
Chaldea Heat Odyssey

Oct 18th, 2016
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  1. 1)
  3. Someone monologues about the idea of civilization being the embodiment of progress for sentient beings, and how theirs has been ravaged by an unmentioned force.
  5. >???: “There is nothing left. The two thousand-year illusion has been completely destroyed. We have no hope. Without any heroes, lacking even the concept of battle, we have no way to stand against ‘them’. Therefore, we can do nothing save pray. Pray for the Nine Goddesses (ruby: Nine Sisters) who bestowed civilization and truth to us to come here one day…”
  8. >Mashu: “Senpai… Senpai… Sen—pai! Wake up!”
  9. >Protagonist: “Fou!?”
  10. >Fou: “Fou?”
  11. >Mashu: “Are you imitating Fou-san? That’s kind of cute.”
  13. The ship has finally sighted land, but everyone’s rather confused as they aren’t sure how long you’ve been sailing. Anne says two weeks, Mary says three days and Kiyohime notes how none of you are hungry despite what should have been a long journey.
  15. >Scathach: “It is indeed strange… wait, could it be…”
  16. >Mordred: “Hey everyone, the purple grandma is implying something…”
  17. >[Numerous red projectiles fly about]
  18. >Scathach: “My hearing has been bad lately, you meant ‘the youthful and beautiful Scathach-sama’, didn’t you?”
  19. >Mordred: “Youthful and beautiful Scathach-sama!”
  20. >Scathach: “Good (Satisfied.)”
  21. >Artoria: “A big helping of Gae Bolg-induced haemorrhage is it… I apologize for my subordinate.”
  23. Artoria asks her what she was mumbling about, but Scathach says that it was just her imagination, and that you should just go and explore the island.
  25. Mashu asks what you will do about searching for Cu and the rest, who fell overboard during the trip. Martha thinks ‘the hack samurai’ will be fine since he should be good at long-distance swimming since he’s from an island country. Mordred says Karna will be fine since he’s the incarnation of the sun, so if he sinks, he’ll just rise back up from the west.
  27. >Mashu: “It’s from the east, Mordred-san…”
  29. Scathach says Cu will be fine too since he’s experienced with the seas, and Artoria notes how everyone has so much trust in them.
  31. >Mashu: (I’m not sure if this is having faith or leaving them behind…)
  33. You disembark, and so it begins.
  36. 2)
  38. The camera pans over the deserted island…
  40. >Everyone: “ROUGH!”
  41. >Mashu: “I miss that southern island…”
  43. Everyone (especially Artoria) worries if there’s even anything edible in this wasteland, and Kioyhime assures you that she’d give herself to you if it were necessary.
  45. >Option 1: “That kind of bizarre food would be…”
  46. >Kiyohime: “I’m sure I taste more or less as good as chicken!”
  48. >Option 2: “(Just in case) Thank you.”
  49. >Kiyohime: [Happy sounds] “Did you hear everyone!? Master – will -- eat -- me!”
  50. >Mashu: “Please don’t answer carelessly Master, now you got her in high spirits.”
  52. Artoria is depressed about the lack of food, but reminds everyone that it’s just a matter of morale for Servants, whereas it’s life or death for you.
  54. You suddenly hear someone crying for help, so Anne uses her spyglass to look in the distance and sees a weird silhouette. She thinks she’s just seeing things due to being tired from the voyage so she gives the glass to Mary, who has the exact same reaction.
  56. >Mary: “……………………………….eh?”
  58. Mashu asks them what’s up, when you see the silhouette approaching, a crying piglet with rings drawn on his eyes.
  60. >Piglet: “Evacuate! Evacuate!”
  62. The shockingly talking piglet trips and a Shadow Servant catches up with him. The piglet starts praying and begging it to be gentle and at least use anaesthesia, but you jump forward and fight off the attacker.
  66. As you defeat the Shadow Servant, it turns into a Demon Boar before dying, revealing that this was his real form.
  68. The piglet is paralyzed in shock and can’t speak, and Mashu notes that the circles around his eyes look kinda like glasses and make it look intellectual.
  70. >Piglet: “Th-“
  71. >Marie: “Th?”
  72. >Piglet: “The Goddesses!!?”
  73. >Marie: “Goddesses?”
  74. >Tamamo: “Yes, you called?”
  76. The piglet starts shouting happily about the goddesses having come at last and begs you to save their world.
  80. Somewhere else, a shadowed silhouette mumbles about the new arrivals who came to save the world. The surrounding Demon Boars do not understand, but it says it doesn’t matter since it expects no intelligence from the Boars, just raw destruction.
  82. It orders the Boars to go forth and reduce the world to nothing once more, and the scene ends.
  84. 3)
  86. You follow the taking piglet to the ruins of what everyone guesses to be an advanced 21st century-ish civilization, or somewhere around there. The piglet calls you further in, and Mashu says you’ll get used soon to the talking piglet since you’ve seen plenty of talking monsters before.
  88. >Protagonist: “What’s with the glasses-like pattern though?”
  89. >Scathach: “You really make a fuss about glasses. Do you like them?”
  90. >Mashu: [Blushing smile]
  92. Artoria notes that the piglet talks as if it had never seen humans before, so going by the state of the buildings, she guesses you might be too late to save the assumedly human population who built them.
  94. The piglet calls his grandfather, the Piglet Elder (…shouldn’t that just be a ‘boar’?), who scolds him for going outside the city again. The piglet says that he went looking for old snack pastries to help with the food shortage, and the elder just calls him a moron and asks him what he wants.
  96. >Piglet: “It’s the goddesses!”
  97. >Piglet Elder: “The goddesses?”
  98. >Piglet: “I brought them!”
  99. >Elder: “Brought them?”
  100. >Marie: “Greetings. Ehh, Elder-san? Is it?”
  101. >Elder: “…….aha.” [Passes out]
  104. The Elder goes into shock from the surprise and the piglet fears he may have died of a heart attack, but Martha hits him in a pressure point on the back and he wakes up.
  106. Some explanations later, the Elder says he never knew there was another island close by, and that he has never seen any living humans in his fifty years of life, though there are some human-looking things around which Artoria guesses are the Shadow Servants. Mary asks him who made the buildings then, and he answers that they did.
  108. >Everyone: “…EH?”
  110. Fifty years prior, the Piglet Tribe was in full prosperity, with lines of skyscrapers, walking robots and even plans to expand into outer space.
  112. >Marie: “Ahhh (I don’t really get it)”
  114. But fifty years ago, the Demon Boars and Shadow Servants appeared all of a sudden, formed an army and devastated the whole place, leaving them as you find them on the verge of annihilation.
  116. >Tamamo: “Civilization destruction… that sounds like Altera-san… Anyway, what was that about the Goddesses?”
  118. A legend passed down the piglets speaks of the Nine Goddesses (Nine Sisters) who bestowed love, kindness, bravery and civilization upon the piglets and elevated them from being beasts. He says they were said to have taken human shape, so that the young piglets probably mistook you for them. He thanks you for helping them anyway, and says there’s a not-entirely-destroyed building nearby you can use as shelter if you need it.
  120. Mashu asks him if they’ve ever heard the name “Chaldea”, and if they have any knowledge of time travel or dimensional jumps. The Elder says he’s never heard that name, but that they had begun studies on those subject before their civilization fell.
  123. Mashu says you should decide what to do. Tamamo suggests leaving the island at once and look for a new one, though she feels it’s kind of regrettable that you won’t get to explore this one. Marie says you can leave her behind if you do, because she wants to help the piglets, which makes Artoria smile as she guessed she’d say that. Anne says that you might be able to find a way back to Chaldea or at least re-establish contact in another island, but Marta says you just as easily might not, or that you might find no other island at all. Mordred wants to stay and help the piglets as well, Scathach stays silent, and Kiyohime says she’ll do whatever you say.
  126. >Protagonist: “Let’s help the piglets!”
  127. >Marie: “You’re the world’s best master after all! I’ll give you a kiss as reward!”
  128. >[Marie kisses you]
  129. >Mashu: “Senpai, enough acting love-struck. Your orders please. Kiyohime-san looks about ready to swallow you whole!”
  131. Mashu notices Scathach hasn’t said anything, but she says it’s nothing and that she agrees with staying, but that she has one worry…
  133. >Scathach: “…that is, what we will discover when we finish settling this place.”
  136. Scathach strikes a deal with the Elder, saying that you’re not here so much to save them but rather make a contract. They help to rebuild and develop the place, and you protect them from the Boars and so on.
  138. >Artoria: “Equivalent exchange. It’s a business transaction.”
  140. The piglets are overjoyed and start chanting praises, as the Elder believes you may really be the Goddesses’ reincarnation.
  142. >Piglet 1: “Goddesses! Saviours!”
  143. >Piglet 2: “Goddesses! Look this way!”
  144. >Piglet 3: “Splendid! So cool!”
  145. >Piglet 4: “Mama! I want food!”
  146. >Scathach: “There was something weird mixed in the last one… ah, nevermind.”
  149. >Tamamo: “Wait, hold on. You say Nine Goddesses, but there’s ten of us (plus Master) aren’t there?”
  150. >Mashu: “Ah, maybe it’s me? I’m so plain compared to the rest…”
  151. >Protagonist: “No you’re not.”
  152. >Mahsu: [Blushing] “…thank you.”
  154. In case it’s not clear: Mashu, Marie, Anne, Mary, Scathach, Artoria, Mordred, Martha, Tamamo and Kyohime make ten. Eleven counting you.
  156. According to the Elder, the legend actually spoke of ten Goddesses, but something horrible was supposed to be related to one of them, so he says they went, in his words, “better leave that one out.” Tamamo wonders if one of them might have turned into a demon lord as a warning to the people, with Kiyohime quipping that that sounds meaningful coming from Tamamo.
  158. >Elder: “Yes, I heard that the Goddess-turned-Demon had sparkling eyes, pink hair, a fluffy tail, used an umbrella as a weapon and ate piglets as her favourite food. She was that terrifying…”
  159. >Tamamo: “…eh?”
  160. >Kiyohime: [Amusedly] “…oh?”
  161. >Tamamo: “Waitwaitwait. Coincidence, it’s just coincidence. CO-IN-CI-DENCE!”
  162. >Artoria: “Don’t worry Tamamo. You have reformed, and thus you could be summoned as a Servant. Though you might have devoured this island’s piglets to exhaustion during your life and committed such enviabl-Wait, sorry-such tasty crimes, you are our friend!”
  163. >Tamamo: “False charge! That’s a false charge!”
  165. >Mashu: “Senpai, this is…?”
  166. >Protagonist: “She’ll eventually turn into the Demon King?”
  167. >Tamamo: “That kind of setting won’t happen (so long a you’re in the Good Route)! I am the Number One Servant with slightly-good countenance, good disposition, good looks and deficient battle potential that makes you want to protect me! A simple Cas… Lancer!”
  169. Anyway, you decide to start building up the island again.
  173. 4)
  175. Development Plan 1 - Building
  177. First thing on the list is fixing up the building you’re using as base, and this time it’s the piglets making the suggestions. These are much shorter than last time.
  179. >Left Piglet: “It’s the skyscraper’s revival ~de arimasu!”
