
/mlp/ does a CyoA with Zil (WiP)

Aug 19th, 2014
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  1. >Be anon
  2. >Wake up in a daze.
  3. >Moonlight is peeking out from behind the leaves of the trees that tower over you.
  4. >It feels like someone hit you in the head with a sack of bricks.
  5. >Just looking up at the perspective makes your head spin.
  6. >You stand up slowly, not wanting to wind back up on the ground if you start getting dizzy.
  7. >Stabilizing yourself by leaning on one of the trees that are near by, you look around.
  8. >It feels and looks like it's the middle of the night, but you can still see the area around you clearly.
  9. >A full moon will do that.
  10. >The area seems strangely familiar, but yet you have no idea where you are.
  11. >As you begin to walk along what seems to be a path, howls start to fill the air.
  12. >ohshit.jpg
  13. >Not too keen on being eaten by wolves, you start moving hastily along your path.
  15. >Emerging from the tree line a few moments later, you are greeted by an interesting sight.
  16. >There are a few large buildings in the middle of many smaller cottages and huts, making up what looks like a medieval village.
  17. >You approach town and wonder around for a bit
  18. >No one is outside right now, but that is to be expected seeing as it's the middle of the night.
  19. >As you wonder the paths, you notice a house that does have its lights on. It's like a giant fucking keebler elf house.
  20. >You walk down the dirt road toward the tree, trying to look into windows as you approach.
  21. >Upon reaching the building, you knock on the door.
  22. >The door opens to reveal a lavender unicorn with wings.
  23. >Definitely a dream.
  24. >The two of your stand there staring at each other for a few awkward moments before the unicorn says something.
  25. >"Um. Hello... Who, and what, are you?"
  26. >You stand there for a few seconds pondering existence itself before responding.
  27. "I don't remember who I am, but I am a human. I actually just woke up in the forest over there,"
  28. >you gesture in the direction you came from
  29. "and I was wondering if you could help me out."
  30. >The purple pony eyes you up and down with an inquisitive look on her face.
  31. >"I've got extra room in my house if you need a place to stay for the night. You can get everything sorted out in the morning."
  32. >She steps out of the way and looks at you in a way that implies you should come inside.
  33. End of day 1
  35. What do you want to accomplish on day 2?
  37. -Find some iron deposits. Attempts to smelt them to make a sword
  38. -Figure out where you are
  40. [spoiler]wake up...[/spoiler]
  41. >You open your eyes to see a purple lizard monster with a green crest hovering over you.
  42. >He looks away and shouts
  43. >"It's alive!"
  44. >What.
  45. >Upon glancing around, you come to the conclusion that you are 'It'
  46. "Hey..."
  47. >"Oh, you can talk?"
  48. "That's what I should be saying, lizard."
  49. >"I'm a dragon."
  50. "And I'm the loch ness monster."
  51. >Before the 'dragon' can create a rebuttal, the purple pony that you met last night approaches
  52. >"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"
  53. "Well enough, considering."
  54. >"I'm Twilight Sparkle. And this is my baby dragon assistant, Spike."
  55. >She nudges Spike as she says his name.
  56. >He glares at you
  57. "I'm... Anonymous."
  58. >You take the chance to look around.
  59. >The whole place is made of wood, and there are books everywhere.
  60. >The whole place was scuplted out of a tree.
  61. >It would seem that you're on the ground floor, but there are stairs going up to a second floor and down into a place you can't see.
  62. "Is this a tree?"
  63. >Twilight looks confused at first.
  64. >"Oh, yes. It's the Ponyville library. I live here."
  65. "You live in a library?"
  66. >"I guess I'm more of an extended guest of honor at this point. But yes, I do live in a library."
  67. "That's cool I guess."
  68. >"If you don't mind, I have some work to do. My mentor asked me to run some tests, and I'm one of the only ponies with the equipment and supplies to run them. Make your self at home."
  69. >You sit on a futon type bed in the middle of a room surrounded by books.
  70. >Spike is still glaring daggers at you for the lizard comment earlier
  71. >You decide to ignore him and walk out the door.
  73. >You are blinded by the light that floods in when you swing open the door.
