Guest User


a guest
Apr 22nd, 2018
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  1. economy:
  2. error:
  3. nomoney: '&cSorry, no money left in national bank!'
  4. limitedItem:
  5. error:
  6. levelup: '&cYou need to levelup in [jobname] to use this item!'
  7. general:
  8. Spawner: '&r[type] Spawner'
  9. info:
  10. toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6%playername% &7***********************'
  11. separator: '&7*******************************************************'
  12. time:
  13. days: '&e%days% &6days '
  14. hours: '&e%hours% &6hours '
  15. mins: '&e%mins% &6min '
  16. secs: '&e%secs% &6sec '
  17. invalidPage: '&cInvalid page'
  18. admin:
  19. error: '&cThere was an error in the command.'
  20. success: '&eYour command has been performed.'
  21. error:
  22. noHelpPage: '&cThere is no help page by this number!'
  23. notNumber: '&ePlease use numbers!'
  24. job: '&cThe job you have selected does not exist!'
  25. noCommand: '&cThere is no command by this name!'
  26. permission: '&cYou do not have permission to do that!'
  27. noinfo: '&cNo information found!'
  28. noinfoByPlayer: '&cNo information found by [%playername%] player name!'
  29. ingame: '&cYou can use this command only in game!'
  30. fromconsole: '&cYou can use this command only from console!'
  31. worldisdisabled: '&cYou cant use command in this world!'
  32. newFurnaceRegistration: '&eRegistered new ownership for furnace &7[current]&e/&f[max]'
  33. newBrewingRegistration: '&eRegistered new ownership for brewing stand &7[current]&e/&f[max]'
  34. noFurnaceRegistration: '&cYou reached max furnace count!'
  35. noBrewingRegistration: '&cYou reached max brewing stand count!'
  36. command:
  37. help:
  38. output:
  39. info: Type /jobs [cmd] ? for more information about a command.
  40. cmdUsage: '&2Usage: &7[command]'
  41. label: Jobs
  42. cmdInfoFormat: '[command] &f- &2[description]'
  43. cmdFormat: '&7/[command]&f[arguments]'
  44. helpPageDescription: '&2* [description]'
  45. title: '&e-------&e ======= &6Jobs &e======= &e-------'
  46. page: '&e-----&e ====== Page &6[1] &eof &6[2] &e====== &e-----'
  47. fliperSimbols: '&e----------'
  48. prevPage: '&2----<< &6Prev '
  49. prevPageOff: '&7----<< Prev '
  50. nextPage: '&6 Next &2>>----'
  51. nextPageOff: '&7 Next >>----'
  52. pageCount: '&2[current]/[total]'
  53. moneyboost:
  54. help:
  55. info: Boosts Money gain for all players
  56. args: '[jobname] [rate]'
  57. output:
  58. allreset: All money boost turned off
  59. jobsboostreset: Money boost for %jobname% was turned off
  60. nothingtoreset: Nothing to reset
  61. boostalladded: Money boost of %boost% added for all jobs!
  62. boostadded: Money boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!
  63. infostats: '&c-----> &aMoney rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------'
  64. pointboost:
  65. help:
  66. info: Boosts points gain for all players
  67. args: '[jobname] [rate]'
  68. output:
  69. allreset: All points boost turned off
  70. jobsboostreset: Points boost for %jobname% was turned off
  71. nothingtoreset: Nothing to reset
  72. boostalladded: Points boost of %boost% added for all jobs!
  73. boostadded: Points boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!
  74. infostats: '&c-----> &aPoints rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------'
  75. expboost:
  76. help:
  77. info: Boosts Exp gain for all players
  78. args: '[jobname] [rate]'
  79. output:
  80. allreset: All exp boost turned off
  81. jobsboostreset: Exp boost for %jobname% was turned off
  82. nothingtoreset: Nothing to reset
  83. boostalladded: Exp boost of %boost% added for all jobs!
  84. boostadded: Exp boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!
