

May 17th, 2014
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  1. [22:36:04] Zester ✗: We need to talk.
  2. [22:36:09] Draǵonair: What?
  3. [22:36:22] Zester ✗: You seem to be pissed at me.
  4. [22:36:33] Draǵonair: I am.
  5. [22:36:41] Zester ✗: I'm sure.
  6. [22:36:58] Zester ✗: Now, Lets take a moment to rephrase on what you said, in the past.
  7. [22:37:26] Draǵonair: What?
  8. [22:37:28] Zester ✗: "I don't usually take things seriously." "I can't tell when someone's serious or not, but I just go with it."
  9. [22:38:36] Zester ✗: I remember those words clearly.
  10. [22:38:36] Draǵonair: >Usually
  11. [22:38:57] Draǵonair: It seems that you're constantly having a go at me for no reason, and that's what pissed me off, especially since it reminded me of Flanny.
  12. [22:40:19] Zester ✗: Did you ever happen to realize there was a pattern to it? Did you notice that everything to posted something new about your Art, I shoot a flare? You didn't pick on that.
  13. [22:40:40] Draǵonair: Oh no, I did notice. I assumed you were upset about something trivial.
  14. [22:40:43] Zester ✗: I'm not just saying, "DOn't post your art in the chat, you wench."
  15. [22:40:54] Draǵonair: Just saying?
  16. [22:41:16] Zester ✗: I mean, I'm not just calling you out, like that.
  17. [22:41:54] Draǵonair: It sort of seems that way, especially since you do it for one specific instance, i.e., when I post my comic links.
  18. [22:42:01] Zester ✗: I mean, It seems as if you're more friendly to others, mainly doing the "Leaving out" situation again. New Art? Ooo, Kain, Jolty, and. . .Ryoko. New Art? Oooo! CSFlygon.
  19. [22:42:37] Zester ✗: Yet, I automatically believe that I'm not as much of a friend of you to be put in something that you enjoy doing.
  20. [22:43:40] Draǵonair: The comic? Lel I asked in that chat for whoever wanted to be that specific role to PM me. When the comic started, I only had six specific roles planned out, 5 of which are already featured.
  21. [22:43:41] Zester ✗: I don't even know how to talk to you anymore without some sort of Argument, Blue. You're either busy, or ignoring me.
  22. [22:44:14] Zester ✗: That's why I seem to call you out in the chat, but everytime, you just leave. ¬_¬
  23. [22:44:30] Draǵonair: Because you piss me off by doing it, which in turn makes me less inclined to talk to you.
  24. [22:47:10] Zester ✗: So when Skitty said, "Take it to PM", You disregarded it and just hold a grudge, than to go and question why I was doing this. T_T
  25. [22:47:20] Zester ✗: *just decided
  26. [22:47:35] Draǵonair: No, I left because I was fuming and I didn't want to argue in that emotional state.
  27. [22:48:54] Zester ✗: And the other times when you said, "I'm going to ignore anything negative you say about me." wasn't a chance to go and deceiver a reason?
  28. [22:49:19] Draǵonair: No, that was me fed up with you constantly saying negative things about me.
  29. [22:49:36] Draǵonair: You know that I was actually almost to the point of /ignore ing you?
  30. [22:50:45] Zester ✗: Give me an example of what I said negatively about you, and try to come up with a reason I said it.
  31. [22:51:19] Draǵonair: "See what I mean? Blue is just too... *cough*"
  32. [22:52:12] Zester ✗: Didn't you happen to "/me smirk" when I said this at the dj.plug?
  33. [22:52:23] Zester ✗: I don't see the difference in the way I commented it.
  34. [22:52:36] Draǵonair: Pretty sure the context was different
  35. [22:52:55] Zester ✗: But on the way I meant it, It wasn't.
  36. [22:53:10] Draǵonair: And it's also the implied connotation of those words. You're trying to point out some quality in me that's obviously detestable, but you won't say it... why?
