
Basket Case

Jul 14th, 2017
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  1. Covet: [I'm using Nika as the avi...fuck it.. XD]
  2. Tsaaq: ((Biiitch.))
  3. Covet: [I'm not using it for anything else XD]
  4. Tsaaq: Hayley sat in the passenger side of Adam's truck, her fingers playing twitht he fabric of her crop top and glancing at the time of her phone. "We should go in before she thinks I'm late or something." She told him as she looked over to him.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -I guess they're sitting in the parking lot of the place. He looked over at nodded at her, honestly a little nervous himself because he wasnt sure how this was going to go. Slipping out of the truck, he moved around to Hayley's side of the truck, tugging her door open for her and holding out a hand to help her down to her feet. "This is going to be good, Halo. I really think this is going to make things better."-
  6. Covet: [Did you have a name picked out for the Doctor? Or am I just winging it?]
  7. Tsaaq: ((Her name is Dr. Ferguson.))
  8. Covet: [Lmao...Got it!]
  9. Covet: Dr. Ferguson was sitting at her desk waiting for her appointment with Hayley to start. She checked the clock and wondered if she was going to show up at all. She had pulled up Hayley's file to brush up on it between appointments, and while she waited.
  10. Tsaaq: She took his hand and sighed as she jumped out of the vehicle. She probably would've just fallen if he wasn't there. "Okay. If you say so." She nodded as she went towards the facility and going inside. She bit the inside of her cheek as she went to the front desk. "We have an appointment with Dr. Ferguson. Can we just go up?" She asked the receptionist with a slight smile. // The receptionist glanced to Adam, recognizing him slightly. "Of course. Go on up." She nodded her head and pointed up the stairs. // Hayley nodded as well and went to pull Adam along with her. "Come on." She told him as they moved up the stairs. She knocked on Ferguson's door before opening it. "We're here..." She greeted weakly.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded and followed behind Hayley up the stairs, making his way to Dr. Ferguson's office. Stopping behind the brunette, he put his hand out on the to push it open a little further, nudging Hayley to encourage her to step inside the office.-
  12. Covet: Dr. Ferguson looked up from Hayley's file and smiled politely when she saw her walk in and saw Adam with her. "Good Evening Hayley, I was starting to worry if you were going to make it. I was a little surprised and pleased to see you had made an appointment, please have a seat, both of you." She offered then continued in her polite doctor manner, "How are you doing?"
  13. Tsaaq: "I'm here and stuff." She said unenthusiastically.She bit her lip and went into the office, she took a seat in one of the chairs and instantly began to slouch as her hands rested in her lap. "I'm okay." She shrugged, answering succintly as she kept her head down.
  14. Alexithymiaa: -Adam followed her into the office, taking a seat in the comfy chair beside Hayley, lacing his fingers together in his lap and looking across the desk to Dr. Ferguson. "Doing alright, thank you. And yourself?" He asked, trying to be polite and then realizing this was literally her fucking job. He swallowed hard and became instantly very aware of his surroundings, slouching in his chair also.-
  15. Covet: "I'm doing rather well myself, thank you for asking." She said looking to Adam then back over to Hayley. "That's good to hear, You seem a little hesitant to be here, but I want to remind you that I'm here to listen and help. You made this appointment and I want to do whatever is in my power to help, with that said, How can I help today?" She said in friendly and calm manner.
  16. Tsaaq: Hayley shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." She replied. "I suggested a while back that Adam should come to sessions and I finally scheduled one with him here..." She answered. "I don't know. Stop asking me questions." Hayley sighed a bit as she crossed her arms over her chest.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -He leaned over and extended his hand out to Hayley, taking her hand in his and giving it a little squeeze. "This is what she's here for, Halo. To ask questions and to listen." He turned his attention over to the doctor. "I think she just needed a little bit of support with her to be more comfortable. In my opinion, she seems a bit more down than usual as of lately."-
  18. Covet: "Adam?" She asked for reassurance before she looked at Hayley, "Is correct. I'm only asking because it's my job. I care and I want to help. You've been feeling down? What's been going on to make you feel this way?" She asked her clasping her hands together and leaning forward over the desk, giving them her full attention.
  19. Tsaaq: She sighed and shrugged her shoulders again. "I guess uh... My ex moved into our house. And a lot of people are around all the time..." She replied.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Pleased that she had finally said SOMETHING, he shifted in his chair a bit, honestly interested to see what she might say about Ben because he felt insanely threatened by him. "Is it just those two things?"-
  21. Covet: "I can see how that would cause a little distress, I'm sorry that's been causing you to feel down. Sometimes we come across things in life that are a tough to deal with. Was there closure with this ex?" Dr. Ferguson pressed.
  22. Tsaaq: She looked over to Adam and furrowed her eyebrows then looked away. "I guess... I saw this shitty roommate of mine , like, holding hands with a girl who moved in. It made me feel shitty. Like everybody else gets to be normal or something." She continued to speak. "I guess I just feel alone and dead inside a lot of the time." She said in a softer voice. Hayley lifted her shoulders into a shrug. "The last time we spoke we were in bed and he was talking about how we were in love but I was with somebody else... And I felt bad. So I went back to the other guy and I was planning to leave Portland I think but I was gonna say bye but he wasn't home or anything. So I just went back to where I was living at the time and packed up."
