
A Guy, A Lyre, and a Park Bench

May 11th, 2018
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  1. >The water from the sink was making your hands a bit soggy as you washed the dishes from tonight's meals.
  2. >Luckily for you, ponies hadn't figured out the glory that is the man-which, so the most you were cleaning up were salads and flower sandwiches.
  3. >Such is life as a bus boy in Ponyville.
  4. >The day was grinding away slowly, but your shift would end pretty soon and you had plans.
  5. >Well, what could pass for plans, anyway.
  6. >You look over your shoulder at the sketch pad on the counter behind you.
  7. >You couldn't wait to get out of here and just relax.
  8. >Another hour passes, and your morning shift finally ends.
  9. >You wipe the soap and suds from your hands and onto your apron, which you then toss off as you grab the sketch pad and pencils you had brought.
  10. >As you leave you give your boss a wave and make your way to the park.
  11. >It was a beautiful day, that couldn't be argued with.
  12. >You make your way through the park, the sun shining high in the afternoon sky.
  13. >No clouds out.
  14. >The Pegasi must have moved tomorrow's shower further down the week.
  15. >Spotting a lone bench, you sit down and open up the sketch book, your pencil in your mouth.
  16. >What to draw.
  17. >What to draaaaaw...
  18. >You had countless still lives of trees and shops, even a few sketches of various townsponies.
  19. >You'd call what you do "people watching" but, well, ponies.
  20. >You spot a few bluejays singing in a tree nearby and decide that they would be your muse for the day.
  21. >You get the basic shape of them down, and start to flesh out the picture when you hear someone clear their throat next to you.
  22. >When you pick up your head, you're met by a pair of gold eyes staring back at you.
  23. >"Hey."
  24. "Oh. Hey."
  25. >She's a unicorn, that much is evident from the horn on her head.
  26. >"You uh... you're kinda..."
  27. >She keeps looking from the bench to you.
  28. "What?"
  29. >"Where you're sitting. It's kinda my... I mean I usually..."
  30. >Oh, you thought you recognized her from somewhere.
  31. >What with her mint-green fur, you're embarrassed for not recalling her sooner.
  32. "Sorry, sorry. This is your spot, right? I mean, you come to this park often."
  33. >She lets out a sigh of relief and nods.
  34. >"Yeah, that's me. The bench-sitter."
  35. >You laugh and get to your feet.
  36. "Well I didn't mean to take up your space."
  37. >She looks at you confusedly.
  38. >"Uhm, you don't have to, you know, leave or anything. Just... like, scoot over, man."
  39. >Oh.
  40. >Right.
  41. >You scoot down the bench and make room for the unicorn, as she hops onto it and sits down in an... unusual, fashion.
  42. "Heh."
  43. >"What?"
  44. "Hm?"
  45. >"You laughed."
  46. "Oh... no I didn't."
  47. >"You going 'heh' isn't laughing?"
  48. "...uhm..."
  49. >"Because I'm pretty sure that 'heh' sounds an awful lot like laughing."
  50. "No I just-... what I mean is I... you sit like me."
  51. >"What?"
  52. "You, you sit like- I mean most ponies lie down when they-... you and I sit like each other."
  53. >"Oh."
  54. "Yeah."
  55. >...
  56. >You quickly look away from her and bring your attention back to your sketch pad.
  57. >The unicorn shrugs and lifts a small lyre that she brought with her onto her lap.
  58. >Okay, you got most of the basic form down, now on to the feathers.
  59. >You look back to the tree, but to your disappointment the bluejays are long gone.
  60. >Crap.
  61. >Now what?
  62. >You start to contemplate leaving the park, when your attention is drawn to a sound next to you.
  66. >She's playing a song.
  67. >You don't know what song it is, hell maybe she made it up on the spot.
  68. >But it's pretty... calming.
  69. >She plucks each string with her right hoof, you don't even bother asking how ponies do these things without hands, and has a serene expression on her face while doing so.
  70. >As you stare at her while she plays, an idea pops into your head.
  71. >You turn towards her a tad and ready your pencil, starting our slow.
  72. >With each stroke you capture more and more about her form on the paper before you.
  73. >The music seemed to move your hand as you fleshed her out on the pad in your lap.
  74. >Her song ends, and she glances over to you.
  75. >You were in the middle of trying to draw her mane, so you're both now staring at each other.
  76. >"Were... were you drawing me?"
  77. "What?"
  78. >"Were you drawing me?"
  79. "Uh... no?"
  80. >She stares at you, deadpan.
  81. "Maybe?..."
  82. >More deadpan.
  83. "Yes."
  84. >She looks at you quizzically, then down to your sketch pad, but you tilt it towards your chest so she doesn't see.
  85. >She cocks an eyebrow at you, and you give in.
  86. >You flip the pad and show her the drawing.
  87. >"Why am I bald?"
  88. "Excuse me?"
  89. >"I'm bald, in the picture you drew me with no hair. I have hair."
  90. "Well I'm not DONE yet. I was actually about to draw your mane when you caught me... staring."
  91. >"Oh."
  92. >...
  93. "You're good."
  94. >"Hm?"
  95. "The lyre. You're good at playing it, I mean."
  96. >"Oh. Thanks."
  97. >She smiles at you, genuinely thankful for the compliment.
  98. >"I'd say the same for your drawing of me, but... well, not bald."
  99. >The two of you laugh and you nod.
  100. >...
  101. >"Sooo... you gonna keep drawing me, or are you too embarrassed to keep going?"
  102. "Oh. right. Sorry."
  103. >She giggles and shakes her head in bemusement before continuing to play her lyre.
  107. >Time passes, and the two of you have been sitting in the park for some time.
  108. >The sun starts to make it's may West, and the sky begins to darken ever so slightly.
  109. >She never stopped playing, and you never stopped drawing, for that matter. Two whole pages are littered with doodles and sketches of this one mint-green pony.
  110. >As she plays, she looks up to the sky and sighs.
  111. >"Well, seems like it's getting late."
  112. >You nod, leaning back on the bench and massaging your wrist.
  113. "I should probably get back home before it get's late."
  114. >"Mmhmm."
  115. >The two of you look to the gold and bronze sky, and let out a collective sigh.
  116. "Damn if that's not gorgeous."
  117. >"Yup."
  118. >...
  119. >"Lyra."
  120. "Hm?"
  121. >"My name."
  122. "Oh. Anonymous."
  123. >She hops of the bench, the lyre hovering next to her in a soft aqua glow.
  124. >"Well, 'Anonymous,' I think this is where we depart."
  125. "Seems that way. Here."
  126. >You carefully tear out the page that has your original drawing on it and hand it to her.
  127. >"Huh. Thanks."
  128. "Anytime."
  129. >She smiles.
  130. >"Okay, how's next week?"
  131. "What?"
  132. >"You, me, the park bench. Next week. We could make this a 'thing.' You know, just a sit and make art sort of thing."
  133. >You fumbled it over in your mind, then smile back at her.
  134. "Deal."
  135. >"Cool. Well uh... see you next week?"
  136. "Yeah. Yeah, see you."
  137. >She waves, then trots off out of the park.
  138. >You sit up, crack your back, then head in the opposite direction to your apartment.
  139. >Today had been a pretty good one.
  140. >Sure, work sucks, but you had a great evening if that meant anything.
  141. >And you made a new friend, to boot.
  142. >Weekly meet ups, huh?
  143. >A grin cracks across your face.
  144. >Things were looking up.
  145. >Then you find the eviction notice on your apartment door.
  146. >Oh.
  147. >Well.
  148. >Shit.
  150. ~END~
  152. >You sat on your small bed as you stared at the two cardboard boxes in front of you.
  153. >Those boxes held every single thing you owned in this world.
  154. >Which included your clothes, toiletries, your sketch books, and a tea kettle.
  155. >That's all you owned.
  156. >Nice.
  157. >The walls were barren and the floors were clean, but that's to be expected from a guy getting evicted from his apartment.
  158. >You place your hands on your face and let out a sigh, rubbing your temples as you did so.
  159. >One missed rent bill.
  160. >You only missed ONE payment, and they were throwing you out of your house.
  161. >This was just perfect.
  162. >Really.
  163. >At least they were giving you a week to get your stuff and leave. That was better than you expected.
  164. >You grab your sketch book and flip it open, riffling through the pages as you decide to try to pass the time.
  165. >You stumble across the page that's littered with doodles of that mint green pony you met the other day.
  166. >What was her name?
  167. >Leera?
  168. >Liara?
  169. >No... no it was Lyra.
  170. >As you examine your drawings, you're surprised at how carefully you payed attention to her in order to draw her.
  171. >Despite the lack of color in your sketches, you could still see the gold of her eyes.
  172. "Weekly meetups huh?... alright. That could work."
  173. >You put the sketchbook at the foot of your bed and slip under the thin sheet you called your covers.
  174. >Tomorrow would be a long work day.
  175. >Thankfully, being a busboy wasn't that hard.
  176. >At least you weren't the waiter.
  178. The Next Day
  180. "What do you mean I'm the waiter?"
  181. >Your boss, a mare by the name of Roseluck, had just informed you that one of the head waiters wouldn't be making it in today.
  182. >So you would be his replacement.
  183. >"Anonymous, I'm sure you can handle it. It's not that bad."
  184. "Yeah, but-"
  185. >"It's easy, just walk up to them, ask them what they want, then go tell the cook."
  186. "Oh... okay, that sounds easy enough."
  187. >"Which reminds me. Harold, our cook? He called in sick."
  188. ""
  189. >"Anon, please."
  190. "But I- Seriously? I don't know how to-... fine. Fine, whatever. I'll be the waiter AND the cook. Fine."
  191. >Roseluck smiles.
  192. >"Thanks dear. I'll pay you double, just do your best."
  193. "Yeah, thanks.."
  194. >Well.
  195. >Today just got more interesting.
  196. >The ring of the bell from the front door catches your attention and you spin around to see a pair of colts come in, chatting.
  197. >As they take some seats, you walk up to them and pull out a small notepad.
  198. "Uh... hi? What uh... what can I get you guys? Ponies. Colts. What can I get you, I mean?"
  199. >"Uh yeah, one sunflower sandwich for me and a fruit salad for him."
  200. "On it."
  201. >You dart to the kitchen and begin making a fruit salad.
  202. >Once that's done, you struggle with finding the sunflowers.
  203. >Seriously, where the hell are these things?
  204. >The door bell rings again as more customers arrive.
  205. >Oh god.
  206. >More ringing.
  207. >Sweet jesus no.
  208. >You finally find the sunflowers and slap it in between two bread slices.
  209. >You throw in a tomato.
  210. >Because... why not?
  211. >You walk back into the lobby and see that-
  212. >Ponies.
  213. >Oh god all these hungry hungry ponies.
  214. >You dash over to the two colts from before and drop the plates in front of them, then dart over to the next table.
  215. "What can I get for-"
  216. >"I want a white rose salad, garnished with dandelion petals and tulips. If you could put the tulips on the side, that'd be great. Oh! And maybe some sparkling water? More water, less sparkle? Thanks."
  217. "Could... could you repeat some of that, you were talking a bit fa-"
  218. >The colt from before pipes up.
  219. >"Uhm, why is there a tomato in my sandwich?"
  220. "Variety?"
  221. >"I never asked for this."
  222. "I'm sorry. You can always remove the to-"
  223. >"Can you make me another one? One without a tomato slice?"
  224. "Sure, let me just-"
  225. >The mare interrupts.
  226. >"Sir, when are you going to go make my salad?"
  227. "In a minute let me go and-"
  228. >A new voice chimes in next to you.
  229. >"My daughter would like a glass of berry punch."
  230. "We don't serve berry punch. We have apple juice, if that's alright?"
  231. >"She want's berry punch. You're sure you don't have berry punch?"
  232. "No ma'am, we don't have- Yes I'll get to your salad in a- No sir, no tomatoes this time, let me just- AAAGH."
  233. >You cry out and burst back into the kitchen, your hands pulling onto your hair.
  234. >Oh good GOD.
  235. >This... this would be the end of you...
  236. >It's bad enough you were being evicted soon.
  237. >Now you were a one man restaurant.
  238. >You walk over to a nearby wall and proceed you knock your forehead into it for a good thirty seconds.
  239. >You hoped that maybe it would help you concentrate.
  240. >Instead, it just made your head hurt.
  241. >You rub the spot that you've punished and shake your head, getting a grip on yourself.
  242. >You'd serve these horses.
  243. >You'd give them what they wanted.
  244. >And you'd do it as quick as humanly possible.
  246. Four Hours Later
  248. "For the last time, NO. We do NOT. HAVE. BERRY. PUNCH."
  249. >"But she wants berry pu-"
  251. >You take a few deep breaths as you try to reason with the magenta mare.
  252. >She's the only customer left in the restaurant so far.
  253. >You closed up shop a little after noon, so rush hour was all breakfast orders.
  254. >You rub the space inbetween your eyes.
  255. "Ma'am."
  256. >"Yes?"
  257. "We don't have berry punch. All we have when it comes to juice, is apple and orange juice. I can get you one of those, but I cannot get you berry punch. We don't have any."
  258. >"Oh."
  259. "So, with that being said, what can I get you today?"
  260. >"Uuuhhmmm..."
  261. >You weren't even going to acknowledge the fact that she did not, in fact, have a daughter with her. She was here alone.
  262. >"...can I get some berry pu-"
  263. "Get out."
  264. >"What?"
  265. >You lightly shove the mare out of her chair and shuffle her over to the front door.
  266. >"What about my berry pun-"
  267. "Get out."
  268. >You toss out the magenta mare, and close the door behind her.
  269. >She stumbles about and walks off around the corner.
  270. >You walk back to one of the tables, and slump into a chair, letting out a heavy sigh of relief.
  271. >Only half an hour now.
  272. >Then you'd be done.
  273. >Then you could go home and get ready to get kicked out of it.
  274. >Fun.
  275. >Then the door bell chimes open.
  276. "For the love of god, WHAT?"
  277. >You glare at the door, and see two ponies.
  278. >One is cream colored with a purple and pink mane, slightly curled in the front.
  279. >The other is...
  280. "Lyra?"
  281. >Indeed, it's the mint green pony from the park you met.
  282. >She smiles and waves at you, while her friend looks at you cautiously.
  283. >"Hey, it's the guy who draws. Nice. Anonymous, right?"
  284. "Yeah. Yeah, that's me. Who's your friend?"
  285. >The two of them walk in and sit down at the table you rest at.
  286. >"This is Bon-Bon. She's my roommate. Say hi, Bon-Bon."
  287. >BON: "Hi."
  288. >You nod.
  289. >LYRA: "So, waiting for your order? You seem kinda beat."
  290. "What? Oh, no I uh... I actually work here."
  291. >Lyra looks surprised.
  292. >LYRA: "You a waiter?"
  293. "Well today I am, yeah. Normally I'm in charge of... uh... dinnerware maintenence."
  294. >BON: "You're a bus boy?"
  295. "Eeeerrrhhhh yeah, yeah I am."
  296. >LYRA: "So you're a starving artist?"
  297. "Pretty much, yeah."
  298. >You and Lyra laugh, and Bon-Bon remains deadpan.
  299. "Did you two want anything? To eat, I mean."
  300. >BON: "We are at a restaurant, aren't we?"
  301. "Right. Sorry."
  302. >LYRA: "Ignore her. She's a bit of a sourpuss. Could I get a smoothy? Strawberry, if you can. Keeping it simple."
  303. "Thanks, I appreciate it. What about you, Bon-Bon, can I get you anything?"
  304. >BON: "Water."
  305. "Anything else?"
  306. >BON: "Make sure it's wet."
  307. >You glance over to Lyra as you stand from the table.
  308. "I bet she's just a hit at parties."
  309. >Lyra rolls her eyes and giggles.
  310. >LYRA: "You'd be surprised. Thanks, by the way."
  311. "No problem. Part of the job."
  312. >You go back to the kitchen and fill up a glass of water and make a quick fruit smoothy. You decide to throw in some banana slices.
  313. >You hoped she wouldn't get angry and ask for another one.
  314. >She seemed pretty cool though.
  315. >You walk back out with the glasses and hand the to the mares, sitting down with them.
  316. "The water wet enough for you?"
  317. >Bon-Bon takes a sip of her cup.
  318. >BON: "Adequate."
  319. "I'm so proud, truly."
  320. >LYRA: "Is this banana I taste?"
  321. "Yeah. Strawberry-banana smoothie."
  322. >LYRA: "I never asked for this."
  323. "Oh...well let me just go make you another-"
  324. >LYRA: "What? No way, this is good! Unexpected surprises are the best as I always say."
  325. "Oh... cool. Glad you like it."
  326. >She smiles as she takes more sips from her straw.
  327. >BON: "So, this job pay well?"
  328. "I'm a bus boy, what do you think?"
  329. >BON: "I think it must pay dick."
  330. "You would be incredibly correct."
  331. >BON: "Thought so."
  332. "In fact, now I'm being evicted from my place."
  333. >LYRA: "Really?"
  334. "Yup."
  335. >LYRA: "How long till they kick you out."
  336. "Bout a week, give or take. I've been looking for vacancies in the area but... well there's not that many at the moment."
  337. >Lyra nods, sipping her smoothy, and the three of you are silent.
  338. >Then she perks her ears up and nudges Bon-Bon a bit.
  339. >She whispers into her ear, and Bon-Bon shakes her head.
  340. >Lyra gives her a stern look and whispers to her more.
  341. >Bon-Bon rolls her eyes and nods, reluctantly.
  342. >LYRA: "Hey."
  343. "Hm?"
  344. >LYRA: "You need a place to crash, right?"
  345. "Right..."
  346. >LYRA: "If you promise to pay a bit of the rent, and make more of these smoothies, then you can stay with Bon-Bon and me."
  347. "Wait... really?"
  348. >LYRA: "Yeah."
  349. "Just like that?"
  350. >LYRA: "Uh-huh."
  351. "Um... wow. Yeah. yeah that'd... that'd be great!"
  352. >LYRA: "Awesome."
  353. >BON: "I'm overjoyed at the moment, honest."
  354. >So... rooming with two ponies.
  355. >One of them is pretty freaking cool.
  356. >The other is... well she's pretty good so far.
  357. >For once, things were finally looking up.
  359. ~END~
  361. >"And this will be your room."
  362. >You climb the small ladder leading into a small, dusty attic.
  363. >Finding the light switch dangling from the ceiling, you give it a tug and illuminate the tiny space.
  364. >There was a small bed, a nightstand, a candle ON the nightstand, and a small round window.
  365. >"So, what do you think? I know it's not the greatest of places, but I figured-"
  366. "I love it."
  367. >"Really?"
  368. >You nod, walking up to the bed and sitting down on it.
  369. >Lyra smiles.
  370. >She'd been showing you the house she and Bon-Bon stayed in, and was currently unveiling your new room.
  371. >You expected the attic to be a lot hotter, but it's actually surprisingly cool and airy.
  372. >"Awesome. Okay, now that I've given you the tour of the place, you think you might lend me a hand with something?"
  373. "What do you need?"
  374. >"An opinion. And maybe a good set of ears."
  375. >She trots down the ladder and you follow her to the living room, where she hops onto her couch and picks up her lyre.
  376. >"I make music."
  377. "No, really? I thought your cutie mark was just a temporary tattoo."
  378. >She rolls her eyes and grins.
  379. "You know, like the ones you get in Cracker Jack boxes?"
  380. >"Cracker what?"
  381. "Nothing. You were saying something about music?"
  382. >"Yeah. I play the lyre, obviously, and I wanted your take on a song I'm working on."
  383. >You shrug and sit down on the couch with her.
  384. "I'm all ears. Hit me."
  387. =plcp
  389. >She holds her lyre in place with magic, while she closes her eyes and lightly plucks the strings, soft notes filling the room.
  390. >You sit forward, your eyes on her as you continue to listen intently to Lyra's song.
  391. >It was calming, dulcet.
  392. >Peaceful.
  393. >Her eyes stay closed, but she keeps playing, her focus remaining on the instrument before her.
  394. >Towards the end, her eyebrows scrunch up and she stops playing.
  395. >"I'm just not feeling it."
  396. "Hm?"
  397. >"The song, it's just... blegh. It's blegh."
  398. >She makes a face like she's tasted something nasty.
  399. "Blegh?"
  400. >"Yeah, man. Blegh. I'm just not in the zone for this thing... blegh."
  401. >You laugh and get up, crossing to the kitchen.
  402. "Well, I could always make us something to eat. Get that 'blegh' out of your system."
  403. >"A guy that can cook. Be still, my beating heart."
  404. >She fakes a swoon ans rolls off the couch.
  405. >Bon-Bon walks in and gives you a stoic stare.
  406. >BON: "Are you moved in yet?"
  407. "Pretty much. I just need to grab my stuff from my old place. It's only two boxes, so nothing huge."
  408. >Bon-Bon gives a smirk.
  409. >BON: "You lived in a box? And got evicted from it?"
  410. >Her sarcasm is palpable.
  411. "Yup. Just couldn't handle paying off my velvet rugs, god they were classy."
  412. >Bon-Bon stares deadpan at you, then walks off to her room.
  413. "She's just a great big ball of fun."
  414. >LYRA: "You'll get used to her, I promise. She's really nice when you get to know her."
  415. "If you say so. Kinda feels like she doesn't like me."
  416. >She shrugs and trots up to you.
  417. >"So, busboy, what's on the menu today?"
  418. >You walk over to the refrigerator and peer inside.
  419. >There was a LOT of cantaloupes in there.
  420. "Uh... mind if I ask about all the melons?"
  421. >"What?"
  422. "You have... an ungodly amount of cantaloupes in here."
  423. >"Do you have a problem with delicious orange melons?"
  424. "No."
  425. >"Then we may continue to get along."
  426. >You push the large fruits out of the way and continue rummaging for other food.
  427. >"Okay, how about this. I found some blue-berries. Do you have any mint?"
  428. >"Like gum?"
  429. "What? No, I mean like the leaf. I only need one."
  430. >Lyra trots to a pantry and pulls out a small jar full of mint leaves, taking one out.
  431. "Thanks. So, you like cantaloupes?"
  432. >"Yessir, that I do."
  433. "How about a blue-berry cantaloupe smoothie?"
  434. >Her eyes light up.
  435. "With a hint of mint?"
  436. >"You're making me love you. Also, you rhymed."
  437. "Doing something right then, it seems."
