
The Case of Anonymous vs. Armor: Prologue

Apr 18th, 2014
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  1. This is the Original Author's work (blessed be his name), not mine. Repasted here without permission.
  4. >You are Anon.
  5. >"Unnf! Oh..Uhn!.."
  6. >And you are currently playing audience to a session of coitus between your alleged "Husband and Wife" Prince Shining Armor, and Princess Cadenza mi amore.
  7. >How could such a ridiculous thing happen?
  8. >Simple!
  9. >Too many drinks, during a vacation to Las Pegasus. Fuck.
  10. >You don't know how it happened, but you were roped into this nonsensical three-way marriage you really wanted no part of.
  11. >"Shining..uhn! Wait..waiit!.."
  12. >You're sitting in a chair next to the window in the corner staring out into the blue sky, arms crossed.
  13. >Whenever they were in the mood, you were literally forced to go with them.
  14. >"Anon..haah. haah..Don't you want to share our love?"
  15. >Cadence is hunched over on their bed, with Shining mounted on her plot.
  16. >His hooves are placed on each side, holding her steady.
  17. "I'll pass."
  18. >You say annoyed.
  19. >The room smells like a fucking stable.
  20. >SA looks back at you.
  21. >"Anon! Buddy! c'mon! don't be a stick in the mud-"
  22. >He reaches a leg back and parts his buttcheek.
  23. >"-when you can plant your stick in my mud."
  24. [spoiler]fuck. I got a semi from that.[/spoiler]
  25. >You grimace.
  26. "No thanks. Just hurry up so I can go okay? I was chatting up this cute little mare downstrairs and-"
  27. >Cadence gasps, and removes her hubby's sword from her innards, sliding off their bed and trotting up to you.
  28. >"Anonymous the human! You weren't thinking of cheating on us were you?"
  29. >Is this a fucking joke?
  30. "Is this a fucking joke?"
  31. >Cadence shakes her head.
  32. >"Not even a little bit Anonymous. Marriage is a serious thing here in Equestria, and you're speaking to the advocate of love here."
  33. >You uncross your arms.
  34. "What "Love"? I got wasted with you two loons in Las Pegasus and ended up hitched to BOTH of you. There is no "love" on my part. Just extreme inconvience!"
  35. >Cadence backs away tearing up.
  36. >"Anonymous..h-how could you be so mean!"
  37. >She runs out of the bedroom crying, leaving you and your hubby(ugh) Shining Armor.
  38. >The look on your face right now is that of disbelief.
  39. >Shining walks up to you and props his top half up on your lap.
  40. >His erect Stallionhood is poking your leg.
  41. >It's sticky.
  42. >You want to pull away but you don't have room.
  43. >"Anon, that wasn't cool man. We both love you very much, and only want you to be happy with us."
  44. >You give Shining the same look.
  45. "Are you insane?! It's only been about three days! You force me to watch you two have sex! Why is this happening to me?!"
  46. >He frowns disappointedly at you.
  47. >"well we always offer to let you join in.."
  48. >You could fucking care less. These two have to be on crack or some other narcotic to be this goofy.
  49. >"I know you're new to this marriage thing Anon, but we're doing our best. We just want you to understand that. I think you should apologize to our wife."
  50. "Fuck you."
  51. >"Well if you did that, we wouldn't be here at this point right now bro!"
  52. >Oh my sweet raptor god. Bring the lightning.
  53. >His dick is pressed up against your leg now.
  54. >You bite your bottom lip in anger.
  55. "Fine! Fucking fine! I'll go say sorry! Just get your cock off me! Jesus!"
  56. >He beams at you and pats your lap.
  57. >"Just give me a little kiss first."
  58. >What.
  59. "What."
  60. >He puckers his lips.
  61. >"C'mon. plant one on your husband anonypoo."
  62. >You give him a deadpan face and wide reciever palm his face off.
  63. >The sound of his cock coming off your pants leg sounds like a sticker being peeled off.
  64. >Fucking hell.
  65. >You stomp out into the hallway looking left and right, In search for princess crybaby.
  66. >A crystal guard standing nearby points in the direction of the kitchen.
  67. >He shrugs.
  68. >"Bitches, man."
  69. >You make a mental note to promote that guy, as you give him your thanks and speed walk towards the kitchen.
  70. >The scent of baked goods wafts in the elongated hallway.
  71. >A lot of ponies didn't know this about her, but when cadence was stressed, she'd bake her pink ass off.
  72. >You round the corner to the warm, messy prep room.
  73. >Like expected the princess is on a cooking frenzy, pouring batter into muffin tins.
  74. >Seventeen trays of muffins sit spread all over the room in disarray.
  75. >She can really go at it when she wants.
