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May 13th, 2023
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  1. ###############################################################################################
  2. # _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ____ #
  3. # | | | | | | | |_ _ __ __ _ | \/ | __ _ (_) | | | __ ) ___ __ __ #
  4. # | | | | | | | __| | '__| / _` | | |\/| | / _` | | | | | | _ \ / _ \ \ \/ / #
  5. # | |_| | | | | |_ | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | |_) | | (_) | > < #
  6. # \___/ |_| \__| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| |____/ \___/ /_/\_\ #
  7. # #
  8. ###############################################################################################
  9. #- *\ Created by Maazapan © /* -#
  10. ###############################################################################################
  12. config:
  14. # You can modify the prefix found in each of the commands
  15. # simply by changing the text.
  16. prefix: " &b❖ &8| &e&lMailBox &8: &r"
  18. # Activate and deactivate the Reminder message
  19. # that you have unread letters from your mailbox.
  20. join-message:
  21. delay-on-join: 3
  22. enable: true
  24. books-config:
  25. # Activate the option to use colors in the books.
  26. colored-books: true
  27. #This option allows you to have a page limit in a book, it is useful to avoid dupes or bugs with books.
  28. max-pages:
  29. enable: true
  30. pages: 10
  32. # Send letters to yourself, can be used to check that everything is working properly.
  33. send-yourself: true
  35. # You need sneak to remove mailbox.
  36. sneak-remove-mailbox: true
  38. # Send items through the mailbox.
  39. send-items-mailbox: true
  41. # This creates a virtual mailbox for the player when they first log in to the server.
  42. # This is useful for servers that have a lobby and want to have a mailbox.
  43. join-mail-data: false
  45. # Check the plugin is had update.
  46. plugin-updates: true
  48. # Items found on this list cannot be sent by mailbox.
  49. black-list-items:
  50. - 'BEDROCK'
  51. - 'TNT'
  53. # This is a date format, it is used in the creation of the letters,
  54. # and it has to follow an order so that it can work correctly, you can see the order on this page
  55. #
  56. # Docs:
  57. date-format: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm"
  59. # It checks if the player is in a world and if that world is in the list,
  60. # he will not be able to place the mailbox.
  61. disable-worlds:
  62. enable: false
  63. worlds:
  64. - 'test_world'
  66. # Use your own MySQL database, by activating the option below, the default database is SQLite.
  67. database:
  68. enable: false
  69. host: 'localhost'
  70. port: 3306
  71. database: 'minecraft'
  72. username: 'username'
  73. password: 'password'
  75. # Hooks with the plugin is compatible.
  76. hooks:
  77. # Vault economy hook.
  78. vault-economy:
  79. enable: false
  80. cost: 1000
  82. # Discord hook will send to a channel the logs of each time a letter is sent to a player,
  83. # It is very useful for staff management.
  84. discord-logs:
  85. enable: false
  86. webhook-url: ''
  87. embed-config:
  88. title: 'MailBox Letters Logs'
  89. description: '¡A new letter has been sent!'
  90. fields:
  91. - ":mailbox_with_mail: **Author:** :: `%author%` :: true"
  92. - ":busts_in_silhouette: **Target:** :: `%target%` :: true"
  93. - ":mailbox: **Message:** :: `%message%` :: false"
  94. footer: "UltraMailBox Admin Logs %date%"
  95. thumbnail: ''
  97. # Placeholder that changes if the player already opens the letter.
  98. mail-letter-read:
  99. # This message will appear if the player has already opened the letter.
  100. read: "&fThis letter has already been read "
  102. # This message will appear if the player did not open the letter.
  103. unread: "&c&LNEW! &fYou have not opened this letter"
  105. # This message will appear if the player did not open the letter.
  106. permissions:
  107. give-command: ultramailbox.cmd.give
  108. help-command:
  109. reload-command: ultramailbox.cmd.reload
  110. remove-command: ultramailbox.cmd.remove
  111. list-command: ultramailbox.cmd.list
  112. open-mailbox-command:
  113. everyone-command: ultramailbox.cmd.all
  114. send-command: ultramailbox.cmd.send
  116. # These are all the sounds that you can change, follow the format to
  117. # avoid an error with the sounds.