  438. >The buzz of the blender nags at your ears as you mix up the smoothie.
  439. >Lyra's eyes are fixed on the orange mixture, hints of blue swirls from the berries mixed within.
  440. >You pour two cups and the two of you sit back down on her couch.
  441. "So, did Anon do good?"
  442. >She sips her smoothie in delight, and smacks her lips happily.
  443. >"Oh, Anon... you did good. You did reeeaaaal good."
  444. >You smile and take a sip for yourself.
  445. >She was right, this was pretty good.
  446. >"Why are you a busboy, anyway? I mean, you could open up your own place with this stuff!"
  447. "My own place?"
  448. >You raise an eyebrow and crack a grin.
  449. >This should be good.
  450. >"Yeah, man, you could... like... make a bunch of smoothies and stuff and sell them. From a stand. On the corner."
  451. "I think the beverage stall business is taken up by fillies and lemonade stands, thank you."
  452. >"No I mean you could open up a shop, make smoothies, you know. Your own business! It would be great! You could call it... uhm... I dunno, "Smooth Jazz Mugs."
  453. >You spit up your drink a little.
  454. "Haha, what?"
  455. >"What?"
  456. "Smooth Jazz Mugs. Really? REALLY?"
  457. >"What? What's the matter with that?... c'mon man, cut me some slack, I'm just brainstorming here."
  458. >You down more of your drink and chuckle to yourself.
  459. "You think that'd really take off?"
  460. >"Oh, GOD no. But, hey, a girl can dream."
  461. >She sips more of her smoothie and squeals in delight.
  462. >"Why must this thing be so good?"
  463. >Today was a good day, you thought.
  464. >Nothing major, no problems.
  465. >Just you, Lyra, and some melon smoothies.
  466. >You dreaded going into work tomorrow.
  467. >A question nags at your mind.
  468. "Lyra, what do you do?"
  469. >She gulps down another mouthful of orange goodness.
  470. >"Whaddya mean?"
  471. "Well, I'm a busboy. Bon-Bon works at that candy store down the street. What do you do?"
  472. >She looks at you, unblinking.
  473. >Then slowly raises her lyre up to you.
  474. "Oh."
  475. >"Yeah."
  476. "I just... is there a lot of demand for lyre music around here?"
  477. >"Amazingly, no. No there is not."
  478. "So how do you make money?"
  479. >Lyra taps her chin with her hoof, pondering your question.
  480. >"Honestly?"
  481. "Uh... yeah?"
  482. >Lyra shrugs, then crosses her legs and looks at you.
  483. >Seductively.
  484. >"I work as an... entertainer."
  485. "Uh... I uh..."
  486. >This got weird quick.
  487. >The mood comes back when Lyra bursts into laughter.
  488. >"Oh god, no. No no no, so much NO. I'm not a hooker, I promise."
  489. "Oh, good. That would have been... well that would have made me reconsider my new housing arrangements."
  490. >"No need to worry, Anon."
  491. >She sticks her tongue out at your and leans back into the couch.
  492. >"I'm in a band. We make music. And stuff. You know, what bands do."
  493. "Oh. That makes a lot of sense, actually."
  494. >"I play strings. String instruments, I mean. Not the cello, we already have someone who does that."
  495. "So it's not just the lyre, then. You can play other instruments?"
  496. >Lyra puffs up her chest in pride.
  497. >"That I can! You're looking at an okay to decent player of the harp, and blue guitar."
  498. "Wait, back up."
  499. >"What?"
  500. "Blue guitar? You play blues guitar?"
  501. >"Uhm... yes?"
  502. "Prove it."
  504. Five Minutes Later
  508. >There was a harmonica in your mouth.
  509. >Lyra had a guitar in her hooves.
  510. >You were out on the porch of the house.
  511. >And you were singing to what she played.
  512. >This was possibly, THE best day you've had here.
  513. >Ever.
  514. >You were looking forward to more days like this.
  516. ~END~
  518. Drury Lane Chapter 17
  520. >You stood on the balcony of the house Luna conjured up, staring back down at Ponyville. in the distance.
  521. >The mist from the mountainside shrouded your view, but you could still see the lights of the Nightmare Night celebration illuminating the town.
  522. >Your skin had goosebumps from the cold air around you, your jacket torn to shreds ans laying behind you in the corner.
  523. >The entire town had seen what had happened.
  524. >There would be no hiding that from them if you went back down there.
  525. >WHEN you went back down there.
  526. >A small drop of blood lands on you arm.
  527. >You bring a hand to your forehead.
  528. >The wounds from the battle were still fresh on your body.
  529. >Damn.
  530. >A presence next to you snaps you out of your stupor.
  531. >"Anonymous?"
  532. >Luna stands next to you, concern on her face.
  533. >"You're still injured from before."
  534. "Yeah, I know. It's fine, really. I've had worse."
  535. >She smiles softly and nods.
  536. >"Yes, we know what kind of treatment you can endure."
  537. >Her wing brushes up against your metallic arm, Hush's runes still etched onto it.
  538. "I was thinking something more... intense, really."
  539. >You say this as you glance upward at the moon, and Luna lets out a small giggle.
  540. >"Yes, we remember."
  541. >The two of you stand together, the rest of Equestria spread out before you.
  542. >" were stunning, tonight."
  543. "Hm?"
  544. >"The way you moved. The way you fought for your home. You were stunning."
  545. >She nears you, gently nudging your head with her snout.
  546. >You smile.
  547. "You know I'm going to have to go back down there."
  548. >"We know."
  549. "I need to talk to her. She needs to hear me out. I just... I don't know what to say.."
  550. >Luna nods, then looks to the floor of the balcony, quietly whispering to you.
  551. >"...despite everything... we missed you.."
  552. "..."
  553. >"...she asked if you loved us, Anon."
  554. "...I"
  555. >"You had said yes. We... I, was not expecting that."
  556. >You stare at the blood on your hand, feeling the sticky consistency it leaves on your fingers.
  557. "Yeah well... neither was I, actually."
  558. >You try to smile at Luna, but the pain in your head and body force you to make a troubled expression.
  559. >"Come. I'll help clean your wounds."
  560. "Thanks... I appreciate it."
  561. >Luna bumps you softly on the cheek.
  562. >"I grew used to tending to you. You seem to throw yourself into the fray far too often."
  563. >You're led back into the foyer of the house.
  564. >It was a perfect recreation of the one you stayed in once you got off the moon.
  565. >You never realized it, but you missed it, in a way.
  566. >"If you don't feel uncomfortable, please undress."
  567. >Her horn lights up faintly, a blue glow emanating from its tip.
  568. >You slide the bloodied clothes off of you, the cold of the mountain stinging your skin.
  569. >Luna turns to you and eyes your form, her expression changing to one of worry as she sees the numerous scars and battle wounds from fights both new and old.
  570. >Her eyes lock onto the scar that creeps towards your metal arm.
  571. "Memories, right?"
  572. >She shakes her head and refocuses, her horn glowing brighter as she envelopes you in magic.
  573. >It feels like a warm breeze is washing over you, and you relax.
  574. >So this is what she was doing to you in the hospital all that time ago...
  575. >And for weeks, too.
  576. >You close your eyes and tilt your head back, letting the magic do its work.
  577. >You only open you eyes when you realize that Luna is much, much closer to you now.
  578. >She's there, right in front of you.
  579. >You reach your hand out to her, softly caressing the side of her face.
  580. >She smiles and looks into your eyes, before placing her head onto your chest.
  581. >You hold her there, your arms wrapped around her neck as the two of you sway slowly in the foyer of your house.
  582. "Heh... it's funny."
  583. >"Hm?"
  584. "I've danced with ponies before. It's just... well it's never been easy. They either have to get on their hind legs, or we just, kinda flailed around.."
  585. >She laughs slightly, then ponders for a moment.
  586. >"What... what if we did this?"
  587. "Did what?"
  588. >Luna back away from you slowly, as dark shadows swirl around her.
  589. >When the mist clears, a young woman is standing before you, her pale skin illuminated in the moonlight pouring in through the windows.
  590. "...what did you-"
  591. >"Is this bad? We thought that perhaps it would be easier for you to dance with one who's... similar to you.."
  592. >You look at her, as she shyly looks away from your gaze.
  593. "Can... can I get my clothes back on?"
  594. >"What?"
  595. >She notices that you're still naked.
  596. >"Oh. Oh yes, of course."
  597. >You nod back to her and slip on your jeans. They were the only things that didn't have so much blood on them.
  598. "That'll do, I think."
  599. >You look back to Luna, her teal eyes shining.
  600. >She smiles at you, and you return it.
  601. >You think of Pinkie for a moment, but let her fade from your mind for the moment.
  602. "Come here."
  603. >You take Luna into your arms as the two of you sway slowly, while she softly hums a few bars to herself.
  604. >She seemed genuinely happy, being here with you, right now.
  605. >And, not surprisingly, so did you.
  606. >Every part of you begs you to do it.
  607. >But you can't.
  608. >Not in good conscience.
  609. >You needed to try and fix things with Pinkie Pie first.
  610. >If it could be fixed, then everything would go back to normal.
  611. >If not...
  612. >Well, sometimes change was a good thing.
  613. >When she looks up to you, she inches towards her face.
  614. >You catch yourself just in time.
  615. "No."
  616. >Luna starts to protest, but she stops herself, nodding softly.
  617. >"We-... I understand..."
  618. >You hold her cheek in your palm, and kiss her on the forehead.
  619. >"Can... can we stay like this?... for tonight, at least?"
  620. >Would that be so bad?
  621. >...
  622. >No. No you suppose not.
  623. >You hold her closer to you, her long night sky hair laying softly beneath your hands.
  624. >She smelled like the crisp night air.
  625. >"Anon... did you mean it?"
  626. >You freeze, your mind slowly racing.
  627. >Pinkie asked if you still loved Luna.
  628. >You did.
  629. "...yes."
  630. >You can feel Luna breath deeply as she buries her face into your chest.
  631. >As for you, you had no clue as to where all this would lead.
  633. Three Days Later
  635. >You stand outside Sugarcube Corner, the morning sun brightly shimmering in the sky.
  636. >Well.
  637. >Here goes nothing.
  638. >You open the front door, the small bell jingling as you walk inside.
  639. >Mrs Cake smiles at you, but her expression gets stern once she recognizes that it's you.
  640. >"Oh. Good morning Anon."
  641. "Morning Mrs. C. Uh... have you seen Pinkie?"
  642. >She eyes you sternly, then sighs.
  643. >"She'd in the kitchen, cooking up some eclairs."
  644. "Thanks. I just need to-"
  645. >"I expected more from you, Anon."
  646. "I... excuse me?"
  647. >"You've always been there for Pinkie Pie. Even when you were gone all those years, and I don't even want to bring up what she went through there, she had faith that you'd come back."
  648. "Mrs. Cake it's a little more complicated than that, I-"
  649. >"And then you show up, out of the blue and she's happy! Then what? Months pass and all of a sudden you bring down a section of the town, then fly off with a princess?! Shame on you, Anon."
  650. "Mrs. Cake, really, you don't understa-"
  651. >"Well I for one think that Pinkie deserves someone better than you. Someone with a good, solid head on his shoulders. A nice, upstanding colt, to be hone-"
  652. "Mrs. Cake? Shut up."
  653. >"Whu-... what?"
  654. >You push pass the blue mare and walk into the kitchen, Pinkie Pie frosting a cake.
  655. >When she sees you, she rolls her eyes.
  656. >"Oh. It's you."
  657. "Hey."
  658. >"Something you want?"
  659. "We need to talk."
  660. >"Is the princess with you?"
  661. "She's outside the shop, actually."
  662. >She turns her head and scoffs.
  663. >"What's to talk about? You're happy with her, right?"
  664. "No, I... yes, but... listen. I'm sorry. Really, I am."
  665. >"She looks back to you, and her eyes become colder.
  666. >"Remember how you've been having bad dreams? How you haven't been able to sleep well?"
  667. "Yeah, but-"
  668. >"It was because of her, wasn't it?"
  669. "..."
  670. >"You just couldn't stop thinking about her."
  671. "It's... it's not easy to forget her, if that's what you mean..."
  672. >"Oh gosh, don't remind me."
  673. >She seemed less sad, but much, MUCH angrier now.
  674. >She was never this angry before.
  675. >"Anytime she got brought up, you changed. Your face, the way you talked, EVERYTHING. She changed you, Anon, and not for the better."
  676. "No she- what? No she didn't! No once changed me! I'm still the same person I've always been!"
  677. >"What were you two doing up on that moon for that year? Huh? Is she better than me? Is that it?"
  678. "This isn't about that! We've never even- you're being unfair. This is about you and me, not Luna."
  679. >"Luna's a part of it though! She's the one stealing you away from me!"
  680. "No she's NOT. She's not stealing ANYONE."
  681. >Pinkie stares at you, then says one thing.
  682. >"Tell her to leave."
  683. "What?"
  684. >"It's me or her, Anon. Make her leave, and tell her to never come back."
  685. "Pinkie... Pinkie she was there for me when I was at my most isolated. I... I just can't tell her to-"
  686. >"Then YOU leave! I don't want anything to do with you if you're going to take her side!"
  687. >You had come here being sorry, and sad.
  688. >But now all you felt was anger.
  689. "Fine!... FINE. I'll leave! I'm not welcome here anymore anyway!"
  690. >The two of you stare at each other, and you whirl around and storm out of the bakery.
  691. >Mrs. Cake pipes up.
  692. >"Were you YELLING at her? How could you have the audacity to come in here and-"
  693. >You spit in her fucking mouth.
  694. >You slam the door behind you, fuming.
  695. >You rub your face with a hand, trying to regain your composure.
  696. >So, that's how it's going to be?
  697. >Just up and fucking leave?
  698. >...
  699. >Fine.
  700. They kicked you out of Appleloosa.
  701. >You escaped from Manehatten.
  702. >You had jumped off the moon.
  703. >You a demonic possession and numerous fights for your life.
  704. >And now...
  705. >Now you were being driven out of the arms of one of the greatest things you've ever come to love.
  706. >Fine.
  707. >A lone drifter it is then.
  708. >You look over your shoulder and see Luna, a sad look in her eyes.
  709. >You nod.
  710. >She sighs, and flares her wings out as you hop onto her back.
  711. >The two of you take off into the sky.
  712. >Fuck this town.
  713. >Fuck Pinkie Pie.
  714. >And FUCK Appleloosa.
  715. >You had no idea where Luna and you were going, but you didn't care.
  716. >You had her.
  717. >You could live with that.
  719. ~END~
  721. >This guy.
  722. >This.
  723. >FUCKING.
  724. >Guy.
  725. >You sat at on your bed, reading the newest entry in a series you were following.
  726. "Son of a bitch, man. That's not cool."
  727. >Sufficed to say, he had taken the story you were reading down a very different path.
  728. >Oh well, no need to dwell on it too much.
  729. >You glance at the clock that sat on your dresser, noting that it was getting closer and closer to noon.
  730. >Stretching your arms and dog-earing the page you left off on in your book.
  731. >You grab your sketch book and make your way out of the attic.
  732. >It had been... what? Two weeks?
  733. >Two weeks since you moved in with Lyra and Bon-Bon.
  734. >And you couldn't be more content.
  735. >Sure, the attic was pretty tiny, but it beat living under a bridge or something.
  736. >God wouldn't that suck?...
  737. >You spot Bon-Bon on the couch, watching TV.
  738. "Hey."
  739. >BON: "Hey. Heading out?"
  740. >Yup. Meeting Lyra for our little 'art sessions'. Wanna come?"
  741. >Bon-Bon shrugs and hops off the couch.
  742. >BON: "Sure. Nothing good on TV right now anyway."
  743. >As the two of you leave, you continue the conversation.
  744. "What were you watching?"
  745. >BON: "It was a crime-thriller."
  746. "You like crime-thrillers?"
  747. >BON: "I love crime-thrillers."
  748. "You don't seem so enthused about it."
  749. >BON: "It was a rerun. Seen it at least three times. Turns out it was really the head of police who committed the murders."
  750. "Thanks for spoiling it."
  751. >Bon-Bon rolls her eyes.
  752. >BON: "You don't even know the title of it. Besides, would you have watched it?"
  753. "Uh, yeah. I like thrillers."
  754. >She raises an eyebrow as the two of you cut through a lane in order to make it to the park quicker.
  755. >BON: "Name one thriller you like."
  756. "Reservoir Colts."
  757. >Bon-Bon's ears perk up and she smiles, her eyes still lazily half closed.
  758. >BON: "Good choice. You a fan of Clopton Tarintino's stuff?"
  759. "You know it."
  760. >Bon-Bon nods again.
  761. >BON: "You get a point."
  762. "A point?"
  763. >BON: "One point."
  764. "What do I do with these points?"
  765. >BON: "They're Bon-Bon points. You get them when you like something I like."
  766. >Huh.
  767. >Well as long as she doesn't hate you, you're pretty okay with this.
  768. >You can see Lyra sitting on the parkbench and you wave to her.
  769. >She sees you and waves back, and yells from across the park.
  771. >You can't help laughing when she says this, and Bon-Bon does what Bon-Bon does best.
  772. >Rollin' dem eyes.
  773. >The two of you finally make it over to Lyra and sit next to her.
  774. >LYRA: "Wow. How did you convince Bon-Bon to get away from the house?"
  775. >BON: "He asked."
  776. >LYRA: "Just like that?"
  777. >BON: "Mmhmm."
  778. >...
  779. >LYRA: "Rerun?"
  780. "Rerun."
  781. >Lyra giggles, then readies her lyre.
  782. >You pull out a pencil and flip open your sketch pad.
  783. >LYRA: "Shall we?"
  784. "Absolutely."
  785. >And with that, she starts playing.
  788. =plcp
  790. >Her eyes are closed and a smile is on her face, and you never move your eyes from her form as you start drawing on the pad in your lap.
  791. >Bon-Bon sits there, watching the two of you with indifference in her eyes.
  792. >BON: "So."
  793. >LYRA: "So."
  794. >BON: "This is what you two do on Saturdays."
  795. "Yup."
  796. >You glance down to your pad and erase a small mistake on the ear, then look back to Lyra.
  797. >Lyra's eyes are still closed as the conversation continues.
  798. >BON: "You sit and play your lyre."
  799. >LYRA: "That I do, dearest Bon-Bon. That I do."
  800. >BON: "And he just sorta... draws you?"
  801. "That would be the gist of it, yeah."
  802. >BON: "And you do this for how long?"
  803. >Lyra opens her eyes and adopts a look of grave seriousness.
  804. >LYRA: "Till our fingers BLEED."
  805. >You snort out a laugh and Lyra lets out a giggle.
  806. >Bon-Bon looks unamused.
  807. >BON: "Lyra."
  808. >LYRA: "Heehee, yeah?"
  809. >BON: "You don't have fingers."
  810. "God wouldn't that be weird?"
  811. >Lyra stops playing and you close your pad for now.
  812. >LYRA: "SO weird! Just... just imagine it!"
  813. "I don't think I want to ima-"
  814. >LYRA: "Imagine me, RIGHT now-"
  815. >She lifts her hooves up to your face.
  817. >She wiggles her hooves in your face and you let out a muffled groan.
  818. "Ew."
  819. >LYRA: "Ew is the correct response, yes."
  820. "On the upside, you'd be able to do things with your hands that you can't with hooves."
  821. >LYRA: "Such as?"
  822. "Oh well ah... um... you could play the-"
  823. >You look to her lyre.
  824. "Oh. Well you could open doorkno-... never mind."
  825. >BON: "You two are creepily comfortable around each other."
  826. >The two of you turn to Bon-Bon and shrug.
  827. >Lyra's ears perk up and she whispers to you.
  828. >A smile creeps onto your face and you nod, turning back to Bon-Bon with your pencil in your hand.
  829. "Would you mind holding still for another song?"
  830. >BON: "What? Why?"
  831. "Imma draw you."
  832. >LYRA: "He 'gon draw you."
  833. >Bon-Bon looks to both of you, her eyes fully open now.
  834. >BON: "Uhm... yeah, sure. Whatever."
  835. "Cool. Strike a pose."
  836. >She stands still, not moving an inch.
  837. >LYRA: "Like an angel, this one."
  838. >Lyra starts up on another song, and you begin sketching Bon-Bon.
  842. >This is probably the first time anyone has ever drawn her, and it shows.
  843. >Bon-Bon, despite her usual carefree demeanor, looks a bit...
  844. >Fidgety.
  845. >Everytime you look up from your pad, she's glancing away.
  846. >Huh.
  847. >The quiet shy one.
  848. >Neat.
  849. >You keep drawing, while Lyra keeps playing..
  850. >At one point in the song she starts strumming the lyre rapidly.
  851. >It's at this point that she gets right next to Bon-Bon, staring into her eyes as she tries to get her to laugh.
  852. >She does not.
  853. >Once it's done, you blow on the pad and tiny bits of eraser tumble off the page.
  854. "Here."
  855. >You tear the picture out of your pad and hand it to Bon-Bon.
  856. >She takes it, examining it with wide eyes.
  857. >You catch a glimpse of a smile before her stoic demeanor returns.
  858. >BON: "Thanks for not drawing me really fluffy."
  859. "No worries."
  860. >BON: "Because I hate fluffy."
  861. "Noted."
  862. >There's an awkward pause, until Bon-Bon just hops off the bench and leaves.
  863. >Well.
  864. >That was sudden.
  865. >You lean back on the bench and look into the sky.
  866. >It was a really pretty day.
  867. >Lyra lets out a yawn and kicks back on the bench, both of you sitting with crossed legs.
  868. >LYRA: "That was nice of you."
  869. "Hm?"
  870. >LYRA: "You drawing for Bon-Bon. It was nice."
  871. "Well it was your idea, so take some of the credit."
  872. >She lightly punches your arm and you smile.
  873. >You enjoyed days like these.
  874. >You, Lyra, a great sunny day.
  875. >It was good.
  876. >...
  877. "Hey."
  878. >"Yeah?"
  879. "What are you doing next week?"
  880. >"Well... let's see. I have band practice on Tuesday and Friday, but that's usually over with by dinner time. Why?"
  881. "Ah you know, just wondering... Friday you said?"
  882. >"And Tuesday, yup."
  883. "Got it. Neat."
  884. >"Yep."
  885. >...
  886. "Do you wanna maybe go out for-"
  887. >"Yes."
