
This Nigga Travis Died, Libi set some guy on fire

Jul 12th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: [MANI!-throws confetti-]
  2. Tsaaq: ((Jesus.))
  3. iKamal: [<.< take my affection mani dammit!]
  4. Tsaaq: ((I don't do that thing.))
  5. Tsaaq: ((lol.))
  6. iKamal: [XD]
  7. ChurchAeki: Nick was lost in what London was talking about, but really wasn't going to follow it as it seemed like a conversation they were having before he came over; he smiled to London but it seemed like she was avoiding him a bit and he didn't know why. His attention turned to Shanee, his smile grew as he threw back another one of his shots "I don't have a....I guess woman to celebrate, nor am I celebrating anything...was hanging with my friends and when we spit ways I came in here to finish off my night."
  8. Trexler: -Travis just finished the deal with his fathers old partner about moving his office to LA. He was pretty bummed because he knew that him going back home would mean that he would probably mess back around with the people that use to.They werent good people at all and pretty much got him killed. He left his office and figured that he would stop to have a drink so he made his way to the Handle. He pulled up front and made his way in looking around as he entered. He then saw London sitting with Nick and Shanee, he brushed them off and walked to the bar ordering a beer. He thanked the lady and asked her to start a tab. He then grabbed a beer tossing it back taking a long swig-
  9. iKamal: Lonnie sipped her tea and she let them talk. she looked at Nick."Excuse me I need to use the lady room."She waited for him to move out of her way and scooted out of the booth. She made her way towards the bathrooms and brought her purse with her."I know I have a tampon in here somewhere..."she finally found it and sat down looking and raised a brow"huh guess I don't need that" she put the tampon back into her purse using the bathroom and washing her hands. She came back out and she saw Travis. She sighed some looking over his face. He looked depressed and like stress was taking a toll on him. She could see the slight bags under his eyes. she made her way over to him and leaned against the bar. she looked over at Nick and Shanee and figured they would be ok. She turned back to Travis."You look like you could use a hot bath and a massage...."she offered him a small smile. She had been taking Shanee's advice about moving forward and trying to figet what happen it was stll therebut she wanted to try and make things right with Travis.
  10. Tsaaq: She let her blunt rest between her lips with her feet propped on the dashboard. Libi opened up the glove compartment of her hearse and shook around the baggie of pills she bought from Angel. She went to grab two and let them rest in her palm. She began to bring the pills to her mouth but hesistated. "Huh..." She trailed off. Libi frowned and shoved the pills in her pocket. She went to get out of her vehicle, kicking the door closed. Libi tossed what was left over of her blunt as she went towards the handle.
  11. TheIridescentHollow: "Oh ok," she said to Nick. "You and Lonnie are pretty much the only people I've hung out with around here." She nibbled on some more fries, sprinkling a little extra salt in the ketchup and mixing it up with a fry.
  12. Trexler: -Travis then turned his head to look at london and couldnt help but smile as he saw her,he couldnt help but think about her this whole time-''Oh yeah? and are you giving that massage?''-he said as he sipped his beer again trying not to get his hopes up because he figured she was still thinking about the incident-
  13. ChurchAeki: With Nick's back towards the door of the handle he didn't notice the flood of people entering the bar, but he did notice how loud the bar was getting. "Must be that time of night huh." He says with slight raise of voice to speak over the other voice around chit chating and laughing; though hearing London he would slide out the booth letting her out as he stared at her, his thoughts running wild in why she wasn't talking to him. Once she was out of the booth he sat back down and looked to Shanee. "Is London upset with me or something? She hasn't said to words to me since I came over here..." He turned his head down the hall to where the bathrooms were seeing her disappear within before sturning his head back to Shanee. "And did you just call me fine a moment ago?" He says now just having her words register. "And it fine to have a circle of people you hang with, less drama I suppose."
  14. iKamal: Lonnie smiles at Travis. She shrugged some."Maybe." she took a deep breath."I just wanted to tell you I am sorry Travis. I know dealing with me isn't easy...well before I took Shanee's advice that is. I know you were trying to be there for me and I kept pushing you away. But now things are changing in my life. For the better that is. I don't want to be London anymore..the girl with the money just flashing around that her father is the mayor...So I am making changes."she looked at him."No more drinking,no more drugs,no more relying on others for money. I also don't want to be called London anymore. London is in the past and she is a terrible person. So I go by Lonnie now."she shrugged her shoulders some more. she hoped he understood what she was doing and why she was doing it."I just hope you can understand that and I hope the best for you in anything and everything you do. I may not love you the way you want me to right now but I do care about you."
  15. TheIridescentHollow: "Well you are fine," she says giving him a smile. "I don't really know why she isn't talking to you. She seemed fine to me, but she is going through some stuff. I think she's making an effort to move past it, you know?" She would have used the excuse of men being harder to talk to but London seemed to be getting along just fine over there. She signed. "I guess she was giving me a chance to talk to you."
  16. iKamal: [i might be slow cause im adding stuff]
  17. Trexler: -Travis nodded as he continued to sip his beer even though he tried not to pay attention to the last part of her sentence he kind of just dazed a bit-''Well i am going to LA, ill be here for a couple months longer but after that ill be gone. I hope you do well for yourself and i hope you come to visit.''-he said taking a cig from his blazer pocket lighting it taking a long pull-''So i heard you payed a visit to Izzy last night''-he said with a smile-
  18. iKamal: [does anyone see tvs in here!]
  19. TheIridescentHollow: (the security cams?)
  20. ChurchAeki: He nods as he bit into one of his wings, before sitting it down and licking his fingers of the sauce. "Yeah, that is understandable." He looked to where Shanee eyes gazed and saw London talking with Travis. "Ah, yeah maybe or she just wanted to hang with her boyfriend." Shrugs his shoulder and looks to Shanee. "And me being fine thing, I guess not that fine since I don't have anyone to enhance my finess with." He chuckles. "Speaking of looks, you seem extra looks good." He says with a smile.