  118. #
  119. # Docs:
  120. sounds:
  121. place-mailbox: BLOCK_WOOD_PLACE;10;0.5
  122. remove-mailbox: BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK;10;0.5
  123. open-mailbox: BLOCK_WOODEN_TRAPDOOR_OPEN;1;0.7
  124. select-player: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;1;1
  125. error-letter-mailbox: BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR_CLOSE;10;2
  126. success-send-letter: ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES;1;1
  127. letter-receive: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP;1;2
  128. delete-letter: UI_LOOM_TAKE_RESULT;1;2
  129. sucess-customize: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP;1;1.5
  131. # Everything related to the mailbox is in this section
  132. mailbox:
  134. # Make it possible to spawn particles in the mailbox when
  135. # the player has unread letters.
  136. mailbox-particles:
  137. enable: true
  138. y-distance: 2
  139. amount: 5
  140. # All the particles you can use are on this page.
  141. # Docs:
  142. particle: VILLAGER_HAPPY
  144. # Make it possible to craft the mailbox only by activating this option.
  145. crafting-recipe:
  146. enable: true
  147. # By activating this option you need a permission when crafting a mailbox.
  148. mailbox-permission:
  149. enable: false
  150. permission: "ultramailbox.mailbox.craft"
  151. pattern:
  152. - "$ A $"
  153. - "$ C B"
  154. - "$ E $"
  155. recipe:
  156. 'E': OAK_FENCE
  157. 'A': IRON_INGOT
  158. 'B': PAPER
  161. # Mailbox block you can get this item with /mailbox give command
  162. mailbox-item:
  163. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  164. display_name: "&aMailBox"
  165. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjRiZDlkZDEyOGM5NGMxMGM5NDVlYWRhYTM0MmZjNmQ5NzY1ZjM3YjNkZjJlMzhmN2IwNTZkYzdjOTI3ZWQifX19"
  166. lore:
  167. - '&8UltraMailBox'
  168. - ''
  169. - '&fReceive and send letters'
  170. - '&fto other players.'
  171. - ''
  172. - '&7Place it on the ground to'
  173. - '&7create your own mailbox.'
  174. - ''
  175. - ' &e➟ Right Click to place '
  177. # - MailBox ArmorStand
  178. # These are the mailbox armor stands, you can add more armor stands to the list,
  179. # and they will be added to the mailbox, follow the order it may cause errors if you don't follow it.
  180. armor-stand:
  181. mailbox-default:
  182. mailbox-stand:
  183. '1':
  184. stand-head: PLAYER_HEAD
  185. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjRiZDlkZDEyOGM5NGMxMGM5NDVlYWRhYTM0MmZjNmQ5NzY1ZjM3YjNkZjJlMzhmN2IwNTZkYzdjOTI3ZWQifX19"
  186. clickable: true
  187. y-distance: 0.0
  188. '2':
  189. stand-head: OAK_FENCE
  190. y-distance: -0.4
  191. '3':
  192. stand-head: OAK_FENCE
  193. y-distance: -0.84
  194. '4':
  195. hologram: "&e&lRIGHT CLICK"
  196. y-distance: 1
  197. '5':
  198. hologram: "&bMailBox"
  199. y-distance: 1.3
  201. mailbox-rainbow:
  202. permission: "ultramailbox.mailbox.rainbow"
  203. mailbox-stand:
  204. '1':
  205. stand-head: PLAYER_HEAD
  206. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDIzZjY1MmNkNTNhNjIxZjY4ODAxZmFhN2FkNzIyNjFlNjBlY2I0N2IyNTUxN2ZjMTdlODg0YzI0YjhlNzlmOSJ9fX0="
  207. clickable: true
  208. y-distance: 0.0
  209. '2':
  210. stand-head: OAK_FENCE
  211. y-distance: -0.3
  212. '3':
  213. stand-head: OAK_FENCE
  214. y-distance: -0.7
  215. '5':
  216. hologram: "&e&lRIGHT CLICK"
  217. y-distance: 1
  218. '6':
  219. hologram: "&bMailBox"
  220. y-distance: 1.3
  222. mailbox-rustic:
  223. permission: "ultramailbox.mailbox.rustic"
  224. mailbox-stand:
  225. '1':
  226. stand-head: PLAYER_HEAD
