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Jenkins NodeJS Pipeline Log

a guest
May 6th, 2017
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  1. Started by user Ricardo Canastro
  2. > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
  3. Setting origin to
  4. > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
  5. Fetching origin...
  6. Fetching upstream changes from origin
  7. > git --version # timeout=10
  8. using GIT_SSH to set credentials
  9. > git fetch --tags --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
  10. Seen branch in repository origin/dev
  11. Seen branch in repository origin/dev-redux-forms
  12. Seen branch in repository origin/master
  13. Seen branch in repository origin/nxt
  14. Seen branch in repository origin/redux
  15. Seen 5 remote branches
  16. Obtained Jenkinsfile from 2ec5378e33b42e7a9b73e241d2b39704b0a5402f
  17. [Pipeline] node
  18. Running on master in /var/jenkins_home/workspace/avel-client_dev-redux-forms-QREBZ7SBFGWJPF5DDH667HVH4AKV5KMQUIDLBHPOVJVNERYMR6QA
  19. [Pipeline] {
  20. [Pipeline] stage
  21. [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM)
  22. [Pipeline] checkout
  23. > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
  24. Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
  25. > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
  26. Fetching upstream changes from
  27. > git --version # timeout=10
  28. using GIT_SSH to set credentials
  29. > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
  30. Checking out Revision 2ec5378e33b42e7a9b73e241d2b39704b0a5402f (dev-redux-forms)
  31. > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
  32. > git checkout -f 2ec5378e33b42e7a9b73e241d2b39704b0a5402f
  33. > git rev-list 45735f18fcf5d2be6c9f8cbaeb4d07e3a1fab382 # timeout=10
  34. [Pipeline] }
  35. [Pipeline] // stage
  36. [Pipeline] stage
  37. [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Tool Install)
  38. [Pipeline] tool
  39. Unpacking to /var/jenkins_home/tools/ on Jenkins
  40. $ /var/jenkins_home/tools/ install -g yarn
  41. env: ‘node’: No such file or directory
  42. [Pipeline] envVarsForTool
  43. $ /var/jenkins_home/tools/ install -g yarn
  44. env: ‘node’: No such file or directory
  45. [Pipeline] }
  46. [Pipeline] // stage
  47. [Pipeline] withEnv
  48. [Pipeline] {
  49. [Pipeline] stage
  50. [Pipeline] { (Installing)
  51. [Pipeline] echo
  52. Installing...
  53. [Pipeline] sh
  54. [avel-client_dev-redux-forms-QREBZ7SBFGWJPF5DDH667HVH4AKV5KMQUIDLBHPOVJVNERYMR6QA] Running shell script
  55. + node -v
  56. /var/jenkins_home/workspace/avel-client_dev-redux-forms-QREBZ7SBFGWJPF5DDH667HVH4AKV5KMQUIDLBHPOVJVNERYMR6QA@tmp/durable-b390ef65/ line 1: node: not found
  57. [Pipeline] }
  58. [Pipeline] // stage
  59. [Pipeline] stage
  60. [Pipeline] { (Test)
  61. Stage 'Test' skipped due to earlier failure(s)
  62. [Pipeline] }
  63. [Pipeline] // stage
  64. [Pipeline] stage
  65. [Pipeline] { (Build)
  66. Stage 'Build' skipped due to earlier failure(s)
  67. [Pipeline] }
  68. [Pipeline] // stage
  69. [Pipeline] stage
  70. [Pipeline] { (Deploy)
  71. Stage 'Deploy' skipped due to earlier failure(s)
  72. [Pipeline] }
  73. [Pipeline] // stage
  74. [Pipeline] stage
  75. [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
  76. [Pipeline] echo
  77. Failed!
  78. [Pipeline] }
  79. [Pipeline] // stage
  80. [Pipeline] }
  81. [Pipeline] // withEnv
  82. [Pipeline] }
  83. [Pipeline] // node
  84. [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
  85. ERROR: script returned exit code 127
  86. Finished: FAILURE
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