  180. >Piglet: 2: “I push for a Japanese style ~de arimasu!”
  181. >Glasses-Pattern Piglet: “A dazzling neon sign. Kabukichou, where gather the cravings of men… ~de arimasu!”
  183. Tamamo suggests the Japanese style as well, and the piglets await your decision. Incidentally, they call you “Master” as well, but the kanji reads “Platoon Commander.”
  184. Development Option 1 – High-Rise Building
  186. >Tamamo: “One should start with the foundations after all… by the way, Piglet-san, how did you build this?”
  187. >Left Piglet: “Ah! That’s a trade secret!”
  188. >Glasses Piglet: “It’s what’s called a New York Miracle on 5th Street!”
  190. Spoof on Miracle on 8th Street, known as Batteries Not Included in English countries. Read the plot for the joke:
  192. Development Option 2 – Japanese-Style Building
  194. >Tamamo: “Yes! It’s Japanese-style after all, Master! The feel of the tatami, the smell of the thatch! Makes me want to roll about, Master!”
  196. That about it.
  198. >Glasses Piglet: “We did some fun manual labour today as well, everyone! Let’s go!”
  200. Development Option 3 – Neon Sign Building
  202. >Tamamo: “T-this… I might say it’s a bit impure… decadent even… No, I don’t really dislike it though.”
  203. >Piglet: “This is the New Inn, Kabukichou! Where the desires of men and women-“
  204. >Glasses Piglet: “That is to say, the goddess of the kabuki district! The decadent fine arts!”
  205. >Tamamo: “Well, that’s a colourful way to put it. C’mon, let’s go and build!”
  207. Kabukichou is a red-light district in Japan, which takes its name from a kabuki theatre that was ironically never built yet the name stuck. The joke is that the building looks vaguely love hotel-ish.
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  214. Development Plan 2 – Power Plant
  216. Next on the list is a power generator.
  218. >Mashu: ”…Thinking about it, isn’t building a power plant really amazing?”
  219. >Left Piglet: “There’s nothing impossible for science!”
  220. >Right Piglet: “Rather than science, isn’t it magic?”
  221. >Glasses Piglet: “Isn’t it like a grand spell similar to a counterfeit reality marble?”
  223. There’s the question of what to build.
  225. >Left Piglet: “Fire!”
  226. >Right Piglet: “Water!”
  227. >Glasses Piglet: “Let’s make it wind…”
  229. >Glasses Piglet: “What shall it be, Master!”
  233. Development Option 1 – Thermal Power Plant
  235. >Glasses Piglet: “A thermal power plant has a very boy-like feeling to it!”
  236. >Mashu: “By the way, what is this burning to generate power? It isn’t oil or coal… is it?”
  237. >Left Piglet: “It’s Artorium.”
  238. >Right Piglet: “t’s a dream energy source. Its output is peerless.”
  239. > Glasses Piglet: “The Artorium we dug up on this island a while ago was a bit chewed through.”
  240. >Mashu: “I see… chewed?”
  242. Development Option 2 – Hydraulic Power Plant
  244. >Right Piglet: “A hydraulic power plant has a very boy-like feeling to it!”
  245. >Glasses Piglet: “The water wheel is motherhood… rotating motherhood…”
  247. If you’re confused, so were the Japanese. I punched this into twitter to see their reactions, and It was chiefly people asking what the hell that meant.
  250. Development Option 3 – Wind Power Plant
  252. >Right Piglet: “Wind power is very ecological.”
  253. >Glasses Piglet: “Blow now, o wind!”
  254. >Left Piglet: “Let us call forth the storm!”
  255. >Right Piglet: “Let us not.”
  256. >Mashu: “I want to see the blades turning, Master!”
  260. 6)
  262. Development Plan 3 – Small Store
  264. >Mary: “We want to build a small store.”
  265. >Protagonist: “To rob?”
  266. >Mary: “…no. Well it may turn to that… No we’ll buy things properly at first. Yes, buy.”
  268. >Anne: “Having an economy is important. If the markets function well, pirates benefit as well. You might call it a win-win relationship.”
  269. >Mashu: “I feel a bit differently…”
  271. >Glasses Piglet: “Greetings! These are the ones we can built, Master!”
  272. >Left Piglet: “Convenience Store!”
  273. >Right Piglet: “100 Yen Store!”
  274. >Glasses Piglet: “Used Bookstore! That is all!”
  276. >Mary: “Those don’t make me excited at all…”
  277. >Anne: [Pouting] “None of those carry valuable goods…”
  281. Development Option 1 – Convenience Store
  283. >Left Piglet: “Werrcom!”
  284. >Right Piglet: “Cam buk agin!”
  285. >Glasses Piglet: “We’re in the middle of customer service practice!”
  286. >Mary: “There might not have been any need to destroy this place from the start…”
  288. Because they’re so bad at running it, that is.
  291. Development Option 2 – 100 Yen Store
  293. >Left Piglet: “Welcome, welcome, it’s all cheap!”
  294. >Right Piglet: “Anything you want for 100 yen!”
  295. >Glasses Piglet: “There’s no economy set up, so this is all we can do.”
  296. >Anne: “Well well, a 100 Yen Store is pretty convenient! …where would I use this stuff though?”
  298. Development Option 3 – Used Bookstore
  300. >Mary: “Uuu, I really have no interest in this…”
  301. >Left Piglet: “Don’t say that~”
  302. >Right Piglet: “We have thin books too. Blackbeard-san worked very hard to draw them.”
  303. >Glasses Piglet: “A new AnneMari publication, one copy!”
  304. >Anne: “Let’s burn it. Quickly.”
  305. >Glasses Piglet: “Eh…”
  308. 7)
  310. Development Plan 4 – Small Store
  312. >Artoria: “I see. So we will finally tend to the construction of a food-providing building. My advice should be beneficial then.”
  314. As usual, the piglets make suggestions.
  316. >Left Piglet: “Burger Shop!”
  317. >Right Piglet: “Beef Bowl Shop!”
  318. >Glasses Piglet: “Kebab Shop!”
  319. >Artoria: [Dissatisfied] “They all feel like junk food... if it were up to me I’d… no, it’s nothing. In any case, where in the world are you getting the meat from?”
  320. >Three Piglets: “Secret.”
  321. >Fou: [Shivering] “Fou…”
  324. Development Option 1 – Burger Shop
  326. >Left Piglet: “Would you like a smile?”
  327. >Right Piglet: “Or rather, smiles is all we’re selling!”
  328. >Glasses Piglet: “We haven’t opened the shop yet, you see!”
  329. >Artoria: “So this is a Burger Shop…”
  331. Development Option 2 – Beef Bowl Shop
  333. >Left Piglet: “Hey, Mister, this Beef Bowl Shop…”
  334. >Right Piglet: “Does it prepare the cow properly?”
  335. >Glasses Piglet: “Don’t worry. See, the foreleg doesn’t twitch.”
  336. >Left Piglet: “Suspicious.”
  337. >Mashu: “That conversation’s making me lose my appetite. Please stop.”
  338. >Artoria: “? (Chewing)”
  340. Development Option 3 – Kebab Shop
  342. >Mashu: “Donner Kebab, a Turkish food. It seems you shave off some of the mutton meat, press it between pan slices and cover it with sauce for eating… [Pause] …mutton….?”
  344. >Left Piglet: “One sheep, two sheep.”
  345. >Right Piglet: “One piglet, two piglets.”
  346. >Glasses Piglet: “Beat the aforementioned and the piglet… is dead…”
  348. Boy does this joke does not work. It’s a reference to a rhyme that goes “One biscuit in my pocket. Hit it and there’s two biscuits in my pocket. Two biscuits in my pocket. Hit them and there’s three biscuits in my pocket…” And so on. See
  350. The joke is that the biscuits multiply inside the magic pocket. Piglets are just killed by beating. Yes, it’s really bad.
  353. 8)
  355. Development Plan 5 – Sweet Shop
  357. Marie is looking forward to eating sweets, but she can’t decide whether to go for the type she’s used to or try eastern ones for a change.
  359. >Left Piglet: “Sweets. The forbidden fruit.”
  360. >Right Piglet: “Sweets. They don’t fill the stomach and are high in calories.”
  362. >Mashu: “Can they really make a sweet shop, Senpai…!?”
  364. I’m not exactly sure what the Glasses Pig says here: “使用する砂糖を調べてみると、割と引くでありますよ.” “Looking into the amount of sugar used…” and then I get confused at “割と引く.” Anyone know how to read that?
  367. >Development Option 1 – Cake Store
  369. >Marie: “…I won’t say it♪”
  370. >Left Piglet: “She got ahead of us!”
  371. >Right Piglet: “The Goddess saw through us!”
  372. >Glasses Piglet: [Crying] “I wanted to hear it from the real one.”
  373. >Marie: “Let’s forget about that by eating some tasty cake, alright?”
  375. >Development Option 2 – Dango Store
  377. >Left Piglet: “Dango.”
  378. >Right Piglet: “Dango.”
  379. >Glasses Piglet: “Cartel.” (Pronounced “dango.”)
  380. >Left Piglet: “That’s getting near the darkness of the military-industrial complex, so let’s suspend this activity.”
  381. >Right Piglet: “Coming Sooooon!”
  382. >Glasses Piglet: “~de arimasu.”
  384. >Marie: “Hey, Mashu, I really don’t get what the piglets are talking about.”
  385. >Mashu: “That’s alright, I don’t think anybody does.”
  387. >Development Option 3 – Small Candy Store
  389. >Glasses Piglet: “Old lady, I want this one!”
  390. >Marie: “Alright, that’ll be 500,000 QP!”
  391. >Left Piglet: “Expensive.”
  392. >Marie: “Then 50 QP!”
  393. >Right Piglet: “Alriiight.”
  394. >Marie: “Alright, your change will be 500,000 QP.”
  395. >Glasses Piglet: “Yay~”
  397. >Mashu: “What are Marie-san and the piglets doing?”
  398. >Protagonist: “She’s pretending to be the candy store grandma.”
  399. >Marie: “So, does it fit me?”
  402. 9)
  404. Scathach decides you should go exploring, so she calls you, Mashu, Marie, Tamamo and invites Mordred too.
  406. >Mordred: “Ah, I’ve been waiting to go surfing on the coast for a while! As a knight, there’s no way I’ll turn this down!”
  407. >Artoria: (So it’s an excuse to skip work. I’ll double her workload when she gets back.)
  409. So you start wandering about…
  411. >Tamamo: “Fuu, this is better. Somehow, don’t the piglets seem afraid when they’re near me?”
  412. >Scathach: “Well, it’s the evil Tamamo that kidnapped and ate piglets after all…”
  413. >Tamamo: “I haven’t eaten a single one of them! Though I did kind of think ‘I’d like to eat them’ on occasion!”
  414. >Marie: “I don’t think they’d be tasty…”
  415. >Tamamo: “It’s not a matter of whether they’re tasty or not, it’s an animal instinct thing. Uuuuun, enough, enough! Master, please comfort the heartbroken Tamamo!”
  416. >Protagonist: “There, there.”
  417. >Tamamo: “Huuahh, that kind of rough kind of soft hair petting technique… your fluffy skill is first class!”