  74. >Not even taking a moment to let your eyes adjust, you throw your good foot forward and begin your quest into this unknown new world.
  75. >You had wondered through town the night before, so you have an idea of the layout. The place looks a lot different in the daylight though.
  76. >As you walk down the street you notice that a lot of the ponies are staring at you.
  77. >You feel like an exhibitionist.
  78. >You slouch at first, trying to make yourself less obvious, not used to this much attention.
  79. >Especially not from just walking down the street.
  80. >It's a bit intimidating having everyone just staring at you and muttering.
  81. >Remembering that this is probably a dream and none of it matters, you give the ponies something to stare at.
  82. >You start taking off your clothes slowly, rubbing your body sensually.
  83. >Some of the ponies look flustered, blushing and averting their eyes.
  84. >It would appear they know what you're doing.
  85. >You put what clothes you took off back on and continue walking down the street.
  87. >In a world of unicorns and dragons, you need something to protect yourself.
  88. >You find yourself in town square.
  89. >There are stalls selling goods of all kinds all around.
  90. >Ponies everywhere.
  91. >There seems to be four kinds of ponies: normal, winged, unicorns, and hybrids like Twilight
  92. >Why is Twilight so different?
  93. >You notice a stand selling various rocks and unrefined ores as well as a few ingots.
  94. "How much for some of your ingots?"
  95. >The salespony looks at you as if you're trying to steal his cat from right in front of him.
  96. >He speaks with a voice that makes him sound as if he has been smoking since he was a child, and currently has a mouth full of gravel.
  97. >"10 bits."
  98. >The hell is a bit?
  99. "...Bits?"
  100. >"You're not from around here are you."
  101. >The salespony takes a few gold and silver coins from his register.
  102. >"These are bits. They're what we use for currency here in Equestria."
  103. "I thought this place was ponyville?"
  104. >"Ponyville is a town of Equestria. Our capital city, Canterlot, is just north of here. You can see it on the mountainside if you find a place in the open."
  105. >You thank him for his information and start heading back to Twilight's library house to find out if she can help you get some bits.
  107. >You reach Twilight's house and knock on the door
  108. >After a short wait, Spike answers the door with a couple books under his arm.
  109. >"Twilight told me that since you're not from around here, you might be staying at our place for a while, so you should just let yourself in."
  110. >He walks off, leaving the door open, before you can attempt conversation.
  111. >You enter Twilight's house and immediately notice a haze in the air, and the smell of sulfur.
  112. >Is Twilight cooking drugs or something?
  113. >The smoke is coming from the lower level.
  114. >Better check it out.
  115. >You approach a 'well ventilated' room, with a gas mask and lab coat wearing Twilight inside.
  116. >You cover your face with a sleeve and progress into the room.
  117. >You're not sure why, but you are familiar with a lot of the equipment in this room.
  118. >Twilight seems to have just finished burning something.
  119. "Do you have a moment?"
  120. >The words coming through your muffled sleeve are barely understandable.
  121. >She nods and follows you up the stairs.
  123. >Twilight removes her gas mask.
  124. >"What did you need?"
  125. "I have a few questions for you."
  126. >"Oh? I might be able to answer some of them."
  127. >"I couldn't help but notice the different kinds of ponies in town. Do you ponies just congregate here, or are they from different places?"
  128. >Twilight tilts her head to the side and thinks for a moment.
  129. >"Ponyville is a sort of hub for the different types of ponies. Equestria as a whole is welcoming to all the different kinds of ponies, though. The reasoning behind that goes back to our history and the founding of the nation. I have some books on the founding of Equestria if you want to know more about it."
  130. "Sounds interesting, I might look into that. My next question is: why do you have wings and a horn when all the other ponies have one, the other, or neither?"
  131. >"Well, that one is a little harder to explain. There are four types of ponies here in Equestria. Earth, pegasus, unicorn, and alicorn princesses."
  132. "Alicorn... princess? You're a princess? Who's the queen?
  133. >"We have no queen. We have only princesses who lead us."
  134. "Sounds more like emperors. Are you a princess, then?
