

Apr 27th, 2018
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  1. 10:34 - Rook Sha: What did you think of the system I used for combat earlier? Any questions or anything?
  2. 10:35 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  3. 10:36 - Garry: Seemed alright
  4. 10:36 - Garry: but I'd prefer you post who's turn it is in OOC and then post when specific round is over
  5. 10:37 - Garry: Kinda odd how Osprey managed to outrun us after jumping out of second story in his exo and with machine gun
  6. 10:37 - Rook Sha: Fair, as for who's turn it is I went to each person to inform them it was their turn and kept a constant rotation to ensure no-one had any advantage that wasn't earned. For a turn being over I will start stating that
  7. 10:38 - Garry: posting who's turn it is publicly keeps me informed that something's unfolding and I dont have a brain fart from 0 stimulation
  8. 10:38 - Rook Sha: Yeah it was. When I started having distances accounted for each turn he wasn't at advantage regarding that anymore and I'll keep that in mind in future. If it wasn't for his forces at the base you would have gotten him
  9. 10:39 - Garry: well, at least they lost more dudes
  10. 10:39 - Garry: and I got to test out the MG in a safe environment
  11. 10:39 - Rook Sha: I'll do that. I'll perfect the system but overall it allows for shit to be fair and it's easier to keep track of
  12. 10:39 - Garry: Yeah, it's alright, I prefer it over what others have.
  13. 10:39 - Garry: tbh, I'm gonna swap to FAL because arguing over MG's accuracy every time I want to shoot a dude is counter-productive.
  14. 10:40 - Rook Sha: There's no minge running away and there's no bullshit. I'll write over a guide so other admins/GMs can use it too
  15. 10:40 - Garry: Yeah, a guide is needed
  16. 10:40 - Garry: no idea if they'll bother to follow it
  17. 10:40 - Garry: nobody seems to care about Taylor's
  18. 10:41 - Rook Sha: It's namely the dp-28, it's an old rifle meant for suppression. If you have a pkm/pkp it'd be a lot more accurate, and an exo means that you can basically have no sway when aiming
  19. 10:41 - Garry: lemme tell ya my dude
  20. 10:41 - Garry: DP-28 is definitely not for suppression
  21. 10:41 - Rook Sha: I'll standardise it. Minimises bias
  22. 10:41 - Garry: with 48 round mag the size of your face, you dont carry much ammo
  23. 10:42 - Rook Sha: Hmm. Ill do some research on it. If you can find anything relevant send it my way and I'll keep it in mind
  24. 10:43 - Garry: It's scientifically and historically proven that a machine gun is any unit's primary killer as it 1) Uses powerful round that travels far 2) Has great firepower. Wehrmacht's unit was completely built around MG38 and MG42, nazis with rifles were there to pin the baddy. Same with the soviets
  25. 10:43 - Garry: if such weapon can't hit a standing target 200 meters away, it's utterly useless.
  26. 10:45 - Rook Sha: I see your point. If you can find something to back that up it'd help
  27. 10:44 - Rook Sha is now Away.
  28. 10:45 - Garry: yeah I got a vid just gonna drop it to you
  29. 10:45 - Garry:
  30. 10:48 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  31. 10:48 - Rook Sha: Is there anything specifically on the effectiveness of the DP?
  32. 10:48 - Rook Sha is now Away.
  33. 10:50 - Garry:
  34. 10:51 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  35. 10:51 - Garry: Firing at 100 yards, accuracy was excellent, with most groups running in the 3½-inch range, slightly high and to the right. That’s about as good as I can do with any iron-sighted gun.
  37. Read more:
  38. 10:51 - Rook Sha is now Away.
  39. 10:51 - Garry: IRL, most firearms shoot straighter than the shooter can. In vice grip, no combat-ready firearm will have MOA under 3-4.
  40. 10:52 - Garry: in comparison M4 has MOA of 2-3 at 100, with AK74 having 3
  41. 10:52 - Garry: After that, functioning was 100 percent. The DP-28 is simply a real joy to fire and extremely accurate.
