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Oct 9th, 2019
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  1. // DO NOT TOUCH
  2. if (isNil "useWebConf") then {
  3. useWebConf = false;
  4. };
  5. if (useWebConf) exitWith {};
  7. /*
  8. CONFIG - Thank you Fini for everything, lots of love <3 - Zayne
  9. */
  11. ATP = false; // use anti teleport, might cause logs with special spawn points, etc
  12. DOEF = false; // disable oneachframe and detect (used for esp)
  13. DD3D = false; // disable draw3d (used for esp)
  14. DMSC = false; // disable onmapsingleclick
  15. MCEH = false; // check for mapclick mission eventhandlers
  16. BVC = true; // bad variable check (you gotta put some vars into the list below)
  17. LPC = false; // loot pile check, log if weaponholder has more than 50 items
  18. NGC = false; // no grass check
  19. VDC = false; // view distance check
  20. ALMB = true; // altis life money bait, bait people into changing wrong money var
  21. IAC = false; // infinite ammo check (might require more testing)
  22. GMC = false; // god mode check (uses mphit eh, checks if unit is full hp after being hit)
  23. GMC2 = true; // god mode check mk2 (checks allowDamage, if mission uses it, causes kicks)
  24. DKB = false; // disable keybinds
  25. CWC = true; // check weird chars, only works on players with game set to english language
  26. CSS = false; // check spectate scripts, kick people with camera more than 100m from player obj
  27. SHC = true; // speed hack check (getAnimSpeedCoef)
  28. NFC = false; // no fatigue cheat check
  29. PBO = true; // bad pbo check, pbos loaded from first admin joining, stored in profilenamespace
  30. VAD = false; // virtual arsenal detection, ban if someone is in the virtual arsenal
  31. FLY = false; // fly hack check
  32. PSC = false; // player speed check, if player is speed hacking on foot
  33. DBG = true; // log users debug console data to a file
  34. STW = false; // shooting through walls check
  35. EFEH = false; // check for eachframe missioneventhandlers
  36. EFEH2 = false; // check for stacked eachframe missioneventhandlers
  37. SAIM = true; // silent aim/bullet teleport cheat check
  38. ATH = false; // attached objects check, check if too many or unknown objects are attached
  39. MRK = false; // check map markers for any special markers (local, map esp)
  40. MRK2 = false; // check if player has map markers with players names
  41. DUPE = true; // dupe prevention
  42. LVC = false; // local vehicle check
  43. FFC = false; // fast fire check
  44. FPE = true; // file-patching enabled check
  45. MDEH = true; // check for map esps based on the draw event handler
  46. GRP = false; // group icons check, old ESP scripts from A2 use this
  47. THRM = true; // thermal vision check, disable if server has weapons/vehicles with thermal
  49. NRC = 1; // no recoil check, 0=off, 1=if 0 recoil, 2=fully on
  50. NSC = 0; // no sway check, 0=off, 1=if 0 sway, 2=fully on
  51. LAG = true; // lag switch detection
  52. EXPL = false; // detect if player crouch looks through floors or lean looks through walls, has some problems indoors and shit
  53. RATE = true; // a heartbeat, uses the rating system, do not use if mission uses rating (addRating)
  55. AUTH = false; // force first time players to go on a website to check if they are multiaccounting, easy for players, very much recommended
  57. SRC = false; // experimental scripted be filter check, is not done, do not use
  58. HOOK = false; // hook wiretransfer/etc functions on the client for server checks (<-- compileFinal'd, see for possible fix)
  61. /*
  64. this is an external logging interface that allows other scripts on the server to
  65. utilize the logging dll. The script function is AH_LogInterface with params['log text', 'log file.log'];
  67. example: ["Lannisters jailed innocent people for over 2 hours!", "abuse.log"] call AH_LogInterface;
