
[ soulmates / applyfic ]

Oct 12th, 2016
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  1. 「who are you」
  2. birth name »
  3. — kwon eunjae.
  4. — charli kwon. (called by this name).
  5. birth date »
  6. — november 5, 1998.
  7. ethnicity »
  8. — korean.
  9. face claim & back up »
  10. — bona.
  11. — eunseo.
  12. background »
  13. — born and raised in a small country named new zealand, as an only child, charli lived there til the age of four. her family of three moved back to their hometown, seoul in order for charli to start her educational process. she was fluent in both english and korean and was always known as a productive being at a young age. her grades set a bar so high her teachers where beginning to wonder if einstein lived inside her. a very good and well behaved girl, earning awards and scholarships to some of the best schools in korea. never had a bad doing on her resume, charli's parents were always proud of her and themselves for raising such a sharp obidient daughter of theirs. ah, but just as they thought the trophy of best parents were set towards them, charli meet the love of her life three years ago. the two were tight and a match made in heaven. although he had just finished school and charli's parents were not so keen on the idea of boyfriend who would get in the way of her studies, the two manage to keep it a secret for a very long time and keep charli's studies on tact. the couple may experience ups and downs but deep down they know god has them for each other.
  14. personality »
  15. — introvert - she isn't very sociable and doesn't like to go first most of the times. her shyness, unsociability and awkwardness all apply under this word. she has no intention of coming off rude and stubborn to speak. she simply doesn't have the ability to be outgoing but will talk when she needs / has to.
  16. — adaptable - charli is a quick learner. and these sort of things come in handy with her schooling and everyday living situations. shows a very flexible character and deep down hates to lose.
  17. — witty - makes quick remarks whenever she thinks something isn't right. this can also cause laughter to others for whom she is very unsociable.
  18. — intelligent - she's intelligent human being as she's known for. always being number in all her educational classes, she has an iq of 147.
  19. — discipline - she obeys the rules and code of behaviour no matter what sort of environment she's in. she can be gentle and mature, leading to a good ability to her self-control. although she has only broke a rule once (with her boyfriend).
  20. — daring - although she shows a mute side that she has, she can be quiet adventurous and bold. she has a love for outdoor activities.
  21. — flexible - she's known to be cunning and manipulative. she is able to bend the rules just as long it isn't wrong and most of the time get out of any situation.
  22. — reliable - she can be straight up honest to you when asked a question. 'no regrets' she says. an independent young lady and can be trusted most of the time. (note: she has a clumsy side to her too).
  23. trivia »
  24. — she lost her virginity at the age of 17 to her lover(2015 december).
  25. — has a black bear dog named jackjack.
  26. — left handed.
  27. — likes gay ulzzangs !!
  28. — favourite movie series / a madea series.
  29. — instagram / has three million followers.
  31. — only her close friends know about the relationship.
  32. — scared of heights.
  33. — loves comfortable, baggy clothes.
  34. — she hates smelly breaths.
  35. — people taking pictures of her, she dislikes.
  36. — wants to meet park geun-hye.
  37. — has a love for outdoor adventure.
  38. — can twisted her tongue around fully (like tzuyu).
  39. — career path : biologist.
  40. — loves spicy food, especially thai food.
  41. — she doesn't like studying although she's smart.
  42. — dislikes talkative people.
  43. — a supporter of gay rights.
  45. 「honey dew」
  46. slot & back up »
  47. — the perfect couple.
  48. — tom n jerry.
  49. love interest & back up »
  50. — oh sehun.
  51. — im jaebum.
  52. his personality »
  53. — this boy is an enigma. he has such a strong, bold personality and seems like those people you can't help but love. at first impressions he comes off as aloof, kind of moody, very sure about his own beauty and a hard person to impress. he really isn't cold as people assume him to be as he is very shy and doesn't have the best peoples skills. although he claims he has no aegyo at all, what he does is just too cute too handle (maybe even sexy too). he is one of the biggest derps in charli has ever met and shows a lot of affection and love. before he had cried as he really wants his group of friends to stay together forever and that shows he's sensitive and sympathetic. sehun is very sweet and thinks about others before himself most of the time. he's a joyful and loveable kind of guy and never fails to impress, especially towards charli.
  54. his trivia »
  55. — his mother is a science teacher at charli's school. (not her teacher though).
  56. — his parents don't know of the relationship too.
  57. — his close friends know about the relationship.
  58. — has only had two girlfriends before charli.
  59. — loves to dance.
  60. — owner of 1MILLION DANCE STUDIO.
  61. — lover of bubble tea.
  62. — his best friend is park chanyeol.
  63. — can be very dirty minded. may think about sex a lot.
  64. — scared of spiders.
  65. — loves outdoor adventure.
  66. — he was an average achiever.
  67. — very famous on youtube and instagram.
  68. — loves charli with all his heart.
  71. 「oh, that scene」
  72. how you met »
  73. — his mother is a teacher at charli's high school and so in order to help out he relieved for a day. though just for p.e as he can only specialises in that area. and that's where the pair met. he was assigned to teach charli's class and when face to face they both instantly knew they would be really important in each others lives.
  74. first impression of each other »
  75. — n/a.
  76. how they act around each other »
  77. — the sweet, loveable couple everyone envies.
  78. — consist SWEAR WORDS !!
  79. — derp faces on point.
  80. — cuteness with a bit of sass.
  81. — arguments may occur.
  82. — selfies.
  83. — her supporting him with sehuns passion for dance.
  84. — basically the perfect couple.
  85. relationship »
  86. — couple.
  87. interactions »
  88. — her wearing his clothes since she finds them comfortable and cause they're baggy.
  89. — couple rings.
  90. — DERP FACES 101 !!
  91. — silly, idiotic pranks.
  92. — long strolls.
  93. — repeating what each other say just to annoy the shit out of them.
  94. — her always shaving his beard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
  95. — her teaching him english.
  96. — selfies as to which no one posts.
  97. — nicknames :
  98. + her - willy wonka, charli cracker.
  99. + him - pabo, sehunnie, bubblehun.
  100. — number one on speed dial.
  101. — their friends wanted to play a game so they did the paper kiss game. sehun had the paper and then purposely dropped it to kiss her fully on the lips (fluffy asf) the beginning of their relationship.
  104. 「just give me some love」
  105. message to me » okay like this book is legit aesthetic and amazeballs. you need more love and appreciation.
  106. scene suggestions »
  107. — smut scene ?? lol
  108. — fight scene. arguments.
  109. — for some other couple, one the partners start to like another partner. drammmmaaa (((:
  110. notes/questions »
  111. — note : you are beautiful and wonderful. ILYSM !!
  112. password » youth
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