  42. 10:54 - Garry:
  43. 10:54 - Garry: It was reliable, efficient, accurate and durable. It could be manhandled and still work like new. It could endure freezing temperatures and continue to lay down fire. It was the DP-28 – the Pulemyot Degtyaryova Pekhotny (Degtyaryov’s infantry machine gun).
  44. 10:54 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  45. 10:55 - Rook Sha: From what I read, the bipod is trash and sustained fire would ruin the spring which was below the barrel
  46. 10:55 - Rook Sha: It was prone to overheating with sustained fire
  47. 10:55 - Rook Sha: But I'll read those too
  48. 10:55 - Rook Sha is now Away.
  49. 10:55 - Garry: good thing I did not use bipod, nor did I fire beyond 2round burst
  50. 10:55 - Garry: the spring issue was fixed by WW2
  51. 10:56 - Garry: so was bipod
  52. 10:56 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  53. 10:56 - Rook Sha: Can't find anything on that
  54. 10:56 - Rook Sha is now Away.
  55. 10:57 - Garry: DPM, modernized version adopted in 1943–44, with a more robust bipod fastened to the cooling jacket and the recoil spring housed in a tube projecting from the rear of the receiver which necessitated a pistol grip for this model of the weapon (manufactured in China as the Type 53)
  56. 10:57 - Garry:
  57. 10:57 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  58. 10:58 - Rook Sha: You specifically have a DP-28 or 27 tho, yes?
  59. 10:58 - Rook Sha: Not a DPM
  60. 10:58 - Rook Sha is now Away.
  61. 10:58 - Garry: Maybe, maybe not
  62. 10:58 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  63. 10:58 - Garry: in the end, none of DP27's downsides came into equation during the fight
  64. 10:58 - Rook Sha: What's the script say?
  65. 10:58 - Garry: DP28
  66. 10:59 - Rook Sha: They didn't, which is why your weapon was never said to have broken or overheated
  67. 10:59 - Rook Sha is now Away.
  68. 10:59 - Garry: Well, thought we were talking accuracy here.
  69. 10:59 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  70. 10:59 - Rook Sha: True. I'm still watching the first video
  71. 10:59 - Rook Sha is now Away.
  72. 11:01 - Garry: tbh thought the whole "MGs are full auto heavy ass rifles that can whistand sustained fire", that's why everyone was fine with osprey going /me shoots 15 times into you, all shots land
  73. 11:01 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  74. 11:01 - Garry: was understood*
  75. 11:02 - Rook Sha: He has a m249 and an exoskeleton
  76. 11:02 - Rook Sha: Also all his hits didn't land
  77. 11:02 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  78. 11:03 - Rook Sha: You also had a chance to shoot at him again after your rounds deflecting before moving back into cover
  79. 11:03 - Rook Sha: Before he moved into cover*
  80. 11:03 - Garry: Well, M249's effective range is about 800, equal to that of DP28
  81. 11:03 - Garry: granted it has less recoil due to weaker round
  82. 11:04 - Garry: and not specifically this fight
  83. 11:04 - Garry: previous ones
  84. 11:04 - Rook Sha: Zippy was told that ospreys shots were to suppress and probably wouldn't land, maybe one would, he chose to take the hits he sustained
  85. 11:04 - Garry: i see
  86. 11:04 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  87. 11:05 - Rook Sha: Probably cause he acknowledged I wasn't going to allow either side to game the system, osprey had to wait for everyone's turn to pass before going into cover as he still would have been in your LOS during that turn
  88. 11:05 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  89. 11:06 - Garry: were you going by Osprey's system of exo whistanding 2 7.62x54R shots, or was the effect reduced because I targetted the back plate?