  37. [22:55:03] Zester ✗: Feelings. Taking the point of your phrase, "USUALLY take things seriously," I knew not to call you out on a quality that honestly could change a lot in a friendship, if taken the wrong way, again.
  38. [22:55:54] Draǵonair: Look, I'm going to be extremely blunt at the moment, and it's going to sound harsh, but right now, we're not friends.
  39. [22:56:51] Zester ✗: Thought so. It's a respectable way of looking at things. If you wish not to be friends, so be it. But you have yet to display a reason of how Me, OR you could change that.
  40. [22:57:15] Draǵonair: I honestly don't see a need to change it.
  41. [22:58:00] Zester ✗: Implying you don't want to friends with me ever again out the ways of words that you ended up taking seriously, rather than taking them as joke.
  42. [22:58:15] Draǵonair: It's not just that. I'm not that shallow.
  43. [23:00:09] Zester ✗: Then explain to me your limits on what I can say or do around you that wont seem so hurting or in thought of, "I'm never going to be friends with this guy ever again because he's been doing this."
  44. [23:02:02] Draǵonair: I'm not going to try and censor what you naturally want to say/how you want to act. I'm just saying that I'd prefer not to be friends anymore. So you can say what you want to me, or act how you want to me, but our relationship is just from a staff perspective.
  45. [23:05:44] Zester ✗: Basically saying due to our rank, We'll stay friends on that end, but anything other than that, You would rather never talk again, and would rather we keep are distance and just act like we don't like each other at all.
  46. [23:05:45] Zester ✗: I wasn't even planning on talking shit about you when I saw you on. I haven't even been doing it recently, haven't I? When I came to you, it wasn't even just to talk. I was hoping you'd be interested in joining the passing doc, but I go off track on what I wanted to show you. That's all.
  47. [23:06:49] Draǵonair: Oh, so you just do it just 'cause? And it's because you and I haven't been on at the same time for a while. And no, this is exactly what you wanted to talk about, given that your second sentence was "You seem to be pissed at me".
  48. [23:08:15] Zester ✗: If I really didn't get side-tracked Blue, I wouldn't even be talking about this right now. Would you rather infer the news of something to someone you believe hates your guts and wants you dead, or would you rather talk to them why?
  49. [23:08:58] Zester ✗: Go up to someone, say. "Hey, I know you hate me, but check this out." What do you expect them to do?
  50. [23:09:16] Draǵonair: I'm saying you brought this topic up on purpose, not because your original purpose was to ask me to join the Trainer doc and you somehow got sidetracked. Unless that was your original point, and I misunderstood that.
  51. [23:11:15] Zester ✗: That was the original point, as I've been trying to get across to you. T_T You and I can both easily agree that you hate me from now on, and would not like to be friends, for what it seems, ever again. And honestly, I hate myself. There's something we at least share.
  52. [23:12:30] Zester ✗: You were even when you told me that you can't change, mainly because We were friends back then, but now We're arguing to each other, and now we've split so far off the chain that you never want to be friends with me again.
  53. [23:13:20] Draǵonair: I don't hate you, Zester. But yes, I do not wish to be friends. I do not mean we cannot be acquaintances or whatever, but you probably won't be close to me.
  54. [23:16:15] Zester ✗: Don't lie. Seriously, I've already been told that mostly everyone here hates me, multiple times. Close referring to those times when I got you into Pokemon BB2, or we drew each other, or when I sang to you on your birthday.
  55. [23:16:16] Zester ✗: Those things, oddly enough, were actually sentimental to me. I had many reasons MYSELF to be pissed at you, but like I told you before, I keep my own shit to myself, since you all would hate me if I let it out.
  56. [23:16:41] Zester ✗: Lemme rephrase that. "Hate me, More."
  57. [23:17:34] Zester ✗: And obviously now, I've let something slip, and now you hate me.
  58. [23:18:10] Draǵonair: I rarely hate anyone. I don't hate you, I would simply prefer not to be around you. That sounds bad, but it is what it is.
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