  888. >She's grinning from ear to ear, and you find yourself growing a smile as well.
  889. >This wasn't so bad.
  890. >This wasn't so bad at all.
  892. ~END~
  894. >"And make sure that the leaves in the salad are all facing vein side up. I can't eat it if a single leaf is facing in the wrong direction."
  895. "Yes ma'am."
  896. >"Do you have honey? I want honey on the salad. Make sure you take some honey and put it all over my salad."
  897. "Yes ma'am."
  898. >"Did I mention the roasted almonds?"
  899. "Yes, ma'am, you did."
  900. >"Make sure they're a golden brown after the roasting. I brought color swatches, so I'll know if you overcooked them."
  901. "Yes ma'am. Anything else."
  902. >"Berry punch."
  903. "We don't serve-"
  904. >"Bring me your manager. Now."
  905. "Ma'am I can just give you a different drink. How about apple juice, we have plenty of-"
  906. >"I cannot believe that an establishment like this would NOT have berry punch. It's unacceptable."
  907. "Yes, but-"
  908. >"Honey. Make sure there's honey on the salad."
  909. "You already told me that ma'am."
  910. >"I was reminding you. You seem to be the slow type."
  911. "Letting that slide. Anything else?"
  912. >"Berry punch."
  913. "Like I said, no berry-"
  915. >The magenta mare flips her table and storms out of the restaurant, silverware tossing about as she does so.
  916. >Roseluck just stands behind you, dumbstruck.
  917. "We need to ban her from the cafe."
  918. >"Agreed."
  919. >Today was dragging on at an extremely slow pace.
  920. >Not many customers today, but the ones that do show up all have incredibly complex orders for you.
  921. >So far you've made twelve different types of dandelion salad, each one having something needlessly complex about it.
  922. >The only solace you took was the fact that after you got done with your shift, you'd have the rest of the week off.
  923. >And then, you'd go out to dinner with Lyra on Friday.
  924. >All in all, a good time was on your way.
  925. >Roseluck had to go out of town to visit family, so the cafe would be closed for the time being.
  926. >At the moment, you were picking up after a very rude, very drunk mare that came in and flipped her shit.
  927. >Kind of literally.
  928. >Roseluck sighs and shakes her head.
  929. >"I'm sorry Anon, really. I had no idea you were getting hounded like this from her."
  930. "It's fine, boss. I don't let it get to me."
  931. >"Well, that's good then. In any case, I think
  932. we'll close up shop for now. You've had a rough day as is."
  933. "Thanks, Miss Luck. I appreciate it."
  934. >She politely nods as you get up and get your apron off.
  935. >Waving one last time to Roseluck, you leave the store.
  936. >You bump into something as soon as you exit the cafe.
  937. "Oh, sorry. I didn't see-"
  938. >Oh.
  939. >Bon-Bon.
  940. >BON: "Hey."
  941. "Hi. What's up?"
  942. >BON: "More re-runs. Slow day at the Chocolate Mane. Got hungry. Came here."
  943. "You had work today?"
  944. >BON: "Mmhmm. Like I said, business was slow."
  945. "Same here."
  946. >Bon-Bon leans her head past you and looks at the cafe."
  947. >BON: "Closed?"
  948. "Closed."
  949. >BON: "Well. There goes my dinner."
  950. "I can make something back at the house. Walk back with me?"
  951. >Bon-Bon shrugs, but trots next to you as the two of you make your way back home.
  952. "Did Lyra have band practice today?"
  953. >BON: "Yeah. She should be home soon."
  954. "Cool. I was thinking spaghetti tonight. You like pasta?"
  955. >BON: "I despise pasta in all it's shapes and forms."
  956. "Oh wow. You lose a point."
  957. >"I thought I was the one keeping the point system?"
  958. "You are, but how could someone NOT like spaghetti?"
  959. >BON: "I despise pasta. That is all,."
  960. "I'm not getting any answers?"
  961. >BON: "No."
  962. "Okay, well, what do you like then?"
  963. >BON: "I like what I like."
  964. "You know there's being deadpan and lovable, and then there's being what you're being right now. It's not very endearing."
  965. >BON: "I am too endearing."
  966. >She gives you her usual deadpan stare.
  967. "You know, you're right. Why didn't I see it before?"
  968. >She rolls her eyes.
  969. >The walk gets quiet as the two of you continue down the cobblestone sidewalks.
  970. >Eventually, Bon-Bon speaks up.
  971. >BON: "Hey."
  972. "Yeah?"
  973. >BON: "You like Clopton Tarintino, right?"
  974. "Yeah."
  975. >BON: "Just checking."
  976. "Uh-huh."
  977. >...
  978. >BON: "His new movie comes out tomorrow."
  979. "Really?"
  980. >BON: "Yeah."
  981. "That the one that takes place in PWII?"
  982. >BON: "Yeah."
  983. "Cool. I saw some commercials for it but I forgot it was releasing that soon."
  984. >BON: "Yup."
  985. >...
  986. >BON: "Do you want to-"
  987. >LYRA: "BOO!"
  988. >You jump a few feet in the air as Lyra sneaks up and spooks the two of you.
  989. >Well, just you.
  990. >Bon-Bon looks content and bored as always.
  991. "Love of god, Lyra, what the hell?"
  992. >LYRA: "Haha, sorry about that. I couldn't help it, really! I just saw you both and I figured... you know, 'Scare em"
  993. >You runs a hand through your hair as you calm down, and notice that Lyra isn't alone.
  994. "Who's you're friend?"
  995. LYRA: "Anon, Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl, Anonymous. Bon-Bon already knows her."
  996. >BON: "Hey Vinyl."
  997. >VINYL: "Sup."
  998. "Nice to meet you. Cool shades, by the way."
  999. >VINYL: "Dude has an appreciation for classy eye-ware. Good catch, Lyra."
  1000. >LYRA: "Well I have good taste, I suppose."
  1001. "So I take it from the treble clef on your butt, that's you're a part of Lyra's band?"
  1002. >Vinyl nods, her spiked mane bobbin slightly as she does.
  1003. >VINYL: "You know it! Mixing and editing, that's me. I do some DJing and house mixes on the side too."
  1004. "Cool."
  1005. >VINYL: "Want a listen?"
  1006. >You shrug and nod.
  1007. "Sure, why not."
  1011. >The beat.
  1012. >Good god this beat was... was...
  1013. >Perfect.
  1014. >You all sat on the couch in your house, and Vinyl played a small mix tape she brought with her.
  1015. >You speak up to her over the sound of the music.
  1016. "You made this all by yourself?"
  1017. >Vinyl is bobbing her head to the beat of the music, so you can't tell if she's nodding or just getting lost in her work.
  1018. >VINYL: "Hell yeah! The miracles of computer software!"
  1019. >You weren't about to argue, it was a good song.
  1020. >If this is the kind of stuff Vinyl made on her own, then you had high hopes for whatever the entire band could make.
  1021. >LYRA: "So, impressed?"
  1022. "Absolutely. It's pretty damn good."
  1023. >LYRA: "We practice tomorrow night, by the way."
  1024. "I thought you guys don't practice on Wednesdays?"
  1025. >LYRA: "We don't but we finally got a gig for next week, so we decided to put in an extra session."
  1026. "Makes sense."
  1027. >LYRA: "You want to come? You can finally see us in action."
  1028. >You think it over.
  1029. >That'd actually be pretty cool. A chance to see how they made their music.
  1030. >Out of the corner of you eye, you can see Bon-Bon glance away.
  1031. >...
  1032. "You know what, I can't. I think I have plans tomorrow night."
  1033. >Lyra looks disappointed, but she sighs and shrugs it off.
  1034. >LYRA: "You're loss, handsome. We're still on for Friday, right?"
  1035. "Yup."
  1036. >LYRA: "Then I can let it slide for now."
  1037. >All of you go back to listening to Vinyl's music, but you turn to Bon-Bon and give her a thumbs up.
  1038. >She smiles.
  1039. >Huh.
  1040. >That's new.
  1042. ~END~
  1044. >The land of candy and big booty bitches was nice and airy today.
  1045. >The Queen of Spoons was throwing you a wonderful party, completely decked out with balloons and ostriches.
  1046. "You majesty, this is splendid."
  1047. >QUEEN: "Thank you, Professor Anon. After all, you saved us from the Blimp of Negative Destiny."
  1048. "Yes. Yes I did."
  1049. >You were about to dig into a gummy worm pie when the Queen speaks up."
  1050. >QUEEN: "You alright?"
  1051. "Of course your majesty, I'm fine."
  1052. >QUEEN: "Anon."
  1053. "Yes."
  1054. >QUEEN: "Wake up."
  1055. "What?"
  1056. >You feel a nudge on your leg and-
  1057. >You jerk awake, the book on your face dropping to the floor as you jolt upright.
  1058. "Wha?! What'ssit? What?"
  1059. >Bon-Bon was standing in front of you.
  1060. >BON: "You were asleep."
  1061. >You rub your eyes.
  1062. "Yeah, yeah I got that."
  1063. >Dammit, and you were enjoying your zany dream too.
  1064. >Bon-Bon hops onto the couch and turns on the TV, flipping through the channels rapidly.
  1065. >It's the fastest thing you've ever seen her do.
  1066. >Finally, she settles on a channel.
  1067. "What is this?"
  1068. >BON: "First 48."
  1069. "First 48?"
  1070. >BON: "Murder mysteries. Stuff like that."
  1071. "Huh."
  1072. >Lyra trots into the living room with a cup floating next to her."
  1073. >LYRA: "Ahoy."
  1074. "Avast."
  1075. >LYRA: "Anything good on?"
  1076. "Dunno. We're apparently watching murder mysteries."
  1077. >LYRA: "First 48?"
  1078. >BON: "First 48."
  1079. >LYRA: "Sweet, I'm down."
  1080. >She hops up onto the couch and sits next to you, her posture not the best as she sits in her strange manner.
  1081. "I'm still trying to get used to that."
  1082. >BON: "Her sitting thing?"
  1083. "Yeah."
  1084. >LYRA: "It's not a 'thing'. I'm sitting like a normal pony should sit."
  1085. >BON: "I'm laying down on my tummy. You're sitting on your flank."
  1086. >Oh god she said tummy.
  1087. >LYRA: "I'm comfortable this way. What?"
  1088. >Bon-Bon shrugs, and draws her attention back to the TV.
  1089. >...
  1090. >LYRA: "So the wife killed him?"
  1091. >BON: "No."
  1092. "They don't have enough evidence on her yet, but she could have done it. Maybe."
  1093. >...
  1094. >BON: "See that?"
  1095. "Yeah, I did.."
  1096. >LYRA: "What?"
  1097. >BON: "All they have to do is follow the-"
  1098. "And then they find the killer, yeah."
  1099. >BON: "It's the guy. You know? The guy with the-"
  1100. "Oh shit you're right!"
  1101. >LYRA: "See the what? What?"
  1102. >...
  1103. >LYRA: "Ha! Told you it was the wife!"
  1104. "I'm stunned. Really."
  1105. >BON: "Meh."
  1106. >The episode ends, and the credits roll.
  1107. >LYRA: "What else is on?"
  1108. >You grab the remote before Bon-Bon can secure it and flip through some more channels.
  1109. >Suddenly, a commercial catches your eye.
  1113. >Bon-Bon perks her ears up and watches intently.
  1114. >LYRA: "That Tarintino guy made another movie?"
  1115. >BON: "Shush."
  1116. >You lean over to Lyra and whisper.
  1117. "She's a fan."
  1118. >LYRA: "Trust me, I know."
  1119. >She giggles a little, and Bon-Bon shushes her again.
  1120. >Lyra huffs.
  1121. >Bon-Bon glances over to you and grins for a split-second before being sucked back into the trailer.
  1122. "We're seeing that, actually."
  1123. >Lyra perks her ears up.
  1124. >LYRA: "Who?"
  1125. "Me and Bon-Bon. She asked me to go see it with her yesterday."
  1126. >Lyra raises an eyebrow and looks over to Bon-Bon.
  1127. >LYRA: "Did she now?"
  1128. "Yup. Apparently I'm getting a lot of Bon-Bon points."
  1129. >LYRA: "Those are hard to come by."
  1130. >BON: "Yup."
  1131. >The trailer ends and Bon-Bon hops off the couch and trots into the kitchen.
  1132. >Lyra eyes her the whole way there.
  1133. "You okay?"
  1134. >LYRA: "Hm?"
  1135. >She snaps her head back to you.
  1136. "You seem a bit... agitated."
  1137. >LYRA: "Whaaat? Naaah. I'm cool, just fine, really."
  1138. "Uh-huh."
  1139. >Lyra looks back to the kitchen then darts back to you, speaking low.
  1140. >LYRA: "So I was thinking, about Saturday? Our date?"
  1141. "It's a date?"
  1142. >She rolls her eyes and punches your arm.
  1143. >LYRA: "I would hope so, you asked me out on a sunny day in the park, after all."
  1144. "Haha, fine. What about it?"
  1145. >LYRA: "Well, what if we went out for dinner? Is that- do you do that on a date? Keep in mind, kinda new to this. Dinner is okay for a date, right?"
  1146. "Yes. Yes it is."
  1147. >LYRA: "Oh well that's a load off my mind. Neat."
  1148. >She's not flustered at all. She's just being her usual snarky self.
  1149. >You liked that.
  1150. "Where do you want to go?"
  1151. >LYRA: "Eh well there's not a whole lot of variety around here... maybe that one pasta place down on Mane Street?"
  1152. "Works for me."
  1153. >She smiles.
  1154. >LYRA: "Good! That's good."
  1155. >Bon-Bon returns with an apple in her mouth.
  1156. >BON: "Mmffmmff."
  1157. "Apple."
  1158. >BON: "Mmff?"
  1159. "Apple in your mouth, Bonny."
  1160. >Bon-Bon quickly and professionally tosses the apple into the air and answers you.
  1161. >BON: "Anon."
  1162. >She catches the apple.
  1163. >Then tosses it.
  1164. BON: "It's almost-"
  1165. >Catch.
  1166. >Toss.
  1167. >BON: "Time for-"
  1168. >Catch.
  1169. >Toss.
  1170. >BON: "The movie."
  1171. >She catches it once more and this time takes a bite, holding it in her hoof.
  1172. >Why didn't you just-"
  1173. >BON: "Flare."
  1174. >You look to Lyra who just grins as she rolls her eyes.
  1175. >LYRA: Go on you two, get."
  1176. >You hop off the couch and glance out the window.
  1177. >The usual sunny and bright blue sky is replaced by a floating wall of grey.
  1178. >A storm?
  1179. >Damn.
  1180. >You grab a light raincoat from your room and meet Bon-Bon at the door.
  1181. "Ready?"
  1182. >She nods, her stoic and deadpan expression never leaving her.
  1183. "Off we go then."
  1185. >The wind is picking up a lot more than you would have liked.
  1186. >Pulling your coat around your ears, you look over to Bon-Bon.
  1187. >The wind is whipping her mane around like fucking crazy.
  1188. "Uh... Bon-Bon?"
  1189. >"Yeah."
  1190. "You alright?"
  1191. >"Adequate."
  1192. >The two of you finally make it to the theater and step inside.
  1193. >Bon-Bon's mane is...
  1194. >Fluffy.
  1195. "Uhm... Bo-"
  1196. >"Not a word."
  1197. "But-"
  1198. >"Not. A. Word."
  1199. >She whips her head too and fro, and magically her mane is back to normal.
  1200. >Except without magic.
  1201. >That's just Bon-Bon you guess.
  1202. >She looks up at you.
  1203. >You say nothing.
  1204. >Not a word.
  1205. >Bon-Bon rolls her eyes.
  1206. >"You may continue speaking."
  1207. "Thanks."
  1208. >Buying your tickets and grabbing a box of candy, the two of you make your way into the theater and find some seats near the center of the room.
  1209. >A few commercials roll by, and you notice that there's almost no one here.
  1210. >A few colts and about three other couples, but that's about it.
  1211. "Isn't today the premier?"
  1212. >"Yup."
  1213. "So where is everybody?"
  1214. >"Anon, it premiered at midnight last night. Besides, it's going to storm soon."
  1215. >Huh.
  1216. >She had a point.
  1217. >Hopefully the rain will have stopped by the time the movie ends.
  1218. >The lights of the theater dim, and the movie starts.
  1220. One Hundred and Fifty-Three Minutes Later
  1222. "That was so-"
  1223. >"-Amazing! The part with the mule hunter-"
  1224. "-and the pipe! Hilarious!"
  1225. >"Oh gosh, the bar scene!"
  1226. "I LOVED that scene!"
  1227. >The movie has ended, and the two of you are fangirling as you make your way out of the theater.
  1228. >"The part at the end?"
  1229. "Epic."
  1230. >"I know right?"
  1231. >You're both grinning like a pair of little idiots.
  1232. >Huh.
  1233. >You've never seen Bon-Bon smile this much.
  1234. >She must have really enjoyed the movie.
  1235. >That, in turn, makes you smile more as well.
  1236. >When you go outside, however, the mood is killed.
  1237. >Rain.
  1238. >So much rain.
  1239. "Well. That's dandy."
  1240. >I could have sworn the rain would have stopped by now."
  1241. >"Are you a psychic?"
  1242. "No?"
  1243. >"Good. You'd be horrible at it."
  1244. >You sigh, and look at the rain.
  1245. >It's coming down hard.
  1246. >You see Bon-Bon, and she doesn't look all too thrilled.
  1247. >Then you get an idea.
  1248. >"Wha-"
  1249. "Here."
  1250. >You lay your jacket on top of her, making sure to cover her mane.
  1251. "You're tail is still gonna get wet, but this is better than nothing."
  1252. >She looks up to you and then back to the rain.
  1253. >"...thanks."
  1254. >Nodding, the two of you head home.
  1256. >As you walk up to the front door, Bon-Bon removes the coat from her back and hands it to you.
  1257. >"Thanks for that."
  1258. "Anytime. I know how you hate 'fluffy' so, you know."
  1259. >She nods.
  1260. >...
  1261. >"So... this was nice.."
  1262. "Hm? Oh, yeah. Yeah this was cool. Maybe we should catch another movie sometime?"
  1263. >"..really?"
  1264. "Yeah. This was fun."
  1265. >It would be nice to have another friend around here, in any case.
  1266. >Besides, Bon-Bon was alright.
  1267. >Quiet.
  1268. >Sarcastic and dry with her delivery.
  1269. >But alright.
  1270. >She looks down and you see another rare smile.
  1271. >"Okay. I'd like that."
  1272. "Great."
  1273. >You reach for the handle when you feel something soft peck your cheek.
  1274. >...
  1275. "...did you just-"
  1276. >"Not a word."
  1277. >And with that she just walks inside.
  1278. >...
  1279. "...what just happened?"
  1281. ~END~
  1283. "Hold still."
  1284. >"I'm trying. Sheesh aren't we in a grumpy mood?"
  1285. "What? No, I'm not grumpy. Besides, you chose this position in the first place."
  1286. >"Yeah yeah, just get it over with. I'm doing this for YOU, remember?"
  1287. "Me? You're the one who asked if we could do this in the first place!"
  1288. >"I wanted to experiment a little. Sue me."
  1289. "Uh-huh."
  1290. >"Fiiine. Holding still. Do your thing."
  1291. "Thanks. Just... yeah, like that."
  1292. >"Hurry it up, my leg is going to cramp like this."
  1293. "You'll be like that for maybe a good minute or two."
  1294. >"Woah really? That quick?"
  1295. "Yup."
  1296. >"Impressive. How do I look?"
  1297. >Looking up from the pad in front of you, you eye Lyra.
  1298. >She's standing on the kitchen table on one hoof, balancing a bowl of small oranges with another.
  1299. "Graceful as ever."
  1300. >"Aw shuddup."
  1301. >Finishing the final touches on the sketch, you dust it off and hand it to Lyra.
  1302. >She bounds from the table and stretches a bit before taking it from you.
  1303. "What do you think?"
  1304. >"Why's my mane look like that?"
  1305. "You were upside down."
  1306. >"Oh, pffft duh. Forgot about that."
  1307. >She laughs, but then shakes her head about quickly.
  1308. "You alright?"
  1309. >"Yeah, head rush. Wow, that kinda smarts actually."
  1310. >Shrugging, you place the pad on the table and walk over to the blender.
  1311. "Smoothie?"
  1312. >"You know my answer."
  1313. "So, what, a no then?"
  1314. >Lyra punches you in the arm and giggles.
  1315. >"I'd love one. You know that, stupid."
  1316. >While the smoothie mixes, you carry on with the small talk.
  1317. "How's practice coming along by the way?"
  1318. >Lyra shrugs.
  1319. >"Meh. Our drummer has been flaking on us for, like, a week."
  1320. "Sucks."
  1321. >"Royaly."
  1322. >You pour two drinks, handing one to Lyra, and the two of you head out to the front porch.
  1323. >The sun was setting and the sky was a deep orange and purple.
  1324. >The two of you sit on the steps of the porch, sipping at your frozen drinks.
  1325. >"So, excited?"
  1326. "Hm?"
  1327. >"Tomorrow? Our dinner date."
  1328. "Oh. Yeah, totally."
  1329. >You don't show it, but you are genuinely excited.
  1330. >You hadn't really been on a date in a while, and you were happy to have one be with Lyra.
  1331. >You liked her, that was for sure.
  1332. >Maybe it was the snarky attitude or the aloof nature she had.
  1333. >Hell, maybe it was because she was mint green.
  1334. >Either way, you looked forward to dinner with her.
  1335. >"Good! I am too. I mean, not super excited or anything, but you know, excited."
  1336. "Haha, I get it."
  1337. >She grins and sips more of her drink before her ears perk up.
  1338. >"Oh, how was the movie yesterday?"
  1339. >You choke a bit on your smoothie.
  1340. >Coughing, you speak up.
  1341. "Wha?"
  1342. >"The movie. Was it any good? I know Bon-Bon was going on and on about how much fun she had with you."
  1343. "She-... she did?"
  1344. >Lyra brings a hoof to her mouth, pondering.
  1345. >"Eeeeh, she wasn't bo0uncing off the walls or anything. I asked her if she had fun and said-"
  1346. >Lyra's face goes completely neutral and her voice become monotone.
  1347. >"Yup. Fun."
  1348. >She reverts back to her usual self.
  1349. >"You know, Bon-Bon speak and all that."
  1350. >You give a small laugh.