  68. */
  69. ELI = true;
  71. // expose the read-only level of the admin to external scripts
  72. // example: call AH_AdminLevel // 0 = sadmin, > 1 other levels
  73. EAL = true;
  75. LPD = false; // log player deaths (eg. weapon, cash, vehicle, etc)
  76. adminChat = false; // log admin actions in the chat for everyone (god mode, esp, etc)
  78. // what to do when detection occurs, 0 = only log, 1 = kick/ban if AH bypass is detected, 2 = kick/ban if cheat is "confirmed", 3 = always kick/ban, recommended: 1 or 2
  79. detectionMode = 1;
  80. DELAY = true; // delay kicks by 5-15 minutes, so cheater doesn't know what is detected, very much recommended
  83. debugInfo = true; // extra info in the rpt log
  84. testMode = false; // this is test mode, do not use, enables experimental features which are broken
  85. silentMode = false; // silent mode, don't how any messages in chat etc for normal players
  87. clearPbos = true; // clear the pbos from the profilenamespace, enable this for one restart when you update the modpack
  89. serverPrefix = "Vanguard Gaming"; // prefix for all the messages in the antihack
  91. messageFunction = {[(_this select 0),"red"] call DT_fnc_notify;}; // function to use (normally use systemChat but not available on some servers), msg is "_this select 0"
  92. // these found in any display will ban, might also use script commands to detect executor dialogs
  93. badDisplayStrs = ["no Fatigue", "pesp box", "god mode","godmode","player esp","player visual","nuke", "remote ex","kill all","bullet storm","no recoil","test re","init re","spoody","devsec","bantah","no grass","map tp","add money","everyone", "call compile", "finddisplay", "aim assist", "ctrltext", " compile ", "|exe|cute|"]; // VERY POWERFUL, PLEASE USE
  95. badActions = ["delete", "destroy", "bomb", "god", "esp", "kill", "teleport", "onmapsingleclick"]; // any action containing these will trigger a ban
  97. // all the objects that can be attached to players
  98. attachableObjects = ["Land_Can_V3_F","Land_ClutterCutter_small_F","Land_Razorwire_F","The_Programmer_Iphone_Model","Land_BarGate_F","RoadCone_F","RoadBarrier_small_F",
  99. "Land_PlasticBarrier_03_F","TapeSign_F","ArrowDesk_L_F","ArrowDesk_R_F","ArrowMarker_R_F","ArrowMarker_L_F","Land_PortableLight_single_f","Land_PortableLight_double_f",
  100. "#particlesource", "B_supplyCrate_F", "Land_PortableLight_double_F", "C_man_1"];
  102. badChatText = [["/exec", "ban"]];
  104. badDisplays = [-1338,-1337,17,19,30,32,45,56,59,62,64,69,71,110,125,132,155,156,162,165,166,167,1320,1321,2727,2928,2929,3030,316000,9899,0110];
  106. // displays ignored by display string detection, AAN news announcement and default display, if array, idd:idc
  107. whitelistedDisplays = [];
  109. // keys that are whitelisted for dialog check
  110. whitelistedKeys = [];
  111. correctViewDistance = 1600; // what users max view distance should be (VDC must be true for this)
  113. moneyLogLimit = 50000; // if more than this is gained in a few secs, then log (0 = disabled)
  114. longMoneyLogLimit = 100000; // if more than this is gained in the last hour, then log (0 = disabled)
  116. fastFireTime = 0.015; // time between shots, this works for all default guns, lower is there are false positivies
  118. _alMoneyVar = "cash"; // requires ALMB to be true, cannot use life_cash
  119. _alBankVar = "bank";
  122. // revive variable for admin menu revives, default: life_fnc_revived
  123. altisLifeVariables = [
  124. "DT_fnc_revived", // life_fnc_revived
  125. "DT_fnc_restrain", // life_fnc_restrain
  126. "DT_fnc_arrestPlayer", // life_fnc_jailSys
  127. "DT_fnc_initATM", // life_fnc_atmMenu
  128. "DT_fnc_lockSwitch", // life_fnc_lockVehicle
  129. "ALSG_fnc_clearVehicleAmmo" // life_fnc_clearVehicleAmmo
  130. ];
  132. // anti-tp whitelisted positions
  133. atpWhitelists = [];
  135. // allowed mp interrupt children