  418. >Mashu: “Senpai, let’s take this seriously now. [Emphatically] ALRIGHT?”
  419. >Protagonist: “Yes!”
  421. You suddenly hear a machine-revving-like sound, and a bunch of automata jump out to attack you.
  425. The party speculates about the origin of the automata, suggesting they might have been a defence system originally built by the piglets. There are numerous broken machines besides the ones you defeated, so Scathach realizes that there are likely to be even stronger Demon Boars further in. She says they must have grown in power after being left to their devices in a land they were not native to.
  427. >Scathach: “A fortress-class Demon Boar… something on the same rank as the Clan Calatin… fufufufufu…”
  428. >Protagonist: “Reel back the battle mania.”
  429. >Scathach: [Blushing] “Uh, uhm, I get it, I get it. I’ll obey Master’s orders properly. I’m a good Servant.”
  431. Marie calls out as she sees something, and you all turn to see a huge Demon Boar like the one you fought before leaving the island. Scathach realizes it’s guarding the way into a forest and starts nodding to herself, and then says that she’ll tell you after the battle since it’s better for you to see it directly.
  433. The boar opens its mouth and cries out, and somehow transforms into a Shadow Herakles.
  435. >Tamamo: “Master, stand back! These brainless-type Servants are my specialty! Let’s cook it Well Done or Rare with wasabi soy sauce until it’s tasty!”
  440. >Tamamo: “Haaah, I’m tired. Master, Master, a massage please♪”
  442. The Shadow Herakles turns back into a Demon Boar before dying, and Scathach starts speculating about it. She says it’s something that reached the level of a Phantasmal Beast and should not exist outside of the “underside of the world,” yet here it is strutting about on the surface. Given how isolated the island seems to be, how nobody has detected the presence of so many Heroic Spirits and how somehow no magicians have settled in such a strange place, she can only reach one conclusion, though she says you ought to walk a bit more first before she says anything.
  444. Mashu is worried about going into the forest, but Scathach very pointedly says there’s no problem since that’s an ash tree forest.
  446. You move past it and reach the beach, where you find the broken giant statue of…
  448. Tamamo Version:
  450. >Tamamo: “MIKOOOOOOOOOOON!? Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wat is this------------!? M-m-m-me! This was me!? Whaaa, the body is half buried!”
  451. >Mordred: “Wahahahahaha, check it out, what’s that, hahahahahah!”
  453. Mordred Version:
  455. >Mordred: “Ain’t that me!?”
  456. >Mashu: “T-this is the Mo-san statue we all spiritedly built in the previous island based on Mordred-san!”
  457. >Scathach: “Behold its ruined form. Such is the passing of life, like a mere dream in a night of spring. It’s frightening to speak of, like something out of a dream.”
  458. >Mordred: [Downcast] “My statue… Whaaaa, Master!”
  459. >Protagonist: “Yes, there, there.”
  461. Marie Version:
  463. >Marie: “Eh? Eh? Ehhhhh? Could this perhaps be me? …yes, that’s me!”
  464. >Tamamo: “Oh, Marie-san’s statue? Then…”
  467. Mashu is confused as to what this thing is doing here, and Marie says she gets it now.
  469. >Scathach: “Ahh, Marie catches on fast. Yes, it’s no complex riddle, Mashu. It’s all very clear and tidy.”
  471. She recalls how you all sailed straight out of the first island, but time sped up enormously as you were traveling, and approximately two thousand years flashed by. She says that the passage of time must be strange in the island, moving at far different speeds than outside, and that solving the island’s mystery is likely the only way to escape.
  473. >Scathach: “In any case, this island was severed from our world over two thousand years ago. There are no magicians nor heroes here. A world where the piglets must have lived peacefully all day long. And then, an intruder appeared.”
  474. >Mashu: “So we…”
  475. >Scathach: “Indeed.”
  476. >Tamamo: “I see, I see. We lived in this island and developed it, so this awakened the piglets to the concept of civilization. But hasn’t it developed too much?”
  477. >Scathach: “Hmm, well, that’s still a question…”
  479. Marie says the piglets worked very hard, so she’ll have to praise them when she gets back, and Mashu says that that’ll make them very happy.
  481. >Fou: “Fou fou.”
  482. >Mashu: “Ah, Fou-san is always giving us courage.”
  483. >Fou: “Fou.”
  485. >Scathach: “Alright, let’s go back, reveal the truth and plan out what we’ll do.”
  489. 10)
  491. Everyone’s pretty surprised by the revelation when you get back, but Scathach says that not only is the statue evidence enough, but that the ash tree forest the Boar was guarding had grown out of the seeds you planted originally.
  493. >Mary: “I see. Then the goddesses known as the Nine Sisters were us? We… are goddesses…?”
  494. >Anne: “That’s way too grand. It’s too much for a mere pirate to handle…”
  495. >Glasses Piglet: “So there are goddesses?”
  496. >Piglet Elder: “So it seems. What a surprise.”
  498. Scathach says there’s no point in trying to get back on the ship since it’d probably end up with you returning yet more thousands of years in the future with the piglets extinct.
  500. >Glasses Piglet: [Panicky] “Pyaa-!”
  501. >Marie: “Ahh, there there, it’s fine. There’s nothing to worry about, there there.”
  502. >Fou: “Fou fou fou!”
  503. >Mashu: “Ah, Fou-san is trembling since he’s got a rival now.”
  506. >Kiyohime: “Then, Scathach-sensei.”
  507. >Scathach: “Yes, what is it Kiyohime?”
  508. >Kiyohime: “Going by what Scathach-sensei said, there are neither Heroic Spirits nor magicians here. For example, one year spent here would mean only a small amount of time would pass outside the island. In that case, in this island… [DRAMATIC CLOSEUP] it would be fine form me and my husband to act as Adam and Eve, would it not!?”
  509. >Scathach: “…well, if you get consent first.”
  511. First option:
  512. >Protagonist: “Wait, hold on!”
  513. >Kiyohime: “Darling! Sensei has allowed it! Let’s be Adam and Eve! Let’s be Adam and Eve!”
  514. >Mordred: “Wa-tch-out!”
  515. >Kiyohime: “Kya!”
  516. >[Mordred crashes into Kiyohime with her board]
  517. >Mordred: “That was dangerous, Master.”
  518. >Artoria: (…Prydwen isn’t for smacking people around.)
  520. Second option:
  521. >Protagonist: “If you tell Kiyo that then-!”
  522. >Kiyohime: “Consent! Consent to it, Master! Let’s be lovey-dovey in this island severed from the cycle of rebirth!”
  523. >Tamamo: “Oh, Freezing Heaven!”
  524. >[Kiyohime is struck with an ice spell]
  525. >Kiyohime: “Cold!?”
  526. >Tamamo: “Fuu. Are you alright, Master? Seems that ‘You can act lovey-dovey forever’ is Kiyohime’s trigger point. Let’s go and be quiet over there for a while.”
  529. >Martha: “So what will we do from now on?”
  530. >Scathach: “We must unveil this island’s mystery, or else we’ll really become Adam and Eves.”
  532. (If you’re female)
  533. >Protagonist: “I’m an ‘Eve’ too though.”
  534. >Scathach: “Hahaha, don’t worry, we’ll work something out with Runes.”
  535. >Mashu: “Work something out!?”
  536. >Fou: “FoRune!?”
  538. (Yes, Fou actually says something aside from ‘fou’ here. The scene just skips this part and goes on without interruptions if you’re male)
  540. >Mordred: [Blushing] “Don’t say stupid stuff, let’s just continue with the discussion. What’s there to puzzle out?”
  541. >Scathach: “First: a method to escape this island. Second: the source of this island’s isolation. The restoration of civilization is important to solve the first one. With a sufficiently developed level of civilization, we might be able to ensure communication with Chaldea. There might be a way to escape the enclosed world of this island. For the second one, we have no choice but to explore around.”
  542. >Marie: “Then we’ll have to exterminate the Demon Boars.”
  544. >Piglet: “Goddess!”
  545. >Scathach: “Mh? What?”
  546. >Piglet: “A Servant came to visit! What shall we do?”
  547. >Scathach: “Ah, a Serva… WHAT?”
  551. Turns out it’s Cu Chulainn.
  553. >Cu: “Haah haaah haaah. W-what a horrible experience…”
  554. >Protagonist: “You’re alive!?”
  555. >Cu: “Yes I am! Hahh, I really thought I was gonna die when that wave caught me! I dog-paddled my way so as to use as little stamina as possible. What a thing for a human (heroic spirit) to do!”
  556. >Scathach: “Even for my disciple you are astonishingly resilient.”
  557. >Cu: “Hahahahaha. You praised me, Master.”
  558. >Scathach: “No, I misjudged you. Your strength surpassed my expectations.”
  559. >Tamamo: (MIkoon!) “That’s right. As expected of Ireland’s Child of Light. That dandiness will surely set the female Servants’ hearts aflutter!”
  560. >Cu: “Ah, no hahaha! Is that so, is that so!? After toiling in obscurity for so long, my time has finally come! Alter and Caster are just bad imitations after all! Lancer is the real one!”
  561. >Marie: “Cu Chulainn-san is so cool!”
  562. >Tamamo: “Yaay, cool!”
  563. >Cu: “Nahahahahaha!”
  564. >Scathach: “In that case, do your best in the front line!”
  565. >Cu: “Alright, roger that, Master! …wait, what?”
  566. >Artoria: [Looking at him pitifully] “Lancer…”
  567. >Scathach: “Be at ease, my disciple. It’s simple, a job anyone could do, in a friendly environment in harmony with one’s co-workers.”
  568. >Cu: [Agitated] “That’s an obvious sweatshop-style recruitment line!”
  569. >Scathach: “It’s fine. I believe in you, and since I believe in you… go hunt down a hundred Demon Boars. A bunch of them are the giant type, so hang in there.”
  570. >Cu: “Are you a demon!?”
  571. >Tamamo: “We believe in you, Cu Chulainn-san!”
  572. >Cu: “This fox bitch…!”
  573. >Tamamo: “Bark, bark♡”
  577. Scathach tells him not to worry since you (as in, just you, not them) will help him too.
  579. >Protagonist: “Let’s work hard together.”
  580. >Cu: “Yeah, yeah. …You’ve got it unexpectedly hard too. Well, let’s do our best!”
  582. Mashu tells Cu about what has been happening so far as you go out into the plains, and he wonders just what type of place this island was originally.
  584. >Cu: “Anyway, one hundred Demon Boars. If we work hard at it, we should be done by tonight. Otherwise we’ll have to sleep outdoors!”
  585. >Mashu: “L-let’s work hard, Senpai!”
  588. Fast forward to dusk. You’re at boar number 99 already when Cu turns towards the last one, which happens to be of the giant type.
  590. >Cu: “Geh!? Isn’t this the type that trampled and killed Diarmuid in the legend!?”
  591. >Mashu: “Yes, according to Scathach-san, this might already be within the realm of Phantasmal Beasts.”
  592. >Cu: “Tch, as expected of the Demon Master. Gruelling training all the way… Oh well! We warmed up with ninety nine, so it’s time for the real show with the last one!”
  595. You’re struggling to finish off the giant boar since it’s super resilient like the others, when Fou calls someone out.