  76. >You wonder if maybe baking is her talent.
  77. "Ahem!"
  78. >You clear your throat loudly.
  79. >Cadence doesn't react.
  80. >Her cheeks are stained with tears, her mug curved into a frown.
  81. >"What do you want?" She says with more than a little malice in her tone.
  82. >You scratch the back of your head.
  83. >You don't really want to do this. You weren't wrong to feel the way you did. A man can only take so much after all.
  84. "Uh..sup?"
  85. >Cadence stops stirring to glare at you.
  86. >""sup"?! That's all you have to say for yourself?"
  87. "Yeah. Pretty much."
  88. >Her jaw drops in offense.
  89. >She puts down her bowl and marches over to you.
  90. >"You are easily the worst husband in the history of equestria, you morose, loveless imbecile!"
  91. >da fuck?
  92. "I never asked to be your husband you self-centered pink piece of pony shit!"
  93. >Cadence grabs your right hand in magic, and puts her left hoof up.
  94. >"Then you shouldn't have put a ring on it!"
  95. " I was drunk!"
  96. >" That's not an excuse!"
  97. "It's the truth!"
  98. >"Muleface!"
  99. "Cunt colored whore!"
  100. >"Buck you!"
  101. "Fuck you!"
  102. >You both glare at one another for a brief second, before she throws herself on you in a heated kiss.
  103. >You slide your hands under her and toss the princess to the side.
  104. "What the fuck?!"
  105. >Standing up, you wipe your mouth and spit.
  106. >She fucking tastes like Shining.
  107. >Cadence picks rises and gives you an odd look.
  108. >"Why'd we stop?"
  109. >Why'd we stop?!
  110. "You bitch! We never started!"
  111. >Cadence cocks an eyebrow at you, and magicks up a book titled "101 ways to turn on a Minotaur".
  112. >You begin to slowly fume.
  113. >"I don't get it! chapter twenty-two says that tense, and possible violent situations turn on males. So what went wrong?"
  114. >You pick up the bowl she was stirring batter with and chuck that shit at the wall.
  116. >Cadence jumps in surprise at your outburst.
  117. >Shining armor pokes his head around the corner.
  118. >"Did it work sweetie?"
  119. >They were in on this? Those were fucking Crocodile tears?!
  120. "You two sick fucks were trying to guilt trip me into having sex?! FUCKING SERIOUSLY?"
  121. >You look from Shining, who is slowly trying to disappear around the corner.
  122. >Cadence squee-smiles at you, clearly ashamed that their ploy failed.
  123. >You bite your bottom lip in pure rage.
  124. >Three days of this.
  125. >Seventy-two hours removed from a drunken las pegasus wedding.
  126. >It's been "Anon come do your husbandly duty" Or "Anon come cuddle with us.".
  127. >You used to be great friends before this, but now they're driving you up the wall. UP THE FUCKING WALL.
  128. >You stand there, face red with anger, fists clenched, and teeth grit.
  129. >"Anon..? Are you okay?" Cadence asks stepping forward, and putting a hoof on your arm.
  130. >You suddenly freeze. You're so angry you hadn't considered the solution. It was so simple. Haha! It was in your face all along!
  131. "I'm absolutely fine."
  132. >Shining takes his place by Cadence's side.
  133. >They exchange worried looks.
  134. >A couple guards rush into the kitchen armed with spears.
  135. >"Your highnesses! We heard a loud crash! Is everything okay?"
  136. >You turn to the guards with a warm smile.
  137. "Everything is fine guards. Everything is fine now."
  138. >Shining armor smiles at you wary of what may come next.
  139. >"Th-that's cool Anon. Everything's fine right?"
  140. >You nod with a enlightened smile.
  141. "Yes. it is now."
  142. >Cadence does her breathing exercise.
  143. >"That's good. then perhaps we can try to resume where we left off back in the bedchambers?"
  144. >You lower your head and raise a finger and wag it.
  145. "I'm afraid that won't be happening princess."
  146. >They both look at each other and you.
  147. >"Why not? You just said everythings fine!"
  148. >Wordlessly you exit the kitchen and head to your own personal room.
  149. >Both the princess and prince follow you, pelting you with questions.
  150. >"Anon! Wait! What are you doing?"
  151. >Anon bro! Can't we talk about this?"
  152. >You enter the room and move to your closet.
  153. >You retrieve a suitcase given to you by Rarity back in Ponyville.
  154. >"Anonymous? Are you packing your things?"
  155. >"Are you going somewhere bro? C'mon talk to us!"
  156. >You place it on your bed and start packing your personals, and some clothing.
  157. >Cadence sprawls out over your open suitcase.
  158. >"Anonymous stop for just a moment and talk to us!"