  90. 11:06 - Rook Sha: Because you shot at his back plate, if you had landed shots in his limbs, front or side they would have gotten him
  91. 11:07 - Garry: No I am asking specifically if hitting the back plate meant that he had extra protection beyond exosuit's armor
  92. 11:07 - Rook Sha: They deflected due to the back unit, which is probably the heaviest and most armoured part of the eco
  93. 11:07 - Rook Sha: Exo
  94. 11:07 - Rook Sha: It was also due to the angle
  95. 11:07 - Garry: that's what I mean when they don't care about Taylor's guide.
  96. 11:07 - Rook Sha: As you were to his back right from where he was facing
  97. 11:07 - Garry: he specifically simplified it to use in combat because most of the admin team understands nothing of ballistics
  98. 11:08 - Rook Sha: Zippy heard me discuss this
  99. 11:08 - Garry: That's great, but that's still not part of Taylor's guide.
  100. 11:08 - Rook Sha: Again, they deflected due to the angle. I understand ballistics enough that taking a round straight on isn't the same as taking a round at a 45* or greater angle
  101. 11:09 - Rook Sha: The backpack has a slim profile, probably why it covers so much of the back and why it's not just a big box
  102. 11:09 - Garry: I understand it as such, Taylor outlined that an exo can only take 2 7.62x54r shots into torso. He specifically said, model considerations are not taken into account to simplify it.
  103. 11:10 - Garry: I abide by this, that's why I never claim that my Stingray 9 protects shoulders at level 3 thanks to body armor spread.
  104. 11:10 - Rook Sha: Then I'll discuss that with him. I didn't know that was part of it
  105. 11:10 - Garry: I'd find it unfair if Osprey tanked more than 2 shots outlined in the guide.
  106. 11:10 - Garry: I mean, yeah, otherwise exo's chest would be most protected while guts are exposed due to retarded heroic-vest model.
  107. 11:11 - Rook Sha: But the exo backpack is solid af. I would expect it to be designed as such so that in situations like that rounds would deflect
  108. 11:11 - Garry: That would make sense if the backplate had battery inside
  109. 11:11 - Garry: since it does not, it serves no purpose and thus needs no additional armoring
  110. 11:11 - Garry: Note: This describes where armor is and what level it is at. These regions can be generalized and being super specific about what's on the model and not is not necessary.
  111. 11:11 - Rook Sha: I'll ask nasca
  112. 11:11 - Garry: dont ask nasca, read Taylor's armor guide
  113. 11:11 - Garry: he worked on this bitch
  114. 11:11 - Garry: he put in effort
  115. 11:12 - Rook Sha: I'm asking nasca about what's in it specifically cause I forget
  116. 11:12 - Rook Sha: Nasca knows more about the suits than just about anyone
  117. 11:12 - Rook Sha: I'll speak with both of them regarding this
  118. 11:13 - Garry: Don't bother writing the guide I guess, nobody will read it just like nobody reads Taylor's, even when prompted. Effort wasted.
  119. 11:13 - Garry: Nobody reads my guide too
  120. 11:13 - Garry: HELL
  121. 11:13 - Rook Sha: Taylor's new guide also doesn't state much but penetration yes/no and vaguely what kind of injury you will sustain
  122. 11:13 - Garry: Nobody reads suit lore guide either
  123. 11:14 - Rook Sha: I did read the guide
  124. 11:14 - Garry: My guide supplement's taylor's in that regard
  125. 11:14 - Rook Sha: I didn't see that part of it, yes
  126. 11:14 - Garry: he'll implement it soon into his
  127. 11:14 - Garry:
  128. 11:14 - Garry: Here you go
  129. 11:14 - Garry: People asked me for solution, got it.
  130. 11:15 - Rook Sha: There's no need to sperg out about it. If you want to do that I can bitch to you about how you got a sphere-12 from goose's x9 event despite it not being in his loot list for his proposal
  131. 11:15 - Garry: I am not bitching, why you assume that is beyond me.
  132. 11:15 - Rook Sha: So why bother having event proposals if GMs can asspull rewards for their buddies
  133. 11:15 - Garry: or sperging.