  21. TheIridescentHollow: (I see them)
  22. Tsaaq: Libi walked inside, glancing around with her arms crossed over her chest. She tried to gauge who'd been there. Her eyes falling on Travis and London. She pursed her lips and saw two people in the booth. She decided to approach the two. "You're the guy who did my tat..." She said before glancing to the girl. "And you're some chick."
  23. ChurchAeki: (I see no Tv)
  24. Tsaaq: ((Me either.))
  25. iKamal: Lonnie nodded her head."Maybe we can spend sometime together and ahngout before you go."she heard about how he knew she was at Izzy's last night."I'm guessing he told you."she took a deep breath."I did go. I didn't want to go home last night. He took care of me."she shrugged some and looked about the bar."I hope you have fun back in LA though. I am sure you will do great there."
  26. iKamal: [-throws a fit]
  27. iKamal: [i found them]
  28. ChurchAeki: (Now I see them...)
  29. Tsaaq: ((So question why does the bar need a tv lol.))
  30. iKamal: [sports!]
  31. iKamal: [sports. damn button]
  32. Trexler: -Travis nodded once again taking a sip of his beer then looking back over at her-''Honestly it doesnt bother me he's a good dude and i would defintely suggest you get with him than anyone else''-he said taking another pull from his cig-
  33. ChurchAeki: Nick would look up from Shanee to the voice that was slightly familiar; seeing Libi he would smile to her. "Libi right?" He says as he scoots over to have her sit. "You want to join us...?" He slides his stuff to be in front of him and took another shot of grin that was lined up now only being three. His eyes shifted between Shanee and Libi and connected that they didn't know each other, damn him being intoxicated made him slow. "Oh...Shanee this is Libi, Libi Shanee."
  34. ChurchAeki: (The Tv's are scarying me XD)
  35. iKamal: She sighs and frowns some."It's not like that's not like that at all."she shook her head."Enough about that though..I guess I will just let you get back to your beer and your cigarette."she turned away from him seeing that Libi was at the table with Nick and Shanee. she sighed some and rubbed the back of her neck -
  36. iKamal: [you scare me]
  37. ChurchAeki: (With my dick I hope)
  38. TheIridescentHollow: "You think so? Thank you." It sounded like they were in the same boat. The noise in the place with the flood in of people had her raising her voice somewhat. "Actually, since you mention it, I would've asked before but I wasn't sure if you had a girlfriend. I didn't want to offend you or anything you know?" She looked across the table at him. Was it wise to bring this up while he was getting waterlogged? It seemed that conversation was getting stuffed in her pocket for the time being. "Nice to meet you, Libi."
  39. iKamal: [<_<]
  40. iKamal: [god dammit imvu nothing is loading that i put in here!]
  41. TheIridescentHollow: (you're glitched)
  42. iKamal: [i think so i just put burgers and fries in here to put on the tables and cant find it ]
  43. Tsaaq: "Yeah, usually people call me that." She replied. Her eyes went over to Shanee and she rose her eyebrows skeptically. "Um... Okay." She replied awkwardly to the introduction. She shifted from foot to foot. "Yeah totally." She replied to the female. She grit her teeth and looked between NIck and Shanee. She took a dramatic inhale and as she shrugged. "Um. Not really?" She replied softly then darted her head. "Just... Coming over." Libi pursed her lips and lowered her arms to her sides since she wasn't sure how to end the conversation she began to turn away.
  44. ChurchAeki: His lips vibrated against each other as he 'pfft'. "I like people when they can be straight forward, that confidence ...." His words trail off as he thinks of the word. "It draws my attention I suppose." He couldn't find it but what he said was good enough for him, plus the drinks were blocking the way of his vast vocabulary. Looking to Libi as she declined his offer. "Alright, guess I'll see you around." He says with a smile and looked over to Shanee. "Yeah that's another client of mine...her tattoo turned out really good...wish she stayed so she could of shown you."
  45. Alexithymiaa: -After taking off from family dinner, Quinn headed over to the Rusty Handle because she needed to get away from the stiffness of her dinner. Climbing out of her car, she tugged down her dress a bit and walked to the entrance of the bar, stepping inside and moving quickly up to the front counter. "A beer, please?" She requested of the bartender, leaning her forearm on the bar and letting out a sigh.-
  46. ChurchAeki: (This Tv is really bugging me....)
  47. iKamal: [you are bugging me!]
  48. ChurchAeki: (v.v okay)
  49. Trexler: -Travis then looked over to his side seeing Quinn walk into the bar as she stood there waiting for her drink-''Sup Q, hows things?''-he said taking another sip of his beer before looking at the bartender-''Put her on my tab''-he said with a smile ashing his cig out before looking at quinn again-''Havent seen ya in a while, what you been up to?''
  50. TheIridescentHollow: "Okay." The vibe she picked on from Libi was like The Wall of Game of Thrones, chilly as fuck. As Libi started turning away she bit into her burger again. "I'm sure her tat looks bomb after you did it. So what sort of stuff do you like with women?"
  51. TheIridescentHollow: (brb)
  52. Tsaaq: She looked away from the two. She saw Quinn come in and sit at the bar. She scrunched up her nose and furrowed her eyebrows once she saw Travis began talking to her. Fuck that. Libi went to incept and pulled up beside her, standing between their two stools and leaning her elbows on the bar. "That dress is nice for somebody who's into wearing colors or whatever." She half-assedly complimented the blonde.
  53. ChurchAeki: His drinks took over in that question as he took 'with' literal. "I like to do with women, hmmm....a lot I suppose." He grins and eyes her as he continued to talk. "Eat, talk, place art on them, dance, " His words trailed off as he thought for a moment as if was hard to think about it, small front to keep her thinking and wanting to hear more. "Watch movies.....go out, occassional sex." The last part he was especially saving for last as it thought it was a kicker. "How about you, what you like to do with guys?" He chuckles.
