
How 2 beat demacia

Mar 17th, 2013
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  1. how 2 beat demashia lulz
  3. English: How to Beat Demacia
  5. So, Demacia has a bunch of bruisers that try to jump on poor Caitlyn or whoever. Oh noes. Then again they're pretty easily beat.
  7. 1. Top Lane
  9. Basically, they only have two -good- top laners: Garen and Xin Zhao. Since we have Rumble, we can just send him top and in a perfect world he'll always win lane. He should buy a revolver and armguard and from there...whatever.
  11. 2. Mid Lane
  13. Since Rumble is top Jayce can be sent mid. Instead of building like a bruiser, he can go "glass cannon"-like. Build every sword in the game(Bloodthister, cleaver, muramana, IE, etc) and poke for 1000s of damage. Jayce also steps on both Lux and Galio, pretty easily. Just be sure to buy wards!
  15. 3. Bottom Lane
  17. Demacia has two short ranged AD carries(Quinn and Vayne). Since they have low AA range it's easier for Blitzcrank to grab them, and Janna can assist in kiting them. Demacia's supports are pretty much Lux and Sona. Lux being support means Galio has to mid, and he doesn't even have Lux's range to survive against Jayce. Sona is a squishy piece of paper and we can probably smack her over the head when she pokes.
  19. As for Piltover's selection, Blitzcrank and Janna are both pretty good picks. Blitzcrank allows more aggressive, all-in play while Janna allows poking and disengagement. As for the AD carry, all three of them murder Quinn/Vayne in a perfect world. Just don't let them get close to you. Caitlyn is good in lane, with high range, though to poke later on she needs to stand still and channel her Q. Ezreal has good poke, and can poke with his ultimate. Corki can also poke with his ultimate, but is also extremely good in close quarters as he can then shred their armor and use his abilities to maximum effectiveness.
  21. 4. The Jungle
  23. Demacia's junglers aren't that great counterjunglers. Shyvana is subpar, so if they pick her enjoy not having to worry that much about ganks, I guess. Vi can easily clear jungle camps and gank lanes that need help, and if brave enough, can probably kill Jarvan/Xin in his own jungle. Maybe.
  25. 5. Gameplay
  27. Basically, everyone should win their lanes or at least not lose. Poke, poke, poke. Push down turrets and group up. Poke. With Jayce being a glass cannon a shock blast should do ridiculous amounts of damage. If they engage on us, then we have Rumble and Blitzcrank/Janna for close quarters fighting. All of our carries also have escapes. We can acceleration gate away while still poking.
  29. After they've spent an hour cowering under their turret, we have Rumble/Vi ultimates or Blitz pulls to engage fights. Hopefully we win, and keep on pushing. Yay.
  31. 6. Things to watch out for:
  33. Late Game Vayne (of course bot lane should beat her)
  34. Late Game Poppy (of course top lane should beat her)
  35. Shurelia's Reverie (we can buy our own, and Jayce has one built in)
  36. Ragequitters ( :( )
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