  597. >???: “I’ll take that prey!”
  599. Out of nowhere, Beowulf shows up and kills the boar.
  601. >Beowulf: “Sorry, but don’t think bad of this you lot.”
  602. >Mashu: “He killed such a tenacious Demon Boar that easily...!”
  604. Beowulf says that the boar was his subordinate too, but that he didn’t want to let him eat you.
  606. >Mashu: “W-wait please! The Demon Boar was your subordinate…?
  607. >Beowulf: “Gahahahah, I subdue these Demon Boars with my fists!”
  609. He announces himself as the ruler of this end-of-the-era territory, though it’s more like he’s the apex predator rather than the boars obeying him in any way.
  611. >Beowulf: “My kingdom is survival of the fittest! The strong devour, the weak are meat… literally speaking!”
  612. >Mashu: “S-so you eat the Demon Boars…”
  613. >Protagonist: “Have some vegetables too…”
  614. >Beowulf: “What, it’s high in protein!”
  616. >Cu: “Well, I have no problem with that, but what’s with you? Are you an enemy? Or, maybe an enemy?”
  618. Yes, he says enemy twice. Beowulf laughs and says that he’s not your ally for sure, and cryptically adds that “if you wish to claim the whole world, then go and take it” before saying that he’ll just take off with the boar carcass for now.
  620. >Beowulf: “Uwahahahaha, if you want to take this meat, come by my turf!”
  622. With nothing to do, you decide to go back.
  626. >Mordred: “Beowulf!? That hoodlum bastard is here!? Gh, I should have gone!”
  627. >Artoria: (If it’s in hoodlumness, Sir Mordred would be a good match.)
  629. Martha starts talking about how Beowulf does have the whole “end of civilization” look going on and how you might have no choice but to fight him.
  631. >Protagonist: “It is time for the Martha Divine First.”
  632. >Martha: “That’s right, it is time to undo the seal on the techniques of the Martha Divine Fist handed down to me—Wh-what are you making me say!?”
  634. In case the reference is not blindingly obvious, that reads “Martha Shinken.” It looks like she sorta grips and squeezes your face in embarrassment for a bit before Mashu asks her to let you go since your cheeks were getting loose.
  636. Scathach tells you to put aside the matter of Beowulf for a bit, since she was doing some information gathering while you were out, and discovered something, thought the scene ends before she reveals what.
  638. 11)
  640. Early Morning with Gae Bolg Craftsman
  642. Scathach’s gone to fetch some of the wood from the ash trees she once planted (which are totally there despite no CG) because she’s planning on making a new spear. Gae Bolg was made of a sea monster’s bones, but she says that ash trees are descendants of Yggdrasil, which is also the source of her runes, so combining her magic with the ash wood she should be able to draw on the power of both. She says she should be able to make something that’ll at least withstand a Noble Phantasm, since she wants to improve her arsenal.
  644. This was the quest that unlocked the Gae Bolg items used to strengthen her NP, so this is the in-story justification for that.
  646. She asked you here because this will absorb her concentration for an entire day, so she want you to guard her from any attacks
  648. Fast forward to the night, and a Demon Boar shows up.
  650. >Mashu: “As expected, a Demon Boar has come!”
  651. >Protagonist: “Alright, let’s fight it!”
  652. >Shadow Servant: “…”
  653. >Mashu: “A Shadow Servant as well!”
  654. >Protagonist: “…We’ll manage somehow.”
  655. >Giant Demon Boar: “Cooohu… coohuu…”
  656. >Mashu: “Giant Demon Boar!”
  657. >Protagonist: “They’re insistent!”
  661. The following morning…
  663. >Scathach: “Alright, I’m satisfied with it!”
  664. >Mashu: “G-good…”
  666. Scathach asks her why she seems so tired, and she says you’ve been fighting endless streams of enemies all night, which apparently Scathach was too absorbed in her work to notice.
  668. >Protagonist: “Sleepy…”
  669. >Scathach: “Your eyes look half-asleep. You’ve been swaaaaying swaaaaaying your head from side to side like a doll.”
  670. >Mashu: “Alright, give me your hand. Can you walk? Should I carry you?”
  671. >Fou: “Fou!”
  672. >Scathach: “…fighting for an entire day is really rough after all. Overlook it for now, Fou.”
  673. >Fou: “Fou~”
  675. Scathach says you should go back to rest and recover for the next time, much to Mashu’s displeasure as Scathach says she still has to do this three more times and expects your help.
  677. >Scathach: “I’ll be counting on you!”
  678. >Protagonist: “Zzz…”
  679. >Mashu: “Master! Please wake up! Master! Master!”
  683. 12)
  685. Sing a Song!
  687. Marie is giving the Piglets singing lessons, though they start going off lyrics into something I can’t read because it’s all hiragana. Mashu thinks they all have a very pretty singing voice, though Mary says she’d like something more like a rebellious rock song.
  689. Marie congratulates them on their singing and tells them not to forget it, since it helps ease people’s hearts.
  691. >Piglets: “Yeeees.”
  692. >Left Piglet: “Singing is nice.”
  693. >Right Piglet: “The apex of civilization.”
  694. >Glasses Piglet: “Could singing be used to bring world peace, extinguish all weapons and turn the world into a gigantic mixed bathing hot spring?”
  695. >Left Piglet: “No.”
  696. >Glasses Piglet: “Ah, I see.”
  697. >Marie: “???”
  698. >Mashu: “I don’t really get that face, but as expected of France’s Number 1 Idol.”
  700. The piglets start talking about idols and how that sound snice, and get the idea to throw a concert. Marie thinks that’s great, so she drafts up a bunch of written invitations and asks them to deliver them. The piglets don’t really know who to invite, so she tells them to go to someone they might want to make friends with.
  702. The piglets first turn around and give you one of the invitations, and then the scene fast-forwards past the deliveries (which I assume are made to other piglets, though the scene doesn’t specify.)
  705. The piglets are almost done inviting everyone, though they still have plenty of invitations left. They start arguing among each other over whose invitations have the prettiest calligraphy or design, until one chuckles about how it’s the sort of argument you’d expect to signal the collapse of a materialistic civilization.
  707. Marie suggests inviting Servants as well if you have so many left, so you start going around with them.
  709. Artoria accepts gladly. Mordred on the other hand…
  711. >Mordred: “Eh, the piglets’ song? I d-don’t care about that! I’m a delinquent! I’m too busy focusing on surfing!”
  712. >Marie: “No good, Mo-san must hear it no matter what. The piglets are really looking forward to it. If you were to refuse…”
  713. >Mordred: [Grinning] “’If I refuse…’ what? C’mon, Miss Queen, if you wanna threaten me better put on some muscle on those thin arms first.”
  714. >Marie: [Smiling happily] “Oh no. If it’s like this, I’ll just knock you over with this beach ball and force you to take the invitation!”
  716. Turns out Marie really doesn’t fuck around when throwing a party, so you beat the shit out of Mordred.
  719. >Mordred: “Gaah! I lose, I lose! Alright, I’ll go, damn it!”
  720. >Marie: “Fufuf, thank you very much, Mo-san!”
  721. >Mordred: “Stop calling me that!”
  722. >Mashu: “Master, didn’t Mordred-san seem to be holding back a bit?”
  723. >Protagonist: “She’s just shy.”
  724. >Mordred: “Oi Master, keep saying stupid stuff and I’ll sew that mouth shut!”
  726. Marie thinks of who to invite next, saying you should focus on those you’d think would be reluctant to show up. So you go for Tamamo.
  728. >Tamamo: [Grouchy] “Ehh? The piglets’ concert… Nah, Tamamo-chan doesn’t care, so I’ll pass.”
  729. >Marie: “No.”
  730. >Tamamo: “Eh? But I don’t want to. I don’t think it’d be fun to listen to those piglets singing.”
  731. >Marie. “No♪”
  732. >Tamamo: “Uhm, could it be that you’re readying that beach ball in order to…”
  733. >Marie: [Cheerfully] “That’s right! I’ll shove the invitation in your pocket after knocking you out!”
  734. >Tamamo: “MIKO-------N!”
  736. One ass-beating later, Tamamo reluctantly agrees to go.
  740. Everyone finally gathers for the concert. Artoria remarks on how cute the piglets look standing in a group all nervous about the show, Mordred wonders what they’ll sing, and Tamamo just grumbles that there’s no way it’ll be good.
  742. >Glasses Piglet: “Now, please listen to our song. The title is…”
  744. The scene cuts away to Mashu narrating how the show was fantastic, the piglets got a standing ovation and they were completely satisfied, though there was one issue…
  746. >Mashu: “For some reason, the tone and lyrics the piglets chose were all painful. Like the fear one feels in a dark forest… or being locked up in a museum… or suffering a sudden traffic accident…”
  747. >Tamamo: “I told you, didn’t I!?”
  751. 13)
  753. Development Plan 6 – Bridge
  755. Kiyohime calls you out as she’s overseeing the locations of the former bridge, saying you ought to build another since the one from two thousand years prior had obviously been destroyed.
  757. >Glasses Piglet: [Singing] “London Bridge fell down. London Bridge fell down.”
  759. The piglets keep singing a spastic version of the rhyme until Kiyohime launches her flames at them and tells them to stop messing around.
  761. >Mashu: “I see, so the piglets’ weakness is Kiyohime-san, since she doesn’t care about them at all.”
  762. >Kiyohime: “Yes, and Master is my weakness, so we’re in a three-way deadlock.”
  763. >Protagonist: “I don’t think I could beat Kyiohime.”
  764. >Kiyohime: “Maa, fufufu. Master beat me a long time ago. Lovely and full of passion, the cry of the dragon… If you think it sad, then I will receive your pity and affection…”
  765. >Fou: [Shaking] “Fou Fou Fooou!”
  768. Development Option 1 – Red Bridge (Fuyuki Birdge)
  770. >Artoria: “T-this is…!”
  771. >Cu: “Oi oi, I remember seeing this bridge somewhere.”
  772. >Artoria: “To call it ‘nostalgic’ might be a bit premature… Fufu, what a coincidence, isn’t it?”
  775. Development Option 2 – London Bridge
  777. >Mordred: “Oh, London Bridge is it?”
  778. >Left Piglet: “London Bridge!”
  779. >Right Piglet: “We added a combination transformation function. It changes into GREAT BRITAIN!”
  780. >Mordred: “Seriously!? Awesome! Let’s try it at once when it’s ready!”
  781. >Glasses Piglet: “…I was about to say that it was a joke.”
  782. >Left Piglet: “What now?”
  783. >Right Piglet: “No choice.”
  784. >Glasses Piglet: “We must stand up to it as men. (Manly-sounding BGM)”
  785. >Mashu: [BGM cuts off] “No, we’ll explain it to Mordred-san. Please just make a normal one.”
  788. Development Option 3 – Rainbow Bridge
  790. The piglets have finished the construction of the bridge, but now they want to obstruct it or blow it up to isolate one region of the island mostly just to screw around.
  792. >Glasses Piglet: “Yaaa, YES, SIR. Movie-style situation BANZAI!”
  793. >Kiyohime: “…we haven’t done the Hitobashira yet. Should we use the piglets then?”
  794. >Piglets: [Crying] “Sorryyyyyy!”