  85. infostats: '&c-----> &aExp rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------'
  86. itembonus:
  87. help:
  88. info: Check item bonus
  89. args: ''
  90. output:
  91. list: '&e[jobname]: %money% %points% %exp%'
  92. edititembonus:
  93. help:
  94. info: Edit item boost bonus
  95. args: '[list/add/remove] [jobsName] [itemBoostName]'
  96. bonus:
  97. help:
  98. info: Show job bonuses
  99. args: '[jobname]'
  100. output:
  101. topline: '&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************'
  102. permission: ' &ePerm bonus: %money% %points% %exp%'
  103. item: ' &eItem bonus: %money% %points% %exp%'
  104. global: ' &eGlobal bonus: %money% %points% %exp%'
  105. dynamic: ' &eDynamic bonus: %money% %points% %exp%'
  106. nearspawner: ' &eSpawner bonus: %money% %points% %exp%'
  107. petpay: ' &ePetPay bonus: %money% %points% %exp%'
  108. area: ' &eArea bonus: %money% %points% %exp%'
  109. mcmmo: ' &eMcMMO bonus: %money% %points% %exp%'
  110. final: ' &eFinal bonus: %money% %points% %exp%'
  111. finalExplanation: ' &eDoes not include Petpay and Near spawner bonus/penalty'
  112. convert:
  113. help:
  114. info: Converts data base system from one system to another. if you currently
  115. running sqlite, this will convert to Mysql and vise versa.
  116. args: ''
  117. limit:
  118. help:
  119. info: Shows payment limits for jobs
  120. args: ''
  121. output:
  122. moneytime: '&eTime left until money limit resets: &2%time%'
  123. moneyLimit: '&eMoney limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%'
  124. exptime: '&eTime left until Exp limit resets: &2%time%'
  125. expLimit: '&eExp limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%'
  126. pointstime: '&eTime left until Point limit resets: &2%time%'
  127. pointsLimit: '&ePoint limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%'
  128. reachedmoneylimit: '&4You have reached money limit in given time!'
  129. reachedmoneylimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand'
  130. reachedexplimit: '&4You have reached exp limit in given time!'
  131. reachedexplimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand'
  132. reachedpointslimit: '&4You have reached exp limit in given time!'
  133. reachedpointslimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand'
  134. notenabled: '&eMoney limit is not enabled'
  135. resetlimit:
  136. help:
  137. info: Resets players payment limits
  138. args: '[playername]'
  139. output:
  140. reseted: '&ePayment limits have been reset for: &2%playername%'
  141. points:
  142. help:
  143. info: Shows how much points player have.
  144. args: '[playername]'
  145. currentpoints: ' &eCurrent point amount: &6%currentpoints%'
  146. totalpoints: ' &eTotal amount of collected points until now: &6%totalpoints%'
  147. editpoints:
  148. help:
  149. info: Edit players points.
  150. args: '[set/add/take] [playername] [amount]'
  151. output:
  152. set: '&ePlayers (&6%playername%&e) points was set to &6%amount%'
  153. add: '&ePlayer (&6%playername%&e) got aditinal &6%amount% &epoints. Now he has
  154. &6%total%'
  155. take: '&ePlayer (&6%playername%&e) lost &6%amount% &epoints. Now he has &6%total%'
  156. editjobs:
  157. help:
  158. info: Edit current jobs.
  159. args: ''
  160. list:
  161. job: '&eJobs:'
  162. jobs: ' -> [&e%jobname%&r]'
  163. actions: ' -> [&e%actionname%&r]'
  164. material: ' -> [&e%materialname%&r] '
  165. materialRemove: '&c[X]'
  166. materialAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]'
  167. money: ' -> &eMoney: &6%amount%'
  168. exp: ' -> &eExp: &6%amount%'
  169. points: ' -> &ePoints: &6%amount%'
  170. modify:
  171. newValue: '&eEnter new value'
  172. enter: '&eEnter new name or press '
  173. hand: '&6HAND '
  174. handHover: '&6Press to grab info from item in your hand'
  175. or: '&eor '
  176. look: '&6LOOKING AT'
  177. lookHover: '&6Press to grab info from block you are looking'
  178. blockinfo:
  179. help:
  180. info: Shows block information you looking at.
