

Apr 10th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Name: Moonlight Amethyst Sparkle
  3. Nickname/Preferred Name: Magnolia
  5. Age: 30
  7. Gender: Female
  9. Polarity Alignment: Neutral Good
  11. Equivalent Nationality: American (Mid-Atlantic)
  13. Occupation: Nomad/No Set Career
  15. Appearance:
  17. Similar in appearance to Shining Armor, Magnolia is a white unicorn mare with a strong build similar to that of an Earth Pony. Her cutie mark is that of a silver sword with a laurel of Magnolia flowers surrounding it. In the hilt of the sword are 5 black stars arranged in a circular pattern. Magnolia is also somewhat fluffy as well, and soft to the touch.
  19. Personality:
  21. Magnolia can be capable of a mean streak, in which she may act rather dominant over others especially if they do things she considers to be "wrong". Along with that, she possess a sense of justice and in her interactions she will directly call out those she perceives as doing something questionable. Magnolia has no filter, and is always blunt and straight to the point and has a habit of never sugar coating anything. The number one thing that will anger her the most is those who lie. When she trusts someone, these traits can be dialed back and she will be more calm in how she conducts herself. Magnolia has no desire to be well-liked by others, and doesn't really care what others think of her.
  23. Abilities:
  25. Magnolia is capable of pure shadow manipulation and transformation, derived from manipulating the shadows surrounding her natural environment. This also relates to her ability to create offensive weaponry and tool out of solidified shadows, making her a rather special pony to have around.
  27. Backstory:
  29. Moonlight Sparkle was born to Fancy Pants and Twilight Velvet as the result of an unwanted pregnancy between them. As a result, they could not care for the young Moonlight and put her up for adoption at an orphanage. There, Moonlight was subject to the torment of the poor conditions of the orphanage - as well as the one who ran it, named Proper Authority. It was here that Moonlight developed a hatred for Canterlot and the elite who called the city home.
  31. The young filly was often involved in troublemaking and fighting against her bullies. Perhaps for a while she was a scared nervous filly, but as she grew older she grew more bold in how she dealt with those types of encounters. The older she grew, the more she resented her surroundings. Eventually she ran away from the orphanage as a young teen after giving up on hope of being adopted by loving parents. On the streets of Canterlot, her life wasn't much better and she was frequently ignored by the self centered elites. There, she thrived on the little generosity the city could offer. Moonlight was late to find her cutie mark, only upon running away from the city two years after she ran away from the Orphanage did she get her cutie mark after wandering into a Magnolia orchard, of which she nicknamed herself "Magnolia".
  33. Magnolia worked various odd jobs throughout her early adult life for other ponies, and was always on the move with no one place tying her down. It was in these years she developed a solid work ethic to be able to afford to eat and have a place to sleep. Developing some work connections here and there, she would also delve into magic studies and strengthen her knowledge of magic. With her set of abilities, she was able to find great success in construction - using her shadow magic as a way to aid in construction efforts. Magnolia also has experience with logging as well, using her shadow magic to create saws to rapidly cut down trees for lumber.
  35. Despite this, she was never satisfied with herself and constantly wandered from place to place. Job to job. Her world was shattered when she found out that her younger sister, Twilight Sparkle had become the leader of the Elements of Harmony. It had taken Magnolia a few years to work up the internal courage to confront Twilight about this, and reveal the truth.
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