
kiyoshi tomachi x petrify

Feb 2nd, 2020
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  1. [02:55] Kiyoshi Tomachi: Unable to help but feel anything but incredibly unluck, the blessed and cursed Golden Soul watched as the exposed magical circle continued to crackle and rise with energy. The corridor he used to get into the hidden part of the library he sought out for any answers regarding his power would now be blocked off by whatever was happening with the activated circle. It didn't matter what Kiyo did at this point, he was likely in the room long enough for the circle to gain enough of his radiating energy to start itself, and he wasn't going to be able to make it a mile away before it ceased performing it's functions.
  3. The young man shielded his eyes from the raising Dressed in an all black formal suit with a white and blue tie couple with a gray undershirt to appease his parents while he was out in public as to maintain the "image" for the "Tomachi family", Kiyo would only move his arms aside once the light faded away and he could inspect just what it was activated by mere proximity.
  4. [03:11] Petrify: Summoning circles, if nothing else, were extremely resilient. Old and scuffed beyond belief, carved deeply into the floorboards for a purpose long since fulfilled, only unearthed due to recent renovation and reshuffling of the decrepit occult section of the building, it mattered little so long as enough magical energy seeped into the runic grooves. Traditionally this was done with the mana-rich blood of a sacrifice, a group of people huddled around the perimeter with knives at their wrists or a stuck corpse bleeding freely, but other circumstances worked just as well. The dark arts, regrettably, were not picky. And neither are the creatures that answer their call. With even the bare minimum of mana something could have been yanked through the dimensional rift, and with such an ample amount it yielded an ample result. A tall, black-clad women crouching in the very center of a scarcely-visible circle, a blindfold about her eyes and a long train of pale pale purple hair forming a spiral about her thin body.
  6. She spoke nary a word, simply rising to her full height and fixing her unseeing eyes on who she could only assume was her summoner. A few agonizing seconds passed where she simply stared back at him, motionless and poised not unlike a predator gazing at her mark. In a few strides of her long legs, she was practically chest-to-chest with him, noting the measly two-inch difference in their heights and forcefully snatching up his hands. A tattoo-like mark twisting and curling across the back of one of his hands, slinking away beneath the edges of his suit jacket. Perfect. All she needed to know before she spoke her first words, a hushed and emotionless inquiry comprised of as few words she could possibly muster. "You summoned me?"
  7. [03:26] Kiyoshi Tomachi The expelled fountain of energy that erupted from the circle due to his unintended investment brought forth a woman to his sights once all was clear. The lean Kiyo feeling energy becoming more fixed in this room and almost gaining a signature of it's own. It all seemed to come back to her. His stomach tightened as he tried to gain some kind of insight as to who or what she was, but other than the tension that came from the underlying pressure her power had emitted, he couldn't lock down on anything. Even more frustrating, was that he couldn't tell whether this sort of block was due to his lack of control with his Golden Soul benefits leading to his powers taking a more dormant state other than the fountain of mana he was continuously oozing out, or if the being before him was responsible for something to block or suppress his own power.
  9. Nervous as she approached, the way she carried herself towards him demanded respect as he thought of what he should ask without immediately offending her. If he judged by her clothing, he would say she might have a more evil alignment, but passing judgement so impulsively could make more trouble then he was originally going to get in. The woman stood over him a bit, prompting a small glare at the highlight of his shorter stature before he felt her snatch up his hand. With his attention locked on her, he hadn't noticed the mark etched into his hand until she inspected it as it finished forming. The question crawled out through the halls as he looked at her, swallowing softly before closing his eyes. "Accidentally...but yes..." He paused for a moment, telling himself that he would need to try and keep the conversation so he wouldn't be in the dark as to what bringing her before him would mean. "My name's Kiyoshi...uh. I'm not sure if you feel it...but I have an annoying ability I cannot turn things like this happen...but I'm researching the magic arts to find a way to...solve my problem" He explained.