  54. iKamal: Lonnie sighed some and felt she was at a stand still with everyone. She saw Quinn come in and she took a deep breath. Another person her check list. She made her way over to Quinn. She stopped dead in her tracks once Libi made herway over to her. She took a deep breath and kept going pushing her self mentally."umm..Quinn if you have a moment I would like to talk to's nothing bad or anything... "
  55. Alexithymiaa: -Turning her head, she looked in Travis' direction, sending him a small smile. "Oh, hi. You know, I've been around." She looked at the bartender as he presented her with a beer, dipping her head gently. "Thank you." Returning her attention to Travis, she tipped her head to one side. "What about you?" She asked before Libi inserted herself between them. "Oh, I'll tell Angel you said so. It's hers. I borrowed it to wear to dinner with my parents because I knew it would piss my mom off. Guess what? It did." She smirked, lifting her beer up to her lips to take a sip before staring at London. "About what?"-
  56. TheIridescentHollow: (bk)
  57. ChurchAeki: (wb)
  58. ChurchAeki: (I posted)
  59. iKamal: [wb]
  60. ChurchAeki: (There is a floating burger here)
  61. TheIridescentHollow: "Everything you just said, except I can't put art on people. I'd like to take pictures though, or just get them naked and admire then view." Shanee chuckled. "Look. The truth is, as crazy as it sounds, I haven't taken interest in a guy before. I'm not a lesbian or anything like that the guys in my old hood...they were bad news. You're the first guy I've taken /any/ interest in romantically or sexually." She sipped her iced tea. "Nick, are you gonna be okay to get home from here?" It was already late in the evening and she was starting to worry about how he was knocking him back.
  62. iKamal: Lonnie took a deep breath."Well I know I've been a really really really shitty person towards you and well I just wanted to say I was sorry for the way I treated you in the past. You didn't deserve it."she offered her a soft smile. She knew she didn't deserve forgiveness from Quinn not how she always treated her.
  63. Trexler: ((whos next?))
  64. Tsaaq: ((You >.>))
  65. Trexler: ((oh shit my bad lol))
  66. Trexler: -Travis was having a conversation with Quinn before libby jumped in his way-''Well ok, rude''-he said before turning back around sipping his beer again, before asking the bartender for 5 shots of bourbon. The bartender set them down infront of him as he began tossing them back one by one. He felt the warm liquor go down his throat as he grabbed his beer to chase it-''Damn''-he said as he started to feel himself get a little drunk-
  67. TheIridescentHollow: (that tv should go in the pool table room)
  68. iKamal: [there is no tv on my end i got rid of it]
  69. ChurchAeki: "I see you've taken my words and went straight for it haven't you." He chuckles and leans back against his seat, pulling bottle up to his lips as he looked to her, squinting his eyes as their conversation fell silent for a moment. "Sexually?" That was the only word that hit him, the romantic one was to cliche for him, he was a romantic from birth that was nothing new to him, but for a girl to straight out say she was sexually interest in him was very intriguing . "Good to know....and if you were into girls....that would be nice too..." He blinks as he was completely serious, he was highly interested in girl on girl play. Laughing a bit he would shoot down his last few shots and looked to Shanee. "I've been walking since I've been out with my I guess I'm good to walk and stuff."
  70. Tsaaq: "I should've fuckin know. Basically everything you wear is hers." She shrugged. "I can always appreciate pissing parents off." Libi smirked at her interception, right up until London came and began talking to Quinn. She began to groan. She saw Travis' drink the corner of her eye but she resisted the urge. She leaned her head on her hand and pouted.
  71. Alexithymiaa: -She kind of just stared at London, blinking a few times. "Oh. Um..." Trailing off, she slipped her fingers around her cool beer bottle uncomfortably, looking away from her. "Excuse me for not jumping to accept your apology, but I find it a little difficult to swallow considering some of the things you've said and done to me. Her eyes shifted to look at Travis, watching him down his drinks. "Are you okay?"-
  72. TheIridescentHollow: Shanee stifled a laugh. "Nah sorry I can't help you out with the girl on girl stuff. But listen, for real Nick." She reached for his hand. Not in that I wanna fuck way but in a friendly worried way. "If your place is far, please crash at my house. I'm not pulling anything funny I'm just worried because you knocked a few back you look wobbly and it's late. I'd rather you crashed on my cough than get mugged or something. And I swear my place isn't like on the bad girl's club."
  73. iKamal: London nodded her head."I know...and I don't expect you to. I just wanted to say that is all. And I have so I will leave you to your beer. you have a good evening Quinn."she moved away from her and made her way back to Shanee and Nick who were talking and she quickly walked past them to go and sit in the other booth alone
  74. Trexler: -Travis finished his last shot looking at quinn-''Nah but ill be fine, thanks for the concern''-he said getting the bartenders attention asking him to bring him 5 more shots. He nodded and brought them to travis.Travis eyed them up before grabbing one tossing it back as he let out a low groan. He was beginning to become drunk now-
  75. Tsaaq: "Boring." Libi said loudly as she turned to face Quinn. "What was cunt face talking to you about?" She asked leaning dramatically towards the blonde once London had walked away.
  76. ChurchAeki: He Leaned forwards, his elbow proped on the table with his beer dangling by it's neck as he held it. "You sure?" He says on the part of her not helping him with the girl on girl thing before shrugs and took a sip of his beer lazily lifting it up to his lips with just his index finger and thumb. "Mugged? I'm not afraid of getting mugged, I mean did London not tell you what happened at the Cafe? Could of died there for my stupid heroic act..." He chuckles nerviously thinking back to that day. "Even before that, I've always kept protection on me....come with being a downtownien." Smiles to her and from the corner of his eye see London move from them to the booth further away. "Now I really getting the feeling she is avoiding me...wish she just say what I did and get it over with." He sucked his front teeth before pulling the bottle back up to lips for another drink. "Though if you are worried that much, I guess I can crash on your couch...if he makes you feel better and not worry yourself to death."