  798. Basically, Hitobashira is making a human sacrifice to pray for the safety of a building.
  802. 14)
  804. Development Plan 7 – Amusement Facilities
  806. The piglets want some places where they can go play. Tamamo says that’s a little too vague, so they start throwing around ideas.
  808. >Left Piglet: “Like a theatre…”
  809. >Tamamo: “Aha, aha, a cinema.”
  810. >Right: “Or a museum…”
  811. >Tamamo: “Aha, aha, a museum.”
  812. >Glasses Piglet: “Zoo.”
  813. >Tamamo: “I see, a zoo… zoo?”
  814. >Glasses Piglet: “It’s a garden where one might study wild animals.”
  815. >Protagonist: “What would you put in it?”
  816. >Left Piglet: “Us, obviously.”
  817. >Right Piglet: “A zoo where you can watch piglets would be the height of black comedy.”
  818. >Glasses Piglet: “HAHAHAHAHAHA.”
  822. Development Option 1 – Cinema
  824. The cinema is finished and Tamamo wants to see a romantic movie.
  826. >Left Piglet: “The URIMAX Theatre shows nothing but movies from URIBOU.”
  827. >Right Piglet: “Strangely enough, the line-up is nothing but worthless horror films…”
  828. >Glasses Piglet: “…I wonder why.”
  829. >Mashu: “It’d be fine if you lifted that restriction…”
  831. Uribou = Piglet in Japanese.
  834. Development Option 2 – Museum
  836. >Tamamo: “There’s a bunch of weird objects here…”
  837. >Left Piglet: “It’s a museum, so we asked for mostly items like these…”
  839. The next joke is impossible to translate. The Right Piglet says something about the exhibit and Tamamo calls him out on being very vague. The joke is that the piglet’s line is all in hiragana and the words he uses have multiple meanings depending on the applicable kanji, so the exhibition could be about the original sin and atonement, present daily lives, moneymaking, foodstuff, etc, etc, and meant to evoke something that could, among several other possible weird readings, be profound or unpleasant.
  842. Development Option 3 – Zoo
  844. >Tamamo: “So you actually made it…”
  845. >Glasses Piglet: “Would you like to go in?”
  847. He means as an exhibition.
  849. >Tamamo: “Do you want me to knock you out?”
  850. >Glasses Piglet: “Figured as much.”
  853. 15)
  855. Development Plan 8 – More Amusement Facilities
  857. >Mordred: “What, more amusement buildings?”
  858. >Glasses Piglet: “Fun things are good things.”
  859. >Mordred: “Oh well, it’s fine if you say so. So? What are you building?”
  860. >Left Piglet: “Yes, Karaoke.”
  861. >Right Piglet: “Wai, Game Centre.”
  862. >Glasses Piglet: “Woo, Casino.”
  865. Development Option 1 – Karaoke Box
  867. >Mordred: “Isn’t the Karaoke box kinda small? It’s already packed tight with just me inside it.”
  868. >Left Piglet: “It’s meant for piglets after all.”
  869. >Right Piglet: “Singing Karaoke by yourself is nice.”
  870. >Glasses Piglet: “The evidence of solitude is sad ~de arinsu.”
  871. >Tamamo: “The dialect changed strangely…”
  873. The Glasses Piglet adds ~de arimasu to the end of his sentences, but ~de arinsu is a variant of the same thing, used by the (mostly prostitute) residents of the Yoshiwara district in Edo.
  875. No, I don’t get the joke either.
  878. Development Option 2 – Game Centre
  880. Mordred and Fou dash excitedly for the arcade while the piglets mumble about how it looks like she wouldn’t leave until her mother dragged her home.
  882. >Right Piglet: “…Was there a nurse with red clothes among the goddesses?”
  883. >Mordred: [Shaking as someone is dragging her of] “Mom, I’m sorry!”
  886. Development Option 3 – Casino
  888. >Left Piglet: “The Casino looks good.”
  889. >Right Piglet: “Roulette.”
  890. >Glasses Piglet: “Blackjack.”
  891. >Left Piglet: “Baccarat.”
  892. >Right Piglet: “A place to indulge in your desires, feeling the allure of danger… that is the Piglet Casino.”
  893. >Left Piglet: “You can’t change money for chips though.”
  894. >Glasses Piglet: “It’s all wholesome.”
  897. 16)
  899. Development Plan 8 – Even More Amusement Facilities
  901. >Martha: “More amusement buildings? Shouldn’t you moderate your leisure time? The Lord said one should not lose themselves in their pleasures.”
  902. >Left Piglet: “Today we’re making a building for everyone to enjoy together!”
  903. >Right Piglet: “The motto is harmony!”
  904. >Glasses Piglet: “A building to deepen familial harmony, something that would put a smile on my dying grandfather’s face.”
  905. >Martha: “Familial harmony… oh well, if that’s the case I’ll hold back my lecturing. By the way, didn’t you just say something really cruel?”
  906. >Glasses Piglet: “It’s your imagination!”
  907. >Martha: “Oh well. So what are you building?”
  908. >Left Piglet: “A stadium maybe…”
  909. >Right Piglet: “Or something like the Budokan.”
  910. >Glasses Piglet: “Maybe an amusement park following the Goddess’ motif…”
  913. Development Option 1 – Stadium
  915. >Martha: “A stadium… so what do you do here?”
  916. >Left Piglet: “Baseball!”
  917. >Right Piglet: “The Strong Fast Ball and the Curve are a Piglet’s best throws.”
  918. >Glasses Piglet “Problem is, we can’t catch the ball…”
  921. Development Option 2 – Budokan
  923. >Left Piglet: “A concert is opening here!”
  924. >Right Piglet: “Last Minute Cancellations!”
  925. >Glasses Piglet: “It’s Rock!”
  926. >Martha: “Rock, huh…”
  928. Yeah it has fuck all to do with martial arts.
  931. Development Option 3 – Neo-Marie Land
  933. >Marie: “Neo-Marie Land!? It’s amazing!”
  934. >Left Piglet: “Amazing.”
  935. >Right Piglet: “Unbeatable.”
  936. >Glasses Piglet: “Everything’s got a five-hour waiting line.”
  937. >Marie: “What attraction should we try out?”
  938. >Left Piglet: “The Roller Coaster with the motif of the great Goddess’ face.”
  939. >Right Piglet: “The Ferris Wheel with the motif of the great Goddess’ face.”
  940. >Glasses Piglet: “The Coffee Cup with the motif of the great Goddess’ face.”
  941. >Marie: “I see.”
  942. >Martha: “Hey, Marie, doesn’t this give you a bad feeling? Your face rotating at ultra-high speed on the coffee cup would look kinda scary.”
  943. >Marie: “…Eh, really?”
  946. 17)
  948. >[Ruined city background]
  949. >Mashu: “Senpai, we have journeyed to many places and many eras on our quest to restore human history. We built a number of things to help our stay at the island but…”
  950. >[Switch to clean skyscraper-filled city background]
  951. >Mashu: “I never thought we’d build something like these…”
  953. Scathach joins the conversation and you all return to the topic of how the piglet’s civilization could have developed this much, since she doesn’t believe the help you originally gave them could have been enough. She believes something else must have interfered so she went to ask the Piglet Elder. The Elder comes around and says that according to legend, a Servant who called himself a magician showed up some centuries before and gave them the secret of electricity.
  955. >Piglet Elder: “The legend also said ‘I shall now enter a slumber for the sake of my companions who will one day come. Wake me if anything comes up, okay☆?’ After saying thus, he disappeared into a cave on the interior of the island.”
  957. Scathach says you should go investigate that cave the following day and she says she’ll come with you. Artoria says she’ll go as well, and Mordred blushes and says she should go if King Arthur is going.
  959. As you make your way through the plains, Artoria wonders if a Servant could really linger for several centuries. Scathach says that it would be really unlikely under normal circumstances, but coupled with the messed-up timeflow in the island, a resourceful Servant could maybe device a way to last without a Master if he limited his activity.
  961. You finally get near the cave, where you encounter some Demon Boars, so you fight them of first.
  964. >Mordred: “…so there’s Demon Boars here too. They’re huge though…”
  965. >Artoria: “Everyone be on guard and don’t allow Beowulf or anyone else to steal them! GUARD THEM NO MATTER WHAT!”
  966. >Mordred: “Father’s in high spirits…”
  967. >Mashu: “W-well, let’s all work hard.”
  968. >Mordred: “Tch, again with the nice girl act.”
  969. >Artoria: “Mashu does not act like a good girl, she has a naturally pure and orderly disposition. She is rather like mineral water, whereas you’re like a chaotic chaotic mixture of Cola, sugar, cream and churros.”
  970. >Mordred: “You can still drink that, can’t you!? That’s a regular Devil Choco Sundae!”
  971. >Mashu: “W-well, you two…”
  972. >Scathach: “Isn’t chaos just fine? That’s what needed to break through the stagnation of an era.”
  973. >Artoria: “Yet order is needed during a warring period, otherwise the chaos will lead to evil.”
  974. >Protagonist: “Uhm, hey, everyone…”
  975. >Scathach: “But there is nothing of interest in a solidified order. The truth is that the values of good and evil deviate depending on the age.”
  976. >Mordred: “That’s right! That means there’s nothing bad about me!”
  977. >Protagonist: “But…”
  978. >Artoria: “Even so, there must definitely be a settled idea of goodness. At the very least that is what I believe.”
  979. >Scathach: “Rather than settled, is it not solidified instead?”
  980. >Mordred: “Isn’t being that strict just how Lancelot ended up doing all that stupid stuff?”
  981. >Mashu: “Mordred-san, that matter is taboo! Taboo!”
  982. >Fou: “Fou fou!”
  983. >Demon Boar: [Peering slowly from the corner] (Not yet…?)
  984. >Protagonist: “Sorry, we’ll prepare at once!”
  986. And then everyone stops arguing over D&D alignments and you fight the boar.
  990. >Artoria: “I got a little heated there, I apologize.”
  991. >Scathach: “No, it was rude of me to get so stubborn towards a king.”
  992. >Mordred: “I didn’ do anything bad!”
  993. >Mashu: “Sigh, Mordred-san still…”
  995. Option 1:
  996. >Protagonist: “That’s right, Mo-san didn’t so anything bad.”
  997. >Mordred: “Eh? What are you sayin', I was totally in the wrong too!”
  999. Option 2:
  1000. >Protagonist: “Yeah. Right, yeah.”
  1001. >Mordred: “W-what’s with that look… Tch, ok, I was wrong too!”
  1003. >Mordred: “Sorry!”
  1004. >Mashu: (…She’s so easy to read…)
  1005. >Artoria: “Then let’s continue. Once we’re back, Sir Mordred will do nine hundred thousand pushups as penitence.”
  1006. >Mordred: [Smiling] “Yes my Lord! Alright, nine hundred thousand is less than usual!”
  1008. Suddenly, the earth starts shaking and the BGM changes.
  1010. >Mordred: “W-what’s that song!?”
  1011. >Mashu: “T-that’s a gramophone isn’t it!?”
  1013. >Mashu: “T-that obviously-rehearsed, perfectly finished roaring laughter is…”
  1014. >Scathach: “Hmm, it feels like I may or may not have heard this before…”
  1015. >Artoria: “Whoever you are, show yourself!”