  227. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDZhYWVmMDEyMGFmNzFiYTNiODNmYmRkYWJjMzM0YmM2M2YyMzExNTk5Njk4YTMxODI0M2JlNjlmMDYwN2RhMyJ9fX0="
  228. clickable: true
  229. y-distance: 0.0
  230. '2':
  231. stand-head: COBBLESTONE_WALL
  232. y-distance: -0.4
  233. '3':
  234. stand-head: COBBLESTONE_WALL
  235. y-distance: -0.84
  236. '4':
  237. hologram: "&e&lRIGHT CLICK"
  238. y-distance: 1
  239. '5':
  240. hologram: "&bMailBox"
  241. y-distance: 1.3
  243. mailbox-marine:
  244. permission: "ultramailbox.mailbox.marine"
  245. mailbox-stand:
  246. '1':
  247. stand-head: PLAYER_HEAD
  248. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWI3NWFlMjU2NzNiODAyYjE3YTJjMDhkMjI0NjExN2E2ZDMzNTMxZDZiY2RlOTA4ZGQ1YjBiMTg4MDAzYjMzMyJ9fX0="
  249. clickable: true
  250. y-distance: 0.0
  251. '2':
  252. stand-head: ANVIL
  253. y-distance: -0.4
  254. '3':
  255. stand-head: PISTON
  256. y-distance: -0.84
  257. '4':
  258. hologram: "&e&lRIGHT CLICK"
  259. y-distance: 1
  260. '5':
  261. hologram: "&bMailBox"
  262. y-distance: 1.3
  264. mailbox-moss:
  265. permission: "ultramailbox.mailbox.moss"
  266. mailbox-stand:
  267. '1':
  268. stand-head: PLAYER_HEAD
  269. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ4ODRhZTNkYzk2YmRmMmQ0Zjk4ZDQzOTVjZjVlMDRiYWMzODQ5NTAyODI0ODZlNGEyYjNlMWZhN2NiMThjMCJ9fX0="
  270. clickable: true
  271. y-distance: 0.0
  272. '2':
  273. stand-head: PRISMARINE_WALL
  274. y-distance: -0.3
  275. '3':
  276. stand-head: PRISMARINE_WALL
  277. y-distance: -0.63
  278. '4':
  279. stand-head: DARK_PRISMARINE_SLAB
  280. y-distance: -0.84
  281. '5':
  282. hologram: "&e&lRIGHT CLICK"
  283. y-distance: 1
  284. '6':
  285. hologram: "&bMailBox"
  286. y-distance: 1.3
  288. # - MailBox Inventory's
  289. # These are all the available inventories, in any inventory you can add more
  290. # e items as well as actions for each item, follow the format.
  291. inventorys:
  292. mailbox-gui:
  293. size: 54
  294. title: "&8MailBox - &nYour letters"
  295. letter-book:
  296. id: WRITABLE_BOOK
  297. display_name: "&aLetter of %player%"
  298. lore:
  299. - '&8%date%'
  300. - ''
  301. - '%read%'
  302. - ''
  303. - '&7(Right click to delete)'
  304. - ' &e➟ Left Click to open '
  306. letter-item:
  307. id: WRITABLE_BOOK
  308. display_name: "&aGif of %player%"
  309. lore:
  310. - '&8%date%'
  311. - ''
  312. - '&7(Right click to delete)'
  313. - ' &e➟ Left Click to get '
  314. items:
  315. '1':
  317. slots:
  318. - 0
  319. - 1
  320. - 2
  321. - 3
  322. - 4
  323. - 5
  324. - 6
  325. - 7
  326. - 8
  327. - 9
  328. - 17
  329. - 18
  330. - 26
  331. - 27
  332. - 35
  333. - 36
  334. - 44
  335. - 46
  336. - 47
  337. - 51
  338. display_name: " "
  339. '2':
  340. id: BARRIER
  341. slot: 49
  342. display_name: "&cClose Menu"
  343. actions:
  344. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  345. - '[CLOSE]'
  346. '3':
  347. id: HOPPER
  348. slot: 53
  349. display_name: "&aClean Mailbox"
  350. lore:
  351. - '&8MailBox'
  352. - ''
  353. - '&fDelete all the letters you '
  354. - '&fcurrently have in your mailbox. '
  355. - ''
  356. - ' &c¡You will not be able to recover '
  357. - ' &cthe letters you eliminate!'
  358. - ''
  359. - ' &e➟ Left Click to clean '
  360. actions:
  361. - '[CLEAN_MAILBOX]'
  362. '6':
  363. id: REPEATER
  364. slot: 52
  365. display_name: "&aMailBox Options"
  366. lore:
  367. - '&8MailBox'
  368. - ''
  369. - '&fDelete all the letters you '
  370. - '&fcurrently have in your mailbox. '
  371. - ''
  372. - ' &c¡You will not be able to recover '
  373. - ' &cthe letters you eliminate!'
