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Mar 28th, 2018
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  1. bmace@borg ~/devel/kolla-cli $ git review -R
  2. You are about to submit multiple commits. This is expected if you are
  3. submitting a commit that is dependent on one or more in-review
  4. commits. Otherwise you should consider squashing your changes into one
  5. commit before submitting.
  7. The outstanding commits are:
  9. 3cdd26e (HEAD -> master) Merge tag 'o3l_4.0.1'
  10. 7da1927 (tag: o3l_4.0.1) Updated version to 4.0.1
  11. 079cf5c Fix yaml issue with adding ellipsis after booleans
  12. c1cfa88 Fix property setting when current value is None
  13. 1fc7122 Tweak kollacli help
  14. da2e8b6 Fix kollacli dump output
  15. 3d47927 Support modification of non string properties
  16. c8a5730 Updated unit tests to avoid remote calls
  17. 08f050a Supported service filtering added
  18. 725c80a Re-worked the way service association is handled
  19. 2e70c5c Added support for pull command
  20. 99afdbc Updated inventory version for 4.x release
  21. f597625 chdir before ansible execution to avoid new ansible behavior
  22. 03db283 Hard bind cliff dependency and minor unicode fixes
  23. 2ee8db4 Add reconfigure CLI command
  24. d44f712 Fix precheck command
  25. 69700b6 Updating the python api syntax
  26. 5281bdc Updated version from 3.0.1 to 4.0.0
  27. e4f52da Revert "Added support for a new reconfigure command"
  28. 3c4828e Added support for a new reconfigure command
  29. 5dc9de9 Modified per host commands to use ansible --limit
  30. f7166ed API support for the reconfigure action
  31. 3e5cc35 Added support for turning off locking with environment variable
  32. bc42e6b WIP: Added initial support for stop containers
  33. 0c56e57 Fixed bug causing destroy on multiple hosts to fail
  34. 7cbb157 Pass through unlimited -v args to ansible playbook
  35. a320450 Added support for ignoring certain ansible errors.
  36. 4c70581 Fixed rpm spec after removal of the custom cli destroy playbooks
  37. 499aa1e Removed no longer relevant cli destroy playbooks
  38. 9772b1a Added support for removal of docker images during destroy
  39. 55da569 allow empty passwords to be set
  40. 31363f8 Updated destroy to use upstream destroy playbook
  41. bb16c06 support multiple parents of services in allinone file
  42. 3ad1c68 Allow empty groups and comments
  43. 28a9d93 Adjust preinstall entry to include a blank line.
  44. 8d87bea use cat command to add kolla_preinstall_version to properties file
  45. ea4ee6d Added support for upgrade and deploy per service
  46. d02b381 Update api docs
  47. 0a98fdb add new cli/api command to init passwords
  48. c0d104a add kolla_preinstall_version property in rpm spec
  49. 38d3120 clear out all /usr/share/kolla/kollacli files on uninstall
  50. 3f029a7 add ability to cli/api to add/clear ssh keys in password file
  51. 8858b0f move oracle-specific precheck to kollacli rpm
  52. b6b2018 add empty password check on deploy
  53. 894f8e7 remove docker-py requirement from kollacli
  54. ed7b025 unit test updates for mitaka changes
  55. e812696 use inventory_samples as name of all-in-one dir
  56. f371acd add ansible.cfg to kollacli spec
  57. b0f8494 in api, avoid adding keys if host is already setup
  58. 5524219 Changed initial inventory generation source path
  59. 6c5473d ensure dir for temp inventory is writable
  60. 011f885 Added deploy action needed for kolla update
  61. 510d5f7 Merge branch 'master' into
  62. a963d25 change plugin license back to gpl3
  63. 016e9cb Added pep-484 entry to inventory file.
  64. 694b2db Added initial mypy / pep-484 type hinting support.
