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Oct 3rd, 2017
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  1. ::----------------------------------::
  2. :: File name: BatchInfo v1.2 ::
  3. :: Coded By: EncephaloN ::
  4. :: E-Mail:
  5. ::----------------------------------::
  7. @echo off
  8. color 0a
  9. title BatchInfo v1.0 By:Fredrik "EncephaloN" Dahl
  10. ::----------------------------------Startpage----------------------------------::
  11. :Menu
  12. cls
  13. echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  14. echo @ @
  15. echo @ Welcome to BatchInfo v1.2 made by EncephaloN @
  16. echo @ @
  17. echo @ This program is here to guide you through the commandprompt @
  18. echo @ @
  19. echo @ Please report bugs n feedback to @
  20. echo @ @
  21. echo @ Copyright © 2011 Fredrik "EncephaloN" Dahl @
  22. echo @ @
  23. echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  24. echo.
  25. echo.
  26. pause
  27. ::----------------------------------Startpage----------------------------------::
  28. cls
  29. echo To get a list of commands press [c]
  30. echo To learn some history of batch press [h]
  31. echo To learn what a batch is press [w]
  32. echo To get to menu press [Menu]
  33. echo For settings type [Settings]
  34. echo Write [exit] to exit.
  35. set /p option=
  36. if %option% == c goto :Commands
  37. if %option% == h goto :History
  38. if %option% == w goto :WiB
  39. if %option% == back goto :choose
  40. if %option% == Menu goto :Menu
  41. if %option% == menu goto :Menu
  42. if %option% == exit goto :exit
  43. if %option% == settings goto :settings
  44. ::----------------------------------Commands----------------------------------::
  45. :Commands
  46. cls
  47. echo net user "account" /add // Adds a new account. Write without the "
  48. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. echo net localgroup administrators "account" /add // Make account admin.
  50. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. echo net user "account" * // Set a new password.
  52. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. echo net user "account" /del // deletes the choosen account.
  54. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. echo tracert // Trace the ip adress through packets.
  56. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. echo ping "ipadress" //Pings the ip written.
  58. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. echo nbtstat -a //show open remote ports.
  60. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. echo netstat -ano //show which ports you are connected to.
  62. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. echo ipconfig //shows your ipadress, dns servers, gateway masks and mre.
  64. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. echo echo // outputs a message to the screen.
  66. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. echo cls // clears the screen of any text.
  68. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. echo pause // doesnt what it says it does, pauses the program.
  70. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. echo.
  72. echo.
  73. echo Go to the menu to exit.
  74. pause>nul
  75. ::----------------------------------Commands----------------------------------::
  76. goto :choose
  77. ::----------------------------------History----------------------------------::
  78. :History
  79. cls
  80. echo As the Windows OS evolved, so did the use of batch files.
  81. echo Long ago, in the early OS versions, batch files were extremely crucial.
  82. echo Early versions of Windows had batch files,
  83. echo that actually made the OS start up properly.
  84. echo Over time, batch files became less useful.
  85. echo Windows could sustain most of its frame without the help of batch files.
  86. echo But in a couple of years, batch files became a source of entertainment. How?
  87. echo Well, some people saw the advantages to batch and it´s endless possibilities.
  88. echo Soon after that a new era was born.
  89. echo People start to make their own batch games, applications, and even simple AVs.
  90. echo The end of the history lesson :D
  91. echo.
  92. echo.
  93. echo Go to the menu to exit.
  94. pause>nul
  95. ::----------------------------------History----------------------------------::
  96. goto :choose
  97. ::----------------------------------Settings----------------------------------::
  98. :settings
  99. cls
  100. echo Select the letter or number corresponding to the background color of choice:
  101. Set /p background=
  102. echo Select the letter or number corresponding to the text color of choice:
  103. Set /p font=
  104. Color %background%%font%
  105. pause<nul
  106. ::----------------------------------Settings----------------------------------::
  107. goto :choose
  108. ::----------------------------------What is batch?----------------------------------::
  109. :WiB
  110. cls
  111. echo Batch is a scripting language. You write a batch file,
  112. echo a compiled text file containing commands that will run in order.
  113. echo The name "Batch" was given to this language,
  114. echo because a batch file contains a bundle or batch of commands.
  115. echo Batch files were made to finish tasks in a short period of time.
  116. echo Batch files also keep your OS working.
  117. echo In every windows OS,
  118. echo there is atleast one batch file that is crucial to your Windows system.
  119. echo.
  120. echo.
  121. echo Go to the menu to exit.
  122. pause>nul
  123. ::----------------------------------What is batch?----------------------------------::
  124. goto :choose
  125. ::----------------------------------Choose-page----------------------------------::
  126. :choose
  127. cls
  128. echo To get a list of commands press [c]
  129. echo To learn some history of batch press [h]
  130. echo To learn what a batch is press [w]
  131. echo To get back to menu write [Menu]
  132. echo For settings type [Settings]
  133. echo Write [exit] to exit.
  134. set /p option=
  135. if %option% == c goto :Commands
  136. if %option% == h goto :History
  137. if %option% == w goto :WiB
  138. if %option% == menu goto :Menu
  139. if %option% == exit goto :exit
  140. if %option% == settings goto :settings
  141. ::----------------------------------Choose-page----------------------------------::
  142. ::----------------------------------Exit-screen----------------------------------::
  143. :exit
  144. cls
  145. echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  146. echo @ @
  147. echo @ You are now leaving @
  148. echo @ @
  149. echo @ BatchInfo v1.2 made by EncephaloN @
  150. echo @ @
  151. echo @ @
  152. echo @ Please report any bugs or give feedback to @
  153. echo @ @
  154. echo @ Copyright © 2011 Fredrik "EncephaloN" Dahl @
  155. echo @ @
  156. echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  157. echo.
  158. echo.
  159. echo.
  160. echo Hope you enjoyed the guide.
  161. echo Thanks to GL1TCH3D for helping me with the settings code.
  162. echo.
  163. echo Please hit enter to exit the program.
  164. pause>nul
  165. exit
  166. ::----------------------------------Exit-screen----------------------------------::
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