  135. >"Technically, yes; although, I have no kingdom or people to rule over."
  136. "Well that blows. Do you know how I can get some bits?"
  137. >"Eh. I normally just get my money from the royal treasury in Canterlot. They give me enough money to support myself, and some extra."
  138. "How much extra?"
  139. >"More than I know what to do with. I only need books, and most of the time they aren't expensive."
  140. "Could you get me a sword?"
  141. >"A... sword?"
  142. "Yea."
  144. >"I don't see why not. Who knows what you're going to run into during your stay, right?"
  145. >Twilight blinks out of existence suddenly, leaving only shimmering sparkles behind.
  146. >Wat. Did she just die?
  147. >You can hear her land softly by the door behind you.
  148. >When you turn around to face her, Twilight's lab coat is gone, and she is wearing a saddlebag.
  149. >She begins to walk out the door, but notices you're not following.
  150. >You stand there like an idiot trying to process what just happened.
  151. >"You coming?"
  152. >After shaking your head and re-establishing yourself in this strange new world, you follow her out the door.
  154. >The two of you walk down the street.
  155. >"You said you wanted a sword. I've heard of them, but us ponies use mostly spears and lances."
  156. "I wouldn't imagine a sword would be much harder to make than a spear."
  157. >"I'm not experienced in blacksmithing, but let's hope you're right."
  158. >The two of you come to the center of town and look around for a while, trying to find a merchant selling arms.
  159. >After meticulously looking in every store, you find jack shit, and decide to go back to Twilight's house for the night.
  160. >"I'm not sure what I was expecting, Equestria hasn't been to war in a long time. We should try the Canterlot armory tomorrow. It's getting late."
  161. "Alright. By the way, earlier today, what were you doing when I walked into your lab?"
  162. >"I would love to tell you, but it's classified information."
  163. >You reach the house and crash on Twilight's makeshift futon again.
  164. >You are disturbed from your almost sleep by a prodding claw.
  165. >You already know who it is.
  166. "The lizard returns."
  167. >"Yea yea yea. Sorry about calling you 'It' this morning. I can't sleep right if I'm on bad terms with someone sleeping in my house. Let's start over. What do you say?"
  168. >He extends his hand.
  169. >Why the fuck not?
  170. "Sure, why not. A dragon couldn't be that bad of an ally."
  171. >You shake his hand, and go to bed.
  172. End of day 2
  174. What do you want to accomplish on day 3?
  176. -Make new friends.
  177. -Go get dat sword
  179. [spoiler]Anon, wake up.[/spoiler]
  180. >Opening tired eyes, you are greeted by Twilight hovering over you.
  181. >"You sure do sleep heavily."
  182. "What time is it?"
  183. >"Almost 10. We need to leave soon if we're going to make the train."
  184. >A train? How are these ponies living in thatched roof cottages if there are trains?
  185. >Whatever.
  186. >Twilight picks up spike with her magic and droops him over her back.
  187. >The three of you head out the door.
  189. >On your way to the train station, you pass by a shop that looks like a large gingerbread house.
  190. >The smell of sweets and baked goods fill the air around the store.
  191. >Slowing down, you try to look in a window.
  192. >Twilight seems to have noticed, as she begins to backtrack.
  193. >"Let's grab something to eat before we get on the train."
  194. >Spike is awake, and is riding Twilight like a horse.
  195. >Twilight opens the door with her magic and walks into the shop.
  196. >There is no name on this building.
  197. >The only thing that clued you in that it was a bakery and not some eccentric person's house was the hanging sign which has a picture of a cupcake on it.
  198. >Is the ceiling actually made out of a giant gingerbread cookie?
  199. >You enter the shop through a large bright pink door.
  200. >The scent of sweets and baked goods hits you like a wall.
  201. >All of the goods are bright pastel colors.
  202. >A pink pony sits behind the counter.
  203. >Twilight is already talking to her, but not soon after you notice, the pink pony gasps and dives behind the counter.
  204. >Twilight looks confused, arching her neck to look behind the counter.
  206. >You attempt to progress through the store toward the counter, but something falls on top of you.
  207. >It's the pink pony that was behind the counter.