  1016. >???: “Fufufu. There are many who would wish me to show my form! Then burn the image of this great king’s power in your minds!”
  1017. >Mashu: “Confirmed enemy Servant and surrounding enemies! Let’s go!”
  1019. After the fight.
  1021. >???: “Splendid! What splendid power! But power is not everything! Regardless, I have grasped your true potential. I have no problem in showing you my form.”
  1022. >Scathach: “Yeah, alright.”
  1023. >???: “I have waited for this age, Servants! Now, I shall grant you my wisdom! My class is Caster. I was once called the Magician of Menlo Park!”
  1024. >Mashu: “The Magician of Menlo Park… that means…!”
  1025. >Edison: [Edison BGM] “The Great President King Thomas Alva Edison!”
  1026. >Protagonist: “So it wasn’t Tesla.”
  1027. >Edison: “That’s wrong Master!! If it had been that fellow, the piglets’ society would have never developed down the right path!”
  1029. >Artoria: (Lion… fluffy… fluffy hair… fluff…)
  1030. >Mordred: (Father is looking at him so sharply… I see, she’s been cautious as a fellow king! As expected of Father!)
  1031. >Edison: “Now then, how’s the piglets’ civilization going? I expect they should have achieved parallel world high-speed communication by now!”
  1032. >Scathach: “It’s all destroyed.”
  1033. >Edison: “Noooooooooooooooooo!!!”
  1035. Edison then runs off to check for himself.
  1039. Seeing the destroyed civilization, Edison laments himself and then roars in anger.
  1041. >Edison: “I will never forgive you, Demon Boars! I’ll turn every last of you into meat provisions for the food industry! I’ll set up a stable supply for the entire world!”
  1042. >Mordred: “Scary!”
  1043. >Scathach: “Coming from you, it’s scary to think you might actually do it. Still, you survived nicely, Edison.”
  1045. Edison says he predicted the “Nine Sisters” would return and that they would need his help to leave the island, so he designed his Edison Brand Cold Sleep chamber along with his Edison Brand Wakeup Alarm and Gramophone set. Mashu realizes he went into hibernation, but Edison pointedly tells her to call it “Cold Sleep.”
  1047. >Artoria: “I roughly understand the situation, but it’s unbelievable to think that you are Edison. You are too different from the photographs we have.”
  1048. >Edison: “Hm. I am certainly Edison though…”
  1049. >Artoria: “Then I will make sure… flufffluff…”
  1050. >Edison: “Hm… if you pull on my face… ouch. Ouch, ouch, wait…”
  1051. >Artoria: “Fluffflufffluffflufffluffflufffluffflufffluffflufffluffflufffluffflufffluffflufffluff.”
  1052. >Edison: “Stop, stop, you’re going to pull my fur off!”
  1053. >Mashu: “Artoria-san is way too absorbed in it! Please stop!”
  1054. >Mordred: (As expected of Father!)
  1057. Edison then goes to the rebuilt city to talk with the piglets.
  1059. >Edison: “HaHaHa, it’s been a long time, Gentlemen!”
  1060. >Left Piglet: “Salute!”
  1061. >Right Piglet: “It’s a LionKIN.”
  1062. >Glasses Piglet: “So it is.”
  1063. >Edison: “HAHAHAHA, no chain o reasoning as usual! Now then, what shall we build? With my power, we can build anything!”
  1065. Scathach says that she wants him to find a way to return to Chaldea, and Edison answers that there’ something that he needs for that, but that it should be more or less within your grasp in this island.
  1067. >Edison: “THE HOLY GRAIL!”
  1068. 18)
  1070. King Archer
  1072. The piglets discovered a cave nearby, and everyone kinda feels like going to check it out. Artoria says that Kay, Merlin and her used to go on all sorts of adventures like that before she took the throne, so you can think of her as your Senpai this time.
  1074. >Left Piglet: “It’s a cave~”
  1075. >Right Piglet: “It’s totally dark.”
  1076. >Glasses Piglet: “Are we piglets nocturnal animals or diurnal?”
  1077. >Left Piglet: “We’ve always lived in the age of glass.”
  1078. >Right Piglet: “We’re Teenage Mutant Piglets.”
  1079. >Mashu: “Please calm down. I mean that in several ways.”
  1081. Artoria suddenly recognizes the cave, which puts her in a somewhat annoyed mood, and reminds you that you’ve been there two thousand years prior.
  1083. >Protagonist: “Really?”
  1084. >Artoria: “Yes. That pirate team, you, Mashu and I visited this cave. That was…”
  1086. Cue flashback. And no, none of this was in the previous section, all of this happened offscreen.
  1090. The original piglets had apparently brought you into the cave since there was supposed to be a Demon Boar in there, though the place is cold and Marie starts to get anxious about whether there’s really something there.
  1092. >Mary: “Don’t ask me, you’re the one who gets along the best with these critters.”
  1093. >Artoria: “I agree. We’ll leave the diplomacy to you.”
  1094. >Marie: “Ah, yes. It’s not like I doubt them though.”
  1096. >Anne: “Don’t worry, Mary, Master and I are here if anything happens. With this combination, we could run a pirate ship for who knows how many decades more, fufufu!”
  1097. >[Anne suddenly hugs you both]
  1098. >Protagonist: “Soft… double headlock…!”
  1100. >Artoria: “I don’t know much about how pirate work would help, but I’m here too. So be at ease, Marie.”
  1101. >Anne: “Muu, acting like a pirate. Are you making fun of us? Besides, you’re a King, so wouldn’t you give a more kingly sense of security?”
  1102. >Artoria: “That was not my intention. Though, frankly speaking, wouldn’t you normally rely on a king more than a pirate?”
  1104. Mashu tells everyone to calm down and continue down the cave. You reach a fork in the road and the piglets can’t decide which way to go, so Marie goes to take a peek. Something falls down on her suddenly, but Artoria and Anne shoot it together and save her. Turns out it was icicles hanging from the ceiling, which are everywhere down the two roads.
  1107. >Mashu: “It fell so quickly I couldn’t make it in time with my shield. As expected of an Archer.”
  1108. >Anne: “Haha, oh no, that was…”
  1109. >Artoria: “Mh…”
  1110. >Anne: “Mh…”
  1111. >Artoria: “I feel my water jet was quicker.”
  1112. >Anne: “It was my bullet, wasn’t it?”
  1113. >Protagonist: (These too… are unexpectedly competitive…)
  1115. Since both roads seem identical, Artoria suggests splitting into teams so that the Archers can shoot down the icicles. Anne agrees and suggests using this as a competition to see which of them gets to the end first.
  1117. >Protagonist: “This is going down a weird road!”
  1118. >Artoria: “Do not worry, this is a mere… test of skills, a mock battle. We will not be fighting seriously.”
  1119. >Anne: “That’s right, Master, we’re just playing. Otherwise, we won’t know who’s the most reliable Archer between the King and Pirate, right?”
  1121. Mary says she wouldn’t split form Anne and Mashu wouldn’t split from you, so Anne, Marie and her will go one way and you, Mashu and Artoria go the other. Anne takes the initiative to get a head start and drags Marie along, who laughs about how it feels as if he were a princess being kidnapped just like some stories Kiyohime and Tamamo had told her about.
  1125. You proceed down the cave, with Artoria shooting down the icicles and Mashu guarding against the remaining fragments with no problems. The walls of the passage are rather thin though, so you can hear the shouts on the other side as Mary and Anne work together, and Mashu is impressed by their tag team.
  1127. >Artoria: “…”
  1128. >Protagonist: “What is it?”
  1129. >Artoria: “I can say it now since they’re not here, but those two really make a good team. I can acknowledge that, they are as if they were one single being. Relying on each other from the bottom of their hearts, entrusting their backs and lives to each other… from that comes a power greater than the sum of their selves. That is what you might call true partners.”
  1130. >Protagonist: “What about the Knights of the Round Table?”
  1131. >Artoria: “The Round Table… were reliable companions indeed, but that was a relationship between a king and his retainers. It’s rather different than that between partners.”
  1132. >Mashu: “…”
  1133. >Protagonist: “Do you yearn from a partner?”
  1134. >Artoria: “No, I am simply admiring something I do not have. The king does not yearn for a partner. Maybe not here, but such a thing might exist in another world. Someone I might call a partner and with whom I could fight shoulder to shoulder.”
  1135. >Protagonist: “Well, you’ve got a candidate right here.”
  1136. >Artoria: “…! [Smiles] Ahh, that’s right. I might be a king, but right now I am just a Servant. You are someone with whom I have been able to speak frankly. That is a splendid thing, is it not?”
  1137. >Mashu: [Blushing] “I-I’m here too! I think there can be a three-person partner-like relationship! Uhm, I’m a Demi-Servant so that’s close…”
  1138. >Artoria: “That’s right, you are with us too Mashu. Now then, let’s not lose to those two. Let’s synch our breaths and charge forth as partners!”
  1142. You finally arrive to a larger cave just at the same time as Anne’s group.
  1144. >Mary: “The timing of arrival was…”
  1145. >Anne: “We got here first right?”
  1146. >Artoria: “Wait a moment, the tip of my rifle entered the area first. The victor should be obvious.”
  1147. >Protagonist: (Competitive as always…)
  1148. >Anne: “The judgement should be over whose body entered first. I‘m definitely made it in first in that case.”
  1150. There’s a slight nuance lost in the word she uses: she’s confident of this because of her more… protruding frame.
  1152. Everyone gets distracting as you find two Demon Boars in there along with more poisoned earth, so you decide to deal with them.
  1154. >Protagonist: “Let’s show them ‘our’ combination!”
  1155. >Mashu: “…yes. Let’s let them know the power of our partnership, Master!”
  1157. Flashback over.
  1159. >Artoria: “You remember now?”
  1160. >Mashu: “That’s right, the Demon Boars fled in the middle of the battle.”
  1163. You suddenly hear a sound, and Artoria realizes that this might be the time to resume that battle from two thousand years prior. Two figures shaped like Anne and Marie show up, which you realize are the Demon Boars transformed.
  1165. >Artoria: “They retained the memory of their defeat and finally managed to reappear. Yet…”
  1166. >Protagonist: “They didn’t take Artoria’s shape.”
  1167. >Fou: “Fou!?”
  1168. >Mashu: “Master… don’t say that!!”
  1169. >Artoria: “As, that’s right. Why not me? Those two form a single Servant, so maybe you chose them because of the number?”
  1170. >Mashu: “Artoria-san is a top-class Servant but…”
  1171. >Artoria: “Demon Boar, know this. That choice was a fatal mistake!”
  1172. >Mashu: “…she really hates to lose!”
  1174. You beat the Demon Boar/Shadow Servants and Artoria confirms that they’re down for good this time.
  1176. >Protagonist: “Artoria-san is Number One after all!”
  1177. >Artoria: “That’s right! Even without a sword and not being in the Saber class, I’m without a doubt a top class Servant. Having Master confirm that is what’s most important. Yes, yes.”
  1179. With the matter resolved, the piglets instantly announce they’ve found a vein of precious jewels in the cave and the whole thing comes to a close.
