

Oct 29th, 2016
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  1. Dish owner: Eleanor Ingredients: turkey, olives
  2. -------- CURRENT DESCRIPTIONS -----------------
  3. Appearance : a playfully morbid vivisected omelette
  4. Dropped : Splayed out on a large dish, a vivisected omelette is here.
  5. Examined : Caught somewhere between playful and horrifying, this is a large omelette that bears
  6. a striking resemblance to a vivisected corpse. The crispy golden 'skin' has been peeled back to
  7. reveal the steaming innards, and pinned in place with a thin matchstick of carrot at each corner.
  8. The filling has been made up of a bevy of morsels, all creatively prepared to seem like the
  9. delicious viscera of some unidentifiable creature. Succulent roasted turkey has been flayed into
  10. shapes that could be muscular forms, and a cluster of pickled olives add a spicy and tangy touch to
  11. the dish which seems like it could be some kind of composite, lobed organ. A small well in the
  12. omelette houses a rich tomato sauce - suitably bloody - and some runny-yolked coddled eggs float at
  13. the surface, sprinkled with chives and pepper. Strings of noodles coil and twist throughout the
  14. cavity, and the turkey makes a return with its crispy, salty skin having been shredded and mixed
  15. through. Vegetables also have an appearance in the dish, in the form of some lumpen mashed potato
  16. with garlic lurking at the periphery of the 'corpse', and there are also some steamed-asparagus
  17. 'bones' visible here and there. Long, almost tentacular slices of steamed zucchini seem to writhe
  18. from one corner of the cavity, implying that whatever this vivisected creature is, it may have some
  19. questionable components indeed. The feature of the dish is a bacon-wrapped 'heart', filled with an
  20. oozing, cheesy mixture of egg, spices and shallots. It seems that the chef could not ignore the
  21. obvious application for eggs, alongside all this other playful fare, because the entire dish is
  22. surrounded by a circle of boiled and filled eggs with the striking appearance of eyeballs, each
  23. devilled with a little filling that matches the omelette: shredded turkey, tomato, chopped olives,
  24. and more.
  26. -------- OPTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS ----------------
  27. Taste : You take a sampling from the dish, tastes wandering between salty, eggy, spicy and
  28. more. The range of ingredients and their playful preparation make for a meal that is as amusing to
  29. deconstruct as it is tasty to eat.
  30. Smell : Delicious breakfasty scents waft up from this somewhat grisly dish. Prevalent is the
  31. inviting smell of cooked eggs, and you can smell hints of vinegar from the pickled olives.
  32. Eaten 1p : You sample the coddled eggs, dipping other components of the dish into their molten
  33. yolks. The balance of spice and other flavours is perfect, and the consistency of the eggs is just
  34. right.
  35. Eaten 3p : $(name$) dips into the coddled-egg innards of a vivisected omelette, mixing the
  36. flavourful viscera with each mouthful.
  37. 2nd Eaten 1p : Next, you try some of the turkey, which is succulent and juicy, perfectly roasted. It
  38. is accompanied well by the garlic mashed potato and the tangy flavour of pickled olives. The
  39. textures in the dish are varied and complement each other marvellously, making each mouthful an
  40. adventure.
  41. 2nd Eaten 3p : $(name$) picks at the dish like a surgeon, dismantling it methodically for devourment.
  42. 3rd Eaten 1p : You mix and match morsels of the dish, dipping into egg, sauce, and other components
  43. here and there until finally the entire omelette has been devoured, leaving no evidence of the gory
  44. culinary vivisection behind.
  45. 3rd Eaten 3p : The vivisection draws to a close as $(name$) finishes off the last of the omelette,
  46. leaving no evidence of the culinary carnage on the plate.
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