  208. >You don't quite fall over, but her weight causes you to hunch a bit.
  209. >"Heya! Who are you? I've never seen you before, and I've seen just about everyone in this town."
  210. >The rate at which she speaks is beyond that of any mortal; it's difficult for you to keep up with what she's saying.
  211. "I'm Anonymous. And you are?"
  212. >"Anonymoose? That's a funny name. I'm Pinkie Pie!"
  213. "Penky poe?"
  214. >She pauses.
  215. >You look back at her, and she has a serious look on her face.
  216. >"Pink-Ee-Pie"
  217. >You take this as a challenge.
  218. "Ponko."
  219. >She grins, speaking slower this time.
  220. >"Well played Anonymouse. You can call me Pinkie."
  221. "Nice to meet you, Pinkie."
  222. >Twilight approaches
  223. >"It looks like you've met my friend Pinkie-"
  224. >"Wait a second!"
  225. >Pinkie falls off of your back
  226. >"I told Anonomono here that he can call me Pinkie, but he hasn't given me a nickname to call him by yet."
  227. >Pinkie turns to face you.
  228. >Her face is far too close to yours.
  229. >Your noses are almost touching, but she isn't backing away.
  230. "You can call me Anon."
  231. >Pinkie throws confetti in the air.
  232. >You look up at the confetti for a moment, and then back down at her.
  233. >Pinkie is gone.
  234. >She is sitting at the counter.
  235. >"So what can I get you this fine morning?"
  237. >You walk over and look at the displays.
  238. >It would appear the menu consists of sweets, sweets, and cakes covered in sweets.
  239. "Do you have anything that isn't going to make me die of diabetes instantly upon consumption?"
  240. >Pinkie giggles and points to another display case.
  241. >Twilight is already over there looking at various muffins, bagels and doughnuts.
  242. >They all look so good.
  243. >You walk over and pick out a muffin.
  244. >Twilight teleports the muffin and two bagels out of the case and onto the counter Pinkie is sitting behind.
  245. >Pinkie drops them in two separate bags.
  246. >"Will that be all for today?"
  247. >Twilight nods and hands Pinkie three bits.
  248. >As you're walking out the door, Pinkie pie yells something at you.
  249. >"When you get back, I'm throwing you a 'Welcome to Ponyvillie!' party!"
  250. >You turn your head and give pinkie a thumbs up with the muffin already in your mouth as you leave out the door.
  251. >She looks confused by your gesture.
  253. >The train station is close to the shop pinkie is working at, so the walk was short.
  254. >You board your car and find a seat.
  255. >Apparently Twilight being a princess means that she can ride the train with guests whenever she wants without having to pay.
  256. >You play some card games with Twilight and Spike then pass out in your seat for the rest of the ride.
  258. [spoiler]Beep[/spoiler]
  259. >You wake up and look around.
  260. >Twilight is watching out the window, and Spike is sleeping.
  261. >You look out the window and see a mountainside, then sudden darkness.
  262. >The train is passing through a tunnel.
  263. >A voice sounds over the intercom
  264. >"We have reached our destination, Canterlot."
  265. >As your ride comes to and end, you feel a little regretful that you hadn't seen everything along the way.
  266. >There's always the ride back though, right?
  267. >Twilight picks up spike and droops him over her back again.
  268. >You depart from the train.
  270. >This whole city seems like it's made of marble and precious metals.
  271. >Everything has a gleam to it.
  272. >You stand there staring up at the architecture for a moment.
  273. >Twilight pokes you in the leg with her hoof to get your attention, then you both move along the road toward what looks like the main castle.
  275. >The ponies around here seem more prissy than the ones at Ponyvillie.
  276. >Kind of funny, really.
  277. >As you approach the gargantuan castle, you notice that it too is made almost completely of marble and precious metals.
  278. >This place would fall to a siege in a second. When is the last time they went to war?
  279. >You arrive at a large wooden door that is reinforced with steel.
  280. >The wood looked black from further back, but appears to be stained a deep purple when you reach it.
  281. >Opening the large doors reveals a main hall with two statues of ponies on either side.