  374. - ''
  375. - ' &e➟ Left Click to see options '
  376. actions:
  378. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  379. '5':
  380. id: WRITABLE_BOOK
  381. slot: 45
  382. display_name: "&aSend a Letter"
  383. lore:
  384. - '&8MailBox'
  385. - ''
  386. - '&fSend a letter to any player'
  387. - '&fwho has a mailbox.'
  388. - ''
  389. - ' &7You need to have '
  390. - ' &7a written book to send it.'
  391. - ''
  392. - ' &e➟ Left Click to menu '
  393. actions:
  395. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  396. mailbox-customize:
  397. size: 54
  398. title: "&8MailBox - &nCustomize"
  399. items:
  400. '1':
  402. slots:
  403. - 0
  404. - 1
  405. - 2
  406. - 3
  407. - 4
  408. - 5
  409. - 6
  410. - 7
  411. - 8
  412. - 9
  413. - 17
  414. - 18
  415. - 26
  416. - 27
  417. - 35
  418. - 36
  419. - 44
  420. - 46
  421. - 47
  422. - 51
  423. - 52
  424. - 53
  425. display_name: " "
  426. '2':
  427. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  428. slot: 45
  429. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ2OWUwNmU1ZGFkZmQ4NGU1ZjNkMWMyMTA2M2YyNTUzYjJmYTk0NWVlMWQ0ZDcxNTJmZGM1NDI1YmMxMmE5In19fQ=="
  430. display_name: "&a ◂ | Return to Options menu"
  431. actions:
  432. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  434. '3':
  435. id: BARRIER
  436. slot: 49
  437. display_name: "&cClose Menu"
  438. actions:
  439. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  440. - '[CLOSE]'
  441. '4':
  442. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  443. slot: 20
  444. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjRiZDlkZDEyOGM5NGMxMGM5NDVlYWRhYTM0MmZjNmQ5NzY1ZjM3YjNkZjJlMzhmN2IwNTZkYzdjOTI3ZWQifX19"
  445. display_name: "&aSimple MailBox"
  446. lore:
  447. - '&8MailBox Customize'
  448. - ''
  449. - '&fChange your mailbox to'
  450. - '&fthe original color.'
  451. - ''
  452. - ' &e➟ Left Click change '
  453. actions:
  454. - '[MAILBOX-STAND] mailbox-default'
  455. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  456. - '[CLOSE]'
  457. '5':
  458. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  459. slot: 21
  460. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDIzZjY1MmNkNTNhNjIxZjY4ODAxZmFhN2FkNzIyNjFlNjBlY2I0N2IyNTUxN2ZjMTdlODg0YzI0YjhlNzlmOSJ9fX0="
  461. display_name: "&aRainbow MailBox"
  462. lore:
  463. - '&8MailBox Customize'
  464. - ''
  465. - '&fChange your mailbox style '
  466. - '&fto a color Rainbow.'
  467. - ''
  468. - ' &7You can buy this skin '
  469. - ' &7in the server store. '
  470. - ''
  471. - ' &e➟ Left Click change '
  472. actions:
  473. - '[MAILBOX-STAND] mailbox-rainbow'
  474. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  475. - '[CLOSE]'
  476. '6':
  477. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  478. slot: 22
  479. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDZhYWVmMDEyMGFmNzFiYTNiODNmYmRkYWJjMzM0YmM2M2YyMzExNTk5Njk4YTMxODI0M2JlNjlmMDYwN2RhMyJ9fX0="
  480. display_name: "&aRustic MailBox"
  481. lore:
  482. - '&8MailBox Customize'
  483. - ''
  484. - '&fChange your mailbox style '
  485. - '&fto a color Rainbow.'
  486. - ''
  487. - ' &7You can buy this skin '
  488. - ' &7in the server store. '
  489. - ''
  490. - ' &e➟ Left Click change '
  491. actions:
  492. - '[MAILBOX-STAND] mailbox-rustic'
  493. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  494. - '[CLOSE]'
  495. '7':
  496. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  497. slot: 23
  498. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWI3NWFlMjU2NzNiODAyYjE3YTJjMDhkMjI0NjExN2E2ZDMzNTMxZDZiY2RlOTA4ZGQ1YjBiMTg4MDAzYjMzMyJ9fX0="
  499. display_name: "&aMarine MailBox"
  500. lore:
  501. - '&8MailBox Customize'
  502. - ''
  503. - '&fChange your mailbox style '
  504. - '&fto a color Rainbow.'
