
PrivateLoader loader component strings

Apr 21st, 2022 (edited)
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  1. 0x4013ee: GetCurrentProcess
  2. 0x401469: CreateThread
  3. 0x4014ba: CreateFileA
  4. 0x401506: Sleep
  5. 0x401572: SetPriorityClass
  6. 0x4015ec: Shell32.dll
  7. 0x401657: SHGetFolderPathA
  8. 0x40183b: null
  9. 0x402078: rb
  10. 0x405350: /base/api/statistics.php
  11. 0x405439: URL:
  12. 0x4054b6: :
  13. 0x4075a8: Winhttp.dll
  14. 0x407616: WinHttpConnect
  15. 0x407682: WinHttpOpenRequest
  16. 0x40771a: WinHttpQueryDataAvailable
  17. 0x4077b2: WinHttpSendRequest
  18. 0x40784a: WinHttpReceiveResponse
  19. 0x4078e2: WinHttpQueryHeaders
  20. 0x407956: WinHttpOpen
  21. 0x4079b5: WinHttpReadData
  22. 0x407a20: WinHttpCloseHandle
  23. 0x408402: http://
  24. 0x4084ab: /
  25. 0x408582: ?
  26. 0x40951a: HEAD
  27. 0x40a1f0: wininet.dll
  28. 0x40a25b: InternetSetOptionA
  29. 0x40a2ef: HttpOpenRequestA
  30. 0x40a38d: InternetConnectA
  31. 0x40a421: InternetOpenUrlA
  32. 0x40a49e: InternetOpenA
  33. 0x40a4f2: HttpQueryInfoA
  34. 0x40a567: InternetQueryOptionA
  35. 0x40a5fb: HttpSendRequestA
  36. 0x40a694: InternetReadFile
  37. 0x40a737: InternetCloseHandle
  38. 0x40a7ad: Kernel32.dll
  39. 0x40a801: HeapAlloc
  40. 0x40a852: HeapFree
  41. 0x40a8a3: GetProcessHeap
  42. 0x40a8f3: CharNextA
  43. 0x40a938: User32.dll
  44. 0x40a994: GetLastError
  45. 0x40a9e5: CreateFileA
  46. 0x40aa36: WriteFile
  47. 0x40aa87: CloseHandle
  48. 0x40257c:
  49. 0x402795: :1080
  50. 0x402839:
  52. 0x402f2d: :1080
  53. 0x402fd1: :
  54. 0x4036ce: .
  55. 0x4038ac: .
  56. 0x403972: .
  57. 0x403a34: .
  58. 0x4042ad:
  59. 0x4043c0: HOST:
  60. 0x40446e: :
  61. 0x404760:
  62. 0x4048a3: HOST:
  63. 0x404965: HOST:
  64. 0x404b93:
  65. 0x404dcd: HOST:
  66. 0x404f84: :
  67. 0x4050ae:
  68. 0x405a5e: https://
  69. 0x405ad8: .tmp
  70. 0x405bf6: \
  71. 0x407b09: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36
  72. 0x409fa8: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36
  73. 0x4063e9: kernel32.dll
  74. 0x40644a: WINHTTP.dll
  75. 0x4064a5: wininet.dll
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