  77. Alexithymiaa: -She chewed on the inside of her cheek as London turned to walk away, frowning into her beer. "Drowning yourself in alcohol really isn't the answer, but okay..." Her eyes shifted to Libi, giving an easy shrug of her shoulder. "She was apologizing for being a jerk. But I don't know how much I believe it. Just magically one day she decides shes going to be nice to me? Seems a little fishy to me."-
  78. iKamal: Lonnie sat there at the booth and pulled her phone out of her purse. she grabbed her head phones and plugged them into her phone and looked out the window while listening to an audiobook on her phone. she took a few deep breaths and let them out as she focused on pushing those thoughts back .
  79. TheIridescentHollow: "It would make me feel better," she said over all the noise. "I wouldn't think on it too much. Just give her some time she'll talk to you I'm sure." She took her hand away from his just in case prolonged exposure would give him the wrong idea. "Just let me know when you're ready to go. My car is right the door."
  80. ChurchAeki: "Yeah, I'll give her time.." He smiles and tilted his head back chugging the rest of his beer before placing it down. " Mmm....I think I want another you want something more strong than that tea there?" He wasn't just yet ready to go, he wasn't as far gone yet to consider himself drunk enough to crash onto her couch. "Hey..." He reached out to the passing waitress, gripping her wrist to stop her. "Can I get six more shots of Gin another Corona...and the lady will have...." He paused as he stared at Shanee waiting for her to respond.
  81. TheIridescentHollow: "Refill on tea. Designated driver." She handed over her glass of iced tea that was mostly finished anyway. "So what did you mean about what happened at the cafe with London?" She really hadn't much time to get aquainted with any gossip since her social life was only just beginning. "What did you do?"
  82. Trexler: -Travis threw back 3 more of his 5 shots with ease, he could feel himself begin to wobble a little bit as he chuckled to himself before turning to libi-''Yo, since everyone was apologizing today i gotta tell ya im not sorry''-he then burst into laughter almost falling out of his seat before turning back to her-''Im only kidding''-he said taking another shot to his head-
  83. iKamal: London looked away from the window and aroundseeing Travis stumble and laugh. She couldn't hear him but a few thoughts went through her head about him. she sighed some shaking her head and switching from her audibook to her music. she leaned back in her seat and a waitress came and she pulled her ear buds out."can I just get some water please and a burger."The waitress nodded and walked off. Lonnie's phone rang in her hand and she looked down. she got up and made her way outside. she answered it."Hello.."she nodded her hed listening to the person on the other side.
  84. ChurchAeki: He smiled at the waitress once Shanee said what she wanted, the waitress would walk of to get their drink. "Ummm....I was in the cafe after doing Libi's tattoo I think..." He paused to think, the drinks screwing with his memory. "Yeah...I believe it was that day, we went across the street to the cafe after her session and London was in there....the place so got held two guys...I think London did something to get one of their attention." He stopped talking trying to think what actually happened, the waitress would return with their orders placing it in front of them "Oh right she called the they were like threatening to shoot her or take her....Libi wasn't so supportive of London's well being, but that's not the crazy ass stood up and gave the robbers and option....either take the money they have and go....or struggle with deciding what to do with London. Those guys pointed their guns at me....I've never experienced that almost shit my pants. Long story short they let london go and ran with the money....after that I got out of the cafe and went to throw up around the corner.
  85. Tsaaq: Libi snickered and covered her mouth. "Smells a little fishy too if you ask me." She said with a raise of her eyebrow. "Maybe she knows she's gonna die soon and she's trying to make amends or some shit." Libi looked over to Travis and stared blankly at him as he laughed. "Hilarious." She said in a monotone. "I don't know what you'd be sorry for anyways. My impression of you has no changed since I've met you."
  86. Detvched: Isaac had just finished up at the shop. He was exhausted after making at least a hundred phone calls to past, present and potential customers. As he locked up, he had the sudden urge for a drink and decided that he deserved one anyway after the day he had. He threw on his helmet and started his bike up, pulling away quickly, turning the corner sharply before zooming down the street. His echoing exhaust bouncing off of city building as he sped through the city. He approached the Handle and came to an abrupt stop, his back tire lifting off of the pavement slighty before hitting the ground. He jerked the throttle back, his exhaust sending out a loud roar before he switched his bike off. As he hopped off and made his way to the door, he pulled his helmet off and pulled open the bar doors, flipping his hair as he entered. He had been surpised by the amount of people there had been, but recognized a few faces. He spotted Travis and made his way over to him and patted him on his arm before greeting him. "Yo Travis, good to see you man."
  87. Tsaaq: ((not*))
  88. Detvched: {{Sorry if I fucked up the rotation you guys had going}}
  89. Trexler: ((your good bro its pretty much all over the place))
  90. ChurchAeki: (Nah it turned into random posting before you came in XD)
  91. iKamal: [i have no clue what the rotation is i jsut been going whenever XD]
  92. Detvched: {{Okay good lol}}
  93. TheIridescentHollow: "Damn you were lucky." Lucky wouldn't have been the right word for it but Shanee was outdone. "It was very brave but stupid as hell too." She added a sugar packet to her iced tea and stirred it with the straw before sipping. "I'll be right back." She slid out of the booth making a quick trip to the women's restroom. She washed her hands and dried them and was back in a few minutes.