  134. 11:15 - Garry: Now that's just malicious talk, it was lying out in the open, plain for everyone to see
  135. 11:16 - Garry: to imply that he dropped it just for me, where nobody could see or access it, is just unfair both to me and goose.
  136. 11:16 - Rook Sha: Malicious how?
  137. 11:16 - Garry: That Goose is somehow corrupt, dropping script items for his buddies.
  138. 11:16 - Rook Sha: Why else add something mid event or just before it starts
  139. 11:16 - Garry: It was for everyone on the job.
  140. 11:17 - Rook Sha: He prepares this event, then just before or during decides "you know this needs a sphere-12"
  141. 11:17 - Garry: That's up to him to decide that
  142. 11:17 - Rook Sha: Then they make the event easier cause of how long it takes and people drop off
  143. 11:17 - Garry: but the reason is definitely not to make me richer specifically
  144. 11:17 - Rook Sha: Further narrowing who would get it
  145. 11:17 - Rook Sha: It wasn't up to him.
  146. 11:17 - Rook Sha: Event proposals are there for a reason
  147. 11:17 - Garry: You know that's extremely convoluted way to give me a Sphere 12 when he could just sell it to me as a tech
  148. 11:17 - Rook Sha: If we have a loot list in the event proposal, then you must follow what is approved
  149. 11:18 - Rook Sha: He can't make sphere-12's
  150. 11:18 - Garry: No idea why he added it, but to say he was corruptly supplying me with free shit is a stretch and an attack.
  151. 11:18 - Rook Sha: And if he thinks he can, he's sorely mistaken
  152. 11:18 - Rook Sha: An attack. Really?
  153. 11:18 - Rook Sha: That's rich dude
  154. 11:18 - Garry: i mean, you're saying we're colluding behind the scenes just to script play
  155. 11:19 - Rook Sha: I'm saying why add it. Why bother with tier lists for events
  156. 11:19 - Garry: No idea, but it was not related to me.
  157. 11:19 - Garry: and yes, he can sell Sphere-12s just like how he can sell NVG goggle script items
  158. 11:19 - Garry: that's tech system
  159. 11:19 - Garry: he's high tier enough for that, with suit spec
  160. 11:20 - Rook Sha: He cannot sell spheres, they are almost entirely owned by the military. He can't just make them
  161. 11:20 - Garry: He doesnt make them, he buys them, from the menu
  162. 11:20 - Garry: aka contacts IC
  163. 11:20 - Garry: same place traders buy berills and AN94s
  164. 11:20 - Garry: Tech have limited stock of helmets, NVG goggles and gas masks for sale.
  165. 11:21 - Rook Sha: I'll talk to nasca about that but it's hard to believe a tech can asspull the best helmet available
  166. 11:21 - Garry: well it's apparently not hard to believe when it's attached to Berill or RS-3a
  167. 11:21 - Garry: again, dont talk to Nasca about it, talk to Taylor.
  168. 11:21 - Rook Sha: RS-3a has a steel helmet
  169. 11:21 - Garry: ah ah ah
  170. 11:21 - Garry: RS-2 has steel helmet
  171. 11:21 - Garry: RS-3a has upgraded out the ass level 3 helmet
  172. 11:21 - Garry: compared to script item's level 2
  173. 11:22 - Rook Sha: Berill has a sphere 8, and you can't asspull those either
  174. 11:21 - Garry: You can, you literally can as long as you're a tech
  175. 11:22 - Rook Sha: The cs-3 has one, yes
  176. 11:22 - Garry: The time of "you gotta suck a gajillion dicks" for sunset is over
  177. 11:22 - Rook Sha: But the rs suits are cheap knock offs
  178. 11:22 - Rook Sha: Suck a gajillion dicks lol
  179. 11:22 - Garry: The only difference between CS and RS series is that RS series is heavier and has less anomalous protection
  180. 11:22 - Rook Sha: You mean put in some effort?
  181. 11:22 - Rook Sha is now Away.
