
Shadow of the *ArtfulLounger*

Feb 17th, 2013
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  1. *******************************************
  2. one post, and i dont think he binned it, so i post it here
  3. *******************************************
  5. >”You…you can what?” Twilight asks, shock written on her face as well as her friend’s.
  6. >Wander simply gives her a flat look from his place at the library table “I just explained it did I not? There were 16 Giants known as the Colossi and I slew them.”
  7. >A pregnant silence envelops the room before all eyes turn to Applejack.
  8. >The farmer meets the stares of her friends uneasily. “Girls? He ain’t fibbin…”
  9. >Rarity shakes her head “But how?” she asks “You said that you cannot use magic… How would you combat monsters of such magnitude?”
  10. >Wander says nothing but pushes the side of his tunic away, revealing a sheathed sword belted at his waist.
  11. >He pulls the weapon from its casing, a faint, pure ring emanating from the length of steel, making the ponies recoil.
  12. >Holding the spear bladed weapon in front of him, Wander inspects the light green, runic markings along its length as he says “This is how.”
  13. >The short statement makes no sense to any of his listeners at first, then they realize just what he means.
  14. >”You took em out with just a sword..?” Rainbow asks with a limp jaw.
  15. >The young human just nods.
  16. >All of them gaze upon the metal weapon and its wielder with awe and newfound respect, to think such a simple instrument caused the downfall of seemingly gods cloaked in flesh…
  17. >”But that must have been crazy hard! You said some of the big meanies were as big as mountains! Why would you do something like that?” Pinkie asks all in one breath, her eyes literally as wide as dinner plates.
  18. >Wander lets his lips twitch upward into a faint smile.
  19. >”Let’s just say… It was for a friend I hold most dear.”
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