  505. - ''
  506. - ' &7You can buy this skin '
  507. - ' &7in the server store. '
  508. - ''
  509. - ' &e➟ Left Click change '
  510. actions:
  511. - '[MAILBOX-STAND] mailbox-marine'
  512. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  513. - '[CLOSE]'
  514. '8':
  515. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  516. slot: 24
  517. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ4ODRhZTNkYzk2YmRmMmQ0Zjk4ZDQzOTVjZjVlMDRiYWMzODQ5NTAyODI0ODZlNGEyYjNlMWZhN2NiMThjMCJ9fX0="
  518. display_name: "&aMoss MailBox"
  519. lore:
  520. - '&8MailBox Customize'
  521. - ''
  522. - '&fChange your mailbox style '
  523. - '&fto a color Rainbow.'
  524. - ''
  525. - ' &7You can buy this skin '
  526. - ' &7in the server store. '
  527. - ''
  528. - ' &e➟ Left Click change '
  529. actions:
  530. - '[MAILBOX-STAND] mailbox-moss'
  531. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  532. - '[CLOSE]'
  533. confirm-letter-gui:
  534. size: 54
  535. title: "&8MailBox - &nConfirm Letter"
  536. letter-slot: 22
  537. letter-slot-item:
  539. display_name: "&cPlace your written book or gif here"
  540. items:
  541. '1':
  543. slots:
  544. - 0
  545. - 1
  546. - 2
  547. - 3
  548. - 4
  549. - 5
  550. - 6
  551. - 7
  552. - 8
  553. - 9
  554. - 17
  555. - 18
  556. - 26
  557. - 27
  558. - 35
  559. - 36
  560. - 44
  561. - 46
  562. - 47
  563. - 51
  564. - 52
  565. - 53
  566. display_name: " "
  567. '2':
  568. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  569. slot: 45
  570. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ2OWUwNmU1ZGFkZmQ4NGU1ZjNkMWMyMTA2M2YyNTUzYjJmYTk0NWVlMWQ0ZDcxNTJmZGM1NDI1YmMxMmE5In19fQ=="
  571. display_name: "&a ◂ | Return to Mailbox menu"
  572. actions:
  573. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  574. - '[MENU] MAILBOX'
  575. '3':
  576. id: BARRIER
  577. slot: 49
  578. display_name: "&cClose Menu"
  579. actions:
  580. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  581. - '[CLOSE]'
  582. '4':
  583. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  584. slot: 29
  585. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZWQwYTE0MjA4NDRjZTIzN2E0NWQyZTdlNTQ0ZDEzNTg0MWU5ZjgyZDA5ZTIwMzI2N2NmODg5NmM4NTE1ZTM2MCJ9fX0="
  586. display_name: "&cDecline Letter ✘"
  587. lore:
  588. - '&8MailBox'
  589. - ''
  590. - '&7The card will not be '
  591. - '&7sent to the player.'
  592. - ''
  593. - ' &e➟ Left Click confirm '
  594. actions:
  595. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  596. - '[DECLINE]'
  597. '5':
  598. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  599. slot: 33
  600. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTkyZTMxZmZiNTljOTBhYjA4ZmM5ZGMxZmUyNjgwMjAzNWEzYTQ3YzQyZmVlNjM0MjNiY2RiNDI2MmVjYjliNiJ9fX0="
  601. display_name: "&aAccept Letter ✔"
  602. lore:
  603. - '&8MailBox'
  604. - ''
  605. - '&fMake sure to place the'
  606. - '&fletter on the red glass'
  607. - ''
  608. - '&7 The writen book will be sent to the '
  609. - '&7 person you selected.'