  65. 75550c3 Properly display non-ascii chars in table output
  66. 76aa503 allow property set of empty string
  67. 0bb430d Better version spec for docker-py
  68. 17ef5a5 add api comment to api about locality of api objects
  69. e06ce72 change 'kolla' to 'root' when asking for password in host setup
  70. acda25f fix string pointer bug in last checkin
  71. 8f50a8c fix string pointer bug in last checkin
  72. 459a76d make ansible plugin message display more reliable
  73. aa3b2fe update docs
  74. 5263b89 fix host & service associations in group object
  75. fc53a26 properly handle repeated params in group/service get
  76. 05e0161 add timeout option to deploy
  77. 0d17761 show error details on 'One or more items failed'
  78. f044f2b various upgrade fixes
  79. c5833aa Use inventory_samples for location of all-in-one file
  80. 8dba45e use all-in-one file to seed initial inventory
  81. 246ab1c use private ansible.cfg file
  82. 5f4f828 add ability to enable plugin debug via /tmp file
  83. ad7536d add version to api, misc fixes
  84. 5a6903a add warning on local deploy and avoid doc build errors on doc gen
  85. 984b190 Updated pipeling setting in line with bug 23282017
  86. 933fb64 update test to use kottos_home instead of kolla_home
  87. 4230879 move properties into zookeeper - phase 2
  88. 102ac39 move properties into zookeeper - phase 2
  89. 977af68 change order of chmod on create fifo
  90. 0b69fa5 update kollacli with latest kottos changes
  91. 81397af move callback plugin pipe down a level in /tmp
  92. 3fe4d52 add ability to set debug logging as an env variable
  93. 53dfd16 fix for fragmentation bug in callback plugin msg processing
  94. 10098e7 remove unneeded update of callback_plugins line in rpm spec
  95. ea1cc5a Updates to rpm build spec for callback_plugins configuration
  96. eccf5cc updates to rpm build spec of sequence of requirements for plugin and kollacli
  97. b91ac84 update cli rpm spec to require ansible plugin
  98. 6f6b517 Updated the kpolla-ansible requirement to 3.0.0
  99. 5e29f90 Remove no longer needed packages (six, paramiko) in cli v4
  100. 53eb65c Updated the RPM to 3.0
  101. 464b903 update rpm build spec for kollacli v4
  102. a84bc67 fix discrepency of ansible lock location
  103. d0ad451 removal of blaze code from cli (for v4)
  104. 7b53814 fix to handle string checking in p2 & py3
  105. 7e68685 update docs
  106. e7e362c Api doc change to remove groups/services from deploy
  107. c43a1b4 Remove service / group deploy and modified host deploy to throw an error if a targeted host deploy is attempted against non-compute hosts.
  108. d680bb3 Updated docs to reflect latest api change for changing multiple properties in a single call.
  109. 614295d fix another instance where ansible error does not surface to the job error message
  110. f8b81d7 Fixed deploy lock message to remove pid / owner info no longer available using flock.
  111. e539a62 fixed false positive bandit complaints about yaml load
  112. 03e162c Properties are now only loaded on list calls, making set / clear more performant.
  113. 161d50b update docs
  114. c96c508 update build spec to remove etc and share, fix warnings
  115. 6338975 removed suprious unneeded debug log line
  116. 62ff3c5 Fixed issue when setting a property on multiple hosts / groups
  117. 7a1547a Added support for settings / clearing multiple properties in a single call.
  118. 89327d1 add kolla ansible plugin to cli build spec
  119. b31c030 Added support for sync on ansible playbook operations. Writes cannot occur when ansible operations are happening.