  282. >The floor is mostly covered by a large red velvet carpet
  283. >The statues are made of the same material as the floor; they look like they were crafted elsewhere and then moved here, though.
  284. >Whomever had this castle built truly spared no expense.
  285. >Twilight leads you through the entrance hall into a larger room with two doors on either side, and a staircase in the middle of the room leading up to two other doors.
  286. >The rails on either side of the staircase look to be made of gold.
  287. >You follow the purple pony princess up the stairs and down another hall and a set of corridors.
  288. >You eventually come to a smaller wooden door that's in the same style as the one before.
  289. >There is a set of two unicorn guards standing in front of it.
  290. >Their armor looks ceremonial, made of silver and gold and laden with rubies.
  291. >After standing there for a moment, Twilight speaks up.
  292. >"I have come to seek an audience with Celestia."
  293. >The guards stand aside and open the door.
  295. >Before you is a massive hall with the same type of architecture as from before, but with two rows of giant stained glass windows on either side of the long hallway.
  296. >At the end of the hall sits a throne with two ornamented guards standing on either side of it.
  297. >On the throne sits a white alicorn who seems to tower over the guards.
  298. >As Twilight leads you down the hall, you notice some familiar silhouettes in the stained glass windows.
  299. >Twilight has an air of seriousness about her, so you decide to not ask her about the windows until later.
  300. >You approach the throne, now finding out just how much this alicorn princess towers over the guards... and Twilight... and you.
  301. >Why is she so big?
  302. >The other ponies come up to your chest with their heads, but this one is a good foot taller than you are.
  303. >"Princess Twilight Sparkle. What brings you here today?"
  304. >Twilight straitens her posture
  305. >"Princess Celestia. I would like to retrieve something from the royal armory. A sword."
  306. >Celestia raises an eyebrow and looks at guards.
  307. >The guards leave.
  308. >As soon as the doors close, Celestia hops down off her throne and embraces Twilight.
  309. >It appears that they're close.
  310. >She then looks at you.
  311. >"Who is this guest you've brought with you, Twilight?"
  312. >When Twilight doesn't respond, instead looking to you, you take the opportunity to introduce yourself.
  313. "I am Anonymous."
  314. >"Greetings, Anonymous. We don't have many off-worlders who come to Equestria any more. I assume you're the one who wants the sword?"
  315. "Your assumption is correct."
  316. >"I can understand the desire for a means of defense in this world. Follow me please."
  317. >Celestia begins to walk toward a separate door from the one the guards left through.
  318. >You and Twilight follow Celestia, with spike still sleeping on Twilight's back.
  320. >After being lead through a door and down a hall, the four of you come to another door. this door has a lock.
  321. >The lock doesn't seem to have a key, or any method of input.
  322. >Celestia's horn glows, and after a moment the lock clicks open.
  323. >As the door swings open, you behold a room laden with stone and iron rather than marble and gold. The room is full of ancient weaponry.
  324. >Celestia leads you past several racks of various polearms, stopping and turning to face a case.
  325. >The case looks like it's made of glass, but doesn't have so much as a speck of dust on it.
  326. >The weapon inside is a spear at least eight feet long with a head the size of a broadsword and runes written up the blade on both sides. The blade itself is a dark blue, with the runes faintly glowing cyan.
  327. >Celestia's horn glows again, and the seemingly glass case melts away as if it were molten while still maintaining its rigid angles while doing so.
  328. >"This spear was used by my sister, Luna, during her uprising. It was re-enchanted later to act as a teleportation node in case she should ever need my help in a conflict. Luna has a new weapon now, and no longer desires to keep this one around as a reminder of her past."
  329. >Celestia holds the spear in a magic grasp, snaps the spear head off and hands just that bit to you.
  330. >"Even though my sister does not need this any more, please take care of it."
  331. >She sighs, then looks into your eyes instead of at the spear.
  332. >"As an off-worlder, your safety is important to me. This weapon still holds the teleportation node it previously did. If you're ever in danger while in Equestria, draw this blade, and I will come to your assistance."
  334. >Celestia leads you back to her throne room.
  335. >Twilight leads you out of the castle.