  1351. "Yeah, it was pretty good. We had fun."
  1352. >"I bet."
  1353. >She raises her eyebrows up at you while sipping the straw in her drink.
  1354. >That was... ominous.'
  1355. "What?"
  1356. >"Nothin, nothin... so, you two do anything after the movie?"
  1357. >You can feel yourself blush ever so slightly, but Lyra doesn't seem to notice.
  1358. >You had almost forgotten about how Bon-Bon had kissed you when you both got home last night.
  1359. >There had been no warning prior, she just... did it.
  1360. >And now she was acting like her normal self. As if it had never happened.
  1361. >It was all very confusing.
  1362. "What do you mean?"
  1363. >"You know, stuff. Did you grab a bite to eat, or did you both just come home?"
  1364. "Oh. Oh, yeah we just came straight home. It was raining pretty hard."
  1365. >"Oh, duh. That makes sense. Sorry, I was asleep by the time you two got home."
  1366. "Speaking of which, where is Bon-Bon? I thought her shift ended an hour ago?"
  1367. >"Nah, she works late sometimes. Hard worker, that one."
  1368. "Huh. How late is she usually out?"
  1369. >"Depends. Sometimes she stay till near midnight."
  1370. "That late making candy?"
  1371. >"The girl's got dedication, I'll give her that."
  1372. >You both nod, and drink more smoothie.
  1373. >After a few minutes, Lyra stretches and gets up from the porch steps.
  1374. >"Welp, I'm off to bed. Come shake me like mad if anything happens in the middle of the night."
  1375. "Anything good or anything bad?"
  1376. >"I would hope you wouldn't shake me awake for free kittens, if that's what you're asking. G'night."
  1377. "Night."
  1378. >She walks back inside and you finish up your smoothie.
  1379. >Huh.
  1380. >Well it WAS getting late. Maybe you should head to bed as well.
  1381. >As you cross the hall of the house, you stop by the TV.
  1382. >Bon-Bon would be home later. Maybe you could do something to cheer her up from work.
  1383. >Flipping on the TV, you skim channels until you get to the thriller station.
  1384. >Finding a decent looking title, you click the little red button on the remote to record it.
  1385. >Then you grab a sticky note, and write a small message to it.
  1386. >"Recorded a thriller for you. I heard you like thrillers. Here's a thriller. Enjoy."
  1387. >You promptly stick it to the outside of the front door.
  1388. >There.
  1389. >That's a good deed for the day.
  1390. >With that, you head to your bedroom and get ready for sleep.
  1392. The Next Night
  1394. >"You're fidgeting."
  1395. "I am not."
  1396. >"See your leg? It's fidgeting. Therefore, you are fidgeting."
  1397. "I am not my leg."
  1398. >Bon-Bon rolls her eyes.
  1399. >"It's just dinner. You're fidgeting over dinner."
  1400. "What? I'm a bit nervous, so what?"
  1401. >She smirks.
  1402. >You were waiting for Lyra to come into the living room so the two of you could go to dinner.
  1403. >You stand up in front of Bon-Bon.
  1404. "How do I look?"
  1405. >She stares at you.
  1406. >Her expression... well, expressionless.
  1407. >"Adequate."
  1408. "Oh, wow thanks. That makes me feel more confident."
  1409. >Bon-Bon smirks.
  1410. >"You look fine lover boy. She'll love you for this, trust me."
  1411. "Ha, sure."
  1412. >"Do you doubt me?"
  1413. "Meh, it's just dinner. I just want to make a good impression, you know?"
  1414. >She nods.
  1415. >"Here, sit with me."
  1416. >She motions you over to the table and sits across from you.
  1417. "What?"
  1418. >"Pretend I'm Lyra."
  1419. "What?"
  1420. >"It's like acting. Just say things you'd say during your date."
  1421. "What is this, a warm up?"
  1422. >"Yup."
  1423. "Wow. You're too kind."
  1424. >You sit there like an idiot for a second without saying a word.
  1425. >"Smooth, Anon. Smooth."
  1426. "Oh come on, you're not Lyra. It'd be easier to just... I don't know, say things about you I guess."
  1427. >Her ears perk up at this.
  1428. >"That works. Whatever makes you comfortable."
  1429. "Oh... yeah, okay."
  1430. >more silence.
  1431. "Uhm... I really like your... mane?"
  1432. >Deadpan stare's all day everyday.
  1433. >"Really? That's it?"
  1434. "Uhm..."
  1435. >You think.
  1436. >This might be as good a time as any you suppose.
  1437. "Well, I-... do you like me?"
  1438. >"What?"
  1439. "You kissed me. Two nights ago? At the door?"
  1440. >"What door?"
  1441. "The front door."
  1442. >"What front door?"
  1443. "OUR front door."
  1444. >Bon-Bon looks at you, then smirks.
  1445. >"No idea what you're talking about."
  1446. "What."
  1447. >She shrugs.
  1448. "Now you're just messing with me."
  1449. >"Why should you care? You like Lyra, right?"
  1450. "Well... yeah, I guess."
  1451. >"So why do you want me to like you?"
  1452. "I asked if you liked me, not that I WANTED you to like me."
  1453. >"Twisting words."
  1454. >She's grinning now as she twists your arm, metaphorically.
  1455. "Fine, just tell me why you kissed me then. If you don't like me or anything, then why'd you do that?"
  1456. >She's silent, and glances at the table.
  1457. >"I never said*mumble*
  1458. "What?"
  1459. >"I-... I never said that I didn't like-"
  1460. >LYRA: "Sorry for the wait, this dress was a bitch to get on."
  1461. >You and Bon-Bon turn to see that Lyra has come out of her room finally.
  1462. >She's wearing a small dress that matches her hair, and she beams when she sees you.
  1463. >LYRA: "Alright, tiger, ready?"
  1464. >You give a glance to Bon-Bon.
  1465. >She nods.
  1466. "Uh... yeah. Yeah! Let's go."
  1467. >You stand and Lyra trots over to you.
  1468. >But not before giving Bon-Bon a look.
  1469. >A look that Bon-Bon returns to Lyra.
  1470. "Guys?"
  1471. >LYRA: "Hm?"
  1472. >BON: "Yup?"
  1473. "Uh..."
  1474. >They look like they always do, the competitive glare in their eyes completely gone.
  1475. "..nothing I guess. Ready?"
  1476. >"LYRA: "Mmhmm!"
  1477. >She walks to your side and the two of you leave, waving to Bon-Bon as you do so.
  1479. At the Restaurant.
  1481. >"I have no idea what any of this is."
  1482. "Hm?"
  1483. >"The stuff on the menu, I-... what the heck is a 'fettucini' anyway?"
  1484. "Noodles."
  1485. >"I thought that was spaghetti?"
  1486. "That's also noodles."
  1487. >...
  1488. >"Is everything here noodles?"
  1489. "It's pasta, isn't it?"
  1490. >"Yeah, but... okay, point taken."
  1491. >This was fun.
  1492. >The two of you have been having a good night so far.
  1493. >Plenty of talking, lots of jokes about some of the other diners, and best of all?
  1494. >Lasagna.
  1495. >Sure, there was no meat in it, but dammit you were a sucker for cheese.
  1496. >The night rolls by, and eventually the two of you get stuffed.
  1497. >"Oh god... all that spaghetti..."
  1498. "Too much?"
  1499. >"It was just... it was SO good, Anon. So good."
  1500. >You throw a thumbs up to the cook back in the kitchen.
  1501. >The red pony gives a wink, then walks back goes through the kitchen doors.
  1502. >That guy was great at making spaghetti.
  1503. "So, ready to head back?"
  1504. >"Sure. Oh, actually, can we make one stop along the way?"
  1505. "Yeah, that's cool. Where to?"
  1506. >You'll just have to follow me."
  1507. >You raise an eyebrow in curiosity, but decide to take her word for it.
  1508. >You drop some bits onto the table, and the two of you leave the restaurant.
  1509. >Lyra leads, taking you through a darkly lit Ponyville, the only light coming from the occasional street lamp and the moon.
  1510. "Where are we going?"
  1511. >"The park!"
  1512. >Well... okay then.
  1513. >You finally arrive, and the two of you take a seat on the bench that's there.
  1514. "Okay, why did we come here?"
  1515. >"Just to watch."
  1516. "Watch?"
  1517. >She nods upward, and you follow her gaze.
  1518. >It's at this time that you notice a few shooting stars in the distance.
  1519. "Oh... wow."
  1520. >"I know right?"
  1521. "That's pretty. Just... wow."
  1522. >Lyra giggles.
  1523. >The two of you stare up into the sky for a while, before Lyra finally speaks up.
  1524. >"I know what she did, by the way."
  1525. "What?
  1526. >"Bon-Bon. I know what she did."
  1527. "What do you me-"
  1528. >Oh.
  1529. >OH.
  1530. >You blush and try to come up with an excuse, but Lyra just smiles and shakes her head.
  1531. >"It's cool, really."
  1532. "...really?"
  1533. >"Yeah. She likes you. She's just too stubborn to admit it to you."
  1534. "How do you know this?"
  1535. >"Dude, she told me. She's one of my best friends after all."
  1536. "Oh."
  1537. >"Yup. So, I told her I'd help her out."
  1538. "Help her out? With what?"
  1539. >"You. I suggested she ask you to the movies."
  1540. >"Wow. I... hahaha."
  1541. >Lyra's ears perk up.
  1542. >"What's so funny?"
  1543. "I just- it's funny! Here I thought you had a crush on me, what with you agreeing to a date and all, and you've been helping Bon-Bon try to warm up to me. It's kinda funny, is all."
  1544. >You smile.
  1545. >You genuinely thought this whole situation was silly. But, hey, now you knew Bon-Bon has a thing for you.
  1546. >Lyra smirks.
  1547. >"Yeah, about that. She and I made a bet."
  1548. "A... a bet?"
  1549. >"Yup. See who you fall for first."
  1550. >What?
  1551. >You give another small laugh.
  1552. "Not really a bet when one of you doesn't have a thing for me, don't you think?"
  1553. >"You think I don't like you?"
  1554. "Well ye-"
  1555. >It is at this precise moment that you realize that Lyra is inches form your face.
  1556. >With her eyes closed.
  1557. "What are you-"
  1558. >Lyra opens her eyes and rolls them, sighing.
  1559. >"Just shut up and kiss me already.
  1560. >Her hooves grab your face, and suddenly you're pulled into a kiss.
  1561. >Things were going to get a lot more complicated around here.
  1563. ~END~
  1565. >You sit on a park bench in the middle of the night, Lyra next to you.
  1566. >Well, she's next to you, but at the moment she's forced a kiss onto your face.
  1567. >For a split second, you wonder what will happen if you just go with it.
  1568. >But then your judgement kicks in and you break away from her lips.
  1569. >The look on her face is confused, and her eyes look hopefully up into yours.
  1570. >"So... what's it going to be?"
  1571. "I... uh... I think I'm gonna need some time to process all of this."
  1572. >Her ears sway in different directions as she contemplates your words.
  1573. >"Maybe this wasn't the best time to bring up Bon-Bon's and mines bet, huh?"
  1574. "I just think that a lot of this is happening a little fast, don't you?"
  1575. >Lyra shrugs.
  1576. >"Listen, Anon, it's no big deal. Really."
  1577. "Really? Really?! Who the hell makes a bet to see who falls for who first? That's... I mean what?!"
  1578. >"We both like you. I suggested we just compete with each other to see who can win you over first, that's all."
  1579. "...this is so fucked."
  1580. >You put your head into your hands and sigh, trying to gather yourself.
  1581. >The night was just supposed to be a dinner date, not some weird love-triangle ultimatum.
  1583. >"You know, you don't HAVE to decide tonight."
  1584. "What?"
  1585. >"That's be a bit unfair. I mean, you haven't really gotten to know Bon-Bon that much, and I'm just too irresistible to begin with, so.."
  1586. >She waggles her eyebrows comically.
  1587. >It was as if she was taking this whole situation nonchalantly.
  1588. "You seem way too calm about all of this, honestly."
  1589. >Another shrug as she leans back onto the bench.
  1590. >"That'd because I'm pretty confident, is all. I can take my time, and you can certainly do the same. Either way, we won't be bothered by who you choose."
  1591. >The stare you give her is one of disbelief and confusion.
  1592. "Let me get this straight. I'm stuck trying to choose between two mares that both have a thing for me. They both KNOW that they have a thing for the same guy, and instead of confronting each other about it in a dramatic fashion, you two have decided to let me decide over a period of time while you both try to woo me as passive aggressively as possible. That about right?"
  1593. >"That's about it, yeah."
  1594. "I don't know whether to be excited or terrified."
  1595. >"Why not both?"
  1596. >Huh.
  1597. >That could work.
  1599. >The two of you sit there for a couple of minutes while you run this through your head.
  1600. >Lyra, the snarky, peppy musician with an obsession for smoothies and evenings in the park.
  1601. >Bon-Bon, the deadpan, monotone, shy chocolatier with a soft spot for dramatic crime thrillers and, apparently, you.
  1602. >These were your choices.
  1603. >Well.
  1604. >Great.
  1605. >Lyra clears her throat and looks to you, catching your attention.
  1606. >"Soooo... the kiss? How was it?"
  1607. "...wha-"
  1608. >"Too rushed? It was too rushed wasn't it? I tried to go with the whole, "surprise him with a kiss" thing that Bon-Bon did, but it's not a very good surprise if I, you know, flat out tell you I'm about to kiss you."
  1609. >She smiles weakly while shrugging.
  1610. >Still peppy and sarcastic as ever, even with the current circumstances.
  1611. "Going home now."
  1612. >"Hm?"
  1613. "Home. Going home. Me. Home. Going to it."
  1614. >You get up and start walking to the house, while Lyra scrambles off the bench and catches up to you.
  1615. >"Whoa whoa wait are you mad?"
  1616. "Nope. Just going home. It's late, gotta a sleep."
  1617. >"Seriously, dude, if you're upset just let me know."
  1618. "Lyra, really, I'm good. Couldn't be better. There's just one thing that's bugging me."
  1619. >"And that is?"
  1620. >You sigh as you say the strangest thing you've ever spoken.
  1621. "My life is turning into an anime."
  1622. >The only way this could get any more cliche is if they competed to see who cooked a better breakfast for you.
  1624. The Next Morning
  1626. >You're woken up by the sound of someone knocking on the door to your attic bedroom.
  1627. >Stumbling out of bed while rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you make your way to the panel in the floor and let down the creaky ladder.
  1628. >Bon-Bon sits at the entrance to your bedroom.
  1629. >"Hey."
  1630. "Morning."
  1631. >"Coming up."
  1632. "Wha-"
  1633. >Before you can react she's made her way up the ladder and is trotting past you to your nightstand, sitting on your bed.
  1634. "Uh... okay, yeah. Come on in. Not like I was sleeping or anything."
  1635. >"It's breakfast time."
  1636. "Okay, cool. Then why did you come into my room if all you wanted to do was tell me that it was time to eat?"
  1637. >"Quick talk."
  1638. "Quick talk?"
  1639. >"Quick."
  1640. "Promise?"
  1641. >"Yup."
  1642. >You stare at her for a second before sighing and giving in, sitting next to her on your bed.
  1643. "Okay, what's up?"
  1644. >"She's revealed the bet to you, hasn't she?"
  1645. >You give a grunt of a laugh.
  1646. "Yup."
  1647. >"I knew it."
  1648. "So now that I know about this little competition, what are you gonna do?"
  1649. >She looks to you, deadpan.
  1650. >"Just keep calm and carry on as usual I guess."
  1651. "What, no special treatment now that I know you have a crush on me?"
  1652. >"Nope. Just going to act like I always do."
  1653. >With this said, she gets up and trots to the ladder.
  1654. >You smile.
  1655. >Bon-Bon always seemed to be the only level headed thing in this house.
  1656. >Good.
  1657. >You needed some semblance of normalcy.
  1658. >"By the way."
  1659. "Hm?"
  1660. >"We're cooking you breakfast. To see who's you like more."
  1661. >...
  1662. >God dammit.
  1664. >You give a groan and follow Bon-Bon back downstairs and into the kitchen.
  1665. >Lyra was waiting there, a chef's hat on her head.
  1666. "Why are you wearing a chef hat?"
  1667. >LYRA: "I'm cooking, aren't I?"
  1668. "You don't need a chef's hat to cook, though."
  1669. >LYRA: "What? Of course you do, don't be stupid."
  1670. "I'm not! Bon-Bon, help me out he-"
  1671. >Bon-Bon is wearing a pink apron with the words, "Kiss the Cook" on it.
  1672. >Also, she's wearing a matching hat.
  1673. >But she still has that expressionless face of hers.
  1674. "What... what are we doing? What is this?"
  1675. >BON: "Sit."
  1676. "But I-"
  1677. >LYRA: "Sit."
  1678. >You want to retort, but you shut your yap and sit at the table, your chin in your hand.
  1679. "Now what?"
  1680. >LYRA: "Now we cook waffles!"
  1681. "Waffles?"
  1682. >BON: "Do you not know what a waffle is?"
  1683. "No, I know what a waffle is."
  1684. >BON: "Could've fooled me."
  1685. >She smirks and goes to the kitchen counter with Lyra as the two of them prepare breakfast.
  1686. >This was just silly.
  1687. >Competing to see who made better waffles?
  1688. >Really?
  1689. >It's only until you smell the delicious fried batter that your stomach makes you reconsider.
  1690. >Well... maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
  1691. >I mean, when would you ever have two mares vying for your affection again?
  1692. >Never, that's when.
  1693. >So you resign to all of this in your mind, deciding to just deal with it for the time being.
  1695. >The two of them return to you, a plate in Bon-Bon's mouth while Lyra floats hers over to you with magic.
  1696. >The plates are now in front of you, and you can feel your stomach rumble at the sight of the waffles.
  1697. >Lyra has made a stack of fluffy blue-berry pancakes with maple syrup.
  1698. >Bon-Bon has made chocolate chip waffles with butterscotch syrup.
  1699. >Lrya looks to you eagerly, while Bon-Bon simply waits for you to eat something.
  1700. >You decide to eat Lyra's first, if only to get her to stop smiling that hard.
  1701. >Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise at how good this all tastes. The blueberries are a great addition and pack a nice little punch of flavor.
  1702. >You nod to Lyra, your mouth full.
  1703. "Thanksh. Thish ish good."
  1704. >BON: "Swallow."
  1705. >You and Lyra look to Bon-Bon.
  1706. >BON: "What? I can't care about manners all of a sudden?"
  1707. >You shrug and swallow down the food.
  1708. >Then you turn your attention to Bon-Bon's waffles.
  1709. >As soon as you start to cut into them, Bon'Bon's ears perk up in anticipation.
  1710. >Wow.
  1711. >These were...
  1712. >Is there... is there something in the chocolate?
  1713. "Bon-Bo-"
  1714. >BON: "Swallow."
  1715. >You do.
  1716. "Bon-Bon, this is great. But the chocolate, what is that? Did you put something into it?"
  1717. >BON: "Home recipe. Made it at the candy shop last night. There's mint in it, but not too much to make it overbearing."
  1718. "Well it shows, this is great."
  1719. >You smile and take another bite.
  1720. >Bon-Bon grins and looks over to Lyra, a smirk on her face.
  1721. >Lyra rolls her eyes and groans.
  1722. >LYRA: "So I got beat by the pony that actually MAKES food as a job. No surprise."
  1723. "I wouldn't say that. They're both great, really."
  1724. >Lyra seems to cheer up at this, and the two of them join you at the table.
  1726. "You know, I don't think I've had someone make me breakfast in a long time."
  1727. >LYRA: "Really?"
  1728. "Yeah. Last time a pony made me breakfast was when I was still dating-"
  1729. >You stop talking right then and there, glancing to the two of them.
  1730. >Lyra's ears are perked in curiosity, as well as Bon-Bon's.
  1731. "...what?"
  1732. >BON: "You've dated a pony before?"
  1733. "Oh."
  1734. >Oh.
  1735. >Fuck.
  1736. >You didn't mean to let that slip.
  1737. "Uh... yeah. Yeah I did."
  1738. >Lyra's face grows an enormous grin and she scoots her chair in to get closer to you.
  1739. >LYRA: "You HAVE to tell us now. You just have to."
  1740. "I don't want to talk about it."
  1741. >LYRA: "Oh you can't just hint at something like that and NOT expect us to be curious. C'mon, spill the beans already."
  1742. >BON: "Was it someone here in Ponyville?"
  1743. "Look, guys, I really don't want to get into that right now. It was a messy break up, she had a massive ego, and I've moved on. Besides, it happened like, a year ago. It's not important."
  1744. >Lyra pouts and sticks out her tongue.
  1745. >LYRA: "Party pooper."
  1746. "That's all you're getting out of me. Sorry."
  1747. >LYRA: "We WILL learn your secrets, Anonymous. Mark my words. Right Bon-Bon?"
  1748. >Bon-Bon nods.
  1749. >BON: "That we shall."
  1750. >Wow that as eerie.
  1751. >Bon-Bon's evil glare disappears as she asks you a new question.
  1752. >BON: "Don't you have work today?"
  1753. >Oh shit!
  1754. >You leap from the table and run out of the house, a waffle still in your mouth.
  1755. >Roseluck was supposed to come back to town today, so that means the cafe would re-open.
  1756. >And here you were, almost an hour late.
  1757. >Great.
  1759. That Night
  1761. "Ma'am, please, you need to leave."
  1762. >"No."
  1763. "Ma'am this is getting us nowhere. You know we don't serve that drink here, you need to stop coming here and asking for it. Besides, it's closing time. You need to leave."
  1764. >"Nnnnnnnno."
  1765. "Boss? Boss can you please help me out here?"
  1766. >Roseluck pokes her head out of her office and walks up to you and the magenta mare that's lying on top of a table.
  1767. >ROSE: "Miss, please go."
  1768. >"No."
  1769. >ROSE: "Miss please."
  1770. >"I came for berry punch. I WANT my berry punch."
  1771. "We don't HAVE berry pu-"
  1773. "Boss I cannot take this. She keeps coming back. It... it just. Keeps. Happening."
  1774. >ROSE: "Okay, fine. I'm giving you permission to throw her out."
  1775. "Really?"
  1776. >ROSE: "Yes. Don't hurt her though."
  1777. "Wouldn't dream of it."
  1778. >You pick up the mare and sling her over your shoulder.