  1183. 19)
  1184. Martha Event
  1186. Done here:
  1189. 20)
  1191. Development Plan 10 – Tourist Attraction
  1193. >Glasses Piglet: “I have a proposal, Master! Why don’t we build some tourist attractions?”
  1194. >Mashu: “Ehhh, but who would be coming?”
  1195. >Left Piglet: “Maybe some revived ancient deity someday from somewhere far away…?”
  1196. >Mary: “Why would you show tourist attractions to something like that? …well, that aside, what do you suggest?”
  1197. >Right Piglet: “I’d like an Arc de Triomphe!”
  1198. >Anne: “I understand trying to build one, even without having ever made a triumphant return.”
  1199. >Glasses Piglet: “A Pyramid. It’s full of mystery.”
  1200. >Mary: “Is there treasure in it? No? Ah, well…”
  1201. >Left Piglet: “Huefuetowee.”
  1202. >Mashu: “Eh?”
  1203. >Left Piglet: “Eifel Tower. I bit my tongue.”
  1207. Development Option 1 – Arc de Triomphe
  1209. >Marie: “Ara, an Arc de the Triomphe.”
  1210. >Mary: “It’s impressive but… does it do anything?”
  1211. >Left Piglet: “It’s really fun to run around it!”
  1213. Development Option 2 – Pyramid
  1215. >Anne: “Ah, ara. It’s a weirder pyramid than I thought.”
  1216. >Glasses Piglet: “We designed it so it’d feel like it could transform and shoot beams.”
  1217. >Mary: “No way.”
  1218. >Left Piglet: “Yeah, no way.”
  1219. >Right Piglet: “The flaw is that it can’t stand the electrical output, so it would definitely be blown to pieces if we actually made it fire.”
  1221. Development Option 3 – Eifel Tower
  1223. >Anne: “It’s tall.”
  1224. >Mary: “It’s that ugly French tower. I really don’t like it. ”
  1226. >Glasses Piglet: “But if you go up, it feels as if you were at the top of the world.”
  1227. >Mary: “Uh…”
  1228. >Glasses Piglet: “Don’t you want to go see?”
  1229. >[They go up the tower]
  1230. >Mary: “Woooooooooow!! It’s tall----------!!”
  1231. >Anne: “It’s fine if Mary’s having fun. Fufufu.”
  1234. 21)
  1236. Development Plan 11 – Automation Facility
  1238. >Glasses Piglet: “We piglets have been thinking: ‘If you work, you lose.’”
  1239. >Artoria: “…suddenly saying something so troublesome…”
  1240. >Kiyohime: “There’s a limit to how much of a numbskull you can be. Let’s roast them.”
  1241. >Left Piglet: “P-please listen until the end!”
  1242. >Right Piglet: “Being able to eat even if you don’t work! We’re planning to make such a dream-like world!”
  1243. >Glasses Piglet: “Here’s the proposal… Without a doubt, this Solution derived from such Thinking will make for a Win-Win relationship Good Citizen.”
  1245. Every other word he says is in English, and predictably sounds like google translate.
  1248. Development Option 1 - Robot Factory
  1250. >Right Piglet: “The automation is almost finished.”
  1251. >Left Piglet: “From now on, we’ll have access to constant production of goods without the need for manual labour.”
  1252. >Mashu: “Somehow… this feels like a forbidden conclusion for civilization…”
  1253. >Artoria: “It really does give one a headache…”
  1254. >Left Piglet: “It moves endlessly all day long!”
  1255. >Right Piglet: “We did it!”
  1256. >Glasses Piglet: “Well, there is one worry left though.”
  1257. >Mashu: “A leftover worry…?”
  1258. >Glasses Piglet: “We gave the AI self-awareness. It might end up causing an insurrection in the near future!”
  1259. >Fou: “Foou!”
  1261. Development Option 2 – Infinite Duplicator
  1263. >Left Piglet: “The mechanism to produce nigh-limitless food is complete!”
  1264. >Right Piglet: “Banzai!”
  1265. >Glasses Piglet: “Yay-!”
  1266. >Artoria: “Hoho… I’m pretty interested in that.”
  1267. >Left Piglet: “The mechanism is a trade secret.”
  1268. >Right Piglet: “It’s not Magic, so it’s mostly okay.”
  1269. >Mashu: “You say ‘infinite replication’, but I can’t help getting a bad feelingt.”
  1270. >Glasses Piglet: “…soylent?”
  1271. >Fou: “Fou!!”
  1273. Development Option 3 – Wish-Materialization Machine
  1275. >Glasses Piglet: “…and so, we finished the Wish-Materialization Machine.”
  1276. >Artoria: “---Sorry. What?”
  1277. >Glasses Piglet: “Wish-Materialization Machine. That is, something that can grant just about any of your dreams!”
  1278. >Artoria: “Y-you made a Holy Grail…?”
  1279. >Left Piglet: “No. It’s a Wish-Materialization Machine.”
  1280. >Right Piglet: “If you use this…”
  1281. >Glasses Piglet: “You can take it easy all day long. You can just let time pass by.”
  1282. >Left Piglet: “Like in a dream…”
  1283. >Right Piglet: “Yeah…”
  1284. >Artoria: “Master, I think we should destroy this after all… Otherwise we won’t do anything save laze around… yes…”
  1287. 22)
  1289. >[Seen through flashback sepia]
  1290. >Edison: “That’s right, THE HOLY GRAIL!”
  1291. >Mashu: “The Holy Grail!?”
  1292. >[Switch to normal vision]
  1293. >Glasses Piglet: “And now, back to that discussion!”
  1294. >Left Piglet: “A lot of stuff happened since then!”
  1295. >Right Piglet: “Let’s omit the details!”
  1297. >Scathach: “Haah, the Grail. We have to go through this again…”
  1298. >Edison: “Eh, you don’t have it?”
  1300. Edison’s disappointed, as he says you’d need the Grail’s energy reserves to contact Chaldea. He’s sure it’s somewhere on the island but neither him nor the Piglet Elder know where it is, so Scathach deduces it must be in the Demon Boar’s possession, as it would explain why they suddenly multiplied fifty years prior.
  1302. Tamamo, Anne and Mary wonder how you’re going to find it if you need to search the Boars one by one, and Kiyohime says you’ll simply have to do it steadily.
  1304. >Kiyohime: “I exercise the same determination to crawl onto my Master’s bed at night…”
  1306. Option 1:
  1307. >Protagonist: “Steadily…”
  1308. >Mary: “Calm down, calm down, Master. It’ll be fine, I’ll protect your bed.”
  1309. >Kiyohime: “…mu…”
  1311. Option 2:
  1312. >Protagonist: “Is that your end goal?”
  1313. >Kiyohime: “No, both of us sharing a coffin would be the halfway point. My final goal would be for us to repeat the cycle of death and rebirth countless times, all the while retaining our memories, and finally reunite as the universe comes to an end.”
  1314. >Martha: (Tch. There’s no cycle of life and rebirth, but I better let that go. This talk could get complicated.)
  1317. Scathach says you should begin by finding the Demon Boars’ stronghold, and she says she expects them to have a large army.
  1319. >Cu: “I’m fine with this but… how long are you all planning to keep wearing those swimsuits? …oy, don’t look away.”
  1321. Scathach ignores him and declares that you will now battle, except the ruby text reads “preparation.” Kiyohime, who can apparently read the text window, asks if the ruby function just bugged out, but Scathach says that it’s correct since she wants you all to do some training in preparation. She’d rather have a battle royale, but says that taking turns would probably be best for the moment, so you prepare to face her training.
  1323. You end up fighting your whole team sans Scathach, including Cu and Edison.
  1325. >Cu: “Why me…?”
  1326. >Edson: “You’re fine… but I didn’t think she’d include me… gueh.” [Edison collapses]
  1327. >Scathach: [Satisfied] “And now that we warmed up our engines with some light exercise, let’s get going!”
  1328. >Artoria: “Alright!”
  1329. >Cu: “Oy, old man lion. We’re going.”
  1330. >Edison: “This exercise is too much for someone with E Rank Strength like me…”
  1331. >Cu: “Even though you have such a splendid build…”
  1332. >Edison: “That’s science!”
  1336. Later on the plains, your party surveys an area with an unusually large number of Demon Boars. Artoria realizes Scathach’s guess was correct and that there must be something ahead, but the two wonder how to get through given the uneven numbers. Mordred volunteers to charge to open a hole through the formation so you and Mashu can get through while the rest fight the boars, and Artoria agrees, though she adds that Scathach should go with you as well.
  1338. >Kiyohime: “It hurts to be separated from my beloved Master, but there’s no helping it. In return, make sure to pamper me with all you’ve got once you get back!”
  1339. >Mary: “Roger. It’s fine, we were pretty good at buying time back when we were alive.”
  1340. >Anne: “That’s right. Well, this time it’s not people who might run away, so they’ll be pretty reliable.”
  1341. >Martha: “I’ll be correcting all these Demon Boars’ at once, so make sure to run straight through.”
  1342. >Marie: “That’s right, for the sake of those cute animals, please work hard, Mashu, Master-san!”
  1343. >Tamamo: “Tamamo’s not very good at defensive fights but… alright, time for a good woman to show her true strength! Master, go ahead and launch the raid!”
  1344. >Mordred: “C’mon, don’t worry! The Grandm… Scathach-oneesan is here, so everything will be alright! [Looking aside] (That was close! That was close!)”
  1345. >Scathach: (You’re out.)
  1347. As in, like sportsman going out of boundaries. She caught her verbal slip.
  1350. >Cu: “I feel like I go the wrong end of the stick on this island! Oh well, let’s go, let’s go!”
  1351. >Edison: “I… am going with you. I’m not really of any help in stuff like this, but I’ll show you how useful I can be in searching for the Grail!”
  1353. Mordred then begins the assault with her Noble Phantasm, and Artoria tells you to charge while they keep the Boars busy. You begin to run, listening to the sound of the Noble Phantasms going off behind you.
  1355. >Edison: “It’s all very flashy, huh! …hii… hii…”
  1356. >Scathach: “Too slow, Edison!”
  1357. >Edison: ”S-sorry… My Dexterity is E Rank…”
  1358. >Mashu: “Your Endurance is EX though.”
  1359. >Edison: “That EX Rank concerns ‘the ability to endure many sleepless nights while working on an invention’!”
  1360. >Scathach: “So you don’t have the stamina to run a marathon…! Anyway, hurry up!”
  1361. >Edison: “Alright, alright! Hiii, hii, hii…! Shit, I should have invented a power suit to help people with no stamina!”
  1363. You’re then intercepted by a giant Boar, and have to take it down.
  1366. You eventually break through and reach what Edison identifies as a massive factory, and he wonders what they could be building there.
  1368. >Shadow Figure: “Me.”
  1369. >Scathach: “Who are you?”
  1370. >[The shadow transforms into Saber Artoria]
  1371. >???: “It has been a long time, you bastards… no, from your perspective, it must have been like the blink of an eye. But for me, it was like a hell.”
  1372. >Mashu: “Artoria-san!?”
  1373. >Edison: “No, there’s the smell of oil coming from her. King Arthur would not give off such a futuristic smell.”