  159. >The time for talk is over.
  160. >You pick up Cadence effortlessly and place her on the floor, and close up the suitcase.
  161. >She scrambles to get up.
  162. >Shining armor tugs on your leg with his magic.
  163. >"Please just wait Anon! You're our husband! don't do anything reckless man!"
  164. >The two guards from the kitchen are following along witnessing it all.
  165. >"Dramaaaa-"
  166. >You kick your leg and break his magic hold.
  167. >You resume your silent trek to the front entrance of the Crystal Palace.
  168. >They both occupy both sides of you, pelting you with questions.
  169. >Cadence grabs your leg with her forelegs.
  170. >You're currently dragging her along the crystal palace floor.
  171. >"Anonymous! We're sorry! Please stop! Please!"
  172. >You cease your automaton like marching.
  173. >Shining helps his wife up, and they both look to you waiting for an explanation.
  174. >Without turning around, you calmly say-
  175. "I can't stay here anymore."
  176. >Shining scoffs nervously.
  177. >"Whaddya mean! We're married! You live here baby!"
  178. >Cadence is sweating with a worried look on her face.
  179. >"Right! W-we love you so much Anonymous! Please don't go...?"
  180. >You still haven't turned around.
  181. "I can't stay here, because..I want a divorce."
  182. >They both gasp.
  183. "I'm moving back to Ponyville. My lawyer will contact you. I'm sorry."
  184. >You continue walking.
  185. >Shining stands there in stupified shock.
  186. >Cadence gallops in the way of your path and attempts to block you.
  187. >"No! we can talk about this Anon! Please! Don't do this! PLEASE!"
  188. >She stands on her hind legs and presses you back, tears streaming down her face. Real ones this time.
  189. >It would break your heart, if you had any left to give right now.
  190. "Guardsponies. Restrain the princess please."
  191. >They look at each other confused.
  192. "I'm not gonna ask twice. I'm still the prince until the divorce is final."
  193. >They shrug and cautiously trot towards Cadence.
  194. >She looks into your eyes sobbing uncontrollably.
  195. >"Anon! Please! We need you! Please don't go! We'll do whatever you want! We just wanted you to share our love!"
  196. >The guardsponies reluctantly take cadence by her forelegs and pull her away.
  197. >She struggles and kicks, and bites, but it's of no use against their crystal bodies.
  198. >You start walking. If you go without taking any breaks you should hit Canterlot by nightfall, then onward to Ponyville after that.
  199. >You can hear Cadence screaming your name.
  200. >Shining hasn't budged an inch from his spot.
  201. >But now you have some slight doubt.
  202. >Did you do the right thing? Only time will tell.
  203. >You've been walking for some time now, the Crystal Empire now nothing more than a pointy tower in the distance.
  204. >The Sun is starting to set in the sky, and Canterlot is within view.
  205. >You've had some time to think about things.
  206. >Were you perhaps a little too harsh on them?
  207. >You didn't want to be married to them, but you didn't want to lose them as friends either.
  208. >It's tough love.
  209. >You were against the idea, as soon as you had sobered up, but they didn't want to let you go.
  210. >Your foot had to be put down.
  211. >You're thankful there is a clear path for you to traverse.
  212. >If you had to go through the forest, no doubt you'd get lost.
  213. >You can hear the flapping of wings from behind you.
  214. >It's a Guard Pegasus.
  215. >You don't stop walking, but you do take notice of him.
  216. >You were worried it was Cadence for a moment there.
  217. >Cadence doesn't have a lot of practice flying, so you're not sure why you'd consider that she flew all this way.
  218. >Love makes us do crazy amazing things though.
  219. >The guard lands in front of you, with a letter in his mouth.
  220. >You take the letter and look it over.
  221. >It says "To our Beloved Anonymous"
  222. >You roll your eyes.
  223. >"It's from the Princess and Prince sir. They wanted to chase after you, but were advised not to at the behest of Princess Celestia."
  224. >Well fucking shit. Celestia is involved now?
  225. >You had planned to quietly enter Canterlot, and find an Inn to stay in hopefully not raising any bells.
  226. "Er..Thank you guardspony. You can go."
  227. >He salutes, and prepares to take off.
  228. >"Sir? Permission to speak freely?"
  229. >You look at him.
  230. >He's shaking a little. After that outburst back at the castle, you'd be surprised if there weren't any ponies a little scared of you at this point.
  231. "Go for it."
  232. >He clears his throat.
  233. >"You should consider going back sir. They're little more than blubbering messes without you."
  234. >You frown and look away. You can't have regrets now.
  235. >Tough love.
  236. "I'm sorry. I can't. This has to be done guard. This conversation is done."
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