  10. [03:53] Petrify: She afforded him a nod of understanding and affirmation Nothing more, and nothing less, for the spirit had a much more pressing matter to attend to: veering her body to the side to gaze down the corridor behind him, affirming that it was deserted. Accidental summonings always proved to be a pain in the ass; too much to explain and too little desire to speak on her part. Especially when it came to those with afflictions besides stark raving madness that leads one to draw something out of a leather-bound book in the first place. The kind that surely brought forth some kind of proper terror at least half a century ago, for the last traces in the circle had been scrubbed away by time and neglect. That or they were simply drowned out by the sheer overload of magical energy pouring into her senses and practically blinding her each time she tried to survey him properly, the sixth sense she employed to "see" the world experiencing the same squint-inducing radiance that came with gazing into the sun. It intrigued her... but it was admittedly annoying, knowing that even with such a ridiculous display of power that there was no guarantee of his actual resistance. For all she knew, his lack of control marked a remarkable F- resistance one glance into her square pupils would render him not only stone, but practically bedrock. Not worth the risk. Mana starvation was a slow and painful return to the realm whence she came.
  12. "...Medusa." Much as it pained her, the woman offered her name with an inward wince; the flood of new-age information from her initial summoning including the understandably less than stellar reputation connected to her name. The less questions she incurred the better, for she intended to answer precisely none of them in her current state, but it wasn't as if she had any other name to offer beyond aliases that would only cause trouble later. And nothing she came up with now would be any good, anyway, for right now she felt like a starving child able to smell a feast but be left unable to partake in it. An aura can't be fed off of. The ritual left their magic circuits incomplete. Few people traversed this wing of the building, judging by the extremely few energy traces, and her Bloodfort would take far too much time and resources to set up in the first place, especially for a Master whose ethics she was pitifully unaware of. Only two solutions seemed clear to her, and his trepidation toward bloodsucking after hearing her name (and almost definitely seeing her sharp canines as she spoke) would be all too understandable, so she resorted to an almost comedic display. Balancing effortlessly on her haunches, Medusa dropped into a squat and released a warm, languid breath across his clothed groin. Her hands shot up to grab at his waist and make sure he stayed still, but otherwise she did not act, wanting to give him a chance (if brief) to process the situation while she craned her neck to meet his gaze best she could through the protective seal.
  13. [04:13] Kiyoshi Tomachi: Kiyo had some time to understand that the mysterious woman that closed the distance with him quite quickly, to the point where there was a continued, subtle squish of her breasts against her chest. Her confident navigation towards him coupled with very intentional glances at seemingly all the right places, he surmised that she was able to see despite the blindfold over her face. With her appearing though magical means, he had no reason to think that her sight was magical in nature. What did intrigue and confuse him a bit was the fact that he could see her sort of struggling to face him for long periods of time in their limited exchange. . While the thought of the Golden Soul came to mind, he was more likely to believe it had to do with her arrival more than his own energy.
  15. "Medua...?" It almost too fitting with the choice of clothing and the blindfold of sorts over her eyes. Once more, his stomach briefly tensed over the idea that this woman could have more reasons to be characterized by that name. With her height, it was easy for Kiyo to spot the fanged points peeking over both lips in the moment she introduced herself. The serpentine themes seemed to stick as he continued to look at her. not noticing any kind of living hair. So he took a moment to try and keep himself calm. About halfway through rationalizing that if she wanted to harm him, she would've done it already, he saw her form drop down to crotch level, his eyes widening in shock considering he's only gotten her name so far "Whoa hold-!!" He saw the hands on his waist as he was about to take a step back, reaching down and grasping her hands a moment before pausing and watching her breathe over his crotch. The warmth, the sound of her breath, it seemed to be nothing but encouraging, rousing. "What are you doing? Is this because I summoned you?" He asked, taking a moment to look at the seal over his hand once more before looking down at her. "You're...not a succubus are you?" He asked once more, unsure if she would answer, but wanting to know why it seemed highly likely he would be getting much more than he felt like he should after just getting someone's name. More importantly, the fact that his now bulging slacks seemed to be answering her little breathy call rather quickly with the whole angle bringing out her alluring features.