  181. args: ''
  182. output:
  183. name: ' &eBlock name: &6%blockname%'
  184. id: ' &eBlock id: &6%blockid%'
  185. data: ' &eBlock data: &6%blockdata%'
  186. usage: ' &eUsage: &6%first% &eor &6%second%'
  187. iteminfo:
  188. help:
  189. info: Shows item information you holding.
  190. args: ''
  191. output:
  192. name: ' &eItem name: &6%itemname%'
  193. id: ' &eItem id: &6%itemid%'
  194. data: ' &eItem data: &6%itemdata%'
  195. usage: ' &eUsage: &6%first% &eor &6%second%'
  196. entitylist:
  197. help:
  198. info: Shows all possible entities can be used with plugin.
  199. args: ''
  200. stats:
  201. help:
  202. info: Show the level you are in each job you are part of.
  203. args: '[playername]'
  204. error:
  205. nojob: Please join a job first.
  206. output: ' lvl%joblevel% %jobname% : %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp'
  207. shop:
  208. help:
  209. info: Opens special jobs shop.
  210. args: ''
  211. info:
  212. title: '&e------- &8Jobs shop &e-------'
  213. currentPoints: '&eYou have: &6%currentpoints%'
  214. price: '&ePrice: &6%price%'
  215. reqJobs: '&eRequired jobs:'
  216. reqJobsList: ' &6%jobsname%&e: &e%level% lvl'
  217. reqTotalLevel: '&6Required total level: &e%totalLevel%'
  218. cantOpen: '&cCan''t open this page'
  219. NoPermForItem: '&cYou don''t have required permissions for this item!'
  220. NoPermToBuy: '&cNo permissions to buy this item'
  221. NoJobReqForitem: '&cYou don''t have required job (&6%jobname%&e) with required
  222. (&6%joblevel%&e) level'
  223. NoPoints: '&cYou don''t have enough points'
  224. NoTotalLevel: '&cTotal jobs level is too low (%totalLevel%)'
  225. Paid: '&eYou have paid &6%amount% &efor this item'
  226. archive:
  227. help:
  228. info: Shows all jobs saved in archive by user.
  229. args: '[playername]'
  230. error:
  231. nojob: There is no jobs saved.
  232. give:
  233. help:
  234. info: Gives item by jobs name and item category name. Player name is optional
  235. args: '[playername] [jobname] [itemname]'
  236. output:
  237. notonline: '&4Player [%playername%] is not online!'
  238. noitem: '&4Cant find any item by given name!'
  239. info:
  240. help:
  241. title: '&2*** &eJobs&2 ***'
  242. info: Show how much each job is getting paid and for what.
  243. penalty: '&eThis job have &c[penalty]% &epenalty because of too many players
  244. working in it.'
  245. bonus: '&eThis job have &2[bonus]% &ebonus because not enough players working
  246. in it.'
  247. args: '[jobname] [action]'
  248. actions: '&eValid actions are: &f%actions%'
  249. max: ' - &emax level:&f '
  250. newMax: ' &eMax level: &f[max]'
  251. material: '&7%material%'
  252. levelRange: ' &a(&e%levelFrom% &a- &e%levelUntil% &alevels)'
  253. levelFrom: ' &a(from &e%levelFrom% &alevel)'
  254. levelUntil: ' &a(until &e%levelUntil% &alevel)'
  255. money: ' &2%money%$'
  256. points: ' &6%points%pts'
  257. exp: ' &e%exp%xp'
  258. gui:
  259. pickjob: '&ePick your job!'
  260. jobinfo: '&e[jobname] info!'
  261. actions: '&eValid actions are:'
  262. leftClick: '&eLeft Click for more info'
  263. rightClick: '&eRight click to join job'
  264. leftSlots: '&eLeft slots:&f '
  265. working: '&2&nAlready working'
  266. max: '&eMax level:&f '
  267. back: '&e<<< Back'
  268. output:
  269. break:
  270. info: Break
  271. none: '%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks.'
  272. tntbreak:
  273. info: TNTBreak
  274. none: '%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks with tnt.'
