

Apr 19th, 2017
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  1. alt-right cat on the trail of an imaginary cultural marxist cat, with some sort of joke-reveal at the end
  3. leftcom cat sits through doing nothing for a bunch of things that happen. then alunya says that the proletarian army is there, or something like that, and leftcom cat snaps into action completely unlike what she was doing before. it turns out to be a prank
  5. (because it's really easy to think of comics for the common memes criticizing other left tendencies)
  6. rodina says that since the comic-artist went away, the cats do different comic submissions to figure out who gets to be the next artist, but they're all sectarian criticisms of the other cats. rodina reads through them, getting less happy as it goes on. She makes some comments, and her reactions are much of the comic.
  7. lots of short sectarian comics with the common criticisms that can be funny appear next to her reactions.
  8. at the end,rodina cries saying "I just wanted a fun comic we could all have together, but ...."
  9. 'sigh' "I should have known. A centralized political ideology comic could never work. ~~There's inevitably going to be fighting.... ~ That's why we should each have our own decentralized comic in our own bunkers. ~ more rationalizing of how that ideology is good."
  10. Reveals that anarcho-hoxhaism cat wrote the whole comic.
  11. or any other ideology at the end
  13. ego cat teaches - "spook, your property, or you". shows different things on slides and other cats answer, with stirnercat explaining the right answer.
  14. (or should it be "or me" intead of "or you")
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