  336. >Why did spike even come along?
  337. >You get a few odd looks from the pony folk, but the guards seem to recognize the blade you're holding and don't ask any questions.
  338. >After gawking at the architecture a little more, you get back on the train with Twilight.
  339. >You decide to take this time to examine the blade you were given by Celestia a little more closely.
  340. >The edge itself is rather dull. It doesn't look like it's been sharpened in a very long time.
  341. >Even though it's metallic, the material doesn't seem to reflect light. It doesn't even have a shadow.
  342. >Twilight is watching you and leaning closer to look at the runes.
  343. >You hold out the blade for her to examine.
  344. >"I've never seen runes like these before. It looks like someone made their own spells just to enchant this blade with."
  345. >Cool.
  346. "I would love to just wield a large spear head on a stick, but do you think we can get this turned into a proper sword?"
  347. >"Hmm... I think my friend Rarity can help with that."
  348. >You spend the rest of the train ride looking out the window at passing scenery, and at your cool new 'sword'.
  350. >You arrive back at Ponyville.
  351. >The sun is just over the tree line. It will be night soon.
  352. >The runes on your spear head are glowing a little brighter than before.
  353. >You swing the sword back and forth a couple times and watch the light trail.
  354. "Neat."
  355. >Twilight takes a step away and looks at you as if you were actively trying to kill her.
  356. >"It's probably not too late to ask Rarity if she can turn that into a sword."
  357. >You follow Twilight to Rarity's house.
  358. >Spikes decides to go back to the library.
  360. >Well that's... A house.
  361. "She lives here?"
  362. >"Yes."
  363. "But it looks like a shop."
  364. >"Pinkie lives at Sugarcube Corner, too."
  365. >The store she works at is called Sugarcube Corner?
  366. "Huh."
  367. >The two of you walk up to the building.
  368. >Twilight Steps forward and knocks at the door.
  370. >A white unicorn with purple hair opens the door.
  371. >Her coat looks glossy.
  372. >Does conditioner work on ponies?
  373. >How is she getting her hair to do that curly bit?
  374. >Rarity looks you up and down with a smile on her face.
  375. >It's hard to read what her feelings toward you are.
  376. >"Ah, Twilight! So nice of you to stop by. What brings you and your guest to my boutique this evening?"
  377. >Twilight steps back and motions as if presenting you.
  378. >"This is Anonymous. He's not from around here,"
  379. >She probably could have figured that much
  380. >"He retrieved this spear head from Princess Celestia, and we would like to know if you are willing and able to help us turn it into a sword."
  381. >You hold the blade out with both hands to show Rarity.
  382. >"Ah, yes. I might be able to do something in the way of a handle. I've crafted much more complex things, how hard could a handle be?
  383. >Rarity attempts to pick up the sword with her magic, but fails to.
  384. >Twilight and Rarity both look confused at each other, then stare at the blade for a moment.
  385. >Twilight speaks up
  386. >"I think we found out what one of the enchantments on the blade is."
  387. >"I'm going to have to ask Applejack for help with this one. Anonymous, please step inside and place the to be sword on this table over here"
  388. >You step inside Rarity's boutique and set the blade on a nicely finished round wooden table that she's standing in front of.
  389. >The Boutique has mirrors everywhere, and there's a pony mannequin in the center of the room.
  391. >"Twilight said you're not from around here, and I couldn't help but notice your clothes and their state."
  392. >Twilight enters the boutique.
  393. >"How would you like me to take your measurements so I can make you something else to wear during your stay?"
  394. >Has she ever made clothes for a humanoid?
  395. "Sounds good. Thank you, Rarity."
  396. >Rarity takes your measurements, and you leave the sword in her boutique.
  397. >Twilight leads you back to the library.
  398. >It's quite dark as you return.
  399. >Spike is already sleeping.
  400. >Twilight sits down at a desk by her bed, lights a candle, and starts reading.
  401. >You pick a book from the central table and begin reading in the dimly lit room, falling asleep after the first few passages.
  402. >"The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide"
  403. End of Day 3
  405. What do you want to accomplish on day 4?
  407. -Meet more ponies, and read up on equestria's history while waiting for rarity to finish working on the sword.