  120. 2a9497f add job kill to api
  121. 7b14d4f configure logging for api
  122. fed76d8 fix inventory bug in playbook
  123. 41eead3 Update api docs
  124. 9ef934e add api for log collecting
  125. c60b33a Replaced flock with NFS safe locking mechanism
  126. d3ecb14 cleanup of playbook runs
  127. bbf65a0 better error messages in playbook failures
  128. e3d0df6 improved logging of failed ansible playbooks
  129. 144a9f8 change group add/remove api to take list of groups
  130. 6f695e5 Updated api docs
  131. aef4fe7 Add more doc for async deploy
  132. 435a733 Added property API
  133. a7dfc5c add some unittests for group api
  134. 10f5f1e add some unittests for host api
  135. 40c32ee preserve inventory and vars during utests
  136. 289e281 Added code to check sub-service parent enablement to determine if a group needs hosts
  137. 5096708 add generic param checker for api
  138. 0eccaab add new unit test for client upgrade
  139. 88a13c7 Fix upgrade bug and sub-service parent/group issue
  140. 9ad9c13 create api for dump command
  141. fd61b3d rebuild & update the docs
  142. 4b229c6 finish up group api
  143. ee80b1b add get and get_all methods to group api
  144. 8d9e66a new password api, partial service api
  145. 1526794 Initial API Doc commit
  146. 8f84593 Added API calls for group add / remove with docs.
  147. 3eeb6ba Sphinx formatted docs for deploy mode set
  148. eb82eb5 second pass thru the new host api
  149. b883423 update host api & cli
  150. 5a1596f Added initial sphinx documentation support for the python api
  151. f593325 Update host destroy and precheck api to take list of hosts
  152. 1cdd533 Merge branch ''
  153. 1e58e92 create apis for deploy, upgrade, host_destroy, host_precheck
  154. 67ef234 WIP - make playbook runs async
  155. dfee416 update tox.ini to ignore apache license in callback
  156. eca0695 WIP - add callback pipe logic to client side
  157. a15db48 Better handling of unicode in log collector.
  158. 2ed4290 Changed way we handle global properties (from /etc/kolla/globals.yml to /usr/share/kolla/ansible/group_vars/__GLOBAL).
  159. 9298bd1 fixed bug in host related property listing when the list is empty
  160. 57c1acf Improved property output to include override data.
  161. b655bc6 WIP - add named pipe code for message sending to client
  162. e0c6079 WIP - add first draft of ansible callback
  163. f9db085 Fix property ordering to go all / globals / groups / hosts. (lowest to highest priority)
  164. 98822a7 create unique deploy id for deployments
  165. 5cb91ee initial HostApi class and moved host add / remove to use the api
  166. 4e9d9da fix getting logs on ovm servers
  167. 7174233 added support for host remove all
  168. b4fb6b3 fix minor help formatting issues
  169. 6703068 Added checking of groups with enabled services. Each must have a minimum of one host associated to them.
  170. e115ff6 fix issue when list property list --groups all
  171. 7f26c5e Added proper egg-info directory clean up to rpm update.
  172. 43173f5 disable retry_files_enabled in ansible.cfg
  173. 1447e67 disable retry_files_enabled in ansible.cfg
  174. ef0d46f fix for property set side effect issue
  175. a966412 Fixed property call that would match the wrong / extra lines
  176. 2d3899b fix docker ps issue in new destroy playbooks
  177. cad25ae add new --predeploy option to host check
  178. e0a4660 Improve host setup error reporting
  179. 069af18 Support host check all in cli
  180. bf9aaea comment out 3.x WIP code
  181. af385dd new ansible playbook + api code WIP
  182. b8c5434 fix getting logs on ovm servers
  183. 4dbf1c3 added host remove all test
  184. 2f586ac added support for host remove all
  185. 72c3983 fix minor help formatting issues
  186. 083e57d Added checking of groups with enabled services. Each must have a minimum of one host associated to them.
  187. 31d0402 fix issue when list property list --groups all
  188. 6cc807a Added proper egg-info directory clean up to rpm update.
  189. f4de282 disable retry_files_enabled in ansible.cfg
  190. b50b602 disable retry_files_enabled in ansible.cfg
  191. 4cdd43f fix for property set side effect issue
  192. 3b06fbd Merge branch '' of ssh:// into
  193. 2a003dd fix docker ps issue in new destroy playbooks
  194. e2a4b88 Fixed property call that would match the wrong / extra lines
  195. 301c5d9 add new --predeploy option to host check
  196. ea7f091 Improve host setup error reporting
  197. 45b195f Support host check all in cli
  198. f2b7225 Merge branch ''
  199. e658a84 Fixed cli version to match rpm version.