  136. mpInterruptWhiteList = ["ueberschrift_mod", "ESC_Timer", "info_gespeichert", "info_creadores", "cba_help_credits", "CBA_Credits_Cont_C"];
  138. atmObjs = ["TR8_ATM"]; // if the player is near these, cash log is disabled
  140. // whitelist for suspicous markers (uses find so part of the name is enough)
  141. mapMarkersWhiteList = [];
  143. // peeps with these weapons (classnames) will be kicked
  144. badWeapons = [];
  146. // peeps in these vehicles (classnames) will be kicked
  147. badVehicles = [];
  149. // self explanatory
  150. badVars = ["MavPlaysMinecraftISwear", "WookieESP", "andy_healall", "targetplayer", "selWeapon", "PrintyBoiSaysHelloToEveryoneAtInfiStar_TextBox", "ChangeTheVariable3",
  151. "wordAroundTheOfficeIs_YouveGotaPhatCock_GetTheSucc", "fuuunnsnsnns", "getPrintedSlaved", "adminVarName", "hidemenu", "ExileClientPlayerIsOverburdened", "goodmemes"];
  153. //displays to check, format: idd, no buttons, bad ctrlTypes (arr), max ctrls, min controls (THIS IS QUITE POWERFUL, PLEASE USE)
  154. badCtrls = [[24, true, [3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 100], 3, 0], [602, true, [2, 3, 9, 12, 100], 100, 20], [12, false, [7, 12], 150, 75], [999, true, [4, 1, 2], 505, 0],[49, false, [3, 4, 5, 12, 100], 105, 10]];
  156. // shitty name, format: ctrlType, max amount, max length, whitelist (array)
  157. ctrlLimits = [[5, 4, 20,[4,602,70,8005001]],[1, 6, 0, [49, 602]]];
  159. // lowest ones at the top, the perms stack from top to bottom (eg. if first one has X then the second one has X too)
  160. /*
  161. Basic Rundown of Panel Powers
  162. -----------------------------------------
  163. Lewis: Free Cam, Self Disconnect
  164. Cole: Free Cam, Self Disconnect, View Hacker Logs
  165. Admins: Free Cam, Self Disconnect, View Hacker Logs, Spectate
  166. Senior Admins: All of the above + Invis, View Admin Logs, Restrain/Unrestrain, Teleports, Freeze/Unfreeze
  167. Head Admins/Staff Manager: All of the above + Ban/Kick, Map TP, Day/Night, Jail/Free, Kill, Heal, Revive, God Mode/Vehicle God Mode
  168. Wolfie/John/Dom - Everything
  169. */
  170. _adminBois = [
  171. [
  172. ["76561198009978959"], // Lewis & Cole
  173. ['View Hacker Logs','View Players','Sort Player by Name','Disable Announcements','Self Disconnect','Free Cam']
  174. ],
  175. /*
  176. [
  177. ["0"], //Cole
  178. ['View Hacker Logs']
  179. ],*/
  180. [
  181. ["76561198009880911"], // Admin
  182. ['Spectate']
  183. ],
  184. [
  185. ["76561198080306008","76561198021137363"], // Senior Admin
  186. ['Stealth mode','View Admin Logs','Restrain','Unrestrain','Teleport target to me','Move target into your vehicle','Teleport to','Move into target vehicle','Freeze','Unfreeze']
  187. ],
  188. [
  189. ["76561198105905115","76561198376183384"], // Head Admin/Staff Manager
  190. ['Ban','Map Teleport','Day Time (Global)','Night Time (Global)','Jail','Free','Kill','Kick','Revive','God Mode','Vehicle God Mode','Heal']
  191. ]
  192. ];
  193. _sadmins = ["76561198090083094", "76561198282014773","76561198071007604","76561198207258127","76561198074357023"]; // Wolfie, John, Dom
  195. // these admins will start as normal players until they press the admin login key
  196. _normalAdmins = ["76561198021137363","76561198080306008"];
  198. // key normal admins use to login to the admin panel (201 = page up)
  199. adminLoginKey = 201;
  201. // announce admins logging in to all players in the chat
  202. adminLoginAnnounce = true;
  204. _serverCmdPassword = "A3VG6LT8cvEh";
  206. // what to do when a global banned person joins (none/log/kick/ban) checks for fini globals, infishit, kfc (a2) and ws
  207. _onGlobalBans = [["fini", "log"], ["infi", "log"], ["kfc", "log"], ["ws", "log"]];
  208. _onInfiBan = "log";
  209. _infiBanWhite = []; // uids that bypass infistar global ban check
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