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Feb 20th, 2018
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  1. has joined the chat
  2. Byrith: Here you go.
  3. Zombi: ?
  4. Byrith: Come on Shifty.
  5. Zombi: Hello.
  6. Byrith: Hello.
  7. Zombi: He's brb.
  8. Byrith: Oh, can I speak to you then?
  9. Zombi: Sure?
  10. Byrith: You know about his Morgue drama?
  11. Zombi: What about it?
  12. Byrith: Investigating people? Making rumors?
  13. Zombi: I don't involve myself.
  14. Byrith: Bashing every girl who leaves or doesn't want him?
  15. Byrith: I don't know if you're seeing him, but if you don't work, he'll bash you as well.
  16. Byrith: He did it to Kris, and many others.
  17. Byrith: He started inboxing me earlier.
  18. Byrith: Saying I have a wife.
  19. Byrith: When I don't.
  20. Zombi: Okay?
  21. Byrith: So, I just don't get it.
  22. Byrith: Maybe he could act like a man for once.
  23. manda321 has joined the chat
  24. Byrith: Come clean.
  25. Byrith: Stop hiding behind shit.
  26. manda321 has left the chat
  27. Zombi: I think thats more for you to talk with him about.
  28. Guest_sasha3599 has joined the chat
  29. Guest_sasha3599 has left the chat
  30. Byrith: I've been trying to, yes. He's non stop, stalked, harrassed, and bothered people, making bullshit sites for no reason, and digging into peoples real lives.
  31. Byrith: Macabre just because she left him
  32. Zombi: and what would you like me to do about it?
  33. Byrith: Nothing you can do, I suppose. Just thought to make you aware, if you're talking intimately, you leave him, he'll try to bash you to
  34. Guest_joshua2851 has joined the chat
  35. Guest_abygailmcmoriss has joined the chat
  36. Byrith: But I'm also here hoping he'll be a man.
  37. Zombi: Well, Thank you for your advice.
  38. Byrith: For once in his life.
  39. Guest_joshua2851 has left the chat
  40. Guest_abygailmcmoriss has left the chat
  41. Byrith: He went and dug personal chats of mine with other people.
  42. Byrith: For no reason.
  43. Byrith: That I use for personal reflection.
  44. Byrith: Like how childish is he?
  45. Zombi: Doesn't it seem like if he's bothering you that much, you'd just block him?
  46. Byrith: How is that even appropriate?
  47. Byrith: No,
  48. Zombi: Don't pay attention?
  49. Byrith: Because he's continually posting shit.
  50. Byrith: Hurting people.
  51. Byrith: Causing damage to their real lives.
  52. Guest_Chase214 has joined the chat
  53. Byrith: He tried to cause a friend of mine to have an anxiety attack.
  54. Byrith: Knowing it could hurt or kill her.
  55. Guest_Chase214 has left the chat
  56. Guest_Evangelina66 has joined the chat
  57. Byrith: Saying he didn't care at all.
  58. Guest_Evangelina66 has left the chat
  59. TJ has joined the chat
  60. Zombi: Well, even if he doesnt care. I just don't see the purpose in dragging it out? Blocking him and moving on is obviously your best bet.
  61. Zombi: Why worry about what he posts? If as you say it's all made up to upset people.
  62. Byrith: He's dragging it out.
  63. Zombi: If the things that are being said are faulse, ignore him.
  64. Byrith: Because he's hurting real people.
  65. Byrith: Causing real damage.
  66. Byrith: He should let the shit go.
  67. Byrith: It goes both ways.
  68. Byrith: What kind of fucking 30 year old man, with a daughter spends his time on this shit?
  69. TJ: o.o
  70. Byrith: Like, he's hurting people and their real lives.
  71. Byrith: Maybe he should take care of his kid.
  72. Zombi: I don't see the point in bringing up his daughter.
  73. Byrith: Who he neglects.
  74. Byrith: It is a point.
  75. Zombi: Nah, it's pretty idiotic. Actually.
  76. Byrith: You telling me I should ignore it
  77. Byrith: But what's he doing?
  78. Byrith: Posting peoples real life info, damaging their online and real lives.
  79. Byrith: Neglecting his child, telling people in the past he wanted to die, and oh well, his daughter would be fine.
  80. Byrith: What a fucked up dude.
  81. Zombi: How do you know he's neglecting his child? You have no proof of this. So, why make up things?
  82. Byrith: I do know.
  83. Byrith: Actually.
  84. Zombi: Do you? You live with him?
  85. Zombi: You see him with her everyday?
  86. TJ: im 27 and have 3 kids, and I play this shit... my girls are by far from neglected
  87. Byrith: I do know you said, why do this? Why not ignore it? Hindsight is twenty twenty. You have too be a sick bastard to go around, posting real lie and personal information.
  88. Byrith: We're not talking about you mate. >
  89. Byrith: No offense.
  90. Byrith: life*
  91. TJ: true
  92. Byrith: This guy is a sicko.
  93. Zombi: You talk all this stuff but your bringing up a child that has nothing to do with it. Move on.
  94. Byrith: Just because a woman didn't want him.
  95. Byrith: Oh, so he should be bringing up real people and their real lives??
  96. Byrith: Bringing their kids into it?
  97. Byrith: Huh?
  98. TJ: Youre good, I think you should try to calm down though, you seem really upset with this fella and youre starting to fall into the category of hypocritical
  99. Byrith: HIndsight is twenty twenty.
  100. Byrith: Picking on a woman about her autistic kid.
  101. Byrith: Yeah, he's a great guy.
  102. Zombi: If you want to have a talk with Shifty, do so in your own personal time. Don't come in my room trying to drag shit out. It's useless. You don't like him, block.
  103. Byrith: I can't, you don't get it.
  104. Zombi: If you can't do that, I have no more words for you.
  105. Byrith: You're trying to make it sound simple.
  106. TJ: Discussing a guys parental styles and his flaws in a room with someone else.. that isnt helping your case
  107. Zombi: You can leave or I can boot you?
  108. Byrith: It's not.
  109. Byrith: I can leave, nice to know you like supporting child abusing, autistically impaired kid abusing, stalkers.
  110. Byrith has left the chat
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