  182. 11:22 - Garry: Yeah, it's really obnoxious to hound a simple helmet across the zone just to get the loner combat suit
  183. 11:23 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  184. 11:23 - Garry: it was dealt away with, now you can just buy sunset suits
  185. 11:23 - Garry: any trader of high enough tier provides.
  186. 11:23 - Garry: that's the idea, you know. Tiers represent trader connections and specializations
  187. 11:23 - Rook Sha: It's stupid tbh, it's just economy swelling garbage
  188. 11:24 - Rook Sha: Sunsets were meant from the start to be scavenged suits that you earn
  189. 11:24 - Garry: well, feel free to bring it up at the admin meeting, but don't go ahead and enforce your believes against server's policies.
  190. 11:24 - Rook Sha: It's not my beliefs, I was in the lore team meeting when we all agreed this
  191. 11:24 - Garry: Well, it's all gone, man
  192. 11:24 - Garry: Vaska bought his at a trader
  193. 11:25 - Rook Sha: And? Doesn't mean it's not retarded
  194. 11:25 - Garry: And RS-3's description indicates that it's heavier and has less anomalous protection than CS-3
  195. 11:25 - Garry: Aaaand, it's for a reason that admin team decides one thing or another, and the last thing I want is for you to sweep in and claim my RS-3a sucks donkey dick for 100k I paid for it.
  196. 11:26 - Rook Sha: Whatever. I'm goin to bed. Seeyuh
  197. 11:26 - Garry: Bye.
  198. 11:26 - Rook Sha: Not my fault decisions were made behind people's backs.
  199. 11:26 - Rook Sha: Literally can't do anything about that.
  200. 11:26 - Garry: That's true, I dont blame you for getting upset
  201. 11:27 - Rook Sha is now Away.
  202. 11:27 - Garry: Nor will I blame you for wanting to contest it
  203. 11:27 - Garry: Just don't enforce things until they're changed officially.
  204. 11:27 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  205. 11:27 - Rook Sha: What was I enforcing
  206. 11:27 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  207. 11:27 - Garry: Well, for one, exo carrying more armor than it should.
  208. 11:27 - Rook Sha: And second?
  209. 11:28 - Garry: And second, you believed that RS-3a's helmet was not one of the top tier ones.
  210. 11:28 - Garry: Granted, you did not enforce that on a person.
  211. 11:28 - Rook Sha: This is what I've heard
  212. 11:28 - Garry: well, the guide indicates that RS-3a has level 3 hard helmet
  213. 11:28 - Rook Sha: The fact that isnt meant to be the case shows someone's not doing their homework
  214. 11:28 - Garry: homework is such
  215. 11:29 - Garry: we assume that steel helmet script item equals to CS-2 protection
  216. 11:29 - Garry: which is level II
  217. 11:29 - Garry: the helmet that comes with RS-3a is superior to that.
  218. 11:29 - Rook Sha: Wat
  219. 11:29 - Garry: you saw CS-2 right?
  220. 11:29 - Rook Sha: Nah wait
  221. 11:29 - Garry: it has a flat brain bucket.
  222. 11:29 - Rook Sha: Ur right on that one
  223. 11:29 - Rook Sha: I forgot the 1 is the hooded one
  224. 11:30 - Rook Sha is now Online.
  225. 11:30 - Garry: But yeah, it's just a helmet. You might have to find a guy who sells them and pay a good price, but in the end it's just something cool to wear that's produced for the most corrupt organization in Ukraine.
  226. 11:31 - Garry: so I didnt steal from everyone by picking it up at Goose's event.
  227. 11:31 - Rook Sha: The rs series are literally called reproduction suits, they're knock offs of the cs suits
  228. 11:31 - Garry: True, that's why they had to replace some stuff like bodysuit with sunrise
  229. 11:31 - Garry: since anomalous protection etc of theirs was not understood proper
  230. 11:32 - Rook Sha: Whatever. Goose got his GM removed by management so not my problem anymore
  231. 11:32 - Garry: So it seems.
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