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Battletoads and Double Dragon SNES rambles

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Jun 28th, 2014
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  1. <Ebil_HOMEr>
  2. <Ebil_HOMEr> confirmed worst
  3. <Ebil_HOMEr> I played with it some more today too
  4. <Ebil_HOMEr> Stage 3 in this port is disgusting
  5. <Ebil_HOMEr> Lindas hit you too pre-emptively for you to approach, if you're knocked down it's almost a guaranteed 1 life lost because the AI wasn't programmed to play fair with whips
  6. <Ebil_HOMEr> the crushers hit you on the way UP
  7. <Ebil_HOMEr> when I'm pretty sure in the genesis port they only hit you on the way down although I'll have to double check
  8. <Ebil_HOMEr> oh and the video I linked above happened
  9. <Ebil_HOMEr> they also didn't seem to care about specifics in terms of enemy balance as doing the knee drop move with the Double Dragons usually gets you hit
  10. <Ebil_HOMEr> even against a downed enemy
  11. <Ebil_HOMEr> because they immediately get up and hit you
  12. <Ebil_HOMEr> which does NOT happen in the Genesis port
  13. <Ebil_HOMEr> at least not in the middle of a leg drop
  14. <Ebil_HOMEr> Boss music has been axed in favor of continuing the stage music
  15. <Ebil_HOMEr> you don't get the amusing exchange between T.Bird and the bosses in between stages
  16. <Ebil_HOMEr> The Turbo Tunnel theme is present in the SNES Port although it plays in the WRONG spot
  17. <Ebil_HOMEr> it's supposed to play during the biking portion of Stage 2 but instead it plays much later in the game
  18. <Ebil_HOMEr> more enemy AI fun, you know those astronaut stage 1 enemy dudes
  19. <Ebil_HOMEr> well, later on in all the other versions of the game, they would get a new attack.
  20. <Ebil_HOMEr> in the SNES Port, rather than have later levels use them with this attack, they just START with it
  21. <Ebil_HOMEr> lazy lazy lazy
  22. <Ebil_HOMEr> you can also miss combos in the SNES port
  23. <Ebil_HOMEr> for instance, if you are far away when you do the combo finisher with Billy or Jimmy Lee(the jumping roundhouse)
  24. <Ebil_HOMEr> it can just flat out miss
  25. <Ebil_HOMEr> because the enemy can move before it ends, technically
  26. <Ebil_HOMEr> and if they move by a small enough margin you'll just whiff
  27. <Ebil_HOMEr> then there's the scale and size of Stage 1 being small
  28. <Ebil_HOMEr> IDK if that's just me but I feel like it was bigger in both other ports in terms of vertical space
  29. <Ebil_HOMEr> also gone in the SNES port is dynamic music cues in things like Stage 2
  30. <Ebil_HOMEr> where in other ports the music would increase in speed when you fought the dynamite guy
  31. <Ebil_HOMEr> Big Blag is incredibly oversized in the SNES port, taking up 1/3 of the battle area
  32. <Ebil_HOMEr> he's not difficult
  33. <Ebil_HOMEr> but he's oversized
  34. <Ebil_HOMEr> also removed in the SNES port is a lot of actual color
  35. <Ebil_HOMEr> if you look at Stage 1 for instance
  36. <Ebil_HOMEr> the mooks there had 3 different colors, it was a brighter game in general
  37. <Ebil_HOMEr> the SNES port does away with unique mook colors and instead goes the menacing route
  38. <Ebil_HOMEr> I...personally prefer the Genesis in terms of how the graphics are handled
  39. <Ebil_HOMEr> climbing fences in Stage 3 in the SNES port is also harder as they made going left and right a CHORE by making the width and length of the player hitbox too big I think
  40. <Ebil_HOMEr> meaning you have to go ALL THE WAY UP And then right
  41. <Ebil_HOMEr> not a lot of squeezing room
  42. <Ebil_HOMEr> your elbow drop with the Lee Brothers can also miss powerups because they didn't bother to make the hitbox encompass a whole lot
  43. <Ebil_HOMEr> if you knock an enemy onto a ramp in the SNES port the game rapes your ears by playing the knocked down sound repeatedly
  44. <Ebil_HOMEr> the Genesis version does have one form of ear rape in the form of Abobo's entrance but
  45. <Ebil_HOMEr> yeah
  46. <Ebil_HOMEr> this is a pretty extensive list of arbitrary changes that would not bother me if they didn't make the game feel worse
  47. <Ebil_HOMEr> the SNES one also feels slower than the other two
  48. <Ebil_HOMEr> yes even slower than the NES one
  49. <Ebil_HOMEr> not clunky, but slower
  50. <Ebil_HOMEr> still if you ever plan on covering all the ports of this game
  51. <Ebil_HOMEr> you'll notice what I did
  52. <Ebil_HOMEr> the Genesis adaptation is, to my knowledge, the most faithful to the NES original
  53. <Ebil_HOMEr> as in, I believe it keeps most of the enemy designs the same
  54. <Ebil_HOMEr> most of the game works identically
  55. <Ebil_HOMEr> there are a few scrapped things between both ports that were present in the NES but they're small
  56. <Ebil_HOMEr> I know the NES had an alternate sprite for the other mooks in Stage 1
  57. <Ebil_HOMEr> the Genesis one just uses different palettes from the same base sprite
  58. <Ebil_HOMEr> that being the Blue Mook
  59. <Ebil_HOMEr> the SNES one is the laziest of the three with it only featuring one type of astronaut spaceman mook
  60. <Ebil_HOMEr> the SNES one also adds impact to things that didn't need it and removes it from things that did
  61. <Ebil_HOMEr> for instance, when doing the Lee brothers finisher on the Stage 2 grunts, they don't jump up from the impact anymore
  62. <Ebil_HOMEr> makes the knee look weaker
  63. <Ebil_HOMEr> but then they made the Lindas lurch back when you do the Lee brothers finisher on them in stage 3, when that wasn't present before
  64. <Ebil_HOMEr> and it really doesn't...add much
  65. <Ebil_HOMEr> on a positive note the SNES has the best soundtrack of the three, with the SNES sound chip providing just the right amount of awesome to the soundtrack
  66. <Ebil_HOMEr> allowing them to use actual semi-clean guitar samples and giving the music a much heavier presence
  67. <Ebil_HOMEr> the NES version will forever have the best hitsounds
  68. <Ebil_HOMEr> given that they are recycled from the NES battletoads
  69. <Ebil_HOMEr> and that big POW sound when you use a strong move
  70. <Ebil_HOMEr> is PERFECT on the NES
  71. <Ebil_HOMEr> it sounds like someone pounding concrete
  72. <Ebil_HOMEr> or just a heavy thud, whatever you prefer
  73. <Ebil_HOMEr> in order of preference
  74. <Ebil_HOMEr> 1. Genesis
  75. <Ebil_HOMEr> 2. NES
  76. <Ebil_HOMEr> 3. SNES
  77. <Ebil_HOMEr> all are very solid and playable
  78. <Ebil_HOMEr> both 16 bit ports managed to salvage the NES soundtrack as it kind of sucks
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