  275. place:
  276. info: Place
  277. none: '%jobname% does not get money for placing blocks.'
  278. kill:
  279. info: Kill
  280. none: '%jobname% does not get money for killing monsters.'
  281. mmkill:
  282. info: MMKill
  283. none: '%jobname% does not get money for killing Mythic monsters.'
  284. fish:
  285. info: Fish
  286. none: '%jobname% does not get money from fishing.'
  287. craft:
  288. info: Craft
  289. none: '%jobname% does not get money from crafting.'
  290. smelt:
  291. info: Smelt
  292. none: '%jobname% does not get money from smelting.'
  293. brew:
  294. info: Brew
  295. none: '%jobname% does not get money from brewing.'
  296. eat:
  297. info: Eat
  298. none: '%jobname% does not get money from eating food.'
  299. dye:
  300. info: Dye
  301. none: '%jobname% does not get money from dyeing.'
  302. enchant:
  303. info: Enchant
  304. none: '%jobname% does not get money from enchanting.'
  305. repair:
  306. info: Repair
  307. none: '%jobname% does not get money from repairing.'
  308. breed:
  309. info: Breed
  310. none: '%jobname% does not get money from breeding.'
  311. tame:
  312. info: Tame
  313. none: '%jobname% does not get money from taming.'
  314. milk:
  315. info: Milk
  316. none: '%jobname% does not get money from milking cows.'
  317. shear:
  318. info: Shear
  319. none: '%jobname% does not get money from shearing sheeps.'
  320. explore:
  321. info: Explore
  322. none: '%jobname% does not get money from exploring.'
  323. custom-kill:
  324. info: Custom kill
  325. none: '%jobname% does not get money from custom player kills.'
  326. playerinfo:
  327. help:
  328. info: Show how much each job is getting paid and for what on another player.
  329. args: '[playername] [jobname] [action]'
  330. join:
  331. help:
  332. info: Join the selected job.
  333. args: '[jobname]'
  334. error:
  335. alreadyin: You are already in the job %jobname%.
  336. fullslots: You cannot join the job %jobname%, there are no slots available.
  337. maxjobs: You have already joined too many jobs.
  338. rejoin: '&cCan''t rejoin this job. Wait [time]'
  339. success: You have joined the job %jobname%.
  340. confirm: '&2Click to confirm join action for &7[jobname] &2job.'
  341. leave:
  342. help:
  343. info: Leave the selected job.
  344. args: '[oldplayerjob]'
  345. success: You have left the job %jobname%.
  346. leaveall:
  347. help:
  348. info: Leave all your jobs.
  349. error:
  350. nojobs: You do not have any jobs to leave!
  351. success: You have left all your jobs.
  352. explored:
  353. help:
  354. info: Check who visited this chunk
  355. error:
  356. noexplore: No one visited this chunk
  357. list: '&e%place%. %playername%'
  358. browse:
  359. help:
  360. info: List the jobs available to you.
  361. error:
  362. nojobs: There are no jobs you can join.
  363. output:
  364. header: 'You are allowed to join the following jobs:'
  365. footer: For more information type in /jobs info [JobName]
  366. totalWorkers: ' &7Workers: &e[amount]'
  367. penalty: ' &4Penalty: &c[amount]%'
  368. bonus: ' &2Bonus: &a[amount]%'
  369. newHeader: '&2========== [amount] Available Jobs ========='
  370. list: ' &8[place]. &7[jobname]'
  371. click: '&bClick on the job to see more info about it!'
  372. detailed: '&bClick to see more detailed list on job actions'
  373. jobHeader: '&2========== [jobname] ========='
  374. chooseJob: '&7&n&oChoose this job'
  375. chooseJobHover: '&7Click here to get this job'
  376. clearownership:
  377. help:
  378. info: Clear block ownership
  379. args: (playername)
  380. output:
  381. cleared: '&2Removed &7[furnaces] &2furnaces and &7[brewing] &2brewing stands'
  382. quests:
  383. help:
  384. info: List available quests
  385. args: (playername)
  386. error:
  387. noquests: '&cThere are no quests'
  388. toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6[playerName]&2(&f[questsDone]&2)
  389. &7***********************'
  390. output:
  391. completed: '&2 !Completed!&r '
  392. questLine: '[progress] &7[questName] &f[done]&7/&8[required]'
  393. hover:
  394. - '&f[jobName]'
  395. - '[desc]'
  396. - '&7New quest in: [time]'
  397. fire:
  398. help:
  399. info: Fire the player from the job.
