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Jun 30th, 2018
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  1. Below is a list of all signed up participants and the 8 girls that are generated from their User ID
  2. Pick any combination of 4 girls from the 8 girls listed next to your name to draw
  3. - You may genderswap them into a prince if you want!
  4. - You can draw them in any style you prefer, but they must be colored and evidently drawn to the best of your ability! (as in, halfass this and you’ll be summoned before the tribunal, you have 8 weeks!)
  6. Please consult the image guide to confirm your selection (and to check what you're basing your drawing off if you don't know what type of creature a certain princess/prince is)
  8. Image guide:
  9. Mirror:
  10. Will also attach the image to this post in the latest DAD thread.
  12. List Format:
  13. username last-two-digits (original User ID) - <4 girls from last-two-digits>, [flipped last-two-digits] <4 girls from flipped last-two-digits>
  15. silvemis 76 - Dog, Symbiote, Despot, Swarm, [67] Plant, Kitsune, Lich, Trash
  16. mrpurin 74 (174) - Djinn, Sorceress, Aztec, Spellweaver, [47] Centaur, Mantis, Redcap, Oni
  17. kringlefkr 81 (181) - Eldritch, Twilight Elf, Pixie, Dragon 1, [18] Insect, Gazer, Stygian, Orphan
  18. Okayu 24 - Mermaid, Hermit, Bugbear, Gnome 1, [42] Assassin & Ninja, Gnome 2, Radiant, Nun
  19. tabascoshrimp 58 - Monkey, Mushroom, Wisp, Culler, [85] Imp, Whale, Prismatic, Dragon 3
  20. Beanhead 75 (175) - Djinn, Sorceress, Aztec, Spellweaver, [57] Merchant, Flumph, Tiki, Aasimar
  21. meru 59 - Monkey, Mushroom, Wisp, Culler, [95] Mouse, Clown, Pegasus, Drake
  22. st*rs 07 (7) - Dwarf 1 & 2, Vampire, Kobold 2, Lotan, [70] Zombie, Octopus, Hag, Modron
  23. psiekier 90 (190) Lamia, Chicken, Farmer, Wyvern, [09] Ghost, Yeti, Leech, Lampad
  24. reav 38 (338) Arcane, Selkie, Paladin, Cat 2, [83] Satyr, Unicorn, Oracle, Dragon 2
  25. Brother-kun 08 (208) - Ghost, Yeti, Leech, Lampad, [80] Eldritch, Twilight Elf, Pixie, Dragon 1
  26. potatoes_spaghetti 69 - Witch, Mummy, Ghoul, Saurian, [96] Rabbit, Day Elf, Changeling, Half-Dragon
  27. bento 26 - Mimic, Lycan, Dinosaur, Rust, [62] Ogre, Glass, Gambler, Mimic 2
  28. Finlay 04 (104) - Drider, Triclops, Huldra, Squid, [40] Crest & Armor & Dullahan, Snake, Panda, Twin
  29. bandit 93 - Moth, Cloud, Triton, Jabberwock, [39] Arcane, Selkie, Paladin, Cat 2
  30. Kirikae 04 (4) - Drider, Triclops, Huldra, Squid, [40] Crest & Armor & Dullahan, Snake, Panda, Twin
  31. Thaane 27 (327) - Mimic, Lycan, Dinosaur, Rust, [72] Crystal, Phoenix, Kirin, Shard
  32. elliot 28 (328) - Orc, Manticore, Firework, GM & Book, [82] Satyr, Unicorn, Oracle, Dragon 2
  33. tipsypaipai 83 (283) - Satyr, Unicorn, Oracle, Dragon 2, [38] Arcane, Selkie, Paladin, Cat 2
  34. leech 74 - Djinn, Sorceress, Aztec, Spellweaver, [47] Centaur, Mantis, Redcap, Oni
  35. Srion 61 - Nomad, Giantess, Cave, Devil, [16] Human, Gator, Scorpion, Candy
  36. lilramune 27 - Mimic, Lycan, Dinosaur, Rust, [72] Crystal, Phoenix, Kirin, Shard
  37. nka 28 - Orc, Manticore, Firework, GM & Book, [82] Satyr, Unicorn, Oracle, Dragon 2
  38. Pihori 36 - Angel, Savage, Night Elf, Pumpkin, [63] Ogre, Glass, Gambler, Mimic 2
  39. gottagitgud 15 - Harpy, Cyclops, Pistolero, Flame, [51] Fairy, Edgy, Scylla, Lion
  40. Frog 07 (307) - Dwarf 1 & 2, Vampire, Kobold 2, Lotan, [70] Zombie, Octopus, Hag, Modron
  41. poloski 05 (305) - Drider, Triclops, Huldra, Squid, [50] Fairy, Edgy, Scylla, Lion
