

Sep 26th, 2018
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  1. {response: {data: [,…], status: 0}}
  2. response: {data: [,…], status: 0}
  3. data: [,…]
  4. 0: {_identifier: "ret_stagposorder (FC71B722DE344B80ABD00520691D5ADC)", _entityName: "ret_stagposorder",…}
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  18. creationDate: "2018-09-21T14:55:52+07:00"
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  22. dateDelivered: "2018-09-20"
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  76. organization$_identifier: "PT CAHAYA ANUGERAH LANGIT "
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  96. tAXKey: "NON TAX"
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  100. updated: "2018-09-21T14:55:52+07:00"
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  102. updatedBy$_identifier: "Openbravo"
  103. user1Key: null
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  105. warehouseRuleKey: null
  106. _entityName: "ret_stagposorder"
  107. _identifier: "ret_stagposorder (FC71B722DE344B80ABD00520691D5ADC)"
  108. status: 0
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