  400. args: '[playername] [jobname]'
  401. error:
  402. nojob: Player does not have the job %jobname%.
  403. output:
  404. target: You have been fired from %jobname%.
  405. fireall:
  406. help:
  407. info: Fire player from all their jobs.
  408. args: '[playername]'
  409. error:
  410. nojobs: Player does not have any jobs to be fired from!
  411. output:
  412. target: You have been fired from all your jobs.
  413. employ:
  414. help:
  415. info: Employ the player to the job.
  416. args: '[playername] [jobname]'
  417. error:
  418. alreadyin: Player is already in the job %jobname%.
  419. output:
  420. target: You have been employed as a %jobname%.
  421. top:
  422. help:
  423. info: Shows top 15 players by jobs name.
  424. args: '[jobname]'
  425. error:
  426. nojob: Cant find any job with this name.
  427. output:
  428. topline: '&aTop&e 15 &aplayers by &e%jobname% &ajob'
  429. list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp'
  430. prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|'
  431. next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>'
  432. show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2top list'
  433. gtop:
  434. help:
  435. info: Shows top 15 players by global jobs level.
  436. args: ''
  437. error:
  438. nojob: Cant find any information.
  439. output:
  440. topline: '&aTop&e 15 &aplayers by global job level'
  441. list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp'
  442. prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|'
  443. next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>'
  444. show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2global top list'
  445. area:
  446. help:
  447. info: Modify restricted areas.
  448. args: add/remove/info/list
  449. addUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area add [areaName/wg:worldGuardAreaName] [bonus]'
  450. removeUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area remove [areaName]'
  451. output:
  452. addedNew: '&eAdded new restricted area with &6%bonus% &ebonus'
  453. removed: '&eRemoved restricted area &6%name%'
  454. list: '&e%number%&a. &e%areaname% &e%worldname% (&a%x1%:%y1%:%z1%/&e%x2%:%y2%:%z2%)
  455. &6%bonus%'
  456. wgList: '&e%number%&a. WorldGuard: &e%areaname% &6%bonus%'
  457. noAreas: '&eThere is no saved restricted areas'
  458. noAreasByLoc: '&eThere is no restricted areas in this location'
  459. areaList: '&eRestricted areas by your location: &6%list%'
  460. selected1: '&eSelected first point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
  461. selected2: '&eSelected second point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
  462. select: '&eSelect 2 points with selection tool (%tool%)'
  463. exist: '&eRestriction area by this name already exist'
  464. dontExist: '&eRestriction area by this name don''t exist'
  465. wgDontExist: '&eWorldGuard area by this name don''t exist'
  466. log:
  467. help:
  468. info: Shows statistics.
  469. args: '[playername]'
  470. output:
  471. topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************'
  472. ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
  473. money: '&6money: %amount% '
  474. exp: '&eexp: %amount% '
  475. points: '&6points: %amount%'
  476. bottomline: '&7***********************************************************'
  477. prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|'
  478. next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>'
  479. nodata: '&cData not found'
  480. glog:
  481. help:
  482. info: Shows global statistics.
  483. args: ''
  484. output:
  485. topline: '&7*********************** &6Global statistics &7***********************'
  486. ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
  487. money: '&6money: %amount% '
  488. exp: '&eexp: %amount% '
  489. points: '&6points: %amount%'
  490. bottomline: '&7**************************************************************'
  491. nodata: '&cData not found'
  492. transfer:
  493. help:
  494. info: Transfer a player's job from an old job to a new job.
  495. args: '[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]'
  496. output:
  497. target: You have been transferred from %oldjobname% to %newjobname%.