  16. [04:43] Petrify: His first question received a single nod. An ever-so-slight downturn of her lips and a vehement head shake that sent her violet locks swishing across the floor met the second, as did a characteristically emotionless response. She was on edge from being compared to such a debased race, but not enough for it to make her voice waver even the slightest bit. "I need mana. I'll get it from this or from blood. Correct me if I was wrong." To illustrate her point, she released his left hip and drew the corresponding hand's index finger slowly across the convex surface of the bulge, tracing up to the fastens where she simultaneously unfastened the buttons and pulled the zipper down with her teeth. Content with her handiwork, she delicately palmed the warm mass and kept her neck craned towards his, bearing with the discomfort of the "eye contact" knowing that there was no alternative at this proximity. Her slender fingers hooked into the waistband, she drew it down just enough that the shaft of her Master's half erection could pop out, and she lolled her forked several-inch tongue out in preparation to receive the entire length. Though her body scarcely required air, she drew a deep breath heavy with the scent of his arousal, returned her free hand to its place parallel to its twin, and began in earnest.
  18. True to her serpentine origins, she spent some time flickering her tongue over the surface and becoming acquainted with the taste as a python tests the air, the split in the tip straddling his shaft and writhing on either side to enhance the experience. Even truer, when it finally came time for her to take it into her mouth, she swallowed it whole without the slightest indication of a gag reflex, gorging herself greedily and bobbing her head with a moderate rhythm, throat producing wet noises from the suction and movement of her long tongue as it coiled and wriggled independently in her mouth, a second layer that coiled about him and moved back and forth along the hardening member with the rest. Through this whole ordeal she remained silent, unwavering, entirely secure in her compromising position and dutifully working to secure her first meal.
  19. [05:08] Kiyoshi Tomachi was at the very least grateful for the answers Medusa provided to him, both verbally and non-verbally. It wasn't like he could really do much to conceal the fact that some of his more potent concentrations of mana did flow from his bodily fluids, the two she was interested in currently sitting at the top. A shudder coursed through Kiyo's body as he felt those fingers glide and crawl around the form of his bulge, considering his options. If she did in fact need mana, then his cooperation might make thing run for the better between the two of them, having no awareness to the Master/Servant dynamic imbued upon him as a result of single-handedly bringing her to this world. "You're...not wrong...if it's up to me...I'll keep this option" He replied, not wanting to entertain the idea of her preferred method for acquiring blood right now. As she undid his pant and drew them down to his knees, he felt the fluid, but quick movements telling him of her urgency behind the stoic expression she continued to wear. An audible gasp left the Gold Soul'd parted lips getting a much more intense angle of not only that serpentine tongue that almost felt built for efficient sexual satisfaction, But also the daggers sitting where the canines should be providing and intense insight to the more reptilianne qualities of the summoned woman.
  21. "Nnnh-a-ah!" The young man's breath quaked with the first touches of that warm muscle flickering over his glans. The first wave of pleasure hitting him and with that, his tense hands easing as one reached out to comb through her abundant purple hair. Though her hunger would soon catch him off guard once more as he quickly hit the feeling of just her warm forked tongue, to the deep, hugging reaches of her throat as she seemingly kissed his pelvis "Oh...gods.." He uttered only feeling the intensity of her stimulation climbing rapidly. From the beautiful bobbing of her head, to the coiled embrace of her lengthy tongue milking his pre oozing length, providing a sample of what was coming rather quickly as her intense skill and need for the end result right now more than the sheer enjoyment of the activity was shredding his stamina. His eyes fluttered and rolled back into his head a bit as his hips began to rock on their own, lost in Medusa's embrace as he began to pant harder and faster "Don't stop...oh Don'tstopson'tstop don;t...!!! NGH!" A backed-up Kiyo with already higher than average semen production wouldn't stand a chance against Medusa's mouth, his hips arching and pushing every inch inside her while the first pulsing throbs launched the first rivulets of thick, enriched cum straight down her gullet. His hips pulled back and extracted the still gushing cock slowly giving her tastbuds a few spurts before allowing the rest to remain between her lips as she was in face 'feeding' from him and wouldn't like wasted mana right now.
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