  1779. >"Where're we goin?"
  1780. "outside."
  1781. >"Why?"
  1782. "There's berry punch out there."
  1783. >"Oh wow really?!"
  1784. "Nope."
  1785. >You drop her on the curb of the side walk and take off your apron, hanging it on a hanger in the cafe, and leave.
  1786. >This whole day was just perfect.
  1787. >Wake up to feuding mares, end it with a persistent drunk one.
  1788. >It could NOT get worse.
  1790. >"Anon! Hey!"
  1791. >You look across the street and see Lyra and Bon-Bon waving at you, motioning for you to go to them.
  1792. >Shrugging, you decide to join them.
  1793. >Maybe they'd cheer you up, you dunno.
  1794. "Ladies."
  1795. >LYRA: "Evenin'."
  1796. >BON: "Hey."
  1797. "What's up? Why are you out this late?"
  1798. >LYRA: "Well I was at band practice when our drummer, Ditzy, told me that there'd be a show going on in the courtyard tonight."
  1799. "Show? Like a concert?"
  1800. >LYRA: "Nah nothing of the musical variety. Just some sort of magic show."
  1801. "Oh. Cool."
  1802. >LYRA: "Yup! So, I grabbed Bon-Bon from home and decided that we should go see it."
  1803. >BON: "She interrupted my TV time."
  1804. "What was on."
  1805. >BON: "Criminal Minds."
  1806. "Oh Lyra, for shame."
  1807. >LYRA: "She records every episode. EVERY. ONE. She can do without her TV tonight."
  1808. >BON: "I am thoroughly disappointed in your reasoning process."
  1809. >LYRA: "So, Anon. Wanna come?"
  1810. >You mull it over in your head.
  1811. "Sure, why not?"
  1812. >LYRA: "Great! C'mon, the show should start soon."
  1813. >As the three of you make your way to the courtyard, you feel as though this is all pretty nice.
  1814. >They weren't trying to win you over at the moment.
  1815. >All of you were just spending a nice evening out, is all.
  1816. >A smile creeps across your face.
  1817. >No matter where your feelings lie, you could always count on these two to be your friends.
  1818. >That was a comforting thought.
  1819. >Besides, you hadn't seen a magic show since...
  1820. >...
  1821. >Oh.
  1822. >Oh NO.
  1823. >The three of you make it to where the courtyard is, a large wooden caravan sitting square in the center of it all.
  1824. >It is at this point that you want to get the hell out of dodge.
  1825. >Now.
  1826. "Hey you know what? I'm really tired. Yeah, tired. Let's just go home."
  1827. >Lyra looks to you confusedly.
  1828. >LYRA: "But we JUST got here. And the show hasn't even star-"
  1829. "Ah you know seen one magic show seen 'em all, come on let's just go home and go to bed huh? Boy am I tired."
  1830. >BON: "You're nervous."
  1831. "What? Nervous? Why would I be- no I'm not. Nope, not nervous at all. Just really, really tired."
  1832. >BON: "Then why are you talking at a million miles an hour?"
  1833. "Pffffft what? Noooo I'm just- I don't know what you're- hey why don't we just go-"
  1834. >Suddenly light and sparks fly out of the caravan as it bursts open, a large grand drape pulling back as a voice booms from within it.
  1835. >Oh god no.
  1836. >"Greetings, Ponyville! It is I, the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE!"
  1837. >Just slink away, Anon.
  1838. >"I return to your sleepy little town to yet again amaze you with-"
  1839. >Slink away before she-
  1840. >"...Anonymous?"
  1841. >Aww nuts.
  1842. >Trixie bounds off the stage, a grin on her face as she approaches the three of you.
  1843. >TRIX: "I thought I recognized you! How have you been? Still a busboy down at that little cafe I presume?"
  1844. "Oh... hey Trixie, didn't know you were in town."
  1845. >Lyra looks from you to Trixie, a confused look on her face.
  1846. >LYRA: "Wait, Anon, you know her?"
  1847. "Ah... you could say that, yeah."
  1848. >TRIX: "Oh come now, you're still not upset at our little falling out are you?"
  1849. >LYRA: "Falling out?"
  1850. "Uh."
  1851. >BON: "You've got to be bucking kidding me."
  1852. >All of you turn to Bon-Bon, a look of annoyed shock on her face.
  1853. >BON: "You dated HER?"
  1854. "UH."
  1855. >Lyra spins around to you, her expression the exact opposite of Bon-Bon's.
  1856. >She's tittering like a school girl.
  1857. >LYRA: "Wait wait wait, really? Rrrreeeaaallly?!"
  1858. >TRIX: "The GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE cannot believe that her snuggle bear would try to deny the fact that we were an item! Really, Anon, you seem to be still horribly broken up about it."
  1859. >LYRA: "Snuggle Bear!? A pet name?!... Oh my god, you were the BOTTOM BITCH!"
  1860. >Lyra bursts out into laughter, while Bon-Bon just stares at you , wide eyed and serious.
  1861. >This...
  1862. >This wasn't going to end well.
  1864. ~END~
  1866. >This was the worst possible thing.
  1867. >What happened to just taking a walk and enjoying the night?
  1868. >Now you were standing with Lyra and Bon-Bon in the middle of the town square as Trixie regaled them with tales from when the two of you dated.
  1869. >It...
  1870. >It was pretty awful, really.
  1871. Lyra is trying her hardest not to laugh in Trixie's face as she goes on an on about old pet names of yours.
  1872. >Bon-Bon stands next to you, simply staring up at you.
  1873. >Unblinking.
  1874. >Bury your face into a palm as Trixie continues.
  1875. TRIX: "...and once the show was over with, The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie decided that her shnookums deserved a little treat! So, that night-"
  1876. >LYRA: "I'm sorry, I'm so, SO sorry, but I have to do this. Just give me a second."
  1877. >Lyra spins around to look at you, points, and laughs once.
  1878. >LYRA: "HA!"
  1879. >She regains her composure and nods to Trixie.
  1880. >LYRA: "Continue."
  1881. >TRIX: "Well, it wouldn't be Trixie's place to tell you about our... private life, no would it?"
  1882. >She gives a sly smile to you, and you feel yourself blush.
  1883. "Trix, no."
  1884. >TRIX: "But first Trixie has to ask, who are you two in relation to Trixie's little pooky-boo?"
  1885. >LYRA: "Oh, we're-"
  1886. "No one! They're just friends! Yup! That's all they are, friends. Say you know what, it's pretty late. Go home now? Yeah let's go home now."
  1887. >You didn't need Trixie learning that there were too beautiful mares trying to win you over.
  1888. >Knowing her competitive nature, something ridiculous was just bound to happen if that was let known.
  1889. >You start to turn around.
  1890. >BON: "I'm trying to win him over."
  1892. >Trixie raises an eyebrow and looks to Lyra.
  1893. >LYRA: "Actually, we're both trying to win him over. It's kind of like a friendly competition."
  1894. "Hey how about we just leave no-"
  1895. >TRIX: "A competition you say?"
  1896. >hogod.
  1897. >Lyra nods, a happy smile on her face a a small tint of pink on her cheeks.
  1898. >LYRA: "It's only fair that way. Besides, it's fun learning what makes Anon tick and then using that to one up each other."
  1899. >TRIX: "Well isn't that just adorable. Anon, honey-pie, The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie had no idea you could be so dominant! Trixie was used to you doing what Trixie told you to do, after all."
  1900. >You blush as Lyra titters and Bon-Bon groans.
  1901. >TRIX: "As for you, Lyra was it? I would just give up while you're ahead. Only the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie knows the secrets to her puddin-pie's heart. And the secrets to some of his other organs, as well."
  1902. >She bites her lip and winks at you.
  1903. "Yeah, home now. Guys, we're going home. Leaving right now."
  1904. >LYRA: "I think we could figure him out just fine, thank you very much."
  1905. >TRIX: "Ha! Please, Trixie remembers every single little thing to make Anon drool in affection. You couldn't possibly outmatch her!"
  1906. >BON: "Bring it on, bitch."
  1907. >The three of you whip your heads to Bon-Bon.
  1908. >Oh shit.
  1909. >She meant business.
  1910. >TRIX: "Do you have a problem with Trixie, candy-plot?"
  1911. >BON: "You could say that, yeah. I'm not particularly liking how you're treating Anon like some sort of object, for one."
  1912. >TRIX: "Me? You and this minty one are the ones using him as a prize in some sort of love competition."
  1913. >BON: "At least we're not boasting about our exploits. Besides, I bet Lyra or I know more about Anon than you do."
  1914. >Trixie's eyes narrow into a glare.
  1915. >TRIX: "Does Trixie hear a challenge?"
  1916. >BON: "She most certainly does."
  1917. "Bon-Bon what are you doing? Why can't we just LEAVE?!"
  1918. >Bon-Bon looks up at you, her face showing...
  1919. >And actual emotion.
  1920. >She kind of seemed... jealous?
  1921. >BON: "This blue cunt has an ego the size of Canterlot Castle. I'm putting her in her place. Now."
  1922. >Jesus she could swear like a sailor when mad enough.
  1923. >Lyra's eyebrows shoot up, but she grins all the same.
  1924. >LYRA: "Wow. WOW. Bon-Bon is actually MAD about something. Well, in that case count me in on this little challenge."
  1925. >Trixie's eyes twinkle with a competitive glare you haven't seen in ages.
  1926. >Nope.
  1927. >Leaving.
  1928. "Count me out. I'll see you two at home once you're done trying to get her goat."
  1929. >You start to leave once more, when you're lifted off the ground by purple magic.
  1930. "Oh COME ON. Trxie, NO. BAD."
  1932. ZQRNqgtNi44G8UiSZ1rqeNLUPi
  1934. >Your skin crackles with static as you're teleported onto the stage of the caravan.
  1935. >Trixie pops up next to you, along with Lyra and Bon-Bon.
  1936. >TRAIX: "Ladies and Gentlecolts, allow me to introduce our lovely assistant, Anonymous!"
  1937. "Dammit I do NOT need this right now guys, seriously."
  1938. LYRA: "Oh come on, Anon. Don't worry yourself, it'll be just fine."
  1939. >You grumble to yourself as Trixie continues.
  1940. >TRIX: "The challenge is simple: The mare who gets Anon to blush the most without any heavy petting, dirty talk, or overtly sexual acts is the winner."
  1941. "I mean it guys, I want out."
  1942. >TRIX: "Bon-Bon, you were so adamant on this challenge. Why don't you go first?"
  1943. >BON: "I'd rather go when I wanted, thanks."
  1944. >She glares to Trixie, who just scoffs.
  1945. >TRIX: "Very well. Lyra?"
  1946. >Lyra looks up at you and grins.
  1947. >LYRA: "Oh I have an idea..."
  1948. >Her horn lights up and you feel a sensation on your...
  1949. >...ear?
  1950. "Uh... what are you doing?"
  1951. >Lyra looks up at you with bedroom eyes.
  1952. >LYRA: "I'm seducing you, tiger."
  1953. "You... you're rubbing my earlobe, though."
  1954. >LYRA: "Exactly."
  1955. >She bites her lip and keeps fondling your ear.
  1956. "And that would turn me on.... how?"
  1957. LYRA: "I-... wait that does nothing for you?"
  1958. "No."
  1959. >LYRA: "What? But I- It totally works for me though! You're saying you don't like your ears scratched?"
  1960. "Yes."
  1961. >LYRA:"...crap."
  1962. >Trixie lets out a hearty laugh as she levitates you over to her.
  1963. >TRIX: "The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie is greatly amused by your naivety, Lyra. Ear fondling. How quaint. Watch as Trixie wins Anon's heart in one fell swoop!"
  1964. "Trixie really I don't want to- EEP."
  1965. >Your face flushes red as Trixie smacks your ass with her hoof.
  1966. >The crowd around you goes silent, as most of your face goes scarlet.
  1967. >LYRA: "...oh you've got to be bucking kidding me."
  1968. >TRIX: "Well, it's clear to Trixie that Trixie is the superior mare on the stage at the moment. Just look at Trixie's booger-bear. He's blushing so hard he that he can't even try to hide it."
  1969. >LYRA: "You... you have a sensitive ass?"
  1970. "I was born this way, alright?"
  1971. >LYRA: "I just... really?!"
  1972. "Shut up."
  1973. >TRIX: "The challenge is now ende-"
  1974. >You hear Bon-Bon clear her throat.
  1975. >BON: "I think you forgot about me."
  1976. >Trixie raises an eyebrow and gives a quick laugh.
  1977. >TRIX: "Where are Trixie's manners? Go right ahead, but it would just be in vain at this point. Only the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie knows what get's her pooky-wooky all hot and bothered!"
  1978. >Bon-Bon doesn't say a word.
  1979. >She just slowly trots to where you're standing, facing you.
  1980. >You can see a tint of red along her cheeks as she does what must be done.
  1981. >She stands on her hind legs, placing her hooves on your shoulders, and leans in.
  1982. >Giving your nose a soft, quick kiss.
  1983. >When she drops back to the floor on all floors, the audience ooh and ahhhs.
  1984. >Trixie looks dumbstruck.
  1985. >Lyra's all smiles.
  1986. >You face is now a wall of red, as you simply stare into the distance.
  1987. >BON: "I win."
  1988. >TRIX: "But... but how did... you cheated! Yes, that's it. The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie is still the only mare who knows how to-"
  1989. >BON: "Ho would you shut the fuck up already?"
  1990. >Then Bon-Bon does something that makes the audience burst into applause.
  1991. >She rears her head back.
  1992. >And spits in Trixie's mouth.
  1993. >Wow.
  1994. >You might be in love.
  1996. ~END~
  1998. >LYRA: "Okay, time to explain."
  1999. "Nope."
  2000. >LYRA: "What? No, no way that's not fair. You have to tell us more!"
  2001. "Yeah, no."
  2002. >BON: Since when did you like getting your ass smacked?"
  2003. "I don't! I was just surprised by it is all!"
  2004. >Lyra smacks your rear and you let out a quick squeak, your face flushing red.
  2005. >LYRA: "Oh boy, someone's got a deadly little weakness."
  2006. "Shut up."
  2007. >BON: "What did you see in her, anyway?"
  2008. "What?"
  2009. >LYRA: "Yeah, you never really explained why you dated Trixie in the first place. What gives?"
  2010. "Nothing. Nothing gives. Look, let's just keep walking home while I try to forget that this whole night just happened, okay?"
  2011. >The three of you walk home from the town square, where you had just been forced to take part in a "magic show" with your ex-special somep0ny, Trixie.
  2012. >Right now, you were just focusing your attention to the point in front of you, determined to just get home and go to bed.
  2014. >Lyra catches up with you and nudges your arm.
  2015. >LYRA: "Okay, look, I'm sorry. But you got to admit, it was all kind of fun, right?"
  2016. "Fun."
  2017. >LYRA: "Yeah!"
  2018. "I got dragged onto a stage by my ex and two ponies that kind of have an overbearing THING for me, in order to be the subject of a friggin' game show! A game show that involves my ass getting smacked!"
  2019. >BON: "You seem upset."
  2020. "Oooh, NNOOoooo. Really?! Look, guys, I like ya. Really I do. But for me, please, can we just go home and sleep?"
  2021. >The two of them are quiet as you rub the space between your eyes out of exhaustion and frustration.
  2022. >It was an anime.
  2023. >You were living in an ANIME at this point.
  2024. >And not one of the cool ones with fighting and space cowboys.
  2025. >This was like... you don't even know.
  2026. >LYRA: "You want to just go home."
  2027. "Yes."
  2028. >BON: "And you want us all to sleep."
  2029. "YES."
  2030. >Finally, they were getting it.
  2031. >LYRA: "Alright then, off to bed we go."
  2032. >Before you can thank them, Lyra has grabbed the base of your shirt in her mouth and proceeds to drag you along the sidewalk.
  2034. "Whoa whoa, dragging me. Why? Why are you doing that exactly?"
  2035. >LYRA: "Mmph mmph."
  2036. "I would understand you better if you weren't eating my clothes, doll."
  2037. >Lyra releases her bite and perks up.
  2038. >LYRA: "Doll? Oh, you do care."
  2039. >BON: "We're just doing what you want."
  2040. LYRA: "Yup. You want to go home and have us all sleep."
  2041. "...wait what is this?"
  2042. >LYRA: "What's what?"
  2043. "Why are you so eager all of a sudden to go home?..."
  2044. >BON: "Just trying to make you happy is all."
  2045. >You stare at the two mares in front of you, a look of quiet suspicion etched onto your face.
  2046. "...okay then. Fine. Homeward bound we three be."
  2047. >Lyra smiles and Bon-Bon simply nods as you're led home by them.
  2048. >On the way, Lyra can't help but ask you more questions.
  2049. >LYRA: "Okay, PLEASE let us in on why you dated Trixie. You have to tell us, you just HAVE to."
  2050. "Can a man have NO secrets in this town?"
  2051. >BON: "No."
  2052. "Blunt as ever I see."
  2053. >BON: "That's me. The blunt one."
  2054. >You give a sigh of resignation and give in.
  2056. "Fine. We met in Manhattan. I was into card magic at the time, and we shared similar interests. We hit it off from there."
  2057. >LYRA: "That's it?"
  2058. "That's it."
  2059. >LYRA:"...oh my god you two totally had se-"
  2060. "YOU. MOUTH. SHUT IT."
  2061. >Lyra tries her best to contain her laughter as Bon-Bon simply groans.
  2062. >LYRA: "Hahaha... oh god that's too much. Okay, okay. Done. No more jokes, promise."
  2063. "Thank you."
  2064. >...
  2065. >BON: "I bet she called out her own name during."
  2066. >LYRA: "HA!"
  2067. >Fuck everything.
  2068. >Seriously.
  2069. >You all finally make it home, and you make your way to your bedroom in the attic.
  2070. >You couldn't wait to just lie down and get some peace and rest.
  2071. "Alright well, this was fun and all and I suppose I'll see you in the mor-"
  2072. >Lyra and Bon-Bon both push past you and pull down the ladder to your room.
  2073. "What is this?"
  2074. >LYRA: "Hm?"
  2075. >Lyra gives an innocent smile.
  2076. >LYRA: "I thought you said you wanted us all to just go to bed?"
  2077. "Yeah but-"
  2078. >LYRA: "Well that's what we're doing!"
  2079. >She gives you a wink as she and Bon-Bon head up the ladder.
  2080. "Oh Bon-Bon not you too..."
  2081. >Bon-Bon looks back to you, and gives a small, sly smile.
  2082. >Dear god they were collaborating.
  2084. >You very audibly groan and proceed up the ladder after them.
  2085. "Guys, when I said I wanted us to sleep I didn't mean toge-"
  2086. >You mouth stops making noise when you see what's in your bed.
  2087. >Lyra and Bon-Bon have snuggled underneath your covers, offering a small space in between them for you to lay in.
  2088. >LYRA: "Hop on in! It's nice and toasty in here, after all."
  2089. >Another devilish grin while you try to process all of this.
  2090. "I... what are you two doing?"
  2091. >BON: "Sleeping in a cramped bed."
  2092. "I know that. That's the problem. That thing is small enough as it is for a person like me, let alone for a person and two ponies."
  2093. >BON: "Are you a cover hog?"
  2094. "What? No. Maybe? I don't know."
  2095. >LYRA: "Well cover hog or not, you're getting in this bed."
  2096. >This was... bad?
  2097. >No, not bad.
  2098. >Just weird, you suppose.
  2099. "...fine. No funny stuff while I sleep though."
  2100. >LYRA: "Wouldn't dream of it."
  2101. >BON: "I would."
  2102. >Both you and Lyra give Bon-Bon a quick look.
  2103. >Bon-Bon is expressionless.
  2104. >BON: "That is a joke."
  2105. "Right."
  2107. >Walking over to your bed, you try to go about this as best you can.
  2108. >Lyra gets impatient and just levitates you into the bed.
  2109. >The fit is tight, and the both of them are near the edges of the mattress.
  2110. "Yeah, not happening. You'd have to be right up on me for this to work. Why don't I just sleep on the couch for toni-"
  2111. >Suddenly they're both cuddling up onto you.
  2112. "Uh... guys?"
  2113. >The both of them are quiet as they curl up around you, Lyra clinging to one of your arms and resting her head on your chest.
  2114. >Bon-Bon is more conservative and decides to lay a hoof across your abdomen, her snout tickling your shoulder.
  2115. >And you?
  2116. >You simply laid there on your back, staring up into the attic ceiling, not knowing what to do.
  2117. "...stupid sexy mares..."
  2118. >Eventually, you're able to fall asleep.
  2119. >For what it was worth, it wasn't so bad.
  2121. >You're stirred awake only hours later by the faint sound of the TV downstairs.
  2122. >It sounded like the opening theme to Equestria's equivalent to Criminal Minds.
  2123. >Glancing to your left, your suspicions are confirmed.
  2124. >Bon-Bon had gotten up to watch her crime thrillers.
  2125. >You give a quiet laugh as you imagine her sneak out of bed to go watch what she had missed today.
  2126. >A tiny whimper to your right catches your attention.
  2127. >LYRA: "wha... whassit?"
  2128. "Sorry. Bon-Bon's just watching TV. You can go back to sleep."
  2129. >LYRA: "Bon-Bon's doin' the TV thing?"
  2130. "Yup."
  2131. >Lyra yawms and lays her head back onto your chest.
  2132. >LYRA: "Neat."
  2133. >You can't help but but smile at the sight of this mint green mare as her lights go out right on top of you.
  2134. >Huh.
  2135. >Cute.
  2136. >You close your eyes.
  2137. >Not long after, you feel the body on your chest shift.
  2138. >Breath tickles your nose.
  2139. "...wha-"
  2140. >LYRA: "Just this one time, if you will."
  2141. >And with that, Lyra kisses you softly, her eyes still hazy with sleep.
  2142. >Too tired to resist, and not particularly caring, you let it happen.
  2143. >Like you said.
  2144. >It wasn't so bad.
  2146. ~END~
  2150. >A lot has happened in the the last month and a half.
  2151. >Not with the girls, no.
  2152. >They're still as passive aggressive about their little love triangle as ever.
  2153. >Not that you would call it a triangle, that is.
  2154. >You felt that is was more of a love pincer movement, to be honest.
  2155. >The only difference you could spot when it came to them was how they've been acting this whole week.
  2156. >For a few days, both Lyra and Bon-Bon have been... avoiding you.