  23. Alexithymiaa: -Adam dropped his chin as he listened to her speak, trying to keep track of who she might be talking about given her excessive use of pronouns. Deciding she had been referring to Tony, he settled a little more comfortably in his seat, looking over at her as he listened.-
  24. Tsaaq: ((Playing the pronoun game.))
  25. Covet: "Thank you for opening up and sharing your thoughts. I know it's not easy to do for you, and I want to give you that validation." She said listening to her while nodding her head, "It's got to be frustrating to see people around you being happy and unable to feel your own. You're not alone though. Adam is here as a support, as am I. Don't hesitate to reach out, like you are now. It's okay to need help and some guidance and direction." She said before she continued with a question, "Do you find yourself being upset at him for leaving like that without being able to tell him how you feel?"
  26. Tsaaq: She pouted and let out a heady sigh, her leg vibrating as she listened to Dr. Ferguson. "No... Cause his mom died. So that's why he left." She sighed. "I don't know." Hayley whispered. "Everybody who says they love me doesn't stay. Or they hurt me or something. They just leave. Or they just do whatever. Then they think they can just come back and I'm just supposed to accept everything." She bit the inside of her cheek. "Adam doesn't have to know this stuff." She said as she looked over to him.
  27. Alexithymiaa: -His face softened significantly the more he listened to her talk, sinking in a bit on himself as he frowned. "If you'd be more comfortable with me stepping outside, I don't mind doing that. Whatever is easiest for you, Hayley. I'm not leaving unless that's what you want." He chose his words deliberately, a little hurt that he felt lumped in with everyone else.-
  28. Covet: "That's very unfortunate and sad to hear. I can see where that would make this a lot harder to deal with. It's hard to be mad at him for not being there, when he had bigger things going on. It also makes it harder to forgive. Your jaded look on love, after the things you've been through isn't unjustified. Don't feel like you aren't allowed to be upset about that. Regardless of what people think they can do, you don't have to accept them back into your life, if you're not ready. You've got a lot of emotions to work through and process and everyone does that at their own pace. You're allowed that right. Even if they're now living in the same place as you." She said to her then looked at Adam, "Can I ask the relationship between you two at this moment? You seem close, but I sense some hesitancy in how he fits into your life, with all of this going on."
  29. Tsaaq: Hayley looked over to him then immediately felt guilty despite Dr. Ferguson telling her the opposite. "Oh, no. I didn't mean... I don't want you to feel like I'm just..." She paused and fronwed. "I mean that's how I feel, not everybody does it." She corrected herself timidly. "It wouldn't make me feel more comfortable. It's embarrassing either way." Hayley said to him as she put her head down once more. She bit the inside of her cheek at the inquiry. "It's good. He's a good boyfriend. Better then the other ones..." Hayley answered uneasily. "He fits into my life. I think he does. He tries to help."
  30. Alexithymiaa: -He perked up a bit when she tried to right her words, looking to the doctor before watching Hayley again to answer her questions. Tipping his head to one side, he furrowed his brows, trying to sort through it. "It kind of seems like you picked the word 'tries' intentionally. Do I not really help you?"-
  31. Covet: Dr. Ferguson looked over to Hayley giving her a chance to respond before she spoke.
  32. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply and looked a little vexed. "You do! But some stuff you can't really help or you just don't know how thats not bad or anything. I don't get mad or anything about it. I'm not easy to deal with." Hayley covered her face with her hands as she leaned forward. "We have problems sometimes but no relationship is perfect. Or none of mine ever have been.."
  33. Alexithymiaa: -He pursed his lips and nodded, staring down into his hands in his lap. "I know we have our occasional problems, but... I don't know, I guess I thought I was better at cheering you up than I actually am."-
  34. Covet: "There are somethings that people have to do on their own. You're doing the best you can right now by supporting her through this, Adam. Sometimes it's as easy as just being an ear to listen, or someone to hug. I don't think Hayley's saying you're not good at cheering her up, just that it's hard for her to feel happy. I'm sure what you do, does help to an extent, if not to fully cheer her up, to help give her a disraction from the thoughts that bring her down. From the sounds of it, it seems like your heart is in the right place." She told Adam, looking between the two, before she saw the time, "Unfortunately, It's coming up on the end of our session, but I would like to continue this and help you both through this, so that you can help be a better support for Hayley, and for you Hayley to help you sort out this confusing situation. Would it be possible to see you both next Monday? I have an opening then." She asked them.
  35. Tsaaq: "You do!" She answered before sighing again. "I can't help it most the time." Hayley began to frown. "Please don't be upset." She immediately said as she looked over to him. She whimpered a little as she turned away, crossing her arms again. "Yeah" She answered. "Okay Monday is good, right?" Hayley went to stand, she couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.
  36. Alexithymiaa: -Choosing not to address the previous comments because he was in fact upset despite what Dr. Ferguson said, he nodded his head. "Yeah, Monday is good." Pushing up from the chair, he held a hand out to Hayley to assist her in standing up before moving toward the door silently.-
  37. Covet: "If you need to talk sooner than that, I'll give you my number and you can call me. No matter the time." Dr. Ferguson said and handed them both her card, after seeing their response, hating to have to cut their session off. "We'll get through this together. Don't give up, Okay?"
  38. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded took her card. "Night doctor." She said then took his hand as they went out the door and down the stairs. She kept looking over at Adam as they descended then went outside with him. "I'm sorry. Please don't be mad." Hayely said weakly. "Monday you don't have to come. I don't want to make even more problems..."
  39. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not mad. I just wish there was more I could do to make you feel better. But I'm definitely coming Monday." He spoke in a small voice as they made their way out of the building and out to the parking lot. "It's not going to make problems, it's going to fix them." He pulled the door open for her, holding out a hand to help her inside so he could get her squared away before heading back to the house.-
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