  610. - ''
  611. - ' &e➟ Left Click confirm'
  612. actions:
  613. - '[ACCEPT]'
  615. mailbox-options:
  616. size: 54
  617. title: "&8MailBox - &nOptions"
  618. mailbox-status:
  619. enable: "&aEnable"
  620. disable: "&cDisable"
  621. items:
  622. '1':
  624. slots:
  625. - 0
  626. - 1
  627. - 2
  628. - 3
  629. - 4
  630. - 5
  631. - 6
  632. - 7
  633. - 8
  634. - 9
  635. - 17
  636. - 18
  637. - 26
  638. - 27
  639. - 35
  640. - 36
  641. - 44
  642. - 46
  643. - 47
  644. - 51
  645. - 52
  646. - 53
  647. display_name: " "
  648. '2':
  649. id: BARRIER
  650. slot: 49
  651. display_name: "&cClose Menu"
  652. actions:
  653. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  654. - '[CLOSE]'
  655. '3':
  656. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  657. slot: 45
  658. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ2OWUwNmU1ZGFkZmQ4NGU1ZjNkMWMyMTA2M2YyNTUzYjJmYTk0NWVlMWQ0ZDcxNTJmZGM1NDI1YmMxMmE5In19fQ=="
  659. display_name: "&a ◂ | Return to Mailbox menu"
  660. actions:
  661. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  662. - '[MENU] MAILBOX'
  663. '4':
  664. id: REDSTONE
  665. slot: 20
  666. display_name: "&aDisable MailBox"
  667. lore:
  668. - '&8MailBox Options'
  669. - ''
  670. - '&7Disable you Mailbox will '
  671. - '&7not be able to receive letters. '
  672. - ''
  673. - ' &8▪ &fCurrent: %status-disable%'
  674. - ''
  675. - ' &e➟ Left Click to change '
  676. actions:
  678. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  679. '5':
  680. id: ARMOR_STAND
  681. slot: 21
  682. display_name: "&aCustomize MailBox"
  683. lore:
  684. - '&8MailBox Options'
  685. - ''
  686. - '&fChange the appearance '
  687. - '&fof your mailbox. '
  688. - ''
  689. - ' &7You can buy more skins '
  690. - ' &7in the server store.'
  691. - ''
  692. - ' &e➟ Left Click to menu '
  693. actions:
  695. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  696. '6':
  697. id: PAPER
  698. slot: 23
  699. display_name: "&aMessages MailBox"
  700. lore:
  701. - '&8MailBox Options'
  702. - ''
  703. - '&7Desactivate the messages that '
  704. - '&7you receive when a letter arrives. '
  705. - ''
  706. - ' &8▪ &fCurrent: %status-message-disabled%'
  707. - ''
  708. - ' &e➟ Left Click to change '
  709. actions:
  711. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  712. '7':
  713. id: BLAZE_POWDER
  714. slot: 24
  715. display_name: "&aParticles MailBox"
  716. lore:
  717. - '&8MailBox Options'
  718. - ''
  719. - '&7Desactivate the particles that '
  720. - '&7appear in your mailbox. '
  721. - ''
  722. - ' &8▪ &fCurrent: %status-particles-disabled%'
  723. - ''
  724. - ' &e➟ Left Click to change '
  725. actions:
  727. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  729. select-player-gui:
  730. size: 54
  731. title: "&8MailBox - &nSelect Player"
  732. select-head:
  733. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  734. owner: "%player%"
  735. display_name: "&e%player%'s &a✔"
  737. items:
  738. '1':
  740. slots:
  741. - 0
  742. - 1
  743. - 2
  744. - 3
  745. - 4
  746. - 5
  747. - 6
  748. - 7
  749. - 8
  750. - 9
  751. - 17
  752. - 18
  753. - 26
  754. - 27
  755. - 35
  756. - 36
  757. - 44
  758. - 46
  759. - 47
  760. - 51
  761. - 52
  762. - 53
  763. '2':
  764. id: BARRIER
  765. slot: 49
  766. display_name: "&cClose Menu"
  767. actions:
  768. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  769. - '[CLOSE]'
  770. '3':
  771. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  772. slot: 45
  773. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ2OWUwNmU1ZGFkZmQ4NGU1ZjNkMWMyMTA2M2YyNTUzYjJmYTk0NWVlMWQ0ZDcxNTJmZGM1NDI1YmMxMmE5In19fQ=="
  774. display_name: "&a ◂ | Return to Mailbox menu"
  775. actions:
  776. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  777. - '[MENU] MAILBOX'
  778. '4':
  779. id: OAK_BUTTON
  780. slot: 50
  781. display_name: "&aNext Page"
  782. actions:
  783. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  784. - '[NEXT_PAGE]'
  785. '5':
  786. id: OAK_BUTTON
  787. slot: 48
  788. display_name: "&aOld Page"
  789. actions:
  790. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  791. - '[OLD_PAGE]'
  792. '6':
  793. id: OAK_SIGN
  794. slot: 53
  795. display_name: "&aSearch Player"
  796. lore:
  797. - '&8MailBox Select Player'
  798. - ''
  799. - '&fEasier send a letter to a player '
  800. - '&fby write their name in chat.'
  801. - ''
  802. - ' &e➟ Left Click to search'
  803. actions:
  804. - '[SOUND] BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;10;1'
  805. - '[SEARCH_PLAYER]'
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