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Lendren's seed begins to flower

a guest
Sep 8th, 2020
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  1. You feel a touch upon your cheek, a wind in your hair, and suddenly, it is as if you were there before the Mayflowers once more, arrayed in all the colours of the rainbow, welcomed and loved in their prismatic sight.
  3. A trail of vibrant blossoms unfurls from the up, releasing a cloud of pollen that shimmers and coalesces into Llani.
  5. Llani hugs you compassionately.
  7. Lendren gulps, her eyes blinking out of focus for a moment. She looks around, and smiles brightly, putting a hand over her heart, and taking Llani's with the other.
  8. Forestwalker Llani Myeras asks you, "Is everything okay, love?"
  10. In a sort of dreamy faraway voice, you say, "Very much, very very much."
  12. A glow radiates from your parafilament purse: a soft white, gentle like the rising of the Moon and stars, breaking into all the colours of the rainbow.
  14. Tyrus arrives from the up.
  16. Llani gives your hand a tight squeze, her gaze inevitably drawn to the pulsing purse. "The seed!" She exlaims with excitement, lifting her other hand to cover her mouth.
  18. Lendren nods, eyes bright, a few sparkles of rainbow light in them against the black. She reaches eagerly into her purse.
  20. You take a rainbow-shaped box from a parafilament purse.
  22. You open a rainbow-shaped box.
  24. Lendren gasps as she looks into a rainbow-shaped box.
  26. You take a shimmering flower bud from a rainbow-shaped box.
  28. Looking ready to burst into bloom at any moment, this flower bud is rounded, bulging, its outer petals a soft, radiant white. Tinges of many colours tint the tips of each petal and peek out from their edges, giving the bud a distinctly layered appearance, as if the unfurling of each petal might reveal a new story and splash a new shade upon the world. The outlined hues grant a gentle light to the bloom, such that when viewed from afar, the bud shimmers with a prismatic halo as it nestles in its bed of tender leaves.
  29. It weighs 11 ounce(s).
  30. It bears the distinctive mark of Lendren Starfall.
  31. It has the following aliases: flower, plant, bud.
  33. Lendren gingerly, fingertips trembling, draws a shimmering flower bud from a rainbow-shaped box and turns it over in her hands, eyes wide with astonishment.
  35. Wodewose Tyrus says, "Did it bloom?"
  37. Lendren nods, and holds it up, slowly turning to show it to all present. More than are actually present, in fact; the vision of the entire circle of the Mayflowers around her is still in her thoughts, in her heart.
  39. You display a shimmering flower bud for all in the room to see.
  41. Tyrus's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
  43. Varda steps out of the Moonhart Mother Tree, trailing sparkling motes of light.
  45. The flower bud is a soft white, but edged in many colours that cast a radiant hue upon the bloom and its nest of tender leaves. It quivers slightly, as if reaching, but not quite ready, to unfurl its petals, one by one by one.
  47. (image: for colors)
  49. Lendren turns a shimmering flower bud over and over in her hand, staring raptly, eyes wide. "It's so ... it's so beautiful," she whispers.
  51. Pilgrim amongst the Cairns, Varda whispers to you, "Is that your seed?"
  53. Lendren nods to Varda. "Imagine what it will be when it blooms!" She's still squeezing Llani's hand with one of hers, and with the other she brings a shimmering flower bud close to her heart, so its colors shimmer over her.
  55. "As my lovely Lendren grows and blossoms, so too does the seed." Llani says with a soft smile. "Just like a bud bursting out from the soil, she is still shaking off the bonds of slumber and showing the world her colors."
  57. As you bring the flower close to your heart, you sense that the bud quivers in rhythm to your heartbeats. You have taken the rite from Yneli to Marythen, and the seed has responded in kind. Your eyes are drawn to each petal upon the bud, and you hope to peel them back, each in their time. The layers shimmer with many hues, and you think of the Truths, one by one by one. When you embrace each Truth once more... your heart opens, and perhaps each petal?
  59. Lendren turns her gaze around the imagined circle of her Mayflower kin as she holds a shimmering flower bud up again, turning it, studying each petal. "There are many more things to be learned, many more ways to grow. Much promised to be fulfilled in me and by me, " she says in a distant voice making it unclear if she speaks to herself, those present, those imagined, or beyond. "My Lady, thank you," she says, though not directed anywhere -- trusting that if She wishes to hear, She will -- "for helping me to see how I can become more of what I can be!"
  61. [various puns here that I shall not repeat, for the good of humanity]
  63. Your heart leaps in expectancy as the crystal bindi on your forehead tingles. A vision of swirling blossoms passes before your eyes, drawing your attention to the soft, insightful voice of Maylea that whispers in your ear, "My Lendren. You are reborn, seed and bud, ready to bloom and become, always, more of what you can be. Come to Me and paint of the Truths, singly or together, in meditation upon them. Paint who you are, and who you hope to be, in contemplation of all Serenity. I await what you bring, and your ever blossoming."
  65. [puns continue]
  67. Lendren drifts her gaze to somewhere beyond once more, her smile brightening again. A few flickers of colored light sparkle around her knuckles. "I shall," she says. "A noble challenge of Expression indeed! Already ideas come to me, but they must be considered and meditated upon." Her eyes come back into focus. "Oh, how very exciting!" she exclaims. "This is going to be fun." For once, thankfully, oblivious to the punnery.
  69. The bud quivers once more in your hand, pulsing in rhythm to your heartbeats. You feel another touch upon your cheek, as of fingers, and the faintest hint of a wild, refreshing fragrance. The Goddess's presence has become quiescent once more, but the bud within your hand remains, shimmering, expectant.
  71. Lendren lets out a long fluid breath and sinks slightly back, beaming, eyes bright, but looking at once spent and revitalized. She clutches a shimmering flower bud gingerly close to herself, gently but protectively.
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