  94. Alexithymiaa: -A group of six men dressed in mostly jeans and dark t-shirts came around the corner of the Rusty Handle, all filing inside the bar one at a time. The gang looked fairly rough and very obviously from downtown Silver Hill, all with concealed weapons on their person. The dark haired male at the front of the pack nodded in the direction of the blonde sitting at the bar, the rest of the gang forming a semi circle behind her. Sticking his hand down on the bar between Quinn and Libi to section them off from each other, he stared down into Quinn's face, his brows knitted together as his words came out in a hiss. "Okay Barbie, why you been following us?" // Quinn stared at Travis, trying not to laugh at Libi's cavalier response to his lackluster joke. Twisting in her chair to see the oncoming unfamiliar male, she only watched him for a split second until the gang she recognized as the one she'd been trailing came into the bar. "Oh shit..." She mumbled under her breath until the leader got in close, instantly leaning back away from him to keep her personal space. "I... I wasn't... I don't know what you're talking about." She stammered, biting the tip of her tongue.-
  95. Trexler: ((oooh interesting!))
  96. Alexithymiaa: (Yeah well, I'm bored. And she's been stalking some gang she saw in the park that she thinks was responsible for London's rape for the last two days.)
  97. Trexler: -Travis felt izzys hand touch his arm as he turned to him smiling-''Yo bro,good to see you too oh and i told london its all good if you fuck her!''-he said loudly before seeing the men come into the bar he then turned to them as he got off his stool stumbling a bit-''Yo what the fuck is this, back off the girl bro''-he said and then a man turned around and pistol whipped travis knocking him a few feet back. He hit the ground hard before he looked up at the men-''Oh you are so dead after that''-he chuckled a bit feeling his face as he began to bleed from his mouth-
  98. ChurchAeki: Nick heard the door open and a flood of footsteps drum inside, the loudness of it caused him to turn to look seeing the flood of guys, one them with a handgun sticking out the back of his pants. "Oh we go again." He mumbles under his breath, seeing Shanee come back from the bathroom he would down all of his shots quickly and picked up his beer. "Let's go sit with London....take your tea with you." He says in a low tone and tried to act as casual as possible as he slipped out of the booth, offering Shanee his hand.
  99. iKamal: Lonnie came back inside after her phone call. she had noticed the group of guys that had come in before her but thought nothing of it till she saw them huddle like football players around where Quinn and Libi were she sat back down in her booth and she minded her own business and looked down at her phone. she took a deep breath and slid down in her seat abit so her feet rested on the other bench in the booth.
  100. Detvched: Isaac turned with Travis, taking a step back from the group. Then in a blink of an eye Travis was on the floor. Unsure what to do he hesitated for a moment and then went to help Travis up, rolling his helmet under the table to get it out of the way. He made sure Travis was squared away. "You all good bro?" He then stepped towards the goon that hit him. "The fuck's your problem guy?" He got close to him but backed away slowly as he pointed the gun to Isaac's face.
  101. TheIridescentHollow: "O-okay..." Being from downtown herself she recognized a pack of bad news when she saw it and picked up her tea. She slid out of the booth and moved towards where London was.
  102. Tsaaq: Libi sighed loudly. "Damn it." She whispered under her breath. "You've got the wrong person Marshall Mathers. Push it along." Libi said to one of the thugs in a monotone, going along with her friend's lie. Because that's what real friends do. She waved her hands to shoo them away. She rolled her eyes once Travis opened his mouth and when Issac chimed in. "Oh my god, fuck off. We've got this covered. Go somewhere and jerk each other off." She said to the two of them.
  103. ChurchAeki: *Nick Slipped into the booth squeezing himself in the same booth with Shanee and London , keeping them close to one another as he peer over to the commotion that was taking place; he ran his hand over his left side feeling his gun in it side holster making sure the safety was off just incase he had to make cover fire to get the girls to the back of the bar if things turned south. He was nervous as all fuck hell, he had practice using a gun that wasn't the case, the fear of being shot over bullshit was his ultimate fear and it was making him a bit clamy and nervous as his right foor began to tap. Nick would look away from the commotion and down his deer nerviously as some of it drizzled from the corner of his lips.*
  104. ChurchAeki: foot*
  105. iKamal: Lonnie slid even more in the booth feeling rather overwhelmed at the moment. she slid so far in the booth she was pretty much under the table now. She just hid under there and pressed her bck to the wall. She looked down at her phone and dialed Quinn's dad's personal number. She had well because her father gave it to her incase of emergencys. She saw Shanee and nick's feet join her in the booth. she was just trying to stop from going into a panic attack.she held her stomach as she felt like she was going to be sick.
  106. ChurchAeki: (Why you always calling someone....didn't that get you in trouble the first time...?)
  107. ChurchAeki: (-.-)
  108. Alexithymiaa: "Was I talking to you? Any of you?" He snapped at the three of them, pulling his weapon from the waist band of his jeans and flashing it between Libi, Travis, and Isaac. He turned back to Quinn, nudging her shoulder with his gun. "Talkin' to you, Blondie. Why you trailing us? Don't think I didn't recognize you from the park." // Quinn swallowed hard, easing back a bit further from him, her eyes jumping to Libi briefly before moving back to the male waving his weapon at her. "I wasn't. I'm not. It was... a coincidence." She forced the words from her mouth in a shaky tone.-
  109. Trexler: -Travis stumbled a bit as isaac helped him up he then gripped the bar a bit helping himself stand before he turned back to the group of men-''If you're gonna shoot anyone shoot that bitch''-he said pointing to libi chuckling a bit while he finished his shots trying to ignore the whole situation-
  110. TheIridescentHollow: "Lonnie. Sit up. All the way up." Shanee propped her elbow up on the table hiding her mouth a little to look casual. "I know you're worried but you'll draw attention. If we tell you to, get your ass in the bathroom. And if you're wearing any jewelry take it off now." She sipped her tea.
  111. Detvched: Isaac stood there in silence, not in fear of the weapon because he's seen many growing up, but in fear of how far the man was willing to take the situation. He stared down the barrel of the gun, his eyes darting back and forth from his face to the pistol, an angry look on both of their faces as they stare eachother down.