  2157. >Not outright shunning, but they were getting a habit of spotting you and sort of running to their rooms.
  2158. >You just shrugged it off.
  2159. >Maybe they were cooling their jets, you didn't know.
  2160. >At the moment you were cooking some fried rice at Roseluck's cafe.
  2161. >The one waitress you had got fired, as well as the chef.
  2162. >Turns out when you never show up to work, they tend to let you go.
  2163. >So you were basically the one man show of this restaurant, and you were finally getting used to the everyday rigamarole of the food service industry.
  2164. >The best benefit was that this place wasn't all that busy, what with it being such a small cafe and all.
  2165. >Once the rice is done you throw some roasted peanuts into the mix, taking it out to the colt that ordered it.
  2166. >So far you were having an okay day, and the place was shutting down early for the weekend.
  2167. >Once all the customers were gone, you bid Roseluck farewell and head out to town.
  2168. >Perhaps you'd go to the library today, see what new books they had in stock.
  2169. >Making your way to the the large tree the town called a library, you enter and begin browsing the collection of books.
  2171. >Moby Duck?
  2172. >Nah.
  2173. >The Adventures of Daring Doo?
  2174. >No you already read that one last month.
  2175. >Fifty Shades of Pinkie Pie?
  2176. >Haha, no.
  2177. >Then a book catches your attention from the corner of your eye.
  2178. >Taking the bright yellow book in your hands, you read the title that's emblazoned on the cover in bold, black lettering.
  2179. "Iron Will's Guide to Dating Ponies."
  2180. >Really?
  2181. >I mean... really?
  2182. >This is a thing?
  2183. >You laugh and put the book back on the shelf, walking over to another section of the library.
  2184. >A book on how to date ponies.
  2185. >Wow.
  2186. >That was just silly.
  2187. >You continue to look among the many shelves here, but you mind keeps going back to that yellow book.
  2188. >...
  2189. >No.
  2190. >You don't need it.
  2191. >...
  2192. >You don't need it.
  2193. >...
  2194. >You grab the book and check it out, reading it as you walk home.
  2196. "What in the..."
  2197. >This book was filled with what you can only describe as obvious, or HORRIBLE advice.
  2198. "One way to a pony's heart is to present your target with a sugarcube. Little known fact: Sugarcube's are an extreme aphrodisiac to ponies when in cube form... really?"
  2199. >You flip through more pages of the book, trying to find something that wasn't either blatantly obvious or just downright silly.
  2200. >You were having a hard time.
  2201. "Ear scratching can be a terrific bonding experience. Remember, get her by the ear, and she'll let you have her rear."
  2202. >Just.
  2203. >Just no.
  2204. >This was all sorts of stupid.
  2205. >But... on the other hand...
  2206. >You couldn't help but feel curious about all these tips.
  2207. >What if some of them were accurate? Sugarcubes turning on mares? Ear scratching being a from of heavy petting?
  2208. >You skim through more of the book.
  2209. "A little known fact is that the cutie mark can act as an erogenous zone when tenderly caressed."
  2210. >Oh god what?
  2211. >How... how have you NEVER known about this stuff?
  2212. >You DATED Trixie! Why did you never try any of this stuff while having se-
  2213. >Oh.
  2214. >Dominant, overbearing, blue bitch.
  2215. >Right.
  2217. >One last page in the back catches your attention.
  2218. >It's a sort of FAQ section.
  2219. "When dating a mare, one must take note of a certain point in the year when their urge to mate goes into extreme overdrive."
  2220. >Oh god here we go.
  2221. "The cycle differs from mare to mare, but ponies in close proximity have a tendency to sync up mating times."
  2222. >Huh.
  2223. "During this time period, the female will grow an insatiable desire to mate with the closest male in the area. If a male is to live side-by-side the females in question, then the urge to fornicate with ANY male is curbed, choosing instead to single out the one particular stallion."
  2224. >HUH.
  2225. "An early sign that the cycle is nearing is an acute increase in bashfulness and embarrassment. Mares deliberately avoiding a male out of the blue is also a common sign."
  2226. >Wait.
  2227. >Bashfulness?
  2228. >Sudden avoidance?
  2229. >...
  2230. >No.
  2231. >No way.
  2232. >That... that's just gotta be fake.
  2233. >In all your time here in Equestria, you've never encountered this freak mating cycle.
  2234. >The book had to have been making it up in order to add more pages to the total it already had.
  2235. >That had to be it.
  2237. >You finally make it home, plopping down on the couch and relaxing.
  2238. >Bon-Bon sat next to you, already engrossed in one of her shows.
  2239. "Yo."
  2240. >BON: "Hey."
  2241. "What's this?"
  2242. >BON: "New show. Lie to Me. Pretty good."
  2243. >She was talking a bit...
  2244. >...faster, than usual.
  2245. >Meh.
  2246. "New show? Didn't they cancel it a while back?"
  2247. >BON: "Never seen it before. New to me."
  2248. "Uh huh.."
  2249. >BON: "Yep."
  2250. >She won't take her eyes off the TV screen.
  2251. >Shrugging, you walk over to the kitchen and grab a glass of water.
  2252. "Need anything while I'm in here?"
  2253. >She says nothing.
  2254. >A frown forms on your face.
  2255. >Bon-Bon was the quiet type, sure, but she talked WAY more than this.
  2256. >Although, she WAS trying to watch something she'd never seen before, so you can sympathize.
  2257. >Returning to her, you notice your book on the counter.
  2258. >An idea springs into your head.
  2259. >Time to see if those tips were in any way accurate.
  2261. >Sitting back down and taking a swig of water, you casually rest your right arm on the head of the couch, above Bon-Bon.
  2262. >She hasn't seemed to notice yet.
  2263. >Even more casually, and a lot more carefully, you bring your hand to rest on the back of her neck, as you softly stroke her mane.
  2264. >She tenses up, and glances to you.
  2265. >BON: "What is the meaning of this?"
  2266. >Her face is deadpan as usual.
  2267. "Pettin' ya."
  2268. >BON: "You're petting me."
  2269. "Yes."
  2270. >BON: "Why are you petting me?"
  2271. "Am I not allowed to pet you?"
  2272. >BON: "You are."
  2273. "Do you not want me to pet you?"
  2274. >...
  2275. >BON: "...I'll allow it."
  2276. >You can't tell if the red on her face is from the glare of the TV, or from her blushing.
  2277. >In any case, time for the moment of truth.
  2278. >You take your hand and softly begin scratching at the back of Bon-Bon's ear.
  2279. >And then things get weird.
  2281. >If she stiffened when you began to pet her mane, then you could only call what she's doing now as "melting."
  2282. >She's gone completely limp on the couch, but her eyes are still fixed on the screen.
  2283. >Well, so far this was doing what you thought it would.
  2284. >Nothing much.
  2285. >She was responding more like a dog would than what the book described.
  2286. >Then you softly squeeze her ear.
  2287. >BON: "~Haaah~"
  2288. >What.
  2289. >What... was that, exactly?
  2290. >Did... did she just moan?
  2291. >You look over to the book.
  2292. >No way.
  2293. >You get a grin on your face as you mull over the possibilities.
  2294. >Bon-Bon and Lyra have been trying to win you over at every chance they got, sometimes embarrassing you in public.
  2295. >Time for a bit of revenge.
  2297. >You rub her ear with a tad more pressure, and her other one flicks back and forth as you do so.
  2298. >BON: "Anon?"
  2299. >Her voice sounds flustered.
  2300. "Yeah?"
  2301. >BON: "You walk a dangerous road."
  2302. >Well now that was ominous.
  2303. "What do you mean?"
  2304. >You move to her other ear.
  2305. >BON: "~Ah!~"
  2306. >Okay, WOW, this was way too easy.
  2307. >BON: "I will not be held responsible for my actions if you continue down this course."
  2308. >You stop your ear fondling.
  2309. "...okay, you've got me. What?"
  2310. >You get a better look at Bon-Bon's face.
  2311. >Dear god that's a whole lot of blush.
  2312. >Bon-Bon looks up to you, her eyes hazy and unfocused.
  2313. >Those were some big pupils.
  2314. >You also notice that as you rubbed her ears, she was also raising up her backside.
  2315. >Uh.
  2316. >Maybe this wasn't the best of ideas.
  2317. "Actually, you know what? Sorry. I'll uh... I'll just stop for now. Sorry."
  2318. >You get up and start walking to your attic ladder.
  2319. >That's when you hear the Bon-Bon sprinting at you from behind.
  2321. "Wait wha-"
  2322. >She slams into your back, sending you both rolling down the hall and crashing against Lyra's door.
  2323. "Ow! What in the hell was that fo-"
  2324. >Oh.
  2325. >Oh NO.
  2329. >Bon-Bon's breathing is shallow and comes in ragged breaths as she looks into your eyes once she pins you too the ground.
  2330. "Okay, no. No Bon-Bon."
  2331. >BON: "I warned you about this."
  2332. "What you told me was cryptic at best. Bad Bon-Bon. No."
  2333. >BON: "Please-"
  2334. >She leans in close to your face.
  2335. >BON: "-Call me Bonnie."
  2336. >GET OUT.
  2337. >ABORT.
  2339. >You roll away from Bon-Bon right as she dives in for a kiss, replacing her intended target with the wooden floor.
  2340. "I think we've skipped some levels, Bon-Bo-"
  2341. >BON: "Bonnie."
  2342. "Right, Bonnie, whatever."
  2343. >She bites her lip and inches closer to you.
  2344. "No."
  2345. >BON: "You're going to love me, Anon."
  2346. "You're delirious."
  2347. >BON: "I'm HOT, is what I am."
  2348. "And bothered, I got that. But still, NO."
  2350. >LYRA: "Hi there, I was taking a nap, then I hear someone ram into my door. What's going on?"
  2351. >Thank GOD.
  2352. >Lyra steps out of her room and sees you.
  2353. >Her eyes go hazy.
  2354. >
  2355. "Guys."
  2356. >Lyra bites her lip.
  2357. "Guys, no."
  2358. >They both look to each other, and smile.
  2359. >LYRA: "Truce?"
  2360. >BON: "For now."
  2361. >LYRA: "I can live with that."
  2362. >Then both of them move in on you.
  2363. >Sweet Jesus.
  2364. >They TEAMED UP.
  2365. >You am-scray out of there as fast as you can, but the chase is on.
  2367. >LYRA: "Don't fight it! I don't bite!"
  2368. >BON: "I do."
  2369. >You rush behind the couch, putting the furniture between you and them.
  2370. >Think Anon, THINK.
  2371. "Uhm... WAIT! If... if you just let me go to my room to change clothes, I'll... uh... what do you want me to do, exactly?"
  2372. >Bon-Bon lets out a passionate sigh.
  2373. >BON: "Everything."
  2374. >Oh god what's happening?
  2375. "Right. Well, if you let me change, I' that... to you. Yeah."
  2376. >The two of them exchange a wary look, but allow it.
  2377. >LYRA: "Fine. But hurry up. The anticipation is... well, killing us."
  2378. "Haha... right."
  2379. >You edge your way around the couch, moving around them in an arc.
  2380. "Okay, just gonna go to my attic now. No funny stuff, alright?"
  2381. >The two of them nod, their faces painted red with blushing.
  2382. "Okay then. Going now."
  2383. >You climb the ladder to your room.
  2384. >And then shut the hatch and lock it as fast as you can.
  2386. >LYRA: "LIES. HE LIED."
  2387. >BON: "I will not stand for this."
  2388. >LYRA: "I can't- I can't unlock the thing with my magic!"
  2390. >LYRA: "Anon, you come down here RIGHT NOW and give us release!"
  2391. >BON: "I'm going for the attic window."
  2392. >LYRA: "What? We don't have a ladder that high to reach it. How are you-"
  2393. >BON: "Lyra he just sat down next to me and started rubbing my ear. My EAR, Lyra."
  2394. >LYRA: "Oh that dirty, DIRTY man."
  2395. >BON: "I warned him. He did not heed it. Now, I'm going to get what I want."
  2396. >LYRA: "Save some for me?"
  2397. >BON: "Sorry, but this is personal now."
  2398. >LYRA: "Ugh, fine. Maybe tomorrow then."
  2399. >BON: "Our cycles end tomorrow anyway. I told myself I would hold off, but... yeah. Going to get him now."
  2400. >Lyra sighs.
  2401. >LYRA: "Well good luck to you, Bonnie. Oh, and one favor?"
  2402. >BON: "Hm?"
  2403. >LYRA: "Don't tire him out too much."
  2405. >You heave a sigh of relief as you back away from the attic's hatch, safe and sound in your bedroom.
  2406. >You honestly thought for a second there that you were going to be double teamed at once by two mares.
  2407. >You pause.
  2408. >Wait.
  2409. >You already had relations with a pony in the past.
  2410. >Why were you so adamant to get away from them then?
  2411. >Oh.
  2412. >Right.
  2413. >It's because they looked like they were going to MURDER you with their love.
  2414. >You were exhausted from the chase and the day's work from earlier.
  2415. >You decide to at least air this room out, try to get some fresh air.
  2416. >Walking over to the attic window and undoing the latch, you swing it open and take a deep breath.
  2417. >You'd escaped.
  2418. >You'd survived.
  2419. >You decide to proclaim your victory to the outside world.
  2420. "Ha! Nop0ny takes advantage of Anonymous! No-"
  2421. >Your face is tackled by a blur of blue, pink and cream colors as Bon-Bon leaps through the window and onto you.
  2422. "NO. HOW DID YOU-"
  2423. >BON: "Shut up and just go with it, Anon."
  2424. "But... but..."
  2425. >BON: "You still like us, right?"
  2426. "Wel... yeah, but-"
  2427. >BON: "And you were okay with me and Lyra kissing you, right?"
  2428. "That's besides the poi-"
  2429. >BON: "You fucked Trixie when the two of you dated, right?"
  2431. >BON: "Then for right now, just let me have this."
  2432. >You're shut the fuck up when Bon-Bon seals your mouth with a deep kiss, her breath tickling your face as she exhales while doing so.
  2433. >That book was the worst thing to happen to you.
  2434. >Or the best.
  2435. >All a matter of perspective, really.
  2437. ~END~
  2439. The Morning After the "Incident"
  2443. >This attic started out nice and airy, not stuffy or hot at all in fact.
  2444. >At the moment, however, it was not.
  2445. >You lay in your bed, arms outstretched and your eyes staring directly at the ceiling above you.
  2446. >Bon-Bon rested on top of you, her hair frazzled and a content smile on her face.
  2447. >Her head was on your chest, and you could see it rise and fall with your breathing.
  2448. >You are Anonymous.
  2449. >And you are a bad, bad person.
  2450. >You were a bad person all night long, and you were a bad person into the wee hours of the morning.
  2451. >Raising your head, you look to Bon-Bon sleeping soundly on top of you.
  2452. >Huh.
  2453. >Maybe it wasn't all that bad.
  2454. >I mean, you liked these mares.
  2455. >You liked them a lot.
  2456. >Choosing one over the other though?
  2457. >Problematic.
  2458. >But for now, you were content to just lay here with Bon-Bon, the two of you resting together post bliss.
  2459. >Wrapping your arms around her, you bring her closer to you and plant a kiss on the top of her head.
  2460. >Yeah.
  2461. >Yeah, you were okay with this.
  2463. >She stirs awake and cracks her eyes open, looking up at you.
  2464. "Hey."
  2465. >"Is it morning?"
  2466. "No clue."
  2467. >"Hm."
  2468. "How do you feel? All better now?"
  2469. >She sighs and snuggles into your neck, a hoof on your chest.
  2470. >"Adequate."
  2471. "Mmhmm."
  2472. >"Hey."
  2473. "Yeah?"
  2474. >"Thanks. for... you know."
  2475. "Anytime."
  2476. >She raises her eyebrows at that statement.
  2477. >"I will remember those words."
  2478. >You laugh, and softly scratch behind her ear.
  2479. >Her reaction isn't as intense as it was last night, but she still mews when you do so.
  2480. >"You know she's waiting at the bottom of the ladder, right?"
  2481. "Wha?"
  2482. >"Lyra. She hasn't left that spot all night."
  2483. " do you know tha-"
  2484. >"You watch enough Criminal Mind like me, you get to know the mind of a crazed mare."
  2486. "Is she... you know, still-"
  2487. >"Yup."
  2488. >You groan and slump your head back into your pillow.
  2489. "Perfect. And here I thought this would be over soon."
  2490. >Bon-Bon gives a grin.
  2491. "You're never going to let her live this down, are you?"
  2492. >"Absolutely not."
  2493. "That's a bit mean, don't you think?"
  2494. >"At this point she's too worried about losing our bet to care too much about what we did together... I AM winning the bet, aren't i?"
  2495. >She looks up at you, genuine curiosity in her eyes.
  2496. >Her voice was also not as flat as usual. There was a bit of character in there.
  2497. >You decide to mess with her a bit.
  2498. "Winning? Maybe. I mean, I have no clue what Lyra's like in our current situation, so there's no way to tell."
  2499. >" need confirmation of Lyra's skills to come up with a reasoned conclusion?"
  2500. >You give a short laugh and hug her.
  2501. "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.
  2502. >Your sarcasm is evident, but she doesn't catch it.
  2503. >It is because of this that she does what she does next.
  2504. >She hops out of the bed, trotting to the hatch of the attic.
  2505. "...Bonnie?"
  2506. >Opening the hatch, she looks down and calls out.
  2507. >"You're up to bat."
  2508. >Oh sweet jesus no.
  2510. >You're scrambling out of the bed, but Lyra's already in the attic before you even have a chance to get away.
  2511. >LYRA: "You kept him naked? Good."
  2512. "Wait a minute, hold up! Let's just think this over!"
  2513. >BON: "Should I stay to stand guard, or are you going to be alright by yourself?"
  2514. >LYRA: "I got this."
  2515. >BON: "He might be a bit tired, just to warn you."
  2516. >LYRA: "I thought I asked you NOT to tire him out for me?"
  2517. >BON: "We lost track of time."
  2518. >LYRA: "*sigh* Fine, what should I expect?"
  2519. >Bon-Bon simply smiles.
  2520. >LYRA: "Oh god yes."
  2521. >BON: "Lyra?"
  2522. >LYRA: "Yes dear?"
  2523. >BON: "Window."
  2524. >LYRA: "Wha- OH NO YOU DON'T."
  2525. >Before you can leap from the attic, Lyra grabs a hold of your leg and tugs you back inside.
  2526. "Really?! Is this REALLY happening right now?!"
  2527. >LYRA: "YES."
  2528. "No one acts like this! No one DOES this!"
  2529. >Bon-Bon leaves the attic and closes the hatch behind her.
  2530. >Lyra creeps a grin onto her face.
  2531. >LYRA: "Now then, I've heard a lot about these... "Hands" of yours..."
  2532. >There are no brakes on this sexy, sexy roller-coaster.
  2533. >But you wanted off all the same.
  2535. A Few Weeks Later
  2537. "Here you go sir, enjoy."
  2538. >"Thanks."
  2539. "If you need anything else just give me a holler."
  2540. >Today was good. Slightly busy at the cafe, more than usual, but you were handling it well enough.
  2541. >You were getting better and better at making food for ponies, and you were pretty cool with that so far.
  2542. >Sometimes change was good.
  2543. >Things at home were changing as well.
  2544. >Ever since you were assaulted by Lyra and Bon-Bon, they've been getting more and more competitive.
  2545. >Just the other day, the two of them tried making you choose who was better at backgammon.
  2546. >It was Lyra, but the triviality of it all was getting to you.
  2547. >That, and you were starting to understand a little more about yourself.
  2548. >Specifically, where your feelings lie.
  2549. >But that reveal was for another time.
  2550. >You had more important things to worry about than your simple romantic interests.
  2551. >Like how Lyra walks into the cafe and bursts into the kitchen, panting and smiling in excitement.
  2552. >"ANON!"
  2553. "Gah!"
  2554. >"Anon, you're NOT going to believe it! You're not going to BELIEVE what just happened!"
  2555. "You know you're not allowed in the kitchen, right?"
  2556. >"Not important! Anon, we hit the big time!"
  2557. "What?"
  2558. >"My band! We have a gig!"
  2560. "Wow, really?"
  2561. >"Yeah! But that's not the best part."
  2562. "Well you've got me hooked. What's the best part?"
  2563. >"Check it: It's a battle of the bands competition. In Las Pegasus!"
  2564. "Wow. That's pretty cool!"
  2565. >"I am SO stoked right now, I can't even contain myself. Catch me!"
  2566. "Wha-"
  2567. >Lyra bounds at you and you catch her in your arms, nearly dropping a pan of potatoes on the ground.
  2568. >"Very nice."
  2569. "More warning next time, okay?"
  2570. >"Ah you'll live. Anyway, I want you to come with us."
  2571. "Wait back up, what?"
  2572. >"To the battle of the bands! I want you to come along with us!"
  2573. "You do know I'm employed, right? I have a job?"
  2574. >"Your point?"
  2575. "Lyra I'm the ONLY person employed here. How on earth am I supposed to get time off to go to Las Pegasus with you and your band?"
  2576. >Lyra blinks a couple of times.
  2577. >Then she's rushing over to Roseluck's office.
  2578. "Wait, wait a minute what? What are you-"
  2581. Minutes Later
  2583. "I'm stunned."
  2584. >"You can thank me later, tiger."
  2585. "I just... a week off? How did you manage that?"
  2586. >"It was actually really easy. Turns out, she was going to the competition too."
  2587. "Wait, what?"
  2588. >"She's actually a big fan of our stuff, believe it or not. She was cool with it."
  2589. >You smile.
  2590. >This was starting to sound pretty fun.
  2591. >Lyra's grinning from ear to ear, practically skipping as the two of you walk down the road.
  2592. >"Oh! I have practice in a few. Wanna watch?"
  2593. "Absolutely."
  2594. >All smiles.
  2595. >Lyra leads you to a small house next to a watch repair shop, and you go inside.
  2596. >LYRA: "Yo! I bring a guest with me today!"
  2597. >There are three ponies standing in a barren living room staring at you.
  2598. >A brown colt with an hourglass cutiemark nods over to you.
  2599. >The one on the drums is grey with yellow hair.
  2600. >Her eyes were... different, to say the least.
  2601. >And holding a bass guitar was another grey mare, this one with a bow tie and brown mane.