  409. [spoiler]Please wake up...[/spoiler]
  410. >An explosion startles you awake.
  411. >Sounds like it came from the basement.
  412. >You throw off your blanket and rush down the stairs.
  413. >After opening the door, a puzzled Twilight stands in front of a table that has a scorch mark on its surface.
  414. >Her hair is singed and her goggles are cracked, but it looks like she's okay.
  415. "What are you doing?"
  416. >"Oh! Good morning. Technically it's still classified, but now that you've met Celestia I don't think she would mind if I tell you."
  417. >Twilight is talking through her gas mask, but you are able to understand what she's saying for the most part.
  418. >"Princess Celestia entrusted me with the task of weaponizing fireworks."
  419. >Wait, what?
  420. "Why?"
  421. >"Even though Equestria hasn't been to war in a very long time, furthering weapons technology is still important."
  422. Shouldn't you work on your defenses before trying to build explosives?"
  423. >Twilight looks puzzled, and the fumes in the air are starting to get to you.
  424. "Can we talk about this outside of the lab?"
  426. >You start walking up the stairs. Twilight grabs a few notes and follows.
  427. "Canterlot castle looks like it would fall to a siege instantly. Why does princess Celestia want you to develop weapons instead of defenses for the castle?"
  428. >"Canterlot castle has been attacked several times before in the past, but barrier spells have always been enough protect the main castle."
  429. >Oh yea, magic.
  430. >Twilight takes off her gas mask and cracked goggles.
  431. >You can tell which areas of her coat that weren't covered based on where the blast left dark residue.
  432. >She holds the damaged goggles in the air in front of her before setting them on a table near the door and sighing.
  433. >"It's not safe for me to use these any more, I'll have to postpone my experiments. Did I wake you up with that last test?"
  434. "The explosion? Yea."
  435. >"Sorry about that. Want to get some breakfast?"
  436. "Sure."
  438. >Twilight places her notes in a drawer of the table she put her goggles on and heads out the door. You follow her.
  439. >Only a few ponies are out this early. What time is it anyways?
  440. >After a short walk, the two of you arrive at Sugarcube corner.
  441. >After entering the building, you notice a familiar pink pony behind the counter.
  442. >The place didn't have many patrons before, but this time around it's fairly packed.
  443. >"I'll grab you something, find us a table."
  444. >Looking around for a moment, you notice Rarity sitting with an orange pony who is wearing a hat at one of the tables. They're talking about something.
  445. >As you make your way over, Rarity notices you and offers a seat.
  446. >The tables are round and decently sized. You could probably fit seven or eight at one if you tried hard enough.
  447. >You sit down. It's only been a couple seconds, but the orange pony is starting at you intently.
  448. >"Howdy there. I'm Applejack. I don't believe we've met before, but if you're a friend of Rarity's you're a friend of mine."
  449. >She extends a hoof.
  450. >Reluctantly, you shake it.
  451. >Shaking a hoof doesn't feel right.
  452. "I'm anonymous."
  454. >Rarity has a crepe with Blueberries, and a cup of what looks like milk.
  455. >Applejack is eating a doughnut with apple filling, apple juice, and an apple.
  456. "You sure like apples, don't you?"
  457. >Applejack chuckles to herself.
  458. >"Now what gave you that idea?"
  459. "Just a hunch."
  460. >Twilight arrives and sets a strange pastry in front of you, then sits in the chair across the table from you.
  461. >The pastry smells like fruit punch and cotton candy, and looks like a golden brown cloud.
  462. "What is this?"
  463. >"Pinkie wanted to make something special for you because she wasn't there when you came back last night."
  464. >That's my fault more than hers; we came back pretty late.
  465. "Alright, cool."
  466. >You take a bite.
  467. >The outside tastes like a standard cream puff, but even though it's flaky, the rest doesn't fall apart.
  468. >The pink filling is dense and fluffy. Whipped cream cheese maybe? It tastes like many different fruit, most of which you can't identify.
  469. >Even though only a few of the tastes are familiar to you, it's good.
  470. >How did she make this?
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