  498. promote:
  499. help:
  500. info: Promote the player X levels in a job.
  501. args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]'
  502. output:
  503. target: You have been promoted %levelsgained% levels in %jobname%.
  504. exp:
  505. help:
  506. info: Change the player exp for job.
  507. args: '[playername] [jobname] [set/add/take] [amount]'
  508. output:
  509. target: '&eYour exp was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl
  510. &eand with &6%exp%exp.'
  511. demote:
  512. help:
  513. info: Demote the player X levels in a job.
  514. args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]'
  515. output:
  516. target: You have been demoted %levelslost% levels in %jobname%.
  517. grantxp:
  518. help:
  519. info: Grant the player X experience in a job.
  520. args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]'
  521. output:
  522. target: You have been granted %xpgained% experience in %jobname%.
  523. removexp:
  524. help:
  525. info: Remove X experience from the player in a job.
  526. args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]'
  527. output:
  528. target: You have lost %xplost% experience in %jobname%.
  529. signupdate:
  530. help:
  531. info: Manualy updates sign by its name
  532. args: '[jobname]'
  533. bp:
  534. help:
  535. info: Shows Block protection arround you in 10 block radius
  536. args: ''
  537. output:
  538. found: '&eFound &6%amount% &eprotected blocks around you'
  539. notFound: '&eNo protected blocks found around you'
  540. reload:
  541. help:
  542. info: Reload configurations.
  543. toggle:
  544. help:
  545. info: Toggles payment output on action bar or bossbar.
  546. args: '[actionbar/bossbar]'
  547. output:
  548. turnedoff: '&4This feature are turned off!'
  549. paid:
  550. main: '&aYou got:'
  551. money: '&e[amount] money'
  552. exp: '&7[exp] exp'
  553. points: '&6[points] points'
  554. 'on': '&aToggled: &aON'
  555. 'off': '&aToggled: &4OFF'
  556. message:
  557. skillup:
  558. broadcast: '%playername% has been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%.'
  559. nobroadcast: Congratulations, you have been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%.
  560. levelup:
  561. broadcast: '%playername% is now a level %joblevel% %jobname%.'
  562. nobroadcast: You are now a level %joblevel% %jobname%.
  563. cowtimer: '&eYou still need to wait &6%time% &esec to get paid for this job.'
  564. blocktimer: '&eYou need to wait: &3[time] &esec more to get paid for this!'
  565. placeblocktimer: '&eYou cant place block faster than &6[time] &esec interval in
  566. same place!'
  567. taxes: '&3[amount] &eserver taxes where transfered to this account'
  568. boostStarted: '&eJobs boost time have been started!'
  569. boostStoped: '&eJobs boost time have been ended!'
  570. crafting:
  571. fullinventory: Your inventory is full!
  572. signs:
  573. List: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[level]'
  574. SpecialList:
  575. p1: '&b** &8First &b**'
  576. p2: '&b** &8Second &b**'
  577. p3: '&b** &8Third &b**'
  578. p4: '&b** &8Fourth &b**'
  579. p5: '&b** &8Fifth &b**'
  580. p6: '&b** &8Sixth &b**'
  581. p7: '&b** &8Seventh &b**'
  582. p8: '&b** &8Eight &b**'
  583. p9: '&b** &8Ninth &b**'
  584. p10: '&b** &8Tenth &b**'
  585. name: '&9[player]'
  586. level: '&8[level] level'
  587. bottom: '&b************'
  588. cantcreate: '&4You can''t create this sign!'
  589. cantdestroy: '&4You can''t destroy this sign!'
  590. topline: '&0[Jobs]'
  591. secondline:
  592. join: '&0Join'
  593. leave: '&0Leave'
  594. toggle: '&0Toggle'
  595. top: '&0Top'
  596. browse: '&0Browse'
  597. stats: '&0Stats'
  598. limit: '&0Limit'
  599. info: '&0Info'
  600. archive: '&0Archive'
  601. scoreboard:
  602. topline: '&2Top &e%jobname%'
  603. gtopline: '&2Global top list'
  604. line: '&2%number%. &e%playername% (&6%level%&e)'
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