  2602. >LYRA: "Anon, allow me to introduce our band. This is 'Doctor' Hooves. It's a stage name really."
  2603. "Hi."
  2604. >HOOVES: "Cheers."
  2605. >LYRA: "On bass we have Octavia."
  2606. >OCT: "Sup."
  2607. >LYRA: "And last but not least we have our favorite little drummer mare, Ditzy Doo."
  2608. >DITZ: "Yo."
  2609. "Where's Vinyl?"
  2610. >HOOVES: "Love got fed up and went solo. She's got a single out right now, actually."
  2611. "Huh. Sorry to hear that."
  2612. >OCT: "S'allright. Never really liked her anyway."
  2613. >DITZ: "We bringing this up again?"
  2614. >LYRA: "Okay, no feuding. Anon! You ready to hear some music that will blow your mind?"
  2615. "That good huh?"
  2616. >LYRA: "Nah. We're terrible."
  2617. >She trots over and picks up a guitar, plugging it into an amp next to her.
  2618. >LYRA: "Ready?"
  2619. >They all nod.
  2620. "Wait, what's the name of your band anywa-"
  2621. >Ditzy Doo screams:
  2625. ~END~
  2627. >Placing the last of your shirts into your suitcase, you finally finish packing up.
  2628. >Closing the case with a satisfying click, you pick it up and head downstairs from your attic.
  2629. >There are two other suitcases by the door, one belonging to Lyra and the other belonging to Bon-Bon.
  2630. "Uh... Bon-Bon?"
  2631. >"Yeah."
  2632. >She's on the couch, watching TV as usual.
  2633. "Where's Lyra?"
  2634. >"Shower."
  2635. "Isn't the bus supposed to be here any minute though?"
  2636. >"Yup."
  2637. "So she decides to shower right at the last minute?"
  2638. >"Yep."
  2639. >...
  2640. "Bon-Bon."
  2641. >"Yeah."
  2642. "You're using one word responses."
  2643. >She nods.
  2644. >God dammit.
  2645. "Alright, what's on this time?"
  2646. >"Reservoir Colts."
  2647. >...
  2648. >You sit down on the couch and watch the movie with her.
  2649. "So you excited?"
  2650. >"Immensely."
  2651. "I can tell, you're practically bouncing of the walls."
  2652. >"That's me, just giddy for our vacation."
  2653. "Hey, it's not gonna be all bad. I hear good things about Las Pegasus."
  2654. >"Only thing I know about Las Pegasus is that they shot part of that one movie there."
  2655. "What movie?"
  2656. >"That romance thing that came out last year. You know, "Fall" somthing, I dunno."
  2657. "Is that the one they got Applejack to be in?"
  2658. >"Yup. Critics liked it, said that the sudden war towards the end through them off."
  2659. "Meh, I'm not a real fan of romances."
  2661. >"Wow. What a shocker. I would have figured you were just giddy when it came to romance...on second thought, no. Probably not romance. You seem like the type who'd jump straight for the dirty bits."
  2662. >She gives a cocky smile.
  2663. "What gives you that impression?"
  2664. >"Well the stash of PlayPony under your bed speaks volumes, actually."
  2665. "You-... dammit."
  2666. >You palm your face while Bon-Bon silently watches the movie.
  2667. >...
  2668. >"I noticed a lot of schoolgirl editions. You have some sort of... thing, for them?"
  2669. "Shut up."
  2670. >"I mean, I can always go down to the boutique and get a plaid skirt."
  2671. "I... really?"
  2672. >"Wow."
  2673. "Again, shut up."
  2674. >She gives a quick wink before shutting off the TV with a click of the remote, before curling up in your lap.
  2675. >"So."
  2676. "So."
  2677. >"She knows, right? About who you cho-"
  2678. "Eeeehhhhh."
  2679. >"You didn't tell her at all, did you?"
  2680. "It's... hard. Have you seen her sad? It's heartbreaking."
  2681. >Bon-Bon sighs.
  2682. >"We both agreed that we wouldn't throw a fit when you made a decision."
  2683. "Right, sure. You really think you two could keep that agreement?"
  2684. >"Well-"
  2685. "Imagine, right now, that I choose Lyra."
  2686. >...
  2687. >"Don't make me hurt you."
  2688. "Yeah, that's what I thought."
  2689. >You give her a quick kiss on the nose, to which she smiles.
  2691. >"You get another point."
  2692. "Oh, how I LOVE your Bon-Bon points."
  2693. >"That's because you seem to be getting a lot nowadays."
  2694. "Not my fault if you're head over heels for me."
  2695. >"Heels?"
  2696. "Hooves."
  2697. >"Ah."
  2698. >The sound of a door opening catches your attention, and you spot Lyra as she comes down the hallway.
  2699. >LYRA: "Alright, squeaky clean! Did we miss the bus?"
  2700. >You tilt your head and look out the back of the window.
  2701. "Nope. We're in the clear so far."
  2702. >LYRA: "Great. Oh my gosh, I'm SO excited, you can't even begin to understand how stoked I am for this."
  2703. >BON: "Lyra."
  2704. >LYRA: "Hm?"
  2705. >BON: "You are bouncing."
  2706. >LYRA: "Wha-"
  2707. >She looks down and sees that she is, indeed, bouncing up and down in place.
  2708. >LYRA: "Oh. So I am. Seems you CAN tell how excited I am."
  2709. "Just a bit, yeah."
  2710. >All three of you jump when you hear a loud honk outside the house.
  2711. >Lyra rushes over to the window and gasps.
  2712. >LYRA: "No WAY. Whooves wasn't kidding, he actually got a bus!"
  2713. >You and Bon-Bon look outside and, lo and behold, there parked in the street is a flying bus.
  2714. >It's like a normal bus.
  2715. >But with flying.
  2716. >Also, it's pulled by pegasi.
  2718. One Hour Later
  2720. >A flying tour bus.
  2721. >This was...
  2722. >...different.
  2723. "Hey, Whooves?"
  2724. >DR.: Yeah mate?"
  2725. "How did you get this thing in the first place?"
  2726. >Derpy (She insisted on you calling her that) pops her head out from the mini fridge on the side.
  2727. >DERP: "His uncle has MAD pull in Las Pegasus, dude. The guy owns one of the hotels there."
  2728. >DR.: "You'd be right, love. My uncle Clockwork knows a couple of people, and he was able to set us up with the bus and a room at his hotel. Trust me, you'll love it."
  2729. >Octavia speaks up from the seat she sits in, her bass guitar in her hooves as she strums it softly.
  2730. >OCT: "So, Anon right?"
  2731. "Yeah."
  2732. >OCT: "Cool. So, you and Lyra. You two a thing or what?"
  2733. "Uh I wouldn't really call it a... thing."
  2734. >DR.: "You shagged though, right?"
  2735. >DERP: "Yeah she wouldn't stop talking about it last time we had practice."
  2736. "Oh god.."
  2737. >DR.: "Actually, I'm rather curious. What was it like?"
  2738. "I'm not getting into that with you."
  2739. >OCT: "You certainly got into Lyra."
  2740. "You- I di- shut up."
  2741. >DERP: "Oh god really? You did? Gross, man."
  2742. >OCT: "I think it's sweet. You know, if you're not going after Bon-Bon that is."
  2743. "Uh."
  2744. >DR.: "Mate, you gotta tell me. How'd you do it? How did you get two mares to fight for ya?"
  2745. "...smoothies, I think."
  2746. >DR.: "Care to share the recipe?"
  2747. >LYRA: "Alright, guys, lay off the new guy. Don't need him getting freaked out and bailing out the window any time soon."
  2748. >Lyra shoots you a wink.
  2749. >Oh god dammit.
  2753. >The flight, for the most part, is pretty calm.
  2754. >In a couple of hours all of you were walking the streets of Las Pegasus to your hotel so you could set up for the night.
  2755. >Lyra is ecstatic.
  2756. >LYRA: "We're here! We're actually HERE! Can you believe it?!"
  2757. BON: "Seeing as how you said we were here, yes. I can believe it."
  2758. >DR: "We've got a few nights until the competition, so I think palling around the city for a bit wouldn't hurt anybody."
  2759. >DERP: "I'm liking all the neon lights. They're just so... bright."
  2760. >OCT: "Where's the closest place I can find booze?"
  2761. >Bon-Bon lifts a hoof and motions towards the entirety of the city.
  2762. >OCT: "See you assholes later. Octavia's getting FUCKED UP tonight."
  2763. >With that, she trots off to the nearest bar.
  2764. "That girl has a problem."
  2765. >LYRA: "She likes to live life on the edge, that's for certain."
  2766. >BON: "The edge of a shot glass, maybe."
  2767. "The bus took our stuff to the hotel, right?"
  2768. >DR: "Yeah. Oh, Anon-"
  2769. >He pulls you to the side, and whispers so the other can't hear.
  2770. >DR: "This place has a pretty lively night life. I was wondering, mind tagging along with me later? There's this place that I've got to show you. It's called the "Azure Flank."
  2771. "Uh."
  2772. >DR: "Trust me, mate. You'll like it."
  2773. >You glance over to the girls, then back to Doctor Whooves.
  2774. "Sure, why the hell not?"
  2775. >BON: "You two scheming?"
  2776. >You and Whooves jump at the sound of Bon-Bon's voice.
  2777. >Bon-Bon just stares at you.
  2778. "Uh... guys night out?"
  2779. >Lyra overhears you and rushes over.
  2780. >LYRA: "That's a GREAT idea! Ooh, Bon-Bon, Ditz, we have to have a girl's night out! We have to!"
  2781. >DERP: "I'm game."
  2782. >Lyra smiles wide at Bon-Bon, who sighs.
  2783. >BON: "Fine."
  2784. LYRA: "Yes! Oh god we're going to get liquored up!"
  2785. >DERP: "Woohoo!"
  2786. >LYRA: "Later boys, meet you at the hotel whenever we get back!"
  2787. >The three of them trot off, but Bon-Bon turns her head and smiles, mouthing a few words.
  2788. >You mouth them back, waving.
  2789. >DR: "Right, that went better than expected. So, ready?"
  2790. "Lead the way."
  2791. >How bad could a place called "The Azure Flank" be, anyway?
  2793. Not Long After
  2797. >Dear god it was worse than you had hoped.
  2798. >You knew that this place wasn't going to be safe for work, you knew that.
  2799. >But this?
  2800. >This was just SILLY.
  2801. >RIDICULOUS even.
  2802. "Whooves I'm not too sure about-"
  2803. >DR: "Mate you gotta relax. Enjoy yourself!"
  2804. >Easy for him to say, he was in the middle of a lap dance.
  2805. >This place was just... wrong.
  2806. >Also, there was way too much blacklight.
  2807. >You saw things.
  2808. >Things not meant to be seen on chairs.
  2809. >An announcer speaks up on the microphone, announcing the next stripper.
  2810. >The whole concept of pony strippers was strange to you.
  2811. >They were naked all the time, so what was the point of-
  2812. >"And now give it up for "The Lady in Bluuuuuuuuuuue."
  2813. >The lady in blue?
  2814. >What was that supposed to be a pun or some-
  2816. >Strutting out on stage was Princess Luna, wearing a...
  2817. > girl outfit.
  2818. >Oh god this was so tempting it HURT.
  2819. "Hey, Whooves? I'm gonna head back to the hotel now."
  2820. >DR: "Oh c'mon, live a little! Hey! Gorgeous!"
  2821. >He calls out to Luna.
  2822. >Oh god no.
  2823. >DR: "My friend here wants a dance! I'm paying!"
  2824. "Dude, wait I-"
  2826. >Oh sweet jesus.
  2828. >She's off the stage and on top of you, pushing you back into your seat.
  2830. "Not really no."
  2832. "No, really, I was just about to leave. So if you could just-"
  2834. >Upeth?
  2835. >That's not a word at a-
  2836. >PLOT.
  2837. >Luna rams her ass into your face, and you're pretty sure she almost broke your nose.
  2839. "Yeah, I'm out."
  2840. >You give the princess a shove and walk out of the club, rubbing your nose.
  2841. >You look at your clothes.
  2842. >They were covered in glitter.
  2843. >You hated glitter.
  2844. >Groaning, you head back to the hotel.
  2845. >This was going to be a long week.
  2847. ~END~
  2851. >This...
  2852. >...was awkward.
  2853. >The music playing wasn't making the elevator ride up to your hotel room any easier, either.
  2854. >Here you stood, covered in glitter and reeking of smoke and booze, next to Octavia who also reeked of smoke and booze.
  2855. >She, unlike you, had no glitter on her.
  2856. >...
  2857. >OCT: *cough*
  2858. "..."
  2859. >OCT: "So."
  2860. "Yep."
  2861. >OCT: "You uh... you have fun with Whooves?"
  2862. "Yeah. Fun. Yup."
  2863. >"Mmmhmm."
  2864. "Yeah."
  2865. >...
  2866. >OCT: "Why... why do you smell like flank?"
  2867. "What?"
  2868. >OCT: "Did he take you to the a strip joint?"
  2869. >...
  2870. "...maybe."
  2871. >And then silence once more.
  2872. >Great.
  2873. "...whiskey?"
  2874. >OCT: "What?"
  2875. "You smell like whiskey."
  2876. >OCT: "Oh. Yeah. That's because I was at a bar."
  2877. "Right."
  2878. >OCT: "And not a strip club."
  2879. "Yeah."
  2880. >...
  2881. >Well this was going to hell in a hand basket far too quickly.
  2882. >You breathe a sigh of relief when the bell form the elevator sounds, signaling your arrival on the top floor.
  2883. >Good.
  2884. >Unlike Octavia, you actually could go for a drink right about now.
  2885. >The two of you make your way into the massive hotel room, courtesy of Dr. Whooves' generous uncle.
  2886. >The best part?
  2887. >Free drinks.
  2888. >Finding a bottle of scotch and grabbing two glasses, you head over to the couch with Octavia.
  2889. "The rest of the girls still out?"
  2890. >OCT: "Seems that way, yeah."
  2891. >She takes her glass and you fill it, the two of you clinking them together before you down them.
  2895. >OCT: "Okay, now that I've got you alone, you have to spill it."
  2896. "Don't know what you're getting at."
  2897. >OCT: "Lyra and Bon-Bon. The little "bet" they made. Out with it."
  2898. "Stiiiiill not quite sure what you mean."
  2899. >OCT: "You've got them BOTH all over you, yet you treat it like you're being tortured."
  2900. "Torture's a strong word, honestly.."
  2901. >OCT: "I mean, we have Lyra going on, and on, and ON about you during band practices. She won't fucking shut up."
  2902. >You sink into the couch, lightly sipping your scotch and glancing away.
  2903. >OCT: "'Oh, he's an artist!' she'll say, or 'Did you know he plays the harmonica? He plays the harmonica!' I swear, the girl is infatuated with you."
  2904. "You don't say."
  2905. >Dangerous territory, right here.
  2906. >OCT: "And YET, you haven't made up your mind yet. You're still... are you gay?"
  2907. "What?"
  2908. >OCT: "Are you gay? It's okay if you are, I mean that would explain why you're not tapping my girl Lyra and all, but still. Are you?"
  2909. "Wha- No! No I'm not ga- what kind of question is that?"
  2910. >OCT: "Just a question man, no need to get so defensive about it. Unless, you know... you're kinda gay."
  2911. "Not gay."
  2912. >OCT: "So what, Lyra's not good enough or something?"
  2913. "No she is it's just- I mean there's still a lot of-... I had to make a choice, right?"
  2914. >OCT: "Had?"
  2915. "Uh."
  2916. >OCT: "Had. You HAD to make a choice?"
  2917. "HAVE is the word I was going to use, thank you. I'm just... drunk is all."
  2918. >You take a dainty little sip of scotch.
  2919. "Yup. Drunk as a sailor."
  2920. >...
  2921. >OCT: "Oh my god you chose Bon-Bon."
  2923. "Pffffft no. No! No, no I didn't choose Bon-Bon. No. Noooo that's, that's just..."
  2924. >OCT: "..."
  2925. >...
  2926. "Okay maybe I chose Bon-Bon."
  2927. >OCT: "You DICK."
  2928. "Hey! Hey, they gave me a choice, and I chose, alright? Totally fair. FAIR."
  2929. >OCT: "But she's so... FLAT."
  2930. "What?"
  2931. >BON: "Bon-Bon, she's just so monotone and emotionless. You're telling me you took her over my sweet little Lyra."
  2932. "You're taking this kinda personally, actually."
  2933. >OCT: "What? No. I just- you're a dick, is all."
  2934. "How, may I ask, am I a dick? They told me they both liked me. I just chose who I liked more. This isn't a very hard concept, to tell you the truth."
  2935. >The doors to the room open, and Lyra, Bon-Bon, and Derpy enter.
  2936. >You wonder if they were drunk.
  2937. >LYRA: "Oh my god, we're SO drunk *snicker*"
  2938. >Yeah, yeah they seemed drunk.
  2939. >DERP: "I think *hic* I think I'm going to bed."
  2940. >She stumbles off, and walks into a linen closet.
  2941. "Should we tell her that-"
  2942. >OCT: "Shhshhshh... just let it happen."
  2944. >LYRA: "Anon! Ohmahgosh, you should, you should have you should have been there! We had so much FUN!"
  2945. >She stumbles over to you and plops onto the couch, sitting up next to you.
  2946. >LYRA: "There was this guy, right? And he wasss good at magic and stuff. He could make a shot disappear and everything!"
  2947. "How'd he do that?"
  2948. >LYRA: "Heeeeeee would take it and DRINK it. BOOM. No more drink *snicker*"
  2949. "Sounds like you guys had a good time tonight."
  2950. >She smiles at you and rests her head on your shoulder.
  2951. >LYRA: "Jusssht to let you know... I'm only THISH drunk, because Bon-Bon told me a teeny-tiny secret tonight."
  2952. "Uh... what?"
  2953. >LYRA: "Yyyyyup *hic* And I know what you DIIIIiiiiiid."
  2954. >Uh.
  2955. >UHM.
  2956. >You glance to Octavia.
  2957. >She's got a shit eating grin on her face.
  2958. >You glance to Bon-Bon.
  2959. >She's just staring at you with hazy, drunk eyes.
  2960. "Uh... what did she tell you, exactly?"
  2962. >LYRA: "She told me that she won the bet, thatsh what she told me. To be honest, I may have been a little braggy tonight."
  2963. "Braggy?"
  2964. >BON: "She kept going on about how long you lasted that one time."
  2965. "Wait, WHAT?"
  2966. >BON: "She had the attention of the entire bar, Anon. The whole bar knows about the inner workings of your phallus."
  2967. "I... okay, moving on. You know about me and-"
  2968. >LYRA: "Yesh. Yesh I do. B'fore you say anything, I am not mad."
  2969. "You... you're not mad?"
  2970. >LYRA: "Nuh uh. Nope. A bit sad, but it'sh aaaaaaalllllll goooooood."
  2971. "Huh... you're taking this surprisingly well."
  2972. >LYRA: "I made Bon-Bon promise me something."
  2973. "What was that?"
  2974. >Lyra winks at you, giving a sly smile.
  2975. >...
  2976. "Bon-Bon how could you!"
  2977. >Before you can react, Lyra traps you in magic and levitates you to your bedroom, you shouting obscenities the whole way there.
  2978. >Bon-Bon trots to the couch, flipping on the TV and sitting next to Octavia.
  2979. >OCT: "Are they gonna-"
  2980. >BON: "Yup."
  2981. >OCT: "And you're okay with th-"
  2982. >BON: "Just this once, yeah."
  2983. >...
  2984. >BON: "Do you like to watch Criminal Minds?"
  2985. >OCT: "Fuck yes."
  2987. ~END~
  2989. "Bon-Bon."
  2990. >"Zzz"
  2991. "Bonnie wake up. Bon-Bon."
  2992. >You give her a nudge with your foot, seeing as how she fell asleep on the floor near the couch.
  2993. "Seriously, Bon-Bon. Wake up."
  2994. >"Wha- whassit? What?"
  2995. >She rubs her eyes and peers up to you.
  2996. "We have a problem."
  2997. >"What?"
  2998. "You know how you told Lyra about how I chose you, and then she got all drunk because of it?"
  2999. >"Yeah?"
  3000. "And then you let her SLEEP with me, because you felt bad?"
  3001. >"Yeah."
  3002. "She doesn't remember you telling her."
  3003. >"...oh."
  3004. "She also used the "L" word."
  3005. >"...lesbians?"
  3006. "No the other "L" word."
  3007. >"..."
  3008. "..."
  3009. >"..."
  3010. "..."
  3011. >"Fu-."
  3014.    "A Guy, a Lyre, and a Parkbench"
  3016. "Okay how are we doing this?"
  3017. >"What? What do you mean?"
  3018. "Bonnie we can't just NOT tell her. She's in there thinking I consummated our relationship!"
  3019. >"Why not?"
  3020. "Are... are you serious? You're the one who told her about us!"
  3021. >"I may have been drunk as well. And jealous."
  3022. "I cannot believe this right now. You told her about us, hell you even gave her the go ahead to violate me one last time. Remind me to never let you drink any form of alcohol ever ag-"
  3023. >"Are you covered in glitter?"
  3024. "What does that have to do with- no, we're not talking about glitter."
  3025. >"Did you go to a strip joint?"
  3026. "That's- no this isn't about that, we're focusing on Lyra Right now."
  3027. >"Who took you to a strip club?"
  3028. "Nobody took me to a-"
  3029. >"Did Whooves take you to a strip club?"
  3030. "This is not happening. Nope. We have bigger problems to deal wi-"
  3031. >"Seriously, if you went to one I don't mind. You're allowed to go to a club once in a while."
  3032. "Not talking about that! We need to focus on what's going on here, not on the- YES I went to a strip club!"
  3033. >"And you're covered in glitter why?..."
  3034. "Because they have glitter at strip joints! The strippers are covered in glitter and- Okay, okay okay okay, no. Focus. Lyra thinks I just "chose" her."
  3035. >"Right."
  3036. "I did NOT choose her."
  3037. >"Got it."
  3038. "Bon-Bon I'm serious, this is bad. I'm walking on eggshells at this point, we need a PLAN."
  3039. >"Look, let's just tell her."
  3040. "What just like that?!"
  3041. >"Yeah just like that."
  3042. "Oh, WHAT A PLAN. Why don't we just grab her out of bed and tell her on the couch?!"