  112. iKamal: Lonnie stared at her phone looking at the numbers on her screen not quite hitting the green button yet. she heard Shanee and cut her phone off. she peeked at up at her and nodded her head. she sat up and saw Travis and Izzy being stupid. Lonnie opened her phone again this time sending a text-
  113. ChurchAeki: (I swear you uptowners kill me.)
  114. Detvched: {{Uptown Funk you up}}
  115. Trexler: ((travis doesnt give a shit lol))
  116. ChurchAeki: (lol)
  117. iKamal: [i cant im dying]
  118. TheIridescentHollow: (say dat shit downtown get yo asses kicked lol)
  119. iKamal: [uptwon funk you up uptown funk you]
  120. iKamal: [forever our anthem]
  121. Tsaaq: She sputtered. "Right. Oops." She whispered emotionlessly. She sighed once one of them pulled out a gun and waved it in her direction. Libi rolled her eyes looking more annoyed than anything. She glanced over to Travis at his suggestion then looked back over to the male with the gun. She shrugged her shoulders with a hint of apathy. "Um. Okay? " Libi whispered ((,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/f2tcm8y7yvwcbtmgvzwn.gif))
  122. ChurchAeki: (Lord...thinking you guys messing with one guy when there is a flood of then. Downtowners we got brains yes we do we got brain uptowners don't)
  123. iKamal: [i have to go pee now brb]
  124. TheIridescentHollow: "Oh shit," she mouthed. That one guy mentioned being at the park. She saw a group of no-goods hanging out in the park. So that meant...her eyes went to the blonde. Was it? That shit was so an afterthought and she'd totally disregarded the people thinking they were junkies. Was that girl one of the people she almost sicked her dog on?
  125. Detvched: {{You're corny Tsaaq lmao}}
  126. Tsaaq: ((HOW.))
  127. Detvched: {{You just are lol}}
  128. iKamal: [bk]
  129. ChurchAeki: Nick rubbed his face, the shots and the beer were fully getting to him, but it was at the wrong time for them to kick in right now. He looked to Shanee and then points to London. "Take the stupid as thing from her before she get us killed."
  130. Tsaaq: ((You're friends with Julio, and I'm the corny one ಠ_ಠ))
  131. iKamal: [[want some ice for that burn]
  132. Trexler: ((why do you hate me soo much lol!
  133. Alexithymiaa: "A coincidence?" The male asked rhetorically, laughing a bit before leaning in again. "I don't think so. You don't accidentally follow us around for two days." He gave her shoulder a push, gesturing toward the door his gun. "I think you're going to come with us. Take a little walk." // Quinn leaned to one side when he pushed her, sliding off her stool uncomfortably. Her eyes looked beyond the male and to the other surrounding the area with their weapons drawn, her frown set deep on her face. "But..." She flinched when she saw his sudden movements, turning her head away and bracing for a blow that never came. "I'm sorry..."-
  134. Tsaaq: ((Boy nobody hates you shut up.))
  135. Trexler: ((yah yah whatever))
  136. TheIridescentHollow: Shanee glanced over then fully turned her head at London. "Gurl." She reached over trying to pushe the phone under out of sight under the table and take it from London to stuff it in her pocket.
  137. Detvched: {{I hate your guts}}
  138. Trexler: -Travis then looked over seeing the men try to escort Quinn from the bar he didnt pay any mind to it grabbing his beer throwing it back a bit-''Should put a ransom or something on her i mean she is the cheifs daughter''-he chuckled once again, travis had always said the wrong things when he was drunk but he couldnt help it-
  139. TheIridescentHollow: (XD sellout ass mf's )
  140. Trexler: ((lol!))
  141. ChurchAeki: (What can you say he is uptown.)
  142. Trexler: ((yep sure am))
  143. iKamal: Lonnie glared at Nick and just tossed her phone at him with the screen still on.She was just texting Izzy to get travis's dumb ass out of here before he got shot. she crossed her arms over her chest and turned her head looking out the window staying silent. Mentaly it was like a bunch of sirens going off in her head. She made sure to take in what ever one was saying even though she wasnt speaking
  144. iKamal: [enough ooc please...]
  145. Detvched: Isaac's focused gaze was now locked onto the group by the door. He took a step towards the exit to stop them from taking her but stopped in his tracks as he heard the man cock his gun back, pressing the cold steel against his forehead. He let out a frustrated sigh though his teeth, his eyes closed as he stepped back once again.
  146. ChurchAeki: Nick glared back to her. "You'll need to learn when to stick your neck out and when not too...." He took her phone and placed it into his vest pocket. "Texting someone that is in the mist of they going to just oh pause a moment....let me check this text." He grumbled keeping his voice low still, the drink causing to speak more unpleasant as usual.
  147. Tsaaq: She blinked as she watched the males going to escort Quinn away. She pursed her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Fuck." She sighed. She gave Quinn a look as she watched them, since that was the most reassuring thing she could do without doing anything idiotic like everyone else. She went to jump over the bar and fall but popped back up like it was nothing, looking at the bottles.
  148. ChurchAeki: (I'm too done...lmao)
  149. ChurchAeki: Laughing my ass off at Libi right now...that was the most random thing.
  150. Tsaaq: It's not random she has a plan!
  151. ChurchAeki: That fall tho was pricless
  152. TheIridescentHollow: (waiting for kam's post)
  153. iKamal: [i was waiting for yours o.o already posted]
  154. TheIridescentHollow: (just noticed it didn't scroll down >.<)
  155. Alexithymiaa: "Chief's daughter?" The male repeated Travis' words, a sly grin spreading over his face. "Good to know." He quickly sized Quinn up a bit more than he had previously, now with more useful knowledge under his belt. "Thanks asshole." He turned and pushed Quinn toward the door, shoving her outside. // Quinn shot Travis a death glare because fuck you, that was shitty. Stumbling forward when she was pushed, she looked back over her shoulder to Libi, a clear sign that she didn't know what to do since she never really looked to Libi to get out of bad situations, only into them. Despite being fairly good with a gun because of her father, she didn't have any weapons on her and was ultimately defenseless against a bunch of gang members. She stepped outside, swallowing hard and pulling her arms around her as the male stepped out with her.-
  156. TheIridescentHollow: "Seriously, L. You may not want to ackowledge some stuff right now, but people know your damn face. Try not drawing atteniton to it. They'd shoot you in that face if they thought you were trying to call the cops." She spoke through her teeth trying not to raise her voice.
