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Sep 24th, 2017
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  1. ---Introduction---
  2. :The place
  3. Project 'AXOMOR' has it's source on Jarngard, a now-rogue planet dwelling somewhere in the darkness of space. This cold and snow-clad planet was once home to a population of human and apex colonists. Rich in minerals (especially iron, thus the name) it provided its delvers with abundant amounts of everything but organic resources like wood, fabric (yes, they had 'metal clothes') and food (which effectively slowed down. This made imported goods exceptionally expensive, especially in the first decades.
  5. :The time
  6. The single colony has spread throughout the landscape, connected by underground systems. Its people were no longer striving but thriving, stepping into the tertiary sector of the economy - the services.
  8. ---Description---
  9. :The origin
  10. A group of local professional scientists got together and worked for months to create a merge between the races of human and apex. They managed to combine the mental capabilities of a superior apex mind with physical attributes of a human. The purpose of this was to make species that are boosted in means of intellectual efforts while avoiding physical inconveniences of apex.
  12. :AXioma hOMo sapientiOR
  13. While the project was generally successful, there is a critical obstacle - Axomors are compatible with apex and humans only on a few, different levels. An axomor cannot be bred with anything but another axomor, may accept only human transplants (which exception of blood. Axomor can not only accept any (compatible) type of human blood but also sometimes appropriate apex blood). While lacking any reduntant fur their hair was altered; it is usually messy, chaotic, light and slow-growing, though durable and dense. Other attributes remain the same (except better brains obviously, duh) and there are no instabilities whatsoever except with the potential minor incompabilities with certain race-oriented substances. Outside of this axomor don't posses any abilities, especially supernatural. And no, they are not crazy about bananas.
  15. :The Future
  16. Jarngard has faced some serious issues (like the planet becoming a rogue planet) that caused the colony system cease to function (I'm not going to include any unnnecessary lore details in here for the sake of my character development) nearly immediately after the project succeeded that led to disappearance of potentially the whole population. Due to the isolation, the fact that it wasn't too revolutionary and mainly thanks to the small amount of time before the 'disaster' the project was not considered a global breakthrough of any kind and remained unheard of. For now it seems that the future of axomor lies in the hands of a not-so-tall individual that is one of their kind - a woman that goes by a nickname of 'Misery'.
  18. ---Summary---
  19. :The comments
  20. I am willing to provide more lore or make changes to the application if that's required. I'm writing this application with intent to create more RP opportunities and bring a potentially bring a rich story to the Frontier setting; I am fully aware of the fact that RP is not meant to be competetive. I apologize for any mistakes of grammatical nature; I am not a native English speaker.
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