  3044. Minutes Later
  3048. "So listen, we brought you to this couch for a reason."
  3049. >LYRA: "Uh huh."
  3050. "We're not here to interrogate you. We just want to talk."
  3051. >LYRA: "You grabbed me out of bed and plopped me on this couch, Anon."
  3052. "Right, yes I did that, yeah. But I have a reason."
  3053. >BON: "It's a good reason."
  3054. >LYRA: "Uh...huh..."
  3055. "So, let's uh... right where to start... uh..."
  3056. >...
  3057. "..."
  3058. >LYRA: "..."
  3059. >BON: "..."
  3060. " is like a box of chocolates."
  3061. >LYRA: "Wha-"
  3062. >BON: "Anon didn't choose you."
  3063. "God dammit I was going to go somewhere with the chocolate thing, Bon-Bon."
  3064. >LYRA: "Wait, what?"
  3065. "I... may have picked Bon-Bon to win the bet."
  3066. >LYRA: "..ha..haha...hahaha! That's funny! That's- you got me there, for a second. You really, really did. Hoo! Funny stuff man."
  3067. "..."
  3068. >BON: *cough*
  3069. >LYRA: "..."
  3070. ""
  3071. >LYRA: "Ooooooohmahgaaaaaaaaawd."
  3072. "Oh, don't cry. C'mon don't do that."
  3073. >LYRA: "I just thought we had soooooommmeeethiiiihihiiiing *sob*"
  3074. "Aww c'mon Lyra, cheer up! Eh? C'moooon. You even said that whoever I chose, you'd be okay with it, eeeehhh?"
  3076. >BON: "Oh boy here we go."
  3077. >LYRA: "I *heave* I just thought *heave* ohhh gaaaawwwwd."
  3078. "Please stop."
  3079. >LYRA: "Wait wait wait, why *sob* why did we have sex then?"
  3080. "Bon-Bon let you. As a one time thing. She felt bad."
  3081. >LYRA: "..."
  3082. >BON: "..."
  3083. >LYRA: "You're such a good friend!"
  3084. >She wraps Bon-Bon in a big hug, sobbing on her shoulder.
  3085. >Bon-Bon pats her on the back.
  3086. >BON: "You okay there darling?"
  3087. >LYRA: "Yeah...*sniff* yeah I'm okay. I freaked out, is all. I'm good. I'm good."
  3088. "..."
  3089. >BON: "..."
  3090. >LYRA: "..."
  3091. "so I was thinki-"
  3093. "Well shit."
  3094. >BON: "Maybe you should talk to her. Alone. Without me."
  3095. "What?"
  3096. >BON: "Yeah. Yeah you should do that."
  3097. "But I- You're ABANDONING me?!"
  3098. >BON: "You're a big boy, you can handle it."
  3099. >Bon-Bon doesn't move an inch.
  3100. "Are... are you just going to sit and watch me try to fix this?"
  3101. >BON: "Yes."
  3102. "Great. Fine. Alright. Cool."
  3103. >You clear your throat and sit on the couch next to Lyra.
  3104. "Uh... so... can we talk?"
  3105. >LYRA: "I *sniff* I guess."
  3106. "Alright well... uhm... Lyra?"
  3107. >LYRA: "Yeah?..."
  3108. "I'm sorry. I am."
  3109. >LYRA: "..."
  3110. "I know you have a lot of feelings for me, and you know I have feelings for you, but I mean... I got to make a choice, and I picked Bon-Bon."
  3111. >LYRA: "..."
  3112. "...uh..."
  3113. >Suddenly Lyra grabs you and kisses you like mad.
  3114. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, WHAT?!"
  3115. >LYRA: "I just... I don't..."
  3116. >Bon-Bon sits next to Lyra as well, putting a hoof on her shoulder.
  3117. >The three of you sit there for a while, waiting for Lyra to calm down and dry her eyes.
  3118. >After about five minutes, you speak up.
  3119. "Lyra?... you gonna be alright?"
  3120. >She slowly nods, smiling at you, then goes in for a hug.
  3121. >You were more than happy to oblige.
  3122. >But then she whispers low to you.
  3123. >LYRA: "You will know no end to my cock-blocking."
  3124. "Wha-"
  3125. >LYRA: "Bon-Bon! Hug!"
  3126. >The two of them hug, and you see Bon-Bon's face go from a happy smile to a neutral, almost foreboding grimace.
  3127. >She must have whispered the same thing to her.
  3128. >Great.
  3129. >LYRA: "So it's settled! You two have each other, and I get to ruin your love life from here on out! Any objections?"
  3130. "..."
  3131. >BON: "..."
  3132. >You raise a hand up, and Bon-Bon raises a hoof.
  3133. >LYRA: "Objection denied."
  3134. "Okay, yeah, I'm having a drink."
  3135. >LYRA: "It's, like, eight o'clock in the morning."
  3136. "Your point?"
  3137. >LYRA: "..."
  3138. >BON: "Pour me one?"
  3139. >LYRA: "Yeah same here."
  3141. Moments Later
  3145. Later That Day
  3149. >The sun was setting and the three of you walked the strip of Las Pegasus, each of you nursing your hangovers and trying to get the booze from earlier out of your system.
  3150. >All three of you looked utterly miserable.
  3151. >And you all loved it.
  3152. >Kind of.
  3153. "Never again."
  3154. >BON: "Agreed."
  3155. >LYRA: "Totally."
  3156. >BON: "What are we doing in this city again?"
  3157. >LYRA: "Oh god my head... we- ah DAMMIT it's loud out. We're here for the battle of the bands, remember?"
  3158. "Oh right, I almost forgot about that."
  3159. >BON: "You're in a band?"
  3160. >LYRA: "Bon-Bon, shut up."
  3161. >BON: "Language."
  3162. "Fuck you. Both of you. Let's... let's just go to a show, or something."
  3163. >LYRA: "Like what?"
  3164. "Fuck, I don't know, ANY show. Let's just go DO something without getting drunk or sad or whatever happened earlier, alright?"
  3165. >BON: "Fine."
  3166. "Thanks sweety."
  3167. >LYRA: "Is that a thing now? Pet names?"
  3168. "What?"
  3169. >LYRA: "FUCK not so loud!"
  3170. "sorry. what?"
  3171. >LYRA: "Thank you. As I was saying, you guys are calling each other things. What is that? Is that your thing now?"
  3172. "I don't know what you-"
  3173. >BON: "I sometimes call him 'sugar-lumps."
  3174. >LYRA: "Fucking really?"
  3175. >BON: "No."
  3176. >LYRA: "Oh good. I thought you were becoming that Trixie bitch for a second there."
  3177. >BON: "Never compare me to her. Ever."
  3178. >LYRA: "Got it."
  3179. >BON: "Seriously, Anon, did you even like her? What was that all about."
  3180. "Are we doing this? Is this what we're doing right now?"
  3181. >BON: "You just don't talk about her, is all."
  3182. "Isn't that a good thing? I thought girls hate it when you talk about an ex."
  3183. >BON: "We do."
  3184. "So why are you so nosy when it comes to-"
  3185. >LYRA: "Seriously, am I the only one with a wicked fucking headache? It CANNOT just be me."
  3186. >BON: "We all have a headache, Lyra."
  3187. >LYRA: "Then why am I the only one that's PISSED about it?"
  3188. "Fuck it. No. Here, just take a left here. This is a theater."
  3189. >LYRA: "What's the show?"
  3190. "WHO CARES. We just- fuck now MY head hurts! Dammit!"
  3191. >The three of you walk up to ticket booth and you slam down a handful of bits, take the tickets, walk inside, and take your seats.
  3192. >This place is packed, and the three of you sit in the middle of the audience, a large empty stage in front of you.
  3193. >LYRA: "So we have no idea what the show is going to be about?"
  3194. "No."
  3195. >BON: "Nope."
  3196. >LYRA: "Huh. Alright, works for me."
  3197. >???: "Anon? Is that you?"
  3198. "Wha-"
  3199. >???: "Oh my gosh, it IS you! Hey! What's up!"
  3200. >The hint of cyan catches your eyes, and you know who it is immediately.
  3201. >You smile and wave to her as she flies over to sit next to you.
  3202. "Oh, hey, how are you?"
  3203. >???: "Oh you know, same old same old. Just in town for the show is all. What about you?"
  3204. "This show?"
  3205. >???: "What? Nah, I'm here for the air show later in the week."
  3206. "Ah."
  3207. >LYRA: "Who are you talking to?"
  3208. "Hm? Oh, guys, hey. This is Rainbow Dash."
  3209. >DASH: "Sup."
  3210. >LYRA: "Hi."
  3211. >BON: "Hey."
  3212. >DASH: "Wait, Anon. Which one is your-"
  3213. >BON: "Me."
  3214. >DASH: "Nice to meet the next one to rise to the throne. What is this, five now?"
  3215. "Eeehhh I wouldn't-"
  3216. >BON: "Five? Five what?"
  3217. >DASH: "Wait he never told you?"
  3218. >LYRA: "Never told us what?"
  3219. "Nothing. Let's just enjoy the show, huh? Yeah, yeah let's just do that."
  3220. >DASH: "Dude, really? Anon is Ponyville's most notorious-"
  3221. >A flash and bang of light and confetti spring form the stage, assaulting your gang's ear drums.
  3222. "FUCKING LOUD."
  3223. >LYRA: "AAGH."
  3224. >BON: "DAMMIT."
  3225. >DASH: "You guys are drunk."
  3226. >ALL: "We know."
  3227. >Smoke rises from the stage, and a voice booms out from behind the curtain.
  3228. >"Greetings, Las Pegasus! It is I-"
  3229. >"Son of a BITCH."
  3230. >"THE GREAT-"
  3231. >LYRA: "You've got to be shitting me right now."
  3232. >"AND POWERFUL-"
  3233. >BON: "I hate this city so much."
  3234. >"TRIXIE!"
  3236. ~END~
  3238. >WHO: “Alright, let’s go over this ONE more time. Lyra, you’re not keeping up with me when I’m singing, pick up the pace on the backup vocals and TRY not to break the strings on your guitar this time.”
  3239. >LYRA: “Got it.”
  3240. >WHO: “Octavia, you need to-“
  3241. >OCT: “Fuck off.”
  3242. >WHO: “…right then. Derpy?”
  3243. >DERP: “Yup!”
  3244. >WHO: “I’m gonna need more cowbell.”
  3245. >DERP: “On it!”
  3246. >WHO: “Right, well, let’s start this up again shall we? On my count. Three.”
  3247. >LYRA: “Hey Octavia, where are Anon and Bon-Bon?”
  3248. >WHO: “Two.”
  3249. >OCT: “I think they’re still in bed, Lyra.”
  3250. >WHO: “One.”
  3251. >As Whooves begins to sing into the microphone, Lyra drops her guitar and makes a mad dash to the door.
  3252. >WHO: “Oh for the love of- JUST LEAVE THEM BE! We need to practice for the show tonight!”
  3253. >LYRA: “Sorry guys, I just need to make a quick stop!”
  3254. >Whooves groans in frustration, while Octavia blows a bubble on the gum she’s chewing.
  3255. >OCT: “She is CRAZY determined to make sure those two don’t get laid.”
  3259. “A Guy, a Lyre, and a Parkbench”
  3261. >This was nice.
  3262. >The sheets of the bed you lay in were soft, the light from the morning sun creeping in warming them.
  3263. >Then again, the warm body in your arms was also probably responsible for your comfort as well.
  3264. >Bon-Bon.
  3265. >You let out a content sigh as you run and over the top of her mane, gently rubbing her ear as you do so.
  3266. >She lets out a tiny groan as you rouse her from her sleep.
  3267. “Sleepy head.”
  3268. >”*mumble*”
  3269. >She wavers over you, making her way up to where your head is and looks at you with tired, relaxed eyes.
  3270. >She cracks a smile and yawns.
  3271. >”Good morning.”
  3272. “Good morning indeed. You sleep well?”
  3273. >”Like a baby. Now if you excuse me, I will continue to do so.”
  3274. >With that, she drops her head back down onto your chest and closes her eyes.
  3275. >You hold her closer to you, trying to snuggle with her a bit more.
  3276. >”You never told me you’d be this… huggy, when we started seeing each other.”
  3277. “Is this a problem?”
  3278. >She lifts her head, a grin in the corner of her mouth as she cranes her neck out and kisses your nose.
  3279. >”Nope.”
  3280. >Smiling back at her, you softly kiss her neck, making Bon-Bon exhale a deep sigh as she relaxes further.
  3281. “Glad to hear it. So, still tired?”
  3282. >”Well… not if you keep doing that..”
  3283. >Yeah, this was nice.
  3284. >You return your gaze to Bon-Bon’s, her soft blue eyes looking back at you, her mouth hanging open ever so slightly.
  3285. >Tracing a finger down her cheek, you bring her closer to you.
  3286. >”Anon?”
  3287. “Mmhmm?”
  3288. >”I… well, I think… I lo-“
  3290. >And then you and Bon-Bon fall out of bed and onto the cold, wooden floor.
  3292. A Few Minutes Later
  3294. >You and Bon-Bon sit at the kitchen table, looking over at Lyra and the gang as they practice for the battle of the bands.
  3295. >Tonight was the night, the whole shebang.
  3296. >The reason you all went to Las Pegasus in the first place.
  3297. >To be honest, you were pretty excited to see what Lyra’s band could do. After all, this place was bound to have a lot of decent competition when it came to bands.
  3298. >But for now, it seemed like Dr. Whooves was having a mild panic attack.
  3299. >You and Bon-Bon sit back, sipping your mugs of coffee as you watch the madness ensue.
  3300. >WHO: “Is this mic even working? I swear it’s just making my voice sound like complete shite. Lyra.”
  3301. >LYRA: “Yeah?”
  3302. >WHO: “My voice doesn’t sound like shite, does it?”
  3303. >LYRA: “Oh of course not, sweetheart. Your voice sound just DARLING.”
  3304. >OCT: “Not gonna lie, it’s kind shitty.”
  3305. >WHO: “Right, both of you can rightly fuck off. Derpy, I’m telling you we NEED you to step it up a notch!”
  3306. >DERP: “I’m trying my best!”
  3307. >WHO: “Well your best is NOT cutting it! I thought I told you to use more cowbell?”
  3308. >DERP: “About that, this song doesn’t use any cowbell, Turner.”
  3309. >WHO: “…what did you call me?”
  3310. >LYRA: “Wait, wait, you STILL don’t go by your real name?”
  3311. >WHO: “Oi! One of my fans called me “The Doctor” one night during a show. I’ve stuck with it ever since!”
  3312. >OCT: “We’re getting nowhere with this. Can we just practice now, please?”
  3313. >WHO: “But I’m still trying to find out if it’s the microphone that’s causing my voice to sound like shite, or if it’s just me.”
  3314. >OCT: “Dude, it’s just you. Now shut up and play.”
  3315. >He groans, but gives a que for them to start playing anyway.
  3319. >You sip some coffee and nod to Bon-Bon.
  3320. “So, you think they’ll win?”
  3321. >”Meh. Hard to say, but seeing as this is show where anyone can enter, I don’t see why not.”
  3322. “…what?”
  3323. >”What?”
  3324. “Anyone can enter? They didn’t get selected to play at the show?”
  3325. >”No, of course not. Whooves just has a lot of connections, that’s all.”
  3326. “Wow. I… wow.”
  3327. >”It’s not all that bad. The winner does get a money prize, after all.”
  3328. “How much?”
  3329. >”First place gets ten thousand bits, I believe. Runner up gets maybe a thousand.”
  3330. “Damn.”
  3331. >You finish your mug, taking it back to the pot in the kitchen and refilling it.
  3332. >When you return to Bon-Bon, you have an idea.
  3333. “You said second place gets one thousand bits?”
  3334. >”Yeah.”
  3335. “And wouldn’t you say Lyra’s band is pretty good?”
  3336. >”Yup.”
  3337. >You nod a few times, trying to get Bon-Bon to catch your drift.
  3338. >After a few seconds, her ears perk up.
  3339. >”You want to enter?”
  3340. >Shrugging, you take a swig of coffee.
  3341. >”Do you even know how to play any instruments?”
  3342. “Well I can play harmonica pretty well.”
  3343. >”We’re not going to get second place at a battle of the bands with a harmonica, Anon.”
  3344. “Hm… well Lyra taught me a little bit of guitar here and there. I know some of the basics.”
  3345. >Bon-Bon rolls her eyes, returning to watch Lyra’s band practice.
  3346. >Yeah, you figured she wouldn’t really go for it.
  3347. >Still, it was a thought.
  3348. >Suddenly she’s tapping your shoulder.
  3349. “What?”
  3350. >”You know the basics?”
  3351. “…yeah?”
  3352. >”That might be good enough for one song.”
  3353. “Really?”
  3354. >She nods, a tiny smile on her face.
  3355. “Alright, what did you have in mind?”
  3356. >”Remember that Clopton Tarintino movie, Kill Billygoat?”
  3357. “Yeah.”
  3358. >…
  3359. “Wait… seriously?”
  3360. >She nods.
  3361. >You know exactly what song she wants to play.
  3362. >And it’s a good one at that.
  3363. “Hell… why the fuck not? Let’s go practice.”
  3364. >The two of you stand, and you and Bon-Bon walk back to Lyra’s room to grab one of her guitars.
  3365. >Tonight was looking fun indeed.
  3367. >This… was a lot bigger than you thought it would be.
  3368. >Turns out the battle of the bands was going to be held in the same theater you saw Trixie’s show in.
  3369. >Thankfully, there would be no Trixie this time.
  3370. >You stand backstage with the band, as they prepare their instruments for the show.
  3371. “When do you guys go on?”
  3372. >LYRA: “We go eighth. There’s twelve entries so far, and only twelve entries.”
  3373. >OCT: “Good. I’m gonna enjoy watching some poor sap get last place.”
  3374. >DERP: “Aw well that’s not very nice, Octavia.”
  3375. >OCT: “I haven’t had a drink all day so I could stay sober for this thing. We win that ten grand, and I’m taking my share and drinking myself into a god damn coma.”
  3376. >LYRA: “Truly you are the classiest mare in existence. I envy you.”
  3377. >OCT: “Oh and what are you gonna do with your share?”
  3378. >LYRA: “Easy. I’m going to make and sell lyres back in town.”
  3379. “Wait, seriously?”
  3380. >LYRA: “Ha! No way, no one in Ponyville plays that thing but me. I was considering setting up a small shop though. Something food related.”
  3381. >BON: “So we’d be a house full of employees of the food industry?”
  3382. “Seems that way, doesn’t it?”
  3383. >You lightly strum the acoustic guitar in your hands, humming out a tune.
  3384. >LYRA: “You guys are serious about competing?”
  3385. “Yup.”
  3386. >LYRA: “When did you two decide this?”
  3387. >BON: “Today.”
  3388. >LYRA: “Literally today?”
  3389. “This morning, in fact. We’re not gonna win, we promise you that, but we’d like to give it a try at least.”
  3390. >LYRA: “By all means, be my guest. You two can’t be any worse than that one man band out there right now.”
  3391. >The sound of accordions and symbols crashing can be heard from the stage, as well as a fair amount of cursing and booing.
  3392. >DERP: “Ugh… polka.”
  3393. >LYRA: “That shit is vile.”
  3394. >Suddenly the pony playing the polka is run off stage as the booing gets louder.
  3395. >Another band, a group of ponies dressed all in black, steps up to the stage and readies their equipment.
  3396. >Whooves gives a groan
  3397. >WHO: “Oh god not them…”
  3398. >LYRA: “Them?”
  3399. >WHO: “Them! The next band! They’re miles ahead of us when it comes to talent!”
  3400. >OCT: “Look like a bunch of fags if you ask me.”
  3401. >The lead singer in the band steps up to his mic, and clears his throat.
  3402. >”This song is called, “I’m Sad,  so Very, Very Sad.”
  3403. >That was a song title?
  3404. >Well apparently it was, as the band starts to play a very, VERY loud song that-
  3405. >It stopped.
  3406. >Was… was that song only three seconds long?
  3407. >WHO: “We’re screwed. That was AMAZING.”
  3408. >Octavia pokes her head out from the curtains.
  3410. >The band on stage glares at Octavia, and then announces while still staring at her:
  3411. >”Thank you. This next song is called, “We Hate You, Please Die.”
  3415. >WHO: “How are we supposed to follow this?!”
  3416. >LYRA: “Whooves, it’s not that good. I’m sure we can.”
  3417. >WHO: “ Goddammit Lyra would you top standing there you are FREAKING me out.”
  3418. >DERP: “They know it’s not a race, right?.. right?”
  3419. >Whooves is hyperventilating at this point.
  3420. >WHO: “We’re going to lose! We should never have come to this city, I swear I was out of my mind when I agreed to-“
  3421. >OCT: “Hey! HEY! SNAP OUT OF IT.”
  3422. >She cracks a hoof across his face, causing him to tense up.
  3423. >…
  3424. >WHO: “Thanks. Thanks, I needed that.”
  3425. >LYRA: “Can… can we just go play our music now?... please?”
  3426. >Whooves nods, and the band on stage leaves after promptly giving the crowd the pony equivalent of “the finger.”
  3427. >As they set up, you park your butt next to Bon-Bon and peer out onto the stage.
  3428. “Think they have a chance?”
  3429. >She smirks.
  3430. >”Absolutely.”
  3431. >And then, they start to play.
  3435. >Wow.
  3436. >They were good.
  3437. >Damn good, even.
  3438. >As Lyra and the gang play, a pony behind you taps you on the shoulder.
  3439. >He was one of the stage crew, from what you gathered.
  3440. >”You’re up next, kid.”
  3441. >You nod, pick up your guitar and look to Bon-Bon.
  3442. >She returns a smile to you and a wink as well, as you both step behind the main curtains, and you take a seat on a small stool.
  3443. >Once Lyra’s band stops, the crowd breaks out into cheer, and you hear them shuffle off stage right.
  3444. >A few seconds pass, and the curtains open.
  3445. >You’re faced by hundreds of watching eyes, as you glance over to Bon-Bon.
  3446. “Ready Bonnie?”
  3447. >”Hit me.”
  3450. (I think it was this? Old link died ages ago.)
  3452. >And as you played next to Bon-Bon, her voice echoing softly through the hall, you knew that you made the right decision.
  3453. >This mare was yours, and you were hers.
  3454. >You’d have it no other way.
  3456. ~THE END~
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