  1374. >Artoria?: “That’s correct. This is the form of the one that brought the Demon Boars to the brink of destruction. They have appointed me their messiah and obey all my orders, even gladly accepting their destruction from my hands. Two thousand years. This is the crystallization of a two-thousand-year vengeance.”
  1376. Scathach realizes that this “Artoria” is the first giant Demon Boar you fought back then, who managed to survive and has been plotting revenge since then.
  1378. >Scathach: “Long. Way too long. And if it has been that long, then you must already…”
  1379. >Artoria?: “Yes, ‘the same as you.’ Though in my case I have only reached the realm of the Divine Beasts.”
  1381. Scathach nods, realizing that is not surprising if it lived in a land as rich on magical energy and managed to get its hands on a Grail.
  1383. >Scathach: “That form is your revenge against the one that defeated you long ago, is it not, Twrch Trwyth!?”
  1387. >Mashu: “Twrch Trwyth!? That is, from King Arthur’s legend-!”
  1388. >Scathach: “It took the form of a boar, and with its nine children sought to devour Britain as the King of Demon Boars. Yes, it somehow washed away to this place.”
  1389. >Twrch Trwyth: “I was defeated by King Arthur long ago. That girl of all people did not even see me as an enemy! A King should have faced me as a fellow King! And yet that bitch… She said it was for the sake of protecting her suffering people and obtaining my giant razor, scissors and comb. She just treated me as a simple harmful beast, defeated me plainly and drove me away from the kingdom!! Be it two thousand or three thousand years… I will never forget that disgrace!! I wandered and wandered and finally reached this island, claimed the Grail and ascended to the rank of a great Divine Beast. That is me, Twrch Trwyth!!”
  1391. “Artoria” transforms into a giant mechanical Boar, and Scathach and Edison say that he’s half-dead, half-alive, having managed sustain its dying body through machinery, the Grail and sheer stubbornness.
  1393. In any case, you end up fighting it.
  1396. >Twrch Trwyth: “…my seven children… my glory. My kingdom. My people. I abandoned everything, even my body. Even though, I reached this place. Even though, I reached this… Why, why, I…”
  1397. >Scathach: “The reason is simple. It’s karma. Rampage, plunder, greed, murder, conceit and haughtiness. Doing whatever pleased you. No matter if you change form, the punishment you are owed will not change. It was natural for you to be sent off to live two millenniums of misfortune here, and it was natural for you to die here. From the moment you decided to plunder, this has been you fate.”
  1398. >Twrch Trwyth: “…”
  1399. >Scathach: “Do not resent it, Twrch Trwyth! Are you really that pathetic even after becoming a Divine Beast?”
  1400. >Twrch Trwyth: ”…I see… Now that you say it… looking back… it seems natural…”
  1402. With that, Twrch Trwyth finally collapses and dies, and Mashu retrieves the Grail.
  1404. >Edison: “Alright, leave the rest to me. I should be able to do a lot of great things now!”
  1405. >Fou: “Fou?”
  1406. >Edison: “I-it’s alright, Fou-kun. Be at ease, it’s fine, I won’t use it for any weird inventions!”
  1407. >Mashu: “I get the feeling we should keep an eye on Edison-san…”
  1411. 23)
  1413. Development Plan 12 – Escape Measure
  1415. >Edison: “Now, it is time to commence development for our escape method!”
  1416. >Left Piglet: “Wuaaah!”
  1417. >Right Piglet: “Sad news, sad news!”
  1418. >Glasses Piglet: “How regrettable…”
  1419. >Edison: “I know you’re sad, but bear with it! Now, there are several plans to choose from. Master, which one would you prefer?”
  1421. Development Option 1 – Warp Device
  1423. >Left Piglet: “Warp Device.”
  1424. >Right Piglet: “A device with the potential to mark a leap between eras, a dreamed teleportation machine!”
  1425. >Glasses Piglet: “Tyger! Tyger!”
  1426. >Left Piglet: “My destination is Wenzhou!”
  1427. >Right Piglet: “Wenzhou mandarins?”
  1428. >Glasses Piglet: “They’re tasty.”
  1430. This joke really doesn’t work in English. The pigs are quoting Edmond, who is himself quoting “The Stars My Destination” (a.k.a. “The Count of Monte Cristo IN SPACE”), which in turn quotes the poem “The Tyger” by William Blake. “The Stars My Destination” is a sci-fi novel that included teleportation as a central plot device.
  1432. The line the Left Piglet says is identical to the line Edmond says when he start his NP animation, which reads “My destination is beyond love and hate,” except that they misspelled “Love and Hate” (恩讐, onshuu) as “Wenzhou” (温州) since the kanji can also be read as “Onshuu.”
  1435. >Edison: “(Wasn’t listening) Huhahahaha! As expected of me, as expected of Edison! Tesla? Who’s that? I don’t know anyone with such an alternating current name.”
  1438. Development Option 2 – Rocket
  1440. >Edison: “HUHAHAHAHA, it’s the Edison-Type Rocket! They should call me Von Brown!”
  1441. >Left Piglet: “Unprecedented!”
  1442. >Right Piglet: “This should be fine even with a huge number of Servants.”
  1443. >Glasses Piglet: “It could handle Herakles-san, Lu-Bu-san and even Darius-san.”
  1444. >Left Piglet: “What if he summons a hundred people?”
  1445. >Right Piglet: “It’s fine. Now, let’s go to a new sky!”
  1446. >Edison: “Huh, what was this screw for? …Oh well, it’s fine!”
  1448. Development Option 3 – Airport
  1450. >Edison: “If normal is fine, we made an airport.”
  1451. >Mashu: “It is indeed normal.”
  1452. >Left Piglet: “We made some costumes.”
  1453. >Right Piglet: [In English] “Atenshyun pleezu, antenshyun pleezu!”
  1454. >Left Piglet: “You don’t remember anything except that, huh?”
  1455. >Glasses Piglet: “I’m concerned about the shortness of the skirts.”
  1456. >Mashu: “Concerned!?”
  1457. >Edison: “HUHAHAHAHA! Leave the costumes to me! Eh? No? Ah, well…”
  1462. 24)
  1464. Back at the city, Artoria is shocked to hear that Twrch Trwyth was the mastermind all along, and apologizes to the piglets for the trouble he caused. Scathach says it’s not really her fault since it was a miracle he washed up on the island to begin with, and the Glasses Piglet says that they share some of the blame since Twrch was using their ancestors’ mecha boar technology.
  1466. Anyway, Edison announces that he finally has a way to contact Chaldea and escape the island.
  1468. >Kojirou: “Ohh, how nice, how nice.”
  1469. >Karna: “Escape… what an emotive thing to say.”
  1470. >Glasses Piglet: “There’s more now…”
  1471. >Left Piglet: “A bunch of people showed up before we knew it…”
  1472. >Right Piglet: “There must have been a grand story going on that we weren’t involved with.”
  1473. >Mordred: “Where were the lot of you anyway?”
  1475. Kojirou says that they had been in Beowulf’s care, though he’s glad that you’re alright. Karna asks you if it’s okay for them to come back and Martha says that she’s already told them it’s okay. Beowulf thanks you for letting him tag along and promises Martha a return match in gratitude.
  1477. >Martha: “That’s not gratitude!”
  1479. Edison then tells you to go do anything you might have left pending before you leave so you don’t have any regrets, and you and break off.
  1483. Late at night, on the streets…
  1485. >Scathach: “Uhm, Master? Can I have minute? It’s rather sudden but… what do you think of this swimsuit?”
  1486. >Protagonist: “It’s beautiful.”
  1487. >Scathach: [Blushing] “S-straightforward, are you!? Ehem. Well, that’s fine. There’s something I wanted to confess. When I made the swimsuits, I said I had tampered with the spirit bodies, right? …I forgot.”
  1488. >Protagonist: “Eh?”
  1489. >Scathach: “I beautifully, completely, thoroughly, splendidly forgot how to set them back to how they were before! In short, when we go back, it’ll still be in swimsuit form. So I’m relieved by your words just now, since ‘if master says so, then there’s no helping it.’ Let’s fight all year round in this form! I’m a Servant, so I won’t catch a cold anyway. Let’s fight in this form through a winter snowstorm! …whaaaat is it Master? Your face’s gone stiff? Are you happy? Eh? Eh? Eh?”
  1490. >[Camera pans up]
  1491. >Scathach: “Eh, ‘but what about the other Servants…?’ …Ah.”
  1494. 25)
  1496. >Edison: “…and so we set of at last!”
  1497. >Everyone: “Yeah!!”
  1498. >Edison: “Haven’t forgotten anything? We leave once you’re sure. Once we leave the island, we should be able to contact Chaldea and Ley Shift back! …probably.”
  1501. >Glasses Piglet: “Are you leaving, Goddesses?”
  1502. >Left Piglet: “We Piglets salute you!”
  1503. >Right Piglet: “Even so, it’ll be lonely…”
  1504. >Marie: “I’m sorry, but we have to go.”
  1505. >Piglet Elder: “Everyone… thank you so much for saving this island.”
  1506. >Mordred: “Why, it was fun!”
  1507. >Artoria: “Please build a land that will be peaceful for years to come.”
  1508. >Martha: “Should you ever indulge in luxury too much or become too haughty, something like the Demon boars might appear again.”
  1509. >Piglet Elder: “I will remember those words, Iron Fist Goddess.”
  1510. >Martha: [Frowns, but then smiles] “…yes, it’s fine. I’m an adult, but even then I can take on that ridiculous name.”
  1511. >Mary: “Ridiculous or not, it’s appropriate.”
  1512. >Martha: “Quiet.”
  1513. >Anne: “So the fun vacation is over… I wonder if I won’t get fat having eaten nothing but meat...”
  1514. >Mary: “Tch.”
  1516. You tell the piglets to get along and live in peace as parting words and they all salute, then the Elder asks to take a picture so they can make a huge statue of you.
  1518. Scathach mumbles something vague about how the place is almost unrecognizable, and then you take off.
  1523. While you leave, Scathach has a monologue where she admits that the island was in fact part of her territory, the Land of Shadows. Specifically, a splintered fragment of the Island of Skye. Although all of the Land of Shadows was engulfed by the destruction of humanity, a fragment of the island broke off somehow. She does not know how it happened, nor how living creature ended up settling there, but it’s a miracle that she somehow washed up in the place.
  1525. In short, the “absent owner” of the place that she kept complaining about was herself.
  1527. Once you leave, the island will be severed form humanity. It’s unknown whether it’ll turn into a paradise or a land of death like the Land of Shadow, but she thinks the piglets will be fine. Just to make sure, she secretly used her runes to make sure the piglets will forget everything you influenced, including their civilization and ability to speak, and eventually return to being simple peaceful animals.
  1529. >Protagonist: “Is that really okay?”
  1530. >Scathach: “…I wonder. This conclusion is difficult for even me to ascertain.”
  1532. Just then, you finally make contact with Roman. He’s relieved to have re-established communications and says he’ll pull you back at once. Mashu asks him how many days it’s been, but he asks her what she means, since it’ sonly been one hour since you lost contact.
  1534. >Scathach: “Fufu, seems Chaldea’s summer is not yet over. Then, let’s have our fill of this summer for a while longer!”
  1536. And so, it all ends. Finally.
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