  42. leo 12 - Golem, Crustacean, Merchant 2, Shadow, [21] Knight, Gnoll, Troll, Gargoyle
  43. trenchskulker 41 (341) - Crest & Armor & Dullahan, Snake, Panda, Twin, [14] Harpy, Cyclops, Pistolero, Flame
  44. theritz 01 (201) - Amazon, Sphinx, Dwarf 3, Merrow, [10] Goblin, Chimera, Lillend, Demon
  45. Dataizm 29 (129) - Orc, Manticore, Firework, GM & Book, [92] Moth, Cloud, Triton, Jabberwock
  46. bunnyburger 30 - Skeleton, Mask, Fudge, Kaiju, [03] Field/Boy, Sword, Filth, Shark
  47. Clover 80 (280) - Eldritch, Twilight Elf, Pixie, Dragon 1, [08] Ghost, Yeti, Leech, Lampad
  48. Ornitorrinco 43 - Assassin & Ninja, Gnome 2, Radiant, Nun, [34] Succubus, Faun, Jotun, Hare
  49. professorSugoi 40 - Crest & Armor & Dullahan, Snake, Panda, Twin, [04] Drider, Triclops, Huldra, Squid
  50. fujo 92 (192) - Moth, Cloud, Triton, Jabberwock, [29] Orc, Manticore, Firework, GM & Book
  51. nicnac 01 (1) - Amazon, Sphinx, Dwarf 3, Merrow, [10] Goblin, Chimera, Lillend, Demon
  52. Naf 53 - Frog, Evil, Tengu, Raptor, [35] Succubus, Faun, Jotun, Hare
  53. Aggretsuko 43 (243) - Assassin & Ninja, Gnome 2, Radiant, Nun, [34] Succubus, Faun, Jotun, Hare
  54. VuSta 99 - Raider, Dream, Buffalo, Serpent, [01] Amazon, Sphinx, Dwarf 3, Merrow
  55. Femmipoo 09 (9) - Ghost, Yeti, Leech, Lampad, [90] Lamia, Chicken, Farmer, Wyvern
  56. j 20 (320) - Knight, Gnoll, Troll, Gargoyle, [02] Amazon, Sphinx, Dwarf 3, Merrow
  57. Agent 33 (133) - Slime, Minotaur, Homunculus, Bear, [35] Succubus, Faun, Jotun, Hare
  58. kuuhaku 69 (269) - Witch, Mummy, Ghoul, Saurian, [96] Rabbit, Day Elf, Changeling, Half-Dragon
  59. Menes 34 - Succubus, Faun, Jotun, Hare, [43] Assassin & Ninja, Gnome 2, Radiant, Nun
  60. porocora 87 (287) - Holstaur, Alien, Tarrasque, Dragon 4, [78] Dusk Elf, Thief, Dryad, Genasi
  61. Whizzard 19 - Insect, Gazer, Stygian, Orphan, [91] Lamia, Chicken, Farmer, Wyvern
  62. dattab 29 (329) - Orc, Manticore, Firework, GM & Book, [92] Moth, Cloud, Triton, Jabberwock
  63. plazi 43 (343) - Assassin & Ninja, Gnome 2, Radiant, Nun, [34] Succubus, Faun, Jotun, Hare
  64. Dasani 22 (122) - Kobold, Gryphon, Wrestler, Dodo, [24] Mermaid, Hermit, Bugbear, Gnome 1
  65. Redwoody 45 (345) - Cat, Halfling, Rat, Hood, [54] Gorgon, Flayer, Water, Tiefling
  66. lolbuns 23 (123) - Kobold, Gryphon, Wrestler, Dodo, [32] Slime, Minotaur, Homunculus, Bear
  67. The MewMew 52 (352) - Frog, Evil, Tengu, Raptor, [25] Mermaid, Hermit, Bugbear, Gnome 1
  68. Aruvee 52 - Frog, Evil, Tengu, Raptor, [25] Mermaid, Hermit, Bugbear, Gnome 1
  69. manadabes 57 - Merchant, Flumph, Tiki, Aasimar, [75] Djinn, Sorceress, Aztec, Spellweaver
  70. Pawn 67 - Plant, Kitsune, Lich, Trash, [76] Dog, Symbiote, Despot, Swarm
  71. Feilereht 05 (405) - Drider, Triclops, Huldra, Squid, [50] Fairy, Edgy, Scylla, Lion
  72. you 13 (413)- Golem, Crustacean, Merchant 2, Shadow, [31] Skeleton, Mask, Fudge, Kaiju
  73. JoeRiteback` 53 (353) - Frog, Evil, Tengu, Raptor, [35] Succubus, Faun, Jotun, Hare
  74. Eddin 09 (409) - Ghost, Yeti, Leech, Lampad, [90] Lamia, Chicken, Farmer, Wyvern
  75. mercy 50 (350) - Fairy, Edgy, Scylla, Lion, [05] Drider, Triclops, Huldra, Squid
  76. nemori 70 - Zombie, Octopus, Hag, Modron, [07] Dwarf 1 & 2, Vampire, Kobold 2, Lotan
  77. Axalalal 27 (272) - Mimic, Lycan, Dinosaur, Rust, [72] Crystal, Phoenix, Kirin, Shard
  79. The users whose last-two-digits were dubs added 2 instead of flipping for their 2nd selection of 4 girls:
  80. VuSta 99 (99) became 01
  81. Agent 33 (133) became 35
  82. Dasani 22 (122) became 24
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