  157. Trexler: -Travis finished his beer before he then tossed it across the room listening to it smash as he got up from the stool once again glancing over at izzy-''Bro get away from them its not your problem, i mean i got smashed in the mouth for the broad''-he said with a smile as he looked over at london-''Was one of those guys the one that know''-he said looking at her as he moved back in forth slowly because he was drunl-
  158. iKamal: Lonnie saw the men leave with Quinn and she grabbed her purse. She crawled across the table and scooted out of the booth not saying a word to either of them. She wanted to though. How could they just sit thereand do nothing. She was so angry about it. Only because she wished someone would have helped her. she looked at Travis as he was drunk and asking her a question."no" is all she said to him and walked up to the bar. She had her back to Nick and Shanee. she looked over at Izzy and then back to Travis."you need to stop Travis..."
  159. ChurchAeki: Nick threw up his hands and looked to Shanee. "I'm ready to go..."
  160. Detvched: Isaac backed away from him as the goon made his way out of the door with the rest of his crew, smiling at Isaac as he shoved his weapon in the back of his pants. Isaac stared him down as they exited. Once they were all outside, He looked around at the others. "We're not just gonna let them walk off with her are we?"
  161. Trexler: -Travis stared at her and frowned before looking at the bartender asking him for another beer. He then turned and grabbed it taking a long swig before looking at london again-''Stop what?''-he said with a chuckle before pushing her shoulder playfully-''Im not doing anything im just having fun''
  162. Trexler: ((Fuck i didnt mean to post))
  163. Tsaaq: "Okay." Libi said instantly as they went out the door. "No. Dumbass." She answered Issac loudly. She grabbed one of the bottles and unscrewed the cap as she patted her pockets. "Need some shit..." She muttered, pulling out a lighter from her pocket and flicked it on with her thumb to ensure it worked. She sighed as she looked around and grabbed a cloth napkin. Without flinching she shoved it into the neck of the liquor bottle until the napkin was dipping into the liquid inside. She walked around from the bar while lighting it, making her way outside.
  164. Tsaaq: ((>.>))
  165. Detvched: {{Crazy ass}}
  166. Alexithymiaa: -The leader gave Quinn another shove, turning to face her. "Why don't you stop poking around where you're not wanted, Barbie?" He asked, bringing his knee up to shove into her stomach. He watched her crumble to the ground, crouching down to get in her face a bit. "You better watch your back. You should run home to daddy and stay out of our side of town." He glanced up when the door opened, staring at Libi with her cocktail. "The fuck?" // Quinn collapsed when he kneed her in the stomach, closing her eyes because she didnt want to look into his face. She brought her arms up over her head in a desperate attempt to shield herself from any further blows.-
  167. TheIridescentHollow: "Of course not but just thien wasn't the time to yank out cellphones, man" she said to Isaac. Shanee looked at the bartender. "You can call the cops /now/ by the way. Jesus peeps." Did they really not know how this kind of stuff went down? Tattooed ling-bling boy over there in his fancy suit over there though...they probalby didn't. She got out of her seat. "Let's go, Nick. Lonnie?" She could see London was mad. "I know you're mad at me but you don't get it. You don't know what it's life growing up in the downtown." Shanee thumbed through her smartphone and pressed emergency app. It sent a signal out to the police without her having to hold te phone up to her face or speak into it.
  168. ChurchAeki: Nick dropped London's phone at her feet as he walked passed her, he didn't say a word to her. As he stepped out the bar he seeing Libi holding the moltav and blinked thinking to himself ~I'm surrounded by morons.~ He slipped pass Libi and whatever crazy shit she was about to do and started to walk down the street, but one of the gang guys would stop Nick as he recongized him; he talked Nick up about getting a tattoo from his father before one of his gang member pulled him away from Nick to have him pay attention to what was going down with Libi. Nick waited to Shanee seeing as though her car was blocked by the group.
  169. iKamal: Lonnie glared at Travis."You could have gotten yourself killed for one and you put Quinn into danger right there."she was trying not to yell or get worked up. she smacked his hand away when he playfully pushed her shoulder."You aren't funny. You are a dangerous to yourself and others."she looked up at Izzy and watched as Libi went outside with a bottle liquior and lighter and all."Will you please take him home....He is drunk."she asked Izzy. she looked at Shanee."I'm not mad."Her eyes looked at Nick for a moment and then away. He dropped her phone by her feet and she leaned down grabbing it and tucking it in her top.
  170. ChurchAeki: for shanee*
  171. TheIridescentHollow: "Okay then...I gotta go with Nick. He's smashed." She stashed her phone in her pocket and went to get Nick. She tried to take Nick's hand to lead him around the corner. "It's cool I'll come back for it tomorrow. I'm right around the corner."
  172. ChurchAeki: *He allowed her to take his hand, guiding him back to her place, he didn't say a word her just followed in silence.*
  173. Tsaaq: Libi pursed her lips, looking around until she saw the gang guys beating up on Quinn. She smirked. "Hiiiii." Libi waved with her free hand, wiggling her fingers. "Remeber me?" She said with a raise of her eyebrows. She looked down to Quinn attempting to signal her to move with her eyes. Libi stumbled back as she cocked her arm back before she threw the molotov cocktail in the direction of the leader of the gang. Hearing him shriek as it burst against the male, his body beginning to go up in flames. "Come on bitch!" Libi shouted as she ran over, helping Quinn up so she'd move faster. Libi was very serious about fleeing the scene at this point.
