomly pick one) you're the underdog here | your kids have your back | it's too close to call].]
  36. Kiha snatches their attention back with a bellowing roar, and the flames of competition burn in her eyes as she looks you over. "Best hit on the demon wins," she says, gesturing a clawed hand out towards what appears to be several stacked branches. "You go first."
  38. Which of your fiery powers do you call upon?
  40. //add a button for any eligible one
  42. [Akbal's Gift] {Tooltip: Show them a demon's true strength.}
  43. [Corrupt Foxfire] {Tooltip: Dazzle them with your strength.}
  44. [Dragonbreath] {Tooltip: Show them what a dragon can really do.}
  45. [Foxfire] {Tooltip: Maybe some kitsune trickery is what you need to win.}
  46. [Hellfire] {Tooltip: Show them that nothing burns brighter than the flames of passion.}
  47. [Whitefire] {Tooltip: Show off your magical might.}
  49. Your [children] [watch] with anticipation as [if (fire breath ability) you inhale, the warmth growing in your gut until you can contain it no longer. Taking aim at the target, you open your mouth, and [if (akbal's fire) a stream of emerald flames surges forth, slamming into the "demon" with all of Akbal's fury. | if (hellfire) a rolling cloud of flame drifts forward, the lust-filled fire leaving your [skindesc] tingling as it bathes your surroundings. | if (dragonfire) a blast of dragonfire rages forth, leaving nothing more than blackened earth in its wake.] | you draw your power outward, until it erupts in a [if (whitefire) blinding flash | if (either foxfire) dazzling shower of [if (corrupt foxfire) purple | blue] flames]. When you can see again, the "demon" burns brilliantly, and you're met with a [if (one child) lone gasp | chorus of gasps] from your [children]--along with a [if (more than one child) single] derisive snort from beside you. "Wizards," Kiha mumbles, just loud enough for you to make out.]
  51. You step aside as Kiha takes your place, your competitor already focused and staring down the pile of wood. Part of you wouldn't be surprised if it simply melted under her gaze--the other part of you is too busy staggering back when she flaps her wings, rising above you for a better view. [if (pc has wings) Maybe <i>you</i> should have used that trick.] Your [children] [scramble] around, craning [their] head[s] up to watch [their] mother, and you can actually see [their] eyes widen when a gout of fire arcs over [them] before slamming into what remains of the target.
  53. Namely, not much.
  55. "We'll call it a draw," Kiha says, landing beside you. Your [children] [waste] no time rushing over to the two of you, [if (fire breath was chosen) blowing and sputtering | gesturing wildly] in a vain attempt to mimic your actions. It doesn't work, but [they] [don't] seem to mind, happy enough just to spend time with [their] [father].
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