  200. cae8cb3 Display errors if host destroy fails
  201. 3b0fd1a update copyrights to 2016
  202. 92d9037 update log_collector tool for 2.1.1
  203. 5ac3e29 specifically disallow pexpect version 3.3
  204. e903e75 Added clean up of /var/lib/kolla to the includedata cleanup.
  205. 497988e Added support to execute upgrade from cli.
  206. 965f140 fix up inventory path when loading a v1 inventory file
  207. 192769d put ceilometer in groups on upgrade
  208. 505fc81 fix a few ceilometer container names
  209. d344809 add kollacli support for ceilometer
  210. 86ca539 Added calls into openstack-kolla precheck playbook during check command execution.
  211. 1dbc58d Added password confirmation to the password set command.
  212. c8122d1 fix argparse when groups and hosts not specified
  213. 4b2ceb8 some refactoring for new host/groups properties
  214. 84e59f8 add unit tests for new host/groups properties
  215. 2e44000 Fixed permission on new host_vars dir
  216. 72c2bc7 simplify safe_decode and remove unneeded safe_encode
  217. e444d95 remove oslo utils dependency from rpm spec
  218. ceff841 remove oslo utils dependency
  219. fa4b2fb Added support for group / host property editing
  220. bdeb9cd Display errors if host destroy fails
  221. 9f37bb7 update copyrights to 2016
  222. c679272 update log_collector tool for 2.1.1
  223. e698e1c specifically disallow pexpect version 3.3
  224. 29ecad0 Merge branch '' of ssh:// into
  225. 3338478 Merge branch '' of ssh:// into
  226. df43a51 fix up inventory path when loading a v1 inventory file
  227. 0ef1f25 Added clean up of /var/lib/kolla to the includedata cleanup.
  228. 04e47b6 Added support to execute upgrade from cli.
  229. 223c1e2 put ceilometer in groups on upgrade
  230. 70bc61c fix a few ceilometer container names
  231. 3f6cd72 add kollacli support for ceilometer
  232. 98c98d1 Added calls into openstack-kolla precheck playbook during check command execution.
  233. f006136 Added password confirmation to the password set command.
  234. a8c36b0 fix argparse when groups and hosts not specified
  235. 7b1a88a some refactoring for new host/groups properties
  236. b0f1a2b add unit tests for new host/groups properties
  237. dfac32a Merge branch '' of ssh:// into
  238. 1be74db simplify safe_decode and remove unneeded safe_encode
  239. efd6b47 Fixed permission on new host_vars dir
  240. 15ec75e remove oslo utils dependency from rpm spec
  241. 8d28135 remove oslo utils dependency
  242. e106853 Added support for group / host property editing
  243. 654fd18 Merge branch '' of git://
  244. 5995838 Changed default property values shown and added --all and --long flags.
  245. 5ff4aaa Jira-Issue:OPENSTACK-545
  246. e2b2972 Jira-Issue:OPENSTACK-547
  247. 6225da7 Jira-Issue:OPENSTACK-545
  248. c466e2b Forward port of data preservation for host destroy
  249. 8f6dd90 host destroy will not not destroy data containers by default. --includedata option added to destroy to remove all containers.
  250. 72db18d move dump logic out of cli
  252. Do you really want to submit the above commits?
  253. Type 'yes' to confirm, other to cancel: yes
  254. remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done
  255. remote:
  256. remote: ERROR: In commit 72db18d96781c41a617ca2a3332dc02cdeb37f97
  257. remote: ERROR: committer email address
  258. remote: ERROR: does not match your user account.
  259. remote: ERROR:
  260. remote: ERROR: The following addresses are currently registered:
  261. remote: ERROR:
  262. remote: ERROR:
  263. remote: ERROR:
  264. remote: ERROR: To register an email address, please visit:
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  268. To ssh://
  269. ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/master/bug/27219113 (invalid committer)
  270. error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://'
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