  174. iKamal: [wb]
  175. Tsaaq: ((remember*))
  176. Trexler: -Travis laughed as london metioned that izzy should take him home-''I aint going anywhere but uh nice try, why dont you go back to Izzy's and he could fuck you real nice''-he smiled at her while he took another sip of his beer, he knew what he said was low but he didnt care at that point because he was already smashed-
  177. TheIridescentHollow: (quick thing. I mentioned Shanee activated an emergency app. Should take the cops a few minutes to get there. Do what you want with that.)
  178. Detvched: {{Crashed}}
  179. Trexler: ((fuck the pigs!))
  180. iKamal: [[yeah go call a crack head when your getting robbed juilo Xd]
  181. Trexler: ((ya knwo what i will!))
  182. Detvched: Frustrated with everything going on, he shook his head and let out a sigh, walking over to the table where his helmet was at. He picked it up off the floor and set it on the table of one of the booths. He sat down and watched carefully out of the windo as Libi approached the crew with the lit bottle. "Oh fuck me. What the hell is she planning on doing with that?"
  183. Detvched: window**
  184. iKamal: Lonnie had enough of being nice and taking Travis's shit. She knew he was drunk but he was being so mean to her.she balled her fist in frusration and before she knew it her fist came whipping through the air aiming to punch Travis right in his face. IF Travis didn't stop it or move out of the way her fist would collide with his jaw and probably knock his head to the side if not knock him off the stool."You know what Travis for someone who says they love me you sure are an asshole. Unlike you Izzy took care of me instead of getting drunk in my apartment and leaving me the first time I say go away. You are a shitty person and was a shitty boyfriend too."
  185. Alexithymiaa: -When the gang leader went up in flames, he let out a loud shriek, taking off to run wildly in the opposite direction of Libi because that bitch was crazy. The other members took off running after him in a desperate attempt to try to put the flames out. // Quinn clamored up to her feet, coughing a bit from the throbbing pain in her stomach and holding onto Libi for support, moving away. "Thank you..." She spoke in a small voice, glancing over her shoulder in the direction the gang had taken off. "I didn't know what to do. I don't have anything on me..."-
  186. Trexler: -Travis felt her punch connect as he flew off the stool hitting the ground. He laid there a minute grabbing his face looking up at her before he sprang to his feet-''Yeah i was a shitty boyfriend and i do love you but you had your head stuck up your ass this whole time''-he said grabbing onto the bar to keep his balance-''You could go fuck yourself anyways i could find a better girl than you anywhere its not hard to find one''-he said as he began to laugh spitting the blood that was in his mouth on the floor-
  187. Tsaaq: She stared blankly as she watched the bastard burn. Whatever, he deserved it in her mind. He should've walked away when she gave the chance. She tried not to laugh at the sight of it. Libi glanced over to Quinn an attempt to lead her to her hearse. She shrugged a little once she thanked her. "It was whatever... I wasn't gonna let some guys fuck with my friend." She said, though her face still looked stoic.
  188. Detvched: Isaac had heard what London and Travis were arguing about, ready to put his two cents in before realizing the leader of he group was now burning. He sighed and turned away, shaking his head. Isaac always thought all life was precious, but he wasn't sure how to feel about seeing that, because he knew the thug wasn't a good person. He stood up and grabbed his helmet, making a beeline to the door.
  189. iKamal: Lonnie glared at Travis."Yeah I had my head stuck up my ass." she reached in her purse throwing a tampon at him."here for your period that you are obviously on." she made her way out of the bar and saw the man on fire running down the street like a chicken with it's head cut off. She looked at Albert."Get me out of here please."she said as she got into the car.
  190. Trexler: -Travis was left in the bar by himself as he sat there finishing his beer,He then sunk his head a bit because his depression started to kick in he sighed a bit as he sat there-''Well shit, today was a shitty day''-he said as he got up from the seat walking outside to the ferrari he had bought for london he then jumped in it and sped down the street not even paying attention to traffic signals-
  191. Detvched: {{Gotta get going guys, talk to yall tomorrow}}
  192. iKamal: [see ya un]
  193. Trexler: ((seeya bro))
  194. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn pushed her hair from her face as she walked toward Libi's hearse, rubbing a hand over her now sore stomach. "You're a good friend Lib. And I'm sorry about all this mess. I shouldn't be so noisy. If I wasnt trying to Nancy Drew that case, none of this would have happened."-
  195. Tsaaq: She didn't know how to take the compliment so she gave Quinn a pained smile. Libi shrugged her shoulders. "Hey, don't worry about it." She told Quinn with a shrug. "Whatever y'know. Now I can cross setting a guy on fire off my bucket list. Everyone wins here." She said as she let her to the passenger side and let her sit down. Libi sighed as she took out her vape so she could smoke.
  196. iKamal: [does anyone have the ful chatlog?]
  197. Trexler: -Travis sped down the street his vision blury from all of the drinks that he consumed that night he swerved through traffic, he was crying like a baby he knew that he had to do it quick or he wasnt gonna go through with it. He then pushed the petal all the way down reaching the cars top speed as he drove his car into a tree, the force of the car hitting it took the tree down and sent the car flying doing many flips and tumbles before it came to a stop about a mile down the road. It was without a doubt that travis was now dead from impact, the car then burst into flames from all the gasoline that was on the street-
  198. Trexler: ((i do))
  199. Trexler: ((well up until i got in here))
  200. Trexler: ((well travis is dead guys lol))
  201. Tsaaq: ((Welp.))
  202. Alexithymiaa: (I mean... Ive got nothing to follow this....)
  203. iKamal: [everyone getting set on fire man]
  204. Artificer: ((thats the spirit))
  205. Trexler: ((lol it was bound to happen now i gotta make a new character))
  206. Alexithymiaa: (Be less of a douchebag on the new one if you're concerned about being liked.)
  207. Trexler: ((Lol yeah he wont be anything like travis was))
  208. Trexler: ((Its gonna be his cousin))
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