
2-1 Suggestions

Jul 27th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. ## 2-1 Reorganization
  3. ## Create an interlude
  4. The entirety of 2-1's beginning has next to nothing to do with the chapter, it's a lot of plot.exe and foreshadowing. As such, I think making an interlude and shoving that text there makes the most sense. Specifically this line here
  5. "I'll debrief you in the morning.\w[10] Go get some\n
  6. rest in the meanwhile.\w[10] We depart for the\n
  7. port town Altier early tomorrow morning.|"
  8. Feels like it's screaming 'put me separate from the next text to come'.
  10. ## Moving around the scenes of 2-1
  11. By moving the first 3 scenes, 2-1 starts off immediately with Eli and Owen wandering the town. As this is a town, and they're... literally doing nothing but wander, seems like a perfect place to have a base. You can shop, organize, etc.
  12. The only thing this does is removes the prechapter text. Could be something along the lines of "with the support of his allies, owen puts his plan to action, yadda yadda, something about kane and galahad with julia"; shouldn't be that difficult
  14. ## Making some scenes into base conversations/cuts
  15. Scene 4 feels like its a base conversation already, I would basically mess with some of the lines and leave it as is.
  16. Scene 5 feels kind of pointless tbh, same with 6; they could be 1 scene or not even here
  17. Scene 7, another base conversation. Imo you can have base conversations that don't involve the player characters, this works perfectly as that
  18. Scene 8 isn't really necessary and could be incorporated into a talk conversation w/ julia at the start of the chapter. Eli isn't necessary for the scene, he's comic relief if anything
  19. Scene 9 could be a base conversation or not even here; whether or not galahad reveals himself doesn't affect the plot from the player's perspective anyway
  20. Scene 10, works well as a prechapter scene, likely immediately following the base conclusion
  21. Scene 11, unnecessary, could be either incorporated into 2-2 or removed entirely, i don't think you need it
  22. Scene 12, could be moved to a base conversation that only pops after you've done all the other base conversations (Scene 4, Scene 7, and Scene 9)
  23. Scene 13, works as a conversation following Scene 10
  24. Scene 14, no changes
  25. Scene 15, no changes
  26. Scene 16, seems like it could just be in the chapter but i have no strong opinion on moving it or not
  29. tl dr version; this feels like 2 chapters mashed into one, and the second chapter has a lot